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Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata

Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 04-03- 2021

Subject : English Language Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am

 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily read.

1. In not more than 300 words write an essay on any one of the following topics:- [20]
i) An unexpected visitor and your experience with him/her/it.
ii) A new country/city/town which you have visited.
iii) A day when you performed an act of bravery.
2. In about 150-200 words write a letter on any one of the following topics:- [10]
i) Write a letter to a friend comforting and cheering him up during his weeklong stay at the
ii) Write a letter to your father requesting him to allow you to join regular classes in your favourite
cocurricular activity. Mention the benefits of regular classes in the activity.
3. Read the following passage and answer the following questions:-

A Balanced Diet

Just by the use of colours, you can balance your diet. All you need to do is to pay a little attention to the food
you eat. Nutrition experts strongly recommend adding colours to your diet. Sweets and candy bars are generally
colourful but remember they do not contain natural colours and hence are not healthy. The key is a variety of
naturally coloured foods. Deeper the colour, greater the benefits. Getting more colours in your diet does not
mean you have to drastically change your current eating habits. Have a glass of 100% juice in the morning.
Keep a mix of dried fruits on hand for a quick snack. Grab an apple or banana on your way out. Include at least
two vegetables in your dinner. Get into the habit of starting your dinner with a salad. Eat fruit for dessert.
Always add greens to sandwiches. Most red fruits and vegetables contain an antioxidant, which offers
protection against ultraviolet rays and cancer, and helps to prevent urinary tract infections and diseases related
to the circulatory system. Green vegetables not only look great but also possess excellent antioxidant properties
that protect your eyes by keeping the retina in good condition and reduce the risk of cancerous tumors. Orange
and yellow group fruits contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that improves cell communication and thereby
helps to stop the spread of cancer. Blue and the purple group not only adds richness to your plate but also has an
influence on the pineal gland (the third eye) and the nervous system. The white group contains sulphur
compounds that protect DNA and also contain flavonoids, the antioxidants that protect cell membranes.
Therefore, the more colourful the diet is (all natural colours, of course), the better equipped your immune
system is to cope with diseases.

a) What, according to the nutritionists, is the key to a balanced diet? [2]

b) Which eatables are not considered healthy and why? [2]
c) Which food items are considered good for the eyes? [2]
d) Provide any two examples to show that colours can cure cancer. [2]
e) Provide words from the passage which mean [2]
i) A lump or swelling under the skin which might lead to an infection.
ii) A substance in human body which can prevent infection.

4. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the words given the brackets - [5]

i) Mt.Everest is the _____ (tall) peak of the Himalayas.

ii) My uncle is _____ (old) to my father.
iii) A wise enemy is _____ (good) than a foolish friend.
iv) Horlicks is as______ (healthy) as Complan.
v) The tiger is the _______ (ferocious) of all animals.

5.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb. [5]

(i) Annie and her brothers_____(is/are) at school.

(ii) Either my shoes or my coat____ (is/are) always on the floor.

(iii) Mathematics _____ (is/are) John’s favourite subject.

(iv) A pack of cards_____ (was/were)lying on the table.

(v) Ninety rupees ___(is/are) too much for this cloth bag.

6. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions. [5]

(i) The frog jumped _____the well.

(ii)It is about _____rain.

(iii) Look _____the word in the Dictionary.

(iv) Open your books ____page 90.

(v) Mili is proficient _____English.

7. Transform the sentences according to the instructions given in the brackets. [5]

i) The old man takes snuff. (change the voice)

ii) I will order the carriage. (change the voice)
iii) Milk is often turned sour by a thunderstorm. (change the voice)
iv) Rohit has said,” I cannot displease my friend.”(change into indirect speech)
v) The guide said to the American lady, “Shall I accompany you to Agra?” (change into indirect speech)
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 12-03-21

Subject : English II Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am

 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

Section A (Answer all questions)

Question 1: “If I risk another order the whole ship will start to mutiny”. [2+2+3+3]
a) Who is the speaker and where was he?
b) Why did the speaker say the above words?
c) How had the ship’s crew been behaving?
d) Name the ship that the speaker was on. What did the speaker propose to do that afternoon?

Question 2: “on reaching his room he entirely broke down”. [2+2+3+3]

a) Who was the ghost annoyed with?
b) Why did the ghost not leave his room for a few days? What was he determined to do?
c) What did the ghost decide to wear on the 17th of August?
d) Describe the other ghost that the Canterville ghost later met.

Question 3: “I chatter chatter as I flow

To join the brimming river,”. [2+2+3+3]
a) What sound does the brook make at night? Which flower is mentioned in the poem?
b) Name two birds and two fish that are mentioned in the poem.
c) How do we know that the brook does not move in a straight line? How does the brook go past the
d) How many hills and how many villages does the brook go past? Name the farm that it passes.

Question 4: “Come, let us gather our nets from the shore and set our catamarans free,
To capture the leaping wealth of the tide, for we are the kings of the sea!” [2+2+3+3]

a) Name the poet and the poem from which the above lines have been taken.
b) What does the” leaping wealth” refer to? When do the fishermen rise?
c) What simile is used to describe the wind? Which bird can be heard by the fishermen?
d) Why aren’t the fishermen afraid when they go out to catch fish?

Question 5: “we are very fond of pineapple, all three of us”. [2+2+3+3]

a) How did the men describe their existence before they found the tin of pineapple?
b) What had they been eating before they found the tin of pineapple? Why had they not been
c) Who are “we” in the above lines?
d) Describe the efforts made by each of them to open the tin and the results which followed.

Section B (Answer all the questions)

Question 9: [5+5]

a) How did Robinson improve his defences after seeing the footprint?
b) Why did Robinson wait 6 months before rescuing the other Spaniards? What preparations did he
make during this time?
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 08-03-2021

Subject : History Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am
 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

I. Fill in the blanks: (5 marks)

1. Bimbisara was succeeded by his son .

2. visited India during the reign of Chandragupta Vikramaditya.

3. A Municipal Corporation is elected for a period of years.

4. The cultural contact with the Greeks led to the growth of the School of Art.

5. A supervises the working of the Municipal Corporation.

II. Match the following : (5 marks)

1. Birth of Mahavira a. Kushan ruler

2. Vaghabhata b. Ashoka attacked Kalinga

3. Kanishka c. Ayurvedic system of Medicine

4. 84,000 Stupas d. 540 BCE

5. 261 BCE e. Ashoka

III. State whether the following statements are true or false: (5 marks)

1. Jain and Vedic literature mention the existence of 18 Mahajanapadas.

2. Alexander died in Macedonia at the age of 33.
3. Bimbisara ruled for 52 years.
4. A Municipal Commissioner holds office for a term of 3 – 5 years.
5. The Buddhist University of Nalanda was patronized by Mauryan rulers.
IV. Answer the following questions: (2 X 5 marks)

1. Name two archaeological sources of information about the Mauryan empire.

2. Name the four powerful kingdoms of Magadha.
3. What are municipalities ? Who are the aldermen in the Municipal Corporation ?
4. Who is the head of the Municipal Corporation ? What is his term of office ?
5. State the extent of Ashoka’s empire.

V. Long answer questions (answer any 5) (5 X 5 marks)

1. What were the main principles of Ashoka’s dhamma ?

2. Why was Alexander unable to conquer Magadha ? State 3 effects of his invasion into India.
3. State five similarities between Jainism and Buddhism.
4. State four reasons for the decline of the Mauryan Empire. Who was the last Mauryan ruler?
5. Write a short note on the religious life in the Gupta Age.
6. What were Ashoka’s ideal of Kingship ?


VI. Long answer questions : (2 x 5 marks)

i. State three compulsory functions of the Municipal Corporation related to Public Health and Sanitation
and two compulsory functions related to Water Supply.
ii. List the optional functions of the Municipal Corporation.
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test
Date: 01.03.2021
Class: 6 Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Subject: Geography Writing Time : 8.15 am to 9.45 am
Full Marks: 60 Uploading Time: 9.45 am - 10.00 am
 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that
you submit.
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

Question 1 : Fill in the Blanks. [10x1]

1. North America is joined with South America by the –.
2. The busiest inland waterway in America is –.
3. The famous are located between Lake Ontario and lake–.
4. The Andes form an unbroken stretch of – mountains
5. The – desert is one of the driest areas on earth
6. – and are cheaper Lego is found at the southern tip of the northern continent South
7. – Is the ore of aluminium.
8. – Is energy mineral.
9. – Is important producer of iron ore in India.
10. – Is highly used in dentistry medicine.

Question 2 : answer in one word. [10x1]

1. The temperate grasslands of North America.
2. Original land mass.
3. The biggest inland of the world.
4. Major drainage system of North America.
5. Highest peak in the Andes.
6. Tropical grasslands of Orinoco River basin.
7. Largest river system of the world.
8. Largest lake in South America.
9. It has a definite chemical composition and is formed by inorganic process.
10. It is in great demand in the industrial field because of its high ductility, thermal and
electrical conductivity

Question 3 : True or false. [10x1]

1. Ocean basins are made of Sima.
2. Alfred Wagener wrote the origin of continents and oceans.
3. Cuba, Jamaica, Kaiti named islands belong to North America.
4. Lake Titicaca is located in the Bolivian plateau.
5. Rairana, Paraguay and Uruguay have their sources in the Brazilian Highlands.
6. Rio de La Plata is a large estuary.
7. Capital of Trinidad and Tobago is Port of Spain
8. Fuel minerals constitute the most important mineral group after the metallic
9. Our present-day civilisation is based on petrol.
10. Uranium is not used in x-ray machines.

Question 4 : Match the following. [10x1]

1. West Indies. A. Inca Tribe

2. Rockies B. Portugese
3. Long, deep valleys. C. Sedimentary rocks
4. South America. D. Nails.
5. Latin. E. Caribbean
6. Brazil. F. Sierra Nevada.
7. Micah. G. Canyons/
8. Steel. H. Odisha
9. Manganese. I. Makes steel strong
10. Bauxite. J. Spanish

Question 5 : answer the following questions in brief. [10x2]

1. Who invented the continental drift theory?
2. What is the extent of North America?
3. Name the important ranges of Western Cordilleras.
4. State any two characteristic features of Canadian shields.
5. What constitutes the Eastern Highlands? Name the three.
6. Name the three river basins found in central low lands. What is meant by Llanos.
7. Explain what is surface mining and name its three types.
8. How is natural gas formed? State one use.
9. State two ways to conserve minerals.
10. State any two uses of iron.
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 11-03-2021

Subject : Mathematics Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am

 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

Section A (20 Marks)

Answer all the questions.

1. Using the prime factor method, find the LCM of 20, 30 and 42. (2)
2. Evaluate: . (2)
3. The length and breadth of a rectangular field are 230 cm and 0.85 m respectively. Find its perimeter. (2)
4. Define: Altitude and centroid. (2)
5. Add: . (3)
6. Find the change in area of a rectangle if the length is doubled and breadth is halved. (3)
7. Make set of three possible proportions from the numbers 20, 40, 18 and 36. (3)
8. Express each of the following as an algebraic expression
Assume Sanjay is x years old
(a) What will be his age after 9 years?
(b) What was his age last year?
(c) If his mother’s present age is 18 years more than his present age then what will be the age of his mother
after 2 years? (3)

Section B(40 Marks)

Answer all the questions.

9. Solve: (i) , (ii) , (iii) , (iv) (2+2+3+3)

10. (a) Find the HCF of 120 and 150 by division method. Use the HCF obtained to find the LCM of the given numbers.
(b) The ages of two boys A and B are 6 years 8 months and 7 years 4 months respectively.
(i) Find the ratio of their ages.
(ii) Divide Rs. 3150 between A and B in the ratio of their ages. How much does each get? (2+4)
11. (a) The length of a rectangular plot is 135 m and perimeter is 400 m. Find its breadth and area. (4)
(b) Find the product of and ( . (3)
(c) Divide: . (3)

12. (a) In quadrilateral ABCD,

Calculate . (4)

(b) Find x, y, z from the following diagram. (6)

St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 02-03-2021

Subject : Science Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am


 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

Section A

Question 1. Name the following: [1x7 =7]

a) They combine many simple machines to get work done.

b) The pivot or turning point in a lever.
c) It is a combination of pulleys designed to make the effort less than half of the weight of the load.
d) The path along which light energy travels from one point to the other.
e) The shadow formed with very sharp dark edges.
f) Medium through which light can partially pass but things cannot be clearly seen through.
g) Form of energy which on striking the eye make things visible.

Question 2.Name the elements present in the following: [1x3 =3]

a) Sand b) glucose c) chalk

Question 3. Write the molecular formula of the following compounds if the combining capacity of potassium
is1, Zinc is 2, Chlorine is1 and Oxygen is 2. [1x4=4]

a) Potassium chloride b) Potassium oxide c) Zinc oxide d) Zinc chloride.

Question 4 Fill in the blanks with the right organelles. [1x3 =3]

a) ______________ is a small structure located near the nucleus and is present in animal cell.
b) ________________ is present only in plant cell and is also called the ‘kitchen of the plant cell’.
c) _________________ is a rod shaped organelle which perform the function of respiration.
Question 5. Study the three flowers (a), (b) and (c) in the following figure and answer the questions
(by writing letters) [1x3 =3]

a) Which flower makes only pollen?

b) Which is the only self-pollinating flower?
c) In which flower can fertilization take place?


Question 6.Answer the following questions: [1+2+2+2+3+3 =13]

a) Give one difference between a force multiplier and a speed multiplier.

b) What do you mean by efficiency of a machine?
c) Explain ‘Annular solar eclipse’.
d) A football match is being played at night in a stadium with flash lights ON. You can see the shadow
of a football kept at the ground but cannot see its shadow when it is kicked high in the air. Explain.
e) State the principle of levers showing the different terms used with the help of a diagram.
f) In operating a water pump, a resistance of 480N is overcome by an effort of 72N. If the distance of
fulcrum from the point where the resistance acts is 0.2m, find the distance from the fulcrum where
the effort is applied and also calculate the mechanical advantage.
Question 7. Answer the following questions: [2+2+3+3+3 = 13]

a) Why do petrol and water form a heterogeneous mixture?

b) What is the main difference between Alchemy and Chemistry?
c) What will be the product obtained when carbon and oxygen is heated in a fixed proportion by mass?
Is the product a mixture or a compound? Give two reasons.
d) Hydrogen is written as ‘H2’.
(i) What is H representing in the above statement?
(ii) What does the subscript 2 stand for?
(iii) What information do you get from the statement about the gas hydrogen?
e) Draw the figure of a test tube and give one use of it.

Question 8. Answer the following questions: [2+2+2+4+4 = 14]

a) What are vacuoles?

b) Give two differences between an insect pollinated and a wind pollinated flower.
c) What are villi? What is its function?
d) Study the figure given below and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Name A,B,C and D
(ii) How many of each are there in one jaw?
e) What is fertilization? Draw a diagram to show its process.
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 05-03-2021

Subject : BENGALI Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am


 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that
you submit.
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

১. ' ' জ চ (৭)

২. (৪x২)

) জ জ জ ছ

ঘ) জ - চ

৩. (৫x২)

- চ , ছ,
ঘ চ , জ

, জ জ জ ,

ঘ চ চ , চ জ

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ঘ জ জ ছ জ

জ ছ

জ চ ঘ ঘ
ছ ,

চ চ

) জ ছ

) জ ছ

) ছ
ঘ) চ চ ছ

ঙ) চ ছ

৪. (৫x ৩)

ক) ক ক
) জ

) চ ঘ
) ক জ

) ক

ঘ , জ

ঘ) ক


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কছ জ ক চ ''
) চ ?
) ?
) ?

ঘ) ? (২+২+৩+৩)

৬ '' ,ক কজ ক ছ এ ঝ ছ ক
গ , ছ ছ কগ ছ ''

) ‘ ‘
) ছ ছ চ
) ছ

ঘ) (২+২+৩+৩)
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 5-03-2021

Subject : Hindi Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am

 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that you
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

भाग-क (भाषा)
Q.1 ककसी एक विषय पर लगभग 200 शब्दों में संविप्त प्रस्ताि वलवखए- (15)

(क)मेरा वप्रय त्योहार

(ख)मेरा वप्रय खेल

(ग)मेरी वप्रय पुस्तक

(घ)पेड़ की आत्मकथा

Q2 ककसी एक विषय पर पत्र वलवखए- (7)

क) अपनी माताजी को पत्र वलखकर उन्हें अपने विद्यालय के बारे में बताइए।


(ख) अपने प्रधानाध्यापक को एक प्राथथनापत्र वलखकर उनसे दो कदन का अिकाश प्रदान करने का अनुरोध कीवजए।

Q.3 वनम्नवलवखत प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीवजए-

(क)ककसी एक शब्द के दो पयाथयिाची वलवखए-फू ल, आकाश 1)

(ख)विलोम वलवखए - (1)

नगर, देश

(ग) भाििाचक संज्ञा बनाइए- (1)

चतुर, दयालु।

(घ) विशेषण बनाइए- (1)

बुढ़ापा, आनंद।

(ङ) कारक को पहचावनए-

मोहन पत्र वलखता है। (1)

(च) िाच्य बताइए- (2)

1. शीला नाचती है।

2. मुझसे चला नहीं जाता।

(छ) बाररश होते ही वबजली चली गई। संयुक्त िाक्य में बदवलए) 1)

भाग-ख सावहत्य)
Q.4 ककन्हीं चार प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीवजए। बाल रामायण से एक प्रश्न करना अवनिायथ है। (4×5)

(क)खड्ग ससह पर बाबा भारती की प्राथथना का क्या प्रभाि पड़ा? (5)

(ख)सरदार सुजान ससह ने नया दीिान ककसे चुना और क्यों? (5)

(ग)सन 1962 की लड़ाई में अब्दुल हमीद ने ककस प्रकार अपनी बहादुरी कदखाई? (5)

(घ)हमारी जन्मभूवम भारत की क्या विशेषताएँ हैं? (5)

(ङ) संतोष के आगे कौन-कौन से धन धूल के समान हैं? (5)

(च)विश्वावमत्र कौन थे? उन्होंने राजा दशरथ से राम और लक्ष्मण को क्यों माँगा था? (5)


बाल रामायण का कौन-सा पात्र आपको सबसे अच्छा लगता है और क्यों? (5)

Q.5 ककन्हीं बीस शब्दों के अथथ वलवखए – (10)

अपथण, वमथ्या, रहम, अस्तबल, विस्मय, असबाब, आपा, सार, सूरमा, सीतल, गज, बावज, ससधु, वनझथर, सर, सररता, पािन, गरल,
सौगात, हसीन,वमसाल, सानी, मजहब,नसीब, एमामा।
St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 09.03.2021

Subject : Bengali (3rd Language) Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks : 60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am

• Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that
you submit.
• Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily read.

Answer the following questions

1. Write down BYANJANBARNA neatly. 10

2. Write down numbers in Bengali from 20 to 50. 10

3. Write Bengali meaning of : 10

Step, Enemy , Daily , Organic ,Evening ,Cloudy ,Sitar,Brinjal ,Table, ,Fair

4. Write English meaning of : 10

কৃপা, কৃপণ ,শৃগাল ,সৃজন, পূজন
্‌ বাছুর, ডুমুর , ধীবর , জননী, পপতল ।

5. Write down the poem “্‌ঘুম পাড়াপন ছড়া “। 10

6. Answer the following questions: 10

i.সীতার পপতার নাম পক ?

ii.সীতার সাথে কার পবথে হে ?

iii.রামচন্দ্র কার সাহাোতা লঙ্কাে হাজজর হন?

iv.মালতীর পচৎকার শুথন কারা দ ৌথড় এল?

v.মালপত দক বথন পনথে পগথে ডাকাতরা পক করল?

vi.ছানু ডাকাত দকাোে োকত ?

vii.ছানু ডাকাতথক কখন দ খা দেত?

viiiমপনর পুতুল- বউ দকাোে োথব?

ix.মালা বাপড় দেথক পক পক এথনপছল?

x.মপনর পুতুলথক দক শাপড় পরাথলা?

St. Xavier’s Collegiate School, Kolkata
Block Test

Class : 6 Date : 09-03-2021

Subject : Hindi 3rd Language Reading Time: 8 to 8.15 am
Full Marks :60 Writing Time: 8.15 to 9.45 am
Uploading Time: 9.45 to 10 am

 Make sure you write your name, class, section, roll no, subject and page no (in advance) on all sheets that
you submit.
 Ensure that the quality of the image/pdf of the answer script submitted is easily readable.

Q.1. Word Meaning (Any 10) [10]

लाइन, खूब, थोड़ा, अंदर, बढ़िया, भीड़, जंगल, आराम, मृग, वाहन, ढ़दन, रक्षा, पुत्र

Q.2. Make sentences with the following words (Any 10) [10]
आज्ञा, शिकार, कु टिया, िेर, घास, पेड़, सैर, सड़क, मेट्रो, खुि, नकल, खेत ।

Q.3. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences :- [10]

क) मानव और रत्ना क्यों खुि थे ?
ख) मॉल में उन्होंने क्या खाया ?
ग) अंत में शिकारी ने क्या ढ़कया ?
घ) शवभु कहााँ रहते थे ?
च) रत्ना ने ई-टरक्िावाले से क्या कहा ?
छ) पापा ने पैसे कहााँ से शनकाले ?
ज) शिकारी वहां क्यों आया ?
झ) शवभु ने शिकारी की बात क्यों नहीं मानी ?
ि) रमेि ने ढ़कसकी नकल की थी ?
ठ) बेर का स्वाद कै सा था ?

Q.4. Write in words & figures (in Hindi) from 71-80 [10]

Q.5. Write 10 sentences on any one of the following topics [10]

क) मेरा शवद्यालय
ख) शचशड़याघर
ग) मेरा शिय खेल
घ) मेरा शिय शमत्र
Q.6 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words- [10]

क) थोड़ी ही _ में उनका _ आ गया ।

ख)ऊपर पहाँचकर _ ने _ खरीदा ।

ग) एक ढ़दन _ आम के _ की छाया में बैठे थे ।

घ) हम _ और _ भी ले गए थे ।

च) _ ढ़कतनी बढ़िया _ की ।

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