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Second Semester Block Test 2014-2015
English Language
Class:- 6ABCD Total marks:80
Date: 17,10212015 Time:2 hrs

1 Write a composition in about 300 words on any one of the following and in relevant paragraphs:
i. A visit to
a Bird sanctuary or a Wildlife Sanctuary
ii. The strangest character you have ever come across.
iii. A memorable school function or event.
iv. An interesting autobiography of a Mobile Phone.

2. Write a letter on any g-ne of the following in not more than 200 words 10
i. Write a letter to your friend describing your first experience of an adventure sport.
ii. Imagine yourself in a new boarding school. Write a letter to your father back horne about your new
life at the school.

3. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. Do not copy the questions.
Inimitable Aunt Polly
She was one of those people who are infatuated with patent medicines and all newfangled methods of
producing health or mending it. She was a keen experimenter in these things. When something fresh in this
line came out she was in a fever, right away, to try it; not on herself, for she was never ailing, but on
anybody else that came handy. She was a subscriber for all the 'Health' periodicals and the solemn
ignorance they were filled with was breath to her nostrils. All the'rot'they contained about ventilation, and
how to go to bed, and how to get up, and what to eat and what to drink, and how much exercise to take, and
what frame of
mind to keep one's self in, and what sort of clothing to wear, was all gospel to her and she never observed
that her health joumals of the curent month customarily upset everything they had recommended the month
before. She was simple-hearted and honest, and so was an easy victim.

The water treatment was new, now, and Tom's low condition was a windfall to her. She had him out at
daylight every moming, stood him up in the woodshed and drowned him with a deluge of cold water; then
she scrubbed him down with a towel like a file; and then finally, she rolled him up in a wet sheet and put
him away under blankets till she sweated his soul clean and 'the yellow stains of it came through his pores'-
as Tom said.

Yet notwithstanding all this the boy grew more and more melancholy and pale and dejected. She added hot
baths, shower baths and plunges. The boy remained as dismal as a hearse. She began to assist the water with
a slim oatmeal diet and blister plasters. She calculated his capacity as she would a jug's, and filled him up
everyday with quack medicine.

I Tom had become indifferent to persecution by this time. This phase filled the old lady's heart wi&
consternation. This indifference must be broken up at any cost. Now shg heard of Painkiller for the first
time. She ordered a lot at once. She tasted it and was filled with gratitude. It was simply fire in a liquid
form. She dropped the water treatment and everything else, and pinned her faith on Painkiller. She gave
Tom a teaspoonful and watched with the deepest anxiety for the result. Her troubles were instantly at res!
her soul at peace again for the 'indifference'was broken up. The boy could not have shown a wilder, heartier
interest if she had built a fire under him.
Mark Twain
frorn'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'

a) Find words in the passage which mean the following.
(i) A magazine or journal published at regular intervals
(ii)The act ofmakingaplace airy
(iiD Sad and depressed.
b) Give two examples to show that Aunt Polly was infatuated with maintenance of good health. 3
c) What all did Aunt Polly consider as Gospel? a
d) Describe in your own words the'water heatment'. a
e) What brought Aunt Polly's soul back to peace? J

4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions. @o not copy the sentences) (%x10:5)
a) The marksman aimed the target
the wall.
b) The shopkeeper took advantage the fact that the customerwas new.
c) She was sorry causing so much trouble.
d) Balbir lives
--- his wife a large house.
e) Do you come _ bus?
D The Headmaster does not approve _the
children being indisciplined.
s) Mohan applied a job _ Delhi.

s. Fiil in the blanks with the correct options from the brackets. @o not copy the sentences) (5)

a) Either Ben or his friends _ coming to the rugby finals tonight (is / are)
b) There a lot of frow and ice on the mouniain top. t ari I is)
c) Information on the Submarine disaster been released to the press. (hasn't / haven't)
d) One of my office colleagues (give / gives) me a lift to work everyday.
e) Mumps a common diseases among children. (is / are)
6. Fill in the blanks with suitable tense of the verbs given in the brackets. Do not copy the sentences.
a) He _ well yesterday. (Speak)
b) It now (rain). I an Umbrella with me. (carry)
c) She -..- in that college for seven yeaxs now. (teach)
d) This time next month you _ in the examination hall. (sit)

7. Fill in the blan*s with the correct form of the adjectives given in the brackets. Do not copy the
sentences. (s)
a) Her doll is thatyours. (pretty)
b) June is the month of the year. (uncomfortable)
c) The public is the judge. (good)
d) Iron is -- than copper. (useful)
e) Mala is as a two - yeil old child.(innocent)
8. Do as directed. Do not copy the questions. Write only the answers. (10)

a) The police arrived. The dacoits had fled by then. (Join using suitable conjunction)
b) He does not play hockey. He does not play football. (Join using suitable conjunction)
c) I came down the street. I met Maria. (Join using suitable conjunction)
d) They built the tower in 1903. (active to passive)
e) The villagers draw water from this well. (active to passive)
0 Who cleaned the house today ? (active to passive)
g) They have bought all the wedding gifts. (active to passive)
h) The doctor said to the patient, "How are you feeling today?" (direct to indirect)
i) ' The hostess said to the guest, "Do sit dolvn." (direct to indirect)
j) The teacher said to the boys, "Don't tease the girls." (direct to indirect)
'1.*******,i**t*:i*!r'i*************+**:tr***+**{.+******:t**********t,t {.***,t***+*+*:}***************,t ****

St Xavier's Collegiate School

gegoru{ Semester Block Test
Class 6, English 2 Time:2 hrs
Date:25.02.2015 Full Marks: 80


1. Give the meaning of the following words:

a) Cove b) Casket c) Hack d) Resolve e) Census
2. Name the following from your texts:
a) The queen of the air
b) A group of islands on the north-west coast of Scotland
c) The titan who gave fire to man
d) The mountainous paths of Scotland gc^",C
e) The king of the gods. Isxu
SECTION B (Poetry)
. Answer any three.
3. When at four in the a.fternoon
i come back from school.
I can see through the gate ofthat house
The gardener digg-g the ground.
a) What is the name of the poet? Why does the poet want to be a gardener?
b) Who does the poet meet in the moming on his way to school? Why does he want
to be like him?
c) Describe the atmosphere at night when the watchman patrols the streets. Why
does the poet want to be a watchman?
4. Behold her! Single in the field
Yon solitqry highland lass
a) Name the poet. Describe the activities of the highland lass.
b) What does the poet say at the end of the poem?
c) What does the poet say to the passerby? What does the poet compare the song of
the highland lass to? [3+3+4J

5. Sohackandchop
But this alone won't do it.
a) Name the poet. How does a tree regerierate itself after it is hacked?
b)- How does the poet describe the growth of a tree in the beginning of the poem?
I c) What according to the poet is the proper and complete method of killing atree?
6. I watch for hours and still the tireless trains
March on and on along their iron road
a) Where is the poet and who is he speaking to? Name the poet.
b) How does the poet describe hot afternoons in the poem?
c) What are the two kinds of trains mentioned by the poet? Describe any one of
Answer any three.
7. " Mankind shall have fire in spite of the tn*t who sits on the mountain top", he said.
a) Who is the speaker? Who was the tyrant? What was the meaning of the speaker's
name and why?
b) Why did the tyrant not want man to have fire?
c) What else did the speaker teach man after they had mastered the use of fire?
8. I remember him as if it were yesterday. He came plodding to the inn door,with his
sea chest following behind him in a hand barrow.
a) Who does the narrator remember? Describe the person he remembers.
b) Name the inn that the person concerned had come to. What were the reasons for
him choosing that particular inn.?
c) How did the person concerned describe himself to the narators father? What job
did he assign to the narrator?
g. "How far can a plane go?", he asks.
a) Name the speaker and the person spoken to. What does the speaker vow to do
after his quesJion is answered by the person spoken to?
b) WhV does the speaker like to be out of the Deodar Forest and on the open road
when it is dark?
c) What does the author of the story say about the children in the Ganjam district of
Orissa? How do the children contribute to their family income?
10. I've been groaning for more than a year and no one has ever heard me or .o*" to fielp
a) Who said this to whom? From which story has this exhact been taken?
b) What did the speaker ask the person spoken to do for him arid why?
c) Why did the speaker decide to go to the emerald city with the person spoken to?
How did he prove useful on the way?
Answer any two.
11. How did Sir Richard of Lea become a poor man? What did Robin do to help him?
12. Describe Robin's first meeting with Friar Tuck.
13. How was the sheriff treated by Robin when Littte John tricked him into coming to his
camp? What did Robin make him promise in the end?

St. Xavier's Collegiate School

II Semester Block Test
Class: 6

Subject: Geography Total Marks: 80

Date: 27th F ebruary, 201 5 Time:2hrs.

' Attempt all questions in serial order

QA. Mark and name the following with appropriate symbols in the given map of Australia. 10 x 1 = 10
I Reef 6
Great Barrier A region of Mediterranean rype of climate
2 Gulf of Carpentaria 7 Great Dividing Range

3 Gibson Desert 8 Lake Eyre

4 Bass strait 9 Arafura sea

5 River Murray l0 An ocean on the eastem side of Australia

QB. Fill in the blanks. (Copy the sentences) 10x1=10

l. The strait of separates Europe from Africa.

2. The Earth is the largest planet in the Solar system.

3, Our solar system is a part of the galaxy.

4. Mt. is the highest mountain peak in Africa.

5. The latitudinal extension of Aushalia is

6. The longest river in the world is

7. The international airline is in Aushalia.

8. Australia is the largest exporter of derived from the cattle.

9. Temperate grassland in Ausfralia is known as

10. The part in the Earth where life exists is known as

QC. Mention a difference of the follorving according to the topic given in the bracket. 10
x 1 = 10

I Stars (composition) Planets

2 Sial (composition) Sima

3 Mountains (disadvantage) Plateaus

4 R. Mississippi (country) R. Nile

5 New Castle (minerals) Kalgoorlie

6 3'd largest planet (name) 2nd largest planet

7 The Andes (region) The Alps

8 Paddocks (meaning) Jackaroos

9 Latitudinal extension (Australia) Longitudinal extension

l0 Irurer planets (1't planet only) Outer planets

QD. ,Answerthe foilowimg questioms. @o not eopy the question) 10 x n : 10

l. Name the two planets that rotate clockwise.

2. The extension of stratosphere.
3. Mention the distance between The Earth and its attendant.
4. Name the products derived from the eucalyptus tree.
5. Mention a feature of Artesian well based on the flow of water.
6. Mention a use of ozone in the atmosphere.
7. State the season of Aushalia in the month of January.

8. Name the youngest mountain range in the world.

g. Name the sea that separates New Zealand from Aushalia.

10. Name the most important port of Australia.

QE. Draw a neat Iabelled diagram of the following.

1. An artesian well.
2. Outer planet of The Solar System.
3. The layers inside The Earth.
4" Different layers of the atmosphere.

QF. Answer the following questions. (Do not copy the question)
1. Name the two main industrial states of Australia.
2" State the extension of central lowland as name wise'
3. Why do we not feel the atmospheric pressure on us?
4. Mention two ways how water vapour in the air helps us'
5" Why evaporation take place more during the clear sky?
6. Mention any two features of artesian well.
7. Name the three deserts of the Western Australia.
8. Why platypus is known as an unusual creature?
g. Why Australia is known as an island continent?
10. What is meant bY HYPoxia?
i 1. What is coastline?
12. Explain: River plains are also known as flood plains'
13. Explain: Africa was known as Dark Continent'
15. Explain: New castle is known as "The Pittsburgh of Australia".


St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test 1OL4-LS

Class Vl, llistory & Civics Time:2hrs

Date:18.2.15 Marks:80

Section A
Q1. Fill in the blanks. (Do not copy the sentences.) 1*5=5
a) asthe main city of the Minoans.
b) The system where power is in the hands of a few people is called
c) The teachings of Mahavira have been preserved in the L2 _& Purvas.
d) , a Chinese pilgrim visited the court of Chandraguptall.
e) Harshavardhana organised .at Kanauj.

Q2 . Match the following. Copy Column A & Choose the correct answer from Column
B & write beside Column A. 1x5=5
Column A Column B
Harshacharita Maharajadhiraja
Arthashastra Code of conduct
Confucius Athena
Chandraguptal Banabhatta
Parthenon Chanakya
Q3. Answer the following questions briefly:- 15
a) Under whose rule Athens became a centre of a glorious civilization? 1

b) Who is known as the "Father of Histor/'? 1

c) What was the Roman army called? L

d) What were the Consuls? t
e) What are the three jewels of Jainism? 1

f) State the two causes for the decline of Buddhism. 2

g) What impact did the Kalinga war have on Ashoka's life? 1
h) What contributions were made by Aryabhatta in the field of Science? 2
i) Name the works of Kalidasa as a poet & a dramatist. 2
j) Define feudalism. 2
k) Name the source which gives vivid description of Samudragupta's conquests. L
Group -- B
1. AttemptAnyFourquestions: 4X4-16
a) A bar of chocolate costs Rs. 100.50 and a packet of Uncle Chips costs Rs. 20. What
be the costs of 75 bars of chocolate and 150 packets of chips?
b) Chota Bheem has scored 75 out of 80 in Mathematics,g0 out of 100 in Bengali and 60
out of 90 in English. In which subject his percentage of marks is best? Also, find his
overall percentage.
c) Six pens are bought at 3 for Rs. 12 and sold at2 for Rs. 10. Find:
(i) The cost price of 6 pens. (ii) the profit or loss percentage made on whole.

d) In each month Mrs. Sarkar eams Rs. 90,000. If she spends

* "" tuition fees for her
Gon foods, tg o, medicines
on transportation and rest part for
ssyings, how much does she save in a month ?
q) Mahim,Robin and Cooper are aged 12yearc,14 years and 10 years. They want to
donateRs. 720 :rr,the ratio of their ages. How much money would each donate?
2. Attempt Any Thrg questions: 3X 4:12
a) (i) How much is 3a + 4b greater than 4a -3b? I
(ii) Subtrac t30%", ,** 30ax2 -250x)*r (*+zx2) . 3

b)(Dwhythegivenequation 2t2 + 5x = 20 - 4x isnotalinearequation? I

(ii)Determine the reciprocal of:

-3 2
mZ X n5
2 !* r- !L,
m3 xn8 15'
(c) Write the following statements in mathematical form using mathematical Signs and
Symbols: (i) Quotient of 12 by three times n is greater than the product of m and n.
(ii) Twice x increased by 12 gives 45. 2+2
(d)Multiply (2mnz +3m2n +5mn)6, (*2 n- 4mn2 +2 mn). 4

5. By using ruler and compass, construct an angle of tso0 oR +s0'

( Do not write steps of construction ) . 4
6. Draw acircle of diameter7 c.m.. Draw a chord MN of length 5 c.m. Shade the minor
segment ofthis circle. 2*1+1 :4
7. Find the value of ZNOD.
; Where I AMP = 30o and OM : ON.
8. Find the length of a room if the area and breadth ofthe room is26A sq. cm. and 20 c.m. 2

***********{.{.***** Best ofLuck,**r.**:r***,**{.******


St. Xavier's Collegiate School

Semester II Block Test
Class 6 A, B, C, D, Science Time: 2 hours
Date: 23.02.2015 Full Marks: 80
All Questions. Do not write more than what is asked. Parts of the same question
must be in order. Once a section (Physics/Chemistry/Biolog) is -started, it must be
completed. All diagrams to be drswn in pencil. Do not write anything on the question paper.


1. (a) What is Work? Write the S.I. unit of Work? [5x2:10]
(b)What is Energy? Write the S.I unit of Energy? (c) 'A man kicking a mointain dies
. not do any work'. Explain. (d) State any TWO advantages of usingElectrical Energy.
(e) Name the two forms of energy that are together known as Mechanical F.nergy.
2. (.a) llere is the Load situated in a class II lever? Explain with a labelled diag;.
(b) tMhV is an Inclined Plane better suited than a night of stairs for lifting a heavy
load? (c) What is a Wedge? In what way it is related to Inclined.Plane?
1a; Wfrat is
the advantage of a Screw over a Nail?.(e) State any TWO functions performed by a
machine. [5r:i0]
3. (a) State any TWo properties of a magnet. l2+l+2xl:5j
(b) What are Magnetic Keepers? Draw diagrams ONLY to show how Keepers are
used in (i) Bar magnets, (ii) Horse-shoe Magnets.


4. (a) write down the symbols of (i) copper, (ii) silver lll2 x2: ll
Write down the formulas for (i) Ferrous Oxide, (ii) Common
TitZ x2: l)
when a mixture is called (i) Homogdneous (ii) Heterogeneous [1 x 2:21
(b) Write down FOUR characteristics of a Mixture (Detailed Explanation NOT asked)
(c) Draw a labelled diagram to show how Ammonium Chloride is separated from a
mixture of Common Salt and Ammonium Chloride (No written explanation is
needed). l\l
5. (a) Give TWO reasons to indicate that Air is a mixture and NOT a compound.-1i1 ,dtr
in an industrial town has higher percentage of Carbon dioxide than air in a v'iliage'.
Explain. (c) What are Exothermic Reactions? Give one example. (d) Which orr" oith"
two - Coal and LPG - will you prefer as a household fuel? Give reasons. (e) Draw
ONLY labelled diagrams to indicate that rusting can take place in moist air only.
6. Write complete sentences by filling in the blanks.
[1 x 5:5]
(i) Digestion and Respiration are two examples of _ reactions. (ii) The
substances that are dissolved are called (iii) The substance that dissolves other
substances is called the _. (iv) _-- should be treated before being
discharged in to water bodies. (v) water fit for drinking is called water.
[continued in the next pageJ

7. (a) Name any TWO sources of calcium. What are the deficiency symptoms?
(b) State TWO firnctions of carbohydrate. (c) Proteins ore compounds of four
elements. Name them" (d) What is the importance of Vitamin C? Name ONE source
and ONE deficiency symptom of Vitamin C. (e) What sort of breakfast should a
growing child have? Why breakfast should not be missed? [2x5:10]
8. (a) How will you take care of your teeth (any 3 ways). (b) Draw a labelled diagram of
V.L.S. of tooth. 13+2:51
9. (a) Breathing is divided in to two phases" Name them. (b) Name the two types of
respiration. (c) State any TWO differences between Respiration and Breathing.
(d) State any TWO differences between Respiration and Photosynthesis. (e) State any
TWO differences between the Carnivorous and the Herbivorous animals
10. State whether the following are True or False and Re-Write the false Statements
Do not coov the True statements. [1x5:5]
(a) Respiration occurs mainly from the stomata, lenticels and cuticles. (b) All parts of
the plant transpire. (c) Canine tooth is pointed. (d) Deciduous teeth are also known
as milk teeth.le) Insectivorous plants grow in areas where the soil is deficient in

**** {. *****I*** *BEST OF LUCK* ** {< x {< ******** *



Second Semester Block Test - 2015 j
Class - 6,Bengali Time- 2/z Hrs
Date-2010212015 Full Marks - 80

:rFmfrRs RrretrT rc$ rc[T rs rflHI qrF Rrr frt-s :coB -[s' qEE w-{qq <D-nt T-{l )o
ol"tRc<.t Esr6K T+t r{)rq{ slr"K E"roRstr
fr'<rq qRarq{ e+v q)R-6[q< q-<ffi

tlH rfiHI frrr qlflfrs :oofr'6s-s Tc<l' ,srB 'rq rq{

.{-sE R{T I
TXsNr{ m'lt s-rB TtT{ <t Er.-r+b wmr <4lt s{q:muB ptq< r<'rr Et'lai,\rt qRm <-fr+ <-qF GE rqqr
r{)FE4 r{ FrTefr
q{,sBr rcal'rflT RwE renm l-{(ucs BT qEe. r<q, q qfi-c-s 4KT q-$fi ffi rc{r

.rrffiRs qclB qV e<( dq"s'd{eB< Es* qN r (axl=u.)

qEF qmrc zwn fr{< q3 ruqT<t S} Re +r erfi
qwc{$fr Erd-{r sr< qq fiB srr er ffi ++!
qfr'-irrqr.rr Tr<-t,stm <tq ft-s'Rfrrs 1&r-< m<lr qctm frcem iit'< TqT {cr' T<65{r sc< tc"r-< qltq \st ytf
T{ nrs e qtrgq& <t ERT{ rs'T? fl(qQ {s{rft qElfr"eq .++F ulsrR {&'bsR r-<rd{'tsrg 4;q fr6E-4 ':1aq'1
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R6rK rqQtq-rfi{ e+ rhh'r-fift c& <Ere e6a mm q+roa,wfr zrqfterEl <-<E oc'1ft-H {,.s.tft? ?mts rFq'il (qRI q<I
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<c{{ ftm sK r'{ !|{-d,Bfr SR 'ffis' {cr rtr mEiFFIt

Oqr.flT'$tT $fics 1&c-< rm< rqrERcol'r$.{:

gqrqr 'Tffi' Ttcl.< <&F boR +r<Ro""{ re{e
ga,,.uft !flHlrrr'fr r+<mf,'ra
{)qmle, ':rrr' TRffi <t&E gcq rLT rq-q6t{ r+-{P

arfirq+t !{11lrs Ee-s ql\er (cXr:::c)

+)rR'Rcw o*r
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s]rq-{ fr E"mT sr?
'g&-o lmra
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(qq's' <-El qcn-cq?
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'l)fu mBff{ wr+fit (r+\+el.e)
E)fr-w rnwn ft' rqolc-d-{;

St. Xavier's Gollegiate School

Second Term Block Test 2O1i
Class : Vl Sub : Hindi Time : 2.&@ hrg
Date : 20. 02. ,15 Full Marks : 80

1. ffi qmflqqq y{ errrwr zso t eoo qrq) d f+iq fuGi : 15

e') {m'qrEqn terqnT
€) gm s{q{r vtr{T
rr) qar q€ fr +a-dt trq u{r rs
iEFn qfifwq rr trmwr 1oo € 15s {rqt fr qx frrcI
: l
e') lTd Eil fr'e+rq er.Ti qfrfl-{ *'q*r gwqrfun rryi rrq r

€) qror *1 6 31p,*'frqrc* fr u,ffifi er{E r{s ftH

rhR rTil-€lT rr{TT I

3. frn ftFa srckf{q *1qam-r BH Tr XSre wrT +tsTr qerrclrlrq

"riil gmnTq +q fr vtfi q.Filt xFd q r soTi eilHr
Efrqr uilril ftt +* fr enr
kr I i wq Erfi r t qH sr +t$,{t

ry arq t T€Tqr+ til q rrF vqq tqr eil-qr t*.qr if erq qn

qs <T{T r w{T q.r +ed qr G
"+{ Ugq-{i

srqfr Rqt i HEr, €Ffi, dil t gBTi d qraan{q r sq-+)

{s*-r eTrE Hrq d qd r

q_iit*1qra qHs-{ gsnrq $c. @ d-d st sil{ qer fqq r

Bdi rTq) sr qqnT{dldqT sfu qrm q{ q1 efu qo R} r

{rR q S sfr fqerdr q-S $q *T +dilT rA v{st rer

ETf, qrt r go-g*qq+.rq d2d rq 3iR q{ .{rd-qrd
+-"- ;
T.1 \ifq' T6 rf.11 I
qq i 3T+'Erer q affir gm rl=TT ti€-r rq q6 alrl
E-wn a Ti tts-si 3r+a2r t rqr d|q ftqr 3fu 3-{fr]q{'ri
qqr fqq rM-igt'rqr q] gfi.d fr qzrr€lT I
- ;j,:
r{n gqffis{ ffi,
*+rqqm, em dr FB qq * fqq t n}
g* gq * ut efu mS, qw i ur ttfr { t"
e') gfiRTqt*e*nqfrqkq? 3

q) Tf,m Td i s{-S wr ani dr qor *{ dt ? 3

rr) qR Et.Er {il i trffi t qzII qlEI ? s-{+'{s qE-€It t wt

iqrqrffii'? 4

4. td{r+ew,-srtffi: I
e) m6{.n frrsort? q
i) ?roqrfl f*-s orq t ?
{q erfl dr q,d EIq q{d
ii) q I

u) Effi+'W!tr'qgd$Ifrq-.S S t

i) gq qrfl qilfr*r qrfl fr q<d I

ii) w qffi fri {igffi qrfl fr qqd t

rr) qnqd {61 q} I

i) {q erfl +1 {fflq rldsrc'r d qct r

ii) 5s erfl al qrq-q {tqn qrer fr q<d t

q) tE qr E*, t*.r HtqT iS -n qr fur r

i) i€ifdil qTd *'erroffi I

s. ffiffqqrd&ereiffi: 10

qR, ETF{, sqT, dl-q-rd, tTv[(l' Tfrfr'' HTqt,, fufr{-rl


ffid', €-EgT, E[q, gfriT, {m, +({t, it{q, d*f, TiHq"{'

frqrq, sTk', 3f{q, ffi, Tifud, fuqg, frE{
6. +qfld effinritw$Tqwii*-wrftirc{ : 20

sr) q6 q qti *ft qr eir q t 3t 5tfr qqT{r eranr t r

m)< fuqqdtefr Ti t ? d-s-+ qrqm ful t

rs) ei-€o E fr-( o-d er rut qr€lT en ? E-qim t e1 e-d

wl ETi +'qqi tgr e-rot w ? 2

rT) er€trr E fr< &- eTql Bq* t6q II'ti qi dr0q. s{n TS

q) qI{f,-qrfi 5Ysi wi q-qrei qt{ ftser*r#

fr 1

elgr Efi-( eil fus qrtt?T t qrqTfr-d fm'qT rq' ?


e) td aEt rHI, (+cr att =it U

e) qE rilffi fus qrct afr Ti t ? gs'qrc+-de+-ot

nqfuIt 2
u) si1kmrfl +tq qr ? Eo'€ftgfirii fi qren +it -ttqdl
sn? 2
rT) gc q}lqq Erd t e61fuT 1€ T.TT gir 44t ? 3
q) gaiy$ wrwkrRqr z s{+'wtniiqTsqqt FIT
qqrq lgi ? 3
e) qq 6-€qi€'m--r *rd, =rqi
q ri+ qh r

T{qRg +qt-r+, ETgr qrt qRtt t t

e) q-6 +dr fu-q qTa t trfr ..T{ t ? 4h q'r ir*i ful t

e) ig er =rf, eroi eft rqt wi'rfr 6rfr ? 2

.r) ng eTh Tf<=it t fmq gth-R qtqqR el lqTqT frcl-fr
i't 3
q) Wfr.ifu qr 3lej riq-Ar{q ? 3

7. +i m ni{fl qs'qw q'r g.r{ fui : 1o

e) eTfrt-qtT e1oqr erq+ rT-i ii fui t

rs) rrE'I i HtdT ql tr{uTffi frrqdT t 3t{ fre iffir{ ftql?




2"d Semester Block Test
Class - 6, Bengali, 3ra Language Time : 2 Hours
Date | 24.02.2015 Full Marks : 8O

1. Write the Bengali meaning of the following words.

(a) Rock (b) Country (c) Soldier (d) Him (e) Honey_bee (f) Cock (g)
Candle (h) Glory
(i) Nephew f) Mother-in-raw (k) Misrule (l) Housewife (m) Mercy (n)
Hair (o) Doll (p)

2. Write the English meaning of the following words. %xt6=8

(a) crFFF (b)y.t (")lflEr (a)qE{ (e) r(<tr (0 frfr (d qifu
h) rfrq
(i) (rilTrFTt 0) ffir{ &) ra&-s 0 ?qR-s 1m) ?4vr (n) x. (o) IE b) ?q ?F.

3. Write 4 words with \, and 4 word.s *i,rrbjra also write their English meaning. Lg)
4. Make simple Bengali Sentences (Minimum three words in each sentence) with the
followin8words.$jaf 8X 1= g
(a) 6FN (Bg,,d,I. (b)(ElR (Thief) (c)({N{tir (Monday) (d) rfrq [ron) (e)?n (Cura1 (0
(Jealousy) (s)Ttm (Farmer) (h)rA&-$ (Ghostly)

5. Translate into Bengali.

a) Bibek buys potatoes and fish from the market.
b) Soldiers are very brave.
c) The milkman gives milk daily.
d) Honey-bees make hives.
e) Put on the new clothes.
0 The earth is very big.
s) He talks too much.
h) There is no ink in the pot.

6. Translate into English.

a) wg{ {<q-qq 1

b) rl'l<-<-{f{<V
T"fq I

c) fi|q pqq c{ca'2


d) ?qq <Mlr cclrs ?e=q qlq I

e) mrsF cqrco mtv<tGqf{ r

0 rfirq-{qFt"Rq ?<?u+c< t

s) I6i96t "flT I

h) "flffi{r<ql r

7. Fill in the Blanks with the words given below : 1X8=8

Elg, <-v, dlv, c4ts, El6'[fs, rG[ql, 6{?FI, CqlTllv I

i) <r5lT{11 slE ............................. I

ii) fr.t <v................................ I

iii) qEF Ef{ ............................. r

iv) rc........................ olsr I

v) 9l< cqrq $........................ I ,

vi) $.................. ctcq(q-{ t

vii) STFIIEI g c{lEil G.C{ I

viii) T$l-6E vlE Fm ... {fqr< I

8. Write the Poem'1qffi'l (s)

q. a) What do you eat for lunch? Mention four (4) of them. (4)
b) What do you normally carry in your school bag? Lq)
c) Mention all that you need when you take a bath. Llt )
d) What does a housewife need to prepare tea? t4)


St.Xavier's Collegiate School

Second Semester Block Test .
Class: 6, Time: 2 hours
Date: 24.02.2015 Full Marks: 80
Q.1 Writu Hindi numbers (in words) between sixty nine and eighty. tsI
Q.2 Write Hindi numbers (in figures) between seventy and eighty one. tsl
Q.3 Wrlt" a composition in Hindi on any one of the following topics (Ten lines only): t10l
fqr trryrom, *qr e?r $rfifiir, ftr Eqda, ftr qrf,r frffiFrcrit
Q.4 rranslate in Hindi (any ten words): tsl
Market, Wall, Water, Mango, River, Towr1, Black, Red, Flower, House, Banana, Shop.
Q.5 Uate sentence in Hindiwith foltowing pronouns: t10j
gfr, #, ffi, t, 6TS, gS, B{rs'I, Sl'a, EF, ?16
Q.6 eir"twoexamplesof-{i)gSq ar,.rs'T16;IrrT, (ii)Sr<f;tr aT{+. qdar#r, (iii)frtr{fqq'Tr*;{rg,
(iv) satdm6' Tr6"nff, (v)g+f+' Bqr, {ri} 3rsd-fi ffir, 1vii1 affifrffi {iar,(riii) arfarr

{iar, lixlsTm dmfi' +iar, (x) frer{rflrsm' gfrarar t10l

Q.7 Vtate sentences in Hindi tsl

(i) MV name is Keshav.
(ii) I live in Kolkata.
(iii) Kolkata is a beautiful city.
(iv) llove Kolkata.
(vlThere is a zoo in Kolkata.
Q.8 nnswer the questions given below: [2x10=20J
(ii)sEi' *€,r qT?

(iii)+-mRr fr +qr {q'tr{i"?

(iv)*Erer il snm Bik 6r& fi frq' Tqr sffET?
(v) gTT +rlr ffiII?F{ fgfr g?
qqT sle q?
(vii)@ t fr ormq"qia rd
st-fr-atfr $?
(viii)airti' a'fi fr fttfrTt *o,6r Eru qr?
{ix}rifto fr qqt, sYsil dt?
(x)efq i;S q'rn
Q.9 Writ" the word meanings in Hindi (any ten rruords) tx0l
aI6, €rf,EiGH,€Sf$m,TE,,[,3rffi,ffi1-6',trrfr,€'QrdfuT{,vftq1, q1ff-q I


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