Newsletter 9.23

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Bits and Pieces of Info to Make Life on the Ranch Easier to Manage

Sept. 23, 2011

Whats Happening Around Town We just finished another great week! The students did an awesome job, and I am ever so pleased to see their growth in listening and obeying! Im sure God is smiling! This week we learned two new consonant sounds, t and l, and then we were able to learn our first two blend ladders by combining the consonants with the vowels (ta, te, ti, to, tu). The students are making progress even though it is difficult for some to combine the sounds together! In a couple of weeks you will receive a blend ladder book for reading practice, but until that time, please continue to review vowel sounds and watch for blend cards and books to come toward the middle of October! By the end of next week, we will know two more consonants, b and n, and the corresponding blend ladders (ba, be, etc.). We will be concluding our study of health and healthcare personnel this week with a study on dentists and teeth! In math, we will continue counting to 20, identifying and forming numbers in the teens family, and identifying position with ordinal numbers. I also wanted to take a brief minute to explain why I include the Living Word Trail section in my newsletter. I find that parents like to know what their children are hearing in Bible each day so they can answer any questions. Please be in prayer for your child as we begin our Salvation Series this week! It always is a joy to share the Gospel, and I pray the hearts of the students will be prepared to hear the Good News from Gods Word this week! Again, thank you for all your encouragement, support, and prayers! I greatly appreciate the kindness you have shown me this week and am overwhelmed by your love and support! Thanks so much, Miss Hult Answers to Questions on the Ranch A: Picture day will be held Thursday, October 6th. You will find portrait package information in your childs HORSE folder today. If you decide to purchase a package and send the money with an older sibling, you still need to detach and return the payment envelope with the letter of the package circled you are purchasing for your child. Please do not feel obligated to order a package. You may return your order envelope at any time, and I will collect it!

A: Yes, our class will participate in the Book It! program offered by Pizza Hut! Next week, a calendar will come home with your child and will be used as a reading record. Though we would like you and your child to spend as much time as possible reading each night, we ask students in kindergarten to read at least ten minutes five times each week in order to receive their pizza gift certificates each month. Your child may color in the picture on his or her calendar for each day you read together, and then, at the end of the month, please return the calendar so I can get you your gift certificate!

A: I have already received a package of Lil Pip-Squeak markers for our Fun-Sized theme class basket as well as a basket in which to put our items! Please consider looking for items that are fun-sized to donate when you are out and about! I saw tiny close-pins and a package of mini cards and envelopes that are perfect! Please feel free to get creative!

Upcoming Lessons and Skills - Salvation series; Jn. 3:16 - Letters B and N - Community helpers - Dentist - Teens family numbers (11-15), write numbers 1 - 5, ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) - Letters B and N - How Does Eating Help Our Bodies? and How Should We Care for Our Teeth?

A Bible Course Map for the Upcoming Week - (Heaven, a Beautiful Home - Rev. 20:15 - 22:21; Jn. 14:1-6) Heaven is a wonderful place where there is no need for earthly lights, no sin, no tears, and no sickness or death. The streets are made of gold, and angels praise God. Everyone whose name is written in the Lambs Book of Life, those who have trusted Christ as their Savior, go to heaven. - (Adam, How Sin Began - Gen. 1 - 3) God created man without sin, but Adam and Eve sinned against God by eating of the fruit of the tree from which He had forbidden them to eat from in the garden. Adam and Eve hid from God, but God provided a lamb to shed its blood for the wrong they had done. The lamb points us to Jesus, Gods Lamb, Who gave His life on the cross for our sin that we too might be saved. - (Chapel review and discussion.) - (Review of previous lessons.) - (The Crucifixion of Christ - Matt. 27:35-44; Lk. 23:32-33, 39-40) God sent His only Son, Jesus, to the world to a live a perfect life but then to give up His life for us on the cross. Jesus took the punishment for our sin, and He rose again three days later. We must place our trust in His work alone on the cross for us and believe that God raised Him from the dead so we will be saved.

Quick Glimpse Calendar Wednesday, Sept. 28 - Primary Chapel - Theme: Obedience; Friday, Sept. 30 - Early dismissal - 12:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6 - Picture Day!

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