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“Teaching Methods Inspiring

the Students of the Future”.

I first became aware of Joe Ruhl's humorous attitude when he was just
starting. When he thought back on his early years of teaching, he made the
decision to use the word "choice," and he changed his classroom into a setting of
the student's choosing, a significant portion of the world, along with the four C's of
cooperation, communication, critical thinking, and creativity. He selected a
classroom setting where a variety of learning activities are available to students
and are planned to meet the needs of a variety of students. I agree with what he
said about teachers who are always prepared; one of our traits is our constant
search for resources that can be used in the classroom, even if it means making
sacrifices at our own expense to meet the needs of our students.

Every day I encountered a variety of students, and each of them

displayed a unique attitude or demeanor in front of the class and having smart
and average students. This was also true of the teaching techniques I needed to
use to be suitable. There are days when you enjoy teaching, and there are days
when you do not because of the many circumstances you are dealing with. No day
of learning is ever the same.

The next step is collaboration. As students work together in groups to

complete tasks that call for attentive or critical thought, you can see the unity of
each student. Students will develop their critical thinking skills so that their minds
can become even more keen and so that they can communicate with one another
when working together. Additionally, one of the things a teacher might observe is
the ingenuity of his students, who may inspire their peers to be creative as well.
When he used his class as an example, he mentioned a word menu that was
available. I believe he was referring to the assessment he uses for his menu, which
states that whatever combination of activities they choose to complete are based
on their learning styles. It is similar to this when a teacher cannot administer a
certain test if he/she is aware that his/her students are not proficient in that
particular area of learning. You should consider the kind of assessment you'll
provide your students. Finally, he addressed the genuine positional choices a
teacher may make, saying that doing so inspires and motivates students in a
tremendous way that comes from love.
One of the hardest jobs is teaching; a teacher must motivate students to
strive for excellence in their work as well as to support their future success. He also
emphasizes self-sacrificial love, the purest kind of love, which made me reflect on
the years I had been teaching. The last "C" stands for caring, which is the most
successful and inspirational kind of instruction since it inspires pupils to improve
themselves as people. The greatest of these is the love a teacher can have for her or
his students. When teachers make an effort to get to know each of their students, it
can help students feel connected to the school and like they belong there.

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