Commentary by Sri Sridhara Swami of Rudra Sampradaya

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Dhrtarastra then thought, ‘Our cause is almost lost now itself.

’ So said
Sanjaya to Dhrtarastra who was longing for their victory. Sanjaya said to
Dhrtarastra: Then, seeing the Kauravas, who were ready for battle,
Arjuna, who had Hanuman, noted for his exploit of burning Lanka, as the
emblem on his flag on his chariot, directed his charioteer Sri Krsna, the
Supreme Lord-who is overcome by parental love for those who take
shelter in Him who is the treasure-house of knowledge, power, lordship,
energy, potency and splendour, whose sportive delight brings about the
origin, sustentation and dissolution of the entire cosmos at His will, who is
the Lord of the senses, who controls in all ways the senses inner and
outer of all, superior and inferior — by saying, ‘Station my chariot in an
appropriate place in order that I may see exactly my enemies who are
eager for battle.’

Commentary by Sri Sridhara Swami of Rudra

In this very first verse of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita beginning with dharma-
ksetra-kuru-ksetra, avatar Krsna Dwaipayana Vyasadeva has used this
narrative form: assembled in the place of righteousness Kuruksetra etc.;
to properly introduce the location, the action and the theme. Thereafter
when King Dhritarastra in Hastinapura asks his minister, Sanjaya who had
received clairvoyance by the grace of Vyasadeva as to what happened on
the battlefield, Sanjaya related all the events exactly as they happened by
having the clairvoyant ability to witness them directly within his mind as if
he was there present. Srila Vyasadeva to properly introduce their dialogue
begins with the narrative form with: having seen the army of the sons of
Pandu etc. After this until the end of the chapter the subtle intricacies of
duty are delineated.

As has been stated in the ancient Vedic scriptures concerning the

greatness of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and that is the words that emanate
from the transcendental mouth of the Supreme Lord Krishna when well
assimilated precludes the necessity of various other scriptures.

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