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powerful warriors in the enemy ranks such as the mighty Bhima and the

intrepid Arjuna who is a perfect master in the use of celestial weapons,

were still determined to fight or reconsidering did they give up all
thoughts of warfare and instead call a truce and make a peace

The phrase dharma-ksetra kuru-ksetra used by Dhritarastra signifies two

things. The first is that he is inwardly thinking that his sons who are not
righteous might give back the kingdom to the Pandavas which they
appropriated by fraudulent means, due to being influenced by the
righteousness and holy acts of sanctity performed in sacred sacrifice for
the satisfaction of Bhrigu Muni and as well as the potent act of atonement
performed by avatar Parasurama which He offered on five altars as
expiation for his father’s death. The second is that Dhritarastra was
contemplating that Kuruksetra being the place where dharma originated is
inherently powerfully potent in virtue and righteousness. If the Pandavas
who are virtuous by nature, increase in righteousness due to contact with
the holiness of Kuruksetra and thereby lose all desire in regaining the
kingdom after duly weighing the sinful consequences of slaying their
kinsman and relatives then I would be very pleased with them.


sañjaya uvāca
dṛṣṭvā tu pāṇḍavānīkaḿ
vyūḍhaḿ duryodhanas tadā
ācāryam upasańgamya
rājā vacanam abravīt

Sanskrit to English Word for Word Meanings:

sañjayaḥ uvāca — Sañjaya said; dṛṣṭvā — after seeing; tu — but;
pāṇḍava-anīkam — the soldiers of the Pāṇḍavas; vyūḍham — arranged in
a military phalanx; duryodhanaḥ — King Duryodhana; tadā — at that
time; ācāryam — the teacher; upasańgamya — approaching; rājā — the
king; vacanam — words; abravīt — spoke.

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