Macapia Reflection Tedtalk of Joe Ruhl

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JohnRuhlTalkmakemer efl

ectont hewayIt eachandi nt

eractwi t
hmyst udents.DoI
nspirethem?DoImot ivat
ethem?Ar etheyenjoy i
ngthewayIt eachthem?Thesear esomeof
thequestionsinmymi ndaft
erIwatchandl istentot hetalk.Ifounditener gi
ngtoheart he
onalideas.IthelpsmeassesshowIt eachandforcesmet o
stepoutsideofmycomf or
tzonetoconsidermor eeff
et eachi
methodst hatImayapplyf
tofmyst udents.
The  speaker  talked  to us about  the  6 C's, which ar e meant  
to accommodat e the  many
various  lear ni ng  sty les that  
studenthav e.The6C’ sar eChoi ce, Collabor ati
on, Communi cation,
icalThi nki ng,Cr eat ivi
tyand Car ing.Shar i
ngwi thy oumyt hought sandunder standi ngof
these6C’ s.Wear eabl et opr ov idet hest udent sachoi cei nwhatt heyl earnandhow t hey
study .Fur ther mor e,i tallowsst udent st heabi l
yt oexhi bitt heirunder standingi nt hemanner
theybel iev e bestdemonst rat ei t.I tboost s st udent s ef for t,conf i
dent s and pr oduct i
v i
Communi cat ionwi thourst udent sf ost erst rust ,strengt hensr elat i
onshi ps,andpr omot esgood
engagement ,allofwhi chcont ribut et oamor eposi tiveandsaf elear ningenv ironment .Inor der
toappl yt hel ear ningst yl
et heywant ,wecanbet t
erunder standourst udent sbyal l
owi ngt hem
toexpr esst hei rexper i
ences, emot ions, passi ons, andt hought s.Collabor ati
onamongst udent s,
as wel las bet ween t eacher s and st udent s,fost erst he cr eation off resh i nsi ght s and
knowl edgewhi lepr omot ingappr eci at i
onandr espectf ori ndi v i
dualdi fferences.Asar esul t
student s' ret ent ion, sel f-
est eem, andsenseofr esponsi bilityrise.I talsohel pst hem t o dev elop
higher l ev elt hi nki ng,or alcommuni cat ion,sel f-
management ,and l eader shi p abi li
Student s who  use  cr iti
cal thinking  ar e bet ter able to consi der ,
 pay  attent ion t
o, reason  t
hr ough,  
and  compr ehend  a si tuation bef or e maki ng  a choice.Addi t
ional ly,it enabl es i ndi v i
dual st o
compr ehendacer tai nnot ioni nawayt hati smor edef i
nedandcl ear.Cr eativ
ityal lowst udent s
todi scov ert hei rtal entandpr omot el ear ningt hroughencour agi ngt hem t othinkoutoft hebox
andcomeupofasol uti
on,out putorpr oductt hatt heyhav en’ tconsi derort rybef or e.I tfost er
nnov ationandpr oducesbet terr esul t
sbyal l
owi ngst udent st oexpl oref reel yandwi thout
restriction.Ourbr ai nar ewi redf ort hef i
rst5C’ s.Ifweenabl eourst udentt oengagei ni t
swher e t ruel ear ningt akespl ace.Let tingt hem t akeenj oy mentandi nspi rat i
onf rom t he
teacher ’
st eachi ngst yle.LastC’ si sCar ing, whi chi nmyopi ni oni st hemosti mpor tantsi ncei t
discusseshowmucht eacher scar eaboutst udent ’
seducat ionandwhatt heycandot omake
ear ningf unandi nspi ri
ng.I tt eachesust hatev eryst udent smat t
er sbypay i
ngat tention t o
them,aski ngt hem t heirper sonall ifeandexper i
ences,demonst ratingani nter esti nt ot heir
hobbi esaswel laschangi ngi deas.I nt hiswayi twi l
lleadt ot hespeakert wodef initionofl ov e
ofat eacher .
Thetwodef i
onofl oveofat eachersshar
edbyt hespeakerarel ov
ef orthesubj ect
andpassi onforthesubjectandteachergenuinelovefort heki
ds.Heemphasi zesthatlesson
ectiveuseoftechnologyandst andardsarei mportantbut
yt heteachers.Theywillrememberusi nthewaywet reatthem.Het eachust o
ov eourstudentsevent houghtheyarenotl i
e.Lovei snotemot i
onit’sadecision.Soi ts
ourdecisionteacherto mot i
eandi nspi
resourstudentsinapower fulway .Thati st he
engegiventoust osharethegreatestthi
ngstoourst udent
sandt hatisLOVE.

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