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(MU-Som 5-Eloctronics) 1-10 sino = | Noa aS 26429 ‘example, finding electric field a point, we desire the fields, The position is expressed in terms of coordinates. The Soordinates are specified by the coondinae system, ‘The number of coordinate systems like rectangular, slindrical, spherical, elliptical, spheroidal, parsboloidal etc, ‘Sr Present bat following three are most common and fulfil ur requirements 1. Canesian or rectangular coordinate system 2 Cylindrical coordinate system 3.__ Spherical coordinate system We will discuss each system in detail. The simplest of these is cartesian system, 1.6 Cartesian Coordinate System In this system, tee axes x, y, 2 are perpendicular to each ther as shown in Fig, 1.6.1(3), Thesé axes intersect at a point called origin, Depending upon the positions of x, y,z axes two systems are fined as right handed system and left handed system Fig. 1.6.10,0)). 1.6.1 Right and Left Handed Systems. — In the right handed system, the right handed screw in Fig. 1.6.1(b) progress in z direction ‘when rotated from Xaxis to y axis through a smaller angle between them, But to get the same direction of progress in Fig, 16.10), When rotated from x to y-axis though a smaller angle, the screw must be left handed screw, ectorg Right handed system is most commonly used. Flight handed 1 y 4 y (a) Axis position —_(b) Right handed system z Left handed. ‘screw x y (©) Left handed system Fig, 1.6.1 : Cartesian system Remember x and y axis are horizontal while z-axis is vertical, also they are mutually perpendicular to each other. Theye three axes meet ata point called origin. Now see how we can define a point in cartesian system, 1.6.2 Point in Cartesian System Poxyz) 7 Ly z Fig. 1.63: Polntis defined by three planes = Scanned with CamScanner Fig. 1.62. As, raaxis is vertical, a plane normal to 2 is horizontal also xy plane js horizontal ‘Therefore, xy plane and plane under consideration ere parallel, The perpendicular distance of any point on this plane from xy plane willbe the same. ‘The distance from xy plane is nothing but z coordinate. Th ‘any point on the plane perpendicular to z-axis is having the same z coordinate, In other words we can say that for a plane perpendicular to ‘axis, 2 coordinate of any point on the plane is constant or simply the plane is defined as 2 = constant plane, ‘Similarly, a plane perpendicular to x-axis can be defined as x = constant plane and a plane perpendicular to y-axis is y= constant plane. 5 Remember, x = constant and y = constant planes are vertical planes, while z = constant plane is horizontal plane. Consider, x = constant and y = constant planes. These two vertical planes intersect and the intersection is vertical line, ‘To obtain a point take the third plane, ie, z = constant plane ie, horizontal plane. The vertical line and horizontal plane intersects and the intersection is a point [point P in Fig. 1.63). = constant, y = constant ‘Thus, point P is a intersection of and z= constant planes and coordinates of it can be written ‘These planes are mutually perpendicular to each other, This is | _ avery important concept. So, ifthe coordinates of a point are (2,1, 3) it means it is the intersection of x =2, y =I and 2 = 3 planes. Vectors 1.6.3 Unit Vectors in Cartesian System %, y Pig. 1.64: Uni vectors z normal 2: Yl rrormal 4 Fig 165: Unit vector 3, Unit vectors in cartesian system are 3.3, and 3. These vectors are in the postive x y and z direction a shown in Fig. 164, Instead of &,,,and 3, many times diferent notation are used lke ory yd We are sing fist notations for unit vectors in canesian system throughout this book, There is one mere way 10 describe direction of unit vectors. ‘Although this discussion i not required inthis article bt, if you understand, it will be easier to imagine directions of unit ‘vectors in cylindrical and spherical coondinate systems. It is like this. = constant plane, We know tat plane normal oy axis is then 3, is « unit vector normal foi, Two nomals ae possible as shownin Fig. 165. But out ofthese two nomals you tte hat normal which iin the increasing dieton oy Le. first norman the Fig. Similaly, Zand Rae unit vectors perpendicular 0 constant and 2 = constant plane respectively, also don't forget that they are in increasing directions of x and respectively. Thus, Scanned with CamScanner Som, comer groan ¥ 11. 9, 1) 0 Voy. Vhs Mt we iaceesen (Oo nenrmtoaan by tenet sunt tn (10 heap tat nae F se grit me 4 Aowctum Soy 6 enue sr), weantes io wagh to Seay toy anmeamng 7 mut 2 arntansten try Atiernetaal sereta with mete oe tonytin by sak tx Tis 0 etcvwe 8 Patan Fl tence lenge se acon yin see: om ty mameasing cache cxratinate fh sphat Pty Gitlerstich srenats welts me yice ¥ when conan see rte. y+ 19te Vise Carats ips ty wait ta Sores sera 1 wii is Opt. Gritty, tenga Os wat tz Soren seen 2 witic is tale sate sea 2 whitch in the melt oh tn wa Bey He ay. Oder Fg, 164, pm crnetact, y « sta wal 1 = contiaeh wt tenpectivey,, we wii vec woes See wottucrs ia Fi, VST. a0 Bay2t, xO yscratare 2y20 Brand, Scanned with CamScanner [Br evecromagrote Engineering (MU-Som 5-Electroncs ve (C) Ditferentiat volume Example 1.6.4 2mand4m. ‘When we multiply he diferent lengths x, dy and it forms | Fn h# #r08 of rectangle whose sides re 2m differential volume. ee (0) Differential vector length When we find vector PP which is the result of thre differential increments inthe coordinates, we get, PP = (xtdr-x) & +0 H4y-y) & +@4d2-2) = di, + dy’, +d, Thisis denoted by d, o) Fig. : Step by step illustration of finding area of Ex. 1.6. Consider the given ara is placed in xy plane with one corner origin and sides along x and y axis, Because the surface is placed in ay plane itis normal to zaxis and we can define it as 2= constant surface (dz = 0). The remaining differential lengths in cartesian are now dx and dy. Mulply these two to get diferentiad sea ds = dx dy. Fig, Ex. 1.6.1). all such differential areas on Differential vole is . the given surface are added we get the area of rectangle Fig. Ex. 16.100 Vector diferent & dy, +aca, | | Weknow tat summation is nothing but integration, Tength s= Jas=JJacay To pot the limits we have to add all differential ares from X=010x=2and from y = 0 toy =4 to cover total surface given. 2 s = J Jacey= ty, pif =2x4=80" 00 Scanned with CamScanner 1U-Sem 5-Electronics) 1-14 63 s= | fayar=bf pite2ea=om 2 24 = J Joceent! pit : Fe.) Fe BL OL sade Fig, : Placing given surface in different positions of Ex. 1.6.1 Fi. Instead of placing the area as shown in Fig. (2). if you place it With center of rectangle at origin, Fig (c)), or parallel to xy plane ig. () or in xz plane (Fig. (€)) or in yz plane (Fig. (f) the calculation of total area must be same. Thus, you can place the surface as you wish, Purposely stress is given on finding differential area and then the total area because if you understood it, then it will be easier to find areas of complex surfaces like circle, sphere, arc of the circle, This we wil uss at the time of cylindrical and spherical ‘coordinate systems. Se Example 1.6. 52 J focdyety tyf=2x4-8nt 10 Find area of rectangle in z = 5 plane with <1 a, = ABCA FAR a +A8-a, ii) Similarly, From Equations (v) and (i), AE ARRAS ARR iD = In Equations (vi), (vii) and (vii), dot products of unit vectors are present, = To find values of these we must know angles between unit vectors, To find the angles, Fig. 1.9.2 will help you. This is Scanned with CamScanner x1gmeoring (MU-Sem 5-Electronics) similar to ‘Fig. 1. simplicity. 2, but only 1" octant is shown for 7 Theangle between a, and 3, is¢ RE = terxcocgeens ~ Theangle between & and 3, is 90-9 Equation (vii) and ( BR = 1x1%00800-g sing ‘The angle between and 3, is 90°, since & is vertical and 3 is horizontal, : RR eo x Fig. 19.2 : Showing angles between unit vectors Similarly, we can find other dot products required in ). These are given in table form. Table 1.9.1 : Table of dot products sing | 0 cosd | 0 a-} oo} o |a If you want to calculate a, -3,, see the 2 row and 2 ‘column, where they intersect, there is value of cos ¢, Also if products order can be changed, Putting values of required dot products in Equations (vi), (yi) and (viii) we get A, Ay and A,. Then putting these values of A, Ay and A, in Equation (ji), we get the required vector in @, is asked, you find ae’ because in dot cylindrical system. (b) ‘Transformation from cylindrical to cartesian veetor ‘To transform a vector in cylindrical B = Ba +B,a, +B,a, a) | into catesian, th procedure is same. Assume & Vector in catig, Ba, +83, +B, 6) Tn Equations (x), By B,, B, are projections of given vector B in 8.3 directions respectively, Therefore, B= B-R=B,a-34B,3,- 4485-8.) 7 id a Gait In Equations (xi, (xi), (xt) the dot products are obtained fromthe table of dot product. ‘Thus, obtaining B,, B, and B. cartesian using Equation (x). 8, into cylindrical system. Transform B =ya,-%2, Solution : Let B system where B, B, and B, are length of projections of given Ba, Bi, + BLA, be a vector in cylindical Vectrin the drections ,, and. ‘The length of projection of given B in the direction & is Boa =ya- nae 42 a Using the table of dot product and X=rcos 6; y=rsing; eee Weeet, —B, = sing (cos $)~r eos (sin 6) +2(0) =0 Similarly, By Yaa, —x a a +2 a8, 1 © F8ing sin 9) ~reos 9 (cos 9) +0 = =rsin® ¢—reos? 92-5 and B= Ba Renae = 0-042=2 Scanned with CamScanner (Eo crcromaprte enon sem snc) 129 ‘Then the vector in cylindrical eystem is obtained by using the ‘aloes of B, Band B, as, aon Example 1.9.2 Convent B =—F8, +28, in rectangular system. ‘Solution : 7 Let vector in caresin system be Boe BL aeR, 398% wnt) 0) ang tran ¢ = 0"* 2, do a ge oe a Fi Bc 1924al font age sings cos: +. OTe RS Purting these values in Equations (), and (ii) and using Fig. : Mustrating Ex. 19.2 west, Ba VTer ager Bro Bee ‘Then Equation (A) becomes B= ya-xajtza, this problem, instead of using the tangle. We can ws directly the result x= reong, yarsing Spherical Coordinate System 4.10.1 Point in Spherical System For spherical coordinate system also x,y,z anes ae used for reference, Imagine a sphere of ads with enter a origin. [Any point on the sphere isa the same distance ¢ from origin, ‘therefore the shpercal surface is defined as r = constant surface. [Now considera line from origin making angle O with z-axis Rotate this lin about z-axis fixing the end atthe origin ‘This forms a cone with angle 8, this conical surface is defined 28.0 = constant surface. ‘When a sphere with center at origin intersects with a vertical cone with vertex at origin, the intersection is a horizontal circle with radius equal tr sin 8 (see Fig. 1.10.1) rin Fig. 1.10.1 : Spherical Coordinates ‘We want 10 locate» point in spherical coordinate system. ‘Imagine a 4 = constant plane similar to in cylindrical system, Scanned with CamScanner Vectora ee Erocromagnese OBO u-em 5-Electronics) 1:24 i 40.2 Unit Vectors In Spherical System ‘canis, intersects =A torisonil circle with comer 8 ¢¢x constant plane. The intersection s+ Point Because ¢ = constant, 0 = constant and 6 = constant surface interects ata point, the point is defined as (*, 0,4). In spherical system vasiation of angle @ is from 0 to 180° and variation of ¢ is from 0 to 360°. Fig, 1.10.2 : Variation of @ from 0 to 180° only About the variation of angle 0 — Above we mentioned thatthe variation of angle 8 is from 0 to 180° only, why ? The range of limits is from 0 to 180%, this fact can be best understood from the Fig. 1.10.2 — By increasing angle @ slowly from zero, separate cones are formed for different angles. This is shown in Fig. 1.10.2. Let 6 = 63 = 170°, the cone formed is shown in the figure. — Now when 0 is made 190°, the cone formed is similar to cone formed with © = 170°, = Thus, the cone repeats, for any angle greater than 180°, Hence, there is no point in increasing 0 above 180°. a, and &, perpendicular to F = constant, Unit vectors are a, 4.10.3 Differential Lengths, Areas and Volume (A) Differential lengths Now let us find the expressions for the differential lengths, Gifferential areas and differential volume in spherical coordinate system. When the first coordinate i.e. is increased by differential amount, the differential length is dr. When the second coordinate 0, is increased by differential amount d®, it forms an are with radius r and angle substended 40. Therefore the length ofthe arcs rd8. [Now the third coordinate is increased by differential amount 49. When angle @ is increased by d@ it results in an are. To find length of the arc, refer Fig. 1.104. As we know the intersection of r = constant and @= constant surfaces is a horizontal circle of radius rin 8. When angle of point P is increased by d6, P rotates horizontally (since ¢ always varies horizontally) by an angle do. ° ‘Thos, the are which is formed has angle substended equal to 4g and radius equal tor sin 8, hence length of arc is when 9 is, increased by dd is r sin 0d. Differential lengths : dr, rd0, r sin 8d Fig. 1.103 : Differential lengths in spherical system Scanned with CamScanner Electromagnetic Engineering (MU-Sem § Becronca) 125 ee (8) Differential areas, To find differential areas and yolume see Fig. 1.10.5, in ‘which differential lengths are shown enlarged forthe sake of understanding. Fig. 1.104 : Mlustration of arc length r sin @ For surface (1); is constant dr = 0 and ds = rsin0 d0dp For face (2) 0s constant d= 0 and ds =rsin 0 drdd Tp sino 4, de Fig. 1.10.5: 3.4 picture using ditferential lengths For surface (3); is constant a = 0 and ds =rdrd@ ‘Thus, differential areas in spherical system are : ds = sino 40.45 = constant) ds = sino dea .-(@= constant) ds = rdrdo ...(g = constant) ‘Vector areas are again obtained by multiplying area and unit vector ‘normal tot. (Refer Fig. 1.10.6) 8 = constant 49=0 dS=rsin 0dr dd ay d=rsinddrdd ay __Fig. 1.10.6: Differential vector areas Scanned with CamScanner 1U-Som 5-Electronics) 1-26 {C) Differential volume ‘The differential volume is multiplication of there lengths, Summary of spherical system is given in Table 1.10.1 (1,8. wee dr, rd9, r sin 0 d9. ds =F sin 0.40.46 3 (= constant) 4 sin 6 dr do a (@ = constant) é ‘drd8_ a, (¢ = constant) dvr’ sin 6 drd6 do di = dr3,+ 1d0a,+ ¢ sin 0 493, Example 1.10.1 Find area of spherical surface of radius 1 m using spherical coordinates. Solution : ‘Though we can find area of sphere as 4nt* the following procedure illustrate the use of spherical coordinate system. ‘The given surface can be placed in coordinate system as shown in Fig. Ex. 1.10.1. r=constant = 1 ds = sin 6 dod y For the spherical surface, r= constant, odr=0 Hence, ds =F sin 0 ann s = Jase J frsinodoas 00 vrel = [-cos}, wo" =4n(m? Example 1.10.2 Find the volume of above sphere. Solution : ‘The differential volume is spherical coordinate system is, dv = sin @drd0do ann a v= fave J f Jesinedraoao 000 2 mn = [5] Ceosel, tel, 4 x2x2n=$n(a) Example 1.10.3 Use spherical coordinates to find area of strip. as @< Bona, ‘sphere of radius a. What is the result when c = 0° and B = n. Solution : Fig. Ex. 1.10.3 gives the clear idea of the strip in the problem. For the given surface T= constant fs dr=0 ds = F sind d0 do 2nB so s= J JP sinodody=a? [cos 0} 1; oa . a? [cos c~ cos B] x 2n ‘2a’ (cos a - cos Bb) m? Scanned with CamScanner etic En 1U-Sem 5-Electronics) 1-27 x Fig. : Mustrating Ex. 1.10.3 When a=0 andB=2 = 2nat (cos 0~cos n) = 4a (mm?) ‘The result is quite obvious because the given limits convert the strip into sphere and the area of sphere is 4a’ Example 1.10.4 Find areas (1) and (2) for the surfaces shown in Fig. Ex. 1.10.4 ao Fig. :Mlustrating Ex. 1.10.4 Solution : Forsurfae(): $= constant =60, «. dg=0 ds = rdrdo fase'f forne[E] i? 00 2x¥ =n(m') Vectors For surface (2) 1 = constant=2, ..dr=0 Hence, ds =F sin 0.d0.dp oe fat [ [faresoay ince variation of 9 is from 60°10 90° ie. to and 0 varies from 0° 10 90° ie. 0105 s 4 -cos 6], fo, =} nim’) 1.10.4 Conversion between Cartesian and Spherical Coordinates (© Cartesian from spherical coordinates ‘The unit vectors in spherical system are @,, @ and a . These unit vectors are perpendicular to r = constant, @ = constant, and @ = constant surface respectively and in the increasing directions of the r, and ¢ respectively. In Fig. 1.10.6(). cnly the frst octant is shown for simplicity, and the unit ‘ectors are also shown in Fig. 1.10.6() ‘When point P(t, 8, ¢) is present in Cartesian system, it must have corresponding cartesian coordinates Here we are going to find relation between spherical coordinates and Cartesian coordinates. To find x and y corresponding to point P, project point P in 2y plane (Fig. 1.1027). The projection is OQ = rsin 8. Now its projection on x and y axis gives x and y coordinates corresponding to point P. x Fig. 1.10.6(a) : Unit vectors in spherical system Scanned with CamScanner 1U-Sem 5-Electronics) 1-28 Fig. 1.10.7: Relation between spherical and cartesian coordinates Projection of OQ on x-axis is OR = OQcoeg=rsin Geos 4 s x = rsinBcose 0) Projection of OQ on y-aisis OS = OQsing=rsindsing * y = rsin@sing Projection of OP on z-axis gives z coordinates of P. Projection of OP on z-axis = OT = OP cos 8 ‘ z= re088 i) Spherical from Cartestan coordinates ‘The reverse transformation is obtained from (i), (ji) and (ii), itis Veoyee ; re\eeyee 0 = cos x = rsin@cos$ y = rsin@sing re “= z= rc0s0 1.10.8 Transformation of Vector from Cartesian to Spherical or Vice Versa ‘To transform a vector in cartesian into spherical or for reveny. transformation, use the procedure explained in section 1.10, Table 1.103 given below : ‘Table 1.103 : Table of dot products x & | sin cos | cos @cos¢ | ~sing &, | sin Osing | cos@sing | cos coo | -sind | 0 a | cose | -sine | 0 1.10.6 Transformation of Vector from Cylindrical to Spherical or Vice Versa ‘7 Conversion between cylindrical and sperical vector In cylindrical and splierical coordinate systems we have, already studied how to convert cartesian vector into cylindsical or spherical and vice a versa. — Sometimes problem requires conversion between cylindrical and spherical. One approach to solve this problem is to convert cylindrical (or spherical) vector into cartesian and| then convert this cartesian vector into spherical (cr cylindrical). = Imeans its nota direct conversion, itis indirect conversion using cartesian vector as a mediator. So the conversion problem is solved using two step procedure, Step 1: The cylindrical (or spherical) vector is converted into cartesian vector. Step2: This cartesian vector is converted into spherical (t cylindrical) vector. —_____ te Example 1.10.5 Convert P (8, x /3, x/6) in cartesian coordinates. Solution The given point is in spherical system then using th relations, x=r sinO cos = (R13) cos (n/6)=6, Scanned with CamScanner ring (MU-Sem 5-Electronics) 1-29 51 sin sing = 8 win (n/3) sin (8/6) = 3.46, Ler cOM8 = B cos (n/3)=4 ‘Thos the point in cartesian i (6,364, 4 Example 1.1 Convert P (10, %/6, x/3) in cylindrical Solution : Since direct conversion from spherical to cylindrical is not derived, we go step by step by first converting point P into ‘cartesian using relations. X = rsin 00s $= 10 sin (6) cos (n/3)=2.5 m, sin @ sin = 10 sin (= /6) sin (/3)=4.33 m, 2 = 16088 = 1000s (n/6)=8,66 m. [Now convert into cylindrical coordinates using Te Faye Vase aan = tan" (y/x)= tan” (4.33/25) =5999", 66m Example 1.10.7 Convert P (3, 45%, 60°) in () Cartesian (i) Cylindrical co-ordinate system. Solution : Given: P(3,45%, 60") in spherical @ Conversion in Cartesian 18in0 cos § = 1.06 (m) Y= 1 6in0 sin 9 = 1.84 (m) 2 = 100s =2.12(m) Gi) Conversion in cylindrical tcan be done by using Cartesian coordinates in part) ery tan”! (yhx) = 60.0" 12(m) 2=2.12(m) Vectors Example 1.10.8 Convert G = (x27) Into spherical. Solution : Let, O= 6, &, +0, a +6, &, bea vector in spherical system. Potting these values in G in spherical system G =1c0s 8.cos (sin Ocot } &, +.c0s Bot a ~ 3) Example 1.10.9 Convert A= ( 98,4 43+ 83,) atthe point (8 4 5) in spherical coordinates, Solution : Let A=AR+A RHA anf) ‘bea vector in spherical coordinate syste, wher, A= Ad=Ga 4494585 Peele errr’ Using Tbe 191 of dt prods A, = sin Ocos$+4sinO sing +5e080 0) Similly, Ay = A-Rye@a, +43,453 >a Tea Ha RaS 30s 8.cos$+4.0sOsing—S sind ...Ci) Scanned with CamScanner = ing 4 4.cos 640 oli) ‘The given point (3, 4, 5) can be converted into spherical and then putting these epherical coordinates into Equations (i), (ii) and (i) we pet A,, A, and Ay. Weknow ore \iayter e\iedas = S¥i m 7 z ec con cos =4s Payer Ni Oe tant Len 4 e523" cos @ = 0.707; sin @ = 0.707; cose = 06; sin 9 =0.78 Putting these values in Equations (i), (i) and (ii) A707; AgeOs A, ‘The vector in spherical coordinate system using Equation (A) is A = 1073, 14.11. Summary of Three Coordinate ‘Systems x = reore reeey Vee tsin@cos@ = rsin® tee y = ring oetant (yey) Os tant itty sz = rsinG sing = tan’! (v2) x = 10058 sacyco wren @ Fig. L11.1 Contd... osren osteo Os es2n osesn ) © Fig. 1.11.1 : Defining point P (a) P(x, y,2) in Cartesian coordinates; (b) P (r ,2) in circular coordinates; and (©) P(t, 0,4) in spherical coordinates z z= const. (plane) y= const. (plane) (a) Cartesian’ tr =const. il (cylinder) z= const. (plane) x $= const. (halt - plane) Fig. 1.11.2(b) Cylindrical Scanned with CamScanner netic Enginoering (MU-Sem 5-Electronics) 1-31 emconet 7 x eeconst (sphere) (© Spherical coordinates Fig. 1.11.2 Fig. 1.11.00) : Cylindrical (€) Spherical coordinates Fig. 1.11.3: Unit Vectors] z x v= dx dy oz (a) Cartesian Fig. L11.4(b) : Cylindrical Scanned with CamScanner * dv = 17 in 0dr 0.36 (© Spherical coordinates ig 1.11.4: Differential clementsof vector length, vector area ad al TAS 33) Scanned with CamScanner

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