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jntroduction eo or 5, we have studied way er 5.8 € PrOPAESion, The vox oy sre, ten i tray rave is cls ve: 3 wave te 10-8 distant receiving FT tenever a wave travels from et mE point to other, ese fe takes place. ceva simple and diet relation between the le ofthe ey weer ad . amplitudes of electric and magnetic ses soot Wh avelng esvomagoetc way aston i known 38 Poytng Vector ater — soy of wink of the PoyMUNE Vector a8 a “Puining™ secon Ts mony, While accident is comet labus Topic : Poynting Vector syll —_—_ — 2 Poynting Theorem > (MU-Dec. 10, May 11, May. 12, Dec, 12, May 13, May 14, Dec.14, May 15, Dec. 15, May 16, Dec. 16, May 17, Dec.17) statement of Poynting Theorem 624 421. Slate and explain Poynting theorem, (Ret, Secs. 6.2.1 and 6.2.2) Peas $22. Slate and prove the Poynting theorem, Explain the integrals involved in the statement. (Ret. Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.2.3) EGER ee ied} o. 2. State and explain Poynting vector using mod Ampere's law, detive the Poynting theorem and) describe te significance of each of ts terms. (Ret, Secs, 6.2.1,62.2 and 62.3) or Stata and prove Poynting theorem. Explain the tonms instantaneous, average and comple’ Poynting theorem. (Rel. Secs. 6.2.1,622 and 6.4) Das eoremn and la.6.26 Determine the Poynting vector the ‘explain the power flow terms due t the time) varying fields. (Rel. Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4) State Poynting theorem and derive the average} poynting vector. (Ret, Secs. 62,1 and 65) la.6.2.6 * Eyplaln Method of Moments (MOM). Also state its advantages and drawbacks. (Ref, Sec. 6.2.1 10 6.2.4) InAs State pointing theorem, Derive an expression for pointing vector with significance of each term. © (Pol. Sec, 62.1 106.24) la.6.2.7 \a.6.2.8 = Poynting theorem states that vector product of electric intensity Eand magnetic intensity Hat any point is @ measure ofthe rate of energy flow per unit area at that point Scanned with CamScanner FM 00 410, Moy 99, 000.49, Hany 99, De. 49 Moy 19, De 19, Dae 44, they 16, Bee. 46 any 17, Bre. 17) 'oyriting those, (Ret, Sees, 6.2.1 and 6.2.0 6.2.8 Stato ane explain pr, Stato nna prove the Poynting teorern, Evplain the Integrals Involved in the statement, (Hot, Boece, 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.2.3) Inno J@-8.2.11 Expinin power flow due to time varying folds. Derive Poynting vector (ol Sec.622) EXT ERENTIEN (2. 6.2.12 State and explain Poynting vector using modifiod ‘Ampore's law, derive the Poynting theorem and! describe the significance of each of Its terms, (Ret, Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.2.9) COREE Stato and prove Poynting theorem. Explaln tho] terms instantaneous, average and complox| Poynting theorem. Ret. Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.4) CREEL Determine the Poynting vector theorem and explain the power flow terms due to the time| varying fields (Rel. Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4) Pee Explain Method of Moments (MOM). Also state Its advantages and drawbacks. 10.62.13 10.62.14 12, 6.2.15 Hon! Exprennion of Poynting | | | ca be expe pa Pet The en of How 1 pemecuta Fany hy Gireetion of covtoe Bo The eotton can ' be ay toons Manwl« equations a Flhi¥9 The mata, me hy Force Fiquatton te, wri» Ted Gay write ie Ine conve oe eso oe ey vet por eat volves, ely Both shes of reer Nahe ‘expression by Fiwe have, a We have vector identity VP Q) = O1VHP)-P.V Gy where, P and Q are any vector functions. Replacing By = and Q by Hi, Vix i) = H-(VxB)-E-(7xi = Putting the value of E - (¥ x Hi) from above Equation ig Equation (), BT = H-(x®-v-Exiy-eb-E = Using the second Maxwell's equation Vx B= -p expression for BJ we get (Ret. Sec.62.110624) EENERTNIITY|| vow, efi = $ |Q. 6.2.16 State pointing theorem. Derive an expression for| pointing vector with significance of each term, coal (Ref, Sec. 6.2.1 to 6.2.4) =* =. EJ = "23 2E -VExb) cli Scanned with CamScanner vergence theorem the las ge sere Nast term can be 1 eine Sure te, hanged [v-Exioae = $ &xin.g . s tecomes eqn (i Pe a (Hie f ae -2 (Gee) a -§ Gxin-& (622) ‘A Physical Interpretation of Poynting Theorem > (WU- May 11, May 12, Dee. 12, Dec. 14, May 15, Dec. 15, May 17, Dec. 17) {ir State and prove the Poynting th integrals involved in the statement, : (Pel. Sees. 6.2.1,622and623)0 2 DRS 218 State and explain Poynting vector using modi ‘Ampere's law, derive the Poynting theorem and| describe the significance of each of Its terms. (Ret. Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2 and 6.2.2) 62.19 Determine the Poynting vector theorem and] ‘explain the ‘power flow terms due ‘to the. time| varying fields, (Ret. Secs. 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4) « $220 Explain Method of Moments (MOM). Also state its advantages and drawbacks. ConA (Ret, Seo, 62.1106.2.4) _ RAERTE fn 1001 A physical interpretation ofthe abo eatin fs Interesting conclusions saantaneos) (0) The term onthe et si resents the inane pained a [power disepated ln the volume v. This resuld 16 obtalnes of eros: a voltage 1 generalization of Joule’s law, A conuctor sectional area A, carrying a current 1 and having s of BI trop E per unit length (W/m) will have a power loss & Watt per unit length, The power spate per anit volume Will be EVA = BY watt per unit volume, Ta this ease V and J ane in the same direction. power dissipated Tn general where this may not be tre, the in product of F and ‘er unit volume would stil be given by the veed the component of E having the same direction as J oF B-. ‘Te total power dissipated inthe volume v would be Jé-dav ‘When E in this expression represents the electric intensity required to produce the current density J in the conducting, tedium, the Equation (i) represents power dissipated 3s ohmic (PR) loss, However, iB is an eletric intensity due (0 a source of power, e.g, due to a battery, then the power represented by Equation (i) would be used up in diving the current against the battery voltage and hence charging the batery, If the ditection of B were opposite to that F the would be dissipated power represented by Equation negative. In this case, the battery would be generating electric power. Gi) The frst term on the Fight hand side of Equation (6.2.2) without the negative time derivative represents the stored (electric and magnetic) energy in the volume. The negative time derivative of this quantity then represents the rate at hich the stored energy in the volume is decreasing, "a Scanned with CamScanner (i The interpretation of the remaining term follows from the Application of the Inw of conservation of energy. The rate of energy dissipation in the volume v must equal the rate at hich the stored energy in v is decreasing plus the rate at Which energy is entering the volume v from outside. The term -§ ex ine ‘ therefore represents the rate of flow of energy inwant through the surface of the volume. Then this expression without the negative sign, ie, Jexin-& represents the rate of flow of energy outward through the surface enclosing the volume. Thus, the integral of & x ii ‘over any surface gives the rte of energy flow through that surface, 6.2.4 — Significance of Poynting Vector : > (mu- Dec. 14, May 17, Dec. 17) 10.62.22 Determine the Poynting vector theorem andl ‘explain the power flow terms due to tha: time| _varyingficlds. t (Ret. Secs, 62.1, 62.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4) 10.62.23: Explain Method of Moments (MOM). Also state its "advantages and drawbacks, __ (Ret. Seo. 6.2.1 10 6.2.4) May 17,10 Marks 10. 6.2.24 State pointing theorem. Derive an expression for "pointing vecior with significance of each term. «= (Ret, Sec. 6.2.1 10 6.2.4) I's seen thatthe vector (62.3) thas the dimensions of watt / sqm. In Poynting theorem the ‘vector product P of energy flow per unit area at that point. The direction of cH at any point is a measure ofthe rate Electromagnetic Engineering (MU:Sem 5:Elnctronics)_ 6-4 on of the vector Pind BX TL The direct the instantaneous power Mow at the point, ang think of the Poynting vector as a accidental, is correct 7 ointing Yet ty hhomonym, while Power out || ohmic lozses Redstor Stored magneto ‘onorgy Stored electrical oneroy LS Powor in Fig. 6.2.1 : Power balance for EM fields = The energy stored in the system is represented by g storing elements lke capacitor and inductor. The The diem. dissipated is accounted by resistor. representation is shown in Fig. 6.2.1 = From the physial interpretation ow itis clear dg Poymtng theorem relates, the incoming enery, agua, energy, energy stored and dissipated in the system. Ince words the Poynting theorem gives the energy balance the system. 6.3 Applications of Poynting Vector Se Applications of Poynting Vector 6.3.1 Power Flow for a Plane Wave We know that energy density due to electric and magnetic fields is given by Fee spn) Scanned with CamScanner ave mene With A SEOCHY oy the yg : of ren would be Mow of unit a Ler sntys, yt NE MHF rg a enn © af spisequation. te equation Previous 10 i can be wit en ( ee S Hea ce FH +H / EH), = (Ge) eoBxii =I wit * spispves us power flow fora plane wave, ‘A Instantaneous, Average and Gomplex Poynting Vector > (MU-May 13) |. Webzow that in an AC circuit, the instantaneous power W sivas given by the product of the instantaneous voltage {ade instantaneous current w- di = The quantities V and Tare obtained by multiplying V and T tye and taking real parti. Re (Ve) =Re (Iie e) 7 Meontet #4.) Tm Reftetty epetme” eM) =ilconit #4? «aid Now, the istantanecun power i expressed W = IIIT icone + 6, )costor +) Ai) M = LL cox, -0) Heenan + 8, + 000 an average 0, = 0 (see ‘The right hand side of above equation consists of Part and an orcillating par. If we define 0, Fig. 6.3.1) we may write the average power 35 i a = Sco o Fig. 64.1: To find average and complex vector ‘Another useful quantity is the “reactive power” oF more sccurately, the reactive volt-amperes (VAR). XM ino Wea Since, 0 is the phase angle between the voltage and the ccumrent, W,, and Wye a the inphase and out-of-phase ‘components ofthe voltamp product. Consider now the complex power W, defined as one-half the product of V and the complex conjugate of I 1 2 w= dvs qive™ e® =A = Wy t iM Scanned with CamScanner Ele [ES etocromngnatc Engineering (Mu-Sem& from the = The average and reactive power may be Fee wad ne. complex power by taking the real and imaginary , dre (vit Wo = ye (Vi"l ., 1, 7 Wr = plmiVi") 6.4.1 Complex Poynting Vector = Inelecromagntc fel theory thee are relations sia © thot heween the Paying vector, te electric eld rene i wer ‘and the magnetic field strength. The instantaneous Po flow per square = Complex Poynting vector P can be expressed as dexne P = SEX from which we may oblain the average and reactive parts of the power flow per square meter. 7 1 p, = $Re(EXH") Pre = Hine xH*) = The product of E and Hin Equation isa vector product. We know, mutually perpendicular components of E and H contribute 19 power flow and the direction of the flow is normal to the plane containing E.and H. In reactanguar co-ordinates, the complex flow of power pe unit area normal tothe ye planis R= PENSE with corresponding expressions for the other directions. In spherical co-ordinates, the outward (radial) flow of complex. power per unit area is = Fen -2,1 rctronics)_ 6-6 feet. State Poynting theorem end deriva the gp poynting vector. (Ret. Secs. 6.2.1 and gg ve (OE, a ‘As per the poynting theorem, the term — $x +, represents the rate of ener Mow nad hoOgh he yp of volume, Here negative sign indicates inward Noy, ae the cutward diction trough he surface enclosing the yay. te + $x i) = 6 reeset the eeey ty = The rate of energy flow at any point is given by the product of E and i eis denoted by P and is eae yg, poynting vector. oD, = The direction of this energy flow is perpendicular tg B and ii which is in the direction of vector E xii, = Consider uniform plane wave travelling inthe poste 2 direction = ha ow = This wave is having E component in the x direction, B= Ba fl) and Hi component in the y direction, a, =f) = Putting Equations (i) (ii) and (iv) in Equation () to get P=Pa, = (a)x(,a) Scanned with CamScanner sAVi) . sense Eaton (vi) as, Bsa cos (ot - 2) yet si) i 2 BxHeTy om (Ot Baya, aii) jose of Equation (vill) over one cycle and ty te period (T), We can have time average power “pit 1 aot T 2 Jp,ata, 347 T1P Poet 0 1 et f Wg? hn 7 1 [cos (ot- Ba) dea, ) : 0 | ing te wignomeric identity, 2 air = EB oge j 14608 Qu 282) | ia-fo) = | «axing this value in Equation (ix), we get, WBE [cos (20t- 20) = [ae 0 n tet Me = J (+008 ut -262)) dta, 0 a f Ti tet snct=79)_ 0380), 7n Let 20 7m Putting = 2 nf, we get . £8) Py sin(dn— 292) sint@B2)| > (x) Pan = Slt oat * ant J” = By the trignometric identity. sin(A ~B) = sin Acos B-cos A sin B s. sin(4m=2fi2) = sin4n.cos 2 Bz—cos Ar sin? Bz ~ Putting this value in Equation (x), we get — _ fBL _ | 1 sind cos 2B — cos x sin2Bz ee [te ant anf Butsin dn =Oand cos n= 1 2 fE. [1 O-sin2Bz | sin 2Bz)] — Pon = [t ant * ont l™ (6.5.1) Pasa = Bq de Cl) ‘The magnitude of it is Scanned with CamScanner Engineering (MU-Sem 5-Electronics) 2 ° tet 1) tH fo, = ee (S) eso Rem) 4652) ‘There are three different cases ns follows : ] Fora Loss-Less Dielectric Medium (or Free Space) ie nt = Real number Wehavesn = n= For free space, H= fy and € = € . eS m= GE & Fora Lossy Medium (Dielectric With Los: (6.5.3) For this media, n. = complex ‘Thus E and H are not in phase and for exact value Equation (6.52) is to be used. & Fora Conducting medium (Good Conductor) Here 0 >> we, thus [ oan [2H 2 45° ae aE in B- 2S 245: aes ‘Thus there is a phase difference of 45° between E and H Pung = fp, PRe( 1 = IE, = Thus, the average power flowing through any area obtained by, 2 EB or Pau = eS (Watts) (65.5) nt Example 6.5.1 A plano wave hes electric field Intensiy, | , with E, = 1000 vim andy , 2 E, cos (wot = Kz) For its propagation n free space (lossless) (i) Caleulate the Poynting vector He AOR FONE any, : arn (i) Instantaneous 4! wave. Solution: From the given Field expression the Wave Is tay, direction and electeic fek! has F, cOmPOnEN From gs **2 c properties » . py = c=3x10' mvs,andn = 1200 wwe calculate phase constant K @ _20x300%10" _ Ka Ga sie 7 Catia ‘To find the Poynting vector we require H. Tn general fon, Hi = Hocos(wt-kz) 8x 1000 io oe Be le =2.65 (A/m). and XH = Axim = & | or ay = - & then H = ~2,65.c0s (oz) a, (A/m) (@ Tofind the Poynting vector ExH = 1000cos (ct - kz) a, x — 2.65 cos (tka) a, = +2650.c0s” (wt - kz) &, == aoso[ Ltsoe2ie ky) 5 _ ea Scanned with CamScanner TUTE #08 DOL 2p ; . 1% Wim) sont A SEINE POET deny yw ' ' ng S600" HET VEN the dnt enn PSMIANEOUS poney TOM #08 OL aH, Win jy average NEE eDAity ‘ a a) me th \ 1000 8, * FN 2128] ain?) gn se this value i the P asa de frm, 0 TT 682 x “ss bt testy 9 @ perfect elect medium “aus EE 008 (0 KZ) 0, (vim), whore Eis the peak gs ka constant, Dotormine tho magnetic fed “rane en ‘and the direction of power flow, aan , pe te given field expression is clear that the wave is axltiag in 42 direction. For this diction the B and Hare sas through the relation Soret given component of Bis E, it will resultin Ey | owe fl E, TTT £08 (ot) whe Wi’ = 05 (wt Kz) a, (A/m) ‘ett or perfect dielectric (6 = 0), the intrinsic impedance avai E and H are in phase. 8 Te diction of power flow is obtained using Poynting veer Mu SoM 8 Etonic . Poe Byte Bay > 00¢ Now 7 0 ori

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