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Commentary by Sri Madhvacharya of Brahma

Sri Madhvacarya did not comment on this sloka.

Commentary by Sri Keshava Kashmiri of Kumara

Duryodhana in order to kindle some anger in the heart of his preceptor
Drona, speaks about the excellence of the Pandava army cynically using
the words: Behold the mighty army of the Pandavas well arranged in
military phalanx. Here Duryodhana is conveying to Drona that the
Pandavas have come prepared to engage in battle. Duryodhana wants to
further incite Drona against the Pandavas by the use of the word Behold
implying that with unmitigated arrogance the Pandavas are fast
approaching without waiting for us to start who are depending upon
Drona himself. If Drona then puts forth that the Pandavas are his pupils
as well and due to Yudhisthira being elder have the right to start before
you if they so desire. But Duryodhana anticipating that response, overtly
mentions Dhritadyumna the commander of the Pandava army by calling
him the son of Drupada, to remind Drona of his being the son of his
mortal enemy, so there should be no compassion for them. If Drona then
argues that one should not fight with the son of an enemy who is
commander of an opposing army, Duryodhana by also referring to
Dhritadyumna as Dronas disciple neutralises that argument by the offence
incurred of his in choosing to fight against a preceptor a condemned
action so there is no doubt as to motivation. Duryodhana by also calling
Dhristadyumna intelligent suggests that everything as a pupil he learned
from Drona would now be used against him so there should be no
hesitation or neglect towards him as he has made up his mind to take
Dronas life.

What Sanjaya is subtlety conveying to Dhritarastra is that his son, King

Duryodhana uninfluenced by the sanctity Kuruksetra possesses no inclination for
righteousness. A serpent even though fed with milk does give up its venom; on
the contrary it increases its poison and anger. So also the

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