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Test 1:

In Bangladesh, the general rate of illiteracy is high and so is the rate of poverty. Education is
almost a luxury which countless under privileged children cannot attain. Providing education
ensures children the knowledge they need in order to survive in life, life skills to take of
themselves and implement their full potential.
Corporate organizations have the money, power and, hence, a big responsibility to ensure a
better future for underprivileged children. The organizations can hold charity events, make
fund-raiser operations or even make donations to respective authorities who can utilize the
money to make schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions where children
can get education for free or for a very insignificant amount of money. For example, BRAC
School, JAAGO Foundation School of Bangladesh.
In addition, corporate organizations can take special initiatives to train and hire minority
groups of workers, ensure higher minimum wage and provide counselling to struggling
workers. The companies can also provide benefits such as free/sponsored education for the
children of the workers (who work under the organization for a prolonged time). This might
result in highly motivated workers and also increase productivity of the organization as the
workers will have a strong moral compass to work towards.

Capitalism promotes open and healthy competition and ensures high quality products and
services. There is almost zero or no scarcity of products. Workers under the capitalist
market are generally highly motivated and efficient as the profits are kept by the owners
and workers are rewarded for high productivity. The downside to capitalism is that it creates
inequality in the society and turns many rich owners greedy and selfish.
Socialism ensures social equality among everyone living and working in a society. In
addition, socialism ensures free education, healthcare and free childcare which majority of
people require. The disadvantages of socialism is that it deteriorates the quality of thinking
and people are less motivated to think different and brightly.
There are not many advantages to communism. The government doesn’t know how much
to produce and what to produce for the economy. Workers are lowly motivated and the
government controls all of the actions of the economy so people have less freedom to do

Mid :

There are five basic forms of segmenting the consumer market. They are geographic,
demographic, psychographic, benefit and volume segmentation. They are summarized
(i) Geographic segmentation characterizes the consumer market by the regional location,
population density, cites, counties or states. For example, a winter gear store may target
states or regions with the coldest temperatures/winters in order to maximize their sales.
(ii) Demographic segmentation distinguishes the consumer market by the age, income,
education, gender and other characteristics of consumers. For example, a makeup company
may introduce a new line of lipsticks for women in the market.

(iii) Psychographic segmentation groups the consumer market by attributes such as

interests, values, personalities and lifestyle. For example, the Apple company introduces
new iPhones every year because they have a huge customer base who are willing to
upgrade every year.

(iv) Benefit segmentation divides the market according to the benefits provided by the
goods or services. For example, a tech company releases a professional gaming mouse for
gamers and ensures quality as promised and free lifetime warranty.

(v) Volume segmentation characterizes the consumer market by the amount of product
used. For example, many ride sharing apps have “frequent rider “ feature which allows
customers to access special discount codes.

Communism means there is public ownership of all businesses, the government runs the
healthcare and education systems. Basically, everything is controlled by the government.
Communism does not encourage people to work hard, think different and there is very little
choice among the competing goods. There is also very little freedom to protest against
government regulations, changing homes or jobs, or even practicing religion.
Capitalism promotes open and healthy competition and ensures high quality products and
services. There is no scarcity of products. Workers under the capitalist market are usually
highly incentivized and efficient as the profits are kept by the owners and workers are
rewarded for high productivity. The downside to capitalism is that it creates inequality in the
society and turns many rich owners greedy and selfish.
Capitalism would be a preferable choice as it ensures freedom and allows individuals to
achieve whatever they want according to how much they willing to put in to the economy.

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