Jawaban PR UAS Sem3

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Carmenita Wati

1. Regarding of the news about the air crash of SJ-182 on Januari 9th 2021, please classify
several functions of Public Relations’ Sriwijaya Air Corporation during the crisis and give the
reason behind your classification! Please give the reference of the news. (30%)

A crisis is a major, unpredictable occurrence which threatens to damage the company and
its stakeholders The crisis can be categorized as a Public Relations crisis when a crisis affects the
company's credibility and reputation, is known to the public, and raises negative perspectives.

A tragedy that became a crisis for Sriwijaya Air Corporation was the crash of SJ-182. In the
eyes of the public, this crisis produces a damaged brand credibility stigma, hence it can be known
as a Public Relation crisis. Companies must communicate to the stakeholders rapidly, accurately
and effectively to preserve company competence. This is where PUBLIC RELATIONS Sriwijaya
Air Corporation is required to respond quickly and efficiently to the crises in order to mitigate
disruption and protect the company and its stakeholders from threats, and reduce the downside of
the SJ-182 air crash crisis. The actions carried by the Public Relation of Sriwijaya Air Corporation
during the crisis can be classified in the Corporate Public Relation function as follows,

Managing Corporate Reputation

In the midst of the crisis, by implementing proper crisis communication, Sriwijaya Air
corporation's public relations preserves the reputation of the company in the eyes of the public.
they provide information quickly, accurately and consistently. When SJ-182 was confirmed to be
crashing, of Sriwijaya Air immediately stated the information publicly through mass media and
social media.

Furthermore, public pelations of Sriwijaya Air corporation also handled issues that could
potentially exacerbate the crisis very well. Among them are issues regarding violations of
Sriwijaya Air aircraft flight procedures during Covid-19, machine qualification, and fake ID cards
from passengers. Public relations of Sriwijaya air corporation explained that they ensure physical
distancing continues on the plane along with the evidence, asked the public to calm down and wait
for an investigation from the authorities regarding the suitability of the machine, which was later
confirmed by the Komisi Nasional Keselamatan Transportasi (KNKT), and explained to the public
regarding the settlement of a passenger's fake ID case.

Media Relation
Public relations of Sriwijaya Air corporation uses mass media and social media in a crisis
response to deliver information to the large and dispersed public. They cooperatively and actively
provide official statements regarding the crash of SJ-182 to journalists.

Customer Relation
Condolences and attending the funerals of the victims are actions implemented by public
relations of Sriwijaya Air corporation as a form of customer relations in the midst of the crisis.
They expressed their condolences through social media and mass media. Representatives from
Sriwijaya Air corporation also attended the funeral, and the flower-sowing ceremony dedicated to
victims of the SJ-182 plane crash.

Investor Relation
By implementing proper crisis communication and handling the issue and rumour that could
potentially exacerbate the crisis very well, public relations of Sriwijaya Air have been indirectly
generate a decent investor relation. This stems from the fact that the investors themselves are a
part of the public. Furthermore, it is not a doubt that Sriwijaya Air held a corporate meeting with
the investors behind the curtain.

Corporate Philanthropy
Public relations of Sriwijaya Air stated that the company added compensation beyond the
statutory compensation obligation, which was worth IDR 1.25 billion. This can be assessed as a
public relations action that is connected the society to a large extent, and based on great social
responsibility. Without overlooking the apology aspect, the company emphasizes the provision of

News Reference :

2. Indonesia is producing their own local Covid-19 Vaccine named Merah Putih Vaccine, what
is/are the thing(s) you will consider as a Global PR to represent our local vaccine to other
countries? Please give the appropriate reason behind it and remember that there will be cultural
dimension aspects. (30%)

Cross-Culture Communication and Language Fluency

First and foremost, we began the process of intercultural interaction, and mutual new
discovery as we communicate or deliver our message to the individuals from the new cultures.
Knowing that different nations have different communication style, attitudes, views, etc, an
effective cross-cultural communication is vital to be applied. Global public relations have to
practice thoroughly the verbal and non-verbal communication within the country, respect the
differences, and willing to understand their cultural motives.
As a global public relation language fluency has to be highlighted. A communication skill
is fundamental in being a public relation, whether it is verbal or written. Therefore, global public
relations have to master the language in which country they work at. Withal, considering that
English is the most spoken language in the world, mastering English in verbal and written
communication is a vital approach.

Cross-Cultural Communication Style : High and Low Context

High and Low Context cultural dimension is a classification by Edward Hall in order to
understand the basic differences in culture influenced communication style. The communication
style in high-context cultural dimension is influenced by the closeness between the individual of
the group, and strong behavioural norms. The speaker mainly focus on how they convey the
message, rather than will the interlocutor comprehend the content or not. The content of the
information is not explicitly mentioned. Meanwhile in low-context cultural, meaning are explicitly
stated using the language. Information that the speakers want to share is explained “to the point”
in the verbal message. Contrary to high-context culture, the communication is direct, open, precise,
and based on true intentions, leaving the listeners comprehend the content of it immediately.
To address this, global public relations must be careful in choosing sentences in conveying
the messages or responding to the messages in countries with high context communication styles.
Since meaning is more often conveyed by contextual cues, listeners are expected to know what to
do. Learning the cultural norms, and behaviour is a must to convey our message well to the people
in the high context culture. Meanwhile, in the countries with high context communication, a direct
and to-the-point message is fundamental. Global public relations are required to communicate
efficiently and effectively when delivering their message to the public.

Cultural Dimension Aspect

Cultral dimension is a cultural-based classification by Edward Hall depicting the influence
of culture on the value and actions of society. In representing the local new vaccine, what I will
consider the most regarding cultural dimension aspects are :
Uncertainty Avoidance

Uncertainty avoidance is the level of acceptance for obscurity, and incertitude in the
society. Some people feel more comfortable with uncertainty than others, and the level to which
individuals contribute in certain behaviours to stay in comfortable situations is known as
uncertainty avoidance. It also expresses in the degree in which a person whose cultural
background, deals with the fact that we can’t be sure of what the future holds ; should we control it
to all extents or just let it be.

When delivering the message to the country with high level of uncertainty avoidance,
global public relations must understand that some countries find it difficult to accept the presence
of foreigners, let alone get a transformation or new crucial product from the outside countries.
Therefore, an efficient approach is needed, assisted by parties from the related countries. At this
manner, global public relations can encourage and welcome both values in harmony.

Collectivist and Individualist Society

For collectivist society, people give attention to the welfare of the members of community
in a common society, position the group's objectives above personal ambitions, and their conduct
is regulated by social standards rather than personal attitudes. This culture emphasizes togetherness
and harmony in social life. The society indicates a propensity for group members to support each
other, where group members obtain protection from other members to establish peace and unity.
At the other side, people perceive themselves as having an independent sense of self in
individualistic cultures. Independence and individuality are the main elements of them, and they
exhibit the trait of rivalry. In individualist societies, confrontation and personal accomplishment
within the in-groups are emphasized, and if conflicts occur between in-groups and individual goals,
self-ambitions have precedence over the group’s objective.

The proper communication style for individualistic society is a low context

communication. Global public relations are required to state the fact, directly, precise, and based
on true intentions in order to engage with the public. At the other hand, not stating that it is better
to utilize high context communication style for collectivist society- however, global public
relations need to reinforce more in understanding the behaviour and cultural-motives within the
society to convey the message or information properly according to their culture.

Masculinity and Feminity

Masculine cultures firmly differs the gender roles. This dimension represents a desire for
accomplishment, assertiveness, heroism, and material rewards for achievement of the dominants
in society. Femininity, on the other hand, stands for cooperation, modesty, and caring for the poor.
It aims for for gender equality within the society.
It is very important for global public relations to understand the concepts of masculinity
and femininity, and the fine boundaries between these two dimensions. There are still many
countries that implement a patriarchal system, which is in line with masculinity but strongly
opposes femininity. Because of this, the gender of global public relations practitioners can have a
major influence on the acceptance of messages by the public.

3. Public Relations has a different role, aim, method in doing a promotion. Find two articles related
to promotion of sport/travel/education/health/philanthropy/entertainment, then identify the
concept of PR using in that articles. Elaborate your answer with related data (might be from
journal or mass media), and don’t forget to put references of it.

Public relations is a process of interaction in which companies generate public opinion as

the input that benefits both parties, instill understanding, foster public participation, and generate
a good image of public perspective. In terms of public relations promotion, with any proper
practice, such as article, social media content, or even special event, become the tools used by
public relations to achieve broad public relations purposes. Public relations indeed is an integral
part of the whole promotional effort since they coordinated with all elements of communication
with the market, in which is the public. Below are the 2 example of article regarding promotion
that can be related to the concept of public relations
1. Travel : Halal Park

Supporting source : https://mix.co.id/marcomm/brand-communication/branding/upaya-bni-mem-

The role of public relations of BNI within the article is to promote Halal Park by carrying
out brand activation. Brand activation is the process of activating the customers by joining all
available sources of communication in a creative manner. Brand activation in its simplest form is
a road show where the company personnel take a brand to the people so that they can experience
the brand (Saeed, 2015 as cited in Ganiem & Lubis, 2017). This activity involves all approaches
through interactive activities or communication to bring the brand closer to the target market, and
it desires that communication could bring the brand in the position expected by the company.
According to Wallace (2012) there are five forms of brand activations; direct marketing activation,
social media activation, promotions activation, marketing events activation, and sponsorship
activation. In the article mentioned, the method used in brand activation of Halal Park focuses on
marketing events activation. This is demonstrated by the cooking show which was held by the
guest stars. In addition, there was also a sharing session for the Aku Saudagar Muda Program by
the owner of "Mommisu", which was attended by around 50 high school students.
The aim of BNI Public Retalions' conduct of this activity is to increase Halal Park's brand
awareness among the public. This tourist destination is relatively new, so it requires a considerable
amount of publicity in order for the people to discover. One of the key functions of the company's
public relations itself is increasing brand awareness. By utilizing brand activation in the form of
marketing events, the brand could be more recognized by the public, and the brand's position in
the perspective of the public could be in the company's desired one. The event gained a massive
media coverage, and the overwhelming number of customer’s purchase in the food tenant at the
event. Ensured by it, the brand awareness of Halal Park will be increased as the result of the media
coverages and the worth of mouths.

2. Entertainment : Asian Sound Syndicate Music Concert


The role of public relation of Asian Sound Syndicate is to promote the concert utilizing
digital platform. Furthermore, it aims to raise brand awareness and increase the ticket sales. Based
on the research by Hootsuite, the active internet user of Indonesia is 4.388 billion. Reflecting to
this, it is neseccary for the public relation to promote their event or brand using digital platform.
In this particular case, the public relation of Asian Sound Syndicate used online news media
platform to reach the public.
The main goals for the event promotions are gaining brand awareness to create the hype of
the concert, and increasing the ticket sales. Brand awareness is the possibility of customers being
familiar with both the access and availability regarding the product or service of a company. If an
organization has a successful brand awareness it means that the products and services of the
organization have a good repute in the market and simply acceptable (Gustafson & Chabot, 2007
as cited in Malik, Ghafoor, Ikhsan, 2013). It is necessary for a music concert to to create the hype
in order to gain public’s interest. If the hype is not manifested from prior to the day of the concert,
it will eventually damage the brand reputation since the customer won’t feel the excitement from
the event. Into the bargain, promotion also performed aiming to increase the ticket sales. In the
practice, most brand awaraness contributes in the sales. The promotion in digital platform executed
by the public relation of Asian Sound Syndicate reached the target market, increase the brand
awareness, and eventuall increasing the ticket sales of the event.

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