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British Literature second semester test

Choose the correct answer c) Robert Louis Stevenson

d) Oscar Wilde
1. The development of Printing, great geographical
discoveries, the idea that 'a human is not an evil, but 10. Romantic poems 'Mazeppa' and 'She walks in
a creature with his/her right to live and develop their Beauty' were written by
talents' is the main concept of the period of
a) William Wordsworth
a) Realism b) Charlotte Bronte
в) Renaissance c) Lord Gordon Byron
с) Romanticism d) Wilkie Collins
d) Modernism
11. Elizabeth Bennet is a character of the work
2. What's the name of the period that follows after a) 'Emma'
Renaissance? b) 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'
a) Romantic c) 'Pride and Prejudice'
d) 'Persuasion'
b) Neoclassic
c) Middle English 12. Who is described in the next lines 'She has
inherited her father's wit and intelligence' (Jane
3. A sonnet is Austen 'Pride and Prejudice'?
a) a 14-line poem with certain rhyme and rhythm a) Mrs Bennet
b) an epic poem that includes a lot of dramatic events
b) Lizzy Bennet
and characters' feelings
c) a short poem that expresses a poet's personal c) Jane Bennet
emotions in a song-like style d) miss Collins
e) miss Darcy
4. William Shakespeare is NOT the author of
13. Beginning from the mid 1850s up the First World
a) Hamlet War the period in English Literature is called
b) Macbeth
c) King Lear a) Classic
d) Othello b) Modern
e) Paradise Lost c) Realistic
d) Romantic
5. Intellectual movement 17th and 18th centuries the
main aim of which was to use reason and logic to 14. Thomas Eliot was famous for the technique ... in
determine what we should believe and how we writing
should act was a) Stream of Consciousness
a) Realism b) parallelism
b) Enlightenment c) free verse
c) Romanticism
15. The author of ‘Daffodils’ is
6. 'Robinson Crusoe' by Daniel Defoe is
a) W. Shakespeare
a) an autobiographical poem b) W. Wordsworth
b) a fiction c) G. Byron
c) a satirical novel
d) a biographical novel 16. 'The artist is the creator of beautiful things'. Who
said this phrase?
7. 'Gulliver's Travels' by Jonathan Swift is
a) Oscar Wilde
a) a satirical travel fiction
b) Charles Dickens
b a satirical pamphlet
c) a historical novel c) Gordon Byron

8. Gulliver's stay in Lilliput was made uncomfortable 17. ... is a descriptive literary device that describes a
because of place, a thing, or a person in such a way that it helps
in making its characteristics more prominent than
a) inadequate food they actually are.
b) political enemies
c) the common people's jealousy a) hyperbole
b) simile/comparison
9. The representative of the period of Romanticism is c) metaphor
d) epithet
a) George Gordon Byron
b) Arthur Conan Doyle
British Literature second semester test

18. Which stylistic device is used here: 'Tom's eyes 26.Which topics are raised in the allegoric novel
were ice as he stared at her' ‘Animal Farm’ by G. Orwell (several options are
a) epithet
b) irony a) friendship between animals and people
c) simile/comparison
b) falsification of facts
d) metaphor
c) corruption
19. Which stylistic device is used here: 'A post on
d) propaganda
Facebook complaining how useless Facebook is'
a) epithet
27. Who did Snowball and Napoleon symbolize in
b) irony
the novel Animal Farm by G. Orwell
c) hyperbole
d) simile/comparison a) Hitler and Napoleon

20. Match the representative of the period b) Trotskiy and Stalin

Renaissance to the country he is from. Nicolaus c) Molotov and Hitler
Copernicus was from
28. The name of the song made up by animals in the
a) Germany
novel is
b) Poland
c) Portugal a) ‘Old McDonald’
d) Italy b) ‘Beasts of England’
21. Leonardo da Vinci, Boccaccio, Petrarch were c) ‘Unforgiven’
originally from
a) Portugal
b) Greece
c) Italy
d) France
22. Thomas More was originally from
a) Italy
b) France
c) Portugal
d) England

23. Match the author to his/her work(s). Robert Louis

Stevenson wrote

a) ‘Treasure Island’
b) ‘Pride and Prejudice','Emma'
c) ‘Jane Eyre’

24. Jane Austen wrote

a) ‘Vanity Fair’
b) 'Pride and Prejudice','Emma'
c) ‘Jane Eyre’

25. Charles Dickens wrote

a) ‘Oliver Twist’
b) ‘Treasure Island’
c) ‘Animal Farm’

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