Leadership Assignment

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Assignment 1

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Hasnain Rajper55988

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Q.1) Leadership development is enhanced when the experience involves three different
processes: action, observation, and reflection called the action–observation–reflection (A-O-
R) model. Explain this model with examples.


Actions are louder than words, this proverb rightly fit into the model which about leaders
give us insight that whenever a leader in meant to enhance his leadership skills he must
observe his followers and then by deeply observing them he can shape their actions into
things which he things is best suited for them and these actions will be reflecting his
teachings which will give us insight that leadership development is being enhanced these
Let say for example we can take the example of apple incorporation former C.E.O Mr. Steve
jobs he with his actions observation and reflection ways he made the apple corporation as a
symbol of innovation, he in his organization bring the culture of making things smart which
he alone would not have done it but his leadership traits made the entire organization as
symbol of innovation which left no room for his competitors to imitate the his strategies so
from the example of Mr. Steve we can says that leadership development is enhanced when
the experiences involves the processes of action, observation and reflections.
Taking another local example of Pakistani society we can take is of the Engro incorporation
where their former C.E.O Mr. Asad Umer with his vision of making the Engro diversified
conglomerate in the Pakistani market his leadership enhancement skills in particular into the
organizational sector where by use of A-O-R model making his personnel’s and stake holder
believe that diverfication from engro fertilizer will make them successful into the market, his
action and observation traits into the Pakistani market make him reflect his broad vision to
his stakeholders, where introduction of Engro Food into the FMCG markets which by use of
backward integration they introduced products of milk, cream, and other FMCG products
which make them significant market share holder into the Pakistani market. Engro energy
into the energy sector where they were producing their own energy with the available
resources make the Engro stock price blooming into the stock market.

So from above examples we can say that leadership enhancement with the experiences it’s the
process of action, observation and reflection processes.

Q.2). what do we mean by 'Spiral of Experience'. Justify the key role of 'Perception' in the
Spiral of: Experience.

Answer 2:
Experience is not just a matter of what events happen to you; it also depends on how you

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perceive those events.
So in short we can say that spiral of experience is meant to by perception of different events
which happens around us we can gain the experience.
It is not necessary that we need to physically go through the situations in order to gain the
experience but we can get the experience by use of perception which we hold, so perception
is the key in order to gain the experience like in A-O-R model the leaders with the power of
their perception can gain the experiences.
So we can with the use of few examples can justify the role of perception into the spiral of
Let say we can take example of Facebook C.E.O, Mr. Steve jobs he with the introduction of
instant messengers and chats services he with the use of his perception that there can be huge
gap into the market where people are lacking behind and they are not able to see each other
give opinions about their daily livings he somehow perceive that people can be brought up
into a plate foam where they can share their daily life things so this perception power give
him spiral of experience and which ended up make him the leader of social media into the
world market.
We can another local experience from the Pakistani market is of Mr. Sunny Ali who is
successful entrepreneur and founder of extreme commerce from which about five lac plus,
students are learning their freelancing skills, Mr., Sunny Ali in his one of interviews told that
he somehow with his perception find out the gap that Pakistani students were facing so he at
his own brought up the idea of extreme commerce and he by using his spiral of experience
give the solution to Pakistani students to earn online and make online business the most
So from the above examples we can say that perception is the key in order to gain the

Q.3) Do you believe that building effective relationships with superiors is important for your
career growth? Why? Why not? Comment.


Building effective relationships with the superiors is effective and most important if it is for
the sake of learning gaining feedbacks and eventually personal growth which can make us
leaders of tomorrow with the experiences of superiors not for the short term gains which will
eventually harm you at long run. Let say for example is a worker who is gaining from the
experiences of their bosses and making the notes and eventually making him effective for his
career growth which will be useful.

On the other hand relationships are key in order to be successful if you are hardworking and
making yourself available for effective relations with the boss you reporting on daily this will
be good for your morale and eventually your productivity will be increased the boss will start
showing confidence at you and he start acknowledging your work since you will be gaining
the attention and this will help you to boost your career.

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Another view of the having effective relationships with the superiors can be useful in a sense
that whenever the meeting is happening you can with effective relationships can take the
important projects which you with low relationship would not have gained and this way you
can take the work of your choice and work which can make you successful into the
organization and effective relationship will help you to take easy assistance in complex work
which will be beneficial for your career growth.

So in last we can say yes it is important building effective relationship with superiors is
important for your career growth in an effective way.

Q4:- The first phase in the development planning process is to conduct a GAPS (goals,
abilities, perceptions, standards) analysis. Explain with an example from an industry/ sector/
company of your choice.


Into the industry of banking, in a sector of retail bank in a particular bank let say Meezan
Bank which is 1st and largest Islamic bank of Pakistan. Into the development process.

So planning of development process we can see how meezan bank is coming up with
strategies. We can do their GAPS analysis like me being stakeholder of Meezan bank have
insight regarding the goals which they usually set and with the abilities witch they have can
better make the GAPS analysis of Meezan bank.


Meezan bank being the largest Islamic bank and 5th largest bank in terms of deposit wise in
year 2021 3rd quarter they have set the goal of becoming the 4th largest bank in Pakistan their
president have firm believe in their team that they will achieve the respective target which
they have set for the year 2021. Their group head Mr. Aijaz Farooque being in connection
with the subordinates which are working under him and reporting him he make them believe
that we can with the short span of time into the banking industry can beat the giants and be
4th into the market.


Meezan bank having the major chunk of urban population and amazing reward system into
the industry have come up with the goal of becoming the 4th in short span of time and the
abilities which they can make them achieve their target which they have set. Amazing leaders
they have will make the personnel’s believe in themselves and make them achieve the
unthinkable in respect of their competitors.

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Having strong perception and business friendly bank with the free services of online and
faster moving of funds to other cities Meezan bank has become the bank of people choice
apart from religious sentiment Meezan bank has perception of business community favorite
bank make them believe them to the market standing at 4th in short period of time can be an
achievable target. And this can make themselves be the customer’s choice and after that they
can rightly demand after having strong perception ample amount of deposit from the
consumers which eventually will give them after fully stratifications of their end users.


By setting the standards of being the customer’s choice of bank and setting the goals of
making the Islamic bank as the banking of first choice Meezan bank have make their
employees trained in a way that fairness standard in reflected from them which eventually
make the end user fully satisfied with their services. By having the strong leaders who can
really turn the tables and make their employees achieve the unthinkable meezan bank really
have been so effective in being the most responsive bank into the industry.

In last we can say that meezan bank with the effective gaps analysis have make their major
chunk in to the market and eventually has make a room for Islamic banking for the new
banks to come and make the old banks open the windows of Islamic bank that make the
success noticeable.

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