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Republic of the Philippines

Mabini, Batangas
High School Department

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Subject: English


Duration: 40 minutes


I. Objectives
for him/her to play an active part in a Chamber Theatre presentation.


The learner proficiently plays an active part in a Chamber Theatre

presentation through employing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies
based on the following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery, Facial Expressions,
Style ,and Body Movements or Gestures.

Identify the distinguishing features of notable Anglo-American sonnets.

Compose forms of literary writing.

a. Identify modals of verb in expressing different functions

b. Construct sentences using modal verbs following it’s function, and
c. Cite the importance of using these modal verbs in everyday living,especially
in written and spoken communication of idea

TOPIC: Modals of Verb


Power point Presentation, Microsoft Excel, Instructional materials.

English 9, Learner’s Materials page 126-128

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities
Good morning, ma’am
Good morning class

1. Prayer

Class, before we start the lesson,

kindly stand and let us pray. (The teacher will lead the prayer.)

2. Greetings
Once again, Good Morning!
Before you take your seats,
please arrange your chairs and Good morning, Ma’am!
pick up the litters under it.

3. Checking of Attendance
(Students will open their camera and
(Checking of Attendance) prepare themselves to listen.)
How are you? Is anyone missing
from today's class?

Okay, Thank You!

4. Recalling the previous

What did we talk about during our No one is absent Ma’am
previous meeting? Who can
provide a recap?

Excellent! Do you have any


If so, let’s proceed to our next (The students will raise their hands.)
topic. (Someone will do the recap)

Learning Episodes


Let the students watch and listen to

the lyrics of the song “Corona Virus
Alert”  by Bobi Wine & Nubian Li. 

1. Did you like the song?

2. What did you feel after
you watched and
listened to the song?
Why did  you feel that
3. What is the message of
the song? Yes, Ma’am!
Class this is Jose. He belongs to the
poorest family in town. And he
decided to already quit studying
because of poverty.Supposed Jose is
your Classmate what advice’s will you
give him?

Now what are common words you all

used in your advice’s?

Very good. Are you familiar with these

words ? How they are called?
Yes, They are modals. Based on our
examples,how do you define modals?

Great! Now, let’s see if your definitions

is same as mine.
(Reading of objectives)


Modal verbs

An auxiliary verb also known as

helping verb that is used to express
condition like permission,
obligation,possibility,and prohibition.

Functions of modal verb


‘Can’, ‘could’ and ‘may’ These verbs

are to give or ask for permission.

1. “Shayna, can you please pass me

that book?
2. “Could you please help me tidy
my desk?”
3. “May I leave the room?”


Those that primarily express a firm

obligation or necessity - must, should,
and ought to

1. He must be over eighty, he was

born in 1930.
2. “I think you should join the
basketball team.”
3. “You ought not to interrupt your
teacher when she is speaking.”

‘Can’t’ and ‘mustn’t’ You can use
modal verbs to give orders, or set
rules or boundaries.

1. “You can’t leave your books on

the floor.”
2. “You mustn’t forget to provide
sources for your research.”


Indicate a promise or certainly will

happen- will and shall.

1. You will get hurt.

2. Members of the school board shall
be elected annually


Now that we are done with the

discussion. Let’s play an interactive

Class I want you to get a piece of

paper and write any problem you have
that you would like an advice. Do not
put your name to make it Student’s may vary in answer.
anonymous.Then I will collect and put
it in a box, you will all one by one get
and give an advice using modals of

Very Good! Thank you for your all

great advice.


Now that we are done discussing the

modals of verb which is define as an
auxiliary verb also known as helping
verb that is used to express condition
like permission, obligation,possibility
and prohibition as their functions.
Then the 10 common modals Can,
May, Will, Shall, Ought to, Could,
Might, Would, Should, and Must . None, Ma’am!
Using them in the sentence. Are we
clear on topic ? Do you have any
question class?

At this lets us check whether you fully
understand our lesson.

Group Activity

Group 1- you will make a slogan

eradicating corruption using modals

Group 2-you will compose a song

using modals.

Group 3- you will act a scene.

Group 4-you will act as if you are in

pageant. The candidates will answer
the questions about corruption using

Before we start , please listen to our

rubrics. None, Ma’am!

Any question class? Clarifications?

Yes, Ma’am!
Okay. You have 5 minutes to prepare
your presentation. Take note that the
presentation will not exceed to 2-3
minutes. Are we set?

(After 5 minutes)
The slogan is very informative and
Let’s call in Group 1. What can you
say about their presentation , Group
The song is entertaining. They have a
good harmony.
Okay. Thank you lets call in Group 2 .
Thank you Group 2 .What can you say
about their presentation , Group 3?
The performance is amazing.The
gestures and expression are so real.
Thank you. Now it’s your time to
perform now Group 3. What can you
say about their presentation , Group
The performance is entertaining and
informative .
Thank you for the comment Group2.
Now, last but not the least Group 4.
Thank you Group 4.What can you say
about their presentation , Group 1?

Excellent class,give a big round of a

applause for everyone. Again when do
we use modals of verb?

Very good everyone !


Choose among the choices the

correct modal that is appropriate in the
sentence. Write your answer in a ¼
sheet of paper.
1. She looks pretty sick. I think she
_____ go to the doctor. (can,
should) Must
2. You’ve been driving all day. You
_____ be exhausted! (should,
must) Can
3. Hey I’m lost! _____ you help me?
(should, can) Could
4. I _____ do that if I were you!
(could, should) Shall
5. ______ we send the package by
mail or by express? (Will, Shall)

A. Paraphrase the sentences using

appropriate modal. Write your answer
at the back of the paper.
Example: It is possible that he comes
with us tonight. (He might come with
us tonight.)
It will rain tomorrow.
1. There is a 100% chance of rain
They can travel to Boracay Beach for
2. It is possible for them to travel to the holidays.
Boracay Beach for the holidays.
Would you drive carefully tonight?
3. Please drive carefully tonight, ok?
We might not get a loan from the
4. It is very unlikely that we get a bank.
loan from the bank, but it’s
Sarah may lend Simon some money.
5. Perhaps Sarah lends Simon some

Very Good! It seems like you

understood our topic for today
and because of that here is
your Assignment.


Directions: Conduct an interview to

someone who is in the public service.
Use modal verbs throughout your
conversation. Record your interview.
You will be graded based on the
prepared criteria .


Content 20
Grammar 10

Sample Guide Question

1. What should be the qualities of a

public servant?

2. What are the programs that a

public servant must implement for
the welfare of the students.

3. What can you advice to all

students who are going on a

4. What are the challenges that

might stop you from continuing
your service?

Prepared by

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