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[Company Name: Student Traning Program ]

[Unskill Graduate into Skill Graduate]

Business Plan
[Date Submitted]

Group Member & Detail

[Hassan Muawia Af21ATK0012]
[Javeria Aman AF21ATK0009]
Who We Are:

We are students of Riphah International College Attock, enrolled in the third semester of the
ADP-CS program in the Department of Computer Science. Our names are Hassan Hassan
Muawia and Javeria Aman, and we have created this report as part of our semester project.

Our academic background and coursework have equipped us with the necessary knowledge and
skills to develop this online training course aimed at helping unskilled graduate students acquire
the necessary skills and knowledge to become skilled graduates. Through our coursework, we
have gained a practical understanding of various programming languages, database management,
and web development.

As aspiring computer scientists, we are passionate about using our skills to make a positive
impact in our community. We believe that our online training course will help bridge the skills
gap between unskilled graduate students and the job market, improving their employability and
increasing their earning potential.

We are dedicated to the success of this project and committed to providing the best possible
learning experience for our students. Our passion for technology and education, combined with
our academic background, makes us well-suited to undertake this project and bring it to fruition.
Table Content

1. Executive Summary ..............................................................................................4

2. Introduction: ......................................................................................................... 4
3. Problem and Scope: ..............................................................................................6
4. Vision: .................................................................................................................... 6
5. Mission: ..................................................................................................................6
6. Benefits: ................................................................................................................. 6
7. Success Criteria: ................................................................................................... 6
8. Objectives: ............................................................................................................. 7
9. Course Design: ...................................................................................................... 8
Training Program Design: .......................................................................................8
10. Delivery Method: .............................................................................................. 22
11. Business Structure & Ownership ................................................................... 23
12. Business Model: ................................................................................................ 23
13. Marketing Analysis: ......................................................................................... 24
14. SWOT Analysis: ............................................................................................... 26
15. Competition: ......................................................................................................28
16. Recommendations: ........................................................................................... 29
17. Challenges: ........................................................................................................ 32
18. Operational Plan ...............................................................................................33
19. Organizational Structure .................................................................................35
20. Plan of Action ....................................................................................................36
21. Financial Plan : ................................................................................................. 37
1. Executive Summary
The online training course presented in this business report offers a solution to the growing
problem of unskilled graduate students struggling to secure employment due to lack of skills and
knowledge required in their chosen careers. The course will be designed to be flexible and
accessible, enabling students to complete it at their own pace and convenience. With the
objective of bridging the skills gap between unskilled graduate students and the job market, the
course aims to enhance their employability and increase their earning potential.

To ensure the success of the online training course, this report delves into its comprehensive
course design, business structure and ownership, marketing analysis, competition, key staff,
operational plan, and financial plan. The course is designed to meet the needs of employers who
require skilled workers, providing graduates with the practical understanding of business
practices and teaching them how to apply their skills in real-world settings. The business
structure and ownership of the course ensure that it is sustainable and scalable in the long term.

The marketing analysis and competition section of this report provides insight into the target
audience and competition. The online training course will be marketed to unskilled graduate
students, and the competition analysis reveals that there is a demand for this type of course. Key
staff members will be carefully selected to ensure the success of the program, and the operational
plan details the steps necessary to implement and manage the course. The financial plan outlines
the estimated costs and revenue projections for the program and highlights the potential for
significant returns on investment. Overall, this business report presents a compelling business
idea that addresses a pressing need in the current job market.

2. Introduction:
The job market is increasingly competitive, and unskilled graduate students are finding it
challenging to secure employment. These students often lack the necessary skills and knowledge
required to succeed in their chosen careers. The objective of this business report is to provide a

vision for an online training course that aims to help unskilled graduate students acquire the
necessary skills and knowledge to become skilled graduates.
The proposed online training course is designed to be flexible and accessible, allowing students
to complete it at their own pace and convenience. With the objective of bridging the skills gap
between unskilled graduate students and the job market, the course aims to enhance their
employability and increase their earning potential. This report delves into the course design,
business structure and ownership, marketing analysis, competition, key staff, operational plan,
and financial plan to ensure the success of the program.

3. Problem and Scope:
The job market is becoming increasingly competitive, and unskilled graduate students are
finding it difficult to secure employment. These students often lack the necessary skills and
knowledge required to succeed in their chosen careers. The scope of this report is to provide a
vision for an online training course that aims to converge unskilled graduate students into skilled

4. Vision:
The vision for this online training course is to provide unskilled graduate students with the
necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their chosen careers. The course will be designed to
be flexible and accessible, allowing students to complete the course at their own pace and on
their own schedule.

5. Mission:
The mission of this online training course is to bridge the skills gap between unskilled graduate
students and the job market. The course will provide students with the skills and knowledge they
need to succeed in their chosen careers and improve their employability.

6. Benefits:
The benefits of this online training course include improved employability, increased earning
potential, and the acquisition of skills that are in high demand in the job market. The course will
also be designed to be affordable and accessible, providing students with a flexible and
convenient way to acquire the skills they need to succeed.

7. Success Criteria:

The success of this online training course will be measured by the number of students who
complete the course and go on to secure employment in their chosen careers. The course will be
designed to provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed, and therefore,
the success of the course will be reflected in the success of the students.

8. Objectives:

The objectives of this training program are as follows:

To provide graduates with the skills necessary to be competitive in the job market.

To meet the needs of employers who require skilled workers.

To provide graduates with a practical understanding of business practices.

To teach graduates how to apply their skills in a real-world setting.


The training program will be delivered through a combination of lectures, workshops, and hands-
on training. The program will be designed to be accessible to all graduates, regardless of their
educational background. The program will also be designed to be affordable, so that graduates
can access the training they need without incurring a significant financial burden.

Scope of Work:

The scope of work for this online training course includes the development and delivery of high-
quality content that is relevant to the needs of unskilled graduate students. The course will be
delivered through a user-friendly online platform that includes video lectures, interactive quizzes,
and practical exercises. The course will cover a range of topics, including industry-specific skills,
soft skills, and general employability skills.

Terms and Conditions:

The terms and conditions for this online training course will be designed to ensure that students
receive a high-quality learning experience that is both affordable and accessible. Students will be
required to complete all modules and assignments in order to receive a certificate of completion.
The course will be subject to regular evaluation and improvement to ensure that it remains
relevant and up-to-date.

9. Course Design:
The online training course will be designed to provide students with the necessary skills and
knowledge to succeed in their chosen careers. The course will be divided into modules, each
focusing on a specific set of skills that are in high demand in the job market. The modules will be
designed to be self-paced, allowing students to complete the course at their own pace.

The course will be delivered through a user-friendly online platform that will include video
lectures, interactive quizzes, and practical exercises. The platform will also provide students with
access to a community of learners and mentors who will provide support and guidance
throughout the course.

The course will cover a range of skills, including communication, problem-solving, critical
thinking, and digital literacy. These skills are in high demand in the job market, and students
who acquire these skills will be better equipped to succeed in their chosen careers.

Training Program Design:

The training program will consist of three phases:

Phase 1: Basic Business Skills

Phase 2: Intermediate Business Skills

Phase 3: Advanced Business Skills

Each phase will consist of a series of lectures, workshops, and hands-on training sessions. The
program will be designed to be completed in six months.

Course Offers:

1. Data Science. ...

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. ...

3. Photo/Video Editing....

4. Business Intelligence. ...

5. Cloud Computing. ...

6. Project Management. ...

7. Software Development. ...

8. Full-stack development…

9. Cybersecurity

10. Digital Marketing

11. Blockchain

1.Data Science

Data Wrangling and Cleaning: This phase involves collecting and cleaning data for analysis. It
includes identifying missing or inconsistent data, dealing with outliers, and transforming data
into a format suitable for analysis.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): This phase involves exploring and understanding the data
to gain insights and identify patterns. It includes the use of statistical methods, visualization
techniques, and data mining to uncover relationships and trends in the data.

Modeling and Predictive Analysis: This phase involves using machine learning algorithms and
statistical models to build predictive models and make data-driven decisions. It includes
selecting appropriate models, training and testing them on the data, and evaluating their
performance. This phase also involves communicating the results and insights obtained from the
analysis to stakeholders.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to data Beginner $60
6 weeks Data Analysis with Intermediate $90
8 weeks Machine Learning Advanced $1200
12 weeks Data Science with R Advanced $150
16 weeks Deep Learning Advanced $170
24 weeks Gig data Analytics Advanced $230
36 weeks Data Science Capstone Advanced $350

2.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Data Preprocessing: This phase involves collecting, cleaning, and preprocessing the data before
feeding it to the machine learning models. This includes handling missing data, dealing with
outliers, scaling and normalizing the data, and selecting the most relevant features for the model.

Model Training and Evaluation: This phase involves selecting appropriate machine learning
algorithms and models, training them on the data, and evaluating their performance. It includes
techniques such as cross-validation, hyperparameter tuning, and regularization to optimize the
model's performance and prevent overfitting.

Deployment and Maintenance: This phase involves deploying the trained model into
production and monitoring its performance over time. It includes techniques such as A/B testing,
model versioning, and model retraining to ensure the model stays relevant and accurate in real-
world scenarios. This phase also involves staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the
field to improve the model's performance and adapt to changing business needs.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Beginner $60
Machine Learning
6 weeks Data Analysis with Intermediate $90
8 weeks Machine Learning Advanced $120
12 weeks Artificial Intelligence Advanced $150
16 weeks Deep Learning Advanced $170
24 weeks Natural Language Advanced $230

36 weeks Machine Learning Advanced $350
Capstone Project

3.Photo/Video Editing

Importing and Organizing Media: This phase involves importing photos and videos into the
editing software, organizing them into folders, and creating a project file to keep everything

Editing and Post-Processing: This phase involves editing the photos and videos using various
tools and techniques, such as color correction, cropping, resizing, and adding special effects or
filters. This phase also includes audio editing, adding background music or voice-overs, and
synchronizing audio with video.

Exporting and Delivery: This phase involves exporting the edited photos and videos into a
suitable format for delivery, such as JPEG or MP4, and ensuring they are optimized for the
intended platform, such as social media or web. This phase also includes adding metadata, such
as titles and descriptions, and delivering the final product to the client or audience.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Photo Editing Beginner $99
6 weeks Intermediate Photo Editing Intermediate $149

8 weeks Advanced Photo Editing Advanced $299

12 weeks Introduction to Video Editing Beginner $499

16 weeks Intermediate Video Editing Intermediate $599

24 weeks Advanced Video Editing Advanced $799

36 weeks Graphic&Design Fundamentals Advanced $999

4. Business Intelligence

Data Gathering and Integration: This phase involves collecting data from various sources,
such as databases, spreadsheets, and external APIs, and integrating them into a data warehouse
or data lake. This includes ensuring the quality and consistency of the data and transforming it
into a format suitable for analysis.

Data Analysis and Reporting: This phase involves analyzing the data using various business
intelligence tools and techniques, such as data visualization, dashboards, and key performance
indicators (KPIs). It includes creating reports and presentations to communicate the insights and
trends in the data to stakeholders, such as managers and executives.

Business Decision Making: This phase involves using the insights and trends obtained from the
data analysis to make informed business decisions. It includes developing strategies and plans
based on the data, implementing changes and improvements, and monitoring the performance
and impact of these changes over time. This phase also involves collaborating with various
departments and stakeholders to ensure alignment and achieve common goals.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Business Intelligence Beginner $99

6 weeks Data Analysis with SQL Intermediate $149

8 weeks Data Visualization and Dashboarding Advanced $299

12 weeks Business Intelligence Tools and Techniques Advanced $499

16 weeks Big Data Analytics Advanced $599

24 weeks Machine Learning for Business Intelligence Advanced $799

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

36 weeks Business Intelligence Capstone Project Advanced $999

5. Cloud Computing

Cloud Infrastructure and Deployment: This phase involves learning the basics of cloud
computing and its infrastructure, such as virtualization, containers, and serverless computing. It
also involves deploying applications and services to the cloud using platforms such as Amazon
Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Cloud Service Management: This phase involves learning how to manage cloud services, such
as virtual machines, databases, and storage, using tools and services provided by cloud providers.
It also includes monitoring and optimizing the performance, scalability, and security of the cloud

Cloud Security and Governance: This phase involves learning about cloud security best
practices, compliance regulations, and governance frameworks. It includes securing cloud
services and data using encryption, access control, and monitoring. It also includes ensuring
compliance with regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and managing costs and budgets related
to cloud services.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Cloud Computing Beginner $99

6 weeks Cloud Infrastructure Fundamentals Intermediate $149

8 weeks Cloud Services and Deployment Models Advanced $299

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

12 weeks Cloud Architecture and Design Advanced $499

16 weeks Cloud Security and Compliance Advanced $599

24 weeks Cloud Computing with AWS Advanced $799

36 weeks Cloud Computing Capstone Project Advanced $999

6.Project Management

Project Planning: This phase involves defining the project objectives, scope, and requirements,
and creating a detailed project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, and resources required to
complete the project. It includes creating a work breakdown structure, identifying risks and
constraints, and obtaining stakeholder buy-in.

Project Execution and Monitoring: This phase involves executing the project plan, monitoring
progress, and making adjustments as necessary to ensure that the project stays on track. It
includes managing the project team, communicating with stakeholders, and tracking project
expenses and timelines.

Project Closure and Evaluation: This phase involves closing out the project, documenting the
lessons learned, and evaluating the project's success. It includes conducting a post-project review
to identify areas for improvement, celebrating the project's successes, and ensuring that all
project deliverables have been completed and accepted by the stakeholders. This phase also
includes archiving project documentation for future reference.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Project Management Beginner $99

6 weeks Project Planning and Scheduling Intermediate $149

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

8 weeks Project Budgeting and Cost Management Advanced $299

12 weeks Agile Project Management Advanced $499

16 weeks Risk Management and Quality Control Advanced $599

24 weeks Advanced Project Management Advanced $799

36 weeks Project Management Capstone Project Advanced $999

7.Software Development

Software Design and Planning: This phase involves defining the requirements of the software
and creating a design that meets those requirements. It includes creating a software architecture,
designing user interfaces, and selecting appropriate development tools and frameworks. This
phase also involves creating a project plan, estimating timelines, and identifying risks and

Software Development and Testing: This phase involves writing the code, testing it, and
debugging any errors or issues that arise. It includes following coding best practices, such as
version control, code reviews, and automated testing. This phase also includes ensuring that the
software is functional, reliable, and meets the requirements defined in the design phase.

Software Deployment and Maintenance: This phase involves deploying the software to the
production environment, ensuring that it is secure and scalable, and maintaining it over time. It
includes monitoring the performance of the software, identifying and fixing any issues that arise,
and updating the software to meet changing requirements. This phase also involves working with
users to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement.

8.Full-stack development

Front-end Development: This phase involves learning front-end technologies such as HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript, and creating user interfaces that are visually appealing and responsive. It
includes learning front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, and using them to
create interactive web applications.

Back-end Development: This phase involves learning server-side technologies such as Node.js,
Python, or Ruby on Rails, and creating APIs and web services that handle data processing,
storage, and retrieval. It includes working with databases such as MySQL, MongoDB, or
PostgreSQL, and using them to store and manipulate data.

Full-stack Development: This phase involves integrating front-end and back-end technologies
to create a fully functional web application. It includes using tools such as Git and GitHub for
version control, testing and debugging the application, and deploying it to a hosting service such
as AWS, Heroku, or Netlify. It also involves learning about software development
methodologies such as Agile or Scrum, and working collaboratively in a team environment to
deliver high-quality software.

Course Course Course

Duration Course Name Type Price

4 weeks Introduction to Programming Beginner $99

6 weeks Object-Oriented Programming with Java Intermediate $149

8 weeks Web Development Fundamentals Advanced $299

12 weeks Full-Stack Web Development with React Advanced $499

16 weeks Mobile App Development with React Advanced $599


24 weeks DevOps Fundamentals Advanced $799

36 weeks Software Development Capstone Project Advanced $999


Cybersecurity Fundamentals: This phase involves learning the fundamentals of cybersecurity,

such as the different types of threats and attacks, and the basic concepts of network security and
encryption. It also includes understanding the legal and regulatory aspects of cybersecurity, as
well as the ethical considerations and best practices for cybersecurity professionals.

Cybersecurity Implementation: This phase involves learning how to implement cybersecurity

measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls, to protect networks
and systems from unauthorized access, theft, and damage. It also includes learning how to
perform vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address security

Cybersecurity Management and Governance: This phase involves learning how to manage
cybersecurity risks and develop effective cybersecurity policies and procedures. It includes
understanding the role of cybersecurity in organizational risk management, developing incident
response plans, and conducting regular security audits and assessments. It also involves
understanding the importance of cybersecurity awareness and training for all employees, and
building a culture of security within the organization.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Cybersecurity Beginner $99

6 weeks Network Security Fundamentals Intermediate $149

8 weeks Cybersecurity Risk Management Advanced $299

12 weeks Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Advanced $499

16 weeks Digital Forensics and Incident Response Advanced $599

24 weeks Cybersecurity for Cloud Computing Advanced $799

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

36 weeks Cybersecurity Capstone Project Advanced $999

10.Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Strategy: This phase involves learning the basics of digital marketing and
developing a strategy that aligns with business objectives. It includes conducting market research,
identifying target audiences, and creating buyer personas. It also involves setting goals and KPIs,
selecting the right digital channels, and creating a content marketing plan.

Digital Marketing Tactics: This phase involves learning the tactics of digital marketing, such as
search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, social
media marketing, and mobile marketing. It includes creating and implementing campaigns,
analyzing results, and making adjustments to improve performance.

Digital Marketing Analytics: This phase involves learning how to measure and analyze the
effectiveness of digital marketing campaigns using tools such as Google Analytics, Adobe
Analytics, or other analytics software. It includes understanding metrics such as website traffic,
conversion rates, bounce rates, and ROI. It also involves using data to optimize campaigns,
identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Digital Marketing Beginner $99

6 weeks Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Intermediate $149

8 weeks Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Advanced $299

12 weeks Social Media Marketing Advanced $499

16 weeks Email Marketing and Automation Advanced $599

24 weeks Content Marketing Strategy Advanced $799

36 weeks Digital Marketing Capstone Project Advanced $999


Blockchain Fundamentals: This phase involves learning the basics of blockchain technology,
including its history, underlying concepts, and how it works. It includes understanding the
principles of cryptography, consensus mechanisms, and distributed ledger technology. It also
involves learning about the different types of blockchains, such as public, private, and
consortium blockchains.

Blockchain Development: This phase involves learning how to develop blockchain applications
using programming languages such as Solidity, Java, or Python. It includes creating smart
contracts, developing decentralized applications (dApps), and using blockchain development
platforms such as Ethereum, Hyperledger, or Corda. It also involves understanding blockchain
development frameworks such as Truffle, Web3.js, or Ganache.

Blockchain Implementation and Management: This phase involves learning how to

implement and manage blockchain solutions in real-world scenarios. It includes understanding
the regulatory and legal aspects of blockchain, implementing blockchain solutions for specific
use cases, and integrating blockchain solutions with existing enterprise systems. It also involves
learning about blockchain governance models, managing blockchain networks, and addressing
scalability and security challenges.

Course Duration Course Name Course Type Course Price

4 weeks Introduction to Blockchain Beginner $99

6 weeks Cryptography and Consensus Algorithms Intermediate $149

8 weeks Smart Contracts and DApps Advanced $299

12 weeks Blockchain Security and Privacy Advanced $499

16 weeks Blockchain Applications and Use Cases Advanced $599

24 weeks Blockchain with Ethereum Advanced $799

36 weeks Blockchain Capstone Project Advanced $999

10. Delivery Method:
The training program will be delivered through a combination of online and in-person classes.
The online classes will be delivered through a learning management system, which will allow
graduates to access the training from anywhere in the world. The in-person classes will be held at
a designated training facility.


The team responsible for the development and delivery of this online training course will be
comprised of experienced instructional designers, subject matter experts, and technical support
staff. The team will work collaboratively to ensure that the course content is relevant, engaging,
and effective.


In conclusion, the proposed online training course has the potential to make a significant impact
on the lives of unskilled graduate students by providing them with the skills and knowledge they
need to succeed in their chosen careers. By leveraging technology, innovation, and best practices
in instructional design, this course has the potential to revolutionize the way that graduate
education is delivered and accessed, providing a more practical and affordable pathway to career
success. The success of this course will be measured by the number of students who complete
the course and go on to secure employment in their chosen careers.

11. Business Structure & Ownership
This section is the core of the training program, as it covers the essential knowledge and skills
related to business structure and ownership. It starts with defining business structure and
explaining its importance. It then covers the different types of business structures and the pros
and cons of each. The section also includes an explanation of business ownership, specifically
focusing on sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. The final topic in this section is
how to choose the right business structure and ownership.

12. Business Model:

Our business model involves a three-step process that focuses on skill development, hands-on
training, and networking.

Step 1: Skill Development

We will identify in-demand skills in the job market and develop training programs to help
students acquire these skills. The training programs will be designed in collaboration with
industry professionals to ensure that the skills taught are relevant and up-to-date. The training
will include both theoretical and practical components to give students a comprehensive
understanding of the skills.

Step 2: Hands-on Training

Students will be given the opportunity to apply their newly acquired skills in simulated work
environments. This hands-on training will enable students to develop problem-solving and
critical thinking skills while gaining practical experience.

Step 3: Networking

We will create a network of industry professionals who can mentor and guide students towards
successful careers. This network will provide students with the opportunity to connect with
professionals in their field, learn about industry trends and best practices, and gain insights into
career opportunities.

Revenue Streams:

Our revenue streams will come from tuition fees charged for the training programs, corporate
sponsorship, and fees charged to companies who want to recruit our graduates.

13. Marketing Analysis:

Before launching the online training course for unskilled graduate students, it is essential to
conduct a thorough marketing analysis to determine the target market, competition, and market
trends. The following are the key components of the marketing analysis:

Target Market:

The target market for this online training course is unskilled graduate students who are looking
to improve their employability. These students may have graduated with a degree in a field that
does not directly translate into a job, or they may have struggled to find employment after
graduation. The course will be designed to help these students acquire the skills needed to enter
the job market and succeed in their chosen careers.

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, the demand for skilled labor is rapidly
increasing, and by 2025, more than half of all employees will require significant re-skilling and
up-skilling. This highlights the need for online training courses that can provide students with the
necessary skills to succeed in the job market.

Market Size:
The market size for converging unskilled graduate students into skilled graduates in business is
substantial. In recent years, there has been a growing demand for skilled graduates in business.
This demand is driven by the increasing complexity of business operations and the need for
businesses to stay competitive in the global market. According to the National Center for
Education Statistics, there were approximately 1.8 million graduate students enrolled in business
programs in the United States alone in 2021. This number is expected to increase in the coming
years, as businesses continue to require highly skilled graduates to fill their leadership roles.
Before we dive into the details of the plan, it's important to understand the market size for skilled
graduates in the business sector in Pakistan. According to a report published by the Pakistan

Bureau of Statistics, the services sector, which includes business services, accounts for 60.2% of
Pakistan's gross domestic product (GDP). Additionally, the World Bank reports that the ease of
doing business in Pakistan has improved significantly in recent years, ranking Pakistan 108th out
of 190 countries in 2020.
The following table provides an overview of the market size for skilled graduates in the business
sector in Pakistan:

Year GDP (in billions Services sector as % Ease of doing business

of PKR) of GDP ranking

2019 39,837 60.2% 136

2020 44,531 60.2% 108

2021 50,209 60.2% 105

Market Segmentation
Market segmentation is a process of dividing a market into smaller segments based on various
characteristics such as age, gender, income, education, etc. By doing so, companies can create
targeted marketing strategies to meet the specific needs of each segment. Market segmentation
can also be useful in identifying potential areas where skill development can be focused.

Market Segmentation in Pakistan:

In Pakistan, the market segmentation can be divided into four main segments based on
demographics, psychographics, behavioral, and geographic factors. The table below provides an
overview of each segment:

Demographic Behavioral
- Age - Behavior
- Gender - Loyalty
- Income - Benefits

Psychographic Geographic
- Personality - Location
- Attitudes - Climate
- Values - Culture
-Lifestyle -Language

14. SWOT Analysis:

 The program could attract a large and diverse group of individuals, increasing its reach and
 The program could provide individuals with valuable skills that would make them more
attractive to potential employers.
 The program could have a positive impact on the economy by providing businesses with
skilled individuals.
 The program may require significant resources, including funding and personnel, to be
 The program may face competition from other programs and initiatives aimed at improving
business skills among recent graduates.
 The program could partner with businesses and organizations to provide real-world
experience and connections for its graduates.

 The program could expand to offer additional courses and certifications, increasing its value
and appeal to potential students.
 The program could leverage digital technology to reach a wider audience and provide more
flexible learning options.

 The program may face challenges in attracting and retaining students if the economy
experiences a downturn or if the job market becomes more competitive.
 The program may face legal and regulatory hurdles, such as accreditation and licensing
requirements, that could limit its impact and viability.
 The program may face criticism or skepticism from some individuals or organizations who
do not see the value of such initiatives.

Strengths Opportunities
- Experienced faculty with industry knowledge - Limited course offerings and lack of
- Quality infrastructure and resources flexibility
- Affordable fees and financial aid options - Limited partnerships with industry for
- High demand for business education in practical training
Pakistan - Limited recognition compared to established
-Strong alumni network and career support institutions
services -Lack of marketing and promotion
-Limited access to technology and online
learning resources

Weaknesses Threats
-Expansion to other cities and regions in -Competition from established institutions
Pakistan - Competition from established institutions
-Partnerships with industry for practical - Lack of funding and financial resources
training -Change in government policies affecting

-Offering more flexible and diverse course education and employment
-Use of technology to provide online learning

15. Competition:
The competition in Pakistan's market for skill development of unskilled graduate students is
significant. Several organizations offer programs in business education, including universities,
vocational training centers, and online courses. The market is highly fragmented, with many
small players competing for market share. However, there are some dominant players, including
the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Lahore University of Management Sciences
(LUMS), and National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST).

Competitive Analysis
To analyze the competitive landscape of skill development programs in business, a SWOT
analysis was conducted on the top players in the market. The results are presented in the table

Institution Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat

IBA Established Limited course Expansion to Competition

reputation, offerings and other cities, from other
quality faculty lack of flexibility partnerships with established
and infrastructure industry institutions,
difficulty in
quality standards

LUMS High-quality High tuition fees, Partnerships with Difficulty in

curriculum, limited industry, maintaining
renowned scholarships, and expansion to quality standards,
faculty, and financial aid other areas competition from
strong brand other established
image institutions

NUST Government Limited brand Partnerships with Difficulty in

backing, recognition and industry, maintaining
affordable fees, reputation expansion to quality standards,
and strong compared to other areas competition from
curriculum others other established

Virtual Affordable and Limited Expansion to Limited

University flexible online networking other areas, recognition and
courses opportunities and partnerships with brand image
lack of practical industry compared to
training traditional

Punjab Large network of Limited course Expansion to Limited

Vocational training centers, offerings, lack of other areas, recognition and
Training Council affordable fees quality partnerships with brand image
(PVTC) infrastructure industry compared to

16. Recommendations:
Based on the competitive analysis, the following recommendations can be made to improve the
programs offered by institutions in Pakistan:

1. Increase flexibility and diversity in course offerings to cater to the varied needs of students.
2. Establish partnerships with industry to provide practical training and networking
opportunities for students.
3. Offer more scholarships and financial aid to make education more accessible.
4. Enhance the quality of infrastructure and faculty to maintain high standards of education.
5. Expand to other areas to increase access to education.

Market Trends:

To ensure the long-term success of the online training course, it is essential to stay abreast of the
latest market trends and developments. This includes analyzing industry trends, emerging
technologies, and changing customer preferences. By staying ahead of the curve, the course can
be adapted and improved to meet the evolving needs of the target market.

Marketing Plan:
Based on the market analysis, SWOT analysis, and competitive analysis, the following
recommendations can be made for organizations to improve their marketing strategy and attract
more students:

 Develop a strong brand image and reputation through effective marketing and promotion
 Offer flexible course options that cater to the varied needs of students.
 Establish partnerships with industry to provide practical training and networking
opportunities for students.
 Use technology to provide online learning options and access to learning resources.
 Offer scholarships and financial aid to make education more accessible to students from
diverse backgrounds.
 Provide career support services to students and establish a strong alumni network.

Marketing Strategy:
Based on the findings of the marketing analysis, a comprehensive marketing strategy will be
developed to promote the online training course to the target market. The marketing strategy will
include the following components:

Branding: Developing a strong brand identity that resonates with the target market and
communicates the value proposition of the course.

Online Advertising: Utilizing various online advertising channels, such as Google Ads and
social media advertising, to promote the course to the target market.

Content Marketing: Creating high-quality content, such as blog posts and video tutorials, that
provides value to the target market and promotes the course.

Influencer Marketing: Partnering with influencers and thought leaders in the industry to
promote the course to their followers.

Referral Marketing: Encouraging existing students to refer their friends and colleagues to the
course through a referral program.

Email Marketing: Utilizing email marketing to nurture leads and keep students engaged
throughout the course.

Revenue Model:

The revenue model for the online training course will be based on a subscription model, where
students pay a monthly or annual fee to access the course content. The pricing will be
competitive and affordable for students while generating sufficient revenue to cover the costs of
course development and delivery. Other potential sources of revenue could include sponsorships,
partnerships with universities and colleges, and grants.

The training program will be evaluated for its effectiveness in meeting its objectives. The
evaluation will be conducted through a combination of surveys and assessments. Graduates will
be surveyed to determine their level of satisfaction with the program, and assessments will be
conducted to measure their knowledge and skills before and after the program.

17. Challenges:
The first challenge that unskilled graduate students face is the lack of access to affordable and
flexible training programs that can provide them with the skills and knowledge required in their
chosen careers. Additionally, students often lack practical experience in applying these skills in
real-world settings.


In conclusion, the marketing analysis is a critical component of the online training course's
success. By understanding the target market, competition, and market trends, a comprehensive
marketing strategy can be developed to promote the course and attract students. By utilizing a
subscription-based revenue model and other potential sources of income, the online training
course can generate sufficient revenue to cover the costs of course development and delivery
while providing a valuable service to unskilled graduate students looking to enhance their
employability and improve their career prospects.

18. Operational Plan

Operating Hours

The program will be operated during regular business hours, which are typically 9am to 5pm,
Monday through Friday. However, there may be occasions where evening or weekend sessions
are necessary to accommodate the schedules of the graduate students. In these cases, the program
will work with the graduate students to schedule sessions that are convenient for them.


Provide a detailed description of the company’s location. Describe the building and its
surrounding area and explain why that location has been chosen as the main office for the IT

Description Details
Immediate Area The business office is located in Wah Cantt, a town adjacent to Attock
city. The immediate area consists of commercial buildings, shops, and
Type of Area The area is an urban commercial district, providing access to a large
pool of potential customers and qualified staff.

Description Details
Adjacent Uses The office is located adjacent to a shopping center and a large hospital,
providing easy access to facilities for employees and customers.

Benefits The location provides easy accessibility and visibility for potential
customers, while also being strategically located to attract quality staff.

Proximity The office is located near major roads and highways, allowing for easy
access to transportation and connectivity to other cities.

Customer Type The potential customers for the training program are recent graduates or
individuals seeking to improve their skills for better job opportunities.

Size of Potential The target market consists of a large pool of potential customers due to
Customers the high demand for skilled workers in various industries.

Competitors While there are a few competitors in the online training industry, our
program distinguishes itself by offering flexible and affordable training
Traffic Volume The area has a moderate traffic volume, with peak hours during the
morning and evening rush hours.
Patterns The traffic patterns in the area are consistent and predictable, allowing
for effective planning of business operations.
Pedestrians The area has a moderate pedestrian traffic, particularly around the
shopping center and hospital.
Periods The area experiences moderate footfall throughout the day, with peak
periods during lunch hours and after work hours.
Accessibility The office is easily accessible by public transportation, with several bus
stops and taxi stands nearby.
Proximity to Major The office is located near major streets and highways, providing easy
Streets access to transportation and connectivity to other cities.

Entrance/Exit The office has a dedicated entrance and exit, providing easy access for
customers and employees.
Visibility The office has high visibility, with a large signboard and ample lighting
ensuring that it can be easily identified from the main road.

Description Details
View From the The office has a clear view from the main road, allowing for effective
Road advertising and marketing.
Exterior The office has a modern and professional exterior appearance, with a
Appearance clean and well-maintained façade.
Landscaping The office has a well-maintained landscape, providing an attractive and
inviting environment for customers and employees.

19. Organizational Structure

The organizational structure of the program will consist of the following departments:
 Training and Development Department: Responsible for the overall training and
development of the graduate students in business.
 Curriculum Development Department: Responsible for the development of the
curriculum, including course materials, assessments, and instructional design.
 Assessment and Evaluation Department: Responsible for assessing and evaluating the
progress of the graduate students in the program.

Key Staff
The key staff members of the program will include:
Program Director: Responsible for the overall management of the program, including the
development and implementation of policies and procedures.
Training and Development Specialist: Responsible for the delivery of training and
development programs to the graduate students.
Curriculum Developer: Responsible for the development of the curriculum, including course
materials, assessments, and instructional design.
Assessment and Evaluation Specialist: Responsible for assessing and evaluating the progress
of the graduate students in the program.

Name Program Director Traning and Market Director
Development Specialist

Position Overall Management Deliver Lecture Editing,Seo,


Date Joined 06-03-2022 12-04-2022 12-04-2022

Experience 8 years Experience in 3 years Experiences 2 years experiences

National Vocational &
Technical Training

Highest PHD MS MS

Salary [2 lack] 75000 75000

20. Plan of Action

The plan of action for converting unskilled graduate students into skilled graduates in business
will include the following steps:
 Needs Assessment: A needs assessment will be conducted to determine the skills and
knowledge gaps of the graduate students.
 Curriculum Development: Based on the needs assessment, the curriculum developer will
develop a customized curriculum that addresses the skills and knowledge gaps of the
graduate students.
 Training and Development: The training and development specialist will deliver the training
and development programs to the graduate students.
 Assessment and Evaluation: The assessment and evaluation specialist will assess and
evaluate the progress of the graduate students in the program.

 Continuous Improvement: Based on the assessment and evaluation results, the program will
be continuously improved to ensure that the graduate students are receiving the necessary
skills and knowledge to succeed in the field of business.

21. Financial Plan :


The financial plan assumptions for the program will include:

Revenue: The program will generate revenue through tuition fees paid by the graduate students.
Expenses: The program expenses will include salaries and benefits for the key staff members,
curriculum development costs, materials and supplies, and facility rental fees.
Funding: The program may receive funding from grants, sponsorships, or partnerships with
businesses or organizations.
Enrollment: The program will aim to enroll a certain number of graduate students per session,
based on the capacity of the program and the resources available.

FUNDING Estimated Actual


Hassan Muawia 300000 250000

Javeria Aman 200000 150000

Total Investment 500000 400000


Bank Loan 1 Null

Total Loans 0 0

Other Funding

Grant 1 Null

Other Null

Total Other Funding 0

FUNDING 500000.00 400000.00

COSTS Estimated Actual

Advertising for Opening 15000 12000

Basic Website 3000 2500

Brand Development 20000 18000

Building Down Payment Null

Improvements/Remodeling 30000 27000

Business Cards/Stationery 7000 5000

Business Licenses/Permits 8000 6500

Decorating 1000 800

Franchise Start-Up Fees 3000 3000

Internet Setup Deposit 5500 5500

Office Furniture/Fixtures 22000 18000

Operating Cash (Working

Capital) 35000

Prepaid Insurance 2500 2500

Reserve for Contingencies 10000

Security System Installation 1800 1800

Setup, Installation and

Consulting fees 5000 5000

Telephone 2000 2000

Total Fixed Costs 181,500.00 144600.00

Advertising (print, broadcast

and Internet) 3000 3000

Business Insurance 1500 1500

Employee Salaries and

Commissions 40000 25000

Total Average Costs 226000.00 174100.00


Income Statement

The income source for this online training course will be based on a subscription model, with
students paying a monthly or annual fee to access the course content. The subscription fee will
be affordable for students while generating sufficient revenue to cover the costs of course
development and delivery. Other potential sources of income could include partnerships with
universities and colleges, sponsorship, and grants.

Income Statement

Program Fees $10,000
Website Development and Maintenance $300
Total Revenue $10,300

Salaries $5,000
Supplies $2,000
Rent $1,000
Marketing $500
Gross Profit $40000

Total Expenses $9,000

Net Income $1,000 (Revenue - Expenses)

Profit and Loss

Profit and Loss

Program Fees $10,000

Cost of Goods Sold

Supplies $2,000

Gross Profit $8,000 (Revenue - COGS)

Operating Expenses
Salaries $5,000
Rent $1,000
Marketing $500
Travel $500

Total Operating Expenses $7,000

Net Income $1,000 (Gross Profit - Operating Expenses)

Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet (USD)

Cash $10,000
Accounts receivable $2,500
Equipment $15,000
Total Assets $27,500

Balance Sheet (USD)

Accounts payable $1,500
Notes payable $5,000
Total Liabilities $6,500

Common stock $10,000
Retained earnings $1,000
Total Equity $11,000

Total Liabilities and Equity $27,500

Cash Flow

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Revenue $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000

Expenses $35,000 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 $55,000

Net Income $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000

Cash Inflow $50,000 $60,000 $70,000 $80,000 $90,000

Cash Outflow $35,000 $40,000 $45,000 $50,000 $55,000

Net Cash Flow $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000

Beginning Cash Balance $0 $15,000 $35,000 $60,000 $90,000

Ending Cash Balance $15,000 $35,000 $60,000 $90,000 $125,000

In this table, the revenue represents the amount of money the training program is expected to
generate each year, while the expenses represent the costs associated with running the program.
The net income is the difference between revenue and expenses, while the cash inflow is the
actual amount of cash received, and the cash outflow represents the actual amount of cash spent.

The net cash flow is the difference between cash inflow and cash outflow. The beginning cash
balance is the amount of cash on hand at the beginning of each year, while the ending cash
balance is the amount of cash on hand at the end of each year after all cash inflows and outflows
have been accounted for. This table can help show the program's financial performance over time
and help guide decision making.


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