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Francisco, Cherry Lyn A.

May 07,2022

1. In teaching the English subject there are several problems that we encounter. Some of these
problems include poor communication skills. As teacher, we need to have a strong
communication skill in order to effectively teach the English subject. Another one is limited
resources; many schools and teachers have limited resources when it comes to teaching English.
This can make it difficult to provide students with all the materials and tools they need to
effectively learn the language. As for my experience, l often struggles with large class size,
which can make it difficult to provide individual attention to students. This can make it harder to
identify and address specific areas where students are struggling. Teachers may not have time to
cover all the material needed in order to effectively teach English. This can result in rushed
lessons and a lack of depth in certain areas of the curriculum. Some students may lack
motivation to learn English, which can make it difficult for teachers to engage them in the
learning process. This can be particularly challenging for students who do not see the relevance
of learning English to their lives.

2. Poor communication skills- the reason behind it maybe because students have lack of
exposure. They may not have been exposed to good communication practices. This can happen
due to student’s upbringing, social status or the school’s limited resources. Another one is the
learning disabilities, students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia,ADHD or autism may
struggle with communication skills.

Limited Resources- it can be a problem for teachers because they may not have access to the
tools, materials or opportunities they need to fully engage in their education. When resources are
limited, students may not have access to the same range of learning materials or technologies.

Large Class size- it can be difficult for students to receive the attention and support they need to
succeed academically, socially and emotionally. It can also create a challenging environment for

3. For poor communication skills, I always let my students practice active listening. Good
communication involves active listening. Encourage the students to focus on what the other
person is saying, avoid interrupting and ask questions to clarify understanding. Another
intervention is to let the students read and watch videos and practice what they have learn.
Limited resources can present significant challenges for teachers, community organizations can
work to mobilize resources through fundraising or partnerships with other organizations. For
large class size, what I do is I encourage students to work together in small groups which can
help them to foster aa sense of engagement. This can involve group projects, discussions and
peer to peer activities.

4. Problem: Exploring the impact of Poor Communication Skills

Reasons: They lack the practice to communicate

They have language barriers

Students have anxiety to speak with other people

Solution: Read and watch resources

Explanation:Books, articles and videos on effective communication can provide

valuable insights and strategies for improving communication skills.They can also offer
inspiration and motivation to continue developing communication skills.

Action Research Title:Implementing a Communication Skills Intervention to Improve

Interpersonal Relationships

Problem Statements

General Objectives: The capstone project is conducted to develop skills for effective
communication such as active listening, assertiveness and non-verbal communication.
Specifically, it answers the following questions:

1. What are the specific communication challenges that individuals or groups are facing?

2. How should poor communicative skills activities be designed?

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