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Biochemistry - Laboratory


Journal Analysis No. 1

Estimation of Glucose Turnover and the Cori Cycle Using Glucose-6-t-14C*

Franco, Michael E.

Lu, Carl Adrianne R.

Pangilinan, Khim Ericka A.

7 June 2023
Abstract (Overview of the Paper)

The study on the estimation of glucose turn-overs and the processing of the Cori cycle has been

analyzed described quantitatively through the utilization of Glucose-6-t- 14C* by Dunn, A.,

Chenoweth, M., and Schaeffer, L.D., in the year 1967. The overall paper has been penned well;

concise and concrete, and is definitely easy to be followed. Regardless of the shortcomings and

deficiencies in terms of their practices and methodologies,, quantitative data were gathered

allowing the representation of the specific metabolic activities, the rate of the progress of the

processes, the average fractional turn-overs, and the differences between the samples, essentially

given the glucose, injected intravenously in the testing biological variables, the laboratory rats. In

the latter, the study has been subjected into furtherance, for more in-depth understanding and

complex analysis, adjusting the measurements, and filling-in all the deficiencies, to therefore

anticipate results with higher efficiency, precision, and accuracy.


Carbon-14-labeled glucose has been extensively used for study of glucose flux in preserved

animals. In the year 1931, Cori indicated that lactate obtained from the breakdown of glucose in

extrahepatic regions does influence the synthesis of glucose by the liver, it was generally

believed in the aforementioned studies that glucose amalgamated during the course of a trial

contained a negligible quantity of reclaimed 14C. Hence, studies were primarily tested on rats,

and said for glucose to achieve lower turnover rates than the other; with tritium, or 3H– which

releases energetic neutrons enough to increase the rates. However, as stated, overtime tritium

undergoes extensive loss, which presumably resonates with the re-generation of glucose

affecting mainly a three-carbon unit of the hydrocarbon chain in composition. Though, given

that, Cori cycle, based on the literature studies, is a process wherein the glucose is metabolized to

produce pyruvate and lactate in the muscles, ready to transport to the liver through the
bloodstream in an average to below ratio with glucose circulation, going into re-conversion, and

is re-utilized for the gluconeogenesis.

Nonetheless, the paper has thoroughly discussed the purpose and objectives of the study that has

been conducted; to provide the estimation of the rates of the glucose turnover, including the Cori

cycle through the utilization of Glucose-6-t- 14C* given with comparatives; tritium, primarily.

Statements were precise and concrete; hence is supported with evidence based on the results

obtained in the latter portion, covering both aspects of physical chemistry, organic chemistry,

and biochemistry. The format of the paragraph structure is easy to convey, words are not

complex, and it directly leads to the purpose, perhaps, as a critique this can be considered as well


Specifics (Methods Involved)

The methods used in the study are appropriate for the objective of the study. The authors used a

trace amount of glucose labeled with C uniformly and injected it intravenously into rats to

measure the turnover of glucose. This method allowed the authors to estimate glucose turnover

and the Cori Cycle using Glucose-6-t-14C. The authors also measured the amount of glucose in

the blood and the amount of glucose in the urine to calculate glucose production and utilization.

These methods are valid for studying glucose metabolism. The study provides sufficient

information for the methods used to be duplicated. The authors provide detailed information on

the preparation of the Glucose-6-t-14C, the injection of the glucose into the rats, and the

measurement of glucose turnover and the Cori cycle. The sample selection was not emphasized

by the author so it will be hard to determine if the sample size was adequate. In this study that

was conducted the methods section could be subdivided into greater clarity to make it easier to

follow. For example, the authors could have separated the materials and methods into separate
subsections to make it easier to understand the experimental design. Additionally, the authors

could have included a flowchart or diagram to illustrate the experimental design more and to be

able to fully understand it.

Data Handling and Reporting (Data and Observations; Results and Discussion)

The data and observations for this study are quantitative in nature. The researchers utilized

tabulation and graph plotting to determine correlations and comparisons from all the reference

experiments concerning the ratio of glucose isotopes to the recycling process of glucose. When it

comes to the presentation of the variables in the graph plotting, they properly provide sufficient

indicators and legends. Hence, the written description complements and easily construes the

content of the figures. The tabulated data contains most of the pivotal numerical data for the

study. They are properly organized and interpretable, provided with a clear description of what

they pertain to and the reason for the arrangement. However, the representation of the respective

experiments where the data are drawn out is confusing because they only numbered them and

there is no additional information about the experiments to which they are referring. Regardless,

the researchers were able to discuss the results with an adequate amount of description and the

relationships of the data to each other.

Upon reviewing the study, it can be observed that the discussion does not merely repeat the

results. The authors of the study provided a theoretical analysis of recycling and discussed the

determination of the Cori Cycle. They also illustrated the difference in parameters of glucose

metabolism calculated by the methods of Katz and Landau. However, the interpretation of the

results may be too far-fetched as the study only presented numerical examples and did not

provide a comprehensive analysis of the data. Moreover, the study has some shortcomings that

were not addressed. For instance, the study did not provide a detailed explanation of the methods
used to estimate glucose turnover and the Cori cycle. Additionally, the study did not discuss the

limitations of the methods used, which could affect the accuracy of the results. It also shows that

the study interpretation is not at odds with other researchers' thinking. The study is related to

other research studies cited in the article, and it presents a theoretical analysis of recycling and

discusses the determination of the Cori Cycle. The study illustrates by numerical examples the

difference in parameters of glucose metabolism calculated by the methods of Katz and Landau.

The study's equations and estimates of recycling are shown to be correct.

This study has several related literature that have been conducted to measure glucose turnover

and the Cori cycle. Lundholm et al., used a double-isotope method to measure glucose turnover,

gluconeogenesis from glycerol, and the net glucose cycling in cancer patients. The study found

that glucose turnover was higher in cancer patients than in controlled patients. Furthermore, the

authors have suggested further work in the conclusion section of the article. They suggest that

future research should focus on the use of Glucose-6-t-14C to study the effects of insulin and

glucagon on glucose turnover. They also suggest that the technique could be used to study the

effects of exercise on glucose metabolism.


The quantification for the rates and processes of glucose isotopes and recycling procedures for

glucose has been correlated and compared with reference experiments, enabling the provision of

sufficiency in terms of the figure of merits. Theoretical analysis, methodologies, and related

literature studies have been found complex, deep-in-nature, and confusing; given that it

somehow lacks comprehensive experimental analysis, probable errors affecting alterations and

efficacies, and as well as the limitations of the study.

However, regardless of the complexity, the purpose of the study has been met, regardless of

deficiencies, providing the ratios of the samples and presuming comparability amongst others;

rate of glucose turn-overs, consequences of materials involved in the glucose turn-overs, and the

likes. Based on the study, the relativity of the turn-over rates, glucose-2-t has a faster rate due to

the removal completion of the tritium from carbon-2 from the steps in prior the transportation

and incorporation of the glucose to the biological system, primarily in the liver and muscles.

For the recommendation, an extension must be provided to this study to therefore enable the

expansion of the horizons relating to this matter; covering up shortcomings, inaccuracy, and fault

of errors. Through the succeeding studies, more accurate data will then be gathered, making the

results high in confidence.

Reflections (Summary of Takeaways from the Journal Article)

Based on the study, I could state that it is definitely complex; there are a lot of things to factor in,

including the composition, characteristics, and nature of the samples being discussed. This

sample of application relating to gluconeogenesis is indeed riveting– advantageous enough to the

imperative theoretical to experimental knowledge increase, nonetheless enabling the extent of

learning to physical chemistry, especially given that it has been already introduced in class

discussions. Regardless of its complexity, and insufficiency of the other aspects of the analysis, it

has been easy to follow, and terminologies were simple to comprehend for some. The highlight

of the study is to equip information to the Cori cycle itself as an overall process, as well as how

glucose runs in a biological system. Also, identification of the diseases caused by metabolic

activities disorder were noted, including the potential individuals to acquire it, and was preceded

by allocation of the specific treatments.


Cdn, B. C. M. R. C. (2022). What Is the Cori Cycle? Verywell Health.


DOE Explains. . .Deuterium-Tritium Fusion Reactor Fuel. (n.d.).



Dunn A, et al. (1967). Estimation of glucose turnover and the Cori cycle using glucose-6-t-14C.

Biochemistry. 1967 Jan;6(1):6-11. doi: 10.1021/bi00853a002. PMID: 6030338.

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