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Name : 1.

Viona Putri Insyani (21080314005)

2. Maharani Laksmi W. A. (21080314009)
Class : PAP 2021A

The Influence of Classroom Management on Students’ Learning Motivation in the

Department of Office Administration

In the research journal "The Influence of Classroom Management on Student’s

Learning Motivation in the Department of Office Administration" aims to find out the
description of classroom management and the level of student learning motivation and
to find out the influence of classroom management and student learning motivation in
office administration majors. In this journal we can find out that classroom management
in the department of office administration of SMK Negeri Watampone 1 is relatively
good because of the role of teachers in terms of learning. It is also supported by a power
approach, freedom approach, role balance approach, teaching approach, emotional and
social atmosphere approach, and combination approach. Being in learning motivation is
very high because this is supported by intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. In
classroom management teachers have a very important role because with the teacher can
achieve efficient teaching goals and allow students to learn, so effective classroom
management is a prerequisite for good learning. The role of teachers is to help students
change their behavior in detail, guiding and encouraging students to achieve maximum
learning outcomes. Teachers should also be able to provide learning that is quite
understandable to students, increase student learning motivation, and prepare students to
become better students. To get good learning results there are several ways that can be
done by teachers, such as giving encouragement to students to learn, explaining
concrete materials to students, rewarding the achievements achieved by students so that
they can increase their learning motivation better and help students in overcoming
learning difficulties individually or in groups.
In research in the journal showed that class management in SMK Negeri 1
Watampone in office administration department is relatively good. Where teachers can
manage classroom management through a power approach, it is the teacher who
controls student behavior, creating a disciplined learning atmosphere. The freedom
approach with this approach teachers give freedom to students in being insightful during
the learning process. The balance approach, the role of the teacher is to implement the
rules that have been agreed between the teacher and the student. A combination teacher
approach can create a good learning atmosphere. Students can increase learning
motivation because of intrinsic motivation from within students themselves because the
motivation encourages students to do something, one of which is students who like to
read and with extrinsic motivation where this motivation students get an outside
learning boost such as from teachers or parents in the hope that students can get good
grades and understand the material delivered by the teacher.
In our opinion as students of office administration education after understanding
the journal we can learn the knowledge that the role of teachers is very important in
managing the classroom, where teachers can convey material in class well, provide
motivation and encouragement to students, teachers must also be able to provide a good
learning atmosphere, teachers also provide opportunities for students to be creative and
take initiative as long as it is good and teachers also Must provide direction and
guidance in realizing effective and efficient learning and good cooperation in learning.
Because when we graduate later we can become teachers, so that in journals that we
have understood we can know how to realize a good learning atmosphere that is with
the existence of effective classroom management.

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