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How To Never Get Sick Again (K.

Eliminating toxins: 1. See natural health-care providers on a regular basis a. Bioenergetic synchronization technique practitioner i. b. Chiropractic adjustments c. Herbalist d. Homeopathic practitioner e. Naturopath (licensed) 2. Stop taking non-prescription and prescription drugs 3. Energetic rebalancing i. or 4. Check your body pH Clean out toxins: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Get 15 colonics in 30 days Do a complete colon cleanse Do a liver/gallbladder cleanse Do a kidney/bladder cleanse Do a heavy metal cleanse Do a parasite cleanse Do a candida cleanse i. Do a full-body fat/lymphatic cleanse i. Drink 8 full glasses of pure water daily Use a rebounder (mini trampoline) 10 minutes a day Walk 1 hour a day Stretch the musclesa dn tendons in your body Practice deep breathing Sweat with a regular dry sauna or an infrared sauna (not a west steam) Give yourself a dry brush massage, exfoliating the skin and allowing toxins to come out of the skin at least once a day Get a full-body Swedish and/or deep tissue massage on a regular basis Do chi kung Do tai chi Do a 7 to 30 day fast Get specialized treatments as needed (reflexology, acupuncture, cranial-sacral therapy, reiki, essential oil treatments etc.)

Stop putting toxins in your body: 1. Do not eat any food produced or sold by a publicly traded corporation or is a brand name product 2. Get all metal out of your dental work 3. Stop smoking 4. Dont drink tap water 5. Buy and use a shower filter 6. Eat only 100% organic food 7. Dont eat in fast food restaurants 8. Dont eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven 9. Eliminate aspartame and monosodium glutamate 10. Dont use artificial sweeteners 11. Dont drink diet sodas 12. Dont eat hydrogenated oil 13. Dont eat homogenized and pasteurized dairy products 14. Dont eat high fructose corn syrup 15. Use only toothpaste with no fluoride 16. Dont use nonstick cookware 17. Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry ( no pork!) 18. Dont eat farm rased fish 19. Dont eat pork 20. Dont eat shellfish 21. If you cant eat it, dont put it on your skin 22. Get an air purifier 23. Use only non-toxic 100% organic cleaning supplies 24. Dont drink canned or bottled juice 25. Dont use sun block 26. Dont take vitamins 27. Dont use deodorants 28. Dont eat white processed sugar 29. Dont eat white processed flour 30. Eat nothing that says fat free, sugar free, low carbs or net carbs on the label 31. Dont eat food bars 32. Dont eat diet or protein shakes 33. Stay away from hot tubs, steam rooms, and swimming pools (chlorine) 34. Eliminate air fresheners (use organic citrus oil in the bathroom) 35. Eliminate fluorescent lighting 36. Reduce or eliminate air conditioning 37. Avoid dry cleaning 38. Make your own beer and wine 39. Buy a good vacuum cleaner with a heap filter

Address nutritional deficiencies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Eat more fresh organic fruits and vegetables (at least 4 raw fruit and 2 big salads a day) Buy a juice machine and use it Eat raw organic nuts and seeds (not roasted) Get natural sunlight (30 min a day) Eat an organic apple a day Take coral calcium Take all-natural vitamin E Take liquid colloidal minerals days Drink the magic juices: noni, goji, mangosteen, aloe vera, acai berry Take a whole food supplement daily (chorella, blue-green algae, spirulina, royal jelly etc.) Eat raw organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, and bee pollen Get an oxygen water cooler Take digestive enzymes Use organic sea salt Eat organic dark chocolate Take an omega-3 supplement a. Book by Gary Gordon 17. Eat snacks Neutralize electromagnetic chaos: 1. Get something to neutralize electromagnectic chaos 2. Use electronic and wireless devices less 3. Use a gentle wind project instrument a. 4. Reduce TV time 5. Get a magnetic mattress pad 6. Use magnetic finger and toe rings a. 7. Stay away from electric tumble dryers 8. Add living plants to your home 9. Wear white 10. Use Feng Shi in your home and office (arranging furniture) Reduce stress: 1. Listen to de-stressing CD a. Dr. Caldwell of Germany treated cancer patients, 2. Do aplphabiotics a. 3. Laugh

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

Smile Get and give hugs Speak powerful words Dont use a cell phone and drive at the same time Sleep 8 hours Rest from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown Go to be at 10pm and rise at 6am Take afternoon 15-min break Get rolfing (type of deep-tissue massage) Dont read the newspaper Dont watch the news Have sex Commit reckless acts of kindness Listen to nice music Get out of debt Drive less Be thankful Get an inversion table Use foot orthotics Get a range of motion machine (very expensive) Be lightehearted Stay away from psychiatrists and psychologists Dont use an alarm clock Use aromatherapy Use Callahan techniques for urges Get a pet Write down goals Plant a garden Cook Dont eat late Dance and sing Find your life purpose Do dianetics/scientology

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