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LESSON TITLE: Tidy up! Lesson no.

Level: Junior

Number of students:

Age of students:


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use "there
is/there are" to describe the presence of objects in a bedroom or
any place, as well as ask and answer questions using "How many...?"

Grammar: - Pictures or flashcards of bedroom objects (rug, bed, cupboard,

shelf, pillow, blanket) or any other objects

Materials: - Handouts with visuals of different physical features


Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Show pictures or flashcards of bedroom objects to the students and ask simple questions
like, "Is there a bed in the bedroom?" or "Are there pillows in the bedroom?" Encourage
students to respond with "yes" or "no" using the correct form of "there's" or "there are."

Introduction (10 minutes):

- Write the phrases "There's" and "There are" on the board.

- Explain that we use "there's" when talking about one thing and "there are" when talking
about more than one thing.

- Provide examples using the flashcards or pictures, such as "There's a rug" or "There are
two pillows."

- Have students practice saying the phrases aloud.

Guided Practice (15 minutes):

- Show a flashcard or picture of the bedroom scene.

- Elicit sentences from the students using "there's" and "there are" to describe the objects.
For example, "There's a bed in the bedroom" or "There are three pillows on the bed."
- Write the sentences on the board, emphasizing the use of "there's/there are" and
subject-verb agreement.

- Repeat the activity with different objects in the bedroom, encouraging students to use a
variety of sentences.

Pair Work (10 minutes):

- Pair up the students.

- Give each pair a set of flashcards or pictures representing the bedroom objects.

- Instruct the students to take turns asking and answering questions about the number of
objects in the bedroom using "How many...?" For example, "How many pillows are there on
the bed?" or "How many cupboards are there in the room?"

- Remind students to respond using the correct form of "there's/there are" and the
appropriate number.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Recap the usage of "there's" and "there are" with the class, emphasizing subject-verb

- Ask students to provide sentences using "there's/there are" to describe the objects in
the bedroom using the flashcards or pictures from earlier activities.

Extension Activity:

- In pairs or small groups, have students create their own bedroom scenes using drawings or

- Prompt them to ask and answer questions about the objects in the scenes using "How
many...?" and "There's/There are."

- Encourage students to exchange their scenes and practice asking and answering questions
with their peers.


Pay attention to students' pronunciation, especially with subject-verb agreement. Provide

corrective feedback when needed and encourage peer correction. Also, adjust the
vocabulary and sentence structures to suit the proficiency level and interests of your

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