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Training and Assessment Strategy

BSB51918-Diploma of Leadership and Management

Table of Contents
CRICOS Course Code...............................................................................................................2
Description of Qualification.......................................................................................................2
Units of Competency..................................................................................................................3
Volume of Learning.....................................................................................................................3
Justification for amount of learning.............................................................................................4
Licensing, legislative and regulatory information...........................................................................4
Entry Requirements.....................................................................................................................4
Target Groups.............................................................................................................................4
Job Outcomes..............................................................................................................................4
Trainer Requirements..................................................................................................................5
Legislative Requirements............................................................................................................5
Access and Equity.......................................................................................................................5
Industry Engagement...................................................................................................................6
Delivery Process.........................................................................................................................7
Delivery Timetable......................................................................................................................7
Identifying Individual Learning Needs of Students......................................................................9
Reasonable Adjustment..............................................................................................................9
Assessment Strategy and other Information............................................................................10
Assessment Strategy.................................................................................................................10
Modes of Assessment...............................................................................................................11
Evaluation and Monitoring Arrangements................................................................................11
Assessment Validation Process.................................................................................................11
Moderation of Assessment.......................................................................................................12
Infrastructure and resource availability....................................................................................12
Transitioning Arrangements.....................................................................................................13
COVID 19 Safe Plan………………………………………………………………………...…...13

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This learning and assessment strategy has been developed as the implicit agreement
between the trainer/assessor, Australian Academy of Commerce Pty Ltd (AAC) and
the Australian Government. It contains the detail necessary for the effective delivery of
this qualification. Alternate types of students and changes in the delivery or assessment
processes for a course are adjusted by issue of a new learning and assessment strategy.
Australian Academy of Commerce Pty Ltd acknowledges that the information
contained in this document may be altered due to changing business environment
caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Location This course will be delivered face to face at 579 Harris St, Ultimo, NSW, 2007.

Duration 104 weeks

Course Code
Description of This course has been designed for people who want to, or are required to, work in a
Qualification role in which they are engaged to manage the work of others or to add value to or
review management practices. Their role may be in any industry or organisational
setting. Typically, people in these roles will have considerable experience in their
respective industries or vocational areas and combine an informed perspective of
specific work requirements with their managerial approaches. The qualification requires
a sound theoretical knowledge base and managerial competencies to plan, carry out
and evaluate own work or the work of a team.

This course will see students use a given business scenario to identify marketing
opportunities and create marketing, operational, project and financial plans. Learners
will also develop plans and procedures for hiring staff, managing people’s performance,
delivering customer service and ensuring continuous improvement across all fields.

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Units of
This qualification is made up of four core and eight elective units of competency.
Unit Code Unit Title

Core Units
BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional intelligence
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness

Elective Units
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work area
BSBPMG522 Undertake project work
BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service
BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends & developments
BSBRSK501 Manage risk
BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities
BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, selection and induction processes

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Volume of Australian Academy of Commerce Pty Ltd (AAC) offer this qualification in a total of 1520
Learning hours over 104 weeks.
The volume of learning includes the complete delivery of program as per the schedules, all
learning and practice activities undertaken by the students including any practical training
sessions and participation in all assessments. All teaching, learning and assessment activities
are required to be undertaken by the targeted student to achieve the learning outcomes of
this qualification. The amount of training required to achieve this qualification has been
calculated based upon:
 The starting point of the student;
 Their learning skills;
 The delivery mode for this course; and
 The breadth and complexity of the skills and knowledge to be acquired.

All teaching, learning and assessment activities are required to be undertaken by the
targeted student to achieve the learning outcomes of this qualification.
If students have previous relevant experience, where RPL is awarded, the total volume of
learning may be reduced below the Australian Qualifications Framework Indicators.
For this qualification:
1. Delivery is face-to-face
2. Students are also required to commit to unsupervised home study consisting of
independent research, assessment preparation and independent review of delivery
3. The training hours comprises the formal learning activities provided to the
4. The training hours plus the hours required for the student to complete
assessments will equal the total volume of learning required for the student to
achieve the learning outcomes for this qualification.

Categories Hours
Training hours 1348
Assessment hours 172
Total Volume of Learning 1520
Justification for
Australian Academy of Commerce in conjunction with industry consultation feels this
amount of
learning volume of learning is sufficient based on the student cohort and the breadth and complexity
of the skills and knowledge to be acquired in this course. Students for this course may have
worked in a business environment previously and have developed business knowledge and
skills prior to entering the course. The international students have recently completed
studies and are well practised in study and learning. The English abilities of these students
have been demonstrated prior to entering the course. Adequate time has been set for
work related practice. The delivery mode for this course is face to face and will allow
students to develop their knowledge through classroom-based learning with our
trainers/assessors and other students in the course.

Licensing, This unit has no licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification
legislative and at the time of publication.

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Entry While the unit does not list any formal entry requirements, the AAC applies the following
Requirements entry requirements to international & local students for all business (BSB) VET

 A minimum of an IELTS band score of 5.5, or General English Upper Intermediate

(or equivalent) is required
 A minimum of Year 12 (or overseas equivalent) or completion of Year 10 with
relevant work.
 Applicants who cannot provide both a certified English score, or an AQF
Certificate IV (or higher) to the level specified for the course and a minimum of a
Year 12 Certificate (or equivalent) will be required to undertake LLN testing prior
to receiving an offer.
 Applicants who will undertake LLN testing must achieve at minimum:
Learning 2; Reading 3; Writing 3; Oral Communication 2; Numeracy 2
 Australian Academy of Commerce does not accept students less than 18 years of
Target Groups This qualification is designed for international learners who have some experience working
in business and who are seeking a career in business leadership and management at a
management level with responsibility for the work performed by others.

Job Outcomes Post-graduate employment pathways for students completing this qualification include
possible job titles such as:
• Frontline Managers
• Middle Managers
• Supervisors
• Business Operators
• Business Manager
• Human Resources Manager
• Sales Team Manager

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Trainer We engage skilled and experienced Trainers and Assessors for this course. All Trainers
Requirements and Assessors require appropriate qualifications and experience in the Business
Services industry.
We recruit trainers and assessors who meet the requirements of the standards for
RTO’s 2015 and ensure they have:
 The vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered and assessed
 Current industry skills directly relevant to the training and assessment being
 Hold TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
 Current knowledge and skills in vocational training and learning that informs
their training and assessment.
We ensure that all trainers and assessors undertake professional development in the
fields of:
 Knowledge and practice of vocational training, and
 Learning and assessment including competency-based training and assessment.
The current trainers/assessors for this course are:
 Samanta Islam;;
 Josep Aiguade;
 Arif Ashraf;
 Nahid Taskin;
 Shahid Bhuyian;
 Tashfiq Rahman; and
 Jahangir Alam.

Legislative The following legislation and regulations affect the conducting of this qualification:
Requirements  VET Quality Framework
 Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015
 Australian Qualifications Framework
 Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000
 National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to
Overseas Students 2018
 Work Health and Safety Act NSW 2011
 Age Discrimination Act 2004
 Disability Discrimination Act 1992
 Sex Discrimination Act 1984
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Access and AAC provides learning opportunities that do not discriminate on the basis of age,
Equity gender, location, culture, disability or disadvantage in recruitment for programs and
services. All students, including those with disabilities, will be treated equally with
dignity and be able to enjoy the benefits of the educational experience in the same way
as those participants without disability. If there are students with special needs a
trainer/assessor will take into account the student’s disability and make appropriate
adjustments to the training environment, wherever feasible and practicable and in
consultation with Director of Studies.

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Industry In the development of this learning and assessment strategy, engagement with various
Engagement industry stakeholders such as company representatives, small business owners and
managers and industry professionals is undertaken. It is the intent of the Academy to
involve industry professionals and representatives in validating assessment: strategies,
process, tools & evidence.

AAC only hires trainers with current industry experience and involvement as trainers.
In instances where the trainer is currently an employer, manager, supervisor or
otherwise an expert or relevant person to give information about industry needs for
different job positions, the trainer will be consulted with to determine suitability of
training and assessment methods, training resources and performance outcomes.

This is to ensure that we provide our learners with the skills and knowledge required
by industry and to reflect modern work practice and standards of performance.

Participating in the industry engagement process could benefit their organisation with
regards to:
 Adapting to current work practices
 Benchmarking task performances
 Acquiring new skills
 Bolstering productivity and profitability
 Staying ahead of competition
 Improving customer service
 Addressing skill shortages.

All consultation that has been undertaken is documented through minutes of meetings,
consultation logs, validation documentation and email in the Industry consultation

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Delivery The course delivery mode for this course is face to face. International students are
Process required to undertake full time course work with a minimum 20 hours per week. This
is a requirement of the student visa. When first attending the college, all students
undergo an induction training. Students attend the college for the prescribed number of
hours for their allocated days of the week and receive face to face training using some
resources that are online: the student uses these resources as directed within the
training delivery period and may supplement that material with text book materials and
internet information. Learning is scaled to ensure that subsequent course contents is
built upon the knowledge already acquired.

Students complete learning activities in class to prepare them for the summative
assessments that follow at prescribed intervals as listed in the delivery timetable.
Students must demonstrate that they have the required knowledge and then undertake
the written assessment; once they have satisfactorily completed the written
assessment, they are allowed to move into the simulated business where they are
required to demonstrate their practical skills.

The face to face training sessions must be conducted in a timeframe consistent with the
timetable to ensure that the student is able to progress in their course.

Each Student must attend the classroom sessions as they cannot progress in their
course if working individually or away from the class; communication and interaction
are reflected in the foundation skills for this qualification. They are also an integral
aspect of the group work within the classroom.
Delivery AAC has carefully considered the knowledge and skills required for each unit of
Timetable competency to be delivered and assessed within this qualification. As part of our
considerations and, based on the identification of common or related knowledge and
skills within the unit, the timetable ensures that the students are able to develop their
own understanding of the concepts in a holistic way.

The training program is campus based and delivered over 104 weeks divided into 8
terms. It uses a variety of methods to provide a rich and engaging learning experience
for students. It combines face-to-face trainer-led sessions and practical sessions
involving small group and individual activities.

The scheduling has been done as recommended during the industry consultations and
ensures the course flows in a logical sequence.

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Timetable Weeks Unit Training Assessment Due
hours hours week
1-5 BSBLDR511 Develop and use 84 16 6
emotional intelligence
6-10 BSBLDR502 Lead and manage 84 16 11
effective workplace relationships
11-14 Break 0 0
15-19 BSBMGT517 Manage operational 84 16 20
20-24 BSBWOR502 Lead and manage 88 12 25
team effectiveness
25-28 Break 0 0
29-37 BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, 168 12 38
selection and induction processes
38-41 Break 0 0
42-47 BSBMGT502 Manage people 108 12 48
48-51 BSBCUS501 Manage quality 64 16 52
customer service
52-55 Break 0 0
56-64 BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate 168 12 65
marketing opportunities
65-68 Break 0 0
69-77 BSBMKG507 Interpret market 164 16 78
trends & developments
78-81 Break 0 0
82-86 BSBRSK501 Manage risk 84 16 87
87-91 BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe 88 12 92
workplace for a work area
92-95 Break 0 0
96-104 BSBPMG522 Undertake project 164 16 104
Total 1348 172

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Identifying Student needs are declared by the applicant at the time of enrolment. The application
Individual form allows the applicant to self-declare where they have learning disabilities.
Learning Needs
of Students The Academy endeavours to identify, assess and provide learning support to its clients
for all qualification currently on its scope of registration. This will include negotiating,
adjusting and planning appropriate learning and assessment strategies to meet the
needs of individual students. It is fundamental that the following learning needs are
identified prior to commencement of their studies, explained and planned at
orientation, and implemented during the learning period:
 English language levels
 Literacy and numeracy levels
 Learning styles – ie preference to auditory, visual, tactile, reading/writing
 Physical ability
 Intellectual ability
 Cultural or ethnic background

Those requiring support shall be communicated to the Academic Team who will
channel the student needs to the appropriate T&As to adjust the T&A program to
ensure implementation of the student’s needs. The Student Services Manager and the
Academic Team will survey that adequate support is implemented to ensure success in
the learning during the period of enrolment. Any written documentation will be kept
in the student’s personal file.
Reasonable To meet the needs of all learners, adjustments can be made to the way assessments are
Adjustment conducted and to the requirements of the assessment. The purpose of these
adjustments is to enhance fairness and flexibility so that the specific needs of students
can be met.

Examples of reasonable adjustments are:

• providing additional time for students to practice the requirements of the

assessment tasks
• presenting questions orally for students with literacy shortcomings
• asking questions in a relevant practical context
• presenting work instructions in diagrammatic or pictorial form instead of
words and sentences
• simplifying the design of job tasks

Student needs are identified at enrolment. Trainers are informed of the requirements
and will make reasonable adjustments required to maximize a students’ opportunity to
demonstrate their competence.

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Assessment Assessment Strategy
Strategy and Assessments conducted within this course are designed to address both the theoretical
other and practical aspects of the units of competency. It is fundamental that all assessments
Information encompass the critical aspects of assessments for evidence to demonstrate

The assessment methods used consider the methods as specified in the respective
training package requirement and assessment tools. Each student will be deemed
“Competent” or “Not Yet Competent” in each unit based on the outcomes of the
assessments where an assessor has gathered sufficient evidence of student’s
performance to make a judgement of competence. Evidence of competence includes
the assessment of essential knowledge and the associated skills, including work

Each student is provided an Assessment Cover Sheet which details the information
about the assessment. Each Assessor is provided an Assessor Guide which provides
benchmark / suggested answers to the assessments. This is to assist in a consistent
application of marking/judgement of competence principles by the relevant assessors.

Summative assessments cover learning that has occurred over a period of time and are
written to allow students to answer questions and perform tasks in the context of the
real environment. A competency determination is made after evidence is gathered,
based on practical application of skills and/or knowledge.

Summative Written Assessments

The written component of this course is conducted in class under trainer supervision.
Students will have access to their written notes and the amount of time allowed is
listed on the assessment tool. Student written assessments must be deemed
satisfactory before moving to the summative practical demonstration for this course.
Student answers are marked according to the benchmark answers/schema provided in
the assessor marking guide.

Context of Assessment
Students are assessed in a simulated business workplace. The simulated workplace will
have all the necessary resources to demonstrate practical skills. Students will
demonstrate their skills and be observed completing their summative assessments in
the simulated workplace

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Modes of Details of the Assessments used for this qualification are listed below which details the
Assessment applicable modes of assessments for each unit of competency in this qualification.

Unit Code Mode of Assessment

Unit Title
BSBLDR511 Develop and use emotional X X
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan X X

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace X X

BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness X X
Elective Units X X
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance X X

BSBWHS521 Ensure a safe workplace for a work X X

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work X X
BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service X X

BSBMKG507 Interpret market trends & X X

BSBRSK501 Manage risk X X

BSBMKG501 Identify and evaluate marketing X X

BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment, selection and X X
induction processes
A = Written answers to questions, assignments and projects
B = Demonstration of skills in a simulated workplace,
C = Demonstration and observations of skills and the application of knowledge
in a workplace
Evaluation and Arrangements for the monitoring and evaluation of this qualification to maintain quality
Monitoring and relevance include:
Arrangements  Post-Term stakeholder feedback is gathered and analysed. A report is compiled
and submitted quarterly for consideration of any required improvement needs.
 All trainers are required to be fully qualified and experienced in their areas of
expertise to ensure current competency and relevancy and are to submit post-
term feedback on the program, the facilities/resources and the support their

Assessment The processes used to validate assessment activity in this program are:
Process  Assessment Guidelines from the BSB Business Services Training Package are used
as a guide
 Assessment tools are to be validated after each running of the program.
Courseware and assessment tools are also reviewed by incoming trainers prior to
delivery of the relevant units of competency. These meetings will consist of the
relevant Trainer/Assessor as current industry experts, as often as possible in
current employment in relevant positions to the course within industry. These
meetings will examine and validate the Academy’s assessment: strategies, process,
tools & evidence. These meetings will be documented and improvements will be
implemented in line with the current improvement processes.
Moderation of  Post-term moderation sessions will take place involving all T&As. These will
Assessment include the usage of benchmark assessments for T&As to see the expected
standards of acceptable assessments.
 Moderation of assessments is also performed during the validation process in
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conjunction with student or other stakeholder feedback. The assessment tool may
be changed in its delivery method but the outcome must remain in accordance
with all requirements.
 Where a situation arises that two or more trainers disagree on the outcome of a
student’s assessment, a moderation meeting will take place with all relevant
training staff present.
 Trainers are encouraged to meet informally throughout the term to discuss best
practice methods of delivery and the expected quality levels of assessment
The information collected through the above listed processes will be used to evaluate
the overall effectiveness, efficiency and appropriateness of the course.
Infrastructure All training and assessment staff have access to:
and resource
availability  Business Services Training Package (BSB) and Assessment Guidelines from said
Training Package
 Trainer, assessor and student support materials relevant to their areas of delivery
and assessment
 Audio visual equipment and video recorder
 Whiteboard, markers and pens
 Computer and projector for PowerPoint presentations
 Access to internet
 Access to Learning management system
 Resources for group activities
 Student workbooks
 Assessment tools
 Session plans

All assessors have access to print and electronic copies of the assessment tools used in
this program. We will review the equipment and facility requirements for each unit of
competency in the qualification and has access to the facilities and equipment needed to
implement the program.

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Transitioning Transition from superseded packages or qualifications must be achieved by the
Arrangements Director of Studies within 12 months of their publication to meet the stated
transitioning arrangements set out by ASQA.

Upon receipt of new package or qualification information from the National Register,
the Director of Studies is required to complete a Transition Plan. Milestone dates for
completion of transition must be followed.

This will include:

 Gap analysis and mapping of current training versus new package/qualification
 Review and rewriting assessment tools
 Review and rewriting learning materials
 Updating of learning and assessment strategy
 Consultation with appropriate industry personnel to ensure relevance
 Submission to add new package or qualification to scope on the National
Register and through CRICOS (where applicable)
 Training or up skilling the trainers to the new course
 Informing students of any changes to their enrolment if applicable

Pathways Students obtaining a competency for all units in this course will be awarded the full
qualification BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management. Students not obtaining a
competent result for all units in this course will receive a Statement of Attainment for
those assessed units.

Post-graduate education pathways include:

 BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business; or
 BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management.

COVID19 For the last couple of months our college and the entire Australian Education has been
Safe Plan severely affected by the outbreak of the Covid-19 and the resultant world-wide
pandemic. After much careful discussions with health professionals and the NSW
Ministry of Health, we decided to stop all physical activities at our college. As the
health of our students and trainers are of the highest priority for us, we immediately
instructed students and trainers to attend virtual classes and operate remotely
respectively for the earlier and the current semester of this year.
The transition from face-to-face classes to online lectures was successfully done in the
earlier term. The trainers have adopted to the teaching needs in line with remote,
online lectures and students have been highly supportive and compliant to these new
changes. Assessments have also been smoothly conducted for the purpose of
maintaining the academic commitments we at AAC have made to our students.
The full-time staff at AAC have now returned to the office to support any ongoing or
immediate needs of the students remotely. For the upcoming two terms, we will
continue to operate with online teaching and will be in constant communication with
the Ministry of Health to update our operational strategies as the Covid-19 restrictions
ease down. If we are compliant in these difficult times, we can soon return to physical
lectures and face-to-face learning.

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APPENDIX A: Resources provided for assessment

Unit Code Unit Title Resources Provided

 Business equipment including tables, chairs,
appropriate lighting
Develop and use emotional
BSBLDR511  relevant workplace documentation and resources
 interaction with others.

 Business equipment including tables, chairs,

appropriate lighting
 relevant legislation and regulations
BSBMGT517 Manage operational plan
 workplace documentation and resources
 interaction with others.

 Business equipment including tables, chairs,

appropriate lighting
 relevant legislation, regulations, standards and
Lead and manage effective
BSBLDR502 codes
workplace relationships
 relevant workplace documentation and resources
 interaction with others.

 Business equipment including tables, chairs,

appropriate lighting
 workplace documents
BSBWOR502 Lead and manage team effectiveness
 office equipment and resources
 interaction with others.

 Business equipment including tables, chairs,

appropriate lighting
 relevant legislation
BSBMGT502 Manage people performance
 workplace documentation and resources
 interaction with others.

 organisational WHS policies and procedures

required to demonstrate the performance
Ensure a safe workplace for a work
BSBWHS521  WHS laws required to demonstrate the
performance evidence
 opportunities for interaction with others.

 relevant legislation, regulations, standards and

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work  relevant workplace documentation and resources
 interaction with others.

 legislation, regulations and codes of practice

related to customer service
 business technology
BSBCUS501 Manage quality customer service  workplace documentation and resources
 complex customer complaints
 interaction with others.

 relevant legislation, regulations, standards and

Interpret market trends & codes
developments  relevant workplace documentation and resources

BSBRSK501 Manage risk  relevant legislation, regulations, standards and

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 relevant workplace documentation and resources
 interaction with others.

 relevant legislation, regulations, standards and

Identify and evaluate marketing
BSBMKG501  relevant workplace documentation and resources
 organisational strategic and marketing plans

 an appropriate range of documentation and

resources normally used in the workplace
 relevant organisational policies and procedures
Manage recruitment, selection and
BSBHRM506  relevant legislation, regulations and codes of
induction processes
 business technology.

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