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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun

Social Internship Synopsis

Name of the Student SAP ID Course

Aakash Dagar 500107152 BTech CSE

Student’s Current Location Mobile Number Email ID

Palwal, Haryana 7494858164

Full name of the organization Complete office address of State(s) where this
the organization organisation is working in
Etasha Society Gandhi Ashram Colony, Haryana

Name(s) of the Founder(s):

1. Dr Meenakshi Nayar

Name(s) of the NGO Mentor(s):

1. Anand kumar

Name(s) of the UPES Mentor(s):

1. Simran Jolly

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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

About the organization:

Etasha Society is a non-profit organization based in India that is committed to empowering underprivileged
youth through skill development and education. Established in 2006, Etasha has a rich history of making a
positive impact on the lives of marginalized individuals.

The vision of Etasha Society is to create a society where every individual has access to quality education and
employment opportunities, regardless of their socio-economic background. With this vision in mind, the
organization strives to equip disadvantaged youth with the necessary skills and knowledge to become self-
reliant and lead productive lives.

The mission of Etasha is to bridge the gap between education and employability by providing vocational
training, life skills development, and career guidance. By focusing on practical skills, Etasha aims to enhance the
employability of young people, enabling them to secure meaningful employment and break the cycle of poverty.

Etasha's objectives revolve around ensuring quality education, promoting skill development, fostering
entrepreneurship, and facilitating job placement for its beneficiaries. The organization aligns its efforts with the
United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 8
(Decent Work and Economic Growth).

Etasha Society operates in various geographies and locations across India, targeting disadvantaged communities
in both rural and urban areas. The organization partners with schools, colleges, and community centers to
provide training programs and support services to youth in need.

In summary, Etasha Society has a commendable track record of empowering underprivileged youth through skill
development and education. By equipping them with essential skills and knowledge, Etasha is contributing to
the creation of a more inclusive and equitable society in line with the SDGs.


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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

About the Project(s):

Etasha Society is currently involved in several impactful projects that are positively transforming the lives of
underprivileged individuals in India. One of their prominent projects focuses on vocational training, providing
practical skills to marginalized youth to enhance their employability.

Through this project, Etasha offers courses in various sectors such as retail, hospitality, IT, and beauty and
wellness. The organization ensures that the training programs are tailored to meet industry requirements and
provide hands-on experience. By equipping these young individuals with relevant skills, Etasha enables them to
secure sustainable employment and break the cycle of poverty.

Another significant project undertaken by Etasha is career counseling and guidance. They provide personalized
counseling sessions to help students and young professionals make informed career choices. These sessions
include aptitude assessments, career exploration, and guidance on educational pathways.

The impact of Etasha's projects is far-reaching. The organization has successfully empowered thousands of
underprivileged youth, helping them secure gainful employment and improve their quality of life. By focusing on
practical skills and addressing the specific needs of different industries, Etasha ensures that their beneficiaries have
the necessary tools to succeed in the job market.

The projects conducted by Etasha primarily benefit disadvantaged youth from both rural and urban areas. These
individuals often come from low-income families with limited access to quality education and employment
opportunities. Etasha's initiatives provide them with a chance to acquire valuable skills, gain confidence, and
contribute to the economic growth of their communities.

Overall, through its vocational training and career guidance projects, Etasha Society is making a significant impact
on the lives of underprivileged youth, empowering them with the tools and knowledge to build successful careers
and create a brighter future.


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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

Organization’s Sectors/SDGs:

Etasha Society focuses on several sectors to address various social issues and contribute to
sustainable development. The organization's efforts align with several Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. Here are some of the sectors and their
corresponding SDGs that Etasha Society actively works on:

1. Education (SDG 4 - Quality Education): Etasha Society believes in providing quality

education and bridging the gap between education and employability. By offering vocational
training, life skills development, and career guidance, they empower underprivileged youth
to enhance their employability and secure meaningful employment.

2. Skill Development (SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth): Etasha Society's
vocational training programs equip individuals with practical skills required in industries such
as retail, hospitality, IT, beauty and wellness, and more. By enhancing their skills, the
organization promotes economic growth and facilitates decent work opportunities for
marginalized youth.

3. Women Empowerment (SDG 5 - Gender Equality): Etasha Society recognizes the

importance of empowering women. Through various initiatives, they aim to provide women
with equal access to education, skill development, and employment opportunities, fostering
gender equality and empowering women to become agents of change.

4. Entrepreneurship Development (SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth): Etasha

Society encourages entrepreneurship by providing training and support to aspiring
entrepreneurs. By nurturing entrepreneurship skills, the organization contributes to
economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development.

5. Community Development (SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities): Etasha Society

actively works towards building sustainable communities by focusing on holistic
development, skill enhancement, and employment generation in both rural and urban areas.

By addressing these sectors and aligning with the corresponding SDGs, Etasha Society aims to
create a positive impact on society, promoting inclusive growth, empowerment, and
sustainable development.


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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

What is your understanding about the sector in which your organization is working?

Etasha Society focuses on sectors such as education, skill development, women empowerment,
and entrepreneurship development. These sectors are critical for promoting social and
economic development, empowering individuals, and creating sustainable livelihoods.

In the education sector, Etasha Society aims to bridge the gap between education and
employability by providing vocational training, life skills development, and career guidance. By
equipping disadvantaged youth with practical skills, they enhance their chances of finding
meaningful employment.

Regarding skill development, Etasha Society offers training programs in sectors such as retail,
hospitality, IT, beauty and wellness, among others. By providing relevant skills to marginalized
individuals, they contribute to their employability and economic growth.

In terms of women empowerment, Etasha Society likely focuses on initiatives that promote
gender equality, access to education, and skill-building opportunities for women. By
empowering women with education and skills, they aim to enable them to overcome social and
economic barriers and become agents of change in their communities.

Lastly, in the entrepreneurship development sector, Etasha Society likely supports aspiring
entrepreneurs by providing training, guidance, and resources to help them start and sustain
their businesses. This helps promote economic growth, job creation, and sustainable

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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

What new initiatives should be taken to achieve these SDGs/Goals?

To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to sectors such as education,
skill development, women empowerment, and entrepreneurship, several new initiatives can
be undertaken. Here are some suggestions:

1. Strengthening Access to Quality Education: Implement initiatives that focus on improving

access to quality education, especially for marginalized and disadvantaged communities. This
can involve building more schools, providing scholarships and financial assistance, and
utilizing technology for remote learning opportunities.

2. Enhancing Vocational Training and Skill Development: Introduce and expand vocational
training programs that align with industry needs and provide practical skills. Collaborate with
employers and industry experts to design training curricula that equip individuals with job-
ready skills and increase their employability.

3. Promoting Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: Develop comprehensive initiatives

that address gender disparities and promote women empowerment. This includes ensuring
equal access to education, promoting women's entrepreneurship, providing leadership
training, and advocating for gender-responsive policies and practices.

4. Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Foster an environment that supports

entrepreneurship by offering startup incubation programs, mentorship, and access to capital
for aspiring entrepreneurs. Promote innovation through partnerships with business
incubators, technology hubs, and research institutions.

5. Creating Collaborative Partnerships: Encourage multi-stakeholder partnerships involving

governments, non-profit organizations, private sector entities, and community-based
organizations to pool resources, expertise, and knowledge. Collaboration can lead to more
effective and sustainable solutions for achieving the SDGs.

6. Emphasizing Sustainable Practices: Integrate sustainable practices across sectors to ensure

long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability. Encourage businesses to adopt
green and socially responsible practices, promote renewable energy, and support initiatives
that reduce waste and promote circular economy principles.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to

track progress towards the SDGs. Regular assessments and data collection will help identify
gaps, measure impact.

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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

During your internship with the organization, how do you think you can contribute to the particular
cause/sector in the organization, as an individual? What activities you wish to do during your

Here are some potential ways to make a meaningful contribution:

1. Support Program Implementation: Assist in the implementation of educational and skill

development programs by participating in teaching or training sessions. This could involve
helping with curriculum development, preparing teaching materials, or providing direct
support to participants.

2. Conduct Research and Analysis: Undertake research projects to gather data and insights
related to the organization's sector. This could involve conducting surveys, analyzing data,
and preparing reports to inform decision-making and program improvements.

3. Assist in Program Evaluation: Support the organization in assessing the impact and
effectiveness of their initiatives by participating in monitoring and evaluation activities. Help
collect and analyze data, conduct interviews or surveys, and contribute to the assessment of
program outcomes.

4. Organize Events and Workshops: Assist in organizing events, workshops, or training

sessions related to education, skill development, or women empowerment. This could
involve logistics planning, coordinating with participants and trainers, and ensuring the
smooth execution of the events.

5. Provide Mentorship and Guidance: Offer mentorship and guidance to beneficiaries of the
organization's programs. Share your knowledge, skills, and experiences to empower
individuals and help them develop their talents and abilities.

6. Support Outreach and Advocacy: Contribute to awareness campaigns, social media

management, content creation, and other communication efforts aimed at promoting the
organization's cause and sector. Help raise awareness about the importance of education,
skill development, and women empowerment.

7. Collaborate with Partners: Engage with stakeholders, community members, and partner
organizations to foster collaborations and synergies. Identify opportunities for partnerships
that can further enhance the organization's impact and reach.


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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

What impact you are willing to create during your Social Internship (how you are going to
change/impact people’s lives with your initiatives/activities)?
1. Empowering Individuals: By providing support, mentorship, and resources, interns can empower individuals to
develop their skills, pursue education, and gain confidence. This can have a transformative effect on their lives,
enabling them to overcome barriers and create a brighter future for themselves.

2. Enhancing Access and Opportunities: Interns can work towards improving access to education, skill
development, and employment opportunities for marginalized communities. By identifying and addressing barriers
such as lack of resources or social inequalities, interns can help individuals access opportunities that were
previously out of reach.

3. Inspiring and Motivating: Interns can act as role models and inspire individuals to pursue their dreams and
aspirations. Through their actions, enthusiasm, and dedication, interns can motivate others to believe in
themselves and strive for personal growth and success.

4. Promoting Sustainable Change: By engaging in research, program evaluation, and data analysis, interns can
contribute to the development of evidence-based practices and strategies. This can help organizations make
informed decisions and drive sustainable change in their approaches and interventions.

5. Creating Awareness and Advocacy: Interns can participate in awareness campaigns and advocacy efforts to raise
awareness about social issues, promote inclusivity, and advocate for positive change. By amplifying the voices of
marginalized communities and influencing public opinion, interns can contribute to shaping a more equitable

6. Building Stronger Communities: Interns can actively engage with communities, fostering collaboration, and
creating a sense of belonging. By organizing community events, facilitating dialogue, and supporting community-
led initiatives, interns can contribute to building stronger and more resilient communities.

The impact created during a social internship is not limited to immediate outcomes but can have a ripple effect,
empowering individuals to become agents of change themselves. By embodying empathy, compassion, and
dedication, interns can leave a lasting impact on the lives of those they interact with, creating a more inclusive and
equitable society.


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SRIJAN Social Internship – UPES Dehradun
Social Internship Synopsis

Write about your expected learning outcomes from this SRIJAN Social Internship:
1. Practical Application of Skills: Interns can apply their academic knowledge and skills to real-world situations.
They gain hands-on experience by working directly with communities, implementing programs, and addressing
social challenges. This practical application enhances their problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, and decision-
making skills.

2. Cross-Cultural Understanding: Working in diverse and multicultural environments exposes interns to different
perspectives, beliefs, and cultural practices. This fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation for diversity,
equipping interns with intercultural competence and the ability to work effectively in multicultural settings.

3. Professional Development: Internships provide an opportunity for personal and professional growth. Interns
develop important workplace skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, and adaptability. They
also gain insights into organizational structures, professional etiquette, and project management, contributing to
their overall professional development.

4. Social Impact and Responsibility: Engaging in social initiatives enables interns to understand the broader social
issues and challenges that exist in communities. They develop a sense of social responsibility and an appreciation
for the importance of sustainable development, making them more conscious and proactive in addressing social
issues in their future endeavors.

5. Networking and Collaboration: Internships offer opportunities to build a professional network by connecting
with colleagues, mentors, and industry professionals. These connections can provide valuable insights, guidance,
and potential future collaborations. Interns learn the importance of building relationships and leveraging networks
to drive social change.

6. Self-Reflection and Empathy: Engaging with individuals and communities facing social challenges fosters self-
reflection and empathy. Interns gain a deeper understanding of the impact of inequality, discrimination, and
limited opportunities on people's lives. This cultivates empathy and a desire to contribute to creating a more just
and inclusive society.

7. Adaptability and Resilience: Social internships often involve working in dynamic and unpredictable
environments. Interns learn to adapt to changing circumstances, overcome obstacles, and develop resilience in the
face of challenges. These experiences enhance their ability to navigate ambiguity and work effectively in complex


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