SKILLS CHECKLIST PART 1a Turning A Client To The Lateral in Bed and Changing An Occupied Bed

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Angeles City

NCM 0103
Fundamentals of Nursing Practice RLE
2nd Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023


Turning a Client to the Lateral in Bed & Changing an Occupied Bed

Name of Learner
Signature of Learner

Name & Signature of Clinical
Instructor Date

Preparation Yes No
▪ Gathered clean linen, clean gloves and laundry bag 1 0
▪ Introduced self 1 0
▪ Verified client’s identity 1 0
1 0
▪ Explained procedure
1 0
▪ Provided privacy
1 0
▪ Raised bed to working height 1 0
▪ Performed hand hygiene 1 0
▪ Donned gloves as appropriate 1 0
▪ Provided comfort and safety for client

Turning a Client to the Lateral in Bed

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1. Pushed mattress to head of bed. Centered mattress if 1 0
2. Lowered head of the bed completely or to a position as low 1 0
as client could tolerate.
Positioned self and client appropriately.
3. a. Moved client closer to side of bed opposite the side client 1 0
will face when moved.
3. b. Used pull sheet beneath client’s trunk and thighs to 1 0
pull client to side of bed.
3. c. Adjusted the client’s head and repositioned the legs 1 0

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4. Standing on the side of the bed nearest client, placed client’s 1 0
near arm across chest.
5. Placed the client’s near ankle and foot across the far ankle 1 0
and foot.
6. Positioned self on the side of the bed toward which client will 1 0
Pulled or rolled client toward self to the lateral position.
7. a. Placed one hand on client’s far hip and the other on 1 0
client’s far shoulder.
7. b. Rolled client onto the side of the body facing self. 1 0
7. c. Positioned client on the side with arms and legs positioned 1 0
and supported properly.
Changing an Occupied Bed
8. Lowered side rail on near side of the bed; made sure side rail 1 0
on opposite side was in UP position.
9. Assisted client to the side of bed. 1 0
10. Placed in side-lying position facing away and as near the far 1 0
side rail as possible.
11. Loosened top linens. Placed top sheet to cover client. 1 0
12. Loosened the spread sheet and bottom linen. Roll the dirty 1
linen under or as close as possible to client. 0
13. Removed and discarded gloves if used. Performed hand 1 0
While client is lying on opposite side of bed:
14. a. Placed clean bottom sheet on mattress 1 0
14. b. Placed center fold of sheet on middle of mattress with 1 0
end of sheet even with end of mattress.
15. a. Unfolded bottom sheet and covered the mattress. 1 0
15. b. Made sure clean bottom sheet was underneath any used 1 0
16. a. Tucked top of sheet under head of bed, or positioned 1 0
contour sheet around corner of mattress.
16. b. Mitered corner of bottom sheet at head of bed if flat 1 0
sheet was used.
17. Tucked remaining bottom sheet well under mattress from 1 0
head to foot.
If the client requires a rubber sheet:

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18. a. Centered draw sheet on bed 1 0
18. b. Fanfolded half of sheet under client 1 0
18. c. Tucked side of sheet under mattress 1 0
18. d. Smoothed out any wrinkles. 1 0
If a draw sheet is needed:
19. a. Positioned sheet in middle of bed. 1 0
19. b. Fanfolded half of pull (lift) sheet under client. 1 0
19. c. Tucked side of sheet under mattress 1 0
19. d. Smoothed out any wrinkles. 1 0
20. a. Placed clean top sheet. 1 0
20. b. Placed center fold of sheet on middle of mattress with 1 0
end of sheet even with end of mattress.
20. c. Left at least a 6-inch cuff of top sheet at head of bed. 1 0
21. Told client why there was a hump of linen in center of bed. 1 0
Made client comfortable.
22. Helped client roll over to other side of bed. 1 0
23. a. Raised side rail. 1 0
23. b. Moved to other side of bed. 1 0
24. a. Lowered side rail. 1 0
24. b. Loosened bottom sheets. 1 0
25. a. Pulled dirty linen to side of bed and rolled into a bundle 1 0
at the foot of bed or placed linen in linen hamper.
25. b. Did not place dirty linen on floor. 1 0
26. Pulled clean bottom sheet across mattress and straightened 1 0
under client.
27. Mitered top corner of bottom sheet or tucked contour sheet 1 0
over mattress edge.
28. Tucked remaining bottom sheet well under mattress. 1 0
29. a. If a draw sheet was used, tightened and tucked it in same 1 0
29. b. If a pull sheet was used, tightened and tucked it in same 1 0
30. Helped client into a supine position in the center of the bed 1 0
and adjusted pillow.
31. Placed top sheet or blanket over client. 1 0
32. a. Pulled up all layers of linen at client’s toes. 1 0
32. b. Made a small pleat. 1 0

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32. c. Mitered corners at foot of bed. 1 0
33. a. Removed pillow from bed 1 0
33. b. changed pillowcase. 1 0
33. c. Placed the pillow back to the patient’s head. 1 0
34. Raised side rail. 1 0
35. a. Returned bed to lowest position. 1 0
35. b. Reattached call signal to linens. 1 0
36. Disposed of soiled laundry. 1 0
37. Removed gloves, if used, and performed hand hygiene. 1 0
38. Documented bed linens changed in client’s record. 1 0
Source: Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning,
Volume III, 2e Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. All rights

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