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Environmental Health Perspectives

Vol. 8, pp. 97-121, 1974

Review of the Health Effects

Of Sulfur Oxides
Submitted by David P. RaIl*
The pollution in the air is a complex mixture of chemical substances of varying toxicity of
which the sulfur oxides are a principal component. Those components which pose the primary
hazards to human health have not yet been fully identified, nor have their respective contribu-
tions to human disease been fully determined. Efficient and effective control strategies are
dependent upon the identification and understanding of these toxic components. Ultimately,
the goal of standard-setting should be the development of composite pollution indices rather
than control of individual pollutants.
Concentrations of SO2' in the ambient air twice the current standards are associated with
adverse health effects. A consider'able body of evidence suggests that there may be discernible
human health effects from exposure to concentrations approximating the current standards.
There is therefore no basis for'relaxation of the present standards for sulffr oxides at this
time. Since the scientific basis for this judgment is incomplete, further scientific'information
will, be required either to validate the present standards or to justify alteration of these

Review of Health Effects of Sulfur Oxides "We are particularly interested in an

assessment of the adequacy of cu'rrent
Background and Objectives of the Study information on the ambient levels of
sulfur oxides tQ apcertain'the extent
Mr. Roy Ash, Director of the Office of to which humap health is affected. If
Management and Budget, requested the Depart- a definitive statement cannot be
ment of Health, Education, and Welfare to take provided on the basis of current infor-
the lead in a cooperative study with the En- mation an outline of the types of
vi'ronmental Protection Agency to examine the studies necessary to 'provide a
existing scientific information on the health definitive leve'l should be developed.
effects of sulfur oxides in the ambient air. Assuming that additional studies
Specifically, Mr. Ash asked: may be necessary, 'we would 'ap-
preciate receiving an estimate of the
*This report is the result of a study group chaired by Dr. time required and costs'to complete
David Rall, NIEHS, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle
Park, N.C. 27709. Dr. Myron Mehlman, Office of the Assis- the additional studies."
tant Secretary for Health, Department of Health, Educa- A report on the following specific areas was
tion, and Welfare, served as executive secretary; Dr. Roger requested: (1) the.extent of the demonstration of
Glass, NIEHS, was staff president; Dr. John Finklea, En- a cause-and-effect relationship between ex-
vironmental Protection Agency, was liaison representative. posure to sulfur oxides and adverse health con-
Drs. Bernard Goldstein and Norton Nelson authored the sec-
tion on Atmospheric Chemistry; Dr.' Richard L. Riley sequences, including the issue of 'dose-effect
authored the section on Toxicology; and Dr. Ian' T.'Higgens relationships; (2) the degree to which these fin-
authored the section'on Epidemiology. dings are supported by' epidemiologic, clinical,

August 1974 97
and experimental or laboratory studies, in- ambient air. Mixtures of SO2 and particles
cluding matters of agreement or disagreement are often more toxic than SO2 alone, the
among the findings produced by the various toxicity depending on the SO2 concentration,
study approaches; (3) the variable susceptibility the nature and size of the particles, and the
to adverse effects' of sulfur oxides among ambient relative humidity. Particles can ab-
different population groups; (4) a quantification sorb SO, and facilitate its reactions. Airbome
of health effects in relation to various levels of particulate metals (vanadium, manganese, iron,
exposure; and (5) the relationship between etc.) catalyze the conversion of SO2 to sulfuric
various levels of sulfur oxide exposure and costs acid and sulfates. Sulfuric acid and acid
in terms of impaired health, including the costs sulfates have proved to be particularly toxic
of care and loss of productivity among those who in animal.experiments.
are or may be adversely affected by exposure to Studies in apimals are helpful in determining
sulfur oxides. mechanisms of action in the body, but are not
This study has examined the existing scien- suitable for establishing safe levels for human
tific information and answered, insofar as is exposure. The number of animals tested has
possible, these important questions. It is clear been small relative to the human population at
that additional information on the health effects risk daily. The animals are- selected to be
of sulfur oxides is urgently needed. A program of healthy, vigorous, and young whereas the
research studies designed to develop such infor- humans most susceptible to pollutant effects are
mation is therefore included. the diseased, very young, or aged.
For estimates of safe levels, we must turn to
Summary of Available Information epidemiologic studies which relate environmen-
tal factors including pollution to states of health
The chemical form of sulfur oxides in the or disease.
ambient air which is associated' in epidemi- Health effects may range from discomfort
ological studies with morbidity and mortality through physiological deviations from the norm,
has not yet been clearly identified. The prevalence of symptoms, appearance of illness,
sulfur-containing products which have been lost working time, and premature retirement to
implicated include SO2, sulfuric acid, and in- complete incapacity and death. In practice, it is
organic sulfates. SO, gas is generated primarily better to consider these indices in the reverse
by the process of burning fossil fuels containing order, starting with death, serious illness, and
sulfur. SO remains in the ambient air for significant disability, about which there can be
1-7 days, during which time it can be con- little argument, and to proceed thence to
verted to sulfates and sulfuric acid by sunlight, physiological deviations and minor disorders,
photochemical oxidants, or by the catalytic the significance of which may be open to ques-
effect of certain particulates in the air. These tion. Disease and death seldom, if ever, result
processes are complex and not quantitatively from pollution alone. They are the outcome of
understood. SO in the ambient air therefore many factors, both individual and environmen-
provides a reservoir from which the more toxic tal, acting together. Any epidemiological study
sulfates and sulfuric acid derive. On a nation- of the effects of air pollution must allow ade-
wide basis, the average ambient air concentra- quately for these other factors. Indeed, the quali-
tions of SO2 have been decreasing in the last ty of such studies often depends on the success
few years because fossil fuels with a lower sulfur with which such allowance has been achieved.
content have been used. The concentration At the other end of the range of health effects,
of suspended sulfates' in the air has not cor- the implication of minor symptoms and small
respondingly decreased since 1963 and appearq deviations from some physiological or bio-
to be highest over the northeast section of the chemical norm between persons living in pol-
nation. luted and nonpolluted neighborhoods may be
Studies on laboratory animals and human imperfectly known. Until it can be shown that
volunteers have' shown that inhalation of SO2 such effects predispose to disease, disability,
alone does not affect lung function at concentra- or reduced expectation of life, the weight that
tions 10 to 100 times that commonly found in should be given to them in setting standards

98 Environmental Health Perspectives

will remain a matter for personal judgment,- creased levels of ventilatory lung function in
Acute episodes of high pollution have clearly both children and adults have been found to
resulted in mortality and morbidity. Often the be related to concentrations of SOS and par-
effects of high pollutant concentrations in ticulates, after apparently sufficient allowance
these episodes have been combined with' other has been made for such confounding variable
environmental features -such as low temper- as smoking and socioecotlomic circumstances.
atures or epidemic diseases (influenza) which It is not possible to state a concentration
may in themselves have serious or fatal con- below which such health effects will not occur.
sequendes. This has sometimes made it difficult In many studies the proportion of persons af-
to determine to what extent pollution and fected increases- from the lowest to highest
temperature extremes are'responsible for the .categories of pollution. Had even lower cate-
effects. Nevertheless, there is now no longer gories of pollution been used in the analyses,
any dgubt that high levels of pollution sus- even lower critical levels might have been sug-
tained for periods of days can kill. Those aged gested.
45 -and over. with chronic diseases, particularly Thus, as in the case of daily mortality, the
of the -lungs or heart, seem to be predominantly concept of no-effect level may be a chimera.
affected. In addition to these acute episodes, A reasonable conclusion from these studies
pollutants can attain daily levels which have would however be that health effects have been
been shown to have serious consequences to found when annual levels of particulates or
city dwellers. For.many years in London, daily SO2 exceed 100 /Ag/m 3. The primary SO2
deaths and illnesses were clearly related to annual level thus appears to be low enough
daily levels of smoke and SO2. Comparable but not excessively low.
observations have been made in New York The need for more information about the
City-, Philadelphia, and Chicago. In the New lowest levels of pollution which might produce
York-New Jersey Metropolitan area, an analy- significant effects was recognized by the En-
sis of daily mortality for the years 1962-66 vironmental Protection Agency through -the
showed that deaths were 1.5% below expecta- Community Health and Environmental Surveil-
tion at the lowest SO2 concentrations and lance System (CHESS) studies. The CHESS
2% above expectation at concentrations of studies were intended to provide this in-
500 ,g/m3 and above. A similar though weaker formation. These studies were also intended to,
relationship was found in Philadelphia but not monitor any changes in health which might
in Chicago. This work urgently needs to be pur- occur as a result of any change in pollution
sued, since it calls into question the concept' concentrations. It is probably safe to say that,
of a no-effect level on which present air quality in attempting to provide a large amount of
standards are based. information as quickly as possible, the CHESS
The implication of daily levels of SO2 and studies have as *yet been less effective than
particulates has been studied in particularly they might have been had a more deliberate
vulnerable groups, such as patients with chronic approach been adopted. Any defects in design,
bronchitis and emphysema. Deterioration in met,hods, and execution of these studies, how-
their respiratory well being has resulted from ever, can be remedied for -the future. The
a daily concentration of SO2 of about 500 ,gl importance of the monitoring aspects of this
m3 which is not much above the 24-hr primary program can hardly be exaggerated. It is es-
standard. A few studies have even suggested sential that the technique of monitoring be
that deterioration in particularly vulnerable impeccable. Present assessment of the CHESS
groups may occur with daily concentrations studies is that they do not in themselves justify
which are below this standard. Confirmation and change in the standards. The CHESS
of this is urgently needed. studies also provide some support for the view-
There is a large and increasing body of point that acid sulfates and sulfuric acid may
evidence that significant health effects are be more important pollutants than SO2 in
produced by long-term exposures to air pollu- terms of their health consequences. Further
tants; Acute respiratory infections in children, information on this is urgent. In particular,
chronic respiratory diseases in adults, and de- better evidence is needed to suggest an appro-

August 1974 * 999

priate standard for sulfates. There is some without controlling SO2 might preferentially
evidence that local controls of SO2 (by higher clean up the more manageable large particles
stacks, etc.) is leading to a wider dissemina- and effect a marked improvement in the TSP
tion of particulate sulfates. All this is resulting index while leaving the smaller, more toxic
in a rather uniform level of sulfates in the respirable-sized particles for man to breathe.
northeast United States. Should sulfate con- We must aggressively seek a broader and firmer
centrations rise uniformly over a wide area, it scientific foundation on which to base present
might be impossible to find any appropriate and future policies. These policies will affect
low sulfate control areas with which any puta- billion dollar decisions and involve the health
tive health effects should be compared. and well being of millions of Americans. In
Catalytic converters which are to be installed the area of air pollution policy, inertia and
on automobiles to control pollution may become inactivity without research support is in itself
a new source of increased sulfates and sul- a multibillion dollar decision.
furic mist in the breathing zone of urban areas. The second problem concerns the importance
This may pose potentially severe problems in of epidemiologic data in arriving at a primary
areas saturated with automobile use. The ex- ambient standard. While we may review the
haust from cars with catalytic converters present air criteria levels many times and
contributes only a small portion of the atmos- underscore the incomplete data base, we must
pheric sulfate, but this may be disproportion- also realize that epidemiologic evidence will
ately significant because it occurs in the be central to any future reevaluation of the
breathing zone of a large portion of the urban present standards. These studies require years
population. to complete land demand continued support
over long periods of time.
Summary of Key Problems In this regard, the continuing results of the
CHESS studies will be of great assistance in
The first problem concerns the identification improving our estimate of a no-effect level for
and isolation of the ultimately toxic pollu- SO. The community of epidemiologists and
tant(s). SO2 has often been used as an index of scientists outside EPA is not adequately
pollution and is sometimes considered a main familiar with the details of these very extensive
pollutant. SO2 alone is of relatively low studies to endorse or challenge the reported
toxicity, but in the presence of other pollutants, results. In the normal course of scientific
such as total suspended particulates (TSP) or investigation, review, and publication, such
ozone, or after conversion to particulate sulfate understanding and acceptance or rejection
or sulfuric acid, it can become a major con- would occur. This process however would take
tributor to adverse health effects. Yet SO2 years, and the answers are needed now.
and TSP (of which sulfates are a variable It would be important for EPA to assemble a
fraction) are the measured pollutants to group of academic and government
which controls are directed. Operationally, to epidemiologists to provide in-depth review of the
prevent the health consequences of SO2-related mass of data from this ongoing program and
pollution, we must know more of the inter- offer continuing advice. Furthermore, considera-
relationships between these sulfur oxides, the tion should be given to having complementary
effects of particle size, the importance of studies performed by extramural organizations.
particulate composition, the synergistic toxicity In the near future, pollution levels will fall in
between SO2, particles, and humidity, and the some areas and may rise in other areas if high
adverse health effects of suspended sulfates sulfur fuel must again be burned. Our un-
and sulfuric acid mist. derstanding of the effects of pollution on health
Further studies are crucial for sound policy. could be significantly advanced if
It is possible that a policy decision to reduce epidemiologists with foresight and funding could
SO2 alone without control of particulates set up studies now of the temporal consequences
could well lower our SO2 pollution index but on the health of the exposed populations of these
yield no benefits for health. Likewise, an at- unplanned experiments.
tempt to clean the air of particulate matter Both of these approaches to setting air quality

100 Environmental Health Perspectives

criteria involve the input of well trained chronic today, perhaps at twice the current standards.
disease epidemiologists, a commodity which is Some studies suggest these relationships also
in short supply within the American medical exist at concentrations in the range of the
community. primary ambient air standards for SO2 and
The third problem concems the generally TSP. Tentative exposure-effect relationships
inadequate data base upon which these stand- are available, but must be treated as suggestive,
ards rest. These standards will affect the lives not definitive.
and health of millions of people and influence
the expenditure of billions of dollars. The bulk (2) Agreement with Epidemiologic, Clini-
of the laboratory animal studies which have cal, and Experimental or Laboratory Studies:
delineated the synergistic toxicity of SO2 and The clinical, laboratory, and experimental
certain particles has been performed in a single studies at relatively high concentrations of
laboratory over the last two decades and cost in sulfur oxides in the ambient air are consistent
the aggregate, approximately $600,000. It is with the current epidemiologic data. Informa-
fortunate that this single investigator did not tion is not available to provide the desired
choose another research topic 20 years ago. level of confidence at concentrations approx-
When the research data base for standard imating the current standards. This can be
setting is inadequate and the margins of corrected by the fuller development of the
error are large, prudence dictates a conserva- needed information.
tive approach. Standards will be set at more
stringent levels to insure that the public health (3) Susceptibility to Adverse Effects of Sul-
is protected. More information can decrease fur Oxides of Different Population Groups:
the margins of error and result in more realistic The population groups of particular concern
perhaps less stringent standards. are young children, the elderly, and any persons
The range of uncertainty in the study of the with pre-existing diseases of the heart and lungs.
adverse health effects of SO2 and particulates
has been quantified in the CHESS reports as the (4) Health Effects at Various Exposure
"worst" and "least" case examples. The po- Levels: The purpose of many epidemiologic
tential risk of a wrong decision includes: (1) studies is to define an exposure-response
accepting the lowest levels (worst case) to be relationship. The best available tentative
significant to health when this is not true and exposure-response curve is presented in Fig-
consequently wrongly promoting expensive pol- ure 1. An imaginative attempt to group the
lution controls, or (2) accepting the highest
levels (least case) to be significant when this 47
is not true and consequently wrongly allowing Adays
dual mortality byS0clasinNwYor-99
many people to suffer the ill effects of pollution 2etropolitan area, 1962-1966 (1826totaldays
toxicity. In our uncertainty rests a multi- 184 20
billion dollar decision which could have po- do day
tentially disastrous consequences for future days
Americans. Our need to make this decision on 120 130
a more secure scientific basis is imperative. s:::
5 ~~~days Ysdays~5-. :
,-l 232
days :.:: *
Answers to Specific Questions Posed by
the Office of Management and Budget
(1) Cause-and-Effect Relationship between
Exposure to Sulfur Oxides and Adverse SO2,j-.g/Cu. M
Health Consequences: Cause-and-effect re-
lationships probably exist at ambient air con- FIGURE 1. Dose-response curve for S02. Means of resi-
dual mortality by S02 class in New York-New Jersey
centrations of sulfur oxides somewhat above metropolitan area, 1962-1966 (1826 total days). Data of
the current standards in the United States Buechley (1).

August 1974 101

graded health consequences of exposure to Table 1. Estimates of the cost of the health
SO2 against a composite index is illustrated consequences of air pollution.
in Figures 2 and 3.
Study Cost, $x10-9 Considerations
(5) Relationship Between Sulfur Oxides Waddell (2) 0.9-3.2 SO. effects on human health.
Exposure and Coats in Terms of Impaired 1.6-7.6 Particulates + SO. combined
Health: We are not convinced that there are effects on human health.
currently available reliable estimates of the 7.1-20.1 All measurable adverse en-
vironmental effects
number of people affected by SO2. A cost
estimate is given in Table 1, but we are not con- Lave (3) 7.0 Total health benefit that
vinced of the validity of the methods used to would accrue in 1978 based
derive these figures. on 1970 dollars and 1969

124 hr. increase

50OOrf deaths Research Proposals Designed to Provide
Needed Information on Health Effects of the
I1-4 days Sulfur Oxides
100oF inc ys
m bation Research efforts designed to develop needed
ase I
E dise
E information on the health effects of the sulfur
500k 1+ + oxides are outlined in Table 2.
100 -J *monft-ye irs Laboratory Research on and Monitoring
increase7 syimproms for the Multiple Factors in Sulfur Oxide
I+ decrease poulm. function
Toxicity: It is important to delineate which
no effect specific compounds in the mixture of present
50 pollutants are ultimately damaging to pul-
a I
+ monary structure and function. It will be
impossible to develop well designed and ef-
10 50 100 500 000 5000 fective control programs until more information
Suspended particulates frormifossil fuels is available on (1) the toxicity of SO2, various
Agm/m3 sulfates, and sulfuric acid mist and on (2)
FIGURE 2. Dose-response curve for sulfur dioxide. Data the conditions necessary for the interconversions
of Dr. Benjamin Ferris (personal commun ication). of these sulfur oxides.
x The proposed program (Table 2) includes
Inaease x monitoring, atmospheric chemistry research,
mortality x x
x and biomedical research.
1-4 days X
morbidity Epidemiologic Research: Ultimately the
increase months xx x development of proper cost effective ambient
)x X
air standards depends on epidemiologic evi-
years x dence. A number of steps should be taken to
annoyance x
provide for this necessary epidemiological
no effect evidence. These are summarized in Table 3.
I.C 10 50 100 500 9001000, As circumstances develop, SO2 levels may
be projected to fall in some areas and to rise
Log A-P Index -S2x susp. partic.
1000 in others if return to high sulfur fuel becomes
FIGURE 3. Dose-response curve for total suspended par- inevitable. Advantage should be taken of this
ticulates. Data of Dr. Benjamin Ferris (personal com- situation by initiating a prospective study
munication). designed to document the health effects of

102 Environmental Health Perspectives

Table 2. Laboratory research on and monitoring of multiple factors in sulfur oxide toxicity.

Estimated time to achieve
cost, Duration, significant
Program $/yr yr results, yr
A. Intensify study of qualitative and quantitative aspects of the 700,000 4 2
interconversions between SO2, suspended sulfates, and sulfuric
acid mists; rates and routes of conversion and residence times
of intermediates and end products are important
B. Develop and validate methods for monitoring suspended sul- 400,000 2 2
fates and sulfuric acid mist
C. Develop a national monitoring system for suspended sulfates 600,000-2,000,000 3
and sulfuric acid mist
D. Maintain the present National Air Sampling Network and keep None 1
surveillance and quality control tied into the EPA Office of
Research and Development
E. Continue the development of atmospheric air pollution 600,000 5 2
F. Investigate the pulmonary responses and toxicity in laboratory 2,000,000 4 3
animals and in human volunteers of the various sulfur oxides
under various conditions of humidity and specific particulates
of differing size

Table 3. Program of epidemiologic research.

Estimated time to achieve
cost, Duration, significant
Program $/yr yr results, yr
A. Study to document the health effects of variations in concen- 1,000,000 5 5
tration of ambient sulfur dioxides Lesser amounts 10
B. Studies by academic institutions 1,000,000 6 4
C. Strengthening of CHESS study by outside input and review 150,000 1 1
100,000 thereafter
D. Study of daily mortality rate in New York City
1. Extend this study to present 300,000 1 1
2. Provide resources for the National Center for Health Sta- 40,000 1-2
tistics to maintain daily mortality data for future studies
3. Continue New York study on ongoing basis 150,000 2
4. Extend similar studies to three other cities 500,000 2
E. Design and fund a manpower training program to recruit more 500,000 10 4-5
chronic disease epidemiologists

August 1974 103

these changes. This study is of such a critical specialities, this one is probably in shortest
nature that a more detailed description is supply compared to need.
given in the following section. Training facilities for this type of
In order to replicate certain of the very im- epidemiologist are also very limited. There are a
portant studies encompassed in the CHESS few training centers in schools of public health
program it would be useful to invite academic and medical schools but no center in the Federal
institutions to initiate studies in certain critical government, in contrast to the outstanding
areas. facility operated at the Center for Disease Con-
It is necessary to strengthen the CHESS trol for many years, for training of infectious dis-
study by providing- the opportunity for ex- ease epidemiologists.
tensive outside input and review. With such Opportunities exist for increasing the number
review the CHESS results will be increasingly of epidemiologists by combining the resources of
important. (The estimates in Table 3 do not academic institutions and the Federal govern-
include funding for the CHESS program which menrt. If funds were available, existing universi-
should be continued.) ty centers could substantially increase trainees
The study of the daily mortality rate in without much increase in faculty. The Federal
the New York City Metropolitan area as re- government has resources for field training; for
lated to daily SO2 concentrations has provided example, in several institutes of NIH, EPA,
important information. This study was termi- NIOSH, and the NCHS. Academic institutions
and Federal agencies should work together to
nated in part because the National Center for develop an integrated program. Opportunities
Health Statistics stopped coding mortality on for training should be open to college graduates
a daily basis. Extension of the study to the and should not be limited to physicians, den-
present (if SO2 levels continue to fall) and to tists, and veterinary physicians.
the future (if SO2 levels rise) would be very
important. Research Proposal to Maximize Informa-
The continuing critical shortage of epidemi- tion on Human Health Effects from Projected
ologists is a major impediment to further Alterations of Concentrations of Ambient
definition of the health effects of air pollution. Sulfur Oxides: Review of the available infor-
Every critical review of the relationship of en- mation concerning the health effects of sulfur
vironmental factors to health calls attention to oxide air pollutants reveals significant deficien-
the inadequacy of the quantity or quality of cies in the extent of knowledge available to base
epidemiologic studies. One of the reasons for this judgements concerning appropriate control
is the serious shortage of qualified environmen- strategies. In view of the current shortage of low
sulfur fuels, a significant deterioration in
tal epidemiologists. Most epidemiologists are regional air quality is expected to develop this
oriented to the study of the infectious diseases; winter and to be repeated for a number of years
substantially different orientation and different subsequently. Dr. Frank Speizer of Harvard
skills are necessary for effective study of chronic University has submitted a preliminary outline
noninfectious diseases. Sophisticated methods of studies aimed at determining the health
are required, which take into account not only effects of increased ambient levels of sulfur ox-
the biologic characteristics of people (age, sex, ides brought about by the reintroduction of high
race, genetic defects, etc.) but also the great sulfur fossil fuels. The approach consists of
variety of external or environmental factors epidemiological evaluation of the health of pop-
which influence health and disease (social class, ulation groups who will be inevitably subjected
to elevated ambient levels of sulfur oxides due to
season, occupation, personal habits such as use of high sulfur fuel. Its goal is to provide infor-
smoking and drinking, diet, place of residence, mation relevant to establishing appropriate
etc.). standards and control strategies for sulfur ox-
Whereas some medical specialists have been ides.
trained in excess in recent years, this is not the The studies are based on a number of assump-
case with this kind of epidemiologist. In fact, the tions which include the ability to forecast which
opposite is true - among all medical parts of a definable geographic area will have the

104 Environmental Health Perspectives

worst air quality, the ability to obtain long-term this acid are known as sulfites and bisulfites.
commitments for large-scale cooperative studies These have not usually been searched for in the
from national, state, and local institutions, and atmosphere as it is believed that essentially all
the availability of sufficient numbers of trained sulfur dioxide is eventually oxidized to sulfates,
personnel to perform the studies. either in air or following absorption by plants or
Studies of acute effects would focus on adsorption on surfaces.
respiratory disease in cohorts of school children, Sulfuric acid is the hydrated form of sulfur tri-
normal adults, and high risk groups followed for oxide (SO3), which is derived from the oxidation
up to five years. Evaluation of school children is of sulfur dioxide. As sulfur trioxide is intensely
envisioned to involve approximately 1000 sub-
jects, age 9-12, divided into three groups de- hygroscopic, it is al'most immediately converted
pending upon exposure levels. Respiratory into sulfuric acid in' the atmosphere.
illnesses, school absences, and pulmonary func- Inorganic sulfates are presumably derived
tion would be monitored. New groups of 9-year- from either the reaction of sulfuric acid with
olds would be added yearly in order to provide cations or by the oxidation of sulfites. There is
data on the cohort effect of changing levels of little information available concerning the pos-
pollutants. The estimated cost would be sible formation of organic sulfates in the atmos-
$75,000-$100,000/yr per 1000 children. phere.
Studies of normal adults would consist of The major source of urban sulfur oxides is the
identifying cohorts living in areas with the same combustion of fossil fuels in stationary sources.
pollution or cohorts receiving similar oc- Approximately 98% of the sulfur released to the
cupational exposures to dust who would be air is in the form of sulfur dioxide and most,' if
evaluated with repeated biennial assessment of not all, of the remainder is sulfuric acid. In-
respiratory symptoms, work days lost,
hospitalization, etc., particularly during high organic sulfates may also be discharged pre-
exposure periods. Control groups would be from formed in certain industrial effluents. It must be
relatively unexposed areas. Cost per subject is emphasized that while almost all of the sulfur
envisioned to be in the same range as the study dioxide produced by combustion of fossil fuel is
of children but more subjects will be needed due eventually converted into sulfate, not all atmos-
to the confounding effects of smoking. pheric sulfate is derived from this source.
The special risk groups to be studied would Natural sources of sulfur dioxide and hydrogen
consist of "normal" (i.e., least detectable sulfide (H25) can be oxidized to sulfate. Aerosols
change) subjects who have been identified to of sea water are a direct source of atmospheric
have relatively decreased pulmonary function in sulfate (4, 5). While it has been estimated (5)
a screening program, patients. previously that only one-third of the sulfur in the entire
hospitalized for respiratory failure, and global atmosphere is derived from pollutant
asthmatics of all ages. No cost estimates are sources, this observation is not pertinent to local
given. respirable ground levels of sulfur oxides which in
to evaluate whether these levels of sulfur ox-
ides have real chronic effects would require urban areas are almost entirely derived from
follow-up of these cohorts for at least 10-15 yr fossil fuel combustion.
beyond the initial acute studies described above. The formation of sulfates from sulfur dioxide
A formal registry system of this type appears in the atmosphere may best be viewed as two
feasible in school children and also may be prac- separate, although perhaps related, chemical
ticable in other population groups. processes. The first is the oxidation of sulfur di-
oxide to sulfuric acid and the second is the reac-
Background Review: Atmospheric Chemistry tion of sulfuric acid with cations to form
sulfates. Sulfur dioxide in pure air is very slowly
Sulfur oxides in the atmosphere can most con- oxidized by sunlight to sulfuric acid with a rate
veniently be considered as Ioccurring in three of about 0.1 %/hr (6). While there is inadequate
forms: sulfur dioxide (SO2), sulfuric acid (H2SO4), information to characterize fully the chemical
and inorganic sulfates. processes by which sulfur dioxide is oxidized in
Sulfur dioxide is the anhydrous form of the polluted urban air, the conversion is much more
weak acid, sulfurous acid (H2SO). The salts of rapid than in pure air. This is due to the pres-

August 1974 105

ence of other air contaminants which in general dictate the concentration of sulfur oxides and
greatly facilitate the oxidation of sulfur dioxide. other contaminants thereby influencing the rate
Two processes appear to be involved: oxidation at which they react. Increased humidity acceler-
by components derived from photochemical ates catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide, while
processes (7-12, 34) and catalytic oxidation pre- cloud cover might be expected to lower the rate
dominantly by certain types of particulate aero- of the photochemical process, and rain will wash
sols (13-21). The photochemical reaction is out sulfur oxides from the atmosphere. Tem-
associated with the action of sunlight on oxides perature affects reaction rates and the solubility
of nitrogen and hydrocarbons derived primarily of gases. Wind influences the rate, direction,
from mobile sources. The ensuing reactions re- and distance of dispersal.
sult in the production of agents capable of oxi- The average residence time of sulfate in the
dizing sulfur dioxide to sulfuric acid. As an atmosphere is probably measured in days. A
illustration of the complexity of this process, the large urban source of sulfur dioxide will there-
presence of sulfur dioxide in the photochemical fore result in increased atmospheric sulfates
mixture enhances aerosol formation thereby being present many miles downwind. In regions
tending to decrease sunlight which in turn de- where there are multiple urban sources of sulfur
creases the rate of photochemical reactions. oxides, such as the northeastern United States,
Estimated rates for the oxidation of sulfur di- there has been a general buildup of ground level
oxide due to the photochemical process range as sulfates stretching many hundreds of miles (29).
high as 18%/hr/(S. K. Friedlander, personal This includes rural areas whlch have appre-
communication, Sept. 1973). Rate data are sum- ciable suspended particulate sulfate concentra-
marized in Table 4. tions despite relatively negligible sulfur dioxide
Catalytic oxidation of sulfur dioxide occurs in levels. In view of the possible toxicity of sus-
the absence of sunlight in aerosols on which sul- pended sulfates, it should be noted that emis-
fur dioxide has been adsorbed. Major research sion control measures designed to disperse sulfur
interest has focused on the catalytic role of dioxide from point sources, e.g., tall stacks, will
metallic compounds in the aerosols including not have a major effect on area-wide suspended
manganese, iron, vanadium, aluminum, lead, sulfate levels despite producing a decrease in
and copper. The total reaction is a highly com- local ambient sulfur dioxide concentrations.
plex process with many interrelated variables Also of note is the finding that the ratio of sulfur
which are poorly characterized (34). These in- dioxide to suspended sulfate concentrations in
clude adsorption rate of sulfur dioxide, particle eastern cities differs from that in western cities
or droplet size, chemical composition, rate of (30). Data from the last decade reveals the
diffusion of reactants within the aerosol and sulfur dioxide/sulfate ratio in eastern urban
relative humidity. Relative humidity is a major areas to be 4.9 (SO2, 66,ug/m3; SO4, 13.5 1g/m3)
determinant, as the reaction occurs in water and in western urban areas to be 3.4 (SO2
droplets containing the metallic particulates 22 ug/m3; SO4, 6.4 Ag/m3).
and absorbed sulfur dioxide. Furthermore, as an The analytical techniques for the measure-
acid pH decreases the rate of sulfur dioxide ment of ambient concentrations of sulfur dioxide,
oxidation, the formation of sulfuric acid in suspended sulfates, and sulfuric acid are not
the aerosol would tend to be self-limiting unless comparable in terms of reliability or accuracy
the acidity is diluted by additional water vapor. (30, 31). Much information is available concern-
In this respect, alkaline metal compounds (e.g., ing ambient sulfur dioxide levels and the assay
iron oxide) and ammonia also enhance the reac- system is relatively well standardized and be-
tion rate by decreasing droplet acidity through lieved to be reasonably accurate. Less informa-
their buffering capacity. Extrapolated levels for tion about ambient suspended sulfate levels is
the rate of oxidation of sulfur dioxide by cata- available, and the assay systems in use have a
lytic processes -in urban air range upwards of number of difficulties. Most notable is the pos-
2%/hr. sibility that a portion of the sulfates detected on
Weather has a great effect on these atmos-. particle traps result from the reaction of sulfur
pheric chemical processes. Inversion levels will dioxide with the trapping material and do not

106 Environmental Health Perspectives

Table 4. Estimated sulfur dioxide oxidation rates in the lower atmosphere:
tabulation of selected studies

Presumed Extrapolated
Experimental conditions atmospheric conditions S50 consumption rate Reference

Sunlight; High SO2 concen- SO2; sunlight; clean air 0.5%/hr Hall, (22), cited by Urone
trations; no other impurities and Schroeder (23)
Sunlamp in smog chamber; SO2; sunlight; clean air (reac- 0.1-0.2%/hr Gerhard and Johnstone (6)
high SO2 concentrations in ction unaffected by humidity)
pure air
Sunlight; 200-2000 g g/m3 Assuming 300 ag/m3 SO2; bright 0.65°%/hr Cox and Penkett (24)
SO,; trace impurities sunlight for 10 hr would pro- (high rate may be due
duce 30g/m2 of sulfate to trace impurities)
Smog chamber; light; SO2, SO2, 260 Mg/m3; ozone, 100 3%/hr for pentene; 0.4%Y/ Cox and Penkett (8)
NOX, olefins u g/m3 olefin, 33 Mg/m3, bright hr for propene
Photochemical reactants Sunlight; SO2, 260 gsg/m3; 3%/hr Cox and Penkett (9)
SO2 in ppm concentrations ozone, 200 Ag/m3; olefin, 33
g/m3; 40% RH
UV-irradiated gas mixtures; Noon sun 1-3%/hr Urone et al. (12)
NOx, hydrocarbons, SO2;
high levels
Catalyst droplet exposed to Natural fog containing lI crys- 1%/min Johnstone and Coughanowr
high concentrations of SO2 tals of MnSO4 in droplets; (16)
in humid air 2600 pg/m3 SO2
Metallic aerosol particles on Natural fog (0.2 g H2O/m3) 2%/hr Cheng et al. (13)
Teflon beads in flow reac- in industrial area; SO2, 260
tor; SO,; water vapor pg/m3; MnSO4, 50 g/m3
Artificial fog in smog cham- (Levels in smog chamber) 0.6 0.01%5/min at 77% RH Johnstone and Moll (17)
ber; very high levels; SO2 mg/m3 SO2; 2 mg/mi Mn SO4, 2.1%/min at 95% RH
and metal sulfates
NH4SO4 formation in water 100 pg/m3 SO2; 10 Vg/m3 NH3; 2.5%o/min in droplets Van Den Heuvel and Mason
droplets exposed to NH3 cloud droplet radius of 10 p (21)
and SO2
Atmospheric study of pol- 11.7%/min Shirai et al. (25)
luted areas in Japan
Atmospheric study of Ca- 150-4200 Ag/M3 SO2 0.035%/min Katz (26)
nadian smelting area
Study of SO2 oxidation in Found moisture level in plume 0.1%o/min at 70% RH Gartrell et al. (27)
plume of coal-burning pow- important; S026 g/m3 0.5%0/min at 100% RH
er plant

Atmospheric study of Rouen 68-242 pg/M3 SO2 6-25%o/hr Benarie et al. (28)
(industrial city) in winter

August 1974 107

represent atmospheric sulfates. Another prob- known concentration. The controlled atmo-
lem, perhaps related is the report that the con- spheres used in laboratory experiments do not
centration of sulfates in air depends upon the simulate urban air pollution accurately, and
sampling volume. Much work needs to be done the detection of physiological responses does not
to solve these problems and to analyze critically necessarily indicate an adverse health effect.
and standardize the various sulfate measure- Nevertheless, studies in exposure chambers
ments. Sampling and analysis of atmospheric give clues to the kinds of effect to be expected
sulfuric acid can most optimistically be de- from exposure to atmospheres containing the
scribed as in the development stage and further pollutants which have been studied in the
effort is required. Establishment of techniques laboratory.
to characterize the chemical composition of
atmospheric sulfates is an essential step toward SO2 in Particle Free Air
the understanding of health effects. It should be
noted that as much as 80% of particulate sul- Animal Studies: SO2 is a respiratory irri-
fates collected in urban areas are in a size range tant with high solubility in the aqueous lining
small enough to be inhaled into the alveolus of membranes of the respiratory passages. Because
the lung (32, 33). In addition, further informa- of its high solubility, SO2 is largely absorbed in
tion is required concerning the relationship of -the nose and upper respiratory passages and
ambient levels of sulfur dioxide to ambient very little reaches the lungs. To produce death
levels of suspended sulfates. Available informa- or pathological changes in the lungs of experi-
tion suggests that this is not a simple linear mental animals, very high concentrations are
function (29). needed. SO2 inhalation produces bronchial nar-
In summary, evaluation of the atmospheric rowing as indicated by increased airflow resis-
chemistry of sulfur oxides produces the following tance. This effect occurs in a matter of minutes
conclusions: (1) the rate of oxidation of sulfur and is readily reversible, suggesting that it re-
dioxide to sulfuric acid and its conversion to sus- sults from an increase in bronchial smooth
pended sulfates is greatly accelerated in polluted muscle tone (35). The effect has been observed
air; (2) the atmospheric chemistry of these reac- in guinea pigs, dogs, and cats as well as in hu-
tions is highly complex and incompletely under- man subjects. Exposure of guinea pigs to SO2
stood, and present information is mainly quali- levels up to 5.72 ppm (17,000 ,ug/m3) for 12
tative rather than quantitative; (3) in order to months produced no identifiable effects apart
understand fully the relationship of ambient sul- from slight changes in the liver (36). Monkeys
fur oxide levels to health effects, much more exposed continuously for 78 weeks to SO2 levels
work is required to identify and characterize of 0.14-1.28 ppm (400-3800 ug/m3) showed no
the various forms of sulfate present in the atmo- significant pathological changes (37). After ex-
sphere, the processes by which they are pro- posure of rats to 1 ppm S 2(3,000 ug/m3) for
duced, and their relationship to point or area 170 hr, a significant depression of lung clear-
sources of sulfur dioxide. ance of inert particles was demonstrated (38).
The effect of SO2 was studied in Syrian hamsters
who had been made emphysematous by ex-
Background Review: Toxicology posure to an aerosol of 3% papain. The animals
were exposed to high concentrations of SO2
The demonstration of a cause-and-effect re- (650 ppm; 1,950,000 ,ug/m3) for 4 hr per day,
lationship between exposure to sulfur oxides and 5 days per week, for a total of 19-74 exposures.
adverse health consequences is based in part on Only mild bronchitis and minor changes in the
experiments in which animals and human sub- mechanical properties of the lungs were ob-
jects are exposed to controlled atmospheres in served (39). While conceptually attractive,
the laboratory. Such studies permit the assess- this study is difficult to interpret because of the
ment of physiological changes caused by ex- exceptional tolerance of the Syrian hamster to
posures of khown duration to pollutants of SO2.

108 Environmental Health Perspectives

Human Studies: Although there is con- SO2, but interferes with mucus flow in the
siderable variation in response in different nose. This impairment of mucociliary clearance
people and in the same person at different times, would be expected to reduce the capability of
most people show changes in respiratory flow re- the respiratory tract for dealing with airbome
sistance at S02 concentrations of 5 ppm particles, whether infectious, toxic, or inert,
(15,000 Ag/m3) and above. Especially sensitive but direct evidence to this effect in humans is
people react to concentrations in the 1-2 ppm not yet available. When the nose is by-passed by
range (3000-6000 ug/m3) (35, 40-42). After 120 breathing through the mouth, the trachea and
hr of exposure to 3 ppm (9000 ,g/m3) So2, bronchi are exposed to much higher concentra-
increased small airway resistance and signifi- tions of SO2 than with nose breathing and
cant but minimal decrease in the dynamic com- adverse effects are greater.
pliance of the lung was noted in normal human
.subjects. The effect disappeared within 48 hr SO2 and Particulate Sulfur, Including Sul-
after cessation of exposure (43). Four week-long furic Acid and Sulfate Salts
exposures of subjects with demonstrable per-
ipheral airway disease to SO2 levels of 0.0, 0.3, Mixtures of SO2 and aerosols often have a
1.0, and 3.0 ppm (0, 900, 3000, and 9000 Ag/m3) greater irritant effect than would be expected
produced no pattem relating to SO2 dose (44). from the two components acting independently
The study was difficult to carry out, and the (35, 40, 41, 45). This more than additive effect,
data showed wide variance. called synergism, is due to the transformation of
In recent studies of normal human subjects, SO2 into a variety of products, including
nasal mucus flow was measured by external de- sulfuric acid and sulfate salts, which are more
tection of the movement of a very small radio- highly irritant than SO2 itself.
active particle placed on the mucosal surface Aerosols of soluble salts form droplets in
inside the nose (42). Mucus flow about half way humid air, and SO2 dissolves in the droplets.
from the tip of the nose to the nasopharynx de- This can occur in the atmosphere when the rela-
creased on the average to 80% of control values tive humidity is high or in the respiratory pas-
after 1-3 hr exposure to 1 ppm (3,000 ,ug/m3) sages where the air rapidly becomes saturated
SO2 in particle free air and decreased further with water vapor. The tiny droplets carry the
to 54% of the control value after 4-6 hr SO2 more deeply into the respiratory airways
exposure. Gas samples taken from the naso- than it would otherwise go and also provide an
pharynx after passage through the nose con- aqueous medium in which chemical transforma-
tained less than 1% of the SO2 which entered tions can take place. Aerosols in the submicron
the nose, indicating that more than 99% had size range penetrate more deeply and potentiate
been absorbed in the nose. This confirmed the irritant effect of SO2 to a greater extent than
earlier studies in animals and in healthy people. larger particles. The irritant effect of a given
Mucus flow was slowest in the anterior part of droplet is increased by transformation of dis-
the nose where the concentration of SO2 was the solved SO2 into more highly irritant substances
highest, and was fastest in the posterior part of such as sulfuric acid and metallic sulfates.
the nose where little S02 remained in the air.
On forced expiration through the mouth, the air Animal Studies: The synergism between
flow rate was reduced to an increasing degree SO2 and particulates has been demonstrated
with increasing concentrations of inspired SO2 by studies using mortality and lung pathology
and with increased duration of exposure. In view as criteria as well as in studies using changes in
of the very low concentrations of SO2 reaching airway resistance and in clearance of inert par-
the bronchi, the reduced maximum expiratory ticles and viable bacteria from the lungs (35, 40,
air flow is thought to have resulted primarily 41, 45). The presence of particulates capable of
from a nasobronchial reflex causing broncho- oxidizing SO2 to sulfuric acid caused a 3- to 4-
constriction. fold potentiation of the irritant response in
The absorption of SO2 by the nose minimizes guinea pigs (41). Soluble salts of ferrous iron,
the exposure of the lower airways and lungs to manganese and vanadium were shown to pro-

August 1974 109

duce this potentiation even at SO2 concentra- verted in the air are irritating to the lining
tions as low as 0.16 ppm (480 ,g/m3). This membranes of the respiratory tract.
concentration is occasionally seen in urban The irritant effect causes reflex bronchocon-
atmospheres. The metallic salts which acted as striction, slowing of mucus flow, depression of
catalysts in these experiments were used at con- clearance of inert particles from the lung, and,
centrations of 0.8 to 1 mg/mi3, which is higher in regions of high concentration, narrowing of
than has been reported in urban air. Insoluble airways from inflammatory swelling of mem-
aerosols, such as carbon, iron oxide fume, tri- branes.
phenyl phosphate, or fly ash did not cause a Synergism between SO2 and soluble aerosols
potentiation of the irritant action of SO2. has been demonstrated in animals. The neces-
Recent experiments using guinea pigs have sary experiments have not yet been performed
demonstrated that the synergism between SO2 under controlled conditions using human sub-
and aerosols of common salt, sodium chloride, jects.
are critically dependent on relative humidity Increased susceptibility to infection has been
(46). At relative humidities above 70% the salt looked for, but not found, in animal experi-
particles become droplets in which chemical re- ments, and has not been looked for in people
actions with SO2 can occur before the aerosol under controlled conditions.
is inhaled. Under these conditions synergism oc- Bisulfite, one of the reaction products of SO2
curs as indicated by increase in airway resis- in droplets, has been shown to have mutagenic
tance. Below 70% relative humidity the salt effects on viruses and bacteria. The significance
particles remain in the air as nonreactive of this finding to human health, if any, cannot
crystals, and no synergistic effect upon airway yet be evaluated.
resistance is seen. Since the humidity of air in The physiological responses found under con-
the respiratory passages is always high, one can trolled conditions give useful insights into mech-
infer that the formation of droplets in the out- anisms of action, but cannot be translated
side air, before entry into the airways, is of directly into adverse effects of exposures to con-
critical importance in relation to irritant effects. taminated urban air.
Experiments in which animals were exposed
to SO2 alone or in combination with various Background Review: Epidemiology
insoluble dusts did not demonstrate increased
susceptibility to bacterial infection (47). Acute Episodes
Mutagenic changes in viruses and bacteria
have been attributed to the bisulfite ion which is The acute episodes of high pollution which
one of the reaction products of SO2 in water have occurred in the Meuse Valley, Belgium,
(48-50). Donora, London, New York City, Osaka and
elsewhere (51-56) provide the clearest evidence
Human Studies: Studies in which people of an effect of air pollution on health. The in-
have been exposed to combinations of SO2 and creased mortality and morbidity which occurred
sodium chloride aerosol have not consistently in these episodes of pollution probably affected
shown the synergistic effect seen in guinea pigs predominantly those who already were suffering
(35, 41). Human exposures to mixtures of SO2 from some chronic illness, particularly of the
and metallic aerosols which produce irritant sul- heart or lungs. These excess deaths occurred in
fates have not been reported, and there are no age groups above 45 years in both London (57)
human exposure data concerning combined ef- and New York (58); in addition, the individuals
who were affected at Donora (59) were primarily
fects of sulfur oxides and other commonly oc- those who had preexisting chronic disease. Gore
curring pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, and Shaddick (60) concluded from their analysis
ozone, or hydrocarbons. of episodes during the winters of 1954-1955 and
1955-1956 that a critical level of four times the
Summary customary winter average of air pollution in
London would result in excess deaths. Subse-
SO2 and products into which it may be con- quently, Burgess and Shaddick (61) suggested

110 Environmental Health Perspectives

that this would happen when smoke concentra- winter months was noted. In the earlier years
tions rose above ug/m: 2000 and SO. above 0.4 (1959-1960), the correlations were higher than
ppm (1144 jig/m;'). 5 yr later (1964-1965), when the concentration
of smoke in London had been considerably re-
Variation in Mortality, Morbidity, and Lung duced. The patients appeared to be most sensi-
Function Over Time tive to changes in pollution early in the winter.
The minimum pollution level which leads to a
Since 1958 in London, daily measurements of significant response was about 500 ,ug/m3 SO2
smoke and SO2 have been related to daily with about 250 ,g/m3 smoke. These authors
deaths and illnesses (62). Mortality and morbid- considered that the effects they observed were
ity for all causes and for certain respiratory more likely to be due to brief exposures to the
diseases were fairly highly'correlated with both maximum concentrations occurring during the
smoke and SO2 levels until 1962; since 1962- day than to the 24-hour daily levels. Moreover,
1963, however, there has been little evidence of they noted that correlations between health
any effect of pollution on mortality or morbidity. status and pollutant levels were still demon-
It seems reasonable to attribute this change to strable in 1967-1968 when the annual concen-
the great reduction in smoke pollution which has tration of smoke was 68 IAg/m3 and of SO2
been achieved in London during the last 15 204 ,ug/m3.
years. During this time, smoke has declined Studies of bronchitic patients were carried out
from an average annual level of about 300 ,ug/m3 in Chicago by Burrows et al. (70). The severity of
to less than 50 jig/m3 and SO2 from a slightly symptoms was found to vary with temperature
higher concentration to about 200 j,g/m3. and SO level. When season and daily tempera-
Lawther, reviewing these data for the period ture were held constant, however, only hydro-
November 1958 to February 1959 concluded that carbon levels showed an independent correlation
increased mortality would result when daily with symptoms. The authors concluded that air
smoke rose above 750 , g/m3 and SO2 above contaminants did not appear to play a major
0.25 ppm (710 IA g/m3).
Fletcher' arid his colleagues (63) made regular role in the daily variation in the patients' symp-
observations on 1000 men aged 30-59 living in toms. However, Carnow et al. (71) who also
North London from 1961 to 1966. The incidence studied'patients in Chicago, found that illness
of respiratory illnesses was found to be related rates increased with increasing exposure to SO2.
to both smoke and SO2 levels. Illness attack The critical level at which this increase occurred
rates increased when weekly smoke concentra- appeared to be about 0.25-0.30 ppm SO2 (710-
tions exceeded 400 ,g/m3 and SO2 exceeded 858 ,ug/m3). Particulates were not included in
0.16 ppm (458 ,ug/m3). An increase in symptoms this analysis. They were probably high since in
and decrease in ventilatory lung function ap- 1966-1967, the time the study was carried out,
peared to be associated with daily rises in smoke the average annual concentration of particulates
concentrationis above 300 jig/m3 and SO2 con- in Chicago was 148 jag/m3.
centrations above 0.21 ppm (600 ,ig/m3). During
the period of observation, there was a decline in
the volume of morning sputum produced by the Geographical Comparisons
men under observation. This could have been
due to the concurrent reduction in air pollution One way in which the effects of pollution may
but it might also have been due to a reduction in be studied is to compare people who live in
the tar content of cigarettes, which also occurred areas which differ in air pollution. Comparisons
at the same time. may be international, national, or local. They
In an attempt to study a more susceptible may be of persons living in urban and rural
group of people, Lawther and his colleagues areas, in cities which differ in their pollution,
(64-69) have been making observations on or in different areas of a single large city.
bronchitic patients. Each patient keeps a daily
record of changes in his health in a pocket diary,
and records whether his chest is better, worse, or International Differences
the same as usual. A close correlation between
the concentration of smoke and SO2 and the The large differences in bronchitis mortality
clinical condition of the patients during the among different countries has sometimes been

August 1974 III

attributed to differences in pollution among Berlin, New Hampshire (74, 75). In both
them. But it has become increasingly clear that instances the same questionnaire was used. In
diagnostic practices differ in different countries, the- British survey a panel of physicians was used
and that variations in death certification ac- whereas two other physicians surveyed the
count for much of the variation. However, when Berlin, New Hampshire population. No cross
these are allowed for, there are still differences testing of the two groups of observers was done;
in mortality and morbidity between different but one of the observers in Berlin has worked
countries. Some of these could be due to dif- with British workers using similar question-
ferences in air pollution. Some of the difficulties naires and there have not been marked differ-
inherent in carrying out international compari- ences between the 'observers. A comparison of
sons are indicated by''the studies conducted by the results shows that Berlin, New Hampshire,
Ferris and Anderson (72, 73). The authors com- has lower levels of particulates and SO2
pared respiratory disease'and lung function in than the concentrations of large cities of Britain.
representative samples of the inhabitants of two The subjects were then categorized as simple
towns which differed in their degree of air pollu- chronic bronchitis (phlegm production for three
tion. In' 1961 they studied a 1:10 sample of adults months out of the year for the' past 2-3 yr or
living in Berlin, New Hampshire. Two years more) or a complex chronic!bronchitis (simple
later, they carried out a comparable study of a chronic bronchitis, plus bouts of cough and
1:7 sample of the inhabitants aged' 25-74 of phlegm lasting for three weeks each winter and
Chilliwack, British 'Columbia. In each survey, for more than two winters),' and shortness of
methods' were comparable and the observers the breath (such that the subject could not keep
same. One major cause of differences between up with persons of his own age on the level).
surveys was therefore largely eliminated. Only those 45-64 years of age were compared.
Information about respiratory symptoms and When the' data were standardized for cigarette
smoking habits was obtained by using a proto- smoking, no relationship was seen between the
type of-the British Medical Research Council's simple'syndrome and air pollution. The complex
respiratory symptoms questionnaire. The forced syndrome, on the other hand, did show an
expiratory volume (FEV) and peak expiratory increase across the levels of pollution which was
flow rates (PEFR) were used to assess ventila- approximately a 2 to 3-fold rise. A comparison
tory lung function. On the basis of the age/ of the tests of pulmonary function cannot be
specific prevalence of symptoms in both surveys, made with certainty as only peak flows were
expected rates for non-smokers were calculated. measured in Britain and there was no cross
From the multiple regression equations on age calibration-of the meters. In general, values in
and height for the FEV and PEFR for Berlin, the United Kingdom were lower for the same
expected lung function values were calculated age, sex, and smoking category.
for Chilliwack. There was little difference in In another study a similar comparison was
respiratory disease prevalence of male non- made between Britain and the United States
smokers from that expected, but in women the and a comparable occupational group (76). This
prevalence was slightly below that expected. study sho'wed that the pulmonary function of
Lung function' values were also consistently the men in the United States was better than
slightly higher than expected in both men and that in the United Kingdom. Differences in
women in Chilliwack for all smoking categories. height in the two populations could not account
These differences are in' the direction one would for all of th'e difference. No statement was made
expect if pollution were exerting an effect. But, as to the temperature corrections. If these re-
as the authors point out, they could still be due sults were expressed at ATPS, then the temper-
to ethnic differences between the two popula- ature differences between the two countries
tions. might account for the residual difference. The
A further international comparison was made authors, however, attributed the difference to
between the results from the general practi- the different levels 'of pollution in the two
tioners survey in Great Britain and that in countries.

112 Environmental Health Perspectives

Urban/Rural Gradients of Respiratory respiratory symptoms and level of ventilatory
Disease Mortality and Morbidity lung function (91).
A striking feature of the mortality statistics Comparisons between Towns
of certain countries is a pronounced gradient
between urban and rural areas in death rates Comparisons have sometimes been made be-
for chronic respiratory disease. This trend is tween towns which differ in air pollution. Dohan
pronounced in the United Kingdom for both and Taylor (92) and Dohan (93) related
men and women. There is a similar, though claims for insurance benefits in female em-
much less impressive, trend for men, but none ployees of the Radio Corporation of America
for women in the United States (77). These ob- to levels of pollution in five cities. They found a
servations have stimulated a great deal of re- high correlation between respiratory illnesses
search (78-81). The earliest studies used avail- of seven days' duration and over and average
able data (82-86). Mortality rates in different levels of suspended particulate sulfates for the
areas were related to levels of air pollution where years 1955-1957. Age distribution, conditions of
these were available. Mortality from bronchitis work, and social and climatic factors did not
was found to be correlated with indices of pol- appear to account for the five fold variation in-
lution, social circumstances, and density of the incidence of these illnesses between the
population. In many of these studies, however, cities.
cigarette smoking habits were not adequately A comparison of respiratory disease and lung
controlled for. function in two towns in Pennsylvania with con-
trasting levels of air pollution was carried out by
Comparisons of Uniform Occupational Groups the United States Public Health Service (94).
Average dust, fall in Seward, the moreF-polluted
To get around the difficulty that differences in town, was 3.2 times and So was 6:2 times that
exposure to air pollution tend to be confounded of New Florence. Age- and height-adjusted
with differences in social class, Fairbairn and mean values of mrost lung function tests were
Reid (87) studied postmen, a uniform occupa- remarkably similar for both sexes in each town.
tion group, who receive the same pay wherever The only exception was that the average airways
they work and, once established, tend to remain resistance and airways resistance times volume
in the same area. They found that premature were higher in Seward. It was not possible
retirement and death from bronchitis and pneu- to conclude from this study- that the difference
monia were related to thick and presumably in pollution caused the difference in airway
polluted fog, and were independent of domestic resistance because there were other differences
overcrowding or population density. Somewhat between the two towns (for example, the propor-
similar observations were made in British trans- tion of miners in each) which could have been re-
port workers (88). sponsible, and cigarette smoking was not con-
In the United States, surveys of Bell Tele- trolled for.
phone employees were carried out by Holland et
al. (89) and by Deane et al. (9J). The results Differences within a Large City
have been compared with studies carried out in
a comparable manner in London and smaller Differences in mortality and rmtorbidity often
towns in England. Differences in symptom prev- occur in different areas of a single large city.
alence, morning sputum volume, and lung func- It is sometimes possible to correlate these with
tion were observed, which were in a direction differences in air pollution. Such studies have
which would have been expected if pollution been carried out in Buffalo, New York (95, 96).
had been playing a role. A recent study of Pollution in Buffalo was monitored from 1961-
telephone workers in Washington, D. C., Balti- 1963, and levels of particulates and sulfation
more, Manhatten, and Westchester County, were related to mortality for 1959-1961. Total
N.Y., failed to show any significant association mortality in men and women aged 50 years and
between pollution at home and at work and over and respiratory disease mortality in men

August 1974 113

aged 50-69 were both significantly correlated years and 10 to 11 years living in four areas of
with suspended particulate. concentrations. Sheffield with differing air pollution. They
There was no significant relationship between found that both upper and lower respiratory in-
mortality and sulfation in this study, but the fections increased with increasing pollution.
levels of sulfation recorded wete low. The prevalence of symptoms was higher at an-
One of the most detailed studies of air pollu- nual means of smoke cind SO2 of about 200
tion was conducted by the United States Public 1A g/m3 compared with about 100 A g/m3.
Health Service in Nashville, Tennessee (97-99). FEV and forced volume capacity (FVC) were
Pollution was monitored by a network of 123 lower in the most polluted area. A 4-yr follow-
stations. Mortality from 1949 to 1960 was cor- up (103) showed that most of the differences
related with pollution levels. Age/specific death between the groups had disappeared with the
rates for respiratory disease at ages 25-74 were reduction of smoke which had been achieved
directly related to SO2 levels and cardio- in Sheffield.
vascular mortality to soiling. Various indices More recently, Holland et al. (104) studied
of morbidity, such as the frequency of asthma some 10,000 school children in four areas of
attacks, were also related to pollutant levels. Kent. Peak expiratory flow was found to be re-
Unfortunately, in neither the Buffalo nor Nash- lated to area of residence, social class, family
ville studies was attention directed to smoking size, and a past history of pneumonia, bron-
habits or occupation. chitis, or asthma. These four factors appeared
to act independently and the effects were addi-
Studies of Children tive. The findings suggested that environment
early in life can produce adverse changes which
A number of studies has been carried out on may persist and contribute to the development
children, who are particularly suitable because of chronic respiratory disease.
they tend not to smoke cigarettes and for the Ferris et al. (105) did a follow-up study in 1967
most part do not engage in dusty jobs. They may in the Berlin, New Hampshire pQpulation that
also be exceptionally sensitive to the effects of had been studied in 1961. The levels of both
pollution. sulfation rate and total suspended particulates
In Japan, Toyama (100) and Watanabe (56) had fallen by about 30-40%. After age stan-
found that school children living in Kawasaki dardizing within the various cigarette smoking
and Osaka, two polluted cities, had lower peak
flow rates than children living in less polluted categories, men and women tended to have lower
areas. One of the most interesting studies of frequencies of respiratory symptoms and less of
children was carried out in Britain by Douglas a fall in pulmonary function than would have
and Waller (101). In 1946, a study of health been expected by age. Levels of air pollution
and development was initiated. All children were 731 (±241) , g SO/100 cm2/day in 1961
born in a one-week period in March were fol- and 469 (±111) ,ug SOJ100 cm2/day ip 1967;
lowed to school-leaving age in 1961. Subse- total suspended particulates were 180 ± 71
quently, the illness experience of the children lAg/ms in 1961 and. 132 £ 83 lAg/ms in 1967.
was related to the areas in which they had Changes in smoking habits or use of filter-
lived, and so to the probable levels of pollution tipped cigarettes could not explain this differ-
experienced through life. The results showed ence. These results were interpreted as being
that lower respiratory infections were con- confirmatory of those seen in the Berlin-
sistently related to pollution but that upper Chilliwack comparison.
respiratory infections were not. Both the fre- More recently, Cohen et al. (106) using a diary
quency and severity of such infections increased technique, looked at the effects of climate and
with the amount of pollution. The lowest levels air pollution on asthmatics. The sample was
of smoke and SO2 were 70 and 90,ug/m3,respec- small. They found that temperature had more
tively. Higher illness rates were added in all effect than air pollution and that all pollutants
higher pollution classes. were associated with asthmatic attacks. There
Lunn et al. (102) studied the prevalence of also seemed to be an interaction between tem-
respiratory illnesses in school children aged 5 perature and pollution levels such that the effect

114 Environmental Health Perspectives

of the pollutants was greater at temperatures lates, including suspended sulfates and nitrates,
above 50°F than at temperatures below 30°F have been related to acute respiratory illnesses
when the asthma attack rate was greatest. and chronic respiratory symptoms occurring in
A number of other studies have looked at members of familes living in areas which differ
these aspects and have concluded that there in respect to pollution in four general communi-
may well be such an interaction and that the ef- ties. The communities were the Salt Lake basin
fects of climate should be taken into account. area, Utah, five Rocky Mountain areas in Idaho
Lambert and Reid (107) carried out a postal and Montana, New York City and Chicago.
survey of respiratory symptoms in a representa- Families were recruited through elementary or
tive sample of men and women living in Eng- nursery schools. In the Utah and Rocky Moun-
land, Wales, and Scotland. Of 18,379 men and tain area, monthly averages of SO2, sulfates and
women believed to be aged 35 or over in the suspended particulates were derived from emis-
households sampled, questionnaires were re- sions estimates and dispersion models. Measure-
turned from 12,236. Of these, 2261 were outside ments were available only for 1971. In New York,
the required age range of 35-69, 1155 refused, total suspended particulates were collected daily
and 3614 did not reply. The 9975 questionnaires by high volume sampler and analyzed for ni-
completed, thought to represent 74% of those trate, sulfate, and organic fraction. SO2 was
aged 35-69 and able to respond, were analyzed. measured three times a week by the modified
An increasing prevalence of persistent cough and West Gaeke method. In Chicago, particulates
phlegm and of chronic bronchitis (persistent were measured three times a week and SO2 once
cough and phlegm, breathlessness on walking, a week at an air monitoring station within 1.5
and a period of increased cough and phlegm mile of the family's home. Health and demo-
lasting 3 weeks or more in the past 3 yr) with graphic information on illnesses and respiratory
increasing age and with increasing cigarette symptoms was collected by self-administered
consumption was confirmed. There was an ex- questionnaires supplemented by telephone in-
cess in male nonsmokers as well as in smokers, terviews. The questionnaires were completed for
Urban/rural gradients were not explained by the family members by the mother or guardian.
smoking differences alone. The prevalence of In each community the prevalence of chronic
symptoms increased with increasing air pol- bronchitis (persistent cough and sputum for 3
lution independently of cigarette consumption. months of the year either alone or with breath-
Local pollution appeared to have little effect lessness when walking at an ordinary pace on the
on nonsmokers, but in smokers, high levels of level) and the occurrence of various upper and
pollution were associated with more frequent lower respiratory tract infections in high and
respiratory symptoms. Prevalence of symptoms low pollution areas were compared. Higher rates
increased progressively from the lowest (less were found in the higher pollution areas. A
than 100 ,ug/m3 smoke and SO2 on the average major aim of the studies was to define levels
per year) to the highest (.200 Ag/m3). This of pollution which resulted in an effect on
study, then, indicates that pollution had a clear health. The validity of self-reporting to ac-
effect on respiratory symptoms after allowing for complish this end is seriously open to question.
age and cigarette smoking. There was also an Reporting is likely to reflect attitudes to present
interaction between smoking and pollution. and past pollution and only limited checks of
parental diagnoses with physicians records were
Recent Studies made. One curious feature of the combined re-
sults of these studies in relation to chronic
During the past few years, as part of its Com- respiratory disease is that while in each com-
munity Health and Environmental Surveillance munity after allowance was made for smoking,
System (CHESS), the Environmental Prote;c- the prevalence of chronic bronchitis was higher
tion Agency has conducted a number of studies in the high than in the low pollution area, there
of the effects of air pollution on respiratory were no corresponding differences between the
disease. Several of these have recently been pub- communities. Chronic bronchitis was in fact
lished (108-110). Levels of SO2 and particu- lower in fathers and mothers in New York City

August 1974 115

than in Utah despite the fact that pollution showed that while the main predictors of mor-
was much higher in New York City. tality were: annual cycle, day of the week,
In a series of studies carried out in Cincinnati, Christmas holidays, influenza epidemics and
Chattanooga, and New York City (108), the days or spells of extreme temperatures, pol-
forced expiratory volume of elementary school lution as measured by coefficient of haze units
children was related to pollution. The FEV was (COHS) and SO2 contributed to a small but
found to be consistently lower in children 5-13 significant extent. In New York City, mortality
yr old exposed to higher concentrations of par- was 1.5% less than expected when SO2 was under
ticulates and SO2. In Cincinnati, the perform- 30 ,ug/m3 and 2% greater when it was above 500
ance of children in polluted neighborhoods im- IA g/mn3. This in fact suggests that there might be
proved during the seasons of low pollution but no threshold and that the lower the concentra-
not to the level of their counterparts in the low tion of SO2, the lower will be the possibility
exposure neighborhoods. The results are presen- of adverse health effects.
ted graphically and in insufficient detail for the
bases for these conclusions to be checked. Nor Dose/Response Relationships, Old Results
is sufficient evidence presented that differences
between neighborhoods was not due to differ- We can form some idea of the levels of smoke
ences in the performance of the lung function and SO2 which may cause effects (Table 5) (113).
test. We are not told who performed the test It is important to realize that these two pollut-
in each area. If a number of observers were ants may not be the most important, but instead
involved, no measurements of observer variation only indices of others that are more important.
were made. All in all, it is not at all clear that In London, mortality has clearly resulted when
the differences in lung function between neigh- 24 hr concentrations of smoke have risen to
borhoods which were shown in these studies can 1000-2000 ,ug/m3 and to concentrations of S02
be attributed to differences in air pollution of 750 jLg/M3. These sorts of levels may occur
between them. with average annual concentrations of smoke of
In a recent study of bronchitic patients in 300-400 iAg/m3 and of S02 of 250-300
London, Emerson (111) made several spiro- jAg/m3. No one can doubt that these concentra-
metric measurements at weekly intervals over tions are far too high and should not be allowed.
periods of 12 to 82 weeks. The changes observed In London, 24 hr values of about 500 jug/ml
were correlated with daily atmosphere and air smoke and 400 jig/M3 SO2 have led to exacerba-
pollution measurements. Significant correla- tions among bronchitis patients. Now that the
tions of FEV Lo with temperature in six pa- average concentrations of smoke and SO2 in
tients, humidity in four and with barometric London are about 40 and 170 jAg/M3, respec-
pressure in three were found. In only one was tively, it will be interesting to see if there is
there a correlation with SO2 levels and in none still any response among these susceptible
with smoke. The conclusion drawn was that at patients to the highest levels which occur in
the concentrations of these pollutants now exist- the winter.
ing in London SO2 and smoke have little effect In the whole of Britain, correlations which ap-
on ventilatory lung function of patients with pear to be linear can be shown for bronchitis
chronic airways disease. The concentrations sickness absence when winter smoke and SO2
during this study were: smoke, mean annual 41 rise above 100-700 jAg/M3. Similarly respiratory
and maximum daily 241 ,g/m3; SO2, mean an- symptom prevalence and resDiratory infections
nual 187 and maximum daily 730 jUg/m3. This in children rise with increasing pollution levels
study might perhaps suggest that, provided above 100 microg/cu.m. In New York City, 24-hr
smoke concentrations are low enough, somewhat, averages of 6 coefficient of haze units (COHS)
higher levels of SO2 than are now permitted and 2000 /ug/m3 have resulted in mortality and
by the primary standards might be permitted. 3 COHS and 700 ug/im3 in morbidity.
On the other hand, a recent study of mortality In Buffalo, there was a steady increase in
in the United States (112) from 1962 to 1966 respiratory mortality from the lowest to the

116 Environmental Health Perspectives

Table 5. Summary of dose-response relationships for effects
of particles and SO2 and health.

Averaging time Approximate levels of pollution

for pollution Particles, SO2
measurements Place A g/m s g/m Effect
24 hr London 2000 1144 Mortality
24 hr London 750 700 Mortality
24 hr London 300 600 Deterioration of patients
Weekly mean London 200 400 Prevalence or incidence of respiratory
24 hr New York 6b 1500 Mortality
Winter mean Britain 100-200 100-200 Incapacity for work from bronchitis
Annual Britain 70 90 Lower respiratory infections in children
Britain 100 100 Upper and lower respiratory infections
in children
Britain 100 100 Brochities prevalence
Britain 100 100 Prevalence of symptoms
Buffalo 100 300c Respiratory mortality
Berlin, N.H. 180 731c Increased respiratory symptoms
Decreased pulmonary function
"'Old" results, leading to original standards.
bIn coefficient of base units (COHS).
cAs tg S03/100 cm2/day.

highest pollutant levels. The lowest particulates since the type of pollution and methods of as-
levels were under 80 ,ug/m3 and sulfation was sessing it are different in Britain and in the
less than under 0.30 mg S03/cm2/day. United States.
On the basis of these flgures, average annual With the implementation and enforcement of
values of something under 100 jug/m3 for par- the primary Federal air pollution standards, we
ticulates and SO2 and something under 300 and have reached a stage where pollution is unlikely
600 ,ug/m3 for 24 hr would seem to be desirable. to cause much adverse effect on health. Further
The primary standards reflected this. What reduction of the standard might protect a few
conclusions can be drawn from more recent sick people from being made worse by air pol-
studies about their adequacy? lution, but of this there is considerable doubt
(Table 6). Such reduction would be dispropor-
tionately costly when related to the likely bene-
New Results fits which could be expected. Such cost should
only be accepted on the basis of convincing evi-
The CHESS studies have provided the largest dence that standards are now too high. The only
body of data which might perhaps suggest that satisfactory evidence that would justify this
the primary standards may be too high and conclusion would come from well designed ex-
should be lowered. We believe that the methods periments. It would be justifiable to select some
used, the sampling, the internal inconsistency of comparable cities; monitor pollution and
the findings and other questions render the va- inhabitants carefully, employing objective tests
lidity of the findings too uncertain to justify wherever possible; reduce particulates and SO2
these conclusions. Nor do we think that these in one city, particulates in another, possibly en-
studies provide a sound basis for a standard for force particulates at standard but allow SO2
suspended sulfates. More research is needed on to rise modestly in a third and maintain stan-
this topic. British experience might suggest that dards in a fourth (Figure 4). The costs and bene-
the major effort should be put on reducing par- fits of the various procedures might then be ade-
ticulates. We are in some difficulty, however, in quately measured. We doubt if the information
trying to generalize from British experience we now need can be obtained in any other way.
August 1974 117
Table 6 atmosphere is used as an index of the extent
Expected Health Effects of Air Pollution of air pollution. When studied alone, it acts as
On Selected Population.
a relatively nontoxic gas. In the ambient air,
Effect Pollutant it undergoes chemical reaction to much more
toxic substances, namely suspended sulfate
Excess mortality and hospi- 500 500 particles and sulfuric acid mist. Additional
tal admissions (24 hr
mean) epidemiologic studies are needed to verify
the health effects of these products. These
Worsening of patients with 250 500-250 studies will require the development of im-
pulmonary disease (24 proved monitoring methods and the establish-
hr mean) ment of a complete data base for sulfates
Respiratory symptoms (an- 100 100 (particularly in the particulate fraction) in
nual arithmetic mean) the air. SO2 levels in the ambient air appear
to be a reflection of air pollution levels since
Visibility and/or annoyance 80 80 SO2 is the major precursor of the more toxic
(annual geometric mean) sulfur reaction products.
World Health Organization
(WHO) data. Nature of Standards
A Primary Ambient Air Standard states the
concentrations of a given substance which on the
basis of the "best available scientific evidence"
Maintain* TSP Maintain TSP are likely to cause no adverse health effects to
Allow SO2 to rise
Maintain SO2 (say, to 100 Ag/ml) the general population in the United States.
"Best available scientific evidence" is an impor-
tant concept because it indicates that the stan-
Reduce TSP Reduce TSP dards will change as we gather more knowledge
about health effects of individual pollutants.
Maintain SO2 Reduce SO2 With scientific advances, this standard will ap-
proach a "no effects level" for each pollutant
FIGURE 4. Experimental design. Asterisk (*) refers to based on a natural law of chemical-biological in-
primary Federal standards. teraction. As we approach this natural limit, our
margin of scientific error decreases. The Clean
Air Act requires that a safety factor be added to
Interim Report: Review of Health Effects each air quality standard to approximate the
of Sulfur Oxides in the Ambient Air scientific error and to insure that the American
people are adequately protected from the health
Preliminary Findings consequences of each agent. Thus, the Primary
Standard is the scientist's best estimate of a
Following review of the available data and natural law of chemical-biological interactions
presentations by experts from the United States which defines the highest concentration of a
and abroad, it seems that the current pri- pollutant that will cause no damage to health. It
mary ambient air standards for sulfur oxides includes an estimate of scientific error in terms
(SO2) are likely to be reasonable and in the of a legal safety factor.
proper range. We are continuing our analysis of
the data in this area and will present more speci- Policy Decisions and the Standard
fic conclusions in our final report.
In the long run we are convinced that this
Nature of the Scientific Problem identification of the natural law relationship will
establish concentrations of SO2 and other pol-
SO2 is a gas whose concentration in the lutants which do not damage human health. SO2

118 Environmental Health Perspectives

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