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Class: VII
Subject: ENGLISH Full Marks: 80
Time: 2 Hours 15 Minutes Year: 2022


1. Do not write during the first fifteen minutes. This time is to be spent on reading the
2. Answers to all the questions must be written neatly in the spaces provided.
3. In this paper, there are three sections: A, B, and C. All questions in sections A and B
are compulsory.
4. Section C has three genres: Short Stories, Essay and Poetry. Each genre has Multiple
Choice Questions (MCQ), Short Answer Questions (SAQ) and Extended Response
Questions (ERQ).
5. All MCQs and SAQs are compulsory. For Short Story and Essay, attempt TWO
ERQs from the THREE given choices. For Poetry, attempt ONE ERQ from TWO
given choices.
For Teacher’s Use Only

A (Writing) C (Short Story)

Section Essay Letter B (Language)
Question QI QII QI QII QIII i ii iii iv i ii i ii iii
Mark 15 8 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4
Mark scored
Total score
Section C (Essay) C (Poetry)
Question i ii iii iv I Ii i ii iii i ii i ii iii i ii
Mark 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 4
Mark scored
Total score
Final score:
Initial of the tabulator:

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Question I [15]
Direction: Write a narrative essay or a realistic fiction of about 200 to 250 words on any
ONE of the topics given below.

i. Narrate how did you meet your best friend.

ii. End a story with, ‘ and I are both inside of one another, but not in a creepy way;
as a result, we can all face the end together.’


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Question II [8]
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Direction: You are Yangchen Dolkar of Bjishong Higher Secondary School located in Damji
Gewog, under Gasa Dzongkhag. Write a letter on any ONE of the topics given below.

i. Write a letter to your friend Sonam Bhuti who is studying in Drukjegang Higher Secondary
School, Dagana. In your letter mention about the plans that you have for the winter break.
ii. Write a letter to the Principal requesting him for seven days leave as you are referred to
Mongar Hospital for further treatment.

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(15 Marks)
Question I [1X5]
Direction: For each question, there are FOUR responses: A, B, C and D. Choose the
corresponding alphabet of your response and CIRCLE it neatly. No scores will be awarded
if you circle more than one.

i. The match is ____________ due to heavy downpour.

A. called off
B. called out
C. called on
D. called up

ii. The man __________lent me the book is Rinzin.

A. who
B. whose
C. which
D. where

iii. A Figurative language that is used to make comparison between two unlike things
without using ‘Like’ or ‘As’ is known as
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Euphemism
D. Personification

iv. “Millions of frogs are dead inside in the pond” The phrase above best describes
A. Personification
B. Alliteration
C. Hyperbole
D. Imagery

v. Alas, he had to leave me and go to a land faraway. the underlined word is an example
of: A. Interjection
B. Pronoun
C. Adverb
D. Noun

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Question II [1X5]
Direction: Read the instructions given in the brackets and write the answers in the spaces

i. The man is happy, ___________________? (use correct question tag)

ii. There house has a beautiful backyard, (Identify the wrong use of the word and write

the correct word)


iii. I cannot think of any good memory in the park. (use appropriate antonym for the

underlined word)


iv. Please get me some butter, cheese, milk biscuits yogurts, fresh cream when you return

from the market. (use correct conjunction)


v. The singers in the band were wearing a similar kind of band. (Write what example the

underlined words is i.e Synonym, homonym, homophone, antonym)


Question III [1X5]

Direction: Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. You may have to use
extra words.

i. I have never _________(talk) to Kado.

ii. My sister and I ______(go) to town yesterday.

iii. I have lost one of my gloves. I must ___________(drop) it somewhere.

iv. The boss ___________ (hang up) the call.

v. We stayed at the _______(cheap) hotel in the town.

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Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions based on the stories ‘The Girl
Who Couldn’t See Herself and ‘The Cherry Tree’.

Question I [1X4]
Direction: For each question, there are FOUR responses: A, B, C and D. Choose the
corresponding alphabet of your response and CIRCLE it neatly. No scores will be awarded
if you circle more than one.

i. What is so special about the tree?

A. Rakesh and Grandfather grew it.
B. Birds love it.
C. It is a strong tree.
D. It gave cherry.

ii. The sequence of the shapes made by the girl is ...

A. round, triangle, and square.
B. round, square, and triangle.
C. square, round, and triangle.
D. square, triangle, and round.

iii. Why did Rakesh throw the caterpillar away?

A. It was making cocoons.
B. It was irritating Rakesh.
C. It eats the leaves as a meal.
D. Rakesh didn’t like caterpillar.

iv. ‘Treasure your smile... and be happy” and she walked away with a light step.’
[The above extract is taken from the story, ‘The Girl Who Couldn’t See Herself’.]

Which ONE of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The above sentence says our happiness and smiles are more than gold.
B. Quoted sentence means that we should love our smile and be happy with others.
C. The speaker was mesmerized by the girl’s smile
D. ‘She’ referred to the woman who was met in the park.

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Question II
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write your answers in the spaces provided.

i. Grandfather says, “Nothing is lucky if you put it away. If you want luck, you must put it
to some use.” What do you think he means? [2]

i. How does "The Girl Who Couldn't See Herself" represent self-discovery? Elucidate it. [2]


Question III
Direction: From the THREE questions given below, choose TWO (question ‘i’ is
compulsory) and write your answers in the spaces provided.

i. Apart than Rakesh and Grandfather, who else benefited from the cherry tree, and how? [4]


ii. Finally, as the girl turned to face the smile, a faint outline began to form all around the
blur. What does it signify when a faint outline appears around a blur? [4]


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iii. The author chose the cherry tree for his story, as opposed to other fruit trees. Describe the
symbolism of cherry aligning with the narrative. [4]


ESSAY [16 Marks]

Direction: Read the essay given below carefully and answer the questions that follow
The Economy: The Power

China’s rising power is based on its remarkable economic success. Shanghai’s overall economy is
currently growing at around 13% per year, thus doubling in size every five or six years. Everywhere
“there are start-ups, innovations, and young entrepreneurs hungry for profits. In a series of high level
meetings between Chinese and African officials, the advice that the African leaders received from the
Chinese was sound, and more practical than they typically get from the World Bank. Chinese officials
stress the crucial role of public investments, especially in agriculture and infrastructure, to lay the basis
for private sector-led growth. In a hungry and poor rural economy, as China was in the 1970s and as most
of Africa is today, a key starting point is to raise farm productivity.

Farmers need the benefits of fertilizer, irrigation and high-yield seeds, all of which were a core part of
China’s economical take off. Two other equally critical investments are also needed: roads and electricity,
without which there cannot be a modern economy. Farmers might be able to increase their output, but it
won’t be able to reach the cities, and the cities won’t be able to provide the countryside with inputs. The
government has taken pains to ensure that the electricity grids and transportation networks reach every
village in China. China is prepared to help Africa in substantial ways in agriculture, roads, power, health
and education. And that is not an empty boast. Chinese leaders are prepared to share new high yield rice
varieties, with their African counterparts and, all over Africa, China is financing and constructing basic

This illustrates what is wrong with the World Bank. The World Bank has often forgotten the most basic
lessons of development, preferring to lecture the poor and force them to privatize basic infrastructure,
which is untenable, rather than to help the poor to invest in infrastructure and other crucial sectors. The
Banks’ failure began in the early 1980s when under the ideological sway of them American President and
British Prime Minister it tried to get Africa and other poor regions to cut back or close down government

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investments and services. For 25 years, the bank tries to get governments out of agriculture, leaving
impoverished peasants to fend for themselves.

The result has been a disaster in Africa, with farm productivity stagnant for decades. The bank also
pushed for privatization of national health systems, water utilities, and road and power networks, and has
grossly underfinanced these critical sectors. This extreme free-market ideology, also called “structural
adjustment”, went against the practical lessons of development successes in China and the rest or Asia.
Practical development strategy recognizes that public investments – in agriculture, health, education, and
infrastructure-are necessary complements to private investments.

The World Bank has instead wrongly seen such vital public investments as an enemy of private sector
development. Whenever the banks’ ideology failed, it has blamed the poor for corruption,
mismanagement, or lack of initiative. Instead of focusing its attention on helping the poorest countries to
improve their infrastructure, there has been a crusade against corruption. The good news is that African
governments are getting the message on how to spur economic growth and are getting crucial help from
China and other partners that are less wedded to extreme free-market ideology than the World Bank. They
have declared their intention to invest in infrastructure, agriculture modernization, public health, and
education. It is clear the Bank can regain its relevance only if it becomes practical once again, by
returning its focus to financing public investments in priority sectors. If that happens, the Bank can still
do justice to the bold vision of a world of shared prosperity that prompted its creation after World War II.

Question I [1X4]
Direction: For each question, there are FOUR responses: A, B, C and D. Choose the
corresponding alphabet of your response and CIRCLE it neatly. No scores will be awarded if you
circle more than one.

i. What effect has the World Bank policy had on African nations?
A. the African government has restricted private sector investment in agriculture.
B. Africa has focused more on health and education rather than on agriculture.
C. US and Britain have volunteered substantial aid to Africa as Africa has complied
with World Bank ideology.
D. the agriculture sector in these countries is not as productive as it could be.

ii. What advice has the author given the World Bank?
A. Adopt a more practical ideology of structural adjustment.
B. Change its ideology to one encouraging both public and private sector investment
in basic infra structure.
C. Reduce the influence of the US and Britain in its functioning.
D. Support China’s involvement in developing Africa.

iii. The author’s main objective in writing the passage is to

A. Illustrate how China can play a more concrete role in Africa.
B. Use China’s Success as an example of the changes required in World ideology.
C. Recommend that China adopt the guidelines of the World Bank to sustain growth.
D. Make a case for the closure of the World Bank since it promotes US interests over
those of other countries.
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iv. Why is the author optimistic about Africa’s future?
A. Africa has decided to adopt a structural adjustment ideology which has benefited
many nations.
B. China has urged the World Bank to waive the interest on its loans to Africa.
C. Africa has committed itself to adopting China’s strategy for economic growth.
D. The World Bank has committed itself to invest huge sums in Africa’s

Question II
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write your answers in the spaces provided.

i. Why should we increase our investments in power and roads to have a modern economy?
Mention TWO reasons. [2]


ii. Mention TWO public investments made by Chinese authorities to create the framework
for private sector-led growth. [2]

Question III
Direction: From the THREE questions given below, choose TWO (question ‘i’ is
compulsory) and write your answers in the spaces provided.

i. What would your new business be if you were handed a new business plan? Describe the
goods or services you'll offer to customers and how they'll assist you generate income. [4]


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ii. The economy of our nation is currently weak. What suggestions from the preceding text
should we implement in order to have a strong economy? Why? [4]


iii. What does it mean to have a strong economy? Support with four arguments. [4]


POETRY [10 Marks]

Direction: Read the poem given below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
The Dove
The dove is a pretty bird,
She sings as she flies
She brings us glad tidings
And tells us no lies.
She drinks the spring waters
For to make her voice clear:
When her nest she is building
And summer near.
Come all you young fellows.
Take warning by me
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Don’t go for a soldier
Don’t join no army
For the dove she will leave you
The raven will come
And death will come marching
At the beat of the drum
Come all you pretty fair maids
Come walk in the sun
And don’t let your young man
Even carry a gun
For the gun it will scare her
And she will fly away
And then there will be weeping
By the night and by day.
-Ewan McColl

Question I [1X2]
Direction: For each question, there are FOUR responses: A, B, C and D. Choose the
corresponding alphabet of your response and CIRCLE it neatly. No scores will be awarded
if you circle more than one.
“She brings in glad tidings And tells us no lies.”
i. Which figure of speech is applied to the line quoted above?
A personification
B hyperbole
C metaphor
D simile

ii. The Dove is used to symbolize

A. peace, agony and love
B. peace, beauty and love
C. peace, freedom and love
D. peace, sorrow and love

Question II
Direction: Read the questions carefully and write your answers in the spaces provided.

/Even carry a gun/ For the gun it will scare her/

i. Paraphrase the above lines of the poem in your own words. [2]

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ii. Write an antonym for the word ‘lie’. [1]

iii. Select two words from the text that rhyme, then use those words to compose a two-line
poem. [2]

Question III
Direction: Choose any ONE from the TWO questions given below and write your answers
in the spaces provided.

i. What moral is the poet trying to tell us through this poem? Explain. [3]


ii. What tone does the aforementioned poetry use? How do you feel after having read this
poem? Justify. [3]


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“Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again.”
– William Shakespeare 

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