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[Contemporary management research paper]

Prepared by: Eslam Elsayed Ragab

Supervised by: Prof. Khaled Bekhet

[MBA GOV. 11 Group D]
Table of content

Chapter 1: Organization background

1. Overview……………………………………………………………………………...…..2
2. Customers and/or constituents; and its competitors. ………………………...……….3
3. planning methodologies…………………………………………………………...……..3
4. Organization's strategy……………………………………………………………..…...4

Chapter 2: Organization Structure

1. The levels of Management………………………………………………….……………5
2. Organizational structure……………………………………………………………...…5
3. level of centralization Vs. De-centralization………………………………………..…..7
4. Decision-making process …………………………………………………………….….7
5. Difficult decision……………………………………………………………………….…8
6. Change management…………………………………………………………………….9
7. Recommend techniques to manage change and resolve conflicts……………..……..10

Chapter 3: Leadership style

1. Organization's heroes ……………………….…………...…………………………….11
2. The motivational environment. ……………………….…..…………………………..11
3. The Organizational communications…………………………………………...……..11
4. Leadership styles……………………………………………………………..…………12
5. leadership challenges………………………………………………………….………..13

Chapter 4: The Control Process

1. Type of controls & controlling process…………………………………..……………15
2. The financial controls…………………………………………………………………..15
3. The operational controls. ………………………………………………….…………..16
4. Information systems………………………………………..…………………………..16
5. Measuring employees’ performance…………………………………………………..16

Chapter 5: Innovative managerial practices.

1. Encourage entrepreneurship…………………………………………………………..19
2. Ethical dilemmas ……………………………………………………………………….19
3. Employee empowerment………………………….……………………………………20
4. Role(s) of technology………………………………...………………………………….20

Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendations…………………………..……………………21


Chapter 1: Organization background
1. Overview
General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate is a government service institution that works on
managing local affairs throughout Qalyoubia Governorate according to specific duties in
accordance with the provisions of the Local Administration Law No. 43 of 1979 and its executive
regulations, it is centrally belonging to the Ministry of Local Development, and it supervises a
group of local entities in centers, cities and districts according to the administrative division of the
In general, The history of the establishment of the General directorates of governorates get back
to the days of the French campaign against Egypt in the period from 1798 to 1801, when Napoleon
Bonaparte established a group of directorates (currently governorates) as part of decisions policies
planning according to the order issued on July 27th, 1798, and it consisted of seven members at
that time, and its mission Considering interests and complaints, preventing conflicts between
villages, and collecting money and taxes on residents, The work system within them has developed
within the processes of developing the local administration system in Egypt until it reached the
system currently used in the Local Administration Law No. 43 of 1979, where the general
directorates of governorates are the represents of the executive authority which is supposed to be
monitored by another popular Council called ”the local people’s councils”, but is currently
The general directorate of Qalyoubia governorate is one of the local administration units which
states on the Local Administration Law which was entrusted by the law to work under the direct
supervision of the governor, and is concerned with establishing and managing all the facilities
located into the governorate boundaries or the duties related to public utilities that are not within
the jurisdiction of other Local entities, all within the limits of Public policies and the general plan
of the state, and it doesn’t have any written vision nor mission.
2. Customers and/or constituents; and its competitors.
The customers of General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate are all residents of the
governorate, whom count about 6 million people. The General directorate also consists of 1 central
administration, 11 public administrations, and 33 supervisory departments. It also supervises Local
entities in centers, cities and districts with a total number of 10 Local entities. For centers and
cities, 2 Local entities for districts, and 50 Local entities for villages, each with an independent
structure and budget.
There are no competitors to the General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate, as it is a completely
non-profit governmental institution, but despite that there are 26 other General directorates similar
to the General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate to serve the rest of the governorates of the

3. Planning methodologies
Generally, planning is one of the most important tasks of the local administration, and the law has
entrusted the local administration units with many tasks related to planning, whether this planning
is for organize urbanization within cities in what is known as “Urban planning”, or with regard to
the financial and administrative aspects of organizing the work cycle in accordance with the public
policy of the state and to achieve Economic and social development in what is known as
“investment planning”.
As for “Urban planning”, it is coordinated by the Physical Planning and Development Department,
which was established by the Building Law No. 119 of 2008 under the supervision of the The
General Authority for Physical Planning which belonging to the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and
Urban Communities, which undertakes the process of preparing strategic plans for the governorate,
centers, cities and villages with a target year extending from 10 to 15 years as long term plans,
and the Physical Planning and Development Department undertakes the process of preparing
detailed plans in accordance with the planning and building requirements for the different land use
areas and programs and priorities of integrated development projects in strategic plans and under
the supervision of the Regional Center of The General Authority for Physical Planning for the
province’s region. It has time-oriented goals as well as it's written and shared, so It's formal
plan, it's also directional and single use plan. It uses a participatory methodology which was
known in urban planning.
As for “Investment planning”, it is the responsibility of the Planning and Follow-up Department,
which was established in accordance with the provisions of the Local Administration Law No. 43
of 1979 and its executive regulations, which do it through an formal annual investment plan that
falls within the plan of Chapter Six in the state’s public budget as a short term plan, which is
prepared under The supervision of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, and it
consists of five main programs as follows: (the electricity sector, transportation “paving roads -
bridges - tunnels and ferries”, improving the environment, security, firefighting and traffic, and
supporting the needs of Local entities), through which the Planning and Follow-up Department
coordinates with the Local entities and the Roads and Transport Directorate within the governorate
to determine their needs according to the priorities studied in light of the governorate’s vision and
in light of the available funds from the ministry, to be approved by the governor and sent to the
Ministry of Planning and Economic Development for approval after being reviewed according to
the directives of the state’s public policy and the main lines of its general development plan in
coordination With the Ministry of Local Development, and this plan is supposed to be presented
to the local people's council for approval, but it is not working Currently, this plan is a formal
plan because it's a specific plan and has time-oriented goals as well as it's written and shared,
it's also operational, specific and standing plan , and it uses Traditional objective-setting

It is worth mentioning that the State General Planning Law No. 18 of 2022 was recently issued,
which works to link investment planning with urban planning, and this will face challenges that
affect plans, including environmental uncertainty and the length of future commitments.
Otherwise there is also informal plans may occur on spot when the governor faces some critical
problems need a solutions and it wasn't including on the formal plan, the Governor may ask any
of his deputies or the general secretary or any manager to deal with a problem or a case by informal
plan to achieve specific Goal by some oral directions.
4. Organization's strategy.
Since the Egyptian state is working with all its organizations within the framework of the UN
Sustainable Development Goals(SDG’s), the National Agenda for Sustainable Development -
Egypt’s Vision 2030, the government’s work program, which is considered a strategic plan, and
therefore the General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate is proceeding in the same framework
in coordination with the various ministries and agencies, especially the two ministries of planning
Economic development and local development, and this is according to the provisions of the law
which mentioned the role of Governorates as one of the local administration units lies in the
development of the local community within the framework of the puplic policy and general plan
of the state.
The General Authority for Physical Planning has coordinated with the General directorate of
Qalyoubia Governorate to prepare a strategic plan for urban development in the governorate that
includes all the required interventions for the various sectors for the development of the
governorate, but this plan has not been issued so far, because it was not approved by the
Supreme Council for Physical Planning and Development headed by the Prime Ministers.
Thus, up until now, there is no independent strategy approved so far for the General directorate
of Qalyoubia Governorate, like many governments’ directorates, as it has been working for long
periods within the framework of the general directions of the government only without paying
attention to preparing an operational plan branched from the general strategic plan of the state
2030, which is what the cabinet realized, The Prime minister issued its decision No. 1146 of 2018,
regarding the creation of some organizational divisions in the units of the state’s administrative
apparatus, including the Department of Strategic Planning and Policies, The organizational guide
prepared by the Strategic Department of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development was
issued, and that department has not been established yet.
The delay in issuing a strategic plan for the General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate is one
of its weaknesses, because this cause lack of clarity in the goal, in addition to the absence of
accountability for the lack of clear Key performance indicators” KPIs”.

Chapter 2: Organization Structure

1. The levels of Management

The levels of Management in General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate are divided into three
levels in addition to nonmanagerial employees as following:
• Top Managers: The Governor, Deputies of The Governor, The General secretary, Assistant
of The General secretary.
• Middle Managers: The head of central administration
• First-Line Managers: General managers
• Non-managerial employees: which includes supervisory managers

2. Organizational structure

The institutional structure of the Egyptian local administration system is generally characterized
by a hierarchical nature in the relations between its units. The number of local levels ranges
between two or four administrative levels, starting with the governorate and ending with the rural
Local entities; Depending on the nature of the governorates, the local administration system is
supposed to include at all levels “popular control councils” directly elected by the local
community and government executive councils, but the local councils are currently suspended1.
The General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate, as one of the local administration units, also
has a mechanistic organizational structure. It is a highly formalized, rigid and tightly
hierarchical structure as well as it is tightly controlled, so it’s Functional structure, and it has
inflation on it due to the directorate’s association with many different objectives and activities of
the state as a service institution whose burdens expand with the breadth and diversity of the state’s
burdens, in addition to What happens in response to many variables that may require the creation
of new departments in the organizational structure.

Picture (1)
The Organization chart for
General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate

-, last visit: June, 12th,2022,

What should be noted from picture no (1), that the departments within the directorate are divided
according to specializations and division of work due to Adam Smith's theory, as well as the
type of departmentalization is geographical and functional because the local entities which
supervised by the governorate are distributed geographical in addition to grouping jobs by
functions as following:

• Geographical Ex: The local entity on Benha - The local entity on Shobra - The local entity
on Qalyoub - The local entity on Kafr Shokr.
(Note: Picture 2. didn’t include the geographic departmentalization but it referred to it by
local entities overall, and every entity have another functional departmentalization)

• Functional Ex: The Engineering department – The Advertising department – The

Environment department - The Human Resources Department.
However, some critical issues may lead the governor to compose Cross-functional teams from
various functional specialties to deal with it.
Howerver, the structure has a clear chain of command and due to the hierarchical structure, the
line of authority extending from upper levels (Top management) to the lowest levels as the
following structure, it also has narrow span of control it’s centralized.
The departments in The General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate may divided due to the line
of authority into two categories (The line authority - The staff authority) as following:

• Ex. Of the line authority departments: Financial and administration department,

Physical Planning and Development Department, property Department, Urban Upgrading
unit, Advertising unit.
• Ex. Of the staff authority departments: Human resources department, Planning and
follow up department, Public relations department.
According to the definition of effectiveness "doing the right thing" and efficiency, "doing things
right", the organizational structure can be measured through: “to which extent of the actual
application of the organizational structure approved by the competent authority” And the
effectiveness of the organizational structure can be measured through: “to which extent to which
the organizational structure meets the actual needs of the government entity, Commitment to
organizational principles and the foundations of governance”2.
One of the disadvantages of this structure is that it is oversized and its functions are so extensive
that it is difficult to control all departments in an efficient and effective manner, with the
intertwining of organizational relations and the overlapping of the powers of the departments,
which number up to 1 central administration, 11 public administrations, and 33 supervisory

- Wessam Dobait, article puplished in ElBayan site on:, Oct., 22th, 2022, last visit: June,
12th, 2022.

administrations that are centrally managed ,this has resulted in the staffing ratios being unbalanced
and inappropriate with the tasks of the units. We may find some departments with more employees
than the size of their tasks and vice versa, in addition to the fact that departments may be
temporarily created and included in the organizational structure, but in practice their role may end
and not be deleted from the organizational structure due to the presence of a group of employees
on the same department, which indicates that the inflation may become illusory if this problem is
resolved by reorganizing the organizational structure periodically in accordance with the
requirements of the current situation.
Therefore, the organizational structure of The General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate is
effective as it works to achieve the desired result and meet the needs of the entity, but it is at the
same time inefficient due to the failure to achieve that result in an optimal manner.

3. level of centralization Vs. De-centralization.

For centralization and decentralization, what characterizes the local administration in Egypt in
general is that the management model in it is very centralized, with which major decisions tend
to depend on the central government represented by ministries and agencies, which in turn also
affected the shape of the decision at the local level. The pattern of administration within the
governorates is also central in decision-making, which is the case in which the governorate office
is located, where the levels of decision-making in the governorate vary between centralization
and decentralization, but the centralization takes a very large part of the decision-making
process; Most of the matters related to the General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate are
within the competence of the Secretary-General, and some of them are taken by the governor only,
as for the Local entities which supervised by the governorate, there are some decisions in which
the decision can be decentralized, but these decisions are often not vital decisions.

4. Decision-making process

Like other institutions, the decision-making process in the General Directorate of Qalyoubia
Governorate passes through a set of stages, as following:

a) Identifying the problem accurately.

b) Classify the decision criteria.
c) Allocate weights to the criteria.
d) Develop possible alternatives.
e) Analyze alternatives to choose the best one.
f) Select the alternative which can solve the problem.
g) Implement the selected alternative.

It’s worth to mention that the speed is required in decision-making process in the local
administration institutions in general because it often relates to the daily lives of citizens, but on

the contrary, the bureaucratic process is hindered by the intertwining of laws and decisions and the
large number of oversight bodies over Administrative staff, especially those related to local
administration, in addition to the organization structure is rigid and highly formal and this may
delayed the decision process.

One of the weaknesses in General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate is that the employees do
not participate in the vital and influential decision-making process, even if it is related to them,
and periodic meetings are not held with them to involve them in this process, and that may lead
them to be not interested either aware of the work.

When it comes to the types of decisions, The administration in General directorate of Qalyoubia
governorate deals with many decisions, including Rational decision making such as those related
to the procurement process and the processes in the investment plan that are repeated annually,
including the paving of roads and the purchase of hygiene tools and office equipment, including
Bounded rational such as those related to establishing markets and new parking lots for slum
development Of them, which may face some objections from the beneficiaries that may reach the
failure of the project, and many of those decisions are required from the administration during the
implementation of these projects, and decisions may be Intuitive decision making if it is related
to many decisions made regarding decisions related to the development of slums The transfer of
citizens from their places of residence to other places that may not suit them and result in wasting
the project if the decision fails, as well as decisions taken during crises and disasters, including
what happened recently during the Corona pandemic period.

Also, decisions may be Programmed Decisions and decisions are taken in accordance with
regulations, laws and procedures, including absenteeism and delays related to employees,
Unstructured Problems and Nonprogrammed Decisions, such as those related to actions taken
regarding the Corona pandemic crisis, which required taking some unconventional decisions and
may not be based on regulations and decisions and laws.

Some decisions may need brain storming and may have different process, this will need Group
Decision-Making to generate more complete information and knowledge, increase acceptance of
a solution and Increase legitimacy, despite this may Take more time as well as groupthink.
5. Difficult decision
When the cases of coronavirus (Coveid19) infection increased across Egypt, and accordingly, a
set of decisions were issued by the cabinet to reduce the number of workers and to take all
precautionary measures and social distancing; It was natural for these decisions to have negative
impacts on the production of some factors, and among them were some factories that had
previously been rented from the governorate, and whose ability to pay rent was affected due to
the decrease of profits as the result of decrease in production, They asked the governor to help
them in this crisis by not asking them for rent, And then the governor intervened and formed cross-

functional teams from a group of different departments and authorities to examine the matter,
which identified the problem, by counting the number of factories and the workers in them,
studying the negative impact of corona virus on the factories in the short and long term, and
developing a set of proposals to deal with that problem, including reducing the rent completely or
partially, then analyzing and evaluating those alternatives and presenting the matter to the
Governor, who agreed with the opinion and took A decision to reduce the rent for a full year by
up to 70% of the rent value, so that these factories can continue to operate in these circumstances.
Although the decision-making process passed quickly in response to the pressure caused by the
factories due to the lack of total closure and the ability to pay the rent, it practically passed through
many scientific stages of decision-making which we mentioned recently.
6. Change management

The local administration in general faces continuous processes of change that require from its
employees to respond quickly to this change, The change may be the result of an administrative
change in leaders at all levels or a change resulting from a political change, which requires that the
administration and employees have a speedy response to this change, and the change may be linked
to a pattern management or related to the way the service is provided, especially in a rapidly,
dynamic, changing and evolving world of what has been described as VUCA (volatility,
uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)3.

The strange thing is that, despite the size of the bureaucracy that the administrative apparatus
suffers from in general, the upper and middle administration in the General directorate of
Qalyoubia Governorate has a high and quick response to change, which is what was gained through
experience during the rapid changes that took place in the period from 2011 to 2020, which resulted
in Changing 8 governors, 6 general secretaries, 6 assistant general secretaries, and adding 2 deputy
Since the General directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate is a service institution that represents the
executive authority in the governorate, it was necessary for it to have a rapid response to the
change, as this process goes through several stages, including studying that change and its impact,
whether at the local level or at the administrative level.
However, despite this, there are still resistances to change in non-managerial employees,
especially in the Local entities of the governorate, as a result of weak motivation and the nature
of the inflated hierarchical organizational structure, which does not depend on the involvement
of junior employees in the decision-making process and thus the sharing of responsibility and
achievement at the same time, which is one of the points Weakness of the administrative apparatus
in general.

- Gavin Wright, article puplished on:, last visit: June, 12th, 2022.

7. Recommend techniques to manage change and resolve conflicts
For manage change, John Kotter (1996), a Harvard Business School Professor and a renowned
change expert, developed 8 Steps Model of Change in his book “Leading Change” which he
developed on his research of 100 organizations that was went through a change process.4

The 8 steps in the process of change is as following:

Step 1: Create Urgency

Step 2: Form a Powerful Coalition
Step 3: Create a Vision for Change
Step 4: Communicate the Vision
Step 5: Remove Obstacles
Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins
Step 7: Build on the Change Picture (2)
Step 8: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture5.

When it comes to resolve conflicts, it depends on the conflict and it's type, some conflicts are
useful if it’s related to the goals of the work or how work gets done, other are related to
relationships and these are harmful for the organization, and it was prohibited by code of

The managers may use one of the conflict management techniques to cope with any conflicts:
a) Forcing
b) Avoiding
c) compromising
d) accommodating
e) collaborating

- published on:, last visit: June, 12th, 2022.
- published on:, last visit: June, 12th, 2022.
Look also:, last visit: June, 12th, 2022.

Chapter 3: Leadership style

1. Organization's heroes

The governor is considering the supreme head of the General Directorate of Qalyoubia
Governorate as he is the head of the executive authority of the governorate, and he is assisted in
his duties by the deputy governors. the governorate’s general secretary is the financial and
administrative head of the general directorate, and assisted by Assistant General secretary.

2. The motivational environment.

Motivation is a good way to improve performance and communication over the organization,
weather it is financial or moral motivation, The environment within the General Directorate of
Qalyoubia Governorate is neutral; If the matter is compared to the private sector, the General
Directorate will not be outweighed, as the motivation process is not sufficient to the numbers of
the employees into the organization, and the staff is often financially motivated within the limits
of the available funds; However, the most important thing is the weakness of moral motivation.

For that The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development launched the Egypt
Government Excellence Award for the employees in the state’s administration apparatus, which
had the effect of creating a kind of motivation for employees to compete and receive the award,
which did not exist before.

3. The Organizational communications.

When it comes to the communication between the employees of General Directorate of Qalyoubia
Governorate, we find that the interpersonal communication is good, but the mechanisms of
Organizational communication is Ineffective as the pattern of the administrative staff depends
mainly on formal communication Which is done through official letters only as a kind of proof
of responsibility and other electronic communication tools do not exist, and the effectiveness of
communication can only be observed in the offices of the top management associated with the
governor and his deputies and the general secretary, as meetings are held only through these
offices, which is affects the style of work and makes it more bureaucratic, in addition to its impact
on the follow-up of work and motivation, and this is due to the organizational structure in the
governorate office is hierarchical and the style of management is centralized, and the matter
proceeds formally, which prolongs the link between the upper management and the lower
management employees.

Nonetheless, the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development worked to develop an e-mail
communication system as formal communication among the managers instead of paper, but so
far it has not been activated and none of the managers depends on it.

Furthermore, the Governor relies heavily on the MBWA "management by walking around" in
order to find out more about the truth of the matter and to access information effectively and to
overcome the bureaucratic model of communication and reduce the existing centralization as it
is widely present among the governorate’s employees at different times to get to know them and
congratulate them on various holidays and occasions as a form of Informal communication,
however, the General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate lacks meetings Staff rotating as town
hall meeting which is one of the weaknesses of the organization.

Thus, due to the centralization in the Directorate, the directions of communication flow mainly
from top to bottom as "downward communication" and this does not mean that there are no
other directions, the directions vary as follows:

• Downward communication: this is the most communication direction and it is what

happens through the publication of verbal or official instructions comes from top
management level towards non-managerial level.
• Upward communication: Which occurs through various memorandums of presentation
from employees to managers or from managers to the governor, general secretary.
• Lateral communication: In the case of dealing between different departments or
employees at the same level.
• Diagonal communication: Similar to the communication associated with the occasion or
rumors in case of informal communication.

4. Leadership styles

Indeed, the leadership styles differs between the different leaders in the governorate, while the
governor sometimes takes the Laissez-faire (Free Reign) and sometimes Autocratic and
sometimes Democratic according to Behavioral theories, and what is certain is that he also takes
the Transformational leaders method where he pushes their subordinates to higher performance
levels, while providing opportunities for personal and professional growth for the employees.
when it comes to me, I like to change my leadership style depend on the situation and the work
environment, for Behavioral theories I used Autocratic style when I face difficult mission with
narrow time, otherwise I use democratic style when I have much of time and I need to hear from
my team, I also use different styles according to Situational Leadership Theory but it differs
depend on the situation of my team work, may be an employee is new and have not any experience
I will use Telling And Directing style, but If he has still learning and are inexperienced I will use
Selling And Coaching style, If he has an experience and do good may be I will motivate him due

to Participating And Supporting style, when I find him dependable I will use Delegating style
with him, So it doesn’t be one style in leadership.
5. leadership challenges
Indeed, the Coveid-19 crisis appeared in 2019 and it was accompanied by many challenges that
required from the management in the governorate to deal with it, and on top of those challenges
was the idea of managing work teams remotely and Leading Virtual Teams, so the work was
divided into more than one group, in addition to the fact that many employees were forced to stay
in home in order to preserve them.
However, the organization was dealt with this challenge by relying on electronic communication
mechanisms through various applications. However, there were some negatives resulting from the
weak culture of some managers who cannot communicate electronically as a result of their
lack of technological experience, which affected productivity.
On the other hand, there are many challenges facing the leadership in the state’s administration
apparatus in general, especially in the local administration, On top of these challenges comes the
Honing Effectiveness, as due to the lack of motivation and the large number of responsibilities
in exchange for weak powers, this had a very significant impact on the performance of the
employees. So, the performance of employees is high in top management offices and decreases
as they move downwards to non-managerial levels in the structure, and the this is due to the
presence of material and moral motivation in the employees that work in the upper management
better than in the non-manegerial level.
In addition, the administration faces a special challenge of resistance to change, which was
previously mentioned, which make many employees not to develop themselves by applying for
training courses to match their skills, and at the same time leads to poor productivity, We have
already mentioned the techniques of John Kotter theory (1996) to deal with this challenge6.
The lack of good salary is the most prominent challenge facing the leadership in the local
administrative, which push many employees to work in more than one job to meet the requirements
of life and makes the employee distracted between the morning and evening job, which leads to
poor or absent productivity and may cause the employee to be absent frequently.
The administration within the General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate deals with this
challenge with more than one way, including trying to compensate for the employees on special
days and holidays by money as motivation for some employees entrusted with heavy burdens by
adding them in one of the governorate’s production projects to obtain another financial source for
them, however it may be sometimes insufficient; in addition may be they encouraging employees
by provide them training courses to enhance their skills, and also they facing scaping from work

- Look Page No: 11

and controlling attendance by recent installation of face-fingerprint attendance and departure
Nonetheless, this last challenge still requires a lot of effort to overcome, and it is one of the
weaknesses in the local administration sector.

Chapter 4: The Control Process

1. Type of controls & controlling process.

General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate depend on 3 types of controlling process as


• Feedforward control: It often occurs by anticipating problems that may occur and setting
controls for them, including the code of Conduct, which is a document that carries the
basics of dealing within the organization, as well as many organizational decisions within
the work that are supposed to prevent the achievement of any violations. In addition to the
pre-employment tests. which the Central Agency for Organization and Administration is
currently doing to achieve the highest standards of good selection in employees before their
appointment through a set of psychometric and scientific and practical tests.
• Concurrent control: It occurs when immediate intervention is required to prevent and
correct the error, It is usually the type most relied upon in the local administration, as the
employees often deal with many problems that related to the daily citizens services and
that require immediate corrective action, such as removing solid waste and stopping the
illegal construction.
• Feedback control: It occurs when immediate intervention is not possible, as the violation
has already taken place, and here it is required to study the matter according to as basic
corrective action, for instant the decisions to remove construction in violation of the law
and a plan to increase equipment to avoid problems in a particular area
2. The financial controls.

For financial controls, The Department of Financial and Administration and Accounts Affairs
relies on a system linked to the Ministry of Finance “Government Financial Management
Information System” GFMIS: It is an electronic system that aims to achieve efficiency and
effectiveness in the use of government resources, and to provide accurate and real-time data and
information on all government financial information related to the public budget in coordination
with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, through which all public government
agencies are linked and contains all functions of public financial management of financial and
accounting operations that take place in all stages of preparing and implementing the budget
starting from the strategic planning stage ends with the accounting and reporting stage, and
includes more than one system, include:

• Treasury unified account systems and electronic payment and collection.

• Workers' salaries system7.

- The site of ministry of finance on:, last visit: June, 12th, 2022.

It is worth mentioning that the financial controls in the governmental sector depends on two types
of financial control, the first is by The Ministry of Finance which is responsible for monitoring
before any financial exchange through the financial controller employee who located inside the
governorate and is belonging to the ministry, and the second is by the Central Auditing
Organization which is responsible for make a revision for any financial exchange.

3. The operational controls.

Indeed, the operational controls in local administration entities depend on many patterns, but it
is noted that the work require MBWA management by walking around because all services the
organization provide are related to citizens and need from the leader to be always in touch with
the employee to get more information and feedback about the work, and that what is the governor
already rely on.
Furthermore, the governorate relies also on social media as a control tool, as the governorate has
an official page on Facebook and contact Number on WhatsApp to communicate with citizens and
get feedback from them about services any problem that needs to be resolved.

4. Information systems
Firstly, it should be noted that the state’s administrative apparatus did not witness any development
in the field of information systems and digital transformation until the last decade, during which
the state adopted a project for digital transformation and many ministries worked on it, led by
the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Planning and the Ministry of Local Development,
and this was reflected in General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate, as Coordination has been
made with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development in many of these projects to
improve the role of the information system, including the information infrastructure project,
which is one of the projects seeks to create a unified system for comprehensive planning and
depends on building and providing an integrated spatial information structure for the government
and supporting the decision maker with periodic statistical reports to speed decision-making
Thus, through this project, a complete unit for spatial variables was established and rehabilitated
in the governorate directorate and Local entities for daily monitoring of violations and providing
aerial photo services in coordination with the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.

5. Measuring employees’ performance

The employees in General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate, like other employees of the
administrative apparatus, are subject to the Civil Servant Law No. 81 of 2016, which established
on the articles from 25 to 28, a set of controls and rules for evaluating government employees

- The site of ministry of planning and economic development on:, last visit: June,12th, 2022.

during service twice a year before the final report, and the normal performance is the basis for
the evaluation to achieve the unit's goals and activities.

The executive regulations of this law clarified the performance appraisal method as follows:
a) The competent authority, shall set a system for evaluating the employee’s performance that
includes one or more axis of evaluation, such as the employee’s self-evaluation, the
employee’s evaluation from his subordinates, his evaluation from the direct manager, his
evaluation from his colleagues in the same department, and the evaluation of the employee
from the public Dealing with the unit, and evaluating the general performance of the unit
in which he works, according to the nature of the work and activity of each unit, all based
on objective criteria, including behavior, commitment, quality, excellence, creativity,
achievement, and the ability to take responsibility.
b) For leadership positions and supervisory management positions, a set of criteria is added
to the criteria stipulated in the previous paragraph, including the ability to plan and
organize, the ability to supervise, control and direct, crisis management, decision-making
ability, and achieved results.
c) The competent authority has the right to set the relative weight of the indicators for each
of the evaluation criteria in accordance with the nature of the unit’s activity, in light of the
limits set out in the guideline stipulated in the previous article, The managers accordingly
obtains Statistical reports about the employee.
d) The Human Resources Department prepares a performance evaluation form as written
report, and it is not effective until it is approved by the competent authority of the unit and
its announced on the bulletin board.
e) The Human Resources Department prepares an electronic or paper record, or both, as the
case may be, for the job performance of each employee, in which the line manager records
every three months notes that reflect the pros and cons of the employee’s performance
according to his job duties, as well as the violations he may have committed, and the actions
taken with him, which is a written report but still has a problem, it takes more time to
prepare, so what is recorded in this record relies more on convictions formed from
personal observation.
f) During the last quarter of the year the line manager invites all his subordinates to set goals
and KPIs for each of them during the following year as a kind of Management by
objectives MBO, but nevertheless it does not up until now rely on this type of management
within the general directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate and there is no way goals are
measured, despite a copy of these goals and performance rates shall be sent to the Human
Resources Department.
g) During the last week of October and April of each year, the Human Resources Department
distributes performance evaluation reports forms to all departments, and the reports shall
be returned after their completion no later than the end of November and May, and before
The start of the new fiscal year.

The evaluation of the written performance shall be at the rank of (excellent, efficient, high
moderate, moderate, or poor) and the performance Compare according to the rates mentioned
in the Civil Servant Law, including:

In case of the employee is evaluated at a weak rank, which means that he is accustomed to being
out of acceptable range of variation, his status must be presented to the Human Resources
Committee to transfer him to another suitable job at the same job level for a period of one year as
basic corrective action, and if it turns out that he is invalid, it suggested a 50% deduction from
the supplementary wage for a period of six months, and if it turned out to be invalid, it suggested
terminating his service and the matter was presented to the competent authority.
As for the leadership positions for which two successive reports are presented with a rank below
the moderate, which means that they are unable to achieve the goals of the organization and that
they have unacceptable performance, they must terminate from the day following the date of the
last report issued, to not affect the organizational performance and therefore the organizational

When it comes to the system of progressive disciplinary action, The Civil Servant Act divided it
as following:

The penalties that may be imposed on the employee: a warning, deduction from wages for a
period or periods not exceeding sixty days per year, suspension from work for a period not
exceeding six months with the payment of half of the full wage, or postponement of promotion
when it is due for a period not exceeding two years. Or downgrading directly to a job at a lower
level, or downgrading to a job at a direct lower level with a reduction in the wage to the extent it
was before promotion, referral to retirement, or fire from service.
The penalties that may be imposed on the leadership positions: warning, blame, referral to
retirement, and fire from service.

Chapter 5: Innovative managerial practices.

1. Encourage entrepreneurship
Indeed, encouraging the creativity of employees within the governorate is very limited, although
the field is open to everyone for creative work, but the matter is mainly related to the idea of moral
motivation and good communication, to discuss the employee input and adopt the creative ideas
and motivate their owners to support their growth and increase, in addition to the absence of a
clear tool for reaching these inputs within the directorate or any of its related local entities , as
Suggestion Box.

It's worth to mention that The Ministry of Planning and Economic Development launched the
Egypt Government Excellence Award, which includes among its components an award for
creativity and institutional innovation called the “Innovative Government Initiative”.

2. Ethical dilemmas
In general, the local administration faces a lot of pressures related to ethical aspects, as it provides
80% of the services for citizens, whether through local entities or directorates located within the
governorate, which makes its employees vulnerable to any accusations related to financial or
ethical corruption due to the large number of services provided by them.

Moreover, the environment within the local administration faces many challenges in this regard,
including dealing with negative organization cultures, which may result from the fact that many
employees within the entities were hired in previous periods without any psychometric or
scientific tests and it is difficult to fire them for some social considerations.

The state has worked to confront this matter with many interventions in Administrative reform
plan, including the amendment of the State Civilian Workers Law No. 47 of 1978 with Civil
servant law No. 81 of 2018, which included many tools that can be used to achieve administrative
and ethical control within the state’s administrative apparatus, including the establishment of the
Civil Servant Council for the purpose of submitting proposals for the development of the Civil
Servant Improving public services in the country, and establishing training units to develop a
culture of Civil Servant, as well as what he emphasized that recruitment should be on the basis of
competence and merit, without favoritism or mediation, through a central announcement on the
Egyptian government portal website, including data related to the job and its terms of employment
in a manner that ensures equal opportunities and equality among citizens. And that the appointment
to these jobs is through an exam that the agency implements through a selection committee and is
supervised by the competent minister as feedforward control, and this made the Central Agency
for Organization and Administration to prepare a bank of psychometric, scientific and practical
tests as pre-employment tests to be used to verify the validity of new hires or managers to be
promoted so that those who are not proven fit are excluded.

Furthermore, the Administrative Control Authority is also working to eliminates all forms of
corruption, whether within the administrative apparatus in general or within the local
administration in particular, it also to protect whistle-blowers, and in this regard, it launched "The
Code of Conduct" for all employees, and it was published and circulated to comply with all what
was stated on it regarding professional and ethical behavior.

3. Employee empowerment
During the last stage, the state seeks to empower youth in all fields, which is the same approach
that the General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate takes as one of the state institutions, which
is noticeable, as most of the managers are young, especially after many managers retired recently
after stopping recruitments.

On the other hand, many institutions are working to rehabilitate youth from the state’s
administrative apparatus for empowerment and leadership including the National Training
Academy, which provides many training programs for employees, and the ESLSCA Business
School which makes a good cooperation with the Egyptian Government "the ministry of planning
and development", in addition to Saqqara Center for local development training which
belonging to the Ministry of Local Development, and specialized in training local administration
4. Role(s) of technology.
When it comes to the role of technology in the General Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate,
we will find that the government is currently working on a very large project for digital
transformation in all areas, including the local administration, and a good cooperation in this field
are going on between the Ministry of Communications, The Ministry of Planning and Economic
Development and the Ministry of Local Development, and the work is underway on a set of axes
related to this matter for technological transformation to keep pace with this era.

Chapter 6: Conclusion and recommendations
Indeed, the Egyptian state is working on reforming the administrative apparatus within a multi-
axes plan, some of them were addressed in the context of talking about the General Directorate of
Qalyoubia Governorate as one of the governmental institutions, and at the head of these axes was
the promulgation of Civil Servant Law No. 81 of 2018 to keep pace with modern developments in
the field of administration and eliminate bureaucracy that it has been extended for years within the
framework of the State Civilian Workers Law No. 47 of 1978.
Thus, through what was reviewed during this research, it is clear that despite these efforts, there
are still many weaknesses that exist, especially in the local administration, including the General
Directorate of Qalyoubia Governorate, and therefore many interventions are recommended to
improve performance, as following:
1. The shift towards administrative decentralization and granting the competent authority
wide authority that enable them to take many reform decisions without getting back to
higher ministerial authorities.
2. Preparing a Strategy for the governorate office that includes a Vision and Mission, and
involving employees in its preparation.
3. Reviewing the best international experiences (Benchmark) in the field of local
administration and development of the administrative apparatus and preparing a vision for
the Qalyoubia directorate and local entities on their best conditions and with specific
measurements for the ideal number of employees required according to the volume of
business and then restructuring based on it (transformation plan according to a timetable)
4. Amending the organization structure and canceling some departments that are useless or
that no longer have competencies at the end of their mission with clarification of the
5. Amending the job description cards to suit the nature of the work and its developments.
6. Supporting top management with private sector experienced elements to exchange
7. Redistribution of employees within the organization and the local entities in a manner
that ensures proper distribution and achieving efficiency and effectiveness.
8. Setting key performance indicators KPIs for all departments and conducting evaluation in
light of those indicators
9. Allow contracting with some rare specialties and with specific controls, especially
engineers, as well as craft work required by some of the governorate’s production projects,
as these projects have an economic return through which workers’ salaries can be
improved and the gap in salaries can be filled.
10. The competent authority have to involve employees in some meetings, especially those
that require brainstorming, to involve them in work responsibilities and qualify them for
leadership and empowerment, in addition to their involvement in setting the required goals
of the institution, and holding informal meetings with them as a town hall meeting.

11. Using technology to improve the quality of work, in terms of using an operating program
for the organization that works on good communication between departments and local
entities and speed of information arrival, following up on the use of e-mail and considering
it as an official proof of responsibility, with the need to work on overcoming any obstacles
facing the implementation of this project and working on follow-up and change
management According to the well-known steps in John Kotter theory.
12. Introducing a system for electronic preservation and registration that allows the
organization to dispose of papers and preserve public money.
13. Raising the training budgets for the rehabilitation of the Directorate’s employees, while
rehabilitating the training center which located on it in a manner that ensures saving time
and effort.
14. Holding daily morning meetings (briefing) in the presence of the head departments
physically and heads of centers, cities and neighborhoods virtually via the Internet to
improve communication between them and to identify and overcome work problems.
15. Creating a motivating environment through many activities, including (the ideal employee
- providing a parking space - collective farewell parties - periodic meetings for employees
with the governor - honoring employees' children - establishing a club for the local
administration in Benha city – make discounts for employees in external places - indoor
drinks buffet Affordable prices....)
16. establishing a Suggestion Boxes for receiving inputs from employees related to creativity,
innovation, suggestions and complaints
17. Measuring job satisfaction through employees and receiving continuous evaluations of
the existing leaders through the employees in the General Directorate of Qalyoubia
18. Activating the role of employee unions, including the local administration worker's union,
and involving them in all tasks related to employees or decisions.

Thank you,
Cairo, ESLSCA business school, Gov.11, Group D, June, 12th ,2022

1. The Local Administration Law No. 43 of 1979
2. The Civil Servant Law No. 81 of 2016
3. The site of ministry of Qalyoubia Portal on:
4. The site of ministry of finance on:
5. The site of ministry of planning and economic development on:
7. Wessam Dobait, article published in ElBayan site on:
8. Gavin Wright, article published on:
11. Look also:


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