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1. The factory owner is not in the habit of fraternising/ friendly _____his workers.
2. All the animals in the forest fled _______the fire.
3. If you have a grievance ______the company, please lodge a formal written complaint.
4. My car is guaranteed______rust for eight years.
5. The teacher told me to stop fidgeting ______ and to sit still and concentrate.
6. I was furious_______my sister______her always borrowing my clothes without my permission.
7. His glee_______the news of his success was a joy to see.
8. You mustn’t grieve_______one trivial mistake.
9. He has a fixation_____becoming the best doctor in the world.
10. She does nothing but fret____her being overweight yet never tries to diet.
11. His fidelity ______the firm has won him great respect.
12. He is always gloating _______his meteoric rise as an actor.
13. He is certainly good ______ maths, if not much else.
14. Her sales methods have been criticised as being _____ odds with company policy.
15. I found the ring in the street purely ______luck.
16. I didn’t go to see him _____ fear of catching his cold.
17. That house has been up ______ sale for two years.
18. Come to the party, _____ all means.
19. We regard this atrocity as an offence ______ humanity.
20. ____ all, I spent £500 on holiday.
1. Surgeons operated ______her last night; her condition is said to be satisfactory.
2. The teacher was deaf ______Nick’s explanation of why he hadn’t done his homework.
3. It was so cold in the tent that the children had to huddle up______to keep warm.
4. She haggled ______ the shopkeeper over the price of the souvenir.
5. We still haven’t heard ______the insurance company about our claim.
6. Commuters found themselves faced______ a lengthy public transport strike.
7. I’ve received an invitation _______ the annual nurses’ conference in Glasgow.
8. Mr Smith is becoming increasingly impatient_____this class as they never pay attention.
9. I’m indebted______my husband for his support in my new business venture.
10. The computer in the reception is inferior______the one in my office.
11. He says he’s feeling a bit_____colour today.
12. I’m afraid _______regard to your request, m a rot there’s nothing I can do about it.
13. She wasn’t allowed in the cinema because she was ______ age.
14. The castaways were stranded____an island for nearly a week.
15. He is a solicitor_______profession.
16. This coat was_______a sale when I bought it so it was very cheap.
17. He is______arrears with his loan repayments.
18. I will lend you the money______condition that you pay it back within the month.
19. Strawberries are only______season in May and June.
20. He is an expert ______ name only; he actually knows very little about the subject.
1. Terry McWoddle has been named ______the new chairman of the foot ball club.
2. Several flights were delayed and so the departure lounge was jam-packed ______ angry travellers.
3. The harassed mother juggled ______four bags of shopping, a pushchair
and a dog in the middle of the busy high street.
4. Many vegetarians argue that there is no justification ______ eating meat in this day and age.
5. I’ve been asked to key this information ______ the computer immediately.
6. The businessman insisted that he had no knowledge _______ the missing currency.
7. When I was abroad I longed ______ a traditional English Sunday lunch.
8. My husband’s always lazing _______ while I’m always busy.
9. The donkey climbed the steep track laden ______bags of oranges.
10. Sarah is jealous ______ her sister because she is much more popular.
11. She is looking ______ for a new job, but hasn’t found anything yet.
12. No one is kinder _______ children than he is.
13. I think we should limit this discussion ______ the facts.
14. My uncle lectures _______ the History of Art at the university.
15. You mustn’t judge people ______ the way they dress.
16. Their new baby is being named ______ his father.
17. The man kept his child ______ his side throughout the journey.

18. He’s not very clever academically but he’s good ______ D.I.Y.
19. Margot prefers not to buy goods _______ credit.
20. He went to the meeting______disguise so as not to be recognised.
1. I muddled _____the jigsaw pieces and the children did the puzzle again.
2. I waved at a complete stranger in the street whom I mistook ______ my cousin.
3. Nobody likes Rick because he’s so mean ______ money.
4. I asked the assistant which make ______hi-fi he recommended.
5. All the evidence militated_______ a conclusion in our favour.
6. I was born in Britain but was naturalised ______ Italy.
7. I’ve been asked to notify the personnel department _______ my new address.
8. The doctor is not noted ______ his tact when it comes to dealing with patients.
9. The swimming pool attendant was negligent ______ his duties and the little girl almost drowned.
10. There were a lot of problems at the beginning of the school year, but _____ the end everything was all right;
11. He was so surprised by the news that he was ______a loss for words.
12. Our teacher was _______ a bad mood today; he shouted ______ everyone.
13. Try to get the photograph ______ focus this time.
14. They were ______the trail of the Yeti when the blizzard started.
15. ______ answer to your question, the meeting will take place next Tuesday
16. Railway engineers joined three additional carriages _______ the train to accommodate the extra passengers.
17. Classes have increased _____ size since falling levels of government funding have reduced the number of
teachers in the school,
18. He joined _____ when he was seventeen and he’s been in the army ever since.
19. Impatient _____ her arrival, he kept running to the window every time a car passed.
20. The organisers tried to get everyone to join______the games.
1. They spent the summer ______ a cruise travelling round the world.
2. We are _____ favour of abolishing experiments on live animals.
3. When they got home, their house was ______fire.
4. _______ her boss’s request, she has worked overtime nearly every day this month.
5. They estimated the candidates’ popularity ______ means of opinion polls.
6. _______ a guess, I’d say he weighs about 70 kilos.
7. Very short skirts worn with thick woollen tights are ______ vogue at the moment.
8. She was brought up ______ a farm so she is used to living in the countryside.
9. Paul has been _______leave from work for the past month.
10. _______ second thoughts, I don’t think I want to go to the concert.
11. Being new the neighbourhood, they were unable to find where the greengrocer’s was.
12. That’s typical ______Peter to refuse to help.’
13. I’m having trouble ______ my car; it keeps stalling.
14. Jenny is terrified______flying.
15. Our neighbours are very tolerant ______ the noise we make.
16. My father is fascinated with cars. In fact, he’s in the garage tinkering ______ the old Ford right now.
17. Tuck your shirt ______ your trousers!
18. The river was teeming _____ trout.
19. She is so thirsty ______ success that she would do anything.
20. He triumphed ______ his competitors by flooding the market place with advertising.
1. Mary was impatient ______ the Christmas holidays to arrive.
2. Their school building is ______repair, so they are having lessons in the old library.
3. She was ______ the point of leaving when the phone rang.
4. People were chosen _______ random to try the new product.
5. ______ answer to your question, the meeting will take place next Tuesday.
6. Don’t be so impatient ______ Sue. She’s only 10 and doesn’t understand things quickly.
7. ______ no account must you open your book during the test.
8. Gill wasn’t her usual cheerful self today. She was ______ the weather.
9. ______the whole, I think your work is quite satisfactory.
10. As there was little time left, he outlined his plans ______brief.
11. Jam oozed _____ the doughnut when she bit into it.
12. He is proud _____ his new sports car.
13. The driver was oblivious ______ the red light and went straight through it.
14. The schoolchildren were overburdened ______ homework.

15. My mother has an obsession ______ cleanliness and is forever doing the
16. The surgeon operated ______ the woman with the fractured hip.
17. My brother is so mean that he hates to part ____ a single penny!
18. The villagers left their homes in the valley and moved to higher grounds as a precaution _____flooding.
19. The shop sent me the cooker _____ approval as I wasn’t sure it was the model I wanted.
20. He has a proclivity _____ being dishonest in business.
1. We had to queue ______ before we could get into the cinema last night.
2. Heavy rain resulted ______ widespread flooding.
3. I was reminded ______ my childhood when Ĩ heard that nurseiy rhyme.
4. Green vegetables are rich _____ vitamins and minerals.
5. She is quick _____ doing mental arithmetic.
6. Queen Victoria reigned ______ Britain and Ireland for more than sixty years.
7. The sight of the snake made him recoil ______ hoiror.
8. His style of writing is reminiscent _____ Thomas Hardy’s.
9. There has been a sharp rise _____ unemployment this year.
10. Please keep _____ touch after you’ve gone back to America.
11. As she didn’t have a lot of cash, she bought the fridge _____ credit.
12. They live ______ the outskirts of a large industrial town.
13. ______ average, English students study at university for three years.
14. Mike is not really ______ tune with the rest of the group.
15. The writer is very much ______ favour with the public at the moment.
16. What is ______ the agenda for today’s meeting?
17. _____ the one hand, he’s a dependable worker, but he is also very slow.
18. Are you _____ the mood for a walk on the beach?
19. Jackie is hopeless ______ mathematics.
20. Mrs Heath pleaded _____ her husband not to resign from his job.
1. He has an excellent lawyer acting______him and is bound to win the case.
2. The board of directors is meeting today to appoint a replacement ______ the retiring chairman.
3. He was very solicitous _______ our comfort and made every effort to ensure we had a pleasant journey.
4. We’d better go out for dinner; the food we have in the house isn’t sufficient ______ the six of us.
5. When the dam broke, a surge ______ water rushed down the mountain.
6. As soon as they met Joe and Elizabeth were smitten______ each other.
7. I can’t pay the electricity bill ______ next week as money is short right now.
8. The manager was sympathetic ______ their request for a non-smoking area.
9. Her colleagues intend to support her ______ her fight against discrimination in the workplace.
10. They’re bringing out a sequel ______ this television series next summer.
11. I acted ______ impulse and bought my wife a large bunch of flowers.
12. He’s not only a comedian, but also an expert ______ ventriloquism.
13. We agreed ______ his plan and started making preparations immediately.
14. None of us could agree ______ what to buy bur teacher as a present.
15. Sam’s views are often so outrageous that people rarely agree _____him.
16. The secretary’s argument ______ her boss led to her being fired.
17. There are strong arguments ______ banning the use of aerosol sprays.
18. On our honeymoon we argued ______everything; from the food to the weather!
19. The explorer arrived ______ the conclusion that he was the first person to reach the ancient site.
20. You must show your passport as soon as you arrive _______ a new country.
1. Don’t tell me you like his taste ______ clothes! He looks terrible!
2. Working flexitime has many advantages ______ regular working hours.
3. This summer, admission ______ most cinemas is double what it was last year.
4. The customer was very angry _____ the assistant’s casual attitude, to wards him.
5. Young children are awkward ______ dancing as they can’t co-ordinate their movements well. '
6. Her admission______ guilt shocked everyone; no one thought she was capable of fraud.
7. My husband is so awkward ______ a needle and thread that Ĩ have to sew on all his shirt buttons myself.
8. I was very angry ______ being woken up in the middle of the night by an alarm bell.
9. My new computer has the advantage _____ being more compact than my old one.
10. The government was anxious ______ the influx of refugees into the country.
11. Our visa is valid ______ one year and will subsequently need renewing.

12. She felt very uneasy ______leaving the baby with Miriam for the evening.
13. After suffering a major illness, he was very vulnerable _____minor ailments such as colds.
14. He didn’t just express his aversion ______ cloning but also argued ______it in a very persuasive way.
15. I can vouch ______ Sandra’s integrity, so I recommend we include her in our discussions.
16. The boys ran down to the garden and vaulted ______the fence at the bottom.
17. Clara is unswerving ______ her determination to become a lawyer.
18. While running to answer the telephone, I tripped _____ my brother’s briefcase.
19. She’s patient _____ children and so is a very good teacher.
20. The food at that restaurant was labelled “unfit _____ human consumption” by the environmental health
1. I’m very wary______riding that horse; it’s been known to shy at traffic.
2. The schoolboy winced______the sight of the cane in the headmaster’s hand.
3. She yearns _______a relaxing holiday in the sun.
4. You won’t solve your problems by wallowing ______ self-pity.
5. The student wrestled _______ the difficult mathematics problem.
6. Wind and rain have whittled away ______ the old stone wall for the past three centuries.
7. Ray winked ______ US to show that he wasn’t being serious.
8. After six months in the countryside, Alan has a yen ______ the bright lights of the city.
9. The woman yelled _____ the boys when they ran through her garden.
10. She tried not to yield ______ temptation and have another piece of cake.
11. The spy had little choice ______ the matter but to destroy the microfilm.
12. There’s no point crying _____ things you can’t change.
13. We had to choose ______ a hotel in Rome and a villa in Tuscany for our last holiday.
14. The restaurant menu offered a choice _____ trout, beef or chicken.
15. Membership of the society has decreased ______ number since last year.
16. The national debt has been decreased ______ £10 billion this year.
17. Do you mean you still haven’t decided ______ your holiday yet?
18. She can’t decide ______ what style of wedding dress to buy.
19. If you clean the hall, we’ll deal ______ the kitchen together.
20. My uncle deals ______antique furniture.
1. He doesn’t seem to be very happy ______ his new job; he always looks rather worried and depressed these
2. As she handed over the gift, she said that she hoped we would be very happy ______ our new home.
3. It will be good ______ Thomas to have a strict teacher; he’s never had any discipline at home.
4. The dispute occurred because the manager is so hopeless ______people; he has absolutely no idea of how to
handle his workforce.
5. We’ve just heard ______ his unexpected promotion.
6. Nervous about facing an interview panel, she hesitated ______the door and took a deep breath before
entering the room.
7. A strong draught blew into the room through the gap ______the door.
8. Ruth was a genius _____ mathematics and was awarded a scholarship to Cambridge when she was only
fourteen years old.
9. Have you heard ______ the lake “Loch Ness” in Scotland?
10. He’s a genius ______ a pencil and can capture a likeness in a few deft strokes.
11. His new stereo system was expensive but it’s guaranteed ______ fifteen years so it was worthwhile paying
12. My friend is worried because she hasn’t heard ______ her sister for days.
13. She has a real genius ______ languages and has already mastered the rudiments of Greek!
14. There is a popular superstition which says that anyone who has a gap ______their two front teeth will be
lucky throughout their life.
15. She hesitated ______ taking any action, hoping that there was no real cause for alarm.
16. I can’t honestly say that I’m happy ______ your decision to emigrate to France.
17. She’s very good ______animals and takes food out to the stray dogs in the street every morning.
18. The new wonder watch from Seiko is guaranteed ______ any type of breakage, including water damage and
19. The baby was crying ______ its milk.
20. Having always been good ______ at maths, he decided to study it at university.
1. Although we were all rather irritated by the situation at the time, we laughed _______it afterwards.

2. Tom lectured his son ______ the dangers of riding a motorcycle.

3. The summer dress was lined ______ light cotton to make it less transparent.
4. He was listening ______ the radio when he heard the news of the earthquake.
5. I’m expecting an important call; could you listen ______ the telephone while I pop out to the shops?
6. He doesn’t have any savings and, since being made redundant, has been living ______his family.
7. The neighbours are very anxious _______ their missing daughter to phone home.
8. Mark was saved ______ drowning by the heroic action of his brother.
9. Since passing his accountancy exams, George has had his salary increased ______10%.
10. Susan’s quest ______ a satisfying job was at last realised.
11. ______ everyone’s astonishment, she arrived at the party in a Rolls Royce.
12. My cousin has a flair______languages and can speak more than six.
13. You should not use aerosols because they’re harmful _____ the environment.
14. I’m sure there’s a jinx ______ this dress. Whenever I wear it I have a terrible time.
15. I began to get impatient ______ his continual lack of punctuality.
1. Tom’s absorption ______his studies means he has no social life.
2. Eating too much fat and sugar is detrimental _____ your health.
3. The amount of water absorbed ______ cotton wool is greater than that ______ paper.
4. The bank wrote to me to advise me ______ their new overdraft facilities.
5. If you need advice ______ exam techniques, any of our trained staff will help you.
6. He cared _______ the environment and gave an inspiring speech the issue.
7. At the Chinese restaurant we started ______ spare ribs, then had chicken soup and coconut ice cream to
8. The doctor advised us _____travelling to Egypt without having the proper inoculations first.
For questions 1-12 read the text below and think of the word which best fits ! each gap. Use only one word in
each gap. In tills exercise, each missing word is a proposition. There is an example at the beginning (0).
Chatting to babies in a particular way boosts their intelligence and gives them a head start (0) in life, a new
study has found. Speech and language therapist Dr Sally Ward selected 140 nine-month-old children from
ManChester. She then gave 70 of the parents detailed advice (1)_______the best way to communicate (2) their
child and left the other 70 without guidance. The “communicating” parents were told to spend at least 30 minutes
everyday talking to their child, (3) _____any background noise, about 5 subjects which their infant might take an
interest (4) ______ . More than six years later, and after regular checks had been kept (5) ______their progress,
the children had IQ tests. Those in the talking group were, (6) ______ average, a year and three months ahead (7)
______ the other group. Nine children had IQs in the gifted category, whereas none in the non-talking group was
as bright.
In a separate study at the American Academy of Paediatrics, experts have warned (8) ______the dangers of
children under the age of two watching television. Research has shown that exposure to television is responsible
(9) ______ anything from delayed speech to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The problem (10) ______
television is that it confuses infants, who block out the background noise coming from it. They consequently
learn to 5 ignore all noise, and this includes speech. Paediatric and language, specialists also disapprove (11)
______ radio, which has much the same effect (12)______ a child’s language development.
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