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Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and
some have a word which should not be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (/)- If
a line has a word which should not be there, write the word. There are two

examples at the beginning (O and 00). 00........
TAKING UP TENNIS 2.............
I did not really enjoy to playing sports much when 3.
I was at the school. I suppose this was because we did 4.
not really have very good physical education teachers. 5..............
They were always shouting at us and telling to us to try 6..............
harder. If you asked them what did you had to do to improve 7_________
they could never give you a good advice. When I left school 8..............
I started playing at tennis with some friends. To my great 9..............
surprise, I loved to it. I became a complete tennis addict, 10............
sometimes playing as many as five times a week. I played so 11.............
much that I eventually became quite a good player. The only 12............
problem was that I wasn’t very a fit and consequently I started 13............
to getting all sorts of injuries. First it was my elbow and then 14.
my shoulder. Once I managed to get over of those two
problems my knees started to give me the trouble. My only
consolation is that even the top players suffer from these
injuries too. Of course I can’t compare myself to someone
like as Martina Hingis, but I enjoy the game and have some of
the same problems.
A leading politician had been charged with corruption and 0.. . ✓.....
I had been covering the trial which had finished more earlier
00. ...more... that day. Despite of being very tired I went on working until
the midnight. I had promised to finish the story and have it on 2..............
the editor’s desk by morning. I was almost certain no other 3...............
journalist had to got hold of the story or not the whole 4...............
story anyway. Jack had told me he would wait for my version 5. . ...........
because of it would be an exclusive. I was worried that 6...............
if I have used real names, there might be trouble later
but in the end I decided that tó include them. After all
11 ;the journalism is all about giving the public information
12 9…………
and that includes the names of all those involved in the news.
Just as it I was reading through the final draft the telephone
rang. I picked up the receiver expecting it is to be Jack. 12.
A woman’s voice has said ‘If you print this story, you know 13.
what to expect,’ and then the line went dead. I sat there 14.
wondering what I to do and then went to bed, but not to sleep. 15.

When I first went to a university I studied law. Although a 0........a......
both my mother and older sister have science degrees 00........./....
no one else in the family had ever been studied law before 1.................
and my parents were very proud of me. The problem was 2.................
that I did not really know exactly what lawyers did do. 3.................
I had a very romantic ideas about going to court to defend 4.................
people who had been falsely accused of committing the crimes. 5, ________
I imagined myself like those lawyers on TV, arguing 6................
with the judge and the prosecution lawyer and convincing to 7................
the jury that my client was innocent. After only a couple of 8..................
weeks of very long and difficult lectures I am realised 9------------
that a lot of what a lawyer does is very practical and not 10......------
at all romantic. Nevertheless, I have began to understand 11...............
that to studying law was interesting and worthwhile for other 12...............
reasons. For example, you learn a lot of about consumers’ 13.’.—____
rights. With it this kind of knowledge you can really 14...............
help people. I am very glad about I chose to study law. 15...............


Well, here I am In India, and finally I’ve found time to sit down 0. v
and write it a letter to you. I am staying in the port city of Goa, enjoying 00. it
a few days of rest up after a very hectic fortnight spent travelling across 1.
the country. The people of Goa are proud of the fact and that they 2.
are not clock-watchers. They even sell T-shirts to visitors printed 3.
with the words ‘Goa, a place where time moves more slowly’. It's 4.
a place to sit on the beach, take things away easy and sample the 5.
delicious focal food. In feet, the only real disadvantage of the such relaxed 6.
atmosphere is how long it takes to get served in any of the restaurants. 7.
It is quite common to have to wait a couple of hours for get a meal to 8.
turn up. Even things that are quick to cook can take an age time. The 9.
other day I decided ordered fried prawns, which I thought couldn't take 10.
long. But, of course, the chef had to gather the wood, build a fire in a 11.
hole in toe sand, and then let it die down a bit before that he could 12.
even begin to think about cooking them toe prawns. Seafood is the local 13.
speciality and so they were certainly very worth waiting for. I can't 14.
remember the last time I enjoyed a meal so too much. Anyway who’s in 15.
a hurry? Not me!

Today is my first day at work and this is the first job 0. v
I have for ever had. It feels like my first day at school. 00. for
I want to impress my boss, so that I ironed my suit last night. 1. …
I’m really got nervous about speaking in front of seventy 2.
people. My mother makes up my breakfast and says I look 3.
good, but I think she is only trying to be encouraging. At the 4.
tube station, I have avoid the first train because it’s packed, 5.
and when the next train comes I decide I want to walk instead. 6.
By the time I arrive at work I feel like hot and sweaty, and I 7.
walk in trying to look much calm and confident. A woman who 8.
seems to be the secretary asks for me if I am the new employee 9.
and shows me to my desk, which it is in a corner of the room. 10.
The manager comes towards my desk and introduces to himself. 11.
He is very friendly and tells me I will meet all my colleagues 12.
later. I am suddenly feel much more relaxed and comfortable. 13.
I know that when I get home, my mother will be want to 14.
hear everything about this day, so I’m writing it all down. 15.


In your last letter you asked me to give you some advice on how to 0 z......
look after a rabbit. Rabbits can make them very good pets and can 00. ...them...
become a wonderful companions because they are intelligent, social 1
animals. I am glad that I can give you information to help you understand 2.
rabbits so better. The House Rabbit Association recommends that you keep 3
your rabbit inside of the house rather than outdoors. Rabbits may run freely, 4...........
but it is best for most to be in a cage for the first few days, until they 5. ___'
have get used to both you and to the new surroundings. Very young rabbits 6.
need to be in a cage for a more longer time than older rabbits 7.
It is natural for a rabbit chew on furniture and rugs. To prevent this 8
happening, you need to give it safe things for to chew, such as plastic or 9
rubber toys. Electrical cords are very dangerous and they must be hidden 10
from view so that the rabbit cannot reach to them. A further danger to 11
rabbits is other type animals. However; rabbits and cats can get along 12
fine. Even rabbits and dogs they get on, but the dogs have to be 13
frained to respond to commands before which they can be trusted in the 14
company of rabbits, and even then the supervision will be needed. 15.............


My mother always told me that I should never tell lies. 0. v
I know what she meant, and in a way I am agree with her. 00. am
In other ways, however, I think she was in wrong. In order
to be polite and to avoid so offending people, it’s necessary to 2.
tell a little white lie sometimes. Let me give to you an 3.
example. I always write to my Auntie Audrey and tell her 4.
what a lovely the day I had with her on Sunday and how 5.
delicious the lunch was been. Neither of these things is true, 6.
but it would be rude not to write and writing the truth 7.
would hurt too much, so I have to lie her. In the same way, 8.
you have to say that a newborn baby looks beautiful, 9.
even though we know they all much look the same and are 10.
only actually beautiful in the same eyes of their parents. And 11.
of course, when I’ve had done my hair cut, or when I’m 12.
wearing a new outfit for the first time, the last thing I want to 13.
hear is the truth. I want to be told which I look wonderful. In 14.
these type situations, the truth would not do any of us any good! 15.

My name is Louise Bartley and I am twenty-six years old. For 0........./.....
the past of three years I have been employed by a travel company. 00 of ....
What had helped me get the job was my experience of travel. 1................
When I was twenty, I dropped out of university to go backpacking 2....................
around Australia. This gave me such an idea of the kind of problems 3.................
travellers face and I decided then that I have wanted to work 4................
as a travel agent. I joined to the company as a junior secretary 5................
and now I am in charge of the organisation of package holidays. 6........................
I stay in the office most days and I don’t travel unless that I 7................
have to. But my work is so much Interesting that I don’t mind 8................
that at all. It is great to be working with them a group of people 9................
who have travelled widely and are as well enthusiastic as I am. 10..............,...
This travel company is one of the best In the world and we can 11..............
book you a flight to almost anywhere in no any more than a . 12
few minutes. We can do this because today the company has 833 13..............
staff through world-wide and travel centres in most capital 14..............
cities. We do our best to make life more easier for customers. 15..............

Let me tell you about a short course I attended to last week. 0 to
As you know, I am very interested in archaeology but I hate 00.
taking up examinations, so this was ideal for me because 1.......... .. .
I could get a certificate of attendance without them exams. 2............
All I had to do was write a couple of assignments on a 3......„....
subject which I could choose it, and that was not difficult. 4........
No any previous experience was’ necessary because the course 5...............
was aimed at the beginners, and this also suited me well. 6...............
There were such an interesting topics I am sure you 7...............
would have been as fascinated by them as I was. Perhaps 8...............
the best was the one that taught me that in what ways 9...............
science has helped archaeology in its research. 10---------
I learnt so much that I am considering for continuing 11.............
with more serious studies next year when I will finish 12.............
school. I can possibly do part of a degree course through 13.............
evening classes and then complete of it by studying part-time 14.............
for six months. Do you have any plans for next year yet? 15.............


One of the most enjoyable parts out of my recent holiday in the USA was 0. out.....
a visit to Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory in Vermont This is actually 00.......
the most popular tourist attraction in the state and is well worth make a visit 1.........
First we saw was an introductory video in what’s called The Cow over the 2........
Moon theatre. On the video, we met them Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield 3.......
who look more like toe folk singers than company directors. They explained 4.......
how they started making ice cream, how they experimented with new 5........
flavours and how surprised they were by when their products became 6.......
such a huge international success. Then we went for to watch the ice cream 7. ...
being made in the factory. Everyone who works there seems very happy. 8.---
As we stood on a platform looking over toe production and lines, the workers 9.......
all waved at US and smiled. It must all be part of what Ben and Jerry call 10. ….
“caring capitalism". Did you know that if they give 7.5 percent of their profits 11…..
to charity? That’s a lot more than most companies. The tour was a great fun,
we got to try lots of ice cream and in the gift shop, I bought a really funny
T-shirt with a cow printed on it If you will ever get toe chance to go 14……
to Vermont, I can be thoroughly recommend Ben and Jerry's ice cream factory


You tell me that you are under a lot of stress lately and I think I 0.......z.....
can help you. Since a few months ago, Ỉ started to get nervous 00. ..Since...
at work, and things began to worry me that hadn’t before. At 1..............
night, I was finding it out v&y difficult to go to sleep. When I 2.............
finally got to sleep, I would have wake up in the middle of the 3. .............
night. So, 1 decided it I needed to do something about it and I 4.............
took up meditation, 1 discovered it was very much good for me, 5.............
and now I am more calmer and happier. Meditation is very 6..............
simple, all you do is sit quietly and let for your mind fill with 7..............
pleasant thoughts. This clears your head and helps you to get 8 ……..
rid of stress. If you find it difficult can to sit still, you may combine 9.
meditation with exercise such as the walking, or swimming. The 10.
most difficult part of meditation is the need to concentrate on 11.
positive thoughts because of your mind will want to keep going 12.
back to the things that are worrying over you at that moment. 13.
Experts recommend them an average of twenty minutes in 14.
the morning and evening, but 1 only do it three or four times on 15.
a week, which is enough.
Have you ever complained in a restaurant? I never thought I would, 0. v
but last week I ended up doing just that. It was one my best friend’s 00. one
birthday, so 1 had booked for a table at a new restaurant that has 1. …
just opened in the City centre. But when there we arrived, exactly 2.
on the time, they told me that there was no record of my booking and 3.
we would have to wait for a table to become free. I suspected that 4.
they had given our table to somebody else, but I didn’t say about 5.
anything. Then we were kept waiting for an hour long without an apology, 6.
although they did take it our order. We both chose soup as a starter and 7.
my friend ordered a well-done steak as a main course. I thought that 8.
I would be a bit morethan adventurous, however, and decided to try 9.
something called Ossobuco, though I wasn’t quite sure what it was. To 10.
cut a long story up short, the soup was almost cold, my friend’s steak 11.
was uncooked in the middle and my Ossobuco turned out like to be a 12.
plate of bone in 3 very acidic sauce. So, we called the manager and said 13.
we would not pay because the meal which had been substandard. But in 14.
the end we paid because we had eaten it all, but 1 won’t be going to 15.
there again!
You seem surprised to hear that I am teaching all my pupils 0.......v....
how to sing. I am convinced that anyone who he can hear, can 00.....he...
sing. And everyone can sing better than they do think they can. 1..............
Singing can be have a very good effect on our lives and singing 2..............
from a very early age is the best way for to develop the ear. 3..............
It is more important to leạm to sing than to play one an instrument. 4..............
What we need to do is how help children to discover the joys 5..............
of singing. However, many people are discouraged from the 6..............
singing early in life. It is common to hear aduits say they felt 7..............
terrible when they were not been selected for the school choir. 8..............
Unfortunately, adults who they have suffered that kind of 9..............
treatment, do not burst into song spontaneously or sing .invented 10........
I songs to their children. But research shows that the children who most 11.
sing happily when they are five, are those whose mothers have 12.
sung to thei n at an early age. Maybe now you will have be able 13.
to understand why I am determined to that my young pupils should sing. 14.
And, by the way, singing keeps your vocal cords youthful as well! 15.


I saw the most incredible thing yesterday, a boat made entirely out 0. …..
of bits of some rubbish. And that’s not all; it had just sailed all the 00. …..
way across the Atlantic Ocean! Four people made up the voyage 1. ……..
from the USA to Ireland which took them for sixty-three days. To 2.
make the boat, which has a diesel engine as well as three of sails, 3.
they collected wood, netting and plastic from the rivers and streets 4.
of New York. Although the boat sounds like very simple, it is actually 5.
quite large one with three cabins, an electricity generator, radar and 6.
the latest electronic navigation system. It is the plastic in which keeps 7.
the boat afloat and it is even able to right itself if it is blown over in a 8.
storm. None of the crew has been any formal sea training, and they 9.
thought they would get to thè France in about thirty days. But they were 10.
delayed by a series of disasters which Including storms, very large 11.
waves and icebergs. They were beginning to run out of food and 12.
decided to break their journey In Ireland so that they could pick them 13.
up supplies. The captain of the boat said that sailing the boat had 14.
made of recycled material Is represented a dream come true for him. 15.


Do you remember how unhappy I was in my job and that I 0. v
was looking for a change? Well, for a long some time I have 00. some
had this idea that I would have like to work in television. I think 1. ..
it Is never much too late to start afresh, and I have a number of skills 2.
that could be valuable. I know rt is hard to be start such a career 3.
when you are in your late twenties, but now an incredible 4.
opportunity has.come up. A company in my area it is trying to 5.
attract people who have developed the office skills, but who have 6.
always been interested in working in TV. They think such a people 7.
will be valuable because of they will have learned management 8.
skills and teamwork skills, things that are more hard to pick up 9.
when you are following a TV career very early on. If my 10.
application is successful, I would initially work such as a researcher 11.
for a wide range enough of TV programmes And this may be only the 12.
first stage because I could become a producer within a couple of years. 13..
Besides, I think it will be a very nice environment which to work 14.....
in. I’ll let you to know next week if I get invited for an interview. 15


My friend Tanya has always been mad about penguins. It all started 0........v
when she was a child and her father gave to her a book full of 00. to......
photographs and fascinating of information about the black and white 1...............
seabirds. Did you know so, for example, that penguins live in hot 2...............
countries as well as they at the South Pole? Anyway, Tanya became 3...............
very fond of penguins and, over the years, built up a large collection 4...............
of books, pictures and fluffy such penguin toys Tanya is now twenty-four 5...............
years old and last year her boyfriend, Dominic, asked her if to marry him. 6..................
Tanya wasn't sure what to should do and needed time to think, 7..............
but she didn't want to turn Dominic down completely. So Tanya 8________
said that she would many him, but only if the ceremony could took 9...............
place in a penguin colony. She thought this would take him a 10.:...........
long time for to organise. But, unknown to Tanya; Dominic had 11 ...........
just won in a competition and the first prize was two free airline 12.............
tickets to go anywhere in the world. Tanya and Dominic got 13.............
married themselves last Spring and all toe guests wore black and 14.............
white suits. Yes, you’ve guessed at it, they got married on a beach .15............
and the guests were all penguins!


As I know that you always like to read the crime stories. I am going to 0 the
tell you a real life story, something that happened in my town a few 00......
weeks ago. Rosa Bell, a respectable-looking like lady in her mid-fifties, 1...............
was arrested at the Portrait Gallery for have stealing a valuable 2................
painting. She had hidden toe painting, which it was apparently very 3...............
small, in a large handbag, and was attempting to leave off the gallery, 4...............
when two plain-clothes policemen stopped her and searched her bag. 5...............
By now you must be wondering at why I am telling you this story, which 6...............
does not seem very interesting so far. Well, let me to continue. The 7.................
police had no any idea at the time that this was the same person who 8...............
had robbed a number of banks in the early 1970s. But it soon became 9...............
clear that they had been finally caught one of the most wanted bank 10.............
robbers in the country. She had always managed to fool the police 11........:.....
because she kept moving from one town to then another and changing 12.............
her of name and physical appearance. She had not only robbed banks 13.............
in toe 70s, but had also taken out large loans and never repaid her debts, 14.............
so a number of companies they had taken, legal action against her. 15…

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