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Numerical Solution af Algebraic and Fransendetat Capralliogs * Algebraic Cqsration i= &quattions being abgelorasegpartitin ike %, 4% 9% ase Called as algebraic eqyralionr . eg: i) ttryi- 80 ti) 44-90 [an sconcoutat gyrations '— Lqpalions involving non- We ove ale ic gqpavtibi'es dike e% loge, Sina, Hane called a Banacendentab cqpralions : @: i) pela =o fi) x legt=12.=0. Tutealinn Prooon I= Numerteal methods 4 podiveg appovntimals ool of the given equation ss a tepectative dippe f rocers known ax levalion process - Fundamenta hr i I fiero us a veal valued r Ave Continous function the weal | Variable % we have ithe following, ee, fundamental ! . I there ercisls divo Values a, lo | “tay Auch that fir) has opperiele ‘gt Aay frarso, feb>0 equivalew foxftb< 0 then “ lida coats atleast One re ost un Phe 2nberval (a,b). There are Luo numerical tfealive methools : 1) Newton Raphron Method. tt) Requba Fabri Method. i — Neston-Raphron Method : “The first a proxtmalion to the vost Ly ds gover Hy > - £e%e) S'et) promi nation us oblained by veptacing, Xo by Luin che RHS of the above Expuunion. Ct) Newaton - n itivalion formula - This procedure us depeatid upto coe Comecullive appeoatnaatid sols becomes Cajal. a Ib Fincl a Real root of the equation of 4% 3t+420 by applying Newwteu -Raphron mettiod. Gigyy ouck tive eralioys . nem hat fords 11% 344 4 fto-4, ft-ner, fl-2: -6Use Newton -Raphron method Lo find a Yeal woot af the Cqualion x 2x-5=0. Corect te three decimal fone let 8 ages ne = A= a Peon Te , ——— fe2) =-1<0, £68) 1670 A hoot Meee in (2/3). det p22, filer: 84-2. L* Approntnation « ty % flex) , a- £2). ais, fb) fez) 4 pppront mation Hy G- Pou) eee. d- £0241) - 9.0946. Ff 0%) feo I” Approntmation: ls: %,- PC#) . 2.0946 -f(2.0748). 9.094 filet.) fl2.074b) Shs the Uequiredl approximate sect torrect Se Bhar [sine placu is 2.099, _ 38> Use Newton Raphion method Lo finda real rcot of LSinrt + Cost=0 near YM. Cary out Lhe itinalions uple Wt": Lt fey: ASint +Cose . det > em, fiends teoet + Sjlrq-Silt= Coe - y= 4, -fl%) , n- fin) : a -(ASink +Cosn) | 7-15 4.2298 Fm) fim 7 Coen Ly 2 t,- Ft) 2 a.4786 5 A? Me fete) 2 a tIey Flt) f Ct Lye Sy- FtAs). 9.4984 F'C43) Shes the required neal soot us of FI8Y Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru 4) Find a Atal sect of the eqyration ~~ a=0 Conect — te Dhue decomal xing Newton Raphion methed . gel - Let fx): tet 2. fto)z-2<0, flid2 0.4183 >0 a real root Lies tn (0,1). clit X=, ina tetret. eXt4t!) . Uys %o- fox) .)-F01), ;- 0.4183. 0.2647 flex) Fen ez) a= ty- FO%) . 9.9598 5 ty- %e- FL*) _ 0.9526 flex) fox) hy > As- Flts) 9.2526 « teas “Ths the Acquired rol suweot coucet to thre decimal ace _ 6) Yaing Nevotow - Method find an approximate rot cow tlog 21.2 Comect te five decimal P that year 2.5 Gun Let fer) = logy, X12 » Lyre | ftw: 4. eget. ape 10 os | : f = -[ b+ tog *] Us %o- re fas), 1 t4es ae fic2.s) %: t,- £4). a.F406s tly) Or. Sreetakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengalur 43 wa fete) S a. Fy065, The sequised apppronimalt rect Lis a. F4OES, Regula Falst Method or Methicl af False Postlion: 6 pend the numerical solution 4 the equation frw:0 by Regula fale wethed or metiiod. xf -falie portion 3 Lit Lhe root of the eg" fex)-0 Les betiween a and b then fay flb) ave ef opposite Aign. v. The first approximation the soot us gover by 12 afth)-b fa) “the Procedure us vepeatid. upts tuo Congeculive appronimate oot becomes equal. Problems : Pa pS amt pl z 30,4 5-0 Correct ty three : Cqpation Y-2at-F=0 gsetn :- Lat fee Pears fio: -5, fine-e fir):-1<0, fl3)2 1670 . Groot Lies tn (2,3) - . ince -| us wear cho Ser we Can Hake the tnifal lp ar Nearer to od. vo PC2dus -ve & F021) is eve a,pproctinaa ion Lit FC8.1)2 0.061 90 Roots Ligs bln C2, 2:1) Dr. Sreetakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Manage T* Appovximation : %2 afte) -bfta) flb)- fla) Azad: flaysf2):-1 bear; flb)= fl2.1)= 0-06) Ws 9.0942. feu): fl2-0942)2 - 0.00392 <0 . - Roots Liew bfn (2.0942, &-1) a b J Appooximatiow : hy = a fb) -bfca) ore: ftb)- fta) Qs 0942 3 flay: fla.0942) 2 -0.00392 b= &1 > flags $l2-0 2 008) Ags 2.0155 - Since upte 8 clecimal places %r%y2 2-044 - Shires Ahe vegquired approximate woot is 2.094. 02> Find ‘the Weal Hoot af ha Sprain Lamat+ Bonhie=0 dies belinen & and 3 by ung reg lafalei mettiod . Cary out & skrahons 4 “d \gfot Let oy-danr+lanhd. Te fins +lanh a: -1.221<0 ft3): fans alanh $+ 0.85as70 . I Approximation: %y- afty-bfta) #lb- fla) . Aza. flarefer):-1-221 b: 8, ftb) 2 fl) 20.8525 Ay 2 2-59 fem) 2 fl 2.594 0.3435 >0. Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Reels dice tun (2, 2.59) a 6 I" Approximation IF Ay = afte)-bfta) fte)- fla) ara, fear: ft2)-4-221 bz 3.59, flb): fla-59) = 0.3F35 - hy 2 a 4S18 - fltyy 2 fla.ysis) 2 0160570 - Reots Lies En CB, 2.4S18) Lard ° a fth)- & ta) i Approximation :- t,- afte) t 3° Fte)-Fea) Ara, flare fl2= -1.22) b: g.4sie, flb) = fl2.4S18): 0.1603 Az = 22-3994. Thess the sequired third approximalien ue P. 8AM. 3> Ure the wlafalrs method te obtain a rset of tie Gpotion at-dog hs 4 bohich Lier bf, 35 andy , elm ohet feo): 2-409 9% =f 403.5)=-0.544) <0, fly I= 0-39F9>0 . o. Roots Lice bw (3.5.4) a:35 tar ftg.s)2- 0.5441 b:4 fcey= fly)= 03947 Tt Approximation: % = afle)- bfta) _ 3.49 #(b)- ftad flee fl3-F9 = 0-00186>0 . . Bot Lie in (3.5, 2.49) Dr. Sreelakshmi T K, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru (D4 Approximalion: %q =a #lb)- bfta) #lb)- fla) . az3.s, fla): ft3-s): -O.S544) 6.3.99, lb) 2 £63. F9)= 0.00136 Hy s 8.4893 GQ 3.79 Shes the appronimate aovt Comect te Kiw dectmal Places ds 8.49. A) Find che Amallet perilive woot of the Eq.rabion 1% 4og,%: 12 by Regula Fale method . [goo - let flrd= of* logsx -12 ftne-iiko, fe2 = - 8.690, 03): -4.0986 <0. fly)2 B63 2D . A Beall ost Lie bn (3,4) and wide be tn the ighbourhood of 4 - of 08.6) - 0.3209, f (3-4) + 0.381F Roots Lice un (3.6, 3.4) ra proximation t- ye a flb)- bfta) Fi —#tb)- fla) . A23.6, flB.6)2- 0. 3209 3 bs 3.4, fl3 7): 0.3814 Hy = 3.645F Fttyyz—0.00242<0 « Roots Lee wn (38-6484, 3.7) tr Approntimalion :- Ly z a fle- b fla) pCb)- ta) a: 3.6yst, fear: - 0.00242. 3b: 245 f(t): 0.384 Ag = 3646042 Shut the Nequired root dorcct Lo 8 dectraal places ds r, Steetakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru |6} Find the root of tia equation xe% corteo by the method of vhte } ion . 4 (seh »- oat pext)= otet-cosx. flo): -lO (0.5) = -0.053220, fl0.6)2 0.267970 Root Lies fn ( ef. iba I Approxtmation : Oye atin-bfs) aos, ft0.5)2 - 0.0532 6:06, flo.b) = 0.2679 % 2 0.5166 ft 2 f lo.5166) 2 - 0.003520 © Poot Lia in (0.5166, 0-6) bt ron: 2, = a fth)-b fla) wi Apprord mation As a Poa QA: 0.5166, £(0.S166) > -0.0035 be 06 F¢ (C06) 0.2679 Ag = 0. SITF #022 f (o-SlF#) Root ies in Co. SIFF,0-6 ) I” Approximation 1 yea fle)-bfta) $lb)- fla) az0.s1t#, fla): -0.0001F b: 06 , Plb)> 0.2649 ds s0SIF8 , That De required soot as 0.5148 |; -0-DOOIF (2. peed a Aobing Fubjeclil to the Condiltonts ug The Po liad. preeiale a NF — se “Teiglos' Series Methed -— : Conides the initial value probten Hed mq) and. ycted= fo Ne Rave Tarploris Antes Aries expanaion af ix) abort Dhe a to in d yy fey tan) Y! the) + (+4) a cor | tie ba. ytCt)-- lanoke Pte Value of de aviv q Pf oaenat [Pook bewys : jp delve Ge ty! with ylo)= | ueing Te lg Keres rection, 8 oe fivd goon bg Comat cleming tuple fourth e see :— “Geen Bor » Yeoet oO, Yor 1, Feo! “the Ta ‘s Aevies al uz CL) = YlO%)+CA-%o) YEto) + Cf-to)*_ CHAM, tg CA Ae d ¢ mG Ee gti Tee tae qd! V fn yor : qr org Co) t ora COHEN Moy HOLD Mey. tye . 1 a bw. d E ty fie: t co) ) d Ty y gore ; y =o 4 aug tg + au = fig ty tay J yito)= a. yy - y+ so ura y's “y' Ay tony toy: y"o)-6. (OD ylol)s 1+ ©}.Nl-1+ 6.01 (0) + 2.001 (2) + 0-000) (-4) 6 ay oz 2). Employ Teuylor's Series method Lo Obfatin approximale . Vober! of 4 a Y= 0.16 0.2 fox dif preulial Cqpaliion ay ny +3e% ame Commissions uple fousthe elagone Cem - obr'- Given dy. ay +2e%, yer ; AyD, Yo =O The Tarplor's af, “sob og % yeo= qe) +Cf-%0) yet) + ob a) ee) + LL) Me ) + Lbhrtg ys aytset : Yio) 04323 . Ne ou's get: yee 643279. . Wes cal. [yite 2 "4 ge% : y Co) = 18+ 3 yveayis se% Veo) <4 243 248, 4 i 1 ty Sis a (x2 04 Set dye FF THe tt Pat feo & A%=0.2 We get [y (0.10: 0.3848F Dr, SteelakshmiT K, Astatant Professor, D ee te “ag ‘ton by hasig ted Lofty uw the Prange Oe 1 <02 by be ze Rp.) ine s10 ak of wl ty, abe the Ge Possth ak gree d ince. te ot his 0.1, the Dax bb ey mu ee 4 B19 sal vad Hus af The tnilial Condition we bave Ib co ye 2) ~The Tauplor's Aeries sol” is given yore (ae ia Lm tei) At) to). eft f(t ad shige -— Given vey » tp =O, Up =10 ” tod ay yicors Fives i ae ateg’. io ye ie yt ie fc a 2 ; Deon. 12, Subtotal % =0 Aro! ble eDighers Cymer +E? ey Lo)t - LIE Stage ?— ‘Now A=O1 , Y= to5a. yl 14 5 yleap = (0.1) ¢1-058 = L088 ye odttyls 40.1) 2 Wb od ye ety! 5 yl" for): (8. 86a yy: gi! 5 gto 13.086 & Neth. ae ie [yo 2) = 12. wea Dr. Sreelakshini TK, Assistant Professor, trent of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru > Une Tayler Aeris method. fo find y at 4:0. and of Yr0.2 thot dy - oe with St fon Contin the Lawns |get? Given Fey, Guo Ao=9, Yo I. “The Taylor's sevice rot” we 1° ean ret dy Che) + A) ite + EA nea) + EN d° yey o qe" O+lel. dg + agroud A qd Co)= ob | He at alyy's yo’) a d Cope tale!) = 8. ye a cy y" q'qt2yq'] + elyg' sul] 4 cos a [ur8)4 8CIN)] = 28 . . ieee Le fire 1.2508, Modified! tules's Metfrad — Conriben, the initial Value pro! been foxy). “yet fp The Prtlcal apy prontmalien for yf qi ot p+ he he found tin Eaten fem Later's Euler's formula’ cis ee ci (Ps Yoth-fexe, Yo ithe other appr tT titoed ato aiaeg Mechift ed jules font brleris yee lo + 4 [fex, Yodel i) ] ye Yor [ fer, yor Fle, YP] YO =o aT fee yort fet, YO] Dr. Sreeakshii fK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS lnsttute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Nele:— fulewks formula. and. Modified Eler's formula ford at ‘Euler's Predliclkid and Coneclih Problems : — I> Une modifcedt Euler's method Le solve the initial Value prolotern i" oty?, yoo, gind epeaet) . set: — Given fp =0% Yo=0, foo tty? Pex Yo)= 0, heol, 2 %th= Ol. Te fe 02t,)= YlO.1) By Euler's fomula., yin thefcto, fo) = 0F0.1C0)= 0. ajfeates modified Pomle : yes Yor BL fore. yor feme Yr] yp? = 0 +0.05 f O+rftan’+ o* Jf 0.0008 AP got EL fire porter HI) y . 0+ (005) $ © +P ton’ + .0005h } = 0.0005 op beleamine che value of 4 vohen YO! gtven thot (o)=1 Qud. yls aU . Um omoclisf ke ots formula. Mee hevos.é i 7 to “ a lo a. OG L: oo 06S 081 1 ait o=o, Yost. fexy) = ey Az 0.05 Flt, Yo) 1, Ns Aths 0.05 | aol find C21) = Yloos ) By Furlests formula. 4° Yorhfexeite) = [HO.05)tI)= 1.0 tment of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru By as pe 7 J) fo + [fer yore Fe oY, J] Uf?= he tocasvi 1+ [ (0.05)? +105] = 1.0513. Uf = Yo +h [ fox, yore fete, fy Beet pe iecaha 09) 4, 05138] = 10513 . Stage T- Lt p= 0.05, Yo 21.0518, h= 0.05. fotyy: pay > foo, Yo): 1.0538 , %= %th=0.054008-6 To fend yee)>= Y lo) By Euler's) formula, ay tfo th fee, to) = 1.0818 +¢0-08)en y= 110K. Py “ae ae Ecclen'« formula , fe telifes. Yor f(r, yr] , =£1.0513+ (0.085) {1.0538 +[ (0.1) F104] fe 058 YP. yorg [ fem. Yo) +f, Yi) yer 1.0818 + (v09s) § 1-0588+ [ (0.10 I. 1055] f= 1.1056 we [ycou: I (068 By Uaing Euleds preclicley and Conecks ula Compule C2. sl nice ere at tty are HE pn me or 8, o= & hs0.a6 8 oe fay tt 1 fee yoyo rs X= Ath= heroeer Pour ment of Mathematics, BMS Insitute of Technology an oe ee C24) = UIC 2.085) y: Euler's 1 ye Yorhflro,ta)= e&+(0.a5Na)= 2.6 clifced Eles's formule, wd ye ot hf fexo, Yor flts, YF Yi? «de loissrf ar (It 29.) f > 25187 yi. yor ffote. yore fete, Wf?) 5 yj?» dt (0.25) fads (I+ 219) | 2 aslyt yl. = Yo thf fer, Yodtf Cx), yer )F @" 2 Ito. s)F at (lt ms |i - wo SIAF + [ylad.a5)= USF} : Slage IE: Let Ag= 8 AF, Yor 2 51HF, h20.a5. Fem we +42 ft, * oMFE , Oy: Uoth= a.ageass 2.5 Te fond. (org fee) 4 Puteoit gr : Yoh fre, GO LSM Fr O-28)a 16 Y= 3.0441 . vi Modified. Eulests for Gf Yor Be 5 foe y+ st Pete YF yrs i ed (0.125) a #6 + (14 8: g.04sel) f 8.0566 yi. ‘0 yo tz { ft%, 0) tf Chr, ysF 2. 1176 + ( 1+ & sett ) f= 8.05 Fe 3O0SFAL . yp. oe (0.125) yp: tty th f ft, get fm. Con [yee 20557] 4> Gi C=l, find Yyl25) Us caged ep method, fe who as. “t get: Given Mets Yor! Az 0.25, femye ae VE fle, yo): +O = 8 UA the 125. Evcleo'e ula, 4). Yor hf Cre, tfo)=1-400.25)8)=1. 45 By Modif Medlifred Evcles's forrmelas yf? Yor BL fore, Yo? tf lt Yd YP 2 14 tors) &+ (atVtras)tr9s)]* 12097 ypP= 1.8130, yf 21.8132, 4? 2 1.813a. ” Y ((.25)2 1.8132) 5> Given Gt +e, 2 at 21, find the approxtinaalé weap dats at 1 a Big ale dige Az0.2 opr g otede a4 oth =1.2 | ens s zr. to= 1 Yo=2, ad ee hoo ie whe elt(Y ye’ . Te find yous) Ylh2) yf. yorhfexe, yo)= 2+ (0.2)C8) =a.6 Euless aoe Eulerle Vom Yo +B L-fero.yo) + fee yf We veev ltt firddy]. ane Ys a cra, ye 9.6182, Y/Y. aele 2 ict 2s 6182 | (ce TE: %=1-2, Yo 2 3.6182, fer. Yo): #+(%y)- sya Xs Aethe le, yCr): Ylly): Be Ewlests formula, Y= Yo th fexo, Yo)= o.61809 + C0.2)(3.18/2) Ys B.d5he. B Modicfied Euless prvula , Y[> for B [fexe, yo) tf L,Y] YfP= ablea+ COD[ 8.1818 + Ct gest) 2 8,03689 yfP= 3.86499, YPP> 8.2697. : yer) 8.08699 Kage Kectte. Method of -foustt order :— Contioler the ikAGall value pooblens Cg ty 2 fey) where He need to find Lhe value ot f2 %z%oth, Conay E Quant: Mes wally ky, Ke, Ky & Ky there Koh fle, Yo) Kah f lator, york) Reh flrrh, Yor 2), Kye hf Ce thi thrtes) Shen tthe value 4 fot fe Lye Noth wis given ve we fir et HK Fak, + ky Ky) Dr. Sreelakshmi Tk, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru Boblemsi— —_ pApptyt “ went, of order Poor and find approxinaale | wes 7 720.1 re de: ge 124 with gerne and. joe. Heve. fexyp: setoy, lo =D, Yo20., hz0+1 y= %oth:0.1 he have , kj hflto, yo) = to.r)f (0,0): (0.1)(3e°+0): 0-3 te h flor bh, yor Ei) B (0.1) fl0.08, 0.15) Ke = (ODL &.0°°%+ atoisy]: 0.3454 . Kyeh fl% +P gorks) = (0.1) -f(0.05, 0.1424) Ke Conf 80° % atoitat)]- 0.3499 Rye h f(torh, Yorks) = to flo.1, 0.3499) Ky = tof gers alo. 8499) J = 0.4015 7 He ty)= Yor Me CK) +2Ke + 2k +ky) Uylo.1) = O+ Ye (0.340.6908 + 0.6998 HO.UOIS ) [yien= ecavecs) ay Bi RK omethed of ovdlewfour 4elve bury, ce Q Hance find t0.0) by leet nh a ohn —Hene femyy= S24 +H/y » t=, yor, bron, Oly: lorth 200] Stage 7: Ke h forte, Yo): +1 fl0,1): (01)(8x04L) 0.08 Ky = hP[lorh , york) = 0.1 f 0.05, 1.025) = 0.1 3x0.05 1025). 0.066 | Koh flor #, Yorks) orf (0.05; 1053) = 0.1(8x0.05 + 1.033) > 0.064 fessor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Mans ky = hf[torh. Yorks): olf lo, 106%) =O. . -obF) . 0. [sxol + Lost ) = 0.083 d (41) =o + DUK, + 2ky tlk thy ) yloi)= Ms (0,05+ 0.132 +0134 + 0.083) ylond= 1.06F | sagen firey: SA4 ly , o20:1, Yo=l06%, h:o.1 Le Yoth= O14O12 0.2 Ate have Koh flxe, yo OI flo.t, 1.06%): Ol [sxo1 08s) Ky = 0.0834. & =hflvrh, yor kr) = 0.1 £(0.15, Liogt ) 2 0 (3xo.1s + 1.1085 ) = 0.1004 a Kyz Ol lois, 1.112) = 0.1009 . Ky 2 Ol f (0.2, 116#A)= ON EH Ls iP Gren # ~ mg" qr are the vole of yoo) votth ho.) using R-k method. af order . got :— Slige T: Here fey): ty”, lo=O, Yo=l, he01, Le %+th=O+0.1=0-1 hte Lave tah fltoyo): Ol flo,)): 01 fori*]+ 0-1 Ke hf(torh, York) = 0) £(0.05, 1.05) =O) [o.os+(.ost] 0.11586 kKychP(e4 4, Yorks) = 0.1 $(0.08, rosé) =.) [0.054 (1.05%) |= 0189 Dr: Sreelakshmni TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Insitute of Technology and Management, Bengalurw Kye Ad (torh, iors) oO. flor, 1.1164) = Ol] OFF CLNEY Ys O18YF - GOOD = Yor D* for he Ck + Oko +2ks +Ky) Sage: fea: chy, Ao =0.1, »Yorl 16S, AsO, %2Ayeh= £0401 We hove k= h fore, d= 0.1 £(0.1, M65) = 0. i [our cress) Ky = D134 t- ky = (ON f (0.15, 1.1839): 0.1552 K3= (0. I0f (01S, 1.1941) = 0.1S#E Ky = (0: Df (02, O.8F4)) = 0.1883 [yoo ae. oa [4 Solve: ty a ale ty pide for (0.2) Ol yet at Ge ital ary Bok nati of ner Ly <0, pe he Bare dy, gd <= Di tons ft ieee Feng) : Ce en ky 2h Pte, Yo) = o2-filo,1)2 0-201) 02 Kye f{* by Yor) 0:2f (On, 11) = OIF kg thf (mth, Yorke) = 02 fl0.1, 1.0984): 0.196 F ky = hf (+h, Yorks): 0.2 flo. 2, 11967) = 0.189 | yer) =| yew 2)= 1 19578] Or. Sreelakshmi Tk, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru | stage :- Pex ) Pop > a a » My = 0.2, Yo=t 20. = Ses t te lo ie 1196, h20.2 k= 02f (0.2, 1.196) = 0.18491 Ky? 0240.8, 129068): 0.1FI5 k, 2 0:2 flo.8, 1.28575): 0 #93 ky + 02 flo4, J. 3F53)= 0.1688 yom) 2 eon: |. 3F5a5) Milnels Predictor - Covrector ubaim Eootiiit the dabtial value problenn ody feayp given forge , peta foe gs ; {rd ‘aheve Ho, %1,%s, 23 Ore eqyridis bint values A ot with lip Length by. To Conapucte y= oly): yitecttin) ; Minas Predictor and. Cowectsy formulae ane as golloros : CP) t t ' e ty = ¢° + Hh (ayia t 2yj)---nol hedietor formula) _ ( Corrector formula ) ty eth Cys ptt) ~ Aon ee Sep 1: Consliauct athe fate showi the volue af Conesponde jour capri chis Laon values of x and tale dalion i yt {ate 2 : Caleulate Ua bea the predictor frmuta . Mtip 3: Dae Hus Value of Yip» Cabertalé uy, - flty,tty) . step: Applip Comectx formula Le get Cone Valese of Yy , {steps Use Abts new value of Yy to Caloulalé Yy to apply Corrects> forma Once agate hip e : Condimue the cedure Lett fuser Conse cufine Value of G4 one . Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, De » par Mtns method Compute Ch 4) ee oo cima placer giver Ht Uy and olor ae (or lL ace I)z 8. 8/56, fr 4b 4F, gd 784 . mee aan E Yee PHA of ~ | G2 2 2iSb we UD4ss LSE ray [far 24649 Ys 2.64845 } ifs: ®. = lds = 2.065% | ling sal Ne have © . df 4h (28th - ys +2u)) dy Pe at Ato) (2(2.3148- (2.67.245)4 0(3.0654)) [YP soma = 8.093). y= tbe - Ce oF - S495, Conider, yo war Bl rig a) Wye 24s sya My [0.64945 + 4(3.0087) + 3.49965] yy? = 2.0494 | Now bee ae Cn £03 FAY 84 VAT - Gebel Yodias yj again in che tovector Ah i Ye 8 3. ae [ya = gerade St yl) = SOFT Dr. Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Insitute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru 2) Giron. that a ey rand the data yor faye 0.02, (0.4): OOFIS, YlO.6)-0.1F62 Compule y fe Ok | | bg applyeng Melrels method . a x yee \to= 0 | foro | Ye M202 | f12002 L204 | Ja-00795 | fe 70.3734 | 13-06 |¥s-01762 |Ye-0.56e9 | ty:0.8 | Yy> 2 Ne dave the predictor formula, i o+ Yh Coy)'- yy! + 242) af > O. 22049 | Word Ye - By Yy" = 0.8 (0.3049) = OFOF hle Dave the Conector formula 5 Ys Ya + Ag+ E+ Yq) | ty es 304 Fi Hows Yu = ty. ty 2 0: &-(0.3046)7= 0.4072 ehabibelalog the Value Ye Ca un the Correc tor frome. 1a | a otbre| lyre ye B)= 0: 046 | Dr, Sreelakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru ay Apply Milnes method to solve the Cqpalion Giddy tec at Y=1 geven plored . fto28)= 1.0926, Y(0.5)= 1.0206 , lots) 10649. ger ig yl at qi eo ae fy = LISSA 3 Yq? 0484 Hy O= 11S yy 2 01229 yO. ead 4 4 Ce MSH! Dr. Sreeiakshmi TK, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, BMS Institute of Technology and Management, Bengalu

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