Overcoming Recurrent Droughts in Somaliland: Identifying Possible Policies and Strategies

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Overcoming Recurrent Droughts in Somaliland:

Identifying Possible Policies and Strategies

Author: Muse Jama Essa
MA Development Studies

Abstract establishing strong ties among the local, district and national
level, to respond the drought in collectively.
The drought is one of natural hazard that takes place in the
world, caused climate change and the human activities on the
earth. Somaliland is one of the horn Africa countries, which last
two years the drought occurs frequently and dramatically a) Background of the study
affected the lives of the human being and their livelihood sources
Somaliland has a high variable climate and located in a region
of the urban and rural communities, as well as the economy and
of exposed to vulnerable the climate change, recurrent drought
natural environment. Somaliland has a high variable climate and
situation intensified by the interaction of multiple stresses, which
located in semi-desert region, which are more vulnerable to the
climate change, hence the recurrent drought situation intensified occurs at various levels, and coupled with a low adaptive
by the interaction of multiple stresses, which took place at capacity among the population and impacted the livelihood of
rural communities in drought affected areas in Somaliland, as
various levels, and coupled with a low adaptive capacity among
well as the economy and natural environment, and it’s has
the population. The central objective of this study is to identify
resulted rural communities in drought regions, the main source
and examines relevant possible policies and strategies that could
of food and income for the rural pastoral population depend on
be used to overcome the recurrent drought and also explore. How
the government and non-governmental institutions have the livestock production, and that economy of Somaliland
responded to droughts. (60_65%) from the livestock, while 60 percent of labor forces in
Somaliland involves in livestock related activities which shows
In this study qualitative approach was used, and this method 70% of the livelihood of the population depend on the livestock
was chosen to deeply explore the possible policy and strategy to production (Development M. o., 2016).
overcome the recurrent drought of Somaliland and to find the
The recurrent drought in Somaliland has also affected the
knowledge and new approach to mitigate impact of the droughts.
Therefore, the data were collected from the individual experts environment, caused land degradation, desertification and loss of
and institutions, including government officials, national experts, biodiversity in the most drought affect areas are the most
common result of the drought (UNDP, 2017)
and local and international NGOs, academic institutions.
The drought across the region also reduced the trans-regional
The outcomes of the study indicate, there was poor
migration and sales Drought affected communities, it’s reported
coordination among drought stakeholders, the drought has
affected largely the lives of thousands of rural people and with 20% of these peoples cannot find their daily food requirement,
their livestock sources, to mitigate the drought risk, the most of in September, 2016, Food and nutrition Analysis (FSNAU) in the
FOA, registered 935,000 up to 1.1 million within six months.
drought affected communities internally moved across the
320,000 children weakened due to widespread of acute
borders of the country, the role of the internal and external actors
malnourishments (H.Awed, Saed Ismail, 2017).
were limited, while the government of Somaliland with diaspora
and local communities have large participated in the In 2015, local crop production mainly the cereal, which grows in
humanitarian support. The study of the finds that the capacity of the GU session has 87% below the average production in the
the community to respond the drought has limited and needed to previous years. The poor rain and drought condition has severely
improve it, National Environmental Research and Disaster- affected the food security and livelihood of the people in the
preparedness (NERAD). Its role has missed due to the drought affected regions in Somaliland. Researcher studies states
domination of presidential role and nominated a National that those last two consecutive seasons (GU and Deyr) have
drought commission and this needed to strengthen role of significantly below average rainfall in Somaliland have resulted
NERAD. in failed crop production, depletion of grazing resources,
From the result of the recommendation there is a need to develop livestock mortality. pastoralist and agro-pastoralists who occupy
the vast majority in Somaliland are hardly meet basis water needs
effective national drought policy, which based on drought
during the current drought and the problem will most likely get
preparedness, prevention and risk management, at the same time
worse due to the climate change. (Gure, 2017, pp. 4-5)
the study identified the need for building effective national
coordination system and institutional administrative The food insecurity had widespread across the affected areas,
arrangement that links public, private and CSOs, and and resulted acute food insecurity, mainly in the people who live
Eastern region, Awdal and sanaaga areas of Somaliland

according to the seasonal assessment by FSNAU (FAO, 2016). risk management, the poor coordination amongst the
In the context of the drought, there are four perspectives on government actors, NGOs, private and diaspora people were
drought; including meteorological, agricultural, hydrological clearly visible during the drought responses due to lack of the
and socioeconomic drought. The recurrent drought in effective coordination and harmonized messages have resulted
Somaliland is mainly meteorological drought, usually related to large number of people to loss their livelihood sources (Nasir M.
the measurement of the departure of precipitation from the Ali,& Kedir, 2017).
normal and the duration of the dry period. The drought severity
For the drought early preparedness, Somaliland has not effective
is dependent not only for the duration, but intensity and
strategy of data collection and adequate data related on the
geographical extent.
climate changes and the impacts of the previous drought in
b) Statement of the Problem Somaliland due to weak early warning system, the alert message
and information related on the drought have not effectively
Somaliland has a bimodal rainfall distribution. The first main
disseminated to the communities, the government institutions
rainy season, GU, occurs between April and June while the
have not capacity to analysis the early warning system data
second, Deyr, is from August to November. The two dry seasons
(MOPD, 2017)
are Jilaal and Hagaa and occur between December and March
and July and August respectively. There are three main climate There is lack of reliable data that emphasizes the magnitude of
zones in the country: desert, arid and semiarid. Temperatures are the drought impacts, traditional coping mechanisms that were
generally high throughout the year, with the maximum being used during the drought didn’t compromises the food security of
36°C to 38°C in the coastal areas the drought is a relative the drought affected and rural communities, the national food
phenomenon which refers to times of exceptionally low total and waters security strategy do not encourages and support the
rainfall or poor distribution of rainfall in growing sessions. pastoralists and farmers to reach a self- reliant. By responding
According to the government the capacity to respond the natural effective and efficient the recurrent drought in Somaliland there
disasters, including the drought, the government has limited is multiple factors that hinder efforts of the government,
knowledge and practical experience on building the climate including lack of a policy and plan strategies to address natural
resilient planning and to implement the developed drought risk disasters at national, regional and local levels, absence of
management, the government have not effective capacity to effective coordination office to establish relations with
mitigate the drought impacts (MOPD, 2017). stakeholders across the country. Weak institutional framework
responsibility for pre-planning to address natural disasters that
The government responses and interventions subjected to the
might affect the national and missing of national reserve centers
drought is considerable and justifiable to weak, the government
that could preserve national resources to donate the people
do not allocated substantial resources to drought relief, there is
during the drought (Nasir M. Ali,& Kedir, 2017).
no national drought policy, therefore, the drought has significant
resulted the shocks at community and national levels. The lack Therefore, this study examines recurrent droughts that frequently
of both a drought policy and an operational definition of drought hit Somaliland, its causes, and impact on the society, main
have meant that public drought interventions have largely been traditional coping mechanism adopted during the drought, role
determined by ad hoc and sometimes political processes. In years of internal and external actors played drought mitigation, it’s also
of lower than average rainfall, relief programs have been identifies the possible polity and strategy to overcome the
mounted against a background of intense lobbying by various recurrent drought in Somaliland.
interest groups using the humanitarian as political interest and
campaigns. In an effort to respond, a large number of different II. THE OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY
approaches have been tried. Political pressure has also resulted
in the entire country being declared drought stricken when only The study identifies and examines relevant possible policies and
strategies that could be used to respond the impact of recurrent
parts have been affected and not all similarly.
drought in Somaliland. Specific objectives of the research are:
The problem of the study raised the questions related the
equity and efficiency of the recurrent drought responses from the  To identify strategies and policy in place by the
government of Somaliland and the long term policy and strategy government of Somaliland to respond the recurrent
that could be used to respond the drought effectiveness, by drought.
saving the lives of the people and their livestock, the drought has  To explore how the government and non-
affected thousands of people and their livelihood sources in the governmental institutions have responded to
rural areas of Somaliland, and this has resulted large scale of droughts
crops failure and high number of livestock to dies with extensive  To review the effects of the drought on the livelihood
malnutrition and acute diseases, the drought affected community source.
internally immigrated across the borders of the country  To propose the possible strategies and policy to
searching the pasture an water (Somalia F. , 2017). support mitigation of drought impact of future
III.Research Design
The traditional mechanisms used during the drought period to
reduce the risk of the drought were weak and government Qualitative research is used to combine a data from
institutions have limited capacity to respond the natural disasters, observation, interview and document reviews and this gives the
rural communities have low level of education on the drought valuable resource for the researchers on looking at variables in
the natural setting and interaction between the variables. Data
collection of qualitative research is gathered through open ended methodology of data collections, key informant interview was
questions that provide undeviating citations and mostly the designed, and data has emerged by asking a number of questions.
interview is fundamental part of the inquiry.
Data collection was undertaken through using the key informant
interview (KIIs) and desk review; the data were collected from
IV. Data Collection
selected target expert individuals and Institutions in Hargeisa,
This study is used qualitative method of data collections, and this Somaliland. Purposive sample was used to capture a wide range
method is chosen to deeply explore the possible policy and of information from diverse respondents (government officials,
strategy to overcome the recurrent drought of Somaliland and to National experts, and local and international NGOs, academic
find the knowledge and new approach to mitigate impact of the institutions) and selected across factors as location, occupation,
droughts. Therefore, for this study is adopted qualitative and relevant experiences on this topic.
V. THE SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDY not only the range of water deficiency but its shortage in relation
to the plant’s needs (G, Abdulkadir, 2017).
Most of the country in the world has adapted in different
strategies and developed policy to respond the risk of the natural Certainly, the socioeconomic drought is four types of the drought
disasters. In Somaliland, there is no effective policy and strategy and it’s associated with the failure of water resources systems to
in place to mitigate the drought in current and future, while the meet the societal water demand, socioeconomic drought takes
government and drought affected communities adopted a place when the supply of economic goods (water) cannot meet
different coping mechanism to respond the impact of the the demand for that product, and the cause of this shortfall is
drought. According to the effects on the lives of thousands of weather related. Socioeconomic droughts occur when there is a
people and their livelihood sources, including livestock and crop widespread and significant deficiency of rainfall (Loukas and
production, it is needed policy and strategy to respond these Vasiliades, 2004)
effects of the recurrent drought in Somaliland. Therefore the
Drought in East Africa, Context
study will identify a possible solution strategies and policy to
The drought happened in East Africa between July 2011 and
Address recurrent drought in Somaliland and it will add
mid 2012 entirely affected these regions in East Africa
some recommendation and suggestion for the existing literatures
(OCHA, 2011). The drought caused a severe food crisis
about the drought in Somaliland. Moreover, this study will fill
across Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya and it has
the existing gaps of data about drought policy and strategies.
threatened the livelihood of 9.5 million people (UN, August,
Finally the study is baseline for further study about drought and
2012). Thousands of people from Southern Somalia, fled to
will contribute accessible information that could be used by
neighboring Kenya and Ethiopia, where crowded, unsanitary
researchers, academic student and government, international and
conditions, together with severe malnutrition led to led a
local organization.
large number of deaths (Gordts, July, 2011).
Types of Drought
The drought has resulted food crisis and primarily affected
In order to develop strategies and policies to mitigate the risk of the farmers in south Somalia rather than pastoralists in
recurrent drought in Somaliland, it is needed to identify what Somaliland, in the consecutive years, lack of rain have led
type of drought occurs and magnitude of the drought. In regards 40%–60% loss of livestock and failure of crops in some areas
the concept of the drought, there are four main types of drought, and this has decreased the livestock production as well as
the first three types are referred as environmental drought while poor harvest of the land. Increase of cereal prices rose while
others on (socio-economic) drought is considered a water the market price of the livestock has fallen and reduced the
resources system drought (Loukas and Vasiliades, 2004) First purchasing power of the local communities across the regions
type of the drought is called Meteorological and caused, when (UN, August, 2011)
there is deficit of precipitation and leads drought conditions,
The changing the climate during the October to December
whereas soil moisture are deficit and this can effects the farmers
2016, the East Africa countries got a severely low level of
to loss the cultivations and reduce the product/ yield in the
rain, while the earliest of the January 2017, much of East
agricultures (Huijgevoort, 2014, pp. 4-5),It also occurs when
Africa has continued dry and much hotter than normally, and
there is a lack of precipitation over a large areas and for extensive
therefore, in other side, for the last seven years in East Africa
period of time, the definition of this drought is used comparison
have seen a prolonged drought, which frequently hits, due to
to normal and average rainfall at particular place (NOAA, 2018).
the continuity of poor rainfall, the temperate in east Africa
Hydrological drought is the second type of drought causes the countries was high compared to the earlier years (Carty, April
most significant problem for society as surface and groundwater 2017)
reserves are generally used as a buffer to compensate for water
shortages for other type of drought; it’s also associated with the
effects of periods of rainfall shortfalls on the water level. The The report clarified that current crisis in East Africa
third type is agriculture drought, caused by, when there isn’t regions contributed by the people and existing policies, weak
enough moisture to support averages crop production of farms government respond, chronic poverty, low international
and grass production on rangeland, according to the concept of action have also undermined the ability of the people to grow
drought, agricultural drought is difficult to define, as it involves and respond the drought instead of paying food. Changing the

climate and increasing the global warning in the world, There were other droughts which commonly happened in the
indicates the pastoralists and smallholder farmers are more Somali peninsula, which have different names and periods,
likely at risk, its clearly shows these communities have lack including, Adhi-gaba, Furuqle, Siige-case, Duumaale,
of resources to cope with the natural risk of farming, the Gaadhi-gaadhi Saar, Daba-dheer, dhibii-jaale, soor iyo biyo
government have not provided the support to build their Waa, Hargo-cune, Qaylo-Weyn . Historically, the Somali
capacity to mitigate the risk and improve their farming and pastoralists have reserved pastureland, which they only used
livestock production, these have made the drought affected whenever the dry sessions extended its period and people
communities in the East Africa countries recover easily, and closely in the drought session. These rangeland have not
become more vulnerable to the droughts (Carty, April 2017). become sustainable for further usage, while all lifestyles of
the pastoral communities have changed, establishment of
The Drought history of Somali peninsula
scattered villages in the grassland have resulted the
The Somali Peninsula in East Africa is estimated are about degradation of the land, clearing the plants and increased the
750,000 sq Km, and much of the Surface area is marked in water reserves to be over utilized have also part of the main
Highland with average heights of 500m to 1,500m and drought causes. Moreover, increasing the population of the
maximum Height of 2,406m in the Guban land, the climate Somali Regions and formation of Regional Administrations,
of these regions is sub equatorial and become tropical in the after the collapse of the central government, the land
north. It’s estimated the annual rainfall ranges from 100 mm management policy and environmental protection have
to 600 mm, while the Juba and Shebelle Rivers are different, weakened, due to the increase of the civil wars among the
the Maritime regions of the peninsula are occupied by Somali Somali communities, these have facilitated freely and unfair
Communities in British Somaliland, Somaliland French and of over utilization of the environment, increase of the global
Italian Somaliland and interior forms part of Ethiopia (soviet, warning due to the climate changes has also accompanied the
1979). recurrent droughts in Somaliland regions.
The changing the Somali region's environment was continued Recently, the drought in Somaliland, rural communities in
actions; Archeology is a science which gives the drought affected regions in Somaliland have internally
archeologists their real life and practices of ancient people displaced and moved the western regions across the border,
and animals that live in earlier in specific places on the earth. this resulted thousands of people from eastern regions
It’s also used predict and forecasts how these people live in. including Odwyne and Sanag to settle in Gabiley and
For example, last-Geel is an eminent place in Somaliland and Wajaale while an estimated 70% of their livestock have lost.
have a strong background of ancient people in Somaliland,
Genesis of Drought in the Somali regions
the pictures written on the wall on large stone indicates, the
real image of ancient Somali people for their practices and Increasing the dryness and temperature of the Somali regions,
how their lifestyle was, the picture of the cows shows that the changing the frequency of the drought, the situation in Somali
land of around the Laas-Geel was rangeland, and prosperity regions getting worse due to existing the extreme weathers,
of the land can be seen on the image of the cows. Moreover, recurrent drought is getting worse for example, drought in
In the Somali regions, the drought comes from the eastern 2010 to 2011 has resulted food crisis, which affected millions
regions, the movement of the people shows that human and resulted in a famine that killed more than 250,000 people
dynamics, resulted by the drought, there is Somali proverb, in Somali regions (OCHA, 2017). The drought happened
which say “If there was no drought in the east, I didn’t come” earlier in Somali Regions were not consecutively happened,
in an aspect of the environment change, the Eastern Part of due to the changing the environment and increasing land
Somali region is dryness compared the other regions, for degradations, deforestation and cutting the plant for charcoal
example, Puntland are dry land formation, biodiversity and overgrazing in the pasture areas,
increasing the number of populations and formation of
Indeed, the droughts in the Somali peninsula have been part
scattered villages in the rural areas could be the main result
for their life in many years ago and have left unforgettable
of the drought incident to be more frequency closed. When
memories in Somali People’s minds, and have had significant
even the global warning and climate change increases, it
impacts on their lifestyle, economically, environmentally and
results in extreme weather conditions which lead consecutive
socially, However, the Somali people, are oral society and to
natural disasters, including drought, Earthquakes and heavy
have unique culture, whenever the infrequent event
rainfalls (storms) which destruct the life of human being and
happened, they give names according to the impact of the
drought, these names have become the social stories of the
Somali people after the end of the droughts .The worst Droughts ensue whenever there is prolonged period of
droughts in Somali history, which have severely affected the rainfall deficiency for a session and usually when there is a
lives of millions of Somali people with their livestock was lack of precipitation, therefore, in the last two consecutive
known as Xarama-cune (eating the forbidden) happened in years (2015–2017) the drought has severely affected the
1913-14. At this time the severe famine swept in the pastoralist and farmers in west and eastern regions in
pastoralist regions which has resulted disastrous losses of Somaliland, Puntland, south Somalia, and part of Ethiopia.
lives and livelihood sources of these communities (Ismail, The drought has devastated effect on the livelihood sources
Muna, 2017). of these communities, it increased the price of goods and
service, and large number of livestock have died, as

humanitarian organization reported during these years 1.4 the drought on socioeconomics, while secondarily affected
million of people in Somaliland and Somalia have affected related to the livestock death or weight reduction, and
by drought (Oxfam, 2017) intersectional linkage, the general welfare of the societies,
value added at factor cost during the drought period, and
VI. RESEARCH FINDINGS household income are related to the tertiary effects of the
droughts (Dung et al, 2010).
Effect of the drought on livelihood
In Somaliland and Somalia the drought has severely reduced
Droughts ensue whenever there is prolonged period of
agriculture production; the impact of drought on the
rainfall deficiency for a session and usually when there is a
agriculture and livestock sector including the losses of crop
lack of precipitation, therefore, in the last two consecutive and livestock related products have been estimated at USD
years(2015_2017) the drought has severely affected the 1.7 billion, while the damage caused to crops and from
pastoralist and farmers in west and eastern regions in
decreased livestock were estimated at USD 350.7million.
Somaliland, Puntland, south Somalia, and part of Ethiopia,
The prices of livestock and livestock products declined
the drought has devastated effect on the livelihood sources of
during the drought period and rapidly increased in off-take as
these communities, it increased the price of goods and
herders try to salvage the value of their herd and as they face
service, large number of livestock have death, as rising prices for fodder. Increasing pastoralist demands for
humanitarian organization reported during these years 1.4 food and water have increased force the supply of livestock
million of people in Somaliland and Somalia have affected
into the market and driving the price down (Somalia, UNDP,
by drought (OCHA, 2017).
During the May, 2017, an estimated number of 739,000
Traditional Coping Mechanism
people of drought affected communities have internally
displaced, while other reports suggesting 480,000 of people Somali pastoralists have traditional coping mechanisms,
have also displaced, 65% of these people were underage of which they adopted during the dry sessions, they were
18, the children who are mostly effected community separated the herds (female and male) to minimize the
members have been estimated more than one quarter vulnerability of livestock to the drought, sheep are more
(195,000) were children under 5 years old respectively vulnerable to the extreme weather conditions compared to the
(UNHCR, 2017). goats, goats are more clever than the sheep, they are very
active and mindful to seek a foods, these traditional coping
The crop production has declined, which resulted that 89% of mechanism supported them to survive the drought and
families do not have good stock and faced food insecurity,
mitigate the risk of the drought , they have preparation time
for the daily intake of the foods has reduced the number of
were Somali astronomy have responsible to forecast and
the times for food consumed, these has increased the tension
predict how the weather condition would be the next coming
of the famine in the drought affected areas in Somaliland, the
session, if the weather conditions getting the worse, they
report remark 10% of families suffered hunger. On the other provided the warning message to the pastoralist to move
side, the children faced starvation and famine that led a large other areas where is plenty of water and pasture, these has
number of children to malnutrition (Aid, 2015).The most of
enabled them to protect their family and livelihood sources.
the population of Somaliland depends on 60% of livestock
animal management plan was the most effective strategy
production on their livelihoods. Its estimated 30% of Gross
which pastoralists have used to protect herds to be vulnerable
National Product (GNP) of Somaliland comes from the
to the drought, livestock management have prioritized, while
livestock (Ministry of Planning and National Development, the current building villages have got to be the priority of
2015). rural communities in Somaliland .
The impact of the recurrent drought on the socioeconomic of
Drought affected regions in Somaliland have underlying
Somaliland people has resulted the losses of livelihood
drought situations for last two years in consecutive period,
sources, including crop and livestock production, in general,
therefore, to lessen the impact of the drought, they have
it was estimated that 1.7 billion have been lost in between developed the traditional coping strategies, Pastoralists
November 2016 and June 2017 due to the drought. The price communities to find a pasture and water, they have walked
of the commodities increased, which affected consumer
long distances (ICRC, March,2017)
purchasing power, the level of the livestock exports declined
due to temporary ban by Saudi Arabia, the decline in the However, adoption of coping strategies depends on the level
value of export of the livestock has been severely affected the of drought risk and severity; the drought affected
local currency of Somaliland and has declined the purchasing community’s uses a different approach to mitigate the risk of
power, reduced the available resources in the country the drought. The pastoralist and farmers in the drought areas,
(Somalia, UNDP, 2017) . have different vulnerabilities, according to famines, for
instant the pastoralists in drought affected areas in
The drought induced water deficiency which affects
Somaliland are more likely to follow adaptive strategies and
production, sales and business operations in a variety of the
available options to survive and protect their assets (al-
economic sectors; therefore, the effect of drought categorized
Ahmed, 2001). The government of Somaliland has a
direct primary, and indirect or secondary and tertiary effects. developed Drought Management Policy and Strategy to
The crop failures are become evidence for direct effects of

respond the drought impact and reduce the risk of drought, government has used the humanitarian support as political
including contingency plans, and Drought Risk Reduction tools which are not going hand in hand with the humanitarian
Plan, and provided capacity building programs on the charters. Furthermore and very important, unorganized
drought affected communities to learn the drought risk support were seen in the drought affected regions some
reduction mechanisms including farm and livestock people gain more, while other getting less. The humanitarian
management tools supporting by the international NGOs. support materials also were not marched the priority needs of
the drought affected people. Mobilized resources and
During the drought, the abilities of the people to acquire a
collected fund have not transparent and accountable due to
food and water for their household and livestock, and the
missing the exact number of people supported.
environment doesn’t support no longer, they move from one
place to another in search of pasture and water for their The coping strategies adopted by the rural people are
livestock and out to other areas, where there access to food undermined, the grazing and reserving land changed,
and water for their family. Drought effected people in rural livestock were concentered for one place, and this resulted
areas in eastern regions of Somaliland, the people migrated the water points to become common place sighting resulting
from their land and moved to western regions of Somaliland, in further soil erosion and water shortage (MOPD, 2017).
accords the borders to Puntland, some people who lost most
The was no resources allocated to drought happened, due to
their livestock joined their relatives in nearby districts in the
lack of effective strategy to respond the drought, there was
urban areas (MGOTH, April, 2017) Drought Committee, led
limited humanitarian support to response the drought risk,
by religious leaders and the government has the humanitarian
which they carried out by drought stakeholders leading by
support to respond the drought, while the government has
national drought committee, a large number of drought
responsibility for coordinating the drought stakeholders to
affected communities have not received sufficient
save the lives of the drought affected communities in the
humanitarian supports, there was poor management and weak
Eastern Regions of Somaliland (OCHA, 2017).
coordination among the drought stakeholder, the much of
Challenges and Constrains encountering during drought humanitarian support was based on the policies interest
period, any natural disaster have its own challenges and
Identifying Roles and Internal and External actors
constraints faced by the community and government. The
biggest challenge during the drought was lack of capacity to Since 2016, the recurrent drought in Somaliland, affected the
save the lives of the people and their livestock. This mainly lives of millions of people and their livelihood sources. The
related to how to mitigate the risk of the drought. Somaliland government of Somaliland publically declared the severity of
has national institution which is responsible, the early the drought and submitted an appeal for support the drought
warning system and natural disaster response, besides that, response, some international agency and local organizations
the Somaliland government established a committee: the has responded the appeal, they have developed a
drought relief national committee which consist of humanitarian response plan to save the lives of the drought
government staffs and non-government leading some of most affected community and protect the most vulnerable people.
famous sheikhs in Somaliland. These communities take They strengthened the resilience’s and provided support of
necessary and effective role, but there was growing concern basic service, including foods, water, nutrition and health
about how the relief activity was implemented. the most services, shelter and protections, they contributed the
common challenges in the drought period in Somaliland were conditional and unconditional cash transfers, education and
lack of effective strategies and policy towards mitigating the livelihood support (UNDP, Somalia Drought, 2017).
risk of the drought; strategic plan to address the drought
impact at local levels, regional and national; weak capacity The NGO have role during the emergency, and they
participate in the life-saving, but mostly during the drought,
of national institutions responsible for pre-planning and
the NGOs in Somaliland both international and local have
mitigation to address the drought; absence of national reserve
limited role due to the government appeal related on the
centers which preserve national resources to sustain the
livelihood of the drought of affected communities (Nasir M. sustainable development, which the government has
Ali,& Kedir, 2017). proclaimed that they have reached, but mostly damaged the
humanitarian support which the Somaliland has received
One of the most common challenges encountered during the previous time. But, somehow the local NGOs and
drought was the government which has not prepared an international have role depended on how much fund they
effective contingency plan designed to respond the drought received, but there was poor coordination among them, food
and prevent their impacts. Moreover, the role of NERAD was insecurity and malnutrition were common in drought affected
missing due to the domination of the presidential house and regions in Somaliland. international agencies adopted unified
elected national drought committed leading by religious response to drought, by providing an integrated package of
leaders (sheikhs), who have not had sufficient knowledge and life-saving humanitarian support including, health service,
experience about the humanitarian support and drought nutrition, and food support, they also provided water cases of
reduction managements. Indeed, there were a lack of the communities and promoted the sanitation and hygiene
coordination among the drought respond stakeholders, they conditions. Equally important, children in drought affected
have been working parallel which finally led them not to regions have dropouts their school and migrated into town;
save lives of the drought affected communities. The they contributed to keep the children in schools and protect

them from separating their families, violence and abuse; the preparedness and respond to the impact of drought to save
147000 vulnerable people in drought affect regions received the vulnerable communities (Gure, 2017).
food assistance and nutrition support, cash based assistance
The Government can reinforce and Establish Effective
were also used to help the families to sustain their lives
Coordination mechanism between the government, INGOs
(UNICEF, 2016).
and donors, this can minimize the duplications and
The role of local actors have seen supporting the drought overlapping management of the drought responses, the
affected community by providing humanitarian support and government should promote Responsible agency (NERAD)
responded to provide 260 trucks of 2080 cubic meters of to coordinate among the other drought stakeholders, by
waters in 56 different villages and sub-villages under Sanag implementing national policies and strategies on the disaster
region in Somaliland (Candlelight, 2017). The drought mitigation and emergency preparedness. This will promote
affected communities were provided conditional and the Government structure agencies and its hierarchy.
unconditional cash which was intended to promote the local Moreover, the established National Drought Committee
communities to increases their local production through Cash should have experience and knowledge on Fundraising and
for Work Program, six months Emergency programmes were Citizen Engagement of drought Response Participation, the
implemented in the drought affected regions and provided committee should work with NERAD and provide all
Shelter, Water, Food and Health service through Food financial support to conduct Humanitarian service.
Voucher Programmes.
Developing Socioeconomic and Environment Development
There is also another argument which states that the programs, building the capacities of the rural communities to
international and local NGOs in Somaliland were not active sustain their livelihood and environment protection will
to participate in the humanitarian support for the drought increase the self-reliance of pastoralist’s communities,
affected communities in the Eastern and western regions in establishing rangeland reserve controlled by the assigned
Somaliland, due to a decision from the government government agencies will easily mitigate the risk of the
proclaimed that Somaliland reached the sustainable recurrent drought and saves the lives of the people and their
development stage and didn’t need any emergency livelihood sources. Moreover, promoting the water
programmes, this has resulted the international communities catchment and soil management practices, restocking and
to respond at late time when the government of Somaliland building effective early warning system and food storage
produced the Humanitarian Appeal, but it was remarkable the system at the community level, strengthening the skills and
role of the government and people of Somaliland played the knowledge of farmers and pastoralists to use the crop and
humanitarian support for the drought affected communities livestock management practices could strengthen and support
in Togdheer, Sool and Sanag regions. Indeed, they provided the capacity of the government to respond future Drought in
food health service, water and nonfood items, and it was Somaliland.
outstanding that the drought affected communities have
Reduction of Community vulnerability to drought depend on
internally supported each other, by sharing water, pasture and
the development of sustainable Rangeland Management
foods which has become also remarkable event during the
Practices and policy, securing special grazing rights, water
drought period in Somaliland 2017.
development strategy and using appropriate range
The Local NGOs carried out the assessments to identify the management system and development of crop-livestock
magnitude of the drought and its impacts on the socio- linkage, besides that, the government can promote the
economic status of the drought affected communities. They accumulation of fodder reserves for utilization during
identified most vulnerable areas and existing priority needs, drought period and this can fence reserves for emergency
and they provided the government accurate information grazing purposes. On the other side, the study suggests that
about the impact of the drought they also provided the government should increase the community mobilization
rehabilitation programs for those who lost their livestock. on the Protection of Plants and ecosystem, restricting of
Children were also provided shelter and school programs. charcoal and tree burning. The lifestyle of the pastoralist
community has changed and pastoralism will not be
Tackling the challenges of the drought and Way
sustainable, due to the climate change and environment
degradation, government could strengthen, the other sectors,
The drought mitigation process has two approaches, including mining, fishing, tourism, and agriculture (Agro-
structural and non-structural mitigation. In the structural business/technology), these can save the environment and
mitigation responses, the government provides an livelihood sources of the local drought affected communities,
appropriate crop to farmers and engineering development and will facilitate the rangeland to recover.
projects such as sand, dams to harvest water during the rainy
There is also another argument suggesting the digging the
session. In regards the non-structural mitigation, the
deep holes to reach underground waters, will not be part of
government develops a policy, knowledge development, and
the solution of the recurrent drought, but it could accelerate
functional practices to limit the impact of natural hazards.
the existing extreme weather conditions, remaining plants
Early warning system of the drought is more important;
developed tap roots to reach the underground water due to
improving the access to climate information to reduce the
loss of the surface water on the land, and will no longer to
effects of recurrent drought and could effectively facilitate
resist the drought condition, the environment will loss these

remaining plants. Alternatively, the government can promote Somaliland needs to build long time programme, which
and increase the water catchment and protect the surface related to the transformation of rural people to become agro-
water of the land, diversification of land usage, producing the pastoralist community, the climate change have impacted the
effective strategy related to the range land reservoirs. rural communities, recently pastoral community of
Somaliland has become sedentary community, who have
Agriculture sector in Somaliland could be a possible solution
barkets, small villages, and small business in the rural areas,
to improve the environmental condition and provide a time
therefore, its needed to build their capacity and knowledge to
rangeland to recover, this could be realized, when the
adopt the climate change and respond it. This is showing the
government enforce the implementation of the environmental
life style of pastoralist society and how it has changed and
policy and strategy.
will not be sustainable to have herds. Therefore, the
Building the capacity and provision of training of the government should build effective strategy and policy to
pastoralists and farmers will mitigate the impacts of the develop the rural communities in Somaliland to have basic
droughts, government should reflect the lessons learning service including, water, education, health and job creation.
from the previous droughts to respond effectively and easily One the other side, Pro. Ahmed Ibrahim argue that, drought
for the recurrent droughts. Furthermore and very important, affected communities have traditional coping mechanism,
promoting the community education on the drought which they used during the natural disasters especially the
responses and protection of the environment and livelihood drought, these mechanisms are become less effective and
sources will minimize the risk of the droughts. While insufficient to respond the drought risks recently , due to the
building community mobilization and awareness raising on change of the land management system and increasing the
alert of drought is also a very crucial strategy. Building land degradations, government should teach the rural
effective policy and strategy to protect the environment, community the land management system.
promoting water catchment, water and food storage for
Moreover pastoralists are more vulnerable to drought
saving the lives of the human being and their livestock
compared to farmers, lifestyles of pastoralist are not
Building the Capacity and provision of training of the
sustainable, livestock have not defensible income and food,
pastoralists and farmers will mitigate the impacts of the
and they are at the risk of food insecurity. Therefore,
droughts, government should reflect the lessons learning
transforming them into agro-pastoralist could empower them
from the previous droughts to respond effectively and easily
to reach resourcefulness’s, and could led them to have new
for the recurrent droughts. Promoting the community
job opportunities. This model of the social positive
education on the drought responses and protection of the
transformation will increase the pastoral communities in
environment and livelihood sources will minimize the risk of
Somaliland to have reliable and sustainable food security.
the droughts. Building community mobilization and
Additionally, enhancing the community knowledge on land
awareness raising on alert of drought
and animal management could facilitate the government to
The mitigation of the recurrent drought in Somaliland, the integrate different approach to response to the drought easily.
government should allocate a budget to support the local
Role of the state
farmers to cultivate their land and pastoral communities to
improve their livestock health and management, this budget For the last two consecutive drought periods in Somaliland,
should reflect the priority needs of the rural communities, the Government response approach of the drought was
food national food storage is needed to establish and generally reactive and tends to focus on crisis Management,
distribute into the drought affected community, this can result the responses seen as untimely and poor coordinated and
the prices of the local commodity to decrease, at same time linked unnecessary integrations. The People of Somaliland
the government of Somaliland should build national capacity have the knowledge and an experience to reduce the impact
development institute, to build the knowledge and skills of of droughts through coping traditional mechanisms,
farmers and pastoralist the crop and livestock management, Somaliland is missing the national drought policy
preparedness and response of the drought, for inclusive framework. Without building the national drought policy will
participation of the national humanitarian support, the continue the rural and urban people to be more vulnerable of
government should add the national education curriculum the the recurrent droughts, therefore the government should build
drought mitigation and response courses. an effective National disaster management policy and
strategy to improve the community resilience’s and
Increasing the national service on the building of the basic
preparedness of the drought, this will significantly reduce the
knowledge on the rural community to mitigate the drought
loss of lives and livelihood sources of rural and urban
impacts, providing restocking for those lost their livelihood
communities, and will provide government institutions a
sources; transformation of pastoralist community into agro-
framework for disaster risk management. It also will facilitate
pastoralist society will reduce the risk of the future drought,
National agencies to integrate disaster risk reduction and
building job creation in rural community and engaging them
national development plans and will provide National
to use the effective strategies and government policy to
Environment researchers and disaster preparedness authority
mitigate drought impacts, the government should establish in
(NERAD) to develop national disaster preparedness, early
every region drought committee who are accountable to
warning system and drought recovery plan and measurement
NERAD, to increase accessibility of working in the far
developing for these combined strategies will reduce the risk

and impacts of the drought, strengthening the National Media The magnitude of the drought affects has not been identified,
to links their programs for the national forecasting centers to CSOs can promote the integration efforts, disaster responses
public mobilization and sensitization information to the and humanitarian supports. The lessons learning from the last
community and government to make preparedness of the droughts are very important to respond upcoming possible
drought. The media will support government to disseminate drought in the future, this will enable the government and
disaster preparedness and management plans of drought. communities to achieve high level of drought preparedness
and management, the documentation of past experiences and
Integration of Disaster preparedness and Management in
impacts of the drought will also enable the drought affected
education curriculum of Somaliland will engage student to
communities in rural and semi-urban regions in the country
learn disaster preparedness and management, this will
to make adequate preparations to manage the risk of the
facilitate the student and youth to participate in the
drought and documented data from the drought affected area
humanitarian relief programs as volunteers to serve their
will the government to develop disaster mapping, early
communities. The government should add National
warming and prediction system.
education school curriculum of the disaster preparedness and
management. The government should developed Effective Building the public awareness, educating and training of the
and structural Impact Assessment Procedures, proactive Risk communities before disaster strike, to ensure that the rural
Management Measures and Contingency plan increase the communities are involved the disaster preparedness and
Humanitarian efforts to respond the drought and this will management, the CSOs should promote comprehensive
facilitate the rural communities to learn the preparedness education and public awareness programs to encourage the
mechanisms of the drought and emergency responses to community to build their own drought preparedness and
reduce the risk of drought and save their families and response mechanisms as individuals and groups, this will
livelihood sources. lead the risk of the drought to minimized and humanitarian
programmes to be effective an efficient implemented, and
The government has developed Drought risk Management
community to understand the importance of the drought
Strategy to respond to climate shocks and manage disaster
preparedness and risk management.
and climate risks more proactively, the strategy was
developed July-September, 2017, while the government as The CSOs responded the drought through humanitarian
written in the DRMS, the government of Somaliland setting and developed strategies to ensure safety of the
commenced the Drought Impact and Needs Assessment drought affected communities, they can develop long and
(DINA) in October 2017. The DINA was intended to short term programmes to build the capacity of communities
identifies drivers and the impacts of the recurrent drought in to respond the recurrent droughts in Somaliland, although
Somaliland and outlines long-term solution that can prevent they have limited resources to do this, but they have really
the famine as result of the drought, after the developed this supported the emergency response of the drought risk, They
assessment framework, the government also developed a should increase the community mobilization programs that
Recovery and Resilience Framework (RRF) to address the related to the environmental protection and effective land
needs identified by DINA, the assessment and recovery management system. (MEDICINE, 2017)
Framework has established to guide the transformation form
Role of the communities
Humanitarian efforts to recovery a long term development.
(Somaliland, Oct, 2017) The local communities in Somaliland, who is mainly affected the
drought are more vulnerable and needed to capacitate to prepare
At institutional level, the government ministry have a short
and respond the drought, however, the communities have roles
term strategy to support the communities in Somaliland to
to protect the environment and protect plants, building the
reach food security and this strategy empowers the farmers to
knowledge and leadership of the community leaders in the
have effective skills and knowledge to promote their farms,
drought affect regions in Somaliland could minimize the
free hours to cultivate their land have provided, capacity
environmental degradation and soil erosion through community
building and trainings on crop and livestock managements
mobilization and awareness raising about the Environment
were provided them to improve their productions, the
protection, moreover, the increasing the knowledge of
ministry provides quality seeds supported by the international
Community in early warning system, drought risk identification
NGOs and baskets and dams have rehabilitated and provided
and possible traditional mechanisms they could use to response
plastic to conserve the water .
the drought would led them to carry out their own initiative to
Role of civil society protect the environment
The CSOs in Somaliland have increased their post-1991, Although, Somali communities play great role, when it comes to
when Somaliland regained its sovereignty from Somalia, the natural disaster response, especially, at the time of drought
CSOs participate in the community development, peace for supporting each other’s, however, community participation
building process and promotion of the civic education and in disaster risk management is very important and necessary for
political participation. They also enabled the citizens in inclusively participation to respond the risk of the drought, do
Somaliland to engage the government and community that community needed Drought early warning stations fully
development. During the last drought in Somaliland, the furnished with facilities, that many people can get access of
CSOs have participated and played a very important role. drought warning information early, likewise, community should

built subcommittee at district level, who are trained to become study also found that government has developed drought impact
community drivers for drought risk planning and management, and needs assessment (DINA) on October, 2017. The DINA was
these community should create awareness among community intended to identify drivers and the impacts of the recurrent
members and importance of environmental protection and drought in Somaliland and outlines long-term solution that can
drought risk management, education of risk Management at the prevent the famine, after the developed this assessment
community level is a vital role for drought Mitigation, the framework, the government also developed a Recovery and
community is inimitable to drought vulnerability, and therefore Resilience Framework (RRF) to address the needs identified by
it’s needed to build their capacity, including drought risk DINA, the assessment and recovery Framework were established
identification, Monitoring and early warning in combination to guide the transformation form Humanitarian efforts to
with promoting their knowledge about the drought and how to recovery a long term development (Somaliland, 2018).
cope with stress caused by the drought
The study also find, that government has played the greatest role
The local government at the district level should promote the
in Humanitarian support to drought affected community in
environmental protection program lead by the communities to
Western and Eastern Regions of Somaliland, the government has
build their collaborations among the community; this will
established national drought Committee, leading by sheikhs,
enhance the community ownership and will minimize the land
according to their administration experiences to respond the
degradation and deforestations. The communities should learn
drought was very low, and resulted large number of drought
the sustainable land uses practices to protect the environment and
affected community to become more vulnerable to the drought
provide the land to recover and rangelands this will lead to the
due to poor management of humanitarian supports. Internal and
reduction of social erosion. The farmers should use drought-
external actors including, local and international organization
resistant crops that can provide food and fodder for their family
have participated in the efforts to address the impact of the
and livestock, this can reduce the risk of the drought, people and
drought and to save the lives of drought affected communities
livestock will not be vulnerable to the natural disaster.
through providing the humanitarian reliefs including, conditional
and unconditional cash, promoted the local communities to
increase their local production through Cash for Work Program,
emergency programs, including shelter, water, food and health
Drought is a complex phenomenon and is generally viewed as
service through a food voucher program, the school feeding has
sustained and regional extensive occurrence of below average increased. The drought impacts on the livelihood sources, rural
natural water availability either in the form of precipitation, river communities have lost their assets in the form of crops and
runoff or ground water, Somaliland is one of the countries in the
livestock, this has resulted the water shortages and pastures,
horn of Africa which are highly vulnerable to the drought, the
which has threatened the lives of millions of people and their
drought in Somaliland have become frequently recurrent
livestock with high starvation.
phenomenon. This study is seeking to determine how Somaliland
can mitigate the impacts of recurrent drought in the future, by
The recurrent drought has eroded productivity and capacity of
identifying the possible policy and strategies to overcome the
the drought effected community to use possible coping
risk and impacts of the droughts. The qualitative research design
mechanisms. Extensive usage of the land, deforestation,
was used, semi-structured interviews and case study method
overgrazing, and soil erosion has been largely responsible for
were adopted, the data were collected mainly from the
increasing the vulnerability of the rural population to drought and
government institutions and others relevant organization who
famine. The efforts to address the drought risks, the government
have participated in humanitarian relief programs, including
and other stakeholders have adopted poor interventions that
non-government organizations and academic intuitions
make the thousands of people with their livestock to become
more vulnerable to the drought. Therefore, the thesis study
Therefore, the Study discovery, drought preparedness and early
revealed that the different interventions carried out through
warning system are the most significant challenges facing the
productive safety net interventions to increase risk management
country, effective and well structure national drought policy and
of the drought and saving lives of the human and their livelihood
strategy are not in place, ,thereby minimizing the impacts of the sources were adopted.
recurrent drought, although the government carried out different
interventions to address the drought risk, during the last two
The study reveals there is no effective data available about the
years(2016/2017), however, the drought affected communities
exact impact of the drought on the livelihood. The study
have lost their livelihood sources including crop and livestock,
confirmed existing the poor management of the land and the
these have resulted the decline of life stander of rural community
rapid urbanization in the rural villages, increasing the formation
and increased the level of famine, the loss of species diversity are
of the villages in the rural areas have generate physical
part of the impact of the drought on the environment.
vulnerability, declined the coping traditional and cultural assets
to mitigate the droughts, transformation of the lifestyle of the
There is no visible effective strategy and policy to respond
rural people by establishing scattered small villages have also
drought, however, by examining the existing policy and strategy,
increase the land degradation and social erosion, these were the
which government has in place, the study found that there is
main root causes of the recurrent drought in Somaliland.
Drought Risk Management strategy which could be used to
respond the drought risk in more proactively in the future, the

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