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Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

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Original Research Article

Biologically active or just “pseudo”-vitamin B12 as predominant form in

algae-based nutritional supplements?
Sabrina P. van den Oever , Helmut K. Mayer *
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Department of Food Science and Technology, Institute of Food Science, Muthgasse 11/1, A-1190
Vienna, Austria


Keywords: In order to find out whether algae-based nutritional supplements contain both physiologically active vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 and its non-active pseudo-form, a simple and fast ultra-high performance liquid chromatography method with
Pseudo-vitamin B12 UV detection was developed to separate these two forms. A total of 57 commercially available microalgae
products based on Chlorella and Spirulina were analyzed. Results obtained showed a broad variety of the content
of total vitamin B12 ranging from not-detectable to 445.9 μg 100g− 1 dry matter for Chlorella samples, and be­
Nutritional supplements tween 92.8 and 164.1 μg 100g− 1 dry matter for Spirulina products. However, there was a big variation in the
UHPLC-PDA analysis concentration of pseudo-vitamin B12 within all samples analyzed. Chlorella products contained mainly physio­
logically active cobalamin, while pseudo-vitamin B12 was the prevailing form in Spirulina-labeled nutritional
supplements. The importance of being able to differentiate between cobalamin and its pseudo-form in algae is
not only relevant for food analysts, but also regarding consumer protection since they have to be able to rely on
the correct labeling of nutritional supplements.

1. Introduction vitamin B12 (known as vitamers) exist in natural food samples having
different upper ligands such as methylcobalamin and 5′ -deoxy­
Among the B-vitamins, especially vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is of adenosylcobalamin acting as essential enzymatic cofactors for methio­
utmost importance for a balanced diet and of great concern to vegans as nine synthase and methylmalonyl CoA mutase within the human body,
it is almost exclusively found in food of animal origin. Even though only respectively. Other vitamers are the naturally occurring hydrox­
very small amounts are needed to meet the adequate intake (4 μg/day ocobalamin or the artificial and more stable cyanocobalamin, which is
for adults), a sufficient supply with vitamin B12 still appears challenging often used in dietary supplements. Both can be metabolized in order to
nowadays, and deficiency symptoms are widespread (EFSA, 2015). The become useful for human beings, even though methylcobalamin is more
biologically active cobalt-containing corrinoid is synthesized only by bioavailable than the commercially available cyanocobalamin. More­
certain bacteria and archaea – not by animals or plants – but is accu­ over, the upper ligand might be replaced by water (aquocobalamin),
mulated in higher organisms in the natural food chain. Therefore, sulphur-containing groups (e.g., sulphitocobalamin), nitrite or halides
common animal food sources of cobalamin are meat (especially liver), influencing the chemical and physical properties of cobalamin
milk, eggs, fish and shellfish (Bito et al., 2018; O’Leary and Samman, (Kumudha et al., 2010; Madhubalaji et al., 2020; Nielsen et al., 2012).
2010; Watanabe, 2007). Microbial de novo biosynthesis of cobalamin Plant-based sources for vitamin B12 and numerous other valuable
can occur via the aerobic or anaerobic pathway. Vitamin B12 is indus­ nutrients (e.g., folate, vitamin D and E, potassium, calcium, magnesium,
trially produced on a large scale via microbial fermentation (e.g., using iron and selenium as well as amino acids and fatty acids) have become
Pseudomonas denitrificans, Propionibacterium shermanii, or Sinorhizobium an important field in food sciences due to promoted health benefits as
meliloti, but also Escherichia coli has become important) (Fang et al., well as trends towards an animal-free diet in many Western countries
2017). In humans, three extracellular cobalamin-binding proteins are (Raab et al., 2016). Important plant foods containing cobalamin in sig­
involved in the uptake and transport of cobalamin (transcobalamin, nificant amounts are edible macroalgae (e.g., Nori that is made from
intrinsic factor, and haptocorrin). Different related native forms of species of the red algae genus Pyropia or Porphyra) (Kuda et al., 2005),

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H.K. Mayer).
Received 5 November 2021; Received in revised form 20 January 2022; Accepted 11 February 2022
Available online 12 February 2022
0889-1575/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
S.P. van den Oever and H.K. Mayer Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

microalgae (e.g., Chlorella and Nostoc sp.) as well as the so-called Kittaka-Katsura et al., 2002; Wells et al., 2017).
“blue-green algae” Spirulina (Arthrospira spp. from the order of Oscil­ The fact that cyanobacteria produce a biologically non-active form of
lateriaceae). Spirulina as a single-celled organism actually belongs to vitamin B12 leads to major concerns in food science, as nutritional
cyanobacteria but is considered as microalgae as well (Grosshagauer supplements containing only pseudo-cobalamin could be considered
et al., 2020; Gutiérrez-Salmeán et al., 2015; Jalilian et al., 2019). These unsuitable regarding bioavailability for human beings. Since consumers
microalgae are widely used for nutritional supplements (mainly as rely on the health-promoted effects of algae-based dietary supplements,
powder, capsules or tablets) nowadays. The largest producers of this important issue needs to be focused on in quality control as well.
microalgae in Europe are Germany, France, Spain and Italy (Araújo Products with high contents of pseudo-cobalamin should not be adver­
et al., 2021; Madhubalaji et al., 2019; Ścieszka and Klewicka, 2019). tised to consumers as a labeled source of vitamin B12. However, there is
Especially Chlorella and Spirulina species are dominating the global no standard procedure for the analysis of vitamin B12 and its analogues
microalgae market as they are gaining popularity in health-food stores making analytical selectivity essential in order to assess vitamin B12 in
(Koyande et al., 2019) since both (among others that are commercially any complex food matrix.
used in aquaculture and food supplements) do not produce any algal In general, cobalamin is considered a challenging compound for
toxin, and hence have “GRAS” status meaning that they are “generally analysis due to its complex structure as well as many possible vitamers
recognized as safe” by the United States Food and Drug Administration and different forms. Hence, false-positive results are likely caused by
(FDA) (Matos, 2017). pseudo-cobalamin. Microbiological assays were the first methods used
Chlorella – as unicellular alga – is commercially produced and for the determination of vitamin B12 based on the requirement of
distributed worldwide, and has been reported to exhibit various phar­ vitamin B12 for growth (e.g., using Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis
macological effects (including immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti­ (leichmannii)). Bacteria used in microbiological assays do not discrimi­
diabetic, antihypertensive, and antihyperlipidemic activities). More nate between vitamin B12 and pseudo-vitamin B12 leading to over­
than 20 Chlorella species have been characterized, which can be divided estimated and false-positive results (Chaiet et al., 1954; Wells et al.,
into three varieties: C. vulgaris, C. lobophora, and C. sorokiniana (that was 2017), and it was reported that the AOAC-approved method may also
former called C. pyrenoidosa) (Bito et al., 2020; Krienitz et al., 2004). detect other corrinoids not bioavailable for humans (Castillejo et al.,
Chlorella species and culture conditions are the main factors influencing 2017). Besides microbiological assays, spectrophotometric methods
concentration of nutrients (especially vitamins) and bioactive com­ were used. In UV and visible spectrophotometry, aqueous solutions of
pounds. Chlorella cells can absorb and further accumulate exogenous cyanocobalamin exhibit maximum absorption in UV and visible region
cobalamin, which stimulates their growth. Microalgae, which can not at 278 nm, 361 nm, and 550 nm, but are influenced by solvent, tem­
synthesize the vitamin de novo but still require it for metabolic activities, perature, and pH making this method hardly suitable for accurate
might obtain it via a symbiotic relationship with bacteria, since pro­ determination. Other methods such as atomic absorption spectroscopy
karyotes are seen as providers of trace amounts of vitamins for algal or radioimmunoassay are also not selective for different forms of
growth in algal-bacterial symbiotic systems (Bito et al., 2016; Edelmann cobalamin. Capillary electrophoresis can be used for cobalamin sepa­
et al., 2019; Helliwell et al., 2016; Ji et al., 2021; Santos and Reis, 2014). ration, and differentiation between different forms of vitamin B12 was
Spirulina is the commercial name of mostly Arthrospira maxima or reported as well (Karmi et al., 2011). Modern analytical methods are
Arthrospira platensis that have been promoted as “functional food” and often based on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry
valuable source for high-quality protein, iron, γ-linolenic acid, vitamins (LC–MS or LC–MS/MS) offering very detailed information about the
and minerals (Bai et al., 2021; Gutiérrez-Salmeán et al., 2015). More actual form of vitamin B12 analyzed but requiring expensive and com­
than half of microalgal species require vitamin B12 for growth, which is plex devices. The correct identification of physiologically available
synthesized de novo by certain prokaryotes, including the majority of vitamin B12 in foods and especially in nutritional supplements has
cyanobacteria (Helliwell et al., 2016). become of major importance due to various non-bioactive analogues.
Both microalgae are rich in vitamin B12, but there might be a dif­ Hence, fast and reliable methods are urgently required in order to
ference between nutritional supplements based on Chlorella or Spirulina monitor nutritional supplements to guarantee high-quality products. It
regarding the bioavailability (as a combination of bioactivity and bio­ is crucial to avoid being misled by biologically non-active pseudo-forms,
accessibility) of vitamin B12 (Wells et al., 2017). Apart from the vitam­ and consumers have to be able to rely on the vitamin B12 concentration
ers, where the upper ligand differs, other variants (“analogues”) exist as labeled on dietary supplements, which highlights the need for rigorous
well, which are not necessarily functionally interchangeable. The lower care in the analytical determination of the vitamin B12 content of algal
ligand of cobalamin is attached to the cobalt-coordinated corrin ring via foods. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to develop a fast,
the nucleotide loop containing 5,6-dimethylbenzimidazole (DMB) as a simple and reliable ultra-high performance liquid chromatography
base. However, this lower ligand can vary as well resulting in analogues (UHPLC) method based on UV detection to separate the physiologically
of cobalamin. Especially cyanobacteria synthesize a form that is known active form of vitamin B12 from the non-active pseudo-vitamin B12 that
as “pseudo”-vitamin B12, where the lower ligand of the molecule is might be present in numerous nutritional supplements. A single quad­
replaced by adenine as a base (Grossmann, 2016; Kumudha et al., 2010; rupole mass spectrometer was used for correct identification of both
Watanabe et al., 1999). Other analogues, where the lower ligand is forms. Using the established method, the present research also aims to
replaced, were identified as well over the past years such as cobinamide, extend knowledge about commercially available algae-based dietary
cresol, 2− CH3-adenine, 2− CH3-S-adenine, or 5− OH-benzimidazole supplements for both food analysts and consumers.
(Girard et al., 2009), but regarding (blue-green) algae, the lower ligand
reported is adenine. Cyanobacteria can use this pseudo-vitamin B12 as 2. Material and methods
cofactor, but it does not show any physiological activity in mammals.
However, certain microalgae seem to be able to restructure the 2.1. Chemicals and standards
pseudo-form into cobalamin (Bito et al., 2018; Helliwell et al., 2016).
This change in chemical structure affects the affinity of the mammalian Reagents and chemicals were of analytical or LC–MS grade. Water
B12-binding protein intrinsic factor for the compound, since intestinal (Ultra-pure, ≥18.2 mΩ - UHQ) was provided by a SG Ultra Clear UC
absorption of cobalamin strictly recognizes the structure of the vitamin System (SG-Water, Barsbüttel, Germany). Acetic acid glacial (Op­
B12-molecule. However, it was reported that pseudo-cobalamin shows tima® LC–MS grade) was acquired from Fischer Chemicals (Geel,
moderate affinity to intrinsic factor (Taga and Walker, 2008; Watanabe Belgium). LC–MS grade methanol was obtained from Chem-Lab NV
et al., 2002; Wells et al., 2017). Vitamin B12 synthesized by cyanobac­ (Zedelgem, Belgium). Standard substances of hydroxocobalamin ≥98
teria is not seen as a reliable source for humans (Dagnelie et al., 1991; from USP (Rockville, MD, USA), and cyanocobalamin ≥98 %,

S.P. van den Oever and H.K. Mayer Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

5′ -deoxyadenosylcobalamin ≥97 %, and methylcobalamin ≥97 %, of the standard calibration curve with the following levels: 2, 3, 4, 6,
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Certified 8, 10, 12.5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 nM. The standard solution series were
reference material (ERM®-BD600, whole milk powder) for vitamin measured in triplicate using the UHPLC method described in section
B12 was obtained from the Joint Research Centre of the European 2.4 (calibration curve equation for cyanocobalamin: y = 121.67x
Commission (Geel, Belgium). Since there is no certified reference +20.146; R2 = 0.998).
material available yet for pseudo-cobalamin, quantification was per­
formed using the calibration curve for cyanocobalamin as suggested 2.2. Sample acquisition
by Edelmann et al. (2019). For calibration, a stock solution of
cyanocobalamin of 100 μM was completely dissolved in ultra-high A total of 57 algae-based nutritional supplements (n = 41 labeled as
quality (UHQ) water in a light-protected flask, and used for dilution Chlorella sp.; n = 14 labeled as Spirulina sp.; n = 1 labeled as containing

Table 1
Results of vitamin B12 and pseudo-vitamin B12 determined for all 57 algae-derived nutritional supplements analyzed (all results are given in μg 100 g− dry matter). If
indicated, the labeled vitamin B12 content is given. In addition, relevant ratios were calculated (a-d).
No Species Delivery form Pseudo-Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 Sum B12 Labeled Ratioa Ratiob Ratioc Pseudod
content Sum/labeled B12/labeled B12/Pseudo (% of sum)
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD

1 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Capsules 4.6 0.1 115.5 0.1 120.1 77 1.6 1.5 25.1 4
2 Chlorella sp. Tablets 3.5 0.3 109.9 6.2 113.4 83 1.4 1.3 31.4 3
3 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Tablets 27.9 1.2 4.8 0.2 32.7 0.2 85
4 Chlorella vulgaris Powder n.d. 71.1 1.8 71.1
5 Chlorella sp. Tablets n.d. n.d.
6 Chlorella sp. Tablets 2.0 0.0 17.5 0.3 19.6 60 0.3 0.3 8.6 10
7 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 3.8 0.1 121.5 2.9 125.4 31.8 3
8 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Tablets 3.9 0.2 99.4 1.2 103.3 3100 0.03 0.03 25.5 4
9 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 34.1 1.2 367.2 9.0 401.3 420 1.0 0.9 10.8 8
10 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 2.2 0.1 10.3 0.5 12.4 4.8 17
11 Chlorella sp. Tablets 3.0 0.2 70.9 4.1 73.8 24.0 4
12 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 56.2 3.0 8.7 0.4 64.9 0.2 87
13 Chlorella sp. Tablets 77.1 5.3 76.4 4.8 153.5 50 3.1 1.5 1.0 50
14 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Tablets 44.2 2.9 101.8 5.7 146.0 2.3 30
15 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Tablets 28.1 1.4 406.4 10.0 434.6 14.4 6
16 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 6.3 0.3 106.0 2.2 112.3 16.9 6
17 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets n.d. 111.4 2.6 111.4 300 0.4 0.4
18 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 88.0 4.7 62.8 1.6 150.9 900 0.2 0.1 0.7 58
19 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 6.9 0.1 87.1 0.2 94.1 12.6 7
20 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 2.9 0.1 12.1 0.4 15.0 95 0.2 0.1 4.2 19
21 Chlorella sp. Tablets n.d. 15.1 0.3 15.1
22 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 2.8 0.1 11.0 0.3 13.8 3.9 20
23 Chlorella sp. Tablets 2.1 0.0 84.5 2.0 86.5 38 2.3 2.2 41.1 2
24 Chlorella sp. Powder 25.8 0.3 96.3 1.4 122.2 3.7 21
25 Chlorella sp. Tablets n.d. 1.1 0.0 1.1
26 Chlorella sp. Powder n.d. n.d.
27 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Capsules 5.3 0.3 195.9 4.4 201.2 37.1 3
28 Chlorella sp. Powder n.d. 307.7 17.0 307.7
29 Chlorella sp. Powder 15.2 0.8 430.7 5.7 445.9 421 1.1 1.0 28.4 3
30 Chlorella sp. Tablets n.d. n.d.
31 Chlorella sp. Tablets n.d. 242.1 6.4 242.1
32 Chlorella vulgaris Powder 1.7 0.1 43.2 2.3 44.9 50 0.9 0.9 25.0 4
33 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 52.9 2.0 144.7 4.4 197.6 50 4.0 2.9 2.7 27
34 Chlorella vulgaris Powder n.d. 124.3 4.8 124.3 100 1.2 1.2
35 Chlorella sp. Powder n.d. 96.6 3.7 96.6 150 0.6 0.6
36 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Tablets 4.4 0.2 156.6 5.5 161.0 35.2 3
37 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets 74.9 2.3 7.6 0.3 82.4 0.1 91
38 Chlorella pyrenoidosa Powder 2.4 0.1 4.3 0.2 6.7 1.8 35
39 Chlorella sp. Tablets 13.3 0.7 4.7 0.2 18.0 177 0.1 0.03 0.4 74
40 Chlorella sp. Powder n.d. 5.5 0.2 5.5 11 0.5 0.5
41 Chlorella vulgaris Tablets n.d. 74.7 2.2 74.7
42 Chlorella sp. Tonic (liquid) n.d. 2.8 0.0 2.8 17 0.2 0.2
43 Chlorella sp., Spirulina sp. Capsules 3.8 0.1 198.4 5.6 202.2 542 0.4 0.4 52.7 2
44 Arthrospira platensis Powder 142.3 5.3 8.4 0.4 150.7 0.1 94
45 Spirulina platentis Tablets 84.5 3.3 8.3 0.1 92.8 0.1 91
46 Spirulina platentis Tablets 142.6 8.9 11.0 0.9 153.7 0.1 93
47 Spirulina sp. Tablets 73.6 2.9 51.5 2.2 125.1 83 1.5 0.6 0.7 59
48 Arthrospira platensis Tablets 103.0 5.0 32.6 1.7 135.6 0.3 76
49 Arthrospira pacifica hawaii Capsules 93.3 5.1 35.1 0.4 128.4 79 1.6 0.4 0.4 73
50 Spirulina platensis Tablets 85.8 1.7 13.6 0.8 99.4 69 1.4 0.2 0.2 86
51 Spirulina platensis Powder 160.7 8.7 3.5 0.2 164.1 0.0 98
52 Spirulina platentis Tablets 117.0 5.3 6.4 0.3 123.5 0.1 95
53 Spirulina platentis Tablets 130.6 4.1 17.0 0.8 147.6 0.1 88
54 Spirulina platentis Powder 101.6 2.0 6.4 0.2 108.0 0.1 94
55 Spirulina sp. Powder 140.4 0.2 11.6 0.1 152.0 0.1 92
56 Spirulina platentis Tablets 134.7 3.2 19.1 0.3 153.8 0.1 88
57 Aphanizomenon flos-aquae Tablets 118.4 6.8 8.3 0.6 126.8 140 0.9 0.1 0.1 93
Ratio of sum (pseudo-vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 determined) to labeled B12-content; b Ratio of physiologically active vitamin B12 to labeled B12-content; c Ratio of
physiologically active vitamin B12 to its pseudo-form; d Relative percentage of pseudo-vitamin B12 (as % of the total content found); n.d. = not-detectable.

S.P. van den Oever and H.K. Mayer Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

Chlorella and Spirulina sp.; and n = 1 labeled as another cyanobacteria (SVC-200H, Savant Instruments Inc., Farmingdale, NY, USA). Dried
sp.) were bought from local retail stores (Vienna, Austria) as well as residue was reconstituted in 500 μL of solvent A (UHQ water modified
online (Table 1). with 0.1 % acetic acid) containing 6% of methanol, and filtered through
a 0.20 μm syringe filter (Sartorius, Goettingen, Germany) prior to
2.3. Sample preparation chromatographic analysis.

All samples of various nutritional supplements were stored at room 2.4. UHPLC analysis
temperature (dry, avoidance of light) as suggested on the packaging
until chemical analysis. Since vitamin B12 is sensitive to light, all oper­ Chromatographic analysis of vitamin B12 was performed on a Waters
ations were conducted using amber glassware, covered tubes using Acquity™ Ultra Performance LC (UPLC™) H-class system (Waters,
aluminum foil or under subdued light. Sample preparation was per­ Milford, MA, USA) equipped with an Acquity™ photodiode array (PDA)
formed according to the manufacturer’s instructions of the purification eλ detector for quantification as well as an Acquity™ QDa single
kit (EASI EXTRACT®, R-Biopharm; Glasgow, UK) as well as similar to quadrupole mass detector for correct identification of different forms.
Nakos et al. (2017) with modifications necessary for these nutritional For separation of cyanocobalamin and pseudo-cyanocobalamin, an
supplements. In case of solid samples, a representative aliquot was Acquity UPLC™ column (BEH C18, 50 × 2.1 mm i.d., 1.7 μm) was used
ground using a ceramic mortar, and homogenized prior to weighing in with gradient elution. The applied solvent system consisted of UHQ
0.5− 5 g (depending on the expected concentration of vitamin B12 or water modified with 0.1 % acetic acid (solvent A), and LC–MS grade
adapted after preliminary tests) into a laboratory glass bottle, and mixed methanol with 0.1 % acetic acid (solvent B). Gradient elution was
with 60 mL of sodium acetate buffer (50 mM) adjusted to pH 4.0. In operated at 45 ◦ C with a flow rate of 0.65 mL min− 1 as follows: ini­
order to free protein-bound vitamin B12, enzymatic digestion was per­ tial–3.0 min/2–20 % B; 3.0–4.0 min/20–20 % B; 4.0–5.0 min/20–100 %
formed mixing pepsin (1 g) and taka-diastase (0.25 g) thoroughly into the B; 5.0–7.0 min/100–100 % B; 7.0–7.5 min/100–2% B; and further re-
samples. To convert all possible vitamers into cyanocobalamin, 1 mL of equilibration at initial conditions for another 3 min. Injection volume
potassium cyanide solution (1% w/v) was added to the samples and was set to 50 μL. Column eluates were monitored using PDA detector at
mixed. Samples were then incubated for 1 h at 37 ◦ C under continuous 361 nm for (pseudo-)cyanocobalamin at a resolution of 1.2 nm and a
shaking on a Heidolph Unimax 1000 (Walpersdorfer, Germany) for sampling rate of 40 points/s. QDa parameters for correct identification
enzymatic digestion as well as conversion of B12-vitamers into the stable of different forms of vitamin B12 were as follows: sampling rate of 20
cyano-form. Enzymatic reaction was stopped by incubating samples for points/s, electro spray ionization (ESI) in positive ion mode, cone
30 min at 120 ◦ C in a Heraeus Oven (Hanau, Germany). After cooling to voltage: 15 V, capillary voltage: 0.8 kV, probe temperature 600 ◦ C in
room temperature, samples were transferred quantitatively into 100 mL selected ion recording (SIR) with m/z 678.2914 for cyanocobalamin,
volumetric flasks, and brought to volume with 50 mM sodium acetate and m/z 672.7749 for pseudo-cyanocobalamin both as [M + 2 H]2+
buffer. Afterwards, samples were centrifuged at 8000 x g for 10 min. The (Tanioka et al., 2014). Chromatographic data were collected and pro­
supernatant was filtered through a Whatman S&S 595 ½ filter paper cessed using Waters Empower™ software version 3.
(Maidstone, UK). Clear sample solutions were stored (under light pro­
tection) between 3 and 6 days at room temperature prior to purification 2.5. Method validation
procedure, since a slight increase in concentration of cyanocobalamin
was observed compared to no storage time of the extract. The developed method was validated following the EURACHEM
Regarding nutritional supplements consisting of capsules with guide (Magnusson and Örnenmark, 2014). Precision was assessed as
powdered vitamin B12, a representative aliquot was homogenized prior repeatability (n = 6, over one day) and intermediate precision over four
to weighing in, and for liquid samples, an aliquot of 2− 10 mL was used, days (n/d = 3). In addition, precision of total sample preparation pro­
all other steps were conducted as described above. cedure was evaluated by preparing the same sample six times over a
In contrast to sample preparation by Nakos et al. (2017), the pH period of two days (n/d = 3). For assessment of limit of detection (LOD =
value of sample solutions was not adjusted to pH 7 since no difference s’0*3) and limit of quantification (LOQ = s’0*10), low concentration
between pH 4 and pH 7 could be determined for cyanocobalamin. standards were used (n = 10). The estimated deviation (s’0) was calcu­
However, for pseudo-cyanocobalamin major differences were observed lated according to EURACHEM guide (s’0 = s0/√n). Method accuracy
showing far lower concentrations found at pH 7 compared to pH 4. was assessed using certified reference material (ERM-BD600, dried milk
Therefore, no pH adjustment was performed since also manufacturer’s powder) over 3 non-consecutive days (n/d = 2) using 2 operators and
instructions (R-Biopharm) do not suggest change in pH during sample changed solvents.
Purification was performed using EASI EXTRACT® immunoaffinity 3. Results and discussion
columns (R-Biopharm, Glasgow, UK), which were acclimated to ambient
conditions before use. The immunoaffinity column was attached to the 3.1. Performance of the established UHPLC-PDA method
corresponding adapter, and column storage buffer was removed with a
flow rate of 2 droplets per second. Ten milliliters of filtered sample so­ In order to separate the physiologically active form of vitamin B12
lution were passed through immunoaffinity column with a flow rate of 1 from the non-active pseudo-vitamin B12 that might be present in
droplet per second. A slow and steady flow rate is essential to ensure numerous nutritional supplements, a reliable UHPLC method based on
adequate capture of the vitamin by the antibody. The column was UV detection was established (Fig. 1).
washed by passing through 10 mL of UHQ water (2 droplets per second) Precision of the chromatographic system was measured by evalu­
and completely dried by using enhanced air pressure. For elution of ating repeatability and intermediate precision. Repeatability was
cyanocobalamin, 5 mL methanol (LC–MS grade) were used with a flow assessed by consecutive injections of cyanocobalamin standard solutions
rate of 1 droplet per second, and eluted vitamin was collected in an over one day, which was found to be ≤ 0.9 %. Intermediate precision
appropriate tube with screw cap. Elution efficiency of 5 mL methanol is was assessed over four days (n/d = 3), and was found to be ≤ 1.4 %.
above 96 % (Nakos et al., 2017). During elution, back-flushing was Precision of the total sample preparation procedure using selected
performed several times as well as resting of 1 min to increase contact nutritional supplements (digestion of sample, conversion of B12-vitam­
time of solvent with the antibody to ensure complete elution of the ers into the cyano-form, purification by immunoaffinity columns, drying
vitamin present in the sample. Afterwards, the eluate was dried over­ using SpeedVac system, and reconstitution prior to injection) was
night at 40 ◦ C under reduced pressure using a SpeedVac Concentrator evaluated by preparing the same sample six times over a period of two

S.P. van den Oever and H.K. Mayer Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

Fig. 1. UHPLC-PDA chromatograms of three selected algae-derived nutritional supplements showing different ratios of cobalamin to pseudo-cobalamin in Chlorella
No 41 (a), Spirulina No 54 (b), and Chlorella No 18 (c).

days (n/d = 3), and resulted in ≤ 4.3 %. Determination of limit of concentrations of vitamin B12 found compared to the content labeled.
detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) using PDA detection However, several samples had comparable results as well showing the
signals were 0.36 nM for LOD, and 1.19 nM for LOQ. Standard cali­ big variation regarding the total content in the nutritional supplements
bration curve was established between 2 and 100 nM having a value for analyzed (Table 1).
R2 of 0.99. Method accuracy was performed using certified reference Lower concentrations were found in some Chlorella samples with
material (ERM-BD600, dried milk powder) over 3 non-consecutive days values below half of the content compared to the total amount of vitamin
(n/d = 2) using 2 operators and changed solvents showing values be­ B12 labeled (Table 1, columna). In Chlorella No 39, only one-tenth of the
tween 98.1 % and 101.4 %. Chromatographic separation of three indicated value on the product were determined with 18 μg 100g− 1 of
selected algae-derived nutritional supplements using the established total vitamin B12 compared to the labeled concentration of 177 μg
UHPLC-PDA method are shown in Fig. 1a-c. Chlorella No 41 (a) con­ 100g− 1. Approximately half of the labeled content could be determined
tained only physiologically active cobalamin vitamin B12, whereas for sample No 40, where 5.5 μg 100g− 1 instead of 11 μg 100g− 1 were
Spirulina No 54 (b) had almost exclusively the pseudo-form (with only a found. A few other Chlorella-based nutritional supplements had values
minor content of cobalamin). However, several algae-derived nutri­ between one-tenth and half of the labeled content (such as No 6, 17, 18,
tional supplements such as Chlorella No 18 (c) showed both forms in 20, 42, and 43). However, there was one exception, where only
different proportions. approximately three-hundredths of the labeled value were determined,
since Chlorella No 8 should have an extremely high amount of total
3.2. Vitamin B12 in Chlorella- and Spirulina-based nutritional vitamin B12 of 3100 μg 100g− 1, while only 103.3 μg 100g− 1 could be
supplements determined. Regarding not only the ratio of total vitamin B12 found to
the content labeled, but also the ratio of only physiologically active
Algae-based nutritional supplements can be a valuable source for vitamin B12 to the indicated amount, similar results were obtained for
vitamin B12, but they do not need to contain cobalamin at all. In contrast most of the samples described above, since these products contained
to the findings of Sandgruber et al. (2021), where vitamin B12 was below almost only or exclusively the biologically available form (Table 1,
LOQ in all 15 commercial microalgae powders, it was present in almost columnb). Merely samples No 18 and No 39 showed values of only 0.07
all of the 57 samples in this study, even though no content was labeled and 0.03, respectively, when only physiologically active cobalamin is
on several nutritional supplement since many algae-derived dietary compared to the total content labeled on the nutritional supplement
supplements are advertised for other essential nutrients such as amino (due to higher amounts of the pseudo-form present in these two
acids, fatty acids, minerals or other vitamins. Results obtained for all samples).
algae-based nutritional supplements analyzed showed a broad variety of In contrast, in some Chlorella samples a higher content of vitamin B12
different contents of total vitamin B12 ranging between not-detectable was determined compared to the labeled value on the product (Table 1,
(No 5) and 445.9 μg 100g− 1 (No 29). The results of all 57 algae-based columna). For example, more than 1.3-times of the amount of total
nutritional supplements analyzed within the present study are shown vitamin B12 labeled was found for No 1 and No 2, while No 23 showed
in Table 1 given as μg 100 g− 1 dry weight. Furthermore, the analyzed more than double of the content labeled. A more than 3-times higher
amounts of nutrients were compared to those provided by the infor­ concentration was determined for Chlorella products No 13 and No 33
mation label on the products. with values of 153.5 μg 100g− 1 (instead of 50 μg 100g− 1 as labeled), and
Regarding Chlorella samples, 18 of the 41 nutritional supplements 197.6 μg 100g− 1 (instead of 50 μg 100g− 1 as labeled), respectively.
analyzed had labeled contents for vitamin B12, while only 3 of the 13 Interestingly, the ratio of only physiologically active cobalamin to the
Spirulina samples had an indicated value. Furthermore, one nutritional content labeled was only 1.5-times higher for sample No 13 resulting in
supplement contained both Chlorella and Spirulina sp., and one other comparable results, since 76.4 μg 100g− 1 of available vitamin B12 were
cyanobacteria species (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) was analyzed. determined instead of the labeled 50 μg 100g− 1. In this sample, pseudo-
cyanocobalamin and cyanocobalamin were present to the same extent.
3.2.1. Comparison of the concentration found in selected Chlorella samples Other samples showed comparable results regarding the ratio of total
with the labeled content of vitamin B12 vitamin B12 found to the content labeled with values between 0.9 and
Results obtained for Chlorella samples showed both lower and higher 1.2 (e.g., No 9, 29, 32, and 34). Similar results were observed concerning

S.P. van den Oever and H.K. Mayer Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

the ratio of available vitamin B12 determined to the content labeled for was <20 % (e.g., No 1, 2, 6–11, …), while 4 samples showed a high
these Chlorella-based nutritional supplements (Table 1, columnb). For concentration of the pseudo-form, where more than 70 % of the pseudo-
example, No 29 showed a total content of vitamin B12 of 445.9 μg form were found with regard to the total content analyzed (No 3, 12, 37
100g− 1, whereof 430.7 μg 100g− 1 were determined to be physiologically and 39). The remaining Chlorella products had values between 20 % and
active cobalamin matching the labeled content of 421 μg 100g− 1. 70 % of pseudo-cobalamin.
It has been reported that the major and minor analogues in Spirulina
3.2.2. Comparison of the concentration found in selected Spirulina samples were identified as pseudo-vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 with 83 % and 17
with the labeled content of vitamin B12 %, respectively (Watanabe et al., 1999). These findings are in accor­
Results obtained for Spirulina samples showed a higher concentration dance with the results obtained in the present study although a broader
of vitamin B12 found for all three samples, where a content was labeled range was observed. The relative percentage of the pseudo-form was
on the nutritional supplement (No 47, 49, and 50) (Table 1). Regarding between 72.6 % (No 49) and 97.9 % (No 51) of total cobalamin found,
these samples, between 1.4-times and 1.6-times higher concentrations with only one exception (No 47), where pseudo-cobalamin and cobal­
were analyzed with a total content of 125.1 μg 100g− 1 (instead of 83 μg amin where almost equally distributed (Table 1, columnd).
100g− 1 as labeled), 128.4 μg 100g− 1 (instead of 79 μg 100g− 1 as There is a huge range regarding the total content of vitamin B12 in
labeled), and 99.4 μg 100g− 1 (instead of 69 μg 100g− 1 as labeled) for No commercially available Chlorella products between not-detectable and
47, 49, and 50, respectively (Table 1, columna). However, regarding 500 μg 100g− 1 (Bito et al., 2020), which is consistent with the findings in
only the ratio of physiologically active cobalamin to the content labeled, this study. For Spirulina, literature reported values between 127 and 244
only between 0.2 and 0.6 were found since far lower concentrations of μg 100g− 1 (Grosshagauer et al., 2020; Gutiérrez-Salmeán et al., 2015;
vitamin B12 were determined compared to its pseudo-form (Table 1, Watanabe, 1999), which is comparable to the results obtained as well.
columnb) meaning that Spirulina products showed significant higher Among Chlorella species, the vitamin B12 content is higher in
concentrations for pseudo-cyanocobalamin than for the respective value C. pyrenoidosa compared to C. vulgaris when grown under open culture
of cyanocobalamin. conditions (Bito et al., 2020). This was not necessarily the case in the
Apart from Spirulina, one other cyanobacteria species was analyzed present study, but reliable information about exact conditions during
(Aphanizomenon flos-aquae). Sample No 57 had a ratio of total cobalamin growth is rare and hard to gain. Also mislabeling of the actual Chlorella
to the content labeled of 0.9, since 126.8 μg 100g− 1 were found coming species might be a problem since recent research has shown that
close to the indicated value on the product of 140 μg 100g− 1. However, microalgae is far more diverse than supposed indicating that N-gly­
the ratio of physiologically active cobalamin to the content labeled was can-based characterization of microalgae might raise the attention of
<0.1, since only 8.3 μg 100g− 1 were determined. taxonomists to overthink this topic (Mócsai et al., 2021).
A major problem in the production of homogeneous lots, and thus
3.2.3. Comparison of Chlorella and Spirulina samples algae-based nutritional supplements with a constant content of valuable
Interestingly, in only three Chlorella samples analyzed, no vitamin components labeled, is the seasonal variation and different coastal en­
B12 could be detected at all (No 5, 26 and 30) (Table 1). All three were vironments, as well as a variation in the nutritional and functional
labeled as Chlorella, but no further species was stated on the original composition of algae between species, which becomes important when
product. In 11 Chlorella samples (No 4, 17, 21, 25, 28, 31, 34, 35, 40, 41 more than one species is added to the final product (Wells et al., 2017).
and 42), only physiologically active vitamin B12 was found. Among the Strong deviations from the nutrients presented on the label information
nutritional supplements labeled as Spirulina, all 13 samples analyzed of microalgae powder and the content analyzed were observed by Edel­
contained both cobalamin and pseudo-cobalamin showing a high con­ mann et al. (2019) and Sandgruber et al. (2021) as well. Variations in the
tent of total vitamin B12 as well. However, quite high concentrations of nutrient profile within the same species, but coming from different pro­
the primarily present pseudo-form were determined. Besides the broad ducers, again highlight the dependency of nutrients on the available
variation of total vitamin B12 content in investigated algae-based external vitamin B12 in the cultivation process as well as further pro­
nutritional supplements ranging between not-detectable and 445.9 μg cessing of microalgae. Hence, consumers will probably not get the same
100g− 1, there are also significant differences with regard to the distri­ nutrients of the same microalgae species when purchasing the same
bution and ratio of vitamin B12 to its pseudo-form. microalgae powder from a different producer. Possible additional rinsing
Chlorella sample No 13 had a ratio of 1, because both forms had of the biomass might also affect the concentrations of certain nutrients in
approximately the same concentration. Samples No 1, 2, 7, 8, 11, 23, 27, the final product (Sandgruber et al., 2021). Moreover, further reduction
29, 32 and 36 showed a positive ratio of vitamin B12 to pseudo-vitamin of certain heat-labile components might occur during the drying process,
B12 with a more than 20- to even 40-fold higher content of the biolog­ which was also unknown for the studied microalgae powders. Especially
ically available form (Table 1, columnc). The highest ratio of vitamin B12 the physiologically active and naturally occurring vitamers of cobalamin
to its pseudo-form was observed for the mixture of Chlorella and Spir­ methylcobalamin and 5′ -deoxyadenosylcobalamin are far less heat-stable
ulina powder (No 43) with a more than 50-fold higher concentration of compared to the cyano-form leading to a possible further reduction
available cobalamin. In contrast, some samples had a higher content of during drying of the biomass. Another big problem with vitamin B12 is
pseudo-cobalamin, and hence a ratio <1 such as Chlorella No 3, 12 and the huge light sensitivity of methylcobalamin and 5′ -deoxyade­
37 showing a significantly higher concentration of the pseudo-form. nosylcobalamin due to chemical instability resulting in degradation of
Similar results were observed for samples No 18 and 39. These sam­ valuable B12-vitamers, if this is not considered during processing steps as
ples might not be a valuable source of vitamin B12 for humans. well as during storage (Chamlagain et al., 2015). All these factors remain
Regarding Spirulina samples, the ratio of available vitamin B12 to unknown when purchasing commercially available Chlorella and Spir­
pseudo-vitamin B12 was between approx. 0.1 and 0.4 for samples ulina products. Furthermore, overestimation of microbiological assays in
analyzed meaning that many Spirulina products (e.g., No 44, 45, 46, 51, routine analysis occurs, since it was not able to discriminate the active
52, 54 and 55 as well as No 57) had a more than 10-fold higher con­ cobalamin form from non-active forms. Another aspect that needs to be
centration of pseudo-vitamin B12 to vitamin B12. One sample (No 47) considered as well might be a possible “contamination” of microalgae
showed almost equal amounts having a ratio of available cobalamin to with (pseudo-)vitamin B12-producing bacteria (not only cyanobacteria
the pseudo-form of 0.7 (Table 1, columnc). such as Spirulina sp.) resulting in a certain “impure” algal biomass or
Apart from the ratio of vitamin B12 to its pseudo-form, the relative extracts, especially when it comes to the presence of pseudo-forms
percentage of pseudo-vitamin B12 of the total content showed a big (Sandgruber et al., 2021).
variation for Chlorella-based nutritional supplements analyzed (Table 1, Furthermore, there is no uniform regulation for commercially
columnd). In 19 products, the relative percentage of pseudo-cobalamin available microalgae, and limitations regarding correct labeling of the

S.P. van den Oever and H.K. Mayer Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 109 (2022) 104464

content of vitamin B12 on algae-derived nutritional supplements come change in routine analysis regarding the complexity of the analysis of
from quantifying the bioavailability meaning that pseudo-forms need to vitamin B12 especially regarding algae-based nutritional supplements.
be quantified accurately as well (Wells et al., 2017). Even in Spirulina
samples, the presence of physiologically active methylcobalamin was CRediT authorship contribution statement
reported (Kumudha et al., 2010; Madhubalaji et al., 2019). Producers of
dietary supplements with high amounts of labeled vitamin B12 should Sabrina P. van den Oever: Conceptualization, Methodology,
have their products analyzed for the presence of the pseudo-form. This Formal analysis, Investigation, Validation, Data curation, Software,
information should be provided on the product as well. It is crucial that Writing - original draft. Helmut K. Mayer: Conceptualization, Meth­
consumers are not misled by wrong information on nutritional supple­ odology, Project administration, Supervision, Writing - review &
ments since vitamin B12 is still a key nutrient in a healthy diet due to editing.
modern trends regarding meat-less diets. Therefore, if pseudo-vitamin
B12 is present, it must not be counted for the total vitamin B12 content
Declaration of Competing Interest
labeled. Only the concentration of physiologically active cobalamin
should be declared on the final product. Due to huge variations
Both authors declare that they have no competing financial interests
regarding the content of vitamin B12 in algae-derived nutritional sup­
or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work
plements, it is essential to have uniform rules for quality control, and to
reported in this paper.
establish new methods for routine analysis that can reliably differentiate
cobalamin from its pseudo-form in order to have high-quality products
as well as to protect consumers. However, no information about the Acknowledgements
actual analytical method used to determine the total content of vitamin
B12 of these dietary supplements is available, which would be essential This research project was partially funded by the “Hochschulju­
for further investigation. Nevertheless, it is clear that there is substantial biläumsstiftung” Vienna (H-265139/2020) supporting young re­
evidence for algae as nutritional and functional foods (Wells et al., searches. We want to thank Prof. Friedrich Altmann from the Institute of
2017). Further studies focusing on the comparability of microbiological Biochemistry (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
assays and chromatographic data should be considered. - BOKU) for providing numerous Chlorella samples, which have
massively extended this research project. We are also very grateful to
supporting staff members of our Food Chemistry Laboratory (Iris Bie­
4. Conclusions
dermann, Nicole Schamberger and Sarah Sperrer) for their skillful
technical assistance.
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