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Proposal for an International company with a very successful year


The aim of this proposal is to develop two ideas and the way in which the company would
benefit from doing so, all of that, with the goal of celebrating the greatly successful year of the
international company.

First idea

The first deal which spring to mind now is how entertaining would be that the whole staff went
to a water theme park. Never before have the company celebrated its success through this
novel and playful activity. It will not only entertain the oldest workmates in the company, but
also the youngest ones; due to the fact that a water theme park offers many varied options to
unwind and enjoy the whole day such as restaurants, calm swimming pools or water
attractions with a huge sensation of adrenaline.

Second idea

The second activity which the company could carry out to satisfy staff’s need would be the
traditional one but quite effective activity. I am talking about going out to a four-star hotel with
a Michelin star restaurant and have an exquisite and flavour experience where during the
dinner the CEO will deliver rewards to the most successful and hardworking employees. After
the dinner, the hotel would also offer alcoholic drinks and music played by a fabulous DJ. Just a
splendid night!

Benefits for the company

Both celebrations, the restaurant or the theme park, would benefit the company hugely, due to
the fact that communication skills, collaboration and cooperation would be soared in the
company staff and they would be amazed with rewards related to their commitment and
engagement with the business.


If I had to decide which idea I would strongly recommend, undoubtedly that would be the
water theme park since is a more ludic activity and much longer that the restaurant and hotel

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