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Cementing 1
Student Workbook

Developed by
Halliburton Energy Institute
for the
HES Cementing Product Service Line

© 2003 Halliburton Company, All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America


All information contained in this publication is confidential and proprietary property of
Halliburton Energy Services, a division of Halliburton Company. Do not transfer this
document outside of Halliburton without approval from the Intellectual Property Group
of the Law Department.

Document History
First Release: July 2001
Revised: October 2002
Revised: March 2003
Revised: July 2003

HEI would like to thank the following for their contributions to this manual (in
alphabetical order):
Greg Ash, David Bedford, Clay Dupree, John (J.J.) Jennings, Kathy Mead,
Von Parkey, Sherry Snyder, and Ralph Voss

Cementing 1
Table of Contents

Section Subject
1 Introduction to Cementing
2 Casing and Tubing
3 API Cements and Additives
4 Primary Cementing
5 Primary Cementing Calculations
6 Liner Cementing
7 Plug-Back Cementing
8 Squeeze Cementing
9 Surface Cementing Equipment
10 Downhole Cementing Equipment
11 Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment
12 Bulk Cement Storage and Handling


Section 1

Introduction to Cementing

Table of Contents
Before You Start This Course ..................................
................ .....................................
.... 1-3
How This Course is Organized ...................................
................. ....................................
..................... 1-3
Study Suggestions ..................................
................. ...................................
....... 1-4
The Purpose of Cement in an Oil Well ...................................
................. ....................................
............. 1-5
Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well...............................................................................................1-6
Drilling Operations.................................................................................................................................1-6
Running Drill Pipe ...................................
................. ....................................
.... 1-6
Running Surface Casing.........................................................................................................................1-7
Cementing ..................................
................ ...................................
Tripping In............................................................................................................................................1-10
Running and Cementing Intermediate Casing......................................................................................1-10
Drilling To Final Depth........................................................................................................................1-10
Completing the Well .................
................. 1-10
Setting Production Casing....................................................................................................................1-11
Installing the Completion System ....................................
................. .....................................
............. 1-12
Sand Control.........................................................................................................................................1-12
Installing the Christmas Tree ...................................
................ .....................................
..... 1-13
Acidizing ....................................
.................. ....................................
................. 1-13
Fracturing ..................................
................. ...................................
................. 1-13
Historical Background of Cementing ....................................
.................. ....................................
............ 1-16
Halliburton Energy Services Vision and Mission....................................................................................1-17
HES 2003 Vision Statement.................................................................................................................1-17
HES Mission Statement ...................................
.................. ...................................
.............. 1-18
General Safety and Work Guidelines.......................................................................................................1-19
Cementing Job Descriptions ...................................
................. ....................................
........ 1-20
Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms .................................
................ ...................................
............... 1-21
Common Oilfield Terms ...................................
.................. ...................................
........... 1-21
Common Oilfield Acronyms................................................................................................................1-28
Common Halliburton Acronyms..........................................................................................................1-28

1•1 Cementing 1


Use for Section Notes…

1•2 Cementing 1



Welcome to Halliburton’s Cementing Product  Book  course.

 course. You can ask your supervisor or
Service Line (PSL). Halliburton is the world mentor to enroll you and for the course

leader in oil and gas well cementing, both in workbooks.

market position and customer perception.
Consistently ranked number one in value by
independent surveys of oil and gas customers, How This Course is Organized
the Cementing PSL provides excellent value for
oil and gas operators throughout the world. Familiarize yourself with the way this workbook
Cementing is the process upon which is organized. You will find a table of contents at
Halliburton Company was built, starting in the beginning of each section, followed by an
1921. introduction, a list of topic areas, and the
learning objectives for that section.
This course is your introduction to the
cementing process: what it is, why is it done, Each section in this workbook contains several
and how we do it. From this course, you will units. Each unit contains all the information you
learn many new terms, types of equipment, types need to learn. Other manuals or catalogs are not
of materials, and processes. By completing this necessary, with the possible exception of a
course, you will be able to more effectively dictionary and the Halliburton Cementing
communicate with others in the PSL and at the Tables ( Red Book ).
). Each unit is made up of text,
 job site, be better able to participate
participate in figures to help explain the text (pictures,
cementing jobs, and be prepared to take on more drawings charts, etc.), and a unit quiz. When you
responsibility.. You start to become the
responsibility complete all the units in a section, you complete
invaluable person who can deliver the Customer a self-check test. Both the quizzes and tests will
Service that has been a Halliburton tradition for help you check your personal progress. The time
more than 80 years. you spend on each unit is not important; it is
important that you learn and retain the content.
Take time to carefully read this introduction. It
will acquaint you with this course and suggest At the end of every section are the answers to all
ways to get the most out of it. unit quizzes and the self-check tests. After you
complete a quiz or a test, refer to the appropriate
This workbook allows you to learn at your own answer key. Let your supervisor know when you
speed, without an instructor, and at any time or
 place that may be convenient for you.
you. Your complete a section. Then you w will
ill take a written
test that is graded. This section test is based
immediate supervisor is normally responsible for solely upon the information in your workbook.
your enrollment and can assist you in However, you cannot use your workbook as a
completing the course. reference while taking the test.
Successful completion of all the section tests and
Before You Start This Course a comprehensive final examination makes you
eligible to attend the next level course.
Parts of this course, starting with Section 5, For more information on a subject covered in
require you to calculate answers using basic your workbook, let your resource personnel
math and geometry, along with the  Halliburton know of your interest — they can direct you to
Cementing Tables (the Red Book ). ). If you believe more information.
that you need additional training in math or
using the Red Book , then you should complete
the Essential Math course or the Essential Red

1•3 Cementing 1

The Purpose of Cement in an Oil Well

Study Suggestions •  Check your answers against the answer key.

Reread the parts of the text that relate to the
This course was planned to make learning as items you are unsure about or you have
easy as possible. However, to retain the answered incorrectly. Don't forget, if you
knowledge, you must put forth effort. are having trouble, or if you feel your
Remember, the responsibility for learning this response is equally correct, consult your
course is yours. resource personnel.

Keep your workbook available at all times; you

y ou When you work through all the units in a
never know when you might have the section, you will be ready to take the self-check
opportunity to work on a unit. Try and set aside test for that section. Go back through all the
enough time to complete an entire unit during a units to review what you have learned. Your
study period. completed unit quizzes should also be helpful
Some study suggestions include
If you are having trouble choosing or calculating
•    Review both the section and
and unit an answer, go to the next question. At the end of
introductions. They will very briefly the test, go back to the questions you didn't
describe what is in the unit. answer and try again. Remember, you are not
competing with anyone but yourself. Take your
•   Skim through the unit . Look at the figures
time and do your best.
and headings to see what's familiar to you
and what isn't. They will tell you what to When you finish a self-check test, turn to the
expect. answer key at the end of the section to check
your answers. References are provided as to
•    Read the content carefully
carefully. Go back to the
where the answers can be found. Make sure that
 beginning of the unit
unit and read the content,
you understand the correct answers before
 paragraph by paragraph. Study
Study the figures. If
 proceeding to another section.
section. Check with your
you are unfamiliar with the meaning of a
resource personnel if you feel the response you
word, look it up in a dictionary.
gave is correct. Don't forget to let your program
•   Check your understanding . Try to put into coordinator know that you have completed the
your own words the paragraph you have just section.
read. Go back and underline or make notes Upon completion of a section, ask your
of important points. This will help you to supervisor any questions you might have before
review the content of the unit later. taking the in-class section test. Successful
•    Review the unit . At the end of each unit, take completion of the test enables you to move on to
a few minutes to look over your notes. the next section.
completion of allRemember that successful
in-class section tests and the
•  Take the unit quiz . Try not to refer to the comprehensive course final examination enables
text when you are filling in the blanks in the you to be enrolled in the appropriate next level
unit quiz. Write your answers in your school.

1•4 Cementing 1

The Purpose of Cement in an Oil Well

The Purpose of Cement in an Oil Well

When an oil well is drilled, steel pipe (casing) is •  Cement seals off formations to prevent
 put into the ground to protect the well by fluids from one formation migrating up or
keeping any formation debris from falling into down the hole and polluting the fluids in
it, or even collapsing. The casing also provides a another formation (also know as zonal
smooth, solid surface for further work in the isolation). For example, cement can protect
well. A guide shoe (a rounded, steel cover) is a freshwater formation (that perhaps a
 place in the end of the casing being
being placed in the nearby town is using as its drinking water
hole to protect and guide the casing. supply) from saltwater contamination.
The space that remains between the casing and •  Cement helps prevent blowouts by setting
the formation (the annulus) is then filled with rapidly
cement by pumping the cement slurry through
the casing and back up the annulus. A plug is •  Cement protects the casing from the
used behind the cement to push the cement up corrosive effects that formation fluids (as
the annulus. A displacement fluid (such as salt water) may have on it.
water) is pumped behind the plug to push it. •  Cement protects casing from shock loads

Oilwell cementing occurs throughout the world when drilling deep

and has become increasingly more complex. The •  Cement seals off formation areas that might
 basic functions of primary
primary cementing, however, allow fluids to leak off (lost circulation or
have remained the same: thief zones)
•   Cement supports the casing, so the cement •  Cement protects the environment by
should completely surround the casing; this controlling the flow of fluids
is where centralizers on the casing help. If
the casing is centered in the hole, a cement •  Cement can be used to plug an old well
sheath should completely envelop the (abandonment) or to plug a depleted zone
casing. Cementing can be classified as primary or
secondary. Primary cementing
cementing is done
immediately after the casing is run into the well.
Secondary cementing is performed after the
 primary job usually as part of
of a repair or
remedial cementing job.

Figure 1.1- Diagram of cement being placed

in well.

1•5 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

Halliburton and the Drilling of

o f an Oil Well

At the beginning, an oil company (called an •  adding a new joint of pipe as the hole
operating company or the operator, such as deepens
Shell, Texaco, or BP-Amoco) must locate areas •  tripping the drill string out of the hole to put
where there is a good potential for oil to be
found (an oil reserve). To do this, they examine on a new bit and running it back to bottom,
the geology and conduct other tests (such as or making a round trip
seismic) using Reservoir Engineers, Geologists, •  helping to run and cement casing, which is
Geophysicists, and Petrophysicists from their large-diameter steel pipe that is put into the
own staff or using a contractor such as hole at various, predetermined intervals.
Halliburton’s Reservoir Description
Description PSL. If the
 potential exists, the operator
operator must then acquire Often, special casing crews are hired to run the
the right to drill by buying or leasing the land. casing, and usually a cementing company is
called on to place cement around the casing to
The operator will then hire a drilling contractor   bond it in place in the hole.
hole. Still, the rig crew
to actually drill the well (such as Parker Drilling usually assists in casing and the cementing
or Santa Fe International). The operator may operation.
manage the whole drilling project or they may
hire a contractor to manage it, such as For drilling to be effective, a special fluid (called
Halliburton’s Integrated Solutions PSL. Before drilling mud) must be used to wash away the
drilling can begin, the operating company must cuttings and lubricate and cool the drill bit. The
determine the following: industry’s top provider of drilling fluids is
Halliburton’s BAROID PSL. Also, Halliburton’s
•   How deep is the reservoir (the depth of an Security DBS PSL is one of the top providers of
oil or gas well can range from a few hundred drilling bits. And if the well is to be drilled at an
to more than 20,000 feet)? angle other than straight down (called a
deviated well), a subcontractor with the
•   What kind of pressures will be encountered?
specialized equipment and knowledge may be
•   What is the cost?  brought in, such as Halliburton’s
Halliburton’s Sperry-Sun
Drilling Services.
•   How will the reservoir be controlled?
•   Will this well be profitable?
The operator must also hire a service and supply Running Drill Pipe
company (such as Halliburton) to provide
The drill bit is made up (connected) on the end
drilling mud and bits, casing and casing
of the first drill collar (heavy wall pipe).
attachments, cementing, and measuring and
Enough collars and drill pipe are made up and
testing services.
lowered in (called tripping in) until the bit is
almost to bottom. Then, the kelly is attached. (a
Drilling Operations kelly is a four- or six-sided piece of pipe that fits
into the kelly bushing, which fits into the master
 bushing in the rotary
rotary table. The rotary table is
Simply stated, the drilling rig crew’s normal
the part of the derrick floor that spins the drill
drilling operations are
 pipe. The system is like a wrench
wrench turning a bolt.)
•   keeping a sharp bit on bottom, drilling as The drillstring then starts to rotate and weight is
efficiently as possible applied to drill the hole.

1•6 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

surface casing, which is large in diameter and,

like all casing, is nothing more than steel pipe
and comes in 30- or 40-ft lengths. Running
casing into the hole is very similar to running
drill pipe, except that the casing diameter is
much larger and thus requires special elevators,
tongs, and slips to fit it. For example, in a 17 ½-

in. hole, 13 3/8-in. casing might be used.

Figure 1.2- Drill bit.

Figure 1.4- Casing.

Also, devices called centralizers and scratchers 

are often installed on the outside of the casing
 before it is lowered into the
the hole. Centralizers
are attached to the casing and, since they have a
 bowed-spring arrangement,
arrangement, keep the casing
centered in the hole after it's lowered in.
Centralized casing can make for a better cement
 job later. Scratchers also help make
make better
Figure 1.3- Kelly, kelly bushing, and rotary cement jobs by removing the wall cake formed
table.  by the drilling mud as the
the casing is moved up
and down or rotated (depending on scratcher
When near the end of the pipe, rotation is Other casing accessories include a guide shoe, a
stopped and another section of pipe is attached. heavy steel and concrete piece attached to the
This continues until the desired depth is reached  bottom most joint of casing
casing that helps guide the
or the drill bit must be replaced. Then the drill casing past small ledges or debris in the hole;
 pipe is picked up a disassembled
disassembled (called and a float collar, a device with a valve installed
tripping out), the new bit is attached, and the in the casing string two or three joints from
string is tripped back into the hole.  bottom. A float collar is designed
designed to serve as a
receptacle for cement plugs and to keep drilling
mud in the hole from entering the casing. Just as
Running Surface Casing a ship floats in water, casing floats in a hole full
of mud (if mud is kept out of the casing). This
At predetermine times, the drilling pipe is  buoyant effect helps relieve some
some of the weight
removed and the casing crew moves in to do its carried on the mast or derrick as the long string
work. The first string of casing they run is called of heavy casing hangs suspended in the hole.

1•7 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well


After the casing string is run, the next task is for

Halliburton to cement the casing in place. As
when casing is run, the rig crew is available to
Halliburton stocks various types of cement and
has special transport equipment to handle this
material in bulk. Bulk cement storage and
handling equipment is moved out to the rig,
making it possible to mix large quantities of
cement at the site. The cementing crew mixes
the dry cement with water, using a recirculating
mixer. The dry cement is gradually added to the
tub, and a jet of water thoroughly mixes with the
cement to make a slurry (very thin, watery

Figure 1.6- Recirculating Cement Mixer


Special pumps pick up the cement slurry and

send it up to a valve called a cementing head

Figure 1.5- Scratcher.and centralizer. (also called

top most a plug
joint that is) mounted
of casing onthe
hanging in the
mast or derrick a little above the rig floor. Just
 before the cement slurry arrives, a rubber
rubber plug 
(called the bottom plug) is released from the
cementing head and precedes the slurry down
the inside of the casing. The bottom plug stops
or “seats” in the float collar, but continued
 pressure from the cement pumps opens opens a
 passageway through the bottom
bottom plug (by
rupturing a diaphram). Thus, the cement slurry
 passes through the bottom
bottom plug and continues o on
down the casing. The slurry then flows out
through the opening in the guide shoe and starts
up the annular space between the outside of the

1•8 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

casing and wall of the hole. Pumping continues drilling is resumed with a smaller bit that fits
and the cement slurry fills the annular space. inside the surface casing.
A top plug, which is similar to the bottom plug
except that it is solid, is released as the last of
the cement slurry enters the casing. The top plug
follows the remaining slurry down the casing as
displacement fluid (usually water or drilling
mud) is pumped in behind the top plug.
Meanwhile, most of the cement slurry flows out
of the casing and into the annular space. By the
time the top plug seats on or “bumps” the
 bottom plug in the
the float collar, which signals the
cementing pump operator to shut down the
 pumps, the cement is only in thethe casing below
the float collar and in the annular space. Most of
the casing is full of displacement fluid.

Figure 1.8- Top and bottom plugs for


Figure 1.7- Plug container.

After the cement is run, a waiting time is allotted

to allow the slurry to harden. This period of time
is referred to as waiting on cement (WOC).
After the cement hardens, tests may be run to
ensure a good cement job.
After the WOC and tests indicate that the job is
good, the rig crew attaches or nipples up the Figure 1.9- Blowout preventer (BOP).
 blowout preventer
preventer (BOP) stack to the top of the
casing. The BOP stack is pressure-tested, and

1•9 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

Tripping In
Drilling To Final Depth
To resume drilling, a smaller bit is selected,
 because it must pass down inside
inside the surface
Whether intermediate casing is set or not, the
casing. To drill the surface hole, the example rig
final part of the hole is what the operating
crew used a 17-1/2 inch bit, whereas a 12-1/4
company hopes will be the production hole. To
inch bit will now be used. In this case, the inside
drill it, the crew makes up a still smaller bit,
diameter of the surface casing is less than 13-3/8 such as 7 7/8-in. for our example. This bit is
inches, so in order to get adequate clearance, a
tripped in, drills out the intermediate casing
12-1/4 inch bit is used. As before, the bit is
shoe, and heads toward what everyone hopes is
made up on the drill collars followed by drill
 pay dirt, which is a formation capable
capable of
 producing enough oil oil and gas to make it
economically feasible for the operating company
to complete the well.
Running and Cementing
Intermediate Casing Once again several bits will be dulled and
several round trips will be made, but before long
the formation of interest (the pay zone, the oil
At this point, particularly in deep wells, another
sand, or the formation that is supposed to
smaller-inch-diameter string of casing may be
contain hydrocarbons) is penetrated by the hole.
set and cemented in the hole, such as using a 12
It is now time for a big decision. The question is,
is the bit and 8 5/8-in.
intermediate casing.
string. This
It runs allcasing string
the way “Does this well contain enough oil or gas to
make it worthwhile to run the final production
from the surface, down through the surface
string of casing and complete the well?”
string, and to the bottom of the intermediate
hole. Sometimes intermediate string is needed in
deeper holes because almost invariably so-called Completing the Well
troublesome formations are encountered in the
After the operating company carefully considers
Troublesome formations are those that may all the data obtained from the various tests it has
contain formation fluids under high pressure ordered to be run on the formation or formations
and, if not sealed off by casing and cement, of interest (such as the tests performed by
could blow out, making it difficult if not Halliburton’s Logging & Perforating PSL or
impossible to eventually produce oil or gas from Sperry-Sun Drilling Services), a decision is
the well. Or perhaps there is a sloughing shale, a made on whether to set production casing and
formation composed of rock called shale that complete the well or to plug and abandon it. If
swells up when contacted by the drilling mud the decision is to abandon it, the hole is
and falls or sloughs off into the hole. Many considered to be dry, that is, not capable of
types of troublesome formations can be  producing oil or gas in commercial
commercial quantities. In
overcome while they are being drilled but are other words, some oil or gas may be present but
 better cased off and cemented when the final
final not in amounts great enough to justify the
 portion of the hole is drilled.
drilled. expense of completing the well.
Therefore, several cement plugs will be set in
the well to seal it off more or less permanently.
However, sometimes wells that were plugged
and abandoned as dry at one time in the past
may be reopened and produced if the price of oil
or gas has become more favorable. The cost of
 plugging and abandoning
abandoning a well may only be a
few thousand dollars. Contrast that cost with the

1 • 10 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

 price of setting a production

production string of casing
--$50,000 or more. Therefore, the operator’s
decision is not always easy. Conductor 




Casing Shoe

Figure 1.11- Schematic of casing and
Figure 1.10- Cement used to plug a well. cement in well.

Setting Production Casing Perforating

If the operating company decides to set casing, Because the pay zone is sealed off by the
casing will be brought to the well and for one  production string
string and cement, perforations must
final time, the casing and cement crew run and  be made in order for the oil or gas to flow
flow into
cement a string of casing. Typically, the the wellbore. Perforations are simply holes that
 production casing is set and
and cemented through are made through the casing and cement and
the pay zone; that is, hole is drilled to a depth extend some distance into the formation. The
 beyond the producing
producing formation, and the casing most common method of perforating
(5 ½-in. for our example) is set to a point near incorporates shaped-charge explosives (similar
the bottom of the hole. As a result, the casing to those used in armor-piercing shells).
and cement actually seal off the producing
zone--but only temporarily. After the production
string is cemented, the drilling contractor has
almost finished his job except for a few final

Figure 1.12- Perforating gun: (A) gun in

hole, (B) gun firing, and (C) oil flowing
through perforations.

1 • 11 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

Shaped charges accomplish penetration by Sand Control

creating a jet of high-pressure, high-velocity
high-velocity gas
(the leading supplier is Halliburton’s Jet At times, when the producing zone may produce
Research Center). The charges are arranged in a sand as well as the oil or gas, a screen may be
tool called a gun that is lowered into the well attached to the end of the production tubing to
opposite the producing zone. The gun can be help keep out the sand. Often, when a screen is
lowered on wireline or tubing. When the gun is used, gravel is also placed in the hole around the
in position, the charges are fired by electronic tube, which is known as a gravel pack .
means from the surface. After the perforations
are made, the tool is retrieved. Perforating is Sand can present a major obstacle to well
usually performed by a service company that  production. The petroleum
petroleum industry spends
specializes in this technique, such as millions of dollars each year to prevent and
Halliburton’s Logging & Perforating PSL or repair sand control problems including
Tools, Testing, and Tubing-Conveyed •  reduced production rates
Perforating (TT&TCP) PSL.
•  sand bridging in tubing and casing
•  erosion of downhole and surface equipment
Installing the Completion
System •  disposal and removal of sand
•  casing damage from compressive loading
Even though the oil or gas can flow into the caused by subsidence
casing after it is perforated, usually, the well is
Halliburton’s Production Enhancement PSL
not produced through the casing. Instead,
 provides specialized surface
surface and downhole
smaller diameter pipe called production tubing 
equipment including gravel pack packers and
is placed in the well to serve as a way for the oil
screens to inhibit the movement of formation
or gas to flow to the surface. The tubing is run
sand into the wellbore, surface pumping
into the well with a packer. The packer goes on
equipment, and filtration systems.
the outside of the tubing and is placed at a depth
 just above the producing
producing zone. When the packer
is expanded, it grips the wall of the production
casing and forms a seal in the annular space
 between the outside of the tubing
tubing and the inside
of the casing. Thus, as the produced fluids flow
out of the formation through the perforations,
they are forced to enter the tubing to get to the
Additional devices are placed in the well or in
the production tubing string to control and
monitor the fluid flow, such as subsurface safety
valves and flow control equipment, surface
safety systems, packers and specialty completion
equipment, production automation, and well
screens. All these products can be supplied by
Halliburton’s Completion Products and Services

Figure 1.13- Production tubing with screen

and gravel pack in place.

1 • 12 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

Installing the Christmas Tree usually performed by an acidizing service

company (such as Halliburton’s Production
Enhancement PSL) and may be done before the
When casing is set, cemented, and perforated
rig is moved off the well; or it can also be done
and when the tubing string is run, then a
after the rig is moved away. In any case, the
collection of valves called a Christmas tree is
acidizing operation basically consists of
installed on the surface at the top of the casing.
 pumping anywhere from fifty to to thousands of
The tubing in the well is suspended from the
Christmas tree, so as the well's production flows gallonsthe
down oftubing,
acid down thethe
enters well. The acid travels
perforations, and
up the tubing, it enters the Christmas tree. As a
contacts the formation. Continued pumping
result, the production from the well can be
forces the acid into the formation where it etches
controlled by opening or closing valves on the
channels-channels that provide a way for the
Christmas tree.
formation's oil or gas to enter the well through
Usually, after the Christmas tree is installed, the the perforations.
well can truly be said to be complete.


When sandstone rocks contain oil or gas in

commercial quantities but the permeability is too
low to permit good recovery (or the formation
has been damaged), a process called fracturing 
may be used to increase permeability to a
 practical level. Basically, to fracture a formation,
a fracturing service company (such as
Halliburton’s Production Enhancement PSL)
 pumps a specially blended
blended fluid down the well
and into the formation under great pressure.
Pumping continues until the formation literally
cracks open.
Meanwhile, sand or man-made granules, called
proppants, are mixed into the fracturing fluid.
The proppant enters the fractures in the
formation, and, when pumping is stopped and
the pressure allowed to dissipate, the proppant
remains in the fractures. Since the fractures try
Figure 1.14- Christmas tree.
to close back together after the pressure on the
well is released, the proppant is needed to hold
or prop the fractures open. These propped-open
fractures provide passages for oil or gas to flow
 Acidizing into the well.

Sometimes, however, petroleum exists in a

formation but is unable to flow readily into the
well because the formation has very low
permeability (space in which fluids can flow).
If the formation is composed of rocks that
dissolve upon being contacted by acid, such as
limestone or dolomite, then a technique known
as acidizing may be required. Acidizing is

1 • 13 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

Figure 1.15- Sand, which can be used as a


1 • 14 Cementing 1

Halliburton and the Drilling of an Oil Well

Figure 1.16- Schematic of cement job showing various cementing equipment and casing

1 • 15 Cementing 1

Historical Background of Cementing

Historical Background of Cementing

The US petroleum industry traditionally dates its

 beginning with the
the drilling of the Drake well
well in
1859, yet it was not until 1903 that a cement
slurry was used to shut off downhole water just
above an oil sand in the Lompoc field in
Frank F. Hill from the Union Oil Co. used a
 bailer to mix and dump a slurry
slurry of 50 sacks of
neat Portland cement. After 28 days, crews
drilled cement from the hole and completed the
well by drilling through the oil sand; they had
effectively isolated the water zone. This became
an accepted practice, and quickly spread to other
California fields. Figure 1.17- Hewitt Field, Carter County,
Early dump bailer and tubing techniques were
soon replaced with a two-plug cementing
method that A.A. Perkins introduced into the
California fields in 1919. The first plugs, or High temperatures and pressures caused
spacers, were cast iron and contained belting cementing problems. Cements used at 2,000 ft
disks. These disks acted as wipers for mud on (610 m) were not practical at greater depths
the casing. When steam displaced cement from  because they tended to set prematurely.
the pipe, the plug stopped, causing a pressure Field placement was a matter of trial and error
increase that shut off the steam pump.  because laboratory testing equipment was still
The patent Perkins received specified the use of undeveloped. To retard the cement from setting
two plugs. The courts later ruled that the patent too quickly at higher temperatures, tons of ice
included any barrier that prevents cement from were sometimes put in the drilling mud to cool
mixing with contaminant, whether the barrier is the hole.
used ahead of or behind the cement. A more reliable approach was to mix and pump
Perkins’ services were not available outside the cement
spent as on
waiting quickly as to
cement possible.
set wasThe time
California, so elsewhere the cementing process
had different beginnings. In Oklahoma, Erle P. unproductive. When cementing failures
Halliburton introduced cementing in 1920 in the occurred, short waiting-on-cement (WOC) time
Hewitt Field, Carter County. (Figs. 1.17 and or bad cement was reported as the cause.
1.18) As technology advanced from 1910 to Cement accelerators were sold under a variety of
1920, wells were considered deep at 2,000 to trade names, but most of them were calcium
3,000 ft (610 to 915 m). In the late 1920s, there chloride solutions. WOC times were reduced as
were several fields developed below 6,000 ft cement composition, testing procedures, and
(1,829 m). chemical acceleration became better understood.
In 1946, Farris published a paper concerning the
influences of time and pressure on cement
 bonding properties.
properties. As field experience
confirmed the validity of those findings, the

1 • 16 Cementing 1
1 16 Cementing 1

Halliburton Energy Services Vision and Mission

regulatory bodies reduced WOC times from 72 250 sk of Portland cement and water into the
to 24 hours. casing. This was the first blowout cementing
 job. After a 10-day wait, the cement was drilled
To evaluate the success of early cementing,
out, and the well was produced without
crews conducted water shutoff tests. If no water
excessive water or gas production. Within
was found on the test, the cement job was
months, crews had cemented 61 wells using this
successful. Studies of those early jobs showed
that cement had to reach a certain strength or
hardness before a job could be successful. Cores
taken from a large number of deep wells showed
that many cement failures were the result of mud
contamination. To improve the quality of
cement, cementers focused their attention on
conditioning the mud, circulating the hole before
cementing, and placing a water spacer between
the mud and the cement.
In 1920, a blowout on Skelly’s No. 1 Dillard
(Figure 1.12) occurred while operators were
running casing into the oil sand. Efforts to
control it had failed until Halliburton, using Figure 1.18- Blowout at Skelly’s No. 1
crude mixing and cementing equipment, pumped Dillard.

Halliburton Energy Services Vision and Mission

HES 2003 Vision Statement

The Halliburton Energy Services 2003 Vision is to be the undisputed leader in Real Time
Reservoir Solutions.
The fundamental principles to achieving our vision involve:

  Providing superior value to shareholders and customers
•   Creating a company-wide environment for developing, motivating, and rewarding our people
•   Being the undisputed leader in innovative technology, integrated solutions and health, safety
and the environment.
•   Being No. 1 or 2 in core discrete businesses
•   Leveraging Halliburton Company's total capability 
1 17 Cementing 1

General Safety and Work Guidelines

HES Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement defines our purpose and our beliefs in how we want to achieve our vision by
 providing "markers or guideposts"
guideposts" to our beliefs as a company.

Halliburton Energy Services (HES), a business unit of Halliburton Company, is a global

provider of products, services, and solutions to the energy industry. To be successful,
HES must focus on the needs of our customers. We are to continually find creative
solutions that maximize the economic recovery of the oil and gas reservoir.
The means by which we will enable our customers to be successful is by aligning with
their goal of reducing the cost of oil and gas produced, through providing reliable, cost-
effective solutions, delivered by expert personnel with the following values and
•  Perform at the highest levels of service quality that exceed our customers’
•  Believe that all accidents are preventable and strive for an incident-free workplace

  Recognize that we are responsible for protecting the environment and consistently
meeting those responsibilities
•  Continually apply new technology that benefits our customers and distinguishes
Halliburton Energy Services from our competitors as a leader in fit for purpose
•  Support a culture of real-time decision-making and speed to ensure responsiveness
to our customers’ needs
•  Maintain integrity in all of our actions — always honor our commitments
•  Be flexible and innovative in our business models and recognized as the leading
company with whom it is easy to do business
By virtue of our mission and values, Halliburton Energy Services expects to be the most

meetingprovider of solutions
our customers’ to our
needs andcustomers. And practices,
good business because we weare successful
expect in
to deliver
superior financial performance to our shareholders.
We can only accomplish this with the efforts and participation of our employees;
therefore, we must commit to invest in our people to promote a climate of enthusiasm,
teamwork, and challenge which attracts, motivates and retains superior personnel and
rewards performance.

1 • 18 Cementing 1

General Safety and Work Guidelines

General Safety and Work Guidelines

Everyone at times is hesitant to admit that he can be hazardous if the way is littered with loose
does not know all there is to know about the job,  boards, scraps of oil field equipment,
equipment, nails and
operation, or machine to which he or she is scrap iron, or mud-filled holes.
assigned. Consequently, the supervisor in charge Always use safety hats and safety shoes on the
of the job, who is responsible for the safety of  job. When assembling hammer-up
hammer-up type unions
the crew, may assume that the worker fully wear safety shields or goggles for the operation.
understands the safety rules. So he leaves them
alone. Carefully observe the following precautionary
As a result of this assumption, sooner or later
someone is injured, equipment is ruined, or a 1.    No smoking is allowed
1. allowed on or near the well
well is damaged. Every supervisor prefers that site.
workers ask questions about the job--it shows 2.    Never wash tools and equipment
2. equipment in
interest and a desire to learn and progress. flammable mixtures in areas without proper
Remember, no one knows everything, even ventilation.
about his or her work. It is no admission of
3.   Keep all hammers, chisels, punches, etc.
dumbness or lack
not sure I know of experience
how to admit
y ou want this
you done.”“I’m  properly dressed to eliminate
eliminate the possibility
of steel particles becoming dislodged. Cold
Safety begins for the job even before you leave chisels and hammers have destroyed the
home. A worker who gets plenty of proper rest sight of countless numbers of eyes.
and nourishment is provided the alertness that is
necessary to be a safe worker. 4.   Make certain of proper footing when
climbing around the equipment. Do not
Get up in plenty of time to thoroughly awaken grasp anything for support that is not
and clean up before driving to the job. Take  properly secured.
enough clothing to comfortably complete the
 pending job. If it is to be
be a long job, be certain 5.   Your supervisor is responsible for the safety
you have plenty of spare clothes. of the crew. Follow his or her instructions
and always seek advice if you do not
On the way to the location is a good time to understand the procedure at hand.
 become oriented with the coming
coming operation. Ask
questions concerning what is expected of you 6.
6.   Before every job, you must have a tailgate
and the crew on the job. On the way back home safety meeting on location to discuss the job
it is a good idea to talk the job over. It may and potential safety hazards while on
reveal mistakes that could have been prevented. location.
It may recall to your mind an unsafe condition, 7.   Think the project through before proceeding
which can be avoided under similar conditions with any operation around the well site.
in the future. And it will aid in keeping the
driver from becoming drowsy and sleepy 8.   The most dangerous part of your job is on
through the boredom of a long drive. If the the roads to and from the field. Ask your
driver does appear to be getting drowsy, it’s time Supervisor for special instructions
for another coffee break. concerning your driving duties.

After arriving at the location and changing to 9.   All safety equipment should be carried in its
work clothes, clear the way to the equipment  proper place on the vehicle. This
This equipment
should be checked periodically. It is the duty
a newThis preparation
location. is especially
Transporting heavyimportant

1 • 19 Cementing 1

Cementing Job Descriptions

of the operator to know the location of the •  If you are not sure, ask the advice of your
equipment and its proper operation. supervisor.
In short: •  Study the rules and regulations in the HES
Safety Policy Manual
•   Be sure you know how to do the job.
•   Be sure you know the hazards of the job and
how to protect yourself.

Cementing Job Descriptions

Operator Assistant- Assists in rigging up and Service Supervisor- Coordinates and oversees

down of Cementing service line equipment. the Cementing service line work at the well site
Assists in assembly and preparation of handling the more complex, hazardous, and/or
equipment for installation and service. Assists in high profile jobs providing quality service to the
the running of a job and in the clean up, repair, customer. Provides the planning necessary for
and preparation for the next job. Promotes and the job including instructions to the crew and
takes an active part in the Quality Improvement equipment used, including dispute resolutions to
Process. Ensures compliance with HSE approved levels. Promotes and takes an active
regulations and guidelines. Promotes safety  part in the Quality Improvement
Improvement Process.
awareness and environmental consciousness, Ensures compliance with HSE regulations and
and complies with all applicable safety and guidelines. Promotes safety awareness and
environmental procedures and regulations. environmental consciousness, and complies with
Works under direct supervision with no all applicable safety and environmental
experience required. This is the entry-level  procedures and regulations.
regulations. Ensures customer
 position into the
the service operator job family. satisfaction with work performed. Coordinates
and directs the activities of service operators
Service Operator- Rigs Cementing service line
during the rigging up and rigging down on a
equipment under direct supervision to provide
location of service line equipment and the
quality service to the customer. Performs, with
assembly and preparation of equipment for
limited supervision from the Service Supervisor,
installation, running, and service of a job.
in the rigging up and rigging down on a location
Coordinates the clean up, repair, and preparation
of service line equipment and in the clean up,
of equipment for the next job. Plans and
repair, and preparation of equipment for the next
 job. Assembles and prepares,
prepares, as directed,  performs necessary calculations for the total job
at the well site as needed. Evaluates individual
equipment for installation and service. Promotes
 performance levels of the crew and trains
and takes an active part in the Quality
operators to improve their job performance.
Improvement Process. Ensures compliance with
Requires a high school diploma, GED, or
HSE regulations and guidelines. Promotes safety
equivalent experience and a valid Commercial
awareness and environmental consciousness,
Driver's License as required. Has exceptional
and complies with all applicable safety and
skills within the service line and a general
environmental procedures and regulations.
understanding of other service functions.
Drives a truck or other assigned equipment as
required. Requires a high school diploma, GED, Service Leader- In addition to responsibilities
or equivalent experience. May require a valid as a Service Supervisor, is also the PSL Mobile
Commercial Driver's License. Must have Business Unit Leader. Responsible for
successfully passed company tests or met task development and leadership of the Cementing

guideline requirements. PSL profit

Leader's center within
emphasis the NWA.development,
is on personnel The MBU
1 • 20 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

operational excellence and customer satisfaction  performance measures and documents results
for the long term growth and profitability of the and best practices. (This classification is
 NWA. Manages processes to ensure
ensure job site available only for North America MBU
execution as designed. Follows up job site  participants).
 performance with customer. Maintains
Maintains MBU

Oilfield Terms,
Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

Sometimes, it may seem that those working in measured by a system recommended by the
the oilfield are speaking a whole different American Petroleum Institute. It is related to
language. The oil industry and Halliburton have specific gravity by the following formula:
come up with many terms, slang, and acronyms  Deg API = 141.5_- 131.5
that you need to know.  sp gr 60°F/60°F  
Common Oilfield Terms viscosity-building
viscosity-building clay used principally in salt-
water muds. Attapulgite, a special fullers earth,
is a hydrous magnesium aluminum silicate.
ABANDON- To cease efforts to produce oil or
gas from a well, and to plug a depleted BACK-OFF- To unscrew.
formation and salvage all material and
 Natural barium sulfate used for for increasing the
ADDITIVE- A material other than cement and density of drilling fluids. If required, it is usually
water which is added to a cement subsequent to upgraded to a specific gravity of 4.20. The barite
its manufacture to modify its properties. mineral occurs in white, grayish, greenish, and
reddish ores or crystalline masses.
AMBIENT- We use this term to describe
temperature. Strictly speaking, the term is BARREL- A volumetric unit of measure used in
defined as “completely surrounding.” Ambient the petroleum industry consisting of 42 gal.
temperature, then would be the temperature of
BED- A specific layer of earth or rock material
the air surrounding us. We stretch this definition
in contrast to other layers of earth or rock of
a little and refer to pumping fluids at ambient
different material lying above, below, or
temperature. We mean we don’t heat or cool the adjacent to the bed in reference.
fluid, but use it just like it is in the tank.
BENTONITE- A highly plastic, highly
colloidal clay, largely made up of the mineral,
surrounding pipe suspended in the well bore.
montmorillonit e, a hydrated aluminum silicate.
The outer wall of the annulus may be an open
For use in drilling fluids, bentonite has a yield in
hole or it may be larger pipe.
excess of 85 bbl/ton. The generic term
API- American Petroleum Institute. “bentonite” is neither an exact mineralogical
Headquarters of the API Division of Production name, nor is the clay of definite mineralogical
are at 300 Corrigan Tower Bldg., Dallas, Texas. composition.
system for oil well cements defined in API Std  block and tackle on a rig that
that raises and lowers
10A. the drill string.

API GRAVITY- The gravity (weight per unit BLOWOUT- An uncontrolled escape of drilling
volume) of crude oil or other related fluids as fluid, gas, oil, or water from the well caused by
1 • 21 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

the formation pressure being greater than the fluids to impart special properties, but primarily
hydrostatic head of the fluid in the hole. to increase the density of the fluid phase.
BLOWOUT PREVENTER - A device attached CALIPER LOGGING- An operation to
immediately above the casing, which can be determine the diameter of the well bore or the
closed and shut off the hole should a blowout internal diameter of casing, drill pipe, or tubing.
occur. In the case of the wellbore, caliper logging
indicates undue enlargement of the bore due to
BOLL WEEVIL- Any inexperienced worker or
“hand.” caving condition or other causes. In the case of
tubular goods, the caliper log reveals the internal
BOND- Adhering, binding, or joining of two corrosion.
materials; e.g., cement to casing.
CASING CEMENTING- The practice of
BONDING- The state of bond between cement filling the annulus between casing and hole with
and casing and/or formation. cement in order to prevent fluid migration
 between permeable zones and to support
support the
the bottom of a well.
CEMENT- A mixture of calcium aluminates
BREAKOUT- Refers to the act of unscrewing
and silicates made by combining lime and clay
one section of pipe from another section,
while heating. Sacked cement contains about
especially in the case of drill pipe while it is
62.5 percent calcium hydroxide, which is the
 being withdrawn from the well bore. During this
major source of trouble when cement
unscrewing theoperation.
breakout Also
are used to start the
to promotion contaminates mud. - (a) n.; A plastic material
which hardens and forms a firm connection
of a crew member to the position of driller or of
medium between two or more solids (b) v.t.;
a driller to become a tool pusher. For example,
The- act of placing cement.
“He broke out as driller at Conroe.”
CEMENT DENSITY- The specific gravity of
BRIDGING MATERIAL- Fibrous, flaky, or
an oil well cement as determined by a method
granular material added to a cement slurry or
similar to ASTM C 188: Specific Gravity of
drilling fluid to aid in sealing formations in
Hydraulic Cement. Most portland cements have
which lost circulation has occurred. See Lost
a specific gravity of about 3.15 when tested by
Circulation Material.
this method. Cement density should not be
BRINE- Water saturated with or containing a confused with slurry density.
high concentration of common salt (sodium
CEMENT SYSTEM- The combination of
chloride); hence, any strong saline solution
materials that make up an oil well cement slurry.
containing such other salts as calcium chloride,
zinc chloride, calcium nitrate, etc. CEMENTING- The operation by which cement
slurry is forced down through the casing and out
at the lower end in such a way that it fills the
completing a well and bringing it into actual
space between the casing and the side of the well
 production status.
 bore to a predetermined height above
above the bottom
BUCK UP- To tighten a threaded connection. of the well. This is for the purpose of securing
BY-PASS- Usually refers to a pipe connection the casing in place and excluding water and
around a valve or other control mechanism. A other fluids from the well bore.
 by-pass is installed in such cases to permit CEMENTING TIME- The total elapsed time
 passage of fluid through
through the line while for a cementing operation from the beginning of
adjustments or repairs are made on the control, mixing until the completion of displacement to
which is by-passed. final depth and complete circulation of any
excess slurry to the surface.
soluble calcium salt sometimes added to drilling

1 • 22 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

CENTIPOISE (CP)- A unit of viscosity equal the upflowing drilling fluid from the well bore to
to 0.01 poise. A poise equals 1 g per meter- the slush pit.
second, and a centipoise is 1 g centimeter-
CONNECTION- The joining of two lengths of
second. The viscosity of water at 20°C is 1.005
cp (1 cp = 0.000672 lb/ft-sec).
CONTAMINANTS- Materials, usually mud
CENTRALIZERS- Spring steel guides that are
components, which become mixed with the
attached to casing to keep it centered in the hole.
CHRISTMAS TREE- A term applied to the cement slurry
and which during
have the displacement
a deleterious effect on process,
valves and fittings assembled at the top of a well  properties.
to control the flow of the oil.
CROWN BLOCK- Sheaves and supporting
CIRCULATE- To cycle drilling fluid through  beams on top of derrick.
drill pipe and well bore while drilling operations
CURING- Aging of cement under specified
are temporarily suspended. This is done to
condition the drilling fluid and the well bore
 before hoisting the drill
drill pipe and to obtain - Atmospheric Pressure Curing - The aging of
cuttings from the bottom of the well before cement specimens for test purposes at normal
drilling proceeds. Circulation of the drilling fluid atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi at sea level), for a
while drilling is suspended is usually necessary designated period of time under certain given
to prevent drill pipe from becoming stuck. conditions of temperature and humidity. See API
RP 10B.
CLAY- A hydrated aluminum silicate. Clays are - Pressure Curing - The curing of cement
components of soils in varying percentages.
Some types swell with absorption of water. specimens for test purposes, in water at pressure
Various types are: kaolinite, smectite, illite, above atmospheric pressure. See API RP 10B.
chlorite and mixed-layer. A plastic, soft,
DENSITY- When used in relation to materials
variously colored earth, commonly a hydrous
such as solids, liquids, or gases, this means the
silicate of alumina, formed by the decomposition
weight of a unit volume of the material. Many
of feldspar and other aluminum silicates. See
types of units are used to measure density. The
also Attapulgite, Bentonite, High Yield, Low
chemist usually uses grams per cubic centimeter
Yield, and Natural Clays. Clay minerals are
(gm/cc). In the oil patch we may use pounds per
essentially insoluble in water but disperse under
cubic foot (lb/cu ft) for solids, pounds per gallon
hydration, shearing forces such as grinding,
(lb/gal) for liquids and pounds per cubic foot
velocity effects, etc., into the extremely small
(lb/cu ft) for gases.
 particles varying from submicron
submicron to 100-micron
sizes. DERRICKMAN- The crew member whose
work station is in the derrick while the drill pipe
COLLAR- A pipe coupling threaded on the
is being hoisted or lowered into the hole. He
attaches the elevators to the stands of drill pipe
COMING OUT OF HOLE- Withdrawing of while the pipe is being lowered into the hole and
the drill pipe from the well bore. This detaches the elevators while the pipe is being
withdrawal is necessary to change the bit, or hoisted. Other responsibilities frequently include
change from bit to core barrel, to prepare for a conditioning the drilling fluid and maintenance
drill stem test, and for other reasons. of the slush pumps. He is usually next in line of
authority under the driller.
CONDUCTOR PIPE- A short string of casing
of large diameter which is used in marshy DIATOMACEOUS EARTH- An infusorial
locations and under certain other conditions. Its earth composed of siliceous skeletons of diatoms
 principal function is to keep the top of the well and being very porous. Sometimes used for
 bore open and to provide means
means of conveying combating lost circulation and as an additive to

1 • 23 Cementing 1
1 23 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

cement; also has been added to special drilling rotary drilling rigs normally there are two
fluids for a particular purpose. floormen on each drilling crew.
DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE- The difference FLUID LOSS- The volume of fluid lost to a
in pressure between the hydrostatic head of the  permeable material due to the process of
drilling-fluid column and the formation pressure filtration. The API fluid loss is the volume of
at any given depth in the hole. It can be positive, fluid in a filtrate as determined according to the
zero, or negative with respect to the hydrostatic Fluid-Loss Test given in API RP 10B. See
head. Water Loss.
DISPLACEMENT RATE- The volumetric FLUID-LOSS ADDITIVE- An additive used
flow rate at which cement slurry is pumped to reduce the fluid loss of cement slurries.
down the hole. Material used to maintain adequate injected fluid
within the created fracture and to minimize
DOPE- Material used on threads of pipe or
damage by controlling fluid leak-off.
tubing to lubricate and prevent leakage.
DOUBLE- Two lengths or joints of pipe joined
 productivity of a well
well resulting from invasion
into the formation by mud particles or mud
DRILL STRING- The string of pipe that filtrates. Asphalt from crude oil will also
extends from the bit to the Kelly, carries the damage some formations. See Mudding Off.
mud down to the bit, and rotates the bit.
FRACTURING- Application of hydraulic
DRILLING FLUIDS- Any fluid, such as air or  pressure to the reservoir formation
formation to create
gas, water- or oil-base muds, circulated in a well fractures through which oil or gas may move to
during drilling operations. the well bore.
DRILLING MUD OR FLUID- A circulating GEL CEMENT- Cement having a small to
fluid used in rotary drilling to perform any or all moderate percentage of bentonite added as a
of various functions required in the drilling filler and/or to reduce the slurry weight. See
operation. Gunk Plug.
ELEVATORS- Latches that secure the drill GRAVITY, SPECIFIC- The weight of a
 pipe; attached to the traveling
traveling block which rais
es  particular volume of any substance
substance compared to
and lowers the pipe from the hole. the weight of an equal volume of water at a
reference temperature. For gases, air is usually
taken as the reference substance, although
coupling with the threads on the inside.
hydrogen is sometimes used.
FILLER MATERIAL- A material added to a HEADACHE- A warning cry given when
cement or cement slurry for the primary purpose
anything is dropped from overhead.
of increasing the yield of the slurry.
HYDROCARBON-  A compound consisting
FILTER CAKE- The suspended solids that are
only of molecules of hydrogen and carbon.
deposited on a porous medium during the
 process of filtration. See also Cake
Cake Thickness. KELLY OR KELLY JOINT- A heavy square
 pipe or other configuration
configuration that works through a
FITTINGS- The small pipes and valves that are
like hole in the rotary table and rotates the drill
used to make up a system of piping.
FLASH SET- Flash set is abnormal early
LATEX- Colloidal suspension or emulsion of
thickening or setting of cement slurry wherein
organic materials. Certain latexes are sometimes
the cement slurry becomes unpumpable.
used as cement additives.
FLOORMAN- A member of the drilling crew
LINER- Any string of casing whose top is
whose work station is about the derrick floor. On situated at any point below the surface.
1 24 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

LOG- A running account listing a series of measurement is the darcy or millidarcy (0.001
events in chronological order. The driller’s log is darcy).
a tour-to-tour account of progress made in
POTASSIUM- One of the alkali metal elements
drilling. Electric well log is a record of
with a valence of 1 and an atomic weight of
geological formations which is made by a well
about 39. Potassium compounds, most
logging device. This device operates on the
commonly potassium hydroxide (KOH) are
 principle of differential resistance
resistance of various
sometimes added to drilling fluids to impart
current. to the transmission of electric special properties, usually inhibition.
POZZOLAN- A siliceous or siliceous and
MAKE A HAND- To become a good worker.
aluminous material, which in itself posseses
MALE CONNECTION- A connection with the little or no cementitious value but will in finely-
threads on the outside. divided form and in the presence of moisture,
chemically react with calcium hydroxide at
NEAT CEMENT- A slurry composed of
ordinary temperature to form compounds
 portland cement and water.
 possessing cementitious
cementitious properties.
PRECIPITATE- Material that separates out of
well casing, tubing, or drill pipe.
solution or slurry as a solid. Precipitation
P recipitation of
OIL FIELDS- An area where oil is found. A solids in a drilling fluid may follow flocculation
loosely-defined term referring to an area in or coagulation, such as the dispersed red-bed
which one or more separate pools or reservoirs clays upon addition of a flocculation agent to the
may be found. fluid. An insoluble solid substance produced as a
result of a chemical reaction.
OLD HAND- A man who has been around the
oil field for a long time. PRIMARY CEMENTING- Primary casing
cementing is the original cementing operation
OPEN HOLE- The uncased part of the well.
 performed immediately after casing has been run
OPERATOR- The person, whether proprietor into the hole. See Casing Cementing.
or lessee, actually operating a mine or oil well or
PUMPING TIME- Synonymous with
cementing time except in those instances where
OPERATING PRESSURE- The pressure at a volume of cement slurry is premixed prior to
which a line or system is operating at any given displacement in a well. In this instance, the
time.  pumping time will be total
total cementing time
PACKER FLUID- Any fluid placed in the minus mixing time.

annulus Along
 packer. between theother
with tubing
funand casing
ctions, theabove a
PULLING CASING- Removing casing from a
hydrostatic pressure of the packer fluid is
RESERVOIR- Each separate, unconnected
utilized to reduce the pressure differentials
 body of producing formation.
 between the formation and thethe inside of the
casing and across the packer itself. RETARDER- A chemical which is added to
cements to increase their thickening time. A
chemical or physical modification that slows the
formation drilled into that contains oil and/or gas
reaction of an acid on the formation so as to
in commercial quantities.
achieve deeper penetration.
PERMEABILITY- The property of a solid
RIGGING UP- Before the work of drilling can
medium which allows a fluid to flow through its
 be started, but after the derrick has been built,
interconnected pore network. A procedure for
tools and machinery must be installed and a
determining the permeability of hardened
supply of fuel and water must be established.
cement is given in API RP 10B. Unit of This operation, which in substance is that of
1 25 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

getting the rig ready, is conveniently described SLOUGHING-  The partial or complete collapse
 by the driller’s term “rigging up.” of the walls of a hole resulting from
incompetent, unconsolidated formations, high
RISER- A pipe through which liquid travels
angle or repose, and wetting along internal
 bedding planes.
ROUGHNECK-  A driller’s helper and general
SLURRY- Suspension of cement in water, oil,
all-around worker on a drilling rig.
or mixture of both.
ROUSTABOUT- A laborer who assists the
SLURRY VOLUME- The sum of the absolute
foreman in the general work about producing oil
volumes of solids and liquids that constitute a
wells and around the property of the oil
company. The roustabout is a semi-skilled
laborer in that he requires considerable training SLURRY DENSITY- The density of a cement
to fit him for his work. slurry expressed in either pounds per gallon or
 pounds per cubic foot. Light-weight
Light-weight and heavy-
SACK- Sack is a weight measure. Cement,
weight slurries are prepared by adding suitable
 bentonite, and barite are marketed in
in sacks
additives to modify slurry density.
containing amounts as follows:
SLURRY WEIGHT- See Slurry Density.
- Cement- 94 pounds
SLURRY YIELD- (a) Volume of slurry when
- Bentonite- 100 pounds
one sack of cement (94 pounds) is mixed with
- Barite- 100 pounds desired amount of water containing any other
SALT- In mud terminology, the term salt is additive such as accelerators, fluid-loss control
agents, etc. (b) Slurry volume as previously
applied to sodium chloride, NaCl. Chemically,
defined by the total number of sacks of cement
the term salt is also applied to any one of a class
(94 pounds per sack).
of similar compounds formed when the acid
hydrogen of an acid is partly or wholly replaced SODIUM CHLORIDE- NaCl. Commonly
 by a metal or a metallic radical. Salts are formed known as salt. Salt may be present in the mud as
 by the action of acids on metals,
metals, or oxides and a contaminant or may be added for any of
hydroxides, directly with ammonia, and in other several reasons. See Salt.
SPECIFIC GRAVITY- The weight of any
SAND- A loose granular material resulting from volume of a material divided by the weight of
the disintegration of rocks, most often silica. the same volume of a material taken as a
standard. For solids or liquids, the standard is
SCRATCHER- A device fastened to casing
water. For gases, the standard is air. It may also
which removes
condition the mud cake
it for cementing. from
It is the hole
fashioned oftostiff  be defined as the ratio of the density
density of a
substance to the density of water or air. We deal
mostly with liquids and solids. The density of
SET CASING- To install steel pipe or casing in water is 1 gm/cc or 8.33 lb/gal. To go from
a well bore. An accompanying operation is the density to specific gravity, and vice versa, is a
cementing of the casing in place by surrounding simple matter. For example, given a 10 lb/gal
it with a wall of cement extending for all or part  brine, calculate its specific
specific gravity:
of the depth of the well.
Specific Gravity
Gravity = 10 lb/gal
lb/gal ÷  8.33 lb/gal = 1.2
SHALE- Fine-grained clay rock with slate-like
cleavage, sometimes containing an organic oil- SQUEEZE- A procedure whereby slurries of
yielding substance. cement, mud, gunk plug, etc. are forced into the
formation by pumping into the hole while
SHUT IN- To close valves on a well so that it maintaining a back pressure, usually by closing
stops producing; said of a well on which the the rams.
valves are closed.
1 26 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

SQUEEZE CEMENTING- The process of TUBING JOB- The pulling and running of

forcing cementing material under pressure into a tubing.
specific portion of a well, such as fractures,
VISCOSITY- The internal resistance offered by
openings, or permeable zones.
a fluid to flow. This phenomenon is attributable
- High Pressure Squeeze Cementing - The to the attractions between molecules of a liquid,
forcing of cement slurry into the points to be and is a measure of the combined effects of
squeezed with a final pressure equal to or greater adhesion and cohesion to the effects of
than the formation breakdown pressure. suspended particles, and to the liquid
environment. The greater this resistance, the
-Low Pressure Squeeze Cementing - The forcing
greater the viscosity. See Apparent and Plastic
of cement slurry into the points to be squeezed
with a pressure not exceeding the formation
 breakdown pressure. WAITING ON CEMENT- After the casing has
 been cemented, it is necessary to suspend
STAND OF PIPE- Two or three or sometimes
operations and allow time for the cement to set
four joints of pipe fastened together, called a
or harden in the well bore. The time during
double, thribble, or fourble, respectively.
which operations are suspended is designated as
SURFACE PIPE- The first string of casing to waiting on cement.
 be set in a well. The length will
will vary in different
WALL CAKE- The solid material deposited
areas from a few hundred feet to three or four
along the wall of the hole resulting from
thousand feet. Some states require a minimum
filtration of the fluid part of the mud into the
length to protect fresh-water sands. On some formation.
wells it is necessary to set a temporary
conductor pipe which should not be confused WATER-CEMENT RATIO- The ratio by
with surface pipe as described here. weight of water to cement in a cement slurry.
TEARING DOWN- The act of dismantling a WATER LOSS- See Fluid Loss. The volume of
rig at the completion of a well and preparing it water lost to the permeable material due to the
for moving to the next location.  process of filtration. The
The API water loss is the
volume of filtrate determined according to the
TENSILE STRENGTH- A measure of force
Fluid-Loss Test given in API RP 10B.
 per unit cross sectional area required
required to pull a
specimen apart. WATER LOSS CONTROL- To regulate the
water loss of a cement slurry by the use of
THICKENING-TIME- The time required for a
cement slurry of a given composition to reach a
consistency of 70 Bc under given wellbore WATER OF HYDRATION- The water
conditions. Determined by methods outlined in chemically combined with the solid to form a
API RP 10B. crystalline compound. In cement slurries, the
water necessary to hydrate the cement, forming
TOOL JOINT- A drill-pipe coupler consisting
cementitious materials.
of a pin and box of various designs and sizes.
The internal design of tool joints has an WATER-SOLIDS RATIO- The ratio by
important effect on mud hydrology. weight of water to the total solids in a cement
TOOL PUSHER- A foreman in charge of one
or more drilling rigs. Supervisor of drilling WEIGHT- In mud terminology, this refers to
operations. the density of a drilling fluid. This is normally
expressed in either lb/gal, lb/cu ft, psi
TOTAL DEPTH (OR TD)- The greatest depth
hydrostatic pressure per 1,000 ft of depth.
reached by the drill bit.
TRIP- To pull or run a string of rods or tubing
from or into a well. specific gravity materials used to increase the
density of drilling fluids. This material is most
1 • 27 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

commonly barite but can be galena, etc. In MMCR - Micro Matrix Cement Retarder -
special applications limestone is also called a Micro Matrix cement retarder (MMCR) is
weight material. designed for use in Micro Matrix cement
ce ment
only. MMCR is a liquid. Secondary Effects:
WORK-OVER-  To perform one or more of a
Micro Matrix cement retarder is an
variety of remedial operations on a producing oil
extremely potent retarder for conventional
well with the hope of restoring or increasing
 production. Examples
Examples of work-over operations
are deepening, plugging back, pulling and MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
resetting the liner, squeeze cementing, shooting,
 NORM - Naturally Occuring Radioactive
and acidizing.
Material - as it relate to the EPA
OD - Outer Diameter
Common Oilfield Acronyms
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health
Administration - Federal US Agency
ADC - Automatic Density Control responsible for worker safety
API - American Petroleum Institute POOH - Pull Out Of Hole
ASME - American Society of Mechanical PPE - Personal Protective Equipment - used for
Engineers  personal safety in performance
performance of duties -
ASTM - American Society for Testing and coveralls, gloves, eye protection, hearing
Materials  protection
BHA - Bottom Hole Assembly PTA - Plug to Abandon

BOP - Blow Out Preventer RCM - Recirculating Cement Mixer

CBL - Cement Bond Log RIH - Run in Hole

DHT - Down Hole Tool SPE - Society of Petroleum Engineers

DOT - Department of Transportation - US TD - Target Depth

Federal Agency TOC - Top Of Cement
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency - US TVD - True Vertical Depth
Federal Agency responsible for
environmental regulatons ZI - Zonal Isolation (ZI) is a process used in
 petroleum well construction
construction which keeps
EPT - External Pipe Thread
 bore in one permeable
from fluidszone of the
of another
anot zone.
FWCA - Free Water Cement Additive - FWCA
is a powdered, solids-suspending agent. It is Once the well has been drilled and lined
designed to prevent solids from settling and with pipe, the connection between the
to control free water geological formation and the well must be
established and assured. Completion
HEC - Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose includes installing suitable tubing or casing,
HPHT - High Pressure High Temperature and cementing this casing, using casing
 plugs and packers
HSE - Health, Safety, and
and Environment
HWO - Hydraulic Work Over. Well control and
well maintenance duties. Common Halliburton Acronyms
ID - Inside Diameter
BU - Business Unit
LGC - Liquid Gel Concentrate
1 • 28 Cementing 1

Oilfield Terms, Slang, and Acronyms

CAPE - Concurrent Art to Production how do we know we've done it, and how
Environment can we make it better.
CBT - Computer-Based Training HPM - Halliburton Performance Management -
This function includes Market and Business
CEMS - Computerized Equipment Management
Analysis, Strategic Planning, PSL
System - field system for tracking
Marketing and the Product Development
equipment and repairs
and Commercialization Initiative
COE - Common Office Environment – An Champion
architecture of PCs that standardizes
HR - Human Resource department
software and hardware throughout the
company. HRD - Human Resource Development -This
department drives performance -focused
CPI - Correction, Prevention, and Improvement.
change of our people, processes, and
Halliburton’s quality improvement system.
organization, supporting Halliburton`s goal
CPS - Completion Products & Services PSL – A of becoming a high -performing
reservoir focused set of Completion organization. Using the developmental
Solutions including Subsurface Products, solutions approach, HRD develops and
Sand Control, Slickline, and Surface implements specific processes that change
Products and improve performance - -processes
collectively known as interventions - -to
CT - Coiled Tubing and all its components
support our clients` business needs
CVA - Cash Value Added - The CVA for a
IS - Integrated Solutions PSL -was established,
 period is a good estimate
estimate of the cash flow
uniting the best people, technology,
generated above or below the investor's
 products, and equipment
equipment to offer oil and
requirement for that period. See also
gas companies the most effective and
 profitable solutions
solutions to their challenges
EJCS - End of Job Customer Survey
IT - Information Technology
F&A - Finance and Administration
ITP - Integrated Technology Products -The
FDP - Field Development Product – Code for  purpose of the Integrated Technology
new products before they are named. Products Group is to offer solutions with
FSQC - Field Service Quality Coordinator reservoir performance focus; champion the
rapid development and introduction of new
FSR - Field Service Representative technologies that cross PSL boundaries;
HALCO21 - Halliburton’s team and processes focus on cross -PSL technology delivery as
for revolutionizing business processes a business; and commercialize multi-PSL
globally to provide dramatic improvements solutions based on value creation transfer
for Halliburton Company, enabling our technology to countries.
success in the 21st Century JSA - Job Safety Analysis
HEI - Halliburton Energy Institute – the KBR - Kellogg Brown and Root – Halliburton’s
development center in Duncan, OK, which  business unit that
that provides a full spectrum
 provides training for employees
employees and of services: project development,
customers technology licensing and development,
HMS - Halliburton Management System - is an consulting, project management,
integrated management system designed to engineering, procurement, construction,
meet operations, quality, health, safety, and operations and maintenance services.
environmental management systems needs. KPI - Key Performance Indicator; used as a
What that really means is, the HMS is what measure in Service Quality PII
we do, how we do it, who is responsible,
1 • 29 Cementing 1

L&P - Logging and Perforating PSL Coordinator deploys equipment, materials,

and personnel with focus on optimizing use
MBU - Mobile Business Unit - a team with
and profit.
equipment, which can deliver products and
services to the customer SS - Shared Services - the enabler for change by
 pulling together
together the various functions that
 NOVA - Net Operating Value
Value Added
were common to all our operations under
 NWA - Natural Work Area - A method of of one management structure that exists along
dividing up the United States into regions side of the other mainstay processes of
which have similar product and service acquisition and execution. Through this
requirements model each Business Unit is able to access
the resources necessary to acquire and
PD&C - Product Development &
execute its work, yet gain the efficiencies
and synergies available by "sharing" key
PE - Production Enhancement PSL services between Business Units.
PII - Performance Improvement Initiative - SSDP - Service Supervisor Development
Three areas of Performance we can focus Program is designed to train Supervisors to
on in the delivery of our services, In meet increasing technical and customer
addition to our financial performance. - needs on a global basis. Successful
Doing the Job Right the First Time by completion of the program is expected to
Using Standard Processes and Procedures - lead to promotion of the Participant from
Reducing Injuries by Better Management entry level ( or experienced candidates
of Risk -Protecting the Environment by from within Halliburton) to a revenue
Reducing the Amount of Waste Created  producing Service Supervisor
Supervisor in field
and Using Environmentally Friendly operations.
Operating Practices
SSDS - Sperry-Sun Drilling Services
PPR - People Performance Results - part of the
SSIT - Service Supervisor In Training - is
People Performance Management system
responsible for successful wellsite job
used to establish goals, provide feedback
execution in a safe and efficient manner.
on performance, assess performance and
The Service Supervisor's emphasis is on
deliver pay or other incentive based
operational excellence and customer
satisfaction for long term growth and
PSL - Product Service Line
Line  profitability of the
the NWA.
PSMT - Product Service Management Team T&E - Travel & Entertainment - System of
QA - Quality Assurance tracking these expenses

QC - Quality Control TA - Technical Advisor

RTO - Real Time Operations - delivery of real TC - Team Coordinator -The PSL Team
time data from wellsite to Coordinator functions as a team leader and
Halliburton/Client office, typically via use coach for the Service Supervisors. The
of the Mobile Net satellite system Team Coordinator provides personnel
development for the MBU Team and
SC - Service Coordinator - is a customer focused champions best practices and process
member of the PSL and Asset Management improvements.
Team. The Service Coordinator provides
technical and operational expertise, TTTCP - Tools & Testing and Tubing Conveyed
champions service excellence, creating Perforating PSL
customer satisfaction. The Service
1 • 30 Cementing 1

Section 2

Casing and Tubing

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 2-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 2-3
Unit A: Casing and Tubing Uses ....................................
.................. .....................................
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 2-4
Unit B: Typical Casing Strings ...................................
................. ....................................
....... 2-5
Conductor Casing...................................................................................................................................2-5

Casing (Intermediate Casing)................................................................................................2-6
Production Casing ....................................
.................. ....................................
.... 2-6
Tubing String..........................................................................................................................................2-8
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 2-9
Unit C: Casing and Tubing Threads ..................................
................ ....................................
................. 2-10
Casing Threads.....................................................................................................................................2-10
Tubing Threads ..................................
................. ...................................
........ 2-11
Thread Selection...................................................................................................................................2-12
Make-Up Torque Selection ....................................
.................. ....................................
..... 2-12
Thread Care ..................................
................ ....................................
.............. 2-13
Unit C Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 2-14
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 2-15
2•1 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Use for Section Notes…

2•2 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing


For well operations to take place, lengths of Topic Areas

tubular goods are joined together and run down-
hole. Then, surface and downhole equipment This section presents the following topics:
can be connected so that drilling and cementing
operations can proceed. A.  Casing and Tubing Uses

Due to the nature of our work, Halliburton B.  Couplings and Threads
 personnel must be familiar with
with basic drilling C.  Casing and Tubing Threads
operations. An understanding of the factors
involved in making up joints of casing, tubing,
and drill pipe will help you work more Learning Objectives
effectively with customers as well as better
understand the ways in which Halliburton Upon completion of this section, you should be
equipment is used with these tubular goods. familiar with the
•  Purpose and use of tubular goods

  Types of threads and how to select and care
for them

Unit A: Casing and Tubing Uses

Casing design involves three major steps: A casing designer’s main job is to select the
weight and grades of casing that will be just
1.  Determining the sizes and lengths of casing
strong enough to withstand the loading
strings you will run
conditions of the well. Since casing is made
2.  Calculating the type and size of loading from steel pipe, cost generally increases with
conditions weight, but tensile strength and grade change
3.  Choosing the weights and grades of casing also affect prices. When selecting casing sizes
and final weights and grades, consider the
that will not fail when exposed to these
availability of tubular goods. You may not be
able to purchase certain types of casing in your
This section will discuss the basics for area. In extreme cases, you may have to base the
developing a casing program. An ideal casing casing design on what is available; the main goal
string design allows you to control common and is to simply make sure the specific string is
uncommon well conditions safely and suitable for the well.
economically. Specifically, the casing program
To plan a well, you must first choose a
should be appropriate for the geological
casing/bit system. When choosing this system,
environment and allow safe well production.
you should consider
Although it would be easy to choose a single
casing weight and grade to satisfy most well •  Past experience with the area
conditions, you might be going to unnecessary
•  Geological factors
expense depending on the complexity of the
well. •  Abnormal pressure
2•3 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

•   Troublesome zones (such as salt) and on the casing also has an effect upon the
sloughing shale collapse and burst values.

•   Lost circulation zones You may also encounter compression and

 bending forces, which often occur
occur in non-
Remember, the casing size and weight chosen
vertical holes. The degree to which these forces
will determine casing inside diameter (ID). This,
are exerted will also effect the burst and collapse
in turn affects maximum bit diameter and limits
resistance of the pipe. Another secondary
the size of the next casing string. condition is load change during cementing due
The basic loading conditions on a casing or to the placement of fluids of differing densities.
tubing string that must be considered are
API bulletins, as well as the Redbook 
the  Redbook , contain
collapse, burst, and tension. All pipe designs
minimum burst, collapse, and tension casing
must carry a safety factor that considers the
values. To use API’s monogram, casing
uncertainty of the magnitude of these forces.
manufactures must use minimum standards set
The Red
The  Red Book   (( Halliburton
 Halliburton Cementing
Cementing Tables
 by the API. Non-API casing is often
lists collapse and burst (internal yield)
manufactured using the same standards, but for
limitations for common pipe sizes and grades. In
critical wells, be sure that the material meets all
addition, the Redbook 
the Redbook  provides
 provides limitations on
API standards.
the tensile force (parallel to the axis of the
casing string) that is allowed for different pipe
sizes, grades, and coupling types. Tensile force

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit A.
1.  The casing program should be appropriate for the __________________________
__________________________ and allow safe
well production.

2.  The casing size and weight chosen will determine casing ________________

3.  The basic loading conditions on a casing or tubing string that must be considered are
 ______________, ________________,
________________, and _______________.
2•4 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Unit B: Typical Casing Strings

In this unit, we will describe the purpose and use the rig. If such a shallow flow is encountered,
of tubular goods used in a typical well. the well should not be completely shut in. It is
likely, in most cases, that insufficient pipe is set
to prevent fluids or gas from breaking around
Conductor Casing the outside of the conductor casing to surface. In
other words, the diverter system protects the rig
and personnel until the problem can be

Surface Casing

The surface casing string (Fig. 2.2) is designed

to protect formations near the surface from
deeper drilling conditions. The surface casing
string has several important functions. First, it
 protects shallow freshwater
freshwater sands from
contamination by drilling fluids and produced
fluids. Surface casing is cemented back to the
Reservoir  surface so freshwater zones will have a cement
sheath and a steel casing to protect them. Depth
  and cement requirements are mandated by
regulatory agencies.
Figure 2.1 - Conductor Casing
Surface casing allows you to drill to the next
casing seat. BOPs are nippled up on the surface
The conductor casing prevents washouts of casing; the well can be controlled if abnormal
 poorly consolidated
consolidated surface soil and rock while conditions cause
cause an inflow of formation
formation fluid to
drilling the surface hole. Should the surface the wellbore. The surface casing is designed so
erode, or become unstable, drilling rig stability that the casing can be totally shut in using
is compromised. surface equipment. When drilling into abnorm
 pressure, casing seats must be able to withstand
Conductor casing normally has a large diameter increasing mud weights. Casing should be set
(16 to 30 in.). It is either set with a spud rig or deep enough to prevent broaching to the surface.
driven to the point of refusal (150 to 250 Finally, surface casing supports all casing strings
 blows/ft) with a drive
drive or vibration hammer. run in the well.
Setting depths is normally 90 to 150 ft and rarely
deeper that 300 ft.
Conductor casing allows you to install a diverter
system, and provides a flow line high enough to
allow mud return to steel mud pits while drilling
the surface hole. A blowout preventer (BOP)
may sit on the conductor casing above a large-
diameter (± 10 in.) vent pipe. If shallow
hydrocarbons are found, and the well flows, you
y ou
can close the BOP and divert flow away from
2•5 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Casing Conductor 

Casing Surface




Figure 2.2 - Surface Casing (Set inside the Figure 2.3 - Protective Casing (Set inside
conductor casing) the surface casing and extending from total
depth to surface)

Protective Casing (Intermediate One major advantage of protective casing is that

Casing) it allows underbalanced drilling of deeper
formations and isolates troublesome ones. It
allows you to isolate sloughing shales,
A protective (intermediate) casing string (Fig.
abnormally pressured saltwater flows, and
2.3) provides hole integrity during later drilling
formations that contaminate the mud to prevent
operations. This intermediate string protects
interference during drilling operations
formations behind it from high mud weights. It
also prevents drilling fluid contamination during
underbalanced drilling. Specifically, it performs Production Casing
the functions covered in the following
The production casing string (oil string) (Fig.
A protective casing string allows you to control 2.4) is set and cemented through the producing
the well when encountering subsurface pressure
higher than the mud weight. If this takes place, zone
duringand acts as a backup
production. It is thefor the tubing
primary stringstring
and fluid (or gas) enters the wellbore, drilling responsible for isolating the desired production
fluid will be forced from the wellbore at surface. interval(s). This string must be able to withstand
The petroleum industry refers to this as a "kick". full wellhead shut-in pressure if the tubing leaks
In order to stop the formation-to-wellb
ore fluid or fails.
flow, the surface control equipment must be
After cementing the production casing, holes
closed or partially choked off. A positive surface
(perforations) are made in the casing (and
 pressure will result. The protective
protective casing is
cement sheath) which allows fluid to enter the
designed to withstand this pressure. Since it
wellbore. This is most often accomplished using
covers low fracture gradient formations, it
explosive charges ran on wireline units provided
maintains wellbore integrity during well-
 by the logging service
service line.
kicking. Protective casing also allows you to
control the well if it is swabbed in, or if gas When replacing the tubing or downhole tools

 purges all drilling fluids

fluids form the well. during wellthe
make sure maintenance
casing will you must
allow you
2•6 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

to kill the well (offset bottom hole pressure with cemented casing string. These hanging casing
fluid hydrostatic head), circulate workover strings are called liners and they are used in
fluids, and conduct some pressure testing. almost every deep well completion.
Casing in general and production casing/liners Four types of liners will be described briefly to
specifically, allow for a wellbore with consistent  begin this section:
known internal diameter. This is critical when
•  Drilling (or protective) liners
utilizing special downhole tools that require
these conditions. These tools are commonly •  Production liners
inserted into the casing during completion and
 production operations
operations in order to obtain •  Stub liners
wellbore isolation at desired points. •  Scab liners
In some areas, conditions may allow you to use
small diameter lines; in these instances, Drilling Liners
 production casing is set
set for well fluid
 production. In other words,
words, these are tubingless A drilling liner (Fig. 2.5) is a string of casing
completions – there is no backup string. that is hung from another casing of a larger
diameter which has already been cemented
downhole. It is used to case off open holes so
that deeper drilling may be performed. A drilling
liner serves to

•  help control water or gas production
Casing •  isolate lost-circulation zones
•  isolate high-pressure zones.
A drilling liner is subject to the same design
conditions as protective casing, and it provides
Production the same protections. Multiple drilling liners
may be required. As with all liners, the top of
the casing does not extend to the surface, but is
“hung off” at some point in the previous casing
Casing Shoe string.

Figure 2.4 - Production casing (Last full

string of casing, set from total depth to


In the past, it was common to have several

strings of casing in a deep well. All these strings
extended from the wellhead to different depths.
However, another method was devised to
Figure 2.5 - Protective or Drilling liner (Set
accommodate varying well conditions. This
inside protective casing at current hole total
time- and money-saving method involves the depth, but does not extend to surface)
hanging of a casing string from the bottom of a
2•7 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Production Liners Scab Liners

A production liner is a string of casing that is An unusual type of liner, a scab liner (Fig. 2.7)
hung from a drilling liner or casing in the is usually not cemented after it has been run
 producing formation (Fig.
(Fig. 2.6). This type of downhole and, therefore, it is retrievable. It has a
liner is then cemented and perforated like any  packoff on both ends and is used under the same
other completion string. It provides isolation and conditions as a stub liner.
support when casing has been set above the Stub and scab liners can be set with part of their
 production zone.
weight on the liner below or hung uphole on
existing casing.




Scab Liner 


Casing Shoe Liner 
Figure 2.6 – Production liner (cemented in  
 place but hangs from the
t he bottom of the
Figure 2.7 - Scab Liner
intermediate casing rather than extending to
the surface.

Tubing String
Stub Liners
The tubing string gives produced fluids a flow
A stub liner (also called a tie-back liner) is  path to the surface and allows
allows you to inject for
usually a short string of casing that provides an secondary recovery, storage, and disposal. By
upward extension for a drilling liner. It is run increasing the size of this string, you can reduce
when friction pressure and increase production or
injection rates. However, by increasing this
•   casing above the drilling liner has been
diameter, you must increase all other casing
damaged in some way (by corrosion, etc.)
sizes in the well. In other words, you must make
•   a liner is leaking sure the increased production/inj
ection ratio
 justifies the higher cost.
•   greater resistance is needed for other reasons
(abnormal pressure, etc.).
2•8 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit B.
1.  The first string in the well may be ___________ or ___________ casing. If the top soil is erodible,

then ___________ casing will be the first type run.

2.  The conductor prevents ______________ under the rig.

3.  Sometimes, conductor casing is set by simply ________________________

_ it into the ground.
However, if the soil is too hard, then the hole will be _____________
_____________ for it.

4.   ___________
_ casing supports all casing
casing strings run in the
the well.

5.  Protective casing is also know as ___________________

__ casing.

6.  A hanging casing string is called a ____________

2•9 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Unit C: Casing and T

ubing Threads

 Nearly all tubular goods used

used in completing a •  Make-Up Torque selection
well come in joints that vary from 30 to 40 ft in
length. Joints have threads machined into their •
  Thread Care.
ends which serve to hold the string together.
Different types of tubular goods have threads
which differ in size, shape, and in the way they
Casing Threads
seal and make up to hold pressure.
Casing threads appear on both ends on the
Cut on a taper, the threaded pin end and box end outside of a joint of casing. Lengths of casing
screw together (Fig. 2.8). As the makeup torque are made up by using a collar (Fig. 2.9). A joint
increases, the pin threads(which have less metal screws into one end of the collar, while the next
than the box threads) begin to conform to the  joint screws into the other
other end. Most casing
 box. Continued makeup causes
causes additional threads are not upset, that is flared, as are many
yielding until the pin end is wedged tightly into tubing threads.
the box. In this way, joints of tubular goods are
sealed together. Tensile loads and internal
 pressures cannot easily force
force the separation of
the joined segments.

Figure 2.9 – Casing Joints and Collar

The most common threads (Fig. 2.10) in use

today for casing connections are:
•  8 round (8rd) thread has 8 rounded threads
Figure 2.8 – Pin End and Box End  per inch
•  Extreme line (Xline) thread has square
Since 1928, threads have been regulated by the
American Petroleum Institute (API). There are •  Buttress thread has square threads.
five important areas of thread types, selection,
and care.
•   Casing Threads
•   Tubing Threads
•   Thread Selection
2 • 10 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

* Number of threads per inch varies based

upon the OD of the pipe.
Fig. 2.10 – Comparison of thread types.

Tubing Threads

The tubing or production string provides a flow

 path to the surface for produced fluids.
fluids. Tubing is
not cemented into place as is casing. Therefore,
the threads on tubing joints and collars (Figure
2.11) are designed to withstand great tensile
loads and internal pressures. Like casing joints, Figure 2.11 – Tubing Joints and Collar
tubing has threads on both ends.
Two types of tubing threads (Figure 2.12) are
•   External Upset (EU) – used in most wells
for added strength
•    Non-Upset – used in shallower
shallower wells and on
the surface.

Figure 2.12 – External and non-upset tubing

2 • 11 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Thread Selection

When working with the customer's casing,

tubing or drill pipe, it’s up to Halliburton
 personnel to be sure that service equipment fits
the tubulars. Selection of the proper pin size
(changeover from the casing/tubing to
Halliburton discharge piping) can sometimes be
difficult for the beginner.
In selecting the proper pin for casing, tubing or
drill pipe, the following information is needed:
•   What type of thread is on the string?
Figure 2.13- Caliper and ruler
•   What is the outside diameter (OD) of the
 pipe on the string? (For drill
drill pipe you would
need to know the OD of the tool joint or
Make-Up Torque Selection
The type of thread varies depending upon which
type of pipe the customer has in the hole. The To avoid stripping threads by applying too much
OD tells
to the you whatpipe.
customer’s size pin you need to connect torque and to avoid loose connections by
applying too little torque, it is necessary to be
For example, if you know the customer has 5 ½ aware of optimum torque levels for the type of
inch 8rd casing, your equipment should also tubular goods with which you’re working.
have an OD of 5 ½ inches and 8 round threads Charts, published by the API, are available to
 per inch. help you.

On location, check the specifications, which are As an example, let’s assume that you want to
stenciled on the side of the joints. If the joints make up a float collar on the customer’s casing.
are not marked, you’ll need a caliper tool (Fig. The casing has this stamp: 5 ½ in. casing,
2.13) and ruler to identify pin dimensions. 15.5lb/ft, J-55, grade, 8rd, long thread.
To use the make-up torque charts, you need to
know all the information provided by this stamp.
The stamp tells you that the casing has:
•  An outside diameter (OD) of 5 ½ inches
•  15.5 lb/ft nominal weight, threads and
•  J-55 grade
•  8 round threads per inch
•  long thread.
2 • 12 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Nominal Torque, ft-lb

Size Weight,
Threads Short Thread Long Thread
Diameter and
in. Coupling
lb per ft Grade Optimum Minimum Maximum Optimum Minimum Maximum

5½ 14.00 H-40 1300 980 1630  __  __  __

14.00 J-55 1720 1290 2150  __  __

15.50 J-55 2020 1520 2530 2170 1630 2710
17.00 J-55 2290 1720 2860 2470 1850 3090

14.00 K-55 1890 1420 2360  __ 1790  __

15.50 K-55 2220 1670 2780 2390 2040 2990
17.00 K-55 2520 1890 3150 2720  __ 3400
6 5/8 20.00 H-40 1840 1380  __  __  __  __

20.00 J-55 2450 1840 3060 2660 2000 3330

24.00 J-55 3140 2360 3930 3400 2550 4250

20.00 K-55 2670 2000 3340 2900 2180 3630

24.00 K-55 3420 2570 4280 3720 2790 4650

Using this information, you can look up the Thread Care

optimum, minimum, and maximum torque to be
applied when making connections with this When working with both surfaces and down-
casing. To do this, hole equipment, you should be careful to protect
•   find the chart for casing and your thread the threads. Because of the tremendous pressure
size. this equipment is designed to withstand, taking
care of thread could mean the prevention of a
•   The first column of this chart is labeled serious accident and injury.
“Size:Outside Diameter.” Find the column
for 5 ½ in. OD casing. Before taking a piece of equipment to location,
you should
•   Columns 2 and 3 are labeled “Nominal
Weight, Threads and Coupling lb per ft” and •  Carefully remove the thread protectors.

“Grade.” Find the row for the casing you’re •

  Inspect the threads for damage (sometimes
working with (15.5 lb/ft and Grade J-55). diesel fuel or a solvent will be needed to
•   Columns 7, 8 and 9 are labeled “Long remove grease to inspect for damage). Look
Thread,” and Optimum,” Minimum,” and for galling, cracking, or cross-threading. If
“Maximum” torque levels. For the casing you’re not sure, check with your supervisor.
you’re working with, these levels are 2170, •  Put on safety glasses and clean the threads
1630, 2710 ft-lb, respectively. Thus, proper using a wire brush.
torque for this casing is between 1630 and
2710 ft-lb, and 2170 ft-lb is the best torque •  If the threads will be chemically welded
to apply. (with Halliburton Weld-A), bentonite gel
will be needed along with a wire brush to
remove all grease from the threads on the
equipment as well as on the casing. Check to
see that all welds have met established API
2 • 13 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

After a piece of equipment has been inspected, After you’ve finished using the equipment,
equal care should be taken in its use: reinspect it for damage. Be sure to clean the
thread protectors and carefully reattach them to
•    Never allow threads to hit metal or hard
the equipment.
Remember, if you have a question about the
•    Never drop or throw equipment.
condition of a thread, ask a supervisor. One
•  blown out pin could
could not only cause an accident,
  Be aware
a piece of of proper torque when making up
equipment.  but could also leave you with
with a workstring full
of cement.
•   Place wrenches close to the threads but not
on them.

Unit C Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit C.
1.  Threads have been regulated by the _______________
_______________ for over 50 years.

2.  As a connection is screwed together, the pin threads begin to ______________ to the box threads.
Eventually, the pin end is ________ tightly into the box, which produces a __________ against
internal pressure.

3.  Both the ____________ and____________ types of casing threads are square-shaped.

4.  The two main questions you need to answer when choosing the proper pin size for casing or tubing
are: What is the type of ______________ on the string, and what is the ______________ of the pipe
on the string?

5.  When inspecting threads, you should look for _________________, __________________,
__________________, and
2 • 14 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to

1. geological environment 2-3
2. inside diameter (ID) 2-4
3. collapse, burst, tension 2-4

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. conductor, surface, conductor 2-5,6
2. washout (or erosion) 2-5
3. driven, drilled 2-5
4. Surface 2-6

5. intermediate 2-6
6. liner 2-8

Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to

1. API 2-10
2. conform, wedged, seal 2-10
3. buttress, extreme line 2-10
4. thread, outside diameter 2-12
5. galling, cracking, cross-threading 2-13
2 • 15 Cementing 1

Casing and Tubing

2 • 16 Cementing 1

Section 3

API Cements and Additives

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 3-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 3-3
Unit A: API Cements.................................................................................................................................3-3
API Classification ...................................
................. ....................................
.... 3-3
Manufacturing and Composition............................................................................................................3-4
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 3-5
Unit B: Cement Properties ....................................
.................. ....................................
............. 3-6
Factors Influencing Slurry Properties.....................................................................................................3-6
Thickening Times...................................................................................................................................3-7
Compressive Strength ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 3-7
Mix Water .................................
................ ...................................
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 3-9
Unit C: Cement Additives........................................................................................................................3-10
Introduction ..................................
................. ...................................
.............. 3-10
Cement Accelerators ...................................
................. ....................................
................. 3-10
Lightweight Additives..........................................................................................................................3-10
Heavyweight Additives ..................................
................ ....................................
.............. 3-10
Cement Retarders ..................................
................ ....................................
..... 3-11
Lost Circulation Additives ...................................
................. ....................................
........ 3-11
Fluid Loss Additives ....................................
.................. ....................................
................. 3-11
Cement Dispersants or Friction Reducers ....................................
................. .....................................
................... 3-12
Gas Control Additives..........................................................................................................................3-12
Salt as an Additive (Salt Cement) ....................................
................. .....................................
............. 3-13
Unit C Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 3-14
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 3-15
3•1 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Use for Section Notes…

3•2 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives


Cements are used universally in well completion B. Cement Properties

operations to fill the annular space between the
casing and the open hole. The principal C. Cement Additives
functions of the primary cementing process are
•   to bond and support the casing Learning Objectives
•   to restrict fluid movement between
Upon completion of the section, you should be
familiar with:
•   to protect the casing from corrosion
•  the API classification system and the ratings
•   to protect the casing from shock loads when of the various cements based upon physical
drilling deeper makeup
•   to seal off lost circulation (or thief) zones. •  the basic physical properties of commonly
used Halliburton cements

Topic Areas   the functions of commonly used additives
•  the basic steps in the cement manufacturing
In this section, the following units are covered:  process.
A. API Cements

Unit A: API Cements

The American Petroleum Institute

The American Institute (API)
 (API) has •  API Class A and B (Portland cement)
identified nine types of cement according to
chemical composition and physical properties. •  API Class C (High early strength cement)
These types range from standard construction • 
cements to cements designed for use thousands API Class D, E and F (Retarded cement)
of feet below the surface. •  API Class G and H (Basic cement)

This unit will cover •  API Class J (Special order only).

•   API Classification API Classes G and H cements are commonly

used across a large geographical area. Classes A,
•   Manufacturing and Composition B, and C are used in specific geographic
locations where downhole conditions require
special cement properties. Classes D, E and F
 API Classification are rarely used and only in special situations.

The nine types of cements classified by the API

3•3 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Table 3.1 - API Classification And Properties Of

Common Oil Well Cements 
Range Static Water Slurry
Type of Usage Temp Ratio Weight Volume Remarks
F gal/sk lb/gal ft /sk

Class A 6000 ft 60°-170°  5.2 15.6 1.18 May be used when no special properties are desired
(Portland) and well conditions permit. No sulfate resistance.
Class B 6000 ft 60°-170°  5.2 15.6 1.18 Moderate sulfate resistance.
Class C 6000 ft 60°-170°  6.3 14.8 1.32 Available in regular and high sulfate-resistant types.
Class G 8000 ft 200°  5.0 15.8 1.15 Basic cement, compatible with accelerators or
retarders for use over the complete range of Classes
 A through E.
Class H 8000 ft 200°  4.3 16.4 1.06 Basic cement, higher density, higher and lower
water volume.
8000 ft 200°  5.2 15.6 1.18

You may also hear the terms Standard, Premium creating a hydraulic cement--one that hardens
and Premium Plus when referring to oil field with the addition of water. Aspdin named the
cements.  product portland cement
cement because it resembled a
stone quarried on the Isle of Portland off the
•   Standard cement has characteristics similar British Coast. With this invention, Aspdin laid
to API Classes A&B. However; Standard the foundation for today's portland cement
Cement may not meet API specifications for industry.
Class A or B.
Cements consist of limestone
limestone (or
 (or other materials
•   Premium Cement has characteristics similar high in calcium carbonate), clay
clay or
 or shale, and
to API Classes G&H. However; Premium some iron and aluminum oxides (if not found in
Cement may not meet API specifications for quantity in the clay or shale). These dry
Class G or H. materials are finely ground and mixed
•   Premium Plus Cement has characteristics thoroughly in the correct proportions, either dry
similar to API Class C. However; Premium (dry process), or with water (wet process). The
Plus Cement may not meet API mixture is heated to very high temperatures
causing the ingredients to react chemically,
specifications for Class C. resulting in material called clinker. The clinker
Other materials having somewhat different is ground with a controlled amount of gypsum to
cement properties are also commonly used in the form cement.
 primary cementing process. These materials All cement classes are manufactured in
do not fall in any specific API classification and essentially the same way and made of the same
are classified as “Special Cements.” ingredients, only in different proportions.
The water requirement of each cement varies
Manufacturing and Composition with the fineness of grind or amount of surface
area. High early strength cements (Class C) have
In 1824, Joseph Aspdin, a British stone mason, a high surface area (fine grind); the retarded
obtained a patent for a cement he produced in cements (Classes D, E, F) have less surface area,
his kitchen. The inventor heated a mixture of and the Portland cements (Classes A & B) have
a surface area slightly higher than the retarded
finely ground
stove and limestone
ground and clay
the mixture intoina his kitchen
powder cements. Class G is a premium fine grind and
class H is a premium coarse grind.
  3•4 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check you progress in Unit A.
1.  The American Petroleum Institute has identified nine classes of basic cements. Five of those nine

classes are commonly used in the oil field. They are _____________,
_____________, _____________
 ___________ __, _____________
_____________ and _____________.

2.  The API cements most commonly used across a wide geographical area are classes _____ and

3.  Although both Class G and Class H cements have similar properties, Class H has a ___________

4.  Special cements are similar to basic cements in that they are commonly used in the
 _______________________ process.

5.  Cement consists of ____________

__ that is ground with a controlled amount of _____________.
6.  Although all classes of cements are manufactured in basically the same way, they differ in that
different ______________
______________ of ingredients are used.

7.  The water requirements for each type of cement vary based upon ____________
3•5 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Unit B: Cement Properties

The properties of cements used in the oil field •  Too much water: Free water appears on top
vary based upon the following factors: of the slurry in the sample cup and retards
•   Geographic location
•  Too little water: The slurry is thick and
•   Conditions down-hole (temperature, depth,
difficult to pump and accelerates setting.
Slurry density or
density or cement slurry weight should,
•   Type of cement job
except for squeeze jobs, be great enough to
•   Type of mixing water. maintain well control. As a result, slurry
densities are always carefully monitored. In the
Cement properties can be changed to meet the
field, this can be done either manually with a
needs of a particular job. This unit addresses the
 pressure balanced scale (Fig. 3.1) or
 physical properties of oilwell
oilwell cements and how
automatically with a densometer. To avoid a
these properties affect or are affected by
 poor primary cementing job,job, a slurry must be
conditions downhole. This unit includes
maintained at its proper density.

  Factors influencing slurry properties
•   Thickening time
•   Compressive strength.
•   Flow properties

Factors Influencing Slurry


The properties of cement 

cement slurry are influenced
 by factors such as: Figure 3.1 – Pressure Balanced Scale

•   water ratio of cement slurries (gal/sk)

•   slurry density (lb/gal) While on the job, be alert to slurry property
changes that can be the result of improper slurry
•   slurry yield (ft³/sk) density. The slurry properties most affected by
The water ratio or
ratio or gallons of water required per changes in density are
sack of cement is important in determining the •  thickening time
thickening time and compressive strength of the
cement. Most slurries are mixed with an amount •  flow characteristics (pumpability)
of water that provides a set volume equal to the •  drilling fluid displacement efficiency
slurry volume without freewater separation.
Your Halliburton
Your  Halliburton Cementing
Cementing Tables
Tables (
 ( Red
 Red Book ) •  free water
contains a section entitled “Technical Data” in
•  settling
which you can find water requirements for
various types of cements. •  compressive strength
The following rule of thumb can help: •  fluid loss.
3•6 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

The careful recording and monitoring of slurry The “Technical Data” section of your Red
your  Red Book  
density ensures a correct water to solids ratio is contains temperature/thickening time
maintained. information. This data represents average
temperatures at various depths along the Gulf
Slurry yield is the number of ft³/sk an API
Coast and may not correspond to temperatures at
standard manufactured cement yields based
the same depths in other areas.
upon a given amount of mixing water. In
determining the volume of cement required to do Always remember temperature, rather than
a particular cement job, a caliper survey, volume depth, has the greatest effect on cement
requirements based on Red
on Red Book  data,
 data, and/or thickening times.
regulatory requirements are used. Too much
Thickening time is also affected by conditions
cement rather than too little is always advisable,
that cannot always be controlled during
especially where there is a possibilit
y of mud
laboratory tests, such as
contamination, dilution, or channeling.
•  water invasion - causes failure to set

Thickening Times •  loss of water to the formation - causes

accelerated set
The thickening time,
time, based upon laboratory •  shutdown during cement slurry
testing, is the time required for a cement to placement - speeds up thickening and slurry
 become unpumpable. Thickening
Thickening times are set faster than reported by laboratory

established in response to conditions

•  Laboratory test results •  contamination - causes setting failure.

•   Actual well conditions These factors affect the thickening time of

cement to various degrees. It is important to
 Laboratory thickening
thickening time tests (Fig.
tests (Fig. 3.2) are
remember that the slurry thickening time
conducted using a sample of cement (with
changes if one of these situations is encountered.
additives, if used) and mixing water. The cement
slurry is tested to determine the amount of time Finally, when considering thickening times,
for thickening to take place. The following well remember that moving cement is less likely to
conditions are controlled during these tests: setup; therefore, once you stop moving the
cement slurry, the cement starts to build gel
•    bottomhole circulating
circulating temperature (BHT) strength. A basic rule should always be
•   well depth followed: never stop moving the cement until it
is in place. 
•   well pressure.

Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is the amount of strength

required to support a string of casing.
Compressive strength provides the basis for
most WOC (waiting-on-cement) regulations. It
is a generally accepted rule that a compressive
strength of 500 psi is the minimally acceptable
standard for most cement operations. However,
consult the regulatory guidelines to determine
the minimum strength requirements for the state

Figure 3.2 – Pressure-temperature in which you work.

thickening time tester.
3•7 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Deciding how long to wait for your cement to Mix Water

 build up enough compressive
compressive strength for
drilling out is a function of cement type,
Cement slurry contamination is a major concern
additives, and wellbore temperature.
during the cementing process. It would be ideal
Other factors that affect cement curing or WOC if the water supply for mixing cement was
times (field variables, completion procedures, completely free from contaminants. This is not
and curing conditions) do not allow a foolproof always practical, you must consider the most
WOC time to be set. Thus, the rule of thumb is readily available source of water. Additives in
to achieve a minimum compressive strength of the drilling fluid can also contaminate cement
500 psi before drilling out. slurry and affect its setting properties. Table 3.2
lists some common sources of contaminants and
the effect each has on cement slurry properties.
Halliburton has definitive guidelines for
allowable levels of contaminants in cement mix

Table 3.2 - Mixing Water or Mud Additive

Source of Effect on
Contaminant Type Cement Slurry

Mixing Water Salt

(1% to 8% per  Accelerates set
weight of water)

Organic Material Retards set

(decomposed plant
life, waste
Figure 3.3
Figure 3. 3 – Machine Used to Test effluents)
Compressive Strength
 Agricultural  Accelerates set
Products (farm

Sea Water  Accelerates set

Mud Additives Barium sulfate Increases density,

(BaSo4) reduces strength

(NaOH,  Accelerates set

Calcium  Accelerates set

(CaO, Ca(OH)2,
CaCl2, CaSo, 2H20)

Thinners (tannins, Retards set

Figure 3.4 – Testing Compressive Strength quebracho, lignins,
of Sample
Fluid-loss control Retards set
(CMC, starch, guar,
3•8 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit B.
1.  An important factor in determining the thickening time and compressive strength of the cement is

the ______________________
______________________ or gallons of water required per sack of cement.
2.  In order to determine the water requirements for the cement you are using, refer to your

3.  Difficulty in pumping cement slurry downhole can be the result of _____________________

4.  The required cement thickening time is usually determined under _________________________

5.  Contaminants which can affect the cement slurry usually come from two sources: mixing water
and ______________________.

6.  An important thing to remember when dealing with thickening times in the field is that the
cement starts to build __________________
__________________ once you’ve stopped _____________.

7.  Generally, a compressive strength of 500 psi is a ___________

______ standard for
most cement operations.

8.  The wellbore temperature and the cement type, density, and additives are factors to consider
when determining _________________________
3•9 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Unit C: Cement Additives

information on cement accelerators can be found
in Halliburton’s Cementing Technology Manual .
Introduction The common accelerators are
Wells are cemented in a variety of temperature •  Calcium Chloride (most widely used)
•  Sodium Chloride
•    below freezing (permafrost zones in Alaska
and Canada) •  Seawater

•   450° to 500°F (deep gas wells) •  Cal-Seal

•   500° to 1,500°F (geothermal steam wells) •  ECONOLITE

•   1,500° to 2,000°F (fire flood wells) •  VersaSet

By using basic cements (API Classes G or H)

and additives, you can tailor cement slurries to Lightweight Additives
fit any specific well requirement. Most additives
are available as liquids or free-flowing powders. Sometimes, a slurry weight needs to be reduced
Liquid additives are added directly to the mixing to protect formations that have a low fracture
water. Powders are usually dry-blended with gradient or for economics. To reduce the weight
cement before they are transported to the well. of cement slurries, you can add water, low
When necessary, they can also be dispersed in specific-gravity solids, or foam cement.
the mixing water at the job site.
Bentonite is one of the most commonly used
There are nine categories of cement additives: lightweight additives.
additives. You can use it to
•   accelerators formulate these different lightweight cements:

•   lightweight additives •  Blended gel cement (1 to 16%)

•   heavyweight additives •  Premixed bentonite (prehydrated)

•   •  Modified cement (Humble patent)

•   lost circulation additives •  High gel salt cement (Gulf patent)

•   fluid loss additives Foam cement using nitrogen (N 2) produces 4- to

19-lb/gal slurries, which have excellent strength
•   dispersants to density ratio (low permeability).
•   gas control additives
•   specialty materials Heavyweight Additives

The main purpose of heavy weight additives is

Cement Accelerators to restrain high formation pressures. Heavy
weight additives are used to obtain slurry
Cement accelerators shorten thickening time and densities up to 20 lb/gal. They have a low water
reduce WOC. They also increase early strength.
Accelerators are widely used on surface pipe, requirement and have
range from batch a uniform
to batch. particle size
shallow wells, and cement plugs. Additional
3 • 10 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

additives are chemically inert and compatible •  Low fracture gradient

with other additives.
•  Unconsolidate formations
The most common materials used for weighting
cements are •  Fractured formations

•   Hematite (iron ore) •  Cavernous formations

Actually, lost circulation control during

  Barite (more common in drilling fluids) cementing involves adding material that will
•   Ottawa sand  prevent losses to the
the cement slurry while you are
 placing it. Some of the more commonly usedused
•   Salt
lost circulation materials include
Of the materials listed, hematite is most widely
•  Granular (gilsonite, coal, perlite, walnut
used, because it most closely fits physical
hulls, mica)
requirements and achieves the highest effective
specific gravity. •  Fibrous (nylon, polypropylene)
•  Laminated (cellophane)
Cement Retarders •  Specialized flash setting or gelling materials

Cement retarders slow cement setting time

(hydration) to allow for safe cement placement. Fluid Loss Additives
The high temperatures in deep wells will cause
cement to set prematurely. The higher the The purpose of fluid loss additives is to help
temperature, the faster the cement sets.  prevent water loss from cement slurry.
slurry. This
Retarders usually have a limited effective allows displacing the maximum amount of mud,
temperature range. For example, a particular compressive strength development, and bonding
retarder may be only effective from 115 to  between the formation and the
the casing.
225°F. The chemicals widely in use as retarders
include those listed below: Fluid loss additives counteract the tendency of
cement slurries to lose the water that the slurries
•   Lignins (sodium lignosulfonate, calcium need to help achieve a good cement job.
lignosulfonate) Permeable zones can rob the cement slurry of its
water, thus creating a filter cake of cement. The
•   Carboxymethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose
filter cake increases frictional pressures and
increases the potential for a number of problems.
•   Saturated salt water Fluid loss additives reduce the permeability of
the cement filter cake. They are especially useful
•   Organic acids
in squeeze cementing.
•   Synthetic polymers
Fluid loss additives include
•  Organic polymers
Lost Circulation Additives
•  Dispersants
“Lost circulation” or “lost returns” refers to
whole fluid loss or cement slurry loss to
formation voids during drilling or completing a
well. You should not confuse it with volume
decrease because of the filtration or volume
needed to fill a new hole.
Circulation can be lost due to
3 • 11 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Cement Dispersants or Friction Gas Control Additives

 Natural (methane) gas migration through
through unset
Dispersing agents are added to cement slurries to cement is a major concern (Fig. 3.8). Cement
improve their flow properties. Since they can be slurries are capable of transmitting hydrostatic
 pumped in turbulent
turbulent flow at lower pressures,  pressure, and maintaining overbalance pressure

you can reduce the horsepower required. As a control, while

cements in the
naturally fluid
want to state.
tate. However,
gel strength
result, you can also reduce the chances of lost
circulation and premature dehydration. (gelation) when left static. The time period of
gelation, before cement sets may be several
Additives classified as dispersants include the hours. In this state the unset slurry will not fully
following: transmit fluid pressure from wellbore fluids.
•   Polymers While in a gel state, and before hardening, the
•   Salt cement will also lose a small amount of filtrate
to porous zones resulting in a volume reduction.
•   Retarders Since pressure may not be transferred though the
gelled cement, a pressure reduction occurs at the
•   Fluid Loss Additives
 point(s) where filtrate has
has leaked off. Gas from
•   Organic acids nearby porous zones is then free to percolate
through the unset cement to other zones or the
surface. The path of gas migration is permanent
and exists even after the cement has fully
To combat this problem several additives may
 be used in the cement slurry. A powdered
additive may be used to minimize the length of
time the cement is in the gel state. Gas, such as
nitrogen, is often used to foam the cement so
that volume reduction, and thus pressure
reduction, is minimized at the point of filtrate

Figure 3.7 – Dispersants improve the flow


Figure 3.8 – Channel through cement

caused by gas migration.
3 • 12 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Salt as an Additive (Salt


Salt is also used in cement slurries to improve

 bonding of set cement to to salt sections and shales.
It also causes the set cement to expand.
Cement slurries containing salt have been very
effective in protecting hole washing in salt
zones. They also prevent shale sections from
sloughing or heaving during cementing. When
Figure 3.10 - Hole washout due to sloughing
drilling through salt zones (Fig. 3.9) or
of water sensitive shales.
troublesome shales (Fig. 3.10) with fresh water
mud systems, severe hole enlargements may
Cementing with fresh water cement slurries can
cause similar hole enlargements. You can
 prevent annular bridging
bridging and the resulting lost
circulation by using cement slurries containing

actuallythat are sensitive
be softened by ittobefore
cement can
If softened enough, the shale will flow. This
creates channels behind the cement sheath from
one perforated zone to another.
Blending dry granulated salt with cement at the
 bulk plant makes salt-saturated
salt-saturated cement much
Figure 3.9 - Hole washing in a salt zone. easier to use. It allows you to eliminate waste,
and save time and labor; it can also reduce the
 possibility of foaming.
While sodium chloride is the salt generally used
with cement, potassium chloride is used also. In
some cases, potassium chloride may be effective

at lower
affect concentrations;
cement slurries anyit differently
does not significantly
sodium chloride, except at higher
3 • 13 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Unit C Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit C.
1.  Most additives are available as _______________
_______________ or __________________________

2.  Cement accelerators shorten _________________________

_ and reduce WOC.

3.   ___________
______ is one of the most
most commonly used lightweight
lightweight additives.

4.  The main purpose of heavy weight additives is to restrain ______________________


5.  The ____________________________

____ in deep wells will cause cement to set prematurely.

6.  “Lost circulation” or “lost returns” refers to ______________________

______________________ loss or
oss to formation voids during
during drilling or
or completing a well.

7.   __________
__ counteract the tendency of cement slurries
slurries to lose the
water that the slurries need to help achieve a good cement job.

8.  Because cements with dispersers added can be pumped in turbulent flow at lower pressures, you can
reduce the __________________
__________________ required.

9.  The path of gas migration is __________________

__________________ and exists even after the cement has fully

10.  ___________
_ can help prevent shale sections
sections from sloughing or heaving during
3 • 14 Cementing 1

API Cements and Additives

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to

1. A, B, C, G, H 3-3
2. G, H 3-3
3. higher 3-4
4. primary cementing 3-4
5. clinker, gypsum 3-4
6. proportions 3-4
7. fineness of grind 3-4

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. water ratio 3-6
2. Red Book 3-6
3. too little water 3-6
4. actual well 3-7
5. drilling fluid (or mud additives) 3-8
6. gel strength, pumping 3-7
7. rule of thumb (or generally 3-7
accepted rule)
8. WOC 3-8

Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to

1. liquids, free-flowing powders. 3-10
2. thickening time 3-10
3. Bentonite 3-10
4. high formation pressures 3-10
5. high temperatures 3-11
6. whole fluid , cement slurry 3-11
7. Fluid loss additives 3-11
8. horsepower 3-12
9. permanent 3-12
10. Salt cements 3-13
3 • 15 Cementing 1

Section 4

Primary Cementing

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 4-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 4-3
Unit A: Primary Cementing Background...................................................................................................4-3
Preparations for Primary Cementing......................................................................................................4-5
Pre-Job Checklist....................................................................................................................................4-5
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 4-6
Unit B: Types of Casing Cementing Jobs..................................................................................................4-7
Conductor Casing...................................................................................................................................4-7
Surface Casing........................................................................................................................................4-7
Intermediate Casing................................................................................................................................4-8
Production Casing ....................................
.................. ....................................
.... 4-9
Innerstring Cementing..........................................................................................................................4-10
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 4-12
Unit C: Preventing Cementing Failures...................................................................................................4-13
Causes of Primary Cementing Failures ...................................
................. ....................................
....... 4-14
Effects of Drilling Fluids and Contaminants on Cements....................................................................4-14
Flow Properties ....................................
.................. ....................................
........ 4-15
Conditioning the Drilling Fluid............................................................................................................4-16
Pipe Movement ...................................
.................. ...................................
........ 4-16
Pipe Centralization ..................................
................ ....................................
Eccentric Flow and Density Difference ...................................
................ .....................................
..... 4-17
High Displacement Rates ..................................
................ ....................................
........... 4-18
Spacers and/or Flushes ..................................
................ ....................................
.............. 4-18
Unit C Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 4-19
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 4-20
4•1 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

Use for Section Notes…

4•2 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing


Primary cementing is the cementing operation Topic Areas

 performed immediately after the casing
casing has been
run downhole. This is accomplished by pumping The units in this section are:
cement slurry down the entire length of casing,
out the bottom joint, and up into the annular A.  Primary Cementing Background
space. The cement is then allowed to set before B.  Types of Casing Cementing Jobs
drilling is resumed or the well is completed.
C.  Preventing Cementing Failures
The materials, tools, equipment, and techniques
to be used vary depending on the hole
conditions, depth of the well, and the people Learning Objectives
 planning the job. Successful
Successful primary cementing
 presents a constant challenge
challenge and requires up-to- Upon completion of this section, you should be
date knowledge and technology. familiar with:
As part of a cementing team, you must know •  The purpose of primary cementing
and understand
 primary purpose
cementing, and and
to ensure that the •  The main types of casing which are
 job is done correctly. cemented
•  How to help prevent cementing failures by
using best practices

Unit A: Primary Cementing Background 

The primary cementing process bonds the pipe •  Primary cementing provides a sealant and
to the wall of the hole and prevents  protects the casing against
communication of fluids in the well bore from -  formation fluids or gas, which could
one zone to another. This is critical in the upper
cause casing corrosion
 part of the well where freshwater
freshwater zones may be
encountered. The three main functions of the -  external pressure, which could collapse
cement are isolation, protection, and support. the casing or result in a blowout.
•   Primary cementing isolates zones so that the -  hole cave-in while deeper drilling is
migration of fluids cannot occur. For  being done.
example, it prevents:
•  Primary cementing supports the casing and
-  oil, gas, and salt water from migrating to guards the casing string against:
and causing contamination of freshwater
-  the excessive weight of other strings.
-  the possibility that the bottom joints
-  salt water from migrating into gas and
might unscrew.
oil zones and causing production Primary cementing uses several basic
 problems as well as pollution.
techniques. The most typical procedure is the
4•3 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

single-stage primary cementing job using the three-, and four-stage cementing procedures
two-plug displacement method (Fig. 4.1). decrease the hydrostatic pressure of the fluid
column in the annulus, help protect weak zones
The single-stage primary cementing procedure
against excessive high pressure, and help
 pumps cement down the casing between two
 prevent circulation loss. In addition
addition to offering
rubber plugs. The plugs are equipped with
economic advantages, cement may or may not
wiping fins to help prevent contamination of the
 be circulated up the entire string
string to surface.
the mud and to help clean the interior of Multiple-stage primary cementing is also
important for use in wells where two or more
Other commonly used techniques depend upon zones are separated by long intervals.
well depth and completion requirements. Two-,

Figure 4.1 – Single-stage primary cementing job using the two-plug displacement method.
4•4 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

Preparations for Primary The power, hoisting, rotating, and circulating

systems are installed, and drilling begins. Then it
Cementing is time for the cementing service company crew
to do its work. In a later section, calculations
Before any primary cementing job can proceed, will be performed that are necessary for a
many steps need to be taken: seismographic  primary cement job. However, when you you arrive
analysis, legal procedures, land surveys, and the on location, you need to know several items of
selection and preparation of the specific well information to be able to effectively complete
site. One of the last things that needs to be done the job. The Pre-Job Checklist below was
to prepare a land location is the digging of the developed to help you obtain this information.
cellar. This is a hole (about 8 ft square), the
depth of which ranges from 1 to 6 ft. For The Pre-job Checklist should serve as a general
offshore locations (platform or jack up), the guideline to help you prepare for most primary
cellar deck is below the rig floor. The rig will be cementing jobs. Other questions, specific to the
 placed over the cellar or cellar deck. It provides
provides individual type of job being performed need to
height for blowout preventers (a BOP prevents  be asked accordingly.
the escape of pressure from the annulus or an
open hole) and flow lines below the rotary table.

Pre-Job Checklist

Questions to answer before leaving for Questions to answer while on location:

•   Does the bulk cement ticket agree with the •   Have pumping equipment and bulk cement
order from the well operator? equipment been checked and are they ready to
mix cement?
•   What is the approximate time needed to mix
and displace cement? (Does this agree with •   Has maximum pressure been agreed upon?
pumping time of cement?)
•   Has it been determined if the rig pump or the
•   Has preparation been made to weigh cement service unit is to pump the plug down?
properly while mixing?
•   Has preparation been made to flush the lines
•   What is the size and type of thread on the after releasing the plug if the customer so
connections? desires?
•   What type of floating equipment is being used? •   Has preparation been made to leave the
(Is a ball or other dropping device used with service truck tied into casing while rig pump is
this equipment?) displacing cement in order to record pressure
on casing job if the well operator so desires?
•   Has the Pre-Trip Inspection been performed on
the equipment? •   What size and weight casing is being used?
•   Has the Lab report been finalized on the •   What is the size of the hole?
cement and additives?
•   Is there enough water to mix cement? Is the
•   What type of recording equipment is to be rate of water supply adequate?
•   Has the volume of displacement fluid been
checked to see if there is adequate supply on
•   Is everyone on location aware of all the safety

  Has preparation been made to drop the plugs
on the fly?
4•5 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

Unit A Quiz
Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit A.

1.  Primary cementing _____________ zones so that migration of fluids cannot occur. It prevents
 pollution and contamination
contamination of ___________________

2.  In addition, primary cementing protects the casing against ____________ and ______________, and
the hole against _____________ while deeper drilling is being done.

3.  Before drilling, a hole is dug on site which will house BOPs as well as other items. The rig will be
 placed over this hole, which
which is called a ____________.
4•6 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

Unit B: Types of Casing Cementing Jobs  

In primary cementing, four basic strings of In soft formations, the conductor casing may
casing may be used depending on well depths, simply be pounded into the ground. Otherwise, a
downhole formations, pressures, temperature, hole is drilled for it. Only conductor casing that
freshwater zones and fluid to be recovered (oil, is run in drilled holes is cemented. The cement
gas, or steam). This section explains the used for conductors is usually accelerated to
cementing of the four basic types of casing. reduce WOC (Wait on Cement) time. It also
may include lost circulation additives to prevent
•   Conductor
loss of cement to the formation.
•   Surface This pipe may be cemented in the conventional
•   Intermediate manner or it may be cemented in stages. Care
must be taken to ensure that the pipe does not
•   Production collapse during cementing. If a hole has been
These casings were discussed in Section 2 of drilled for the conductor, mud may have been
this workbook. used. Therefore, a spacer should be run for good
mud removal, and a top plug should be run to
help prevent channeling when the conventional
Conductor Casing cementing method is used.
To reduce the amount of cement that is inside
If conductor casing is used, it is first string set in the casing at any point during the job,
a well (Fig. 4.2). The setting depth of the innerstring cementing may be used on the
conductor casing can vary from 10 ft to more conductor casing. In this technique, tubing or
than 300 ft. The depth of conductor casing drill pipe (small enough to fit inside the casing)
depends on how deep you must go to reach solid is run to a specially-designed
specially-designed innerstring guide
material. The size of conductor pipe ranges from shoe or float collar. The tubular goods
goods are
16 in. to 36 in. OD, depending upon how many stabbed into the collar or shoe, and cement is
other strings run through it.  pumped. If the hole size has been estimated
estimated for
the job and cement slurry is designed to be lifted
to surface, some of the excess cement may be
eliminated and returned in dry bulk form due to
having a minimal amount within the
tubing/drillpipe at any one time. Typically, a
latch-down plug is run inside the workstring
after the cement to seal off in the collar or shoe.

Surface Casing

Surface casing is usually the second string set in

the well (Fig. 4.3). However, it may be the first
Reservoir  if conductor casing is not used. Surface casing
depth requirements vary from near ground level
  to several thousand feet, depending upon how
Figure 4.2 – Conductor Casing deep you must go to cover all fresh water zones.
4•7 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

Surface pipe size ranges from 7 5/8-in. to 20-in. the casing is reduced by adding weighted fluid
OD. Again, the size depends upon how much  between the drill pipe and the casing.
additional casing will be run below the surface
If lost circulation is a problem, the cement may
casing. As the depth increases, so does the
 be pumped down the annulus
annulus through a 1 in.
temperature, pressure, and the amount of
 pipe to bring cement to the surface.
surface. If casing
corrosive fluids. Thus, different grades of pipe
collapse or formation breakdown may be a
are necessary to withstand different well
conditions. The hole is drilled to the depth  problem, the cement
using a multiple stagemay pumped in stages,
desired for the surface casing.
Usually a filler or lead cement (a less expensive
cement, such as Class H cement with Bentonite)
is run to fill the annulus back to ground level.
Casing Higher strength cement (called the tail cement)
is then pumped to set around the bottom of the
surface casing. Before drilling out, the cement
should have a compressive strength of at least
500 psi.
The bottom joints of surface casing (or any
casing string that will have drilling operations
conducted below it) are subject to being
unscrewed by drill pipe rotation. As drill pipe is
rotated clockwise inside the surface casing, any
drag transferred to the casing results in a
counter-clockwise force being exerted above the
 point of drag. Should the
the force be adequate to
unscrew a casing joint, the problem must be
Figure 4.3 – Surface Casing fixed or the well abandoned. For this reason, the
 bottom joints of casing
casing must be well centralized
in the hole, with a competent cement in place to
Before cementing, the well should be circulated hold it securely in a fixed position. Often,
to break up the gel strength of the mud. Also, a special thread compounds are used to chemically
spacer should be run for good mud removal. "weld" the box and pin connections together.
Cement for surface casing will usually be an
accelerated type. Other additives are used to
combat lost circulation, if necessary. Intermediate Casing
 Normally, a simple combination
combination of a casing  Intermediate casing is set after the surface casing
guide shoe, float collar (or insert float valve), (Fig. 4.4). A string may extend from ground
and centralizers is used. It is important to ensure level to as far as 25,000 ft. The size and type of
that the bottom section of the surface casing is intermediate casing is again dependent on the
well centralized. Downhole equipment discussed number of other strings to be run below it, and
in Section 10 may be used when running surface the grade required to withstand the conditions in
casing. the well. Sizes range from 6 5/8 in. to 20 in.,
On a conventional job, both a top and a bottom with the most common sizes being: 9 5/8-in., 10
 plug should be run,
run, unless you are using a lost 3/4-in. and 13 3/8-in. casing. The hole is drilled
circulation additive in the cement. An important to the depth desired for the intermediate casing.
 point to keep in mind
mind is that the pressure to land
the plug, when released, must not be enough to
collapse the casing. When innerstring cementing
techniques are used, the possibility of collapsing
4•8 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

cementing job may be performed in multiple


Surface Production Casing

The production casing (Figure 4.5) is the last full

Casing string of pipe set in the well. Sometimes liners
are used instead of production casing. The
 production string extends from the surface to the
deepest producing formation. It must be small
enough to fit through all the previous casings.
The most common sizes are 4 1/2 in., 5 1/2 in.,
Reservoir  and 7 in. casing. It will be cemented, then
 perforated in the producing
producing zone. Therefore, a
  good cement job here affects the success of the
Figure 4.4 – Intermediate Casing well more than in any other part.

As in most casing jobs, it is very important to


 break up the gel strength of the

the mud and run a Casing
spacer to clean the mud before cementing is
 begun. Since prolonged drilling
drilling is done through Surface
the intermediate string, damage to this casing is Casing

fairly common. Centralizers and scratchers are

used on the intermediate casing string to help Intermediate
ensure uniform cement bonding. In addition,
cement baskets may be used to help protect
weak formations. Cement

The first cement pumped (lead slurry) for

intermediate casing is a filler type. It is followed
 by a higher density tail cement.
cement. Unlike cement Reservoir 
Casing Shoe
used in surface or conductor jobs, it usually Cement

contains retarders to allow good pump time in  

high temperatures. It may also contain friction- Figure 4.5 – Production Casing
reducing, lost-circulation, or fluid-loss additives.
If the casing is being run through salt or shale
zones, a salt additive will be needed. In short, As stated before, it is very important to have a
several blends of slurries may be needed because good cement job here. The hole is drilled to the
of the characteristics of the formations lowest producing formation. Then it is circulated
encountered. and a spacer is run. Depending on the well
The innerstring cementing method is sometimes conditions, all types of equipment may be used
used for intermediate casing. However, if the (centralizers, packer shoes or collars, multiple
 pipe size is small, the conventional
conventional two-plug stage tools, etc.) to help ensure the job’s success.
method may be used. (Remember to use the The proper blend of cement depends upon the
 bottom plug unless
unless lost circulation materials
materials are hole conditions. Testing of the cement is
 being run.) If the casing is run to a great depth,  particularly essential for
for a production casing
or if formation breakdown is a problem, the cementing job. When cementing, the slurry
should be at the highest possible rate while
4•9 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

rotating or reciprocating the pipe. After the job,

 but before the cement sets, the pressure
pressure should
 be released to ensure that the float
float valve is
holding. Also, holding pressure until the cement
sets could cause a microannulus behind the

Innerstring Cementing

Halliburton's inner string cementing equipment

allows cementing large diameter strings through
drillpipe or tubing that is inserted and sealed in
floating equipment. This method is some- times
less costly than cementing large casing using the
Figure 4.6 – Super Seal™ II Float Collar
conventional plug displacement method. Other
with Sealing Sleeve
advantages include:
•   Large diameter cementing plugs are not
required Innerstring cementing requires that a stab-in
float shoe or float collar be installed in the

  By pumping
string, through
you can reducethe smaller
cement inner
contamination casing string. The casing string is run into the
well in the usual manner. The inner string is then
resulting from channeling inside casing
run in, with the sealing adapter made up on the
•   Cement is discharged outside the casing lower end and stabbed into the floating-
much faster after mixing, reducing the risk equipment sealing sleeve.
of the cement slurry within the casing
The sealing sleeve is built into the floating
having a highly accelerated setting time
equipment to provide a sealing-surface
•   Reduces amount of cement that has to be receptacle for the innerstring sealing adapter.
drilled out of large diameter casing Concrete is molded around the sealing sleeve to
secure the sleeve within the floating equipment.
•   Less circulating time required with inner The floating-equipment top is also tapered to
string cementing form a surface that helps guide the sealing-
There are three basic methods available for sleeve adapter into its sealing sleeve. Two

 performing inner string cementing. Each relies centralizers should

one centralizer be run above
is directly on thethe
inner string:
on Halliburton's proven line of Super Seal™ II
floating equipment. Methods include (1) Super adapter, and another one or two joints above the
Seal II float collar with sealing sleeve (Fig. 4.6), first centralizer. This arrangement will help the
(2) Super Seal II float collar with sealing sleeve inner string enter the stab-in floating equipment.
and latch-down seat, and (3) standard Super Seal After the inner string (usually drillpipe) has been
II float collar. Super Seal II equipment offers stabbed into the floating equipment, cement is
these benefits:  pumped through the inner
inner string and floating
•   Reduces cement waste equipment into the casing/wellbore annulus.
After cementing has been completed, the check
•   Reduces casing collapse valve in the floating equipment prevents cement
•   Reduces cement drill-out time from re-entering the casing, and the sealing
adapter and inner string can be pulled from the
•   Eliminates large diameter cement plugs casing.
•   Drillpipe latch-down plugs available Floating equipment with a latch-down plug seat
is also available. This floating equipment is built
4 • 10 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing

with a combination sealing sleeve and latch-

down plug seat. The combination sleeve, which
is held in place by concrete, provides (1) a
sealing surface for the inner-string sealing
adapter on the top and (2) a bore configuration
to latch and seal the nose of a latch-down plug
on bottom.
After the last cement is displaced down the inner
string, a top latch-down cement plug is launched
down the inner string. The nose of the latch-
down plug seats and latches into the float
equipment sleeve immediately after passing
through the innerstring sealing sleeve. After
latching in, the plug nose should seal and
withstand pressure from above and below.
After the innerstring is retrieved, the latch-down
 plug serves as a backup to any
any backpressure
valves located in the casing string below.
Pressure can be applied inside the casing
immediately after the latch-down plug has been Figure 4.7 – Innerstring cementing method,
landed and the sealing-sleeve adapter has been used for large-diameter casing.
 pulled from the sealing sleeve.
4 • 11 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit B.
1.  Cement for conductor and surface casing usually contains additives to _______________ the setting

time and to reduce _________ time.

4.  A cementing technique known as __________________

__________________ is sometimes used for large diameter casing
to reduce the amount of wasted cement. Tubular goods are stabbed into a specially-designed
__. Cement is then pumped through
through this smaller string and a
 ____________________ plug is
is run.

5.  The depth of surface casing depends on how far you must go to cover all ______________ zones.

6.  Following the spacer, _____________ cement is run. This is followed by a _________ cement which
is usually more expensive and more dense.

7.  Cement with _______________

_______________ is used as the tail cement with intermediate strings.

8.  The last full string of pipe run in the hole is ________________ casing.

9.  The hole for production casing is drilled to the _______________________________


10.  The cementing job performed for the _______________

_______________ casing is probably the most important for the
well’s success. The pipe should be_________ during cementing.
4 • 12 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Unit C: Preventing Cementing Failures

Many cementing failures have been caused by Displacement research has examined various

inefficient drilling
in drilling fluid fluid displacement,
channels in the cementresulting
column. formations,
as washouts),irregularities in thefactors
and controllable wellbore (such
(such as
Since 1971, HES has used a large-scale test the condition of the drilling fluid, pipe
model, equipment, and materials that simulate movement, pipe centralization, flow rate, and the
actual cementing conditions to study the factors use of spacers/flushes). Each of these affect
that affect cementing efficiency. Findings from displacement efficiency (the percentage of mud
these cementing studies, combined with the removed ahead of a cement slurry). This section
knowledge acquired from more than 75 years of summarizes 25 years of study on the factors that
cementing experience, have led to procedures affect displacement efficiency for the majority
and theories for effectively cementing wells. of jobs performed:
These uncemented drilling fluid channels •  Causes of primary cementing failures
 provided a permeable conduit forfor well fluids to
migrate, causing lost production and/or corroded
•  Possible flow patterns that mud, cement, and
spacers may obtain in the annulus during a
casing. Since then, the industry
industry has investigated
many variables under various simulated  primary job.
cementing conditions. The general testing •  Importance of mud conditioning and flow
 procedures and the equipment
equipment used to perform rates.
these tests have been modified and updated
throughout the years, enabling the simulation of •  Importance of pipe centralization and
 both typical and specialized
specialized cementing movement.
conditions. •  Importance of cement-mud spacers.

Figure 4.8 – Test samples showing cement displacement efficiencies: Sample 2 is 97% efficient
and Sample 4 is only 64% efficient (notice the mud between the cement and the outer casing).
4 • 13 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Causes of Primary Cementing the difficulty of displacing drilling mud ahead of

the cement slurry, in the annulus, while
Failures  pumping. Most often, uncontaminated
uncontaminated cement
slurry fingers through the contaminated mixture
You need to know what can go wrong when you resulting in a channel and limited coverage of
are involved in a cementing job. Many factors the pipe exterior with competent cement. Severe
can contribute to a poor job; some will be incompatibility may result in early job
discussed briefly here. termination due to being unable to move an
•   Incomplete mixing of the slurry. This can be extremely viscous mass of mud/cement mixture.
caused by: Mud and cement intermixing also adversely
-  mechanical failure affect slurry thickening time (designed time
from mixing to becoming unpumpable) and
-  failure of the bulk system cement compressive strength. Muds tend to
-  incorrect water or pressure. drastically extent the cement pump time and
 prevent the cement mixture from gaining
•   Cement setting too quickly or too slowly. minimum required compressive strength.
This can be caused by:
 Normally a remedial or “squeeze” job is
-  contaminated mixing water required to correct the poor results of the
-  too much or too little mixing water  primary job. Delays in operations,
operations, cost of
additional cement jobs, and decreased
-  incorrect down-hole temperature  probability of isolating
isolating critical zones may
estimate drastically drive well costs up or even force well
-   plugged shoe or collar abandonment.

-  inadequate pumping rate Halliburton has numerous mud/cement spacers

that are designed to prevent mud from
-  mechanical failure. contaminating cement. When incorporated with
•   Channeling of the slurry (less than total
total other best practices, these products help ensure a
cement coverage around the outside of the successful primary cement job.
 pipe over the target interval).
interval). This can be Intermixing of mud and cement inside the casing
caused by: is eliminated by using special wiper plugs at
-  failure to centralize pipe critical times during the job. These were
discussed earlier in this section.
-  failure to move pipe
-  failure to circulate mud system and run Contaminants include fertilizers, decomposed
animal life, agricultural products, soil chemicals,
a mud/cement spacer. and waste effluents.
The effects of different mud additives on cement
Effects of Drilling Fluids and are shown in Table 4.1.
Contaminants on Cements

Cement slurries and drilling fluids (drilling mud)

are almost always incompatible. The primary
incompatibility problem is when a mixture of the
two is thicker than either of the separate fluids.
This increased thickness (or viscosity) increases
4 • 14 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Table 4.1 – Mud Additives and Their Effect on Cement

Additives Purposes Cement Effects
Barium Sulfate (BaSO4) Weighting agent Density increase
strength reduction
Caustics (NaOH, Na2CO3, etc.) pH adjustment Acceleration

Calcium compounds CaO, Ca(OH)2, CaCl2, Conditioning and pH control Acceleration

CaSO4, 2H2O)
Hydrocarbons (diesel oil, lease crude oil) Control fluid loss, lubrication Density decrease

Sealants (scrap, cellulose, rubber, etc.) Seal against leakage to formation Retardation

Thinners (tannins, lignosulfonates, quebracho, Disperse mud solids Retardation

lignins, etc.)
Emulsifiers (lignosulfonates, alkyl ethylene Forming oil-in-water or water-in-oil muds Retardation
oxide adducts, hydrocarbons sulfonates)
Bactericides (substituted phenols, Protect organic additives against Retardation
formaldehyde, etc.) bacterial decomposition
Fluid-loss control additives (C.M.C., starch, guar Reduce fluid loss from mud to formation Retardation
polyacrylamides, lignosulfonate

Flow Properties Laminar Flow - fluid velocity is higher creating

more friction. This results in more force being
Mud removal in the annulus is a function of the exerted on the mud layer by frictional drag,
flow patterns that
that are achieved. Three types of resulting in improved mud removal. This
flow patterns are: flowrate can remove as much as 90% of the mud
from the pipe.
Plug Flow - mud removal is minimal due to low
frictional or drag forces exerted on the mud Turbulent Flow - A maximum mud removal
layer. This flowrate can remove only about
about 60% capability is reached due to high frictional or
of the mud from the pipe. drag forces. Eddies and current
current in the fluid
result in a mud removal percentage as high as

Plug Flow Laminar Flow Turbulent Flow 


Figure 4.9 – Plug flows.

4 • 15 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Conditioning the Drilling Fluid influence, the results presented in Figure 4.5
show a significant decrease in displacement
efficiency after only 5 minutes of down time.
A well-conditioned drilling fluid is the most
significant factor affecting drilling fluid
displacement. Studies in test wells that simulate
Affect of Static Time
realistic permeability reveal the importance of
additives to control fluid leak-off, from the mud, 100
in order to prevent excessive filter-cake buildup.    ) 90
In tests simulating vertical wellbore cementing   y 80
conditions, immobile drilling fluid filter cake   n 70
could not be displaced completely by the cement   c
slurry, even under turbulent flow conditions.    E
   t 50
Low viscosity spacers/flushes placed ahead of   n
  e 40
the cement slurry and pipe movement coupled   m
  e 30
with mechanical scratchers/wall cleaners can   c
help remove gelled drilling fluid or filter cake.   p 20
However, there is no substitute for maintaining    D 10
drilling fluid properties that enhance the 0
  s   s   s
  r   s
mobility of the drilling fluid, enabling   e
   t   e
   t   u   u
  u   u   o   o
displacement by the cement slurry.   n
   i   n
   i    H    H
   0    M
   5    2    4
Figure 4.11 – Static Time

A well engineered cement job design will

include laboratory testing of the mud to measure
its viscosity (rheological properties) under
Filtrate Cement down-hole conditions. Additives or base fluid
(water or synthetic oil) can be added prior to
Filter  cementing to improve the mud's tendency to
Formation Casing flow ahead of the cement slurry.
Figure 4.
4.10 – Conditioned drilling fluid is
easier to remove. Pipe Movement

Second to drilling fluid conditioning in

Another way to improve drilling fluid mobility importance is the need to employ pipe
(to enhance its displacement capability) is movement, either rotation or reciprocation, both
through prejob circulation to thoroughly fluidize during and before cementing. Pipe movement
the drilling fluid before cementing. To further helps break up gelled pockets of drilling fluid
improve its mobility, the viscosity of the drilling and the loose cuttings that may accumulate
fluid should be reduced, if possible, during the within the pockets. Pipe movement also can help
 prejob circulation period.
period. Proper hole offset the negative effects from poorly
conditioning is critical to successful cementing centralized pipe.
pipe. Mechanical scratchers
scratchers attached
operations. to the casing further enhance the beneficial
It is also important to limit the amount of static effects of pipe movement.
time before and during the cement job. From the If casing is properly centralized, pipe movement
tests conducted to determine static time can be accomplished even in horizontal wells. In
4 • 16 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

addition, if the drilling fluid system is not

carrying solids, pipe movement can help
eliminate a solids-settled channel.

Figure 4.
4.14 – Pipe centralization.

Figure  4.12 – Pipe movement.

Figure Eccentric Flow and Density

When designing fluids for a specific flow

Pipe Centralization regime, it is assumed that the flow is in a
 perfectly centered annulus. In reality,
reality, this is not
According to test results, pipe centralization is true. In an eccentric annulus, the fluid has a
another important factor in obtaining high tendency to take the path of least resistance; the
displacement efficiency. In test sections where fluid will tend to flow through the wider section
the pipe was not central in the hole, the cement of the annulus more readily.
displayed a strong tendency to bypass drilling
Under these conditions, the flow regime in the
fluid. Centralizers improve pipe standoff,
wider section can be different than the flow
thereby equalizing the distribution of forces
regime in the narrower section. For example, the
exerted by the cement slurry as it flows up the
flow may be turbulent in the wide section and be
annulus. Otherwise, cement tends to follow the
laminar, or even plugged, in the narrow section.
 path of least resistance—the wide
annulus. wide side of the Under these conditions, a large density
difference between cement and drilling fluid can
improve displacement efficiency. Under all
other conditions, it is the velocity of fluids that
Formation will primarily determine the displacement
As a general rule of thumb, the design of spacers
C and cements should follow the low to high-
density approach. That is, the spacer should be
Casing heavier than the drilling fluid and the cement
heavier than the spacer.
Figure 4.13 - Cement tends to follow the
wide side of the annulus.
4 • 17 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

High Displacement Rates Spacers may be water or oil based. Current oil
 based spacers often use synthetic
synthetic oils to avoid
the environmental concerns of hydrocarbon
The greatest displacement efficiencies observed
 based oil, such as diesel. Water
Water based spacers
in tests conducted at a scale-model test facility
tend to leave steel in a water wet condition
consistently occur at the highest displacement
which aids with cement bonding.
rates, regardless of the flow regime of the
cement slurry. The highest displacement  Non-weighted spacers are often referred to as
efficiency occurred under turbulent flow flushes. Water is a common flush. These are
conditions; however, if turbulent flow could not most effective and economical on low density
 be achieved, displacement was consistently
consistently muds that are near the density of the flush. They
 better at the highest rates attained
attained under like are the easiest to put into turbulent flow. Often,
conditions for similar slurry compositions. additives are used which thin drilling mud or
chemically attack mud filter cake.
With other factors being equal, thin cement
slurry placed under turbulent flow conditions
exhibited higher drilling fluid displacement
efficiency than a thicker slurry placed at low
rates. Frequently, turbulent flow is not a viable
option, such as when hole and formation
conditions create frictional pressures exceeding
the fracturing gradient of the formation. Test and
field data clearly indicate that even when
turbulence is not possible, pump rates should be

Spacers and/or Flushes

One of the key factors in obtaining an effective

 primary cementing job is to minimize
minimize the Figure  4.15 – Use of spacers.
contamination of the cement slurry with the
drilling fluid. The drilling fluid must be
completely displaced from the annulus so that a For densified muds, spacers must be designed
competent cement sheath can form and produce with weighting materials resulting in the spacer
 being equal to, or greater, than the mud
mud in
an effective hydraulic seal. density. A lighter density spacer will result in
The inadequate removal of annular fluids may  poor mud displacement efficiency.
efficiency. The viscosity
result in poor cement bonds to the pipe and of weighted spacers may be modified to further
formation, intrazone communication, pipe enhance mud displacement. Halliburton
corrosion, and pipe collapse. In High- maintains design software that aids with
Pressure/High-Temperatu re (HPHT) we
lls, these weighted spacer design.
factors become even more critical. The correct
spacer system can help the operator/service
company achieve a quality cement job.
4 • 18 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Unit C Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit C.
1.  A plugged shoe or collar, contaminated mixing water, or an inadequate pumping rate might cause the

 ___________ to
to _________________________.

2.   __________
___ can be caused by lack of pipe centralization
centralization and movement.

3.  Drilling fluid and cement are often _______________ and intermixing of the two may cause a
 primary cementing job _________________

4.   ____________
__ properties allow for maximum
maximum removal of drilling mud d
ue to high
frictional drag forces.

5.  A ________________________
_ drilling fluid is critical for successful mud removal.

6.  Pipe movement can offset the ________________ effects of poorly _________________
_________________ casing
during a primary cement job.

7.  If casing is not perfectly centered, cement will tend to flow up the _________ side of the annulus.

8.  Even if turbulent flow cannot be obtained, the highest possible

possible __________________
__________________ shoul
d be used
for _____________ mud removal.

9.   ___________
_ or _____________
_____________ help minimize contaminatio
n between a cement slurry and
drilling ___________.
4 • 19 Cementing 1

Mud Removal

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to

1. isolates, freshwater zones 4-3
2. formation fluids, gas, cave-in 4-3
3. cellar 4-4

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. accelerate, WOC 4-7
2. innerstring cementing, guide 4-7
shoe or float collar, latch-down
3. freshwater 4-7

4. lead, tail 4-8

5. retarder 4-9
6. production 4-9
7. lowest producing formation 4-9
8. production, rotated 4-9
9. float shoe, float collar 4-10
10. latch-down 4-11

Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to


1. set too quickly 4-14

2. cement, channeling 4-14
3. incompatible, failure (or 4-14
4. Turbulent flow 4-15
5. well conditioned 4-16
6. negative, centralized 4-16
7. wide 4-16
8. flow rate, maximum 4-18
9. Spacers, flushes, fluid (mud) 4-18
4 • 20 Cementing 1


ri mary
ry Cement
g Calc
ti ons

Table of Cont
Topic Area..............................................................................................................................................5-3 
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
.................................... ..................... 5-3 
Unit A: Capacity Calculations ..................................
................ ....................................
...................................... ....... 5-3 
Fill-Up Calculations ....................................
.................. ....................................
..................................... .................. 5-4 
Bull-Plugged Pipe ..................................
................ ....................................
.................................... ...... 5-5 
Open-Ended Pipe....................................................................................................................................5-5 
Unit A Test:............................................................................................................................................5-7 
Unit B: Annular Volume Calculations.......................................................................................................5-8 
Unit B Test ....................................
.................. ...................................
.................................... .............. 5-11 
Unit C: Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations ....................................
.................. ....................................
.................................... ............ 5-12 
Density ....................................
.................. ....................................
.................... 5-12 
Specific Gravity....................................................................................................................................5-13 
API Gravity ...................................
................. ....................................
................................... .............. 5-13 
Absolute Density vs. Bulk Density ....................................
.................. .....................................
..................................... .......... 5-13 
Absolute Volume..................................................................................................................................5-13 
Unit C Quiz: ..................................
................ ....................................
................................... .............. 5-17 
Unit D: Primary Cementing Calculations Example.................................................................................5-18  
Given Information for Primary Cementing Calculations ................................. ................ ................................... ................... 5-20 
1 Calculations for Pressure Required to Lift Pipe.............. Pipe................................
..................................... .......... 5-20 
2 Calculations for Amount of Cement ...................................
................. ....................................
.................................... ....... 5-22 
3 Sacks of Cement ...................................
................. ...................................
..................... 5-25 
4 Calculations for Amount of Mixing Water ..................................
................ ....................................
.................................... ................ 5-25 
5 Calculations for Amount of Fluid to Displace Top Plug ................. ....................................
..................................... ........... 5-26 
6 Calculations for Pressure to Land the Plug Plug................
.................................... ............... 5-27 
7 Calculations for Resulting Force....................................
Force.................. ....................................
.................................... ............ 5-28 
Intermediate Casing Job One ..................
....................... 5-33 
Unit D Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................................... .............. 5-36 
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.................................... .............. 5-37 
5•1 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Use for Section Notes…

5•2 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca


Primary cementing is the cementing operation C.  Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations

 performed immediately
run downhole. after the
The materials, casin
tools, g has been
equipment, D.  Primary Cementing Calculations Example
and techniques to be used vary depending on the
hole conditions, depth of the well, and the Learning Objectives
 people planning the
the job. Successful primary
cementing presents a constant challenge and
Upon completion of this section, you should be
requires up-to-date knowledge and technology.
familiar with:
  How to calculate the amount of cement for a
Topic Ar ea Primary job.
  How to calculate the mixing water required
The units in this section are:
for the cement.
A.  Capacity Calculations
  How to calculate the pressure required to
B.  Annular Volume Calculations land the top plug

Unit A: Capacity
Capacity Calculations

Capacity is a term frequently used It is recommended to caliper a number of joints

interchangeably with volume. As used in the of casing just inside the pin area. These are used
oilfield, it is the volume that a certain length of to come up with an average ID for the casing
 pipe will hold. Knowing
Knowing the shape of the pipe
pipe is  being run.
round, the volume can be calculated by hand.
This ID should be used in the final calculations
In this unit, we will discuss fill-up and relating to casing capacity. The volume
displacement calculations. difference in can be significant.
Capacity calculations are one of the many types Unless a caliper value is given, this course will
of mathematical problems that can be greatly use the table values for ID as accurate.
simplified by using the Halliburton Cementing
To use the Capacity tables, locate the correct
Tables ( Red Book ).
). Section 210 lists capacity
table for the type of pipe you’re dealing with:
factors for various sizes of drill pipe, tubing and
drill pipe, tubing, or casing. Next, locate the size
casing. Currently, these are listed in terms of
and weight of pipe in the two left columns.
gallons per foot, barrels per foot, and cubic feet
(Note: For tubing, there are four columns.) Then
 per foot. See Figure 5.1 for a sample of a
find the volume units you want across the top.
capacity table for drill pipe.
Read the capacity factor where the columns
The actual ID of a joint of casing is almost intersect.
always larger than the value stated in the tables.
This is due to the manufacturing process of Sample Problem
seamless tubulars. The actual tolerances are
identified in API specification 5CT. What is the capacity, in gallons, of 1000 ft of 2-
7/8 in., 10.4 lb/ft internal upset drill pipe? Use
5•3 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

the sample of Section 210 shown in Figure 5.1 Capacity Factor = 0.1888 gal/ft
to aid your calculations. Capacity = 0.1888 gal/ft × 1000 ft = 188.8 gal


Find the appropriate capacity factor (in gal/ft) in

Figure 5.1. Then multiply by the length of the
drill pipe.

Figure 5.1

Sample Problem
Fill-Up Calculation
How many feet of 3-1/2 in., 15.50 lb/ft internal
Fill-up of pipe is defined as the length of pipe a upset drill pipe will 25 barrels of oil fill? Use
specified volume will fill. Fill-up factors are also Figure 5.1 to aid in your calculations.
listed in Section 210 of the  Red Book .
Fill-up Factor = 152.05 ft/bbl
5•4 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Fill-up = 152.05 ft/bbl × 25 bbl = 3801.25 ft Sample Problem

What is the displacement, in barrels, for the

Displacement string of bull-plugged pipe shown in Figure 5.2?

 Displacement is defined as the volume of fluid Solution:

displaced by an object when it is placed in that
fluid. In the oilfield, the terms displacement and 3 in. = 0.25 ft
Displacement =
displace may be confused. The word displace
0.7854 × 0.25 ft × 0.25 ft × 1000 ft =
often refers to pumping the fluid inside the pipe
49.09 ft3 
out of the pipe, as in displacing cement with
fresh water. To do this, the volume of fluid Conversion factor =
 pumped is usually equal
equal to the capacity of the (located in section 240, page 85)
 pipe. This is totally
totally different from the definition 0.1781 bbl/ft3 
of displacement as given in the first sentence of
Displacement =
this paragraph.
49.09 ft3 × 0.1781 bbl/ft3 =
8.74 bbl
Bull -P
lugg ed Pipe
Open-Ended Pipe
Figure 5.2 illustrates the volume of fluid
displaced when bull-plugged pipe is run in the
When the pipe is open-ended (that is, some
hole. This volume is equal to the outside
opening permits the pipe to fill up on the inside
diameter’s flat surface area multiplied by the
as it is lowered into the well), it will displace
length of the pipe:
less fluid than the bull-plugged string. As shown
Displacement = OD Area × Length in Figure 5.3, open-ended pipe will displace a
volume equal only to the volume of steel placed
in fluid. This displacement can be calculated by
Displacement = 0.7854 × OD × OD × Length multiplying the cross-sectional area by the
3 in. Displacement = Cross-sectional Area × Length
1.5 in.

3 in.

1.5 in.

1,000 ft

Bottom Dry
1,000 ft

Ou t s i d e Vi ew Sec t i o n al Vi ew
Figure 5.2 Bottom Open

Ou t s i d e Vi ew Sec t i o n al Vi ew
Figure 5.3
5•5 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Sample Problem Displacement =

0.0368 ft2 × 1000 ft = 36.8 ft 3 
What is the displacement, in barrels, for the Conversion Factor = 0.1781 bbl/ft3 
open-ended pipe illustrated in Figure 5.3?
Displacement =
Solution: 36.8 ft3 × 0.1781 bbl/ft3 = 6.55 bbl

OD = 3 in. = 0.25 ft  NOTE: In the above examples, it has been

ID = 1.5 in. = 0.125 ft assumed that the tubular goods were flush joint;
that is, no allowance was made for internal
OD Area = 0.7854 × 0.25 ft × 0.25 ft = upsets, external upsets, or couplings. Section
0.0491 ft2  130 of the Red Book  contains
 contains factors that allow
ID Area = 0.7854 × 0.125 ft × 0.125 ft = for upsets and couplings, as shown in Figure 5.4.
0.0123 ft2 
Cross-sectional Area =
0.0491 ft2 – 0.0123 ft2 =
0.0368 ft2 

Figure 5.4 – Red Book data.

5•6 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Unit A Test:

For items 1 and 2, fill in the blanks. For items 3 to 5, use your Red Book as a reference and find the
solutions to check your progress in Unit A.

1.  The volume that a certain length of pipe will hold is known as the pipe's ______________________.

2.   ___________
____is defined as the
the volume of fluid displaced
displaced by an object when it is
 placed in that fluid.

3.  What is the capacity, in barrels, of 10,000 ft of 7 in., 23.0 lb/ft casing?

4.  The casing ID is callipered on location with an average ID measured of 6.50”. What is the
recalculated capacity, in barrels, of 10,000 ft of 7 in., 23.0 lb/ft casing?

5.  How many feet of 4-1/2 in., 16.6 lb/ft internal upset drill pipe will 25 barrels of oil fill?

6.  What is the displacement, in barrels, for this open-ended pipe?

OD = 4.5 in.
ID = 2.0 in.
Length = 2000 ft

 Now, check your answers against

against the Answer Key at the back of th
is section.
5•7 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Unit B: Annul
An nular
ar V
me C

Annular volume is the volume contained

 between the outside of the pipe
pipe and the open
hole (Figure 5.5) or between the outside of the
drill pipe or tubing and the inside of the casing
(Figure 5.6).
Annular volumes can be determined by
calculating the cross-sectional area between the
open hole or casing ID and the drill pipe OD and
multiplying this by the length.

Figure 5.6

Note: Diameters and lengths must be in the

same unit of measurement.
Rather than calculating cross-sectional areas to
determine annular volumes, you can refer to the
 Red Book , which provides factors that you can
multiply by the length of the annulus to more
simply arrive at volumes. There are two sections
Figure 5.5 in the Red Book  that
 that you should become familiar
with regarding annular volumes:
  Section 122 is a set of tables of annular
volume and annular fillup factors with
tubular goods in various size holes. It also
lists the factors for multiple strings of
tubular goods in various hole sizes.
  Section 221 lists factors for pipe strings
inside other pipe. There are tables for
tubing, drill pipe, and casing inside of larger
casing. Like Section 122, there are also
tables for multiple tubing strings inside
5•8 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Figure 5.7

Annular Volume = 0.0479 bbl/ft × 1000 ft =

Sample Problem 479 bbl
You can also use these tables to determine the
Find the annular volume, in barrels, between
length that a given volume of fluid will fill.
6000 ft of 2-3/8 in. (2.375 in.), 4.7 lb/ft tubing
and a 6-1/8 in. hole. Use Section 122-A of the
 Red Book (see Figure 5.7). Sample Problem
How many feet of annular space between 4-1/2
Annular Volume Factor = 0.0310 bbl/ft (from in., 10.5 lb/ft casing and a 6 in. hole will 100 bbl
the Red Book ) of cement fill? Use Section 122 of the Red Book .
Annular Volume = 0.0310 bbl/ft × 6000 ft = Solution:
186 bbl
Annular Fill-up Factor = 65.3597 ft/bbl

Sample Problem Annular Fill-up = 65.3597 ft/bbl × 100 bbl =

6535.97 ft
What is the annular volume, in barrels, for 1000 Another way of calculating annular volume
ft of 5-1/2 in., 17 lb/ft casing inside 9-5/8 in., 36  between a string of casing and
and the ID of the hole
lb/ft casing? Use Section 221 of the  Red Book . is by using Section 210 of the  Red Book. This
contains the factors for different size cylinders
Solution: or holes with a length of 1 foot. Annular volume
Annular Volume Factor = 0.0479 bbl/ft can be calculated by subtracting the annular
5•9 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

volume factors for one foot of height and then Solution:

multiplying by the desired annular height.
Volume Factor for 6-1/8 in. hole = 0.0364 bbl/ft
Sample Problem Volume Factor for 2-3/8 in. tubing =
0.0055 bbl/ft
Find the annular volume, in barrels, between 2- Annular Volume Factor =
3/8 in., 4.7 lb/ft tubing and a 6-1/8 in. hole. Use 0.0364 bbl/ft – 0.0055 bbl/ft =
Section 210 of the Red Book . 0.0309 bbl/ft
Annular Volume = 6000 ft × 0.0309 bbl/ft =
185.4 bbl
The differences between this way of determining
annular volume and using Section 122 can be
explained by the methods used when rounding
off of decimals in establishing the tables.
5 • 10 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Unit B Te

Calculate the answers for the following:

1.  What is the annular volume, in gallons, between 5000 ft of 9-5/8 in., 53.50 lb/ft casing and 12-1/4 in.
hole? Use the Red Book to find the appropriate factor.

2.  What is the annular volume in cubic feet, for 7675 ft of 2-7/8 in., 6.5 lb/ft tubing inside 7 in., 26 lb/ft
casing? Use the Red Book  to
 to find the appropriate factor.

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of this section
5 • 11 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Unit C: Slurry
Slurr y We
ightt and Volu
me C

The density of a base fluid is affected by the Density in Density in

addition of additives. This density should be lb/ft   g/cc
collected for additive concentration when Solids
determining hydrostatic pressure.
Gold 1206.2 19.3
To help you with density calculations, this unit Mercury 846.0 13.5
will introduce you to several terms. After Lead 712.5 11.4
completing this unit, you will be familiar with: Iron 485.0 7.7
  the relationships among density, weight, and Aluminum 165.6 2.6
volume Wood 50.0 0.8
Ice 56.9 0.9
  API gravity
  specific gravity
  absolute density vs. bulk density Sulfuric Acid 125.0 2.00
Sea Water 64.3 1.03
  absolute volume
  slurry weight and volume calculations Fresh Water
Kerosene 62.5
50.0 1.00
Gasoline 46.8 0.75

Density Gases
Air 0.075 0.0075 0.0012
 Density can be defined as the weight of a Oxygen 0.084 0.00134
substance per unit volume. In the English  Nitrogen 0.0737 0.00118
system, one cubic foot is a unit of volume, and Carbon Monoxide 0.0734 0.00117
one pound is a unit of weight. In the metric Hydrogen 0.0053 0.000085
system, a unit of volume is cubic centimeter (cc)
and weight can be measured in grams (g). If you
measured the weight of a specific volume of For practical purposes, the densities of gases are
iron, wood, lead, and water, you would find they compared with air at atmospheric pressure

have widely
is needed different
to refer weights.
to the weightTherefore, a term
of a unit-volume instead of with
reference, water.
the vapor Using air
densities ofas
thea gases
of substance -- that term is density. For example, above are:
a cubic foot of water weighs 62.4 lb, so the
Air 1.00
density of water is 62.4 lb/ft3.
Oxygen 1.120
If you know the density and the volume of a  Nitrogen 0.983
material, you can calculate its weight: Carbon Monoxide 0.979
Hydrogen 2.004
Weight = Density × Volume
Some densities of common materials are listed
here for your reference.
5 • 12 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

API readings are standardized at a temperature

of 60°F. If taken at any other temperature,
Specific Gravity readings must be converted to 60°F to be
accurate. Tables for this conversion and for
Specific gravity (abbreviated Sp Gr) is the conversion of API gravity to specific gravity can
weight of a volume of material divided by the  be found in the API Standard 2500
2500 bulletin and
weight of the same volume of material taken as a in various engineering handbooks.
standard. For solids and liquids, the standard is
Formulas for conversion are:
water; for gases, the standard is air. Another
definition of specific gravity is the ratio of the 141.5
Degrees API Gravity =  - 131.5
density of a substance to the density of water or Sp Gr 
air. The density of water is 8.33 lb/gal. It is a
simple matter to convert density to specific 141.5
Specific Gravity =  
gravity (or vice versa). API  131.5

Sample Problem
 Abb so l u te Den si ty v s. B u l k
What is the specific gravity of a 10 lb/gal brine? Density
density is the mass per unit volume.
 Absolute density

Sp Gr = density of  substance Absolute density considers only the actual

density of  standard  volume occupied by a material.  Bulk density is 
mass per unit bulk volume -- which includes the
10 lb/gal actual volume of the material plus the volume of
Sp Gr =  
8.33 lb/gal trapped “air.”

Sp Gr = 1.2
If you were given the specific gravity of a liquid
 Abb so l u te Vo l u m e
as 1.2, the density can be calculated:
 Absolute volume is the volume per unit mass.
1.2 × 8.33 lb/gal = 10 lb/gal Here is an example of absolute volume. Let's
assume we have a container (Figure 5.8) that
measures one cubic foot (1 ft high, 1 ft deep, 1 ft
PI Gravi
Gra vi ty wide). This container is filled with golf balls.
There are void spaces between the golf balls
 Baume’s gravity is a scale that uses salt water as filled with trapped air. We want to know the
a reference rather than fresh water. It is used in volume in gallons that is occupied by the golf
refineries to determine the gravity of acids and  balls only.
alkalis only.
 API gravity is used in most other instances in the
oil field. Water is used as the standard. Water's
API gravity is 10 degrees.
As the specific gravity increases, the API gravity
decreases. Crude oil with a 42° API gravity has
an actual specific gravity of 0.82. American
crude is commonly run from 0.768 to 0.966
specific gravity, which would range from 52.6  
to 10.5° on the API gravity scale.
5 • 13 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

The volume occupied by the golf balls can best

One cubic foot
7.4805 gal.  be determined by first calculating
calculating the volume
1 ft
occupied by the void spaces. For this, we could
add water to the container and measure it. After
obtaining the number of gallons of water needed
to fill the void spaces, we can subtract from
1 ft
7.4805 gal/ft3 to determine the volume occupied
 by the golf balls alone.
1 ft
The volume of golf balls determined in this way
This container below  
below is filled with golf balls. is called the absolute volume. While this
example is exaggerated, it does help explain the
concept. We work with sand, cement, etc. rather
1 ft than golf balls, but the balls can be seen as a
magnification of sand or cement particles. Void
spaces exist in sand; the volume we add to
fracturing fluids is actually the absolute volume
1 ft
of the sand.
1 ft
  Calculating absolute volume for sand or cement
can be simplified by using the tables for
Figure 5.8 – The volume of golf balls is less
than the total volume because of the spaces "Physical
Admixtures"Properties ofin
provided Cementing Materials
the Technical Data and
between them.
section of the Halliburton Cementing
Cementing Tables
(Figure 5.9). 

Figure 5.9 – Red Book data.

  5 • 14 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

The left-hand column lists the material, the Total lb  Total abs gal = lb/gal
second column gives the bulk weight in lb per 12.33 lb  1.1824 gal = 10.427943 lb/gal
ft3. The third column gives the specific gravity,
and the fourth column provides absolute volume Sample Problem
in gal/lb.
Note: When using fluids in absolute volume What is the absolute volume (gallons) and
calculations, you will not find a gal/lb factor in weight (lb per gallon) of this slurry?
the Red Book . However, you can calculate this   Base Fluid is water @ 8.33 lb/gal
factor if you know the fluid density in lb/gal.
  Additive is 3% KC1
Simply divide 1 by the fluid density. For
example, water is 8.33 lb/gal, so:   4 lb of sand is added

gal/lb = 1  8.33 lb/gal = 0.12 gal/lb Solution

MATERIALS (lb) (gal/lb) (gallons)

What is the absolute volume (gallons) and Water 8.33 × 0.1200 = 1.0
weight (lb per gallon) of this slurry? 3% KC1 0.2499 × 0.0443 = 0.0110705

  Base Fluid is water @ 8.33 lb/gal Sand 4.0 × 0.0456 = 0.1824

  4 lb of sand is added. TOTALS 12.579 lb 1.1934705 gal


Solution Total lb  Total abs gal = lb/gal

We will use the chart below to help in our 12.5799 lb  1.1934705 gal = 10.5 lb/gal
calculation of absolute volume. First, list the Note: Generally, when working with sand and
materials and their weights in the first two water (or base fluid) slurries, the calculations are
columns. Then, using the Red Book  table,
 table, list the  based on 1 gallon of base
base fluid and the weight of
absolute volume factors (gal/lb) in the third that 1 gallon of fluid.
ABSOLUTE Sample Problem
MATERIALS (lb) (gal/lb) (gallons)
What is the absolute volume (gallons) and
Water 8.33 0.1200 weight (lb per gallon) of this slurry?
Sand 4 0.0456
  Class H Cement
  Water @ 8.33 lb/gal
Multiply the materials (lb) by the factor (gal/lb)
to obtain the absolute volume and add these Solution
values to the table. For the totals, add the For this cementing problem, we will add a
materials (lb) together and add the absolute column to the chart for mixing water
volumes together: requirements. Proceed as in the last two sample
ABSOLUTE  problems until you need to fill in the mixing
MATERIAL FACTOR VOLUME water requirements for the Class H cement. This
MATERIALS (lb) (gal/lb) (gallons) quantity you can find in the Technical Data
Water 8.33 × 0.1200 = 1.0 section of the Red Book in the table for “Water
Requirements.” For Class H cement, the
Sand 4.0 × 0.0456 = 0.1824
requirements are 4.3 gal/sk. Enter this under the
TOTALS 12.33 lb 1.1824 gal
appropriate column:
Find the weight of the mixed slurry using this
5 • 15 Cementing 1

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MATERIALS (lb) (gal/lb) (gallons) (gallons) MATERIALS (lb) (gal/lb) (gallons) (gallons)

Cement 94 × 0.0382 = 3.6 4.3 Cement 94 × 0.0382 = 3.6 4.3

Water 8.33 Water 35.82 = 8.33   4.3

TOTALS TOTALS 129.82 lb 7.9 gal

Enter 5.2 gal for the absolute volume for water. Total lb  Total abs gal = lb/gal
Divide the water factor by the absolute volume
to determine the materials (lb) for water. Then 129.82 lb  7.9 gal = 16.4 lb/gal
calculate the totals: Find the yield of cement (ft3 per sack) by using
this formula:
Total abs gal  7.4805 gal/ft3 = ft3/sk
7.9 gal/sk*  7.4805 gal/ft3 = 1.06 ft 3/sk
* NOTE: When working
working with cement slurries,
the calculations are usually based on one sack of
cement and the weight of that sack.
5 • 16 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

Unit C Quiz:  

For items 1 3, fill in the blanks. For items 4 and 5, calculate the answer.

1.  In dealing with specific gravity, the weight of a volume of a material is ________________________
 by the weight of the same volume
volume of a material taken as a______

2.  Absolute density considers only the___________ ____________

____________ occupied by the material.

3.  Volume per unit mass defines ______________ _______________.


4.  Calculate the weight (lb/gal) of the following slurry:

  base fluid is 10 lb/gal

lb/gal brine

  sand at 10 lb/gal (0.0456 gal/lb)


5.  Using Class H cement (94 lb/sk) and 4.3 gallons mixing water, what is the cement slurry density (lb/
gal) and yield (ft3/sk)?

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of this section
5 • 17 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Unit D: Primary Ce
menting Ca
lations Example

Before a primary cementing job can begin, Primary Cementing Calculations

several calculations must be done. In this unit, 7 critical calculations that need to be made with every
you will learn these calculations: surface casing job

Also included is a new slurry weight and yield Critical Circulating Pressure – Pressure required to lift
1 (pump) the casing out of the h ole
Cement volume – The volume of cement required to fill
2 the required footage of the annulus plus the shoe track

Sacks of Cement – Converting the required volume of

3 cement into sacks. 

1 4 slurries. 
Mixing water required for given slurries. 

Displacement fluid required to the top plug from surface

5 track. 
to the top of the shoe track. 

Pressure to land the plug – Differential pressure

6 track. 
required to pump the plug to the top of the shoe track. 
7 Resulting Force – The calculated hook load at the top
t op
7 landed.  
of the casing once the plug has landed. 

 A Well Parameters
 A Pipe Size
B Well Fluid
C C Hole Size

D Pipe Depth

E Shoe Track Length

F Required Cement fill-up

G Excess volume required (percent)

Calculation Guidelines
  Do not apply any decimal
decimal places for pres
sure or sacks
6   Apply one decimal place for lb/gal
  Apply 2 decimal place
s for
cubic feet
E pounds
D   For psi/ft use same number of decimal places as in Red
  Book “Hydrostatic Pressure And Fluid Weight Conversion
Figure 5.10 – Primary Cementing Setup   Show one decimal place for bbl/min
  Rounding numbers – if the last number is to be dropped,
round up if  5, down if < 5. 
5 • 18 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calcul

Calcul ations
 Ab so lu te
 Abso Mixin
Mix in g Wat
MA TERIA L Mat er i al Fac t o r Vo l u m e Req u i r em en t s
NA ME (l b ) (g al /l b ) (g al ) (g al )
X =

. X = +

X = +

X = +

X = +

X = +

Water = lb/gal gal

TOTALS ==> gal
Total mixing water must be entered under absolute gallons b efore totaling.
Find the weight
weight of the mixed cement by using this fo rmula:
Total Pounds/Total Absolute gallons = lb/gal
Find the cement
cement yield in c ubic feet per sack by using this fo rmula:
3 3
Total Absolute gallons / 7.4805 gal/ft  (constant) = ft /sack
The mixing w ater
ater per sack is the sum of t he gallons in the far right co lumn

Cement Density (lb/gal) ==> lb/gal

3 3
Cement Yield (ft /sk) ===> ft /sk

Mixing Water required ===> gal/sk

Figure 5.11 – Absolute Volume Worksheet

5 • 19 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

Primary Cementing Calculations

7 critical calculations that need to be made with every
surface casing job

Critical Circulating Pressure – Pressure required to lift

1 ole  
(pump) the casing out of the h ole

Cement volume – The volume of cement required to fill

2 the required footage of the annulus plus the shoe track


Sacks of Cement – Converting the required volume of

3 cement into sacks. 

4 slurries. 
Mixing water required for given slurries. 

Displacement fluid required to the top plug from surface

5 track. 
to the top of the shoe track. 

Pressure to land the plug – Differential pressure

6 required to pump the plug to the top of the shoe track. 

Resulting Force – The calculated hook load at the top

t op
7 landed.  
of the casing once the plug has landed. 

In the Essential Red
 Red Book  course,
 course, you were
introduced to the basic calculations and concepts
needed in preparing for a primary cementing
 job. In this unit you will
will be shown the step
stepss for
calculating a surface casing cement job. Later,
you’ll be asked to actually make the calculations
for a similar job on your own.

Given Information for Primary

Cementing Calculation s

Refer to the well parameter information as you

work through the calculations for the surface
casing cementing job.
Figure 5.12 – Surface Casing Cementing
1 Calcul
Calcul ations for P Pressure
Requi red to Lif t Pipe
Surface Casing
Casing Job One
This casing job consists of a single slurry, which is to be When pipe is run into a hole, the result in a ram
circulated from total depth to surface. effect. This ram effect increases as the running
speed and the diameter of the pipe increases. In
Well Parameters some cases, the ram effect will break down low-
 pressure zones. Sand may slough off and bridge
Pipe Size 9 5/8 in 36 lb/ft
the annulus. If the casing is stuck in the hole,
Well Fluid 8.7 lb/gal
you cannot pull it out without parting it.
Hole Size 12.25 in
Pipe Depth 300 ft
These calculations are performed as a
 precaution. They are done before
before mixing any
Shoe Track Length 40 ft
Required Cement Fill-Up To surface
cement. Just in case the annulus has bridged,
you need to know how much pressure would be
Excess Volume Required (percent) 100%
required to lift the pipe. This pressure could
5 • 20 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

 possibly lift the pipe

pipe out of the hole, so you need d)  The buoyancy factor (Step 2a)
to chain the pipe down during the operations. multiplied by the weight per foot of
casing (Step 2b) times the length of the
1.  First, the area of the casing must be found.
casing (Step 2c) equals the weight of the
a)  In the “Calculations and Formulae”  pipe hanging in fluid:
section of the Red Book  (see
 (see also Figure
0.8671 BF × 36 lb/ft × 300 ft = 9364.68 lb  
5.13), look up the formula for the area
of a circle. (The arrow indicates the direction of this force.)
Area = 0.7854 × D 2 3.   Now you have enough information
information to
calculate the amount of pressure to apply to
the casing at the surface, pumping
downward through the casing below the
casing shoe, to start the lift (or to balance the
 pipe). The larger the diameter of the pipe
pipe the
less pressure is required to lift the string.
This is why you need to chain down large
diameter casing during the pumping
operation (chain it to the substructure or a
Figure 5.13 leg of the derrick, but not to the rotary
The downward force of the pipe (step 2d)
 b)  Plug the diameter (9 5/8 in.) into the
divided by the area of the pipe (step 1b) is the
formula for area of a circle (area of the
 pressure needed to start the lift:
9364.68 lb   72.76 in. = 129 psi
9.625 in. × 9.625 in. × 0.7854 = 72.76 in.2
When applying pressure to start circulation,
2.  The next step is to calculate the weight of
caution should be taken to prevent the pipe from
the pipe when it is hanging in fluid (the
 blowing out of of the hole and causing damage.
downward force of the pipe in the wellbore.)
The casing should be chained down and all
a)  First, look up the buoyancy factor for  personnel except the operator,
operator, should be cleared
the wellbore fluid you are working with. off the rig floor.
Keep in mind that this buoyancy factor
relates to the fact that open-ended pipe

weighs less in a fluid than it does in air.

The weight of this fluid is 8.7 lb/gal.
Referring to the “Displacement” section
of the Red Book  (see
 (see also Figure 5.14),
you will see that the buoyancy factor is
0.8671 for a fluid of that weight.
 b)  You also need to know how much your
casing weights in air. From the casing
stamp, you can find that this casing
weigh 36 lb/ft.
c)  Since it is not known at what depth the
annulus might become bridged, use the
overall length of your casing (300 ft) for
these calculations.
5 • 21 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

You will find Class G slurry properties on page

3 of the Class G Section in the Technical Data
Section of the Red Book . We will work through
the absolute volume calculations as an example.
Refer to the gray pages in the “Technical Data:
section of your Red Book  (see
 (see also Figure 5.9).
You will see that the table labeled “Physical
Properties of Cementing Materials and
Admixtures” contains much of the information
needed to calculate the slurry’s absolute volume
(as well as its weight that will be calculated
To aid in these calculations, the Worksheet for
Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations has
 been developed (Figure 5.11). This
This worksheet
will be completed as the following calculations
are worked out.
1.  First, find the bulk weight of API cements
listed in Figure 5.9 – 94 lb/ft3. The factor for
absolute volume of API cements is 0.0382
2.  Then calculate the correct figures for each of
the additives and the water being used.
a)  Calculate how much the calcium
chloride will weigh by multiplying the
weight of cement by 2%:
0.02 × 94 lb = 1.88 lb
 b)  Look up the factor for absolute volume
of Calcium Chloride, which is 0.0612
Figure 5.14
c)  Look up which
Flocele, the absolute volume
is 0.0845 factor for
3.  To find the absolute volumes of the cement,
ce ment,
Calcium Chloride and Flocele, multiply the
2 Calcula
tions for Amount of numbers in the materials column by the
Cement numbers in the factor column:
94 lb × 0.0382 gal/lb = 3.6 gal
To find the amount (sacks) of cement needed for 1.88 lb × 0.0612 gal/lb = 0.12 gal.
this surface casing cementing job, you need to 0.25 lb × 0.0845 gal/lb = 0.02 gal
know the type of cement, its weight and its
Class G cement with 2% calcium chloride and ¼
lb/sk Flocele has been chosen for this surface
casing job. Using this information, you can
 perform the calculations necessary
necessary to eventually
find out how much cement you will need.
5 • 22 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

Worksheett f or Slurry Volumes

Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calculatio
Calculatio ns
Casing Job One
 API Cement Weig ht = 94 l b/sac k
1 sack = 1 cubic foot
Material Material Factor  Absolute Mixing
Name (lb) (gal/lb) Volume Water
(gal) Required
Class G 94 × 0.
0.0382 = 3.5908 5.00
2% Calcium 1.88 × 0 ..0
0612 = 0.11506
Figure 5.15 – Class G data from Red Book Chloride
.25lb Flocele 0.25 × 0.845 = 0.02113
× =

4.  To find the mixing water requirements for a

Water 41.65 × 8.33 = 5.00
sack of cement with its additives, refer to the
Totals 137.78 8.7270 5.00
gray pages in the “Technical Data” section
Total mixing water must be entered under absolute gallons
of your handbook (see also Figure 5.15). before totaling.
These requirements are 5.0 gal., 0 gal and 0 Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this formula:
gal for the cement, Calcium Chloride and Total Pounds ÷ Total Absolute gallons = lb/gal
Flocele respectively. Add these figures Find the cement yield in cubic feet per sack by using this
together for the water’s absolute volume: formula:
3 3
Total Absolute gal ÷ 7.4805 gal/ft  (constant) = ft /sk
5 gal + 0 + 0 gal = 5 gal The mixing water per sack is the sum of the gallons in the far
right column 
5.  To obtain the weight of the water required,
multiply the weight per gallon of water by Cement Density 137.78 ÷ 8.72
.7270 = 15.8 lb/gal
the volume of water (step 4): Cementt Yield
Cemen 8.727
0 ÷ 7.4805 = 1.17
ft /sk
8.33 gal/lb × 5 gal = 41.65 lb Mixing Water 5.00 gal/sk
6.  Total the materials and absolute volume
5 • 23 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

8.  Then find the yield by dividing the total

absolute volume in gallons (Step 6) by the
constant which can be found in the table
“Conversion Constants” (Figure 5.16) –
7.4805 gal/ft3 
8.7270 gal  7.4805 gal/ft3 = 1.17 ft3/sk
 Now assume that you have circulated
circulated through
the surface casing down to a depth of 300 ft and
that you have a well-conditioned hole. It is
necessary to calculate the volume of slurry
needed for the job. This is a combination of the
slurry needed to fill annular space and to fill the
shoe joint.
9.  To determine how much slurry is needed to
fill the annulus, the ft 3/ft for the annulus is
multiplied by the length of the annulus.
a)  First, refer to the “Volume and Height
Between Tubing, Casing, Drill Pipe, and

Hole” section
this table, you in theto
need handbook. (To use
find the table with
the correct number of strings. For
example, see the four different tables for
tubing with an OD of 3 ½ in). Look on
the table for 9 5/8 in (see also Figure
5.17). The ft3/ft for this annulus is
 b)  You know that the length of the annulus
is 300 ft. Multiplying this by the ft3/ft
value found in Step 9a results in the
volume needed to fill the annular space.
300 ft × 0.3132 ft3/ft = 93.96 ft3.
c) Excess cement – knowing we need
Figure 5.16 100% excess (double the calculation
volume) we calculate the following:

7.  To find the weight of the cement slurry in 93.96 ft3 × 2 = 187.92 ft 3
 pounds per gallon,
gallon, divide the total pounds
 by the total absolute volume
volume in gallons:
137.78  8.7270 gal = 15.8 lb/gal
5 • 24 Cementing 1

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Cementing Ca

Figure 5.17

10.  Now, the amount of slurry in in the shoe joint

(or track) needs to be calculated in the last
3 Sacks
Sacks of Ce
step, to determine how much slurry is in the
shoe joint, the capacity factor of the joint is
multiplied by its length. 1.   Now that you know thethe cubic feet needed
(Step 11), you use the yield (Step 8) to
a)  To find this capacity factor, turn to the calculate the number of sacks needed:
“Capacity” section of the Cementing
Table (See also Figure 5.18) You need 205.28 ft3  1.17 ft3/sk = 175 sk
to know the OD (9 5/8 in.) and the
weight (36 lb/ft) of your casing. The 4 Calculations
Calculations for Amount of
capacity factor is 0.4340 ft3/ft.
 b)  The length of the shoe track was given
Mixing Wa
as 40 ft.
After you know the number of sacks of cement
c)  Multiply the capacity factor for the shoe needed, you need to calculate the volume of
 joint (10a) by the length of the shoe water required on location to mix the slurry.
 joint (10b) for the capacity for
for the shoe This water should always be fresh water (unless
 joint: slurry is designed for salt or seawater).
0.4340 ft3/ft × 40 ft = 17.36 ft 3  Your worksheet shows that you will need 5 gal
11.  Add the volume of slurry to fill the annulus of water per sack of cement. This is multiplied
(step 9c) to the volume of slurry to fill the  by the number of sacks in order to obtain
obtain the
shoe joint (step10c) to determine the total total number of gallons of mixing water needed.

numbers of barrels of cement that you need: This

to unit of
barrels measurement
since needsare
tanks on trucks to be converted
marked off in
187.92 ft3 + 17.36 ft3 = 205.28 ft3   barrels.
5 • 25 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Figure 5.18

First, find out how much mixing water you need When all of the cement has been mixed, the top
in gallons:  plug will be pumped down
down to a depth of 260 ft.
The number of barrels needed to do this is the
5 gal/sk × 175 sk = 875 gal
same as the capacity of the casing to the float
1.  Since there are 42 gal in a barrel, convert to collar.
0.0773 bbl/ft × 260 ft = 20.1 bbl
875 gal  42 gal/bbl = 20.83 bbl
In this example we have used the Redbook value
Therefore, it will take this amount of water to which is based on the stated ID of this particular
mix your cement. You will need more water on casing OD and weight. The actual ID of a joint
location, considering the water used for cleanup, of casing is almost always larger than the value
spacer, etc. stated in the tables. This is due to the
manufacturing process of seamless tubulars. The
actual tolerances are identified in API
5 Calcula
tions for Amount of
specification 5CT.
Fluid to Displace T
op Plug
It is recommended to caliper a number of joints
The first step in the cementing process is to run of casing just inside the pin area. These are used
a bottom plug to wipe the casing clean of mud to come up with an average ID for the casing
 buildup. The cement following
following the bottom plug
plug  being run.
will rupture the plug’s diaphragm. Then it will
The caliper ID should be used in the final
move through the center of the plug, out the
calculations relating to casing capacity such as
 bottom of the shoe, and up thethe annulus. If a
shoe track volume and fluid to displace the top
 bottom plug is not
not run, the top plug will wipe
down the walls and mud will collect in the shoe  plug. The volume difference in displacing
displacing the
top plug can be significant.
 joint between the top plug
plug and the cement slurry.
5 • 26 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

6 Calcul
Calcul ations for Pre
ssur e to
Land the Plug

Calculations for pressure to land the plug should

 be made on each job. You need to know
know the
 pressure required to put the
the cement in place.
Any pressure buildup in excess of this pressure
might indicate channeling or bridging in the
annulus. A loss of pressure could mean a loss of
cement into the formation.
Figure 5.12 shows a balanced section of hole.
The shoe is at 300 feet and the plug landing
 point is 260 feet. The shoe
shoe joint and the annular
space opposite it are full of the same weight
cement. Therefore that part of the well is
 balanced and no calculations
calculations are required.
You do need to make a few calculations
concerning the unbalanced portion of the hole
indicated in Figure 5.12. The annular space from
260 ft back to surface is filled with 15.8 lb/gal
cement (this density was determined during the
amount of cement calculations, Step 7 in
Calculations for Amount of Cement). Also, you
have displaced the plug with 8.7 lb/gal fluid in
the casing. Because the fluids have different
densities, a differential pressure results.
You must convert the lb/gal of the cement and
displacement fluid to psi/ft in order to make the
calculation (Figure 5.19). Figure 5.19

1.  Refer to the Hydrostatic Pressure and Fluid

Weight Conversion tables in the
“Calculations and Formulae” section of your
 Red Book  (see
 (see also Figure 5.19). To find the
 psi/ft for the weight of
of the cement (15.8
To minimize errors, here is the most accurate
way to make this calculation: Working form the
 bottom of the casing up to
to the surface, calculate
the hydrostatic pressure outside, then calculate
the hydrostatic pressure inside.
Remember, work from the bottom up, for the
entire casing string.
5 • 27 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

calculations – Step 1) for a fluid weighing 15.8

Hydrostatic Outside 

Cement  The hydrostatic pressure in a casing job is the
300 ft × 0.8208 psi/ft = 246 psi  pressure in the annular space. The
The plug will
Total: 300 ft 246 psi close off the pressure in the casing when it lands
on a float collar. If you do not land the plug or
Hydrostatic Inside 
Inside  run a float collar or back pressure valve, but
Cement only stop the plug in the casing, then you will
40 ft × 0.8208 psi/ft = 33 psi
Well Fluid    close in the cementing head and the pressure to
260 ft × 0.4519 psi/ft = 117 psi land the plug will remain on the casing until the
Total 300 ft 150 psi cement has set.
Differential Pressure (At
Pressure (At top of shoe) = 246 psi – 150 psi To calculate the hydrostatic pressure at a given
= 96 psi
depth, multiply that depth by the psi/ft of the
Always re-total the depth. If you don’t end up fluid in the annulus – in this case, cement slurry:
with the same depth then something is wrong. 300 ft × 0.8203 psi/ft = 246 psi
 NOTE: You must slow the pump rate down to a
half-barrel per minute to read this on a
chart or gauge because high rates create 7 Calcul
Calcul ations for Re
sult ing
friction pressure (which can give you a Force
false pressure reading).
When the plug has been pumped to its landing Precautions must be taken before pumping the
 position and 96 psi
psi is readable on the gauge, this  plug down when you are working on the surface
 job has been done successfully.
successfully. Remember that casing. You need to find out if the casing will
you will not be able to correctly read the remain still, or if the plug landing pressure will
 pressure to land a plug on all jobs. Losing  pump the casing out of thethe hole – if so, you will
cement into the formation or developing need to chain the pipe down (in addition to
channels in the cement will alter the pressure chaining the head to the elevators).
reading. Release the pressure when the plug As you did in Calculation 1, you will calculate
lands; this will prevent a microannulus. Keep in the difference between the upward force on the
mind that most companies will require more  pipe and the downward force
force on the pipe.
 pressure than what is required
required to land the plug in
order to test the plug’s seal. Depending on the 1.  You have calculated the area of the surface
situation, some customers will pressure test casing (Step 1b - Pressure to2Lift the Pipe
casing after the plug lands. Calculations) to be 72.76 in. . In addition,
you know the pressure to land the plug is 96
 psi (Step 6 – Pressure to Land the
the Plug
Calculatio ns for Hydros tatic Pressure
Calculations). Multiplying the two values
at a Given Depth will give you the amount of upward force
f orce in
You need to be able to calculate the hydrostatic
 pressure at any depth. For the purpose
purpose of this 72.76 in2 × 96 psi = 6984.96 lb
 problem, you will determine
determine the hydrostatic psi 2.  In a previous problem, you looked up the
at 260 ft. Will this formation support the amount  buoyancy factor for the 8.7 lb/gal
of pressure exerted by the column of cement displacement fluid (Step 2a – Pressure to
down the annulus to the given point? Lift the Pipe Calculations). Referring to the
In this example problem, you will have only one “Displacement” section again, look up the
hydrostatic pressure to work with since you have  buoyancy factor for the cement used
used (see
cement from the top to the bottom of the well. also Figure 5.14) The weight of cement is
That pressure is 0.8208 psi/ft, which you 15.8 lb/gal as determined in Step 7 of the
determined earlier (Pressure to Land the Plug amount of cement calculations. To find the

5 • 28 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

 buoyancy factor for this weight,

weight, you must 3.  In the same way, calculate the downward
look up 15.8. force contributed by the cement:
 Now the length and weight
weight of the piece of pipe 40 ft × 0.7586 BF × 36 lb/ft = 1092.38 lb 
in question are needed. Cement is inside the pipe
in the shoe joint (40 ft) and displacement fluid is 4.  Adding these two downward forces together
inside the pipe above the float collar (260 ft). (Step 2 and 3) will give you the total
The weight of the pipe is 36 lb/gal. downward force:
Using the formula for downward force, 8116.06 lb + 1092.38 lb = 9208.44 lb 
determine the downward force contributed by 5.  Subtract the upward force (Step 1) from the
the displacement fluid: downward force (Step 4) to obtain the
Length of pipe × buoyancy factor for the resulting force:
displacement fluid inside the pipe × pipe weight 9208.44 lb - 6984.96 lb = 2223.96 lb 
 per foot = pounds of downward
downward force
Although this is considered a downward force, it
260 ft × 0.8671 BF × 36 lb/ft = 8116.06 lb  will be necessary to chain down the casing as a
 precautionary measure.
5 • 29 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Surface Casing
Casing Jo b Two
This casing job consists of LEAD and TAIL slurries in which
cement is to be circulated from total
tot al depth to surface.

Well Parameters
Pipe Size 13 3/8 in., 68 lb/ft
Well Fluid 8.5 lb/gal
Hole Size 17.5 in.
Pipe Depth 2400 ft
13 3/8-in.
3/8-in. Casi ng
Shoe Track Length 80 ft
Required Cement Fill-Up (TAIL) 400 ft 
17 1/2-in.
1/2-in. Hol e
Required Cement Fill-Up (LEAD) 2000 ft 
Excess Volume Required (percent) 120%

1 Critic al Circul ating Pressure

 Area Of Pip e 
13.375 in × 13.375 in × 0.7854
0. 7854 = 140.50 in.  
2,000 ft (Section 240 Page 85)

Hook Load 
2,400 ft × 68 lb/ft × 0.8701 = 142,000.32/lbs
(Section 130 Table 132 Buoyancy Factor)

Pressure to lift (pump) pipe out of the hole
2,320 ft 142,000.32 lb  140.50 in.  = 1010 psi

2 Cement
Cement Volume
Lead Lead Slurry Composition 
Composition   Given  
Halliburton Light Cement Sl. Wt 13.6 lb/gal
Displacement 3
2% Calcium Chloride Sl. Vol. 1.55 ft /sk
1/4 lb/sk Flocele Water 7.62 gal/sk

2,400 ft Composition  
Tail Slurry Composition  Given
  Class H Premium Sl Wt 16.4 lb/gal
1% Calcium Sl. Vol 1.07 ft /sk
Figure 5.20 1/4 lb/sk Flocele gal/sk 
Water 4.3 gal/sk 

3 3
400 ft (openhole) × 0.6946 ft /ft = 277.84 ft
3 3
277.84 ft  × 2.2 (excess) = 611.25 ft
3 3
80 ft (shoes) × 0.8406 ft /ft = 67.25 ft
678.50 ft  (tail)

3 3
2000 ft (openhole) × 0.6946 ft /ft = 1389.20 ft
3 3
1389.20 ft × 2.2 (excess) =  (lead)  
3056.24 ft  (lead)

 NOTE: We are required to pump

pump 120% excess
cement on this job; 120% excess is equal to
multiplying the perfect hole volume by 2.2.
5 • 30 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Surface Casin
Casin g Two L ead
ead Cement Surface Casin
Casingg Two Tail Cement

Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume
Calculations Calculations

Material Material Factor  Absolute Mixing Material Material Factor  Absolute Mixing
Name (lb) (gal/lb) Volume Water Name (lb) (gal/lb) Volume Water
(gal) Required (gal) Required
(gal) (gal)
65% Class H 61.1 × 0.0382 = 2.33402 2.75 Class H 94 × 0.0382 = 3.5908 4.30
Cement Cement
35% Poz 25.9 × 0.0488 = 1.26392 1.27 1% Calcium 0.94 × 0.0612 = 0.05753
6% Bentonite 5.22 × 0.0453 = 0.23647 3.60 Chloride
2% Calcium 1.74 × 0.0612 = 0.10649 0.00 .25lb Flocele 0.25 × 0.0845 = 0.02113
Chloride   × =
.25lb Flocele 0.25   0.0845   0.02113 0.00
Water 63.47 = 8.33 × 7.62 Water 35.819 = 8.33 × 4.30
Totals 157.68 11.5820 7.62 Totals 131.009 7.9695 4.30
Total mixing water must be entered under absolute Total mixing water must be entered under absolute
gallons before totaling. gallons before totaling.
Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this

formula: formula:
Total Pounds ÷ Total Absolute gallons = lb/gal Total Pounds ÷ Total Absolute gallons = lb/gal

Find the cement yield in cubic f eet pe

perr sack by usin g Find the cement yield in cubic f eet pe
perr sack by usin g
this formula: this formula:
3 3 3 3
Total Absolute gal ÷ 7.4805 gal/ft  (constant) = ft /sk Total Absolute gal ÷ 7.4805 gal/ft  (constant) = ft /sk

The mixing water per sack is the sum of the gallons in The mixing water per sack is the sum of the gallons in
the far right column the far right column
Cement Density 157.68 ÷ 11.5820 = 13.6 lb/gal Ce
nt Dens
y 131.
9 ÷ 7.96
95 = 16.4 lb/gal
3 3
Cement Yield 11.5820 ÷ 7.4805 = 1.55 ft /sk Cementt Yield
Cemen 7.969
5 ÷ 7.4805 = 1.07 ft /sk
Mixing Water 7.62 gal/sk Mixing Water 4.3 gal/sk
Required Required
5 • 31 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

3 Sacks
Sacks of Cement
Cement 7 Resulting Force
Tail  Down  
Force Down
3 3
678.50 ft  1.07 ft /sk = 634 sk
2320 ft × 68 lb/ft
lb/ft × 0.87
01 BF = 137266.98 lb  
80 ft × 68 lb/ft × 0.7494 BF = 4,076.74 lb  
Lead 2400 ft Total Down 141343.72 lb  
3 3

3056.24 ft    1.55 ft /sk = 1972 sk Force Up 
140.50 in  × 661
661 psi
psi = 9287
92870.50 lb  

4 Mixing Water
Water Requir
Requir ed Hook Load 141343.72 lb  
92870.50 lb  
Tail  48473.22 lb  Downward Force
634 sk × 4.3 gal/sk = 2726.2 gal  42 gal/bbl   When Plug Lands
= 64.91 bbl

1972 sk × 7.62 gal/sk = 15026.64 gal  42 gal/bbl
= 357.78 bbl

Total 422.69 bbl

5 Displacement Fluid Volume

2400 ft (Total Pipe) - 80 ft (Shoe Track) = 2320 ft (Top of
2320 ft × 0.1497 bbl/ft = 347.30 bbl

6 Pressure To Land The Plug

** Working From The Bottom Up**

Hydrostatic Outside 

400 ft × 0.8519 psi/ft = 341 psi
2000 ft × 0.7065 psi/ft = 1413 psi

Total: 2400 ft 1754 psi

Hydrostatic Inside

80 ft × 0.8519 psi/ft = 68 psi
Well Fluid 
2320 ft × 0.4416 psi/ft = 1025 psi

Total 2400 ft 1093 psi

Differential Pressure (At top of shoe) 1754 psi – 1093 psi

= 661 psi

Hint: Always re-total the lengths to make sure

 both outside and inside
inside pipe segments are
calculated. If the lengths are not the same then
the calculations will be incorrect.
5 • 32 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Intermediate Casing
Casing Job One

This casing job consists of a single tail slurry

with 500 ft fill.

Well Parameters
Pipe Size 7 in. 32 lb/ft
Well Fluid 10.4 lb WBM

Hole Size 8 ¾ in.

Pipe Depth 9700 ft
Shoe track length 80 ft
Well f luid
Required cement fill-up (TAIL) 500 ft
Cement Excess volume required (percent) 25%

TOS (t op Cement through casing as follows
of spacer)
30 bbl spacer @ 11.4 lb/gal

Followed by: G Cement containing 0.5% CFR-3 + 0.1%

Premium Class
HR-5. Displace plug with 10.4 lb/gal WBM.
TOC (t op
of cement) Due to drillout and deepening displace with mud instead of
9,200 ft

9,620 ft

9,700 ft
Figure 5.21 – Intermediate Casing Job
5 • 33 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calcul

Calcul ations
 Ab so lu te
 Abso Mixin
Mix in g Wat
MA TERIA L Mat er i al Fac t o r Vo l u m e Req u i r em en t s
NA ME (l b ) (g al /l b ) (g al ) (g al )
Class G Cement 94 X 0.0382 = 3.5908 5.00

0.05% CFR-3 (dispersant) 0.47 X 0.0938 = 0.04409 +

0.1% HR-5 (retarder) 0.094 X 0.0750 = 0.00705 +

X   = +

X   = +

X   = +

Water 41.65 = 8.33 X 5.00 gal

TOTA L S ==> 136.214 8.6419   5.00

5.00 gal

Find the weight
weight mixing
of the water
mixed mustby
cement beusing
enteredthisunder absolute gallons b efore totaling.
fo rmula: totaling.  
Total Pounds/Total Absolute gallons = pounds/gallons
Find the cement
cement yield in cu bic feet per sack by using th is formu la:
3 3
Total Absolute gallons / 7.4805 gal/ ft   (constant) = ft
ft ./sack
The mixing water per
per sack is the sum o f the gallons in the far right c olumn

Cement Densit
y (lb/g
al) ==> 136.214
136.214 / 8.6419 = 15.8 lb/gal

Cement Yield (ft3/sk
/sk)) ===>
===> 8.6419
8.6419 / 7.4805
7.4805 = 1.16 ft /sk

Mixing Water required ===> 5.00 g al /s k

5 • 34 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

1 Cement
Cement Volume
3 3
Open Hole: 500 ft × 0.1503
0.1503 ft /ft = 75.15 ft  
3 3
25% Excess: 75.15 ft  × 25% = 18.79 ft  
3/ 3
Shoe Track: 80 ft × 0.2025 ft /ft = 16.2 ft  
Total: 110.14 ft  

2 Sacks
Sacks of Cement
3 3
110.14 ft   1.16 ft /sk = 95 sks

3 Mixing Water
Water Required  
95 sk × 5 gal/sk = 475 gal
475 gal  42 gal/bbl = 11.31 bbl

4 Displacement Fluid Volume

9660 ft × 0.0360 bbl/ft = 347.76 bbl

5 Pressure to Land The Plug

Unknown – Height of Spacer (for “worst case”)
Height of Cement (for “worst case”) 
Discussion: In calculating the pressure to land the plug, we
want to anticipate “worst case” which would be an increased
pressure over plan. We planned our cement volume based
upon hole washout (in this case 25%). We need to calculate
the height of cement & spacer (Which are heavier than the
mud) in a perfect hole situation which will give us a taller
column & higher differential pressure.
Height Of Cement
Open Hole Volume = 75.15 ft  (From 1)
25% Excess Volume = 18.79 ft  
93.94 ft  
Perfect Hole Fill-up Factor = 6.652 ft/ft  
(7 in OD × 8 3/4 in hole)
3 3
93.94 ft x 6.652 ft/ft   = 624.89 ft cement
Height Of Spacer
30 bbl spacer (given)
30 bbl × 37.3484 ft/bbl = 1120.45 ft spacer
** Working from the bottom up**
Height Of Mud

9700 ft - 624.89 ft - 1120.45 ft = 7954.66 ft

Hydrostatic Outside
Cement: 624.89 ft × 0.8208 psi/ft = 513 psi
Spacer: 1120.45 ft × 0.5922 psi/ft = 664 psi
WBM: 7954.66 ft × 0.5403 psi/ft
= 4298 psi

Total: 9700 ft 5475 psi  

Hydrostatic Inside
Cement (in shoe): 40 ft × 0.8208 psi/ft = 33 psi
WBM: 9660 ft × 0.5403 psi/ft = 5219 psi
Total: 9700 ft 5252 psi
Differential Pressure (at
Pressure (at top of shoe)
5475 psi - 5252 psi = 223 psi
5 • 35 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

Unit D Quiz

Fill in the blank with one or more words to check your progress in Unit D.

1.  When using the Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations, the first thing you need to
know is what ___________ of cement is being used. Then you can look up the ingredient’s
 ______________ and _____________
_____________ volume factors.

2.  An absolute volume for each material is calculated by multiplying its _____ by its ___________.

3.  To obtain the density of the cement mixture, divide the ______________
__ of the materials by the
_______ of the materials.

4.  To find the yield, the total absolute volume in gallons is divided by the constant, ___________ gal/ft³.

5.  To calculate the total volume of slurry needed for this job, add the slurry needed to fill the
 _________________ and the slurry needed
needed to fill the __________________
__. Your unit of measure
will be ___________ which needs to be converted to __________.

6.  To calculate the number of sacks needed for this job, divide the amount of slurry in _____________
 by the _____________________
__________ in cubic
cubic feet per sack.

7.  To obtain the total amount of mixing water you will need, multiply the number of ______/sk water by
the number of __________.Then convert to the unit of measurement used in tanks, ___________, by
dividing gallons by _______gal/bb

8.  You need to calculate the pressure needed to land the plug, since a pressure build up might

indicate_________ and a loss of pressure may mean

9.  For the pressure to land the plug, you will need to use the ____________
____________ conversion
conversion tables in the “Calculations
“Calculations and Formulas”
section of you handbook. You will look up the _____/ft of the fluids (extrapolating, if necessary),
then multiply these by the depth of the float collar (or the length of the _____________ part of the

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of this section.
5 • 36 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

 A n s w er
erss t o Uni
Un i t Qu
Quii zzes

Items fro m Unit A Quiz Refer

Refer to
1. capacity
2. Displacement
3. Turn to Section 210 Pages 21
0.0393 bbl/ft × 10,000 ft = 393 bbl
4. ID  × 3.14159/4/144 = 0.230438cft/ft
0.230438 / 5.6146 cft/bbl = 0.041043 bbl/ft
0.041043 bbl/ft × 10,000 ft = 410.43 bbl
5. Turn to Section 210, Table 212B, Page 9
25 bbl × 70.32 ft/bbl = 1758 ft
6. OD = 4.5 in. = 0.375 ft

ID = 2.0 in. = 0.167 ft

OD Area = 0.7854 × 0.375 ft × 0.375 ft =
0.1104 ft  
ID Area = 0.7854 × 0.167 ft × 0.167 ft =
0.0219 ft  
Cross-sectional Area =
2 2 2
0.1104 ft - 0.0219 ft  = 0.0885 ft  
Displacement =
2 3
0.0885 ft × 2000 ft = 117 ft  
Conversion Factor = 0.1781 bbl/ft  
Displacement =
3 3
117 ft  × 0.1781 bbl/ft  = 31.52 bbl

Items fro m Unit B Quiz Refer

Refer to
1. Turn to Section 122-B
0.3132 ft3/ft × 5000 ft = 1566 ft3
3 3
1566 ft × 7.4805 gal/ft = 11714 gal
2. Turn to Section 221-B, Page 73
3 3
0.1697 ft /ft × 7675 ft = 1302.45 ft  

Refer to
Items from Unit C Quiz
1. Divided, standard
2. Actual volume
5 • 37 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

3. Absolute volume

MATERIALS (lb) (gal/lb) (gal)

Brine Water 10 = 1.0

Sand 10 × 0.0456 = 0.456

TOTALS 20 lbs 1.456 gal

Slurry Weight = 20 lbs ÷ 1.456 gal = 13.74 lbs/gal 

5. Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations

API Cement weight = 94 lb/sack

1 sack = 1 cubic foot
 Abs ol ut e Mixing Water
MATERIAL Material Factor Volum e Requiremen ts
NAME (lb) (gal/lb) (gal) (gal)
Class H Cement 94 X 0.0382 = 3.5908 4.30

Water 35.819 = 8.33 lb/ga

lb/gall 4.30
4.30 gal

TOTA L S ==> 129.819 7.8908 4.30 g al

Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this formula:

Total Pounds/ Total Absolute gallons = pounds/gallon.
Find the cement yield in cubic feet per sack by using this formula:
3 3
Total Absolute gallons / 7.4805 gal / ft  (constant) = ft /sack
The mixing water per sack is the sum of the gallons in the far right column.

Cement Density (lb/gal) ==> 129.819 / 7.8908 = 16.5  

Cement Yield (ft /sk) ===> 7.8908 / 7.4805 = 1.05  
Mixing Water req (gal/sk)===> 4.30

Refer to
Items from Unit D Quiz
1. type, water requirement, absolute
2. gal/lb, weight
3. weight, gallons
4. 7.4805
5. annulus, shoe joint, ft , sk
6. ft , yield
7. gal, sk, bbl, 42
5 • 38 Cementing 1

Primary Cementing
Cementing Ca

8. bridging, lost circulation

9. hydrostatic pressure & fluid weight, psi,
5 • 39 Cementing 1

Section 6

Liner Cementing

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 6-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 6-3
Unit A: Types of Liners ..................................
................ ....................................
.................... 6-3
Drilling Liners........................................................................................................................................6-3
Production Liners ...................................
................. ....................................
....... 6-4

Stub Liners
Scab .................................
................ ...................................
Liners.............................................................................................................................................6-4 6-4
Quiz A: Types of Liners.........................................................................................................................6-5
Unit B: Setting Liners ..................................
................ ....................................
.... 6-6
Preparing Liners ....................................
.................. ...................................
....... 6-6
Making Up Liners ..................................
................ ...................................
....... 6-6
Running Liners.......................................................................................................................................6-7
Quiz B: Setting Liners............................................................................................................................6-7
Unit C: Cementing Liners..........................................................................................................................6-8
Single Stage Method ....................................
.................. ....................................
................... 6-8
Delayed-Set Method...............................................................................................................................6-9
Quiz C: Cementing Liners......................................................................................................................6-9
Unit D: Liner Calculations.......................................................................................................................6-10
The Required Calculated Results ....................................
.................. ....................................
.............. 6-10

Well Parameters
Liner Cementing....................................
.................. ....................................
Job One.....................................................................................................................6-12..... 6-10
1 Cement Volume .................................
................ ...................................
..... 6-13
2 Sacks of Cement ...................................
................. ...................................
3 Mixing Water Required ...................................
................. ....................................
........ 6-15
4 Displacement Fluids Required ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 6-15
5 Top of Cement with Drillpipe In and Drillpipe Out .....................................
.................. .....................................
................. 6-16
6 Pressure to Land the Plug ...................................
................ .....................................
..... 6-17
Quiz D: Liner Calculations...................................................................................................................6-17
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 6-18
6•1 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Use for Section notes… 

6•2 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing


In the past, it was common to have several C.  Cementing Liners

strings of casing in a deep well. All these strings D.  Liner Calculations
extended from the wellhead to different depths.
However, another method is now used for
varying well conditions. This time, and money, Learning Objectives
saving method involves the hanging of a casing
string from the bottom of a cemented casing
Upon completion of this section, you should be
string. These hanging casing strings are called
familiar with
liners and they are used in almost every deep
well completion. •  The different types of liners
•  How liners are set
Topic Areas •  The different techniques of cementing liners

The section units are •  How to perform liner cementing calculations

A.  Types of Liners

B.  Setting Liners

Unit A: Types of Liners

Four types of liners will be described briefly to •  isolates lost-circulation zones

 begin this section:
•  isolates high-pressure zones
•   Drilling (or intermediate) liners
•   Production liners
•   Stub liners
•   Scab liners

Drilling Liners

A drilling liner (sometimes called an

intermediate liner) is a string of casing that is
hung from another casing of a larger diameter,
which has already been cemented downhole
(Fig. 6.1). It is used above a producing zone to
case off open holes so that deeper drilling may
 be performed. A drilling liner
•   helps control water or gas production Figure 6.1 – Drilling and Production Liners.
6•3 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Production Liners ends and is used under the same conditions as a

stub liner.
A production liner is a string of casing that is Both stub and scab liners can be set with part of
hung from a drilling liner or casing in the their weight on the liner below or they may be
 producing formation (Fig.
(Fig. 6.1). This type of hung uphole on existing casing (Fig. 6.2).
liner is then cemented and perforated like any
other completion string. It provides isolation and
support when casing has been set above the
 production zone.

Stub Liners

A stub liner (or tie back liner) is usually a short

string of casing which provides an upward
extension for a drilling liner. It is run when:
•   casing above the drilling liner has been
damaged in some way (by corrosion, etc.)
Figure 6.2 – A. Scab Liner and B. Stub

  a liner is leaking Liner.

•   greater resistance is needed for other reasons
(abnormal pressure, etc.).

Scab Liners

A scab liner is unusual in that it is often not

cemented once it has been run downhole and is
therefore retrievable. It has a packoff on both
6•4 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Quiz A: Types of Liners

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1.  A drilling liner is used above a ________________________
______ zone to case off
open holes so that ____________________________
_____ may be performed.

2.  A drilling liner helps to control __________________ production and to isolate

 ___________________ and ________________
______ zones.

3.  A production liner is hung in the producing formation. It is cemented and ___________________
___________________ like
any completion string.

4.  The main difference between stub and scab liners is that a scab liner is ________________________.

5.  Stub and scab liners are short liners that are used when casing above a drilling liner has been
 ________________. They can also be used when
when a liner is ______________________
_ or when
greater ________________________
________________________ is needed because of high pressure or other reasons.

6.  Stub and scab liners can be hung uphole on existing casing or they can be set with part of their weight
on the _______________________

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of the section.
6•5 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Unit B: Setting Liners

When setting liners, it is important to be familiar relatively small. If the liner is not centralized,
with these three areas: the result may be bridging or channeling. A
uniform cement sheath has not been formed
•   Preparing liners around the liner, therefore no zonal isolation.
•   Making up liners Slim-hole centralizers are usually used when
running liners because of the small annular
•   Running liners space. Downhole equipment considerations are
the same as if the joints would be run to the
Preparing Liners
Drill pipe and a setting tool are used to run a
liner (Fig. 6.3). The setting tool connects the
Before setting a liner, the entire length of hole to
drill pipe to the liner, forms a pressure-tight seal
 be lined must be drilled. It is very important to
with the liner, and holds the liner-wiper plug.
 prepare the liner before lowering it into the
wellbore; the mill finish must be removed so
that cement can form a better bond with the
liner. This usually is done by sandblasting or
weathering the liner.
The hole must be well-conditioned to set a liner
 because of the small annular space. To condition
the mud system, circulate at least enough
drilling fluid to displace the annular volume
Decisions must be made about how much
overlap there should be between the casing and
the liner. The amount of overlap varies between
50 and 500 feet. For example, if higher pressure
zones are penetrated, there should be more
overlap than in lower pressure zones.

Making Up Liners

The liner is made up like any casing string.

While suspended in the rotary table, it is made
up joint by joint. A float shoe is made up on the
first joint and a float collar is attached on the
second or third joint to provide a seat for the
liner-wiper plug. Sometimes a landing collar is
also made up one joint above the float collar
(Fig. 6.3). In this case, the landing collar
 provides a seat for the plug.
Figure 6.3 – Typical deep well liner
Centralizers are important in liner jobs because assembly.
the clearance between the liner and casing is

6•6 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Running Liners •  Hydraulic- hydraulic pressure applied to the

setting string activates the slips.
Running speeds should be slow to reduce the Hydraulic equipment is used less often.
ram effect. The liner can cause added pressure However, it is less likely to set accidentally and
on the formation, resulting in breakdown or lost is preferred in crooked holes.
circulation. Speeds of 2 to 3 minutes per stand
(90 ft drill pipe) are usually allowed for cased Once the liner is set, the drill pipe should be
temporarily raised a few feet. The weight
indicator should be checked to be sure that the
After a liner has been lowered into the well, the liner has actually been released.
slips are activated so that the liner hangers are
Spacer fluid is then pumped down-hole so that a
wedged against the casing. Liner hangers are set
good cement bond can be obtained. The seal
in one of two ways:
formed by a good cement job is especially
•   Mechanical- slips are activated by rotating important at the shoe and at the top of the liner.
and reciprocating the drill pipe

Quiz B: Setting Liners

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1.  One step in the preparation of a liner is to ______________
______________ the mill finish. This is usually
accomplished by ______________________

2.  The amount of overlap between the casing and the liner is usually between _________ and
 _________ feet.

3.  Because of the small clearance between a casing and a liner, it is very important to make sure the
liner is _______________________

4.  The ________________

________________ collar provides a seat for the liner-wiper plug.

5.  The setting tool connects the ___________________

___________________ to the liner and forms a
 ___________ _______________________
__________ with
with the liner.

6.  After the liner has been set, ___________________________

______ is pumped down hole.

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of the section.
6•7 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Unit C: Cementing Liners

Two techniques for cementing liners will be

discussed next:
•   Single stage method
•   Delayed-set method
Regardless of the method chosen, batch mixing
is generally preferred because of the
complexities in obtaining the best slurry
composition for a particular job.
In designing the composition of cement slurry,
the following factors must be considered:
•   Temperature of the well
•   Pressure caused by small annular clearance
(possibility of lost circulation)
•   Formation fluids
•   Pump or thickening time
•   Strength or stability of the cement

Figure 6.4 – Single Stage Method.

Single Stage Method

10 to 30% more than the caliper-calculated Bottom plugs are generally not run in liner
volume of cement is pumped when using the cementing; therefore, as the two plugs descend,
 single stage method of cementing liners. This they wipe mud off the liner. This mud, trapped
amount of cement is circulated down the drill  between the shoe and the collar,
collar, should not go
 pipe (behind the spacer fluid).
fluid). It travels out the into the annulus to contaminate the cement.
shoe and up the outside of the liner (Fig. 6.4).
The drill pipe and setting tool are then pulled out
The pump-down plug is released and pumped
of the hole. It is risky to reverse out excess
down with displacement fluid. It mates with the
cement at this point because this process would
liner-wiper plug and its pins are sheared off.
exert extra pressure on the annulus. The extra
Both continue downward until they seat and seal
 pressure could break down the the formation and
on the float or landing collar.
cause lost circulation. This would leave the
overlap area unprotected. Instead, the cement is
drilled out after it has set, which should result in
a good bond in the liner-casing overlap.
6•8 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Delayed-Set Method

The delayed-set method is used in certain

geographical locations when a relatively short
liner is called for in wells with low fluid levels.
It is carried out by pumping delayed-set cement
down the drill pipe. The drill pipe is then pulled
out and the liner and attachments are lowered
into the hole (Fig. 6.5). The closed float collar
valve in the liner forces the cement up the
annulus. This increases the chances for obtaining
a more uniform cement sheath around the liner.
However, since delayed-set cement is used,
WOC time is greater-sometimes two days or
After any of these procedures have been
completed, the liner's seal is tested. The casing is
then cleaned and, if necessary, the cement is
drilled out so that the remainder of necessary Figure 6.5 –liner.
cementing Delayed-set Method of
completion operations can take place.

Quiz C: Cementing Liners

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1.   __________
______ % more cement than the
the caliper calculated volume is used with the single-st
method of cementing liners.

2.  The path that the cement takes is down the ________________ and then up the ______________ in

the single-stage method.

3.  It is risky to reverse out cement when the workstring is pulled in the single-stage method because this
would ________________________

4.  The delayed-set method differs from the single-stage method because the liner is lowered into the
hole ____________ the cement is pumped down.

5.  When delayed-set cement is used, the WOC may be increased by ___________________________.

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of the section.
6•9 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Unit D: Liner Calculations

Before a liner job is started, calculations must be 6.  Required pressure to land the plug, being the
 performed. These calculations are based on differential pressure required to pump the
known information and on figures obtained from  plug to the top of the shoe
shoe track.
your Halliburton
your Halliburton Cementing
Cementing Tables
Tables (the
 (the Red
 Book ).
Well Parameters
In this unit, you will go through the calculations
necessary for a liner cementing job. You will
learn how to calculate answers to the following Following are the well parameters that you must
questions: have to perform the above calculations:
A.  Liner Size
•   Where is the top of the cement when the
drill pipe is out? B.  Liner Top
•   What pressure is needed to land the plug? C.  Well Fluid
•   How much displacement fluid is needed to D.  Hole Size
land the plug?
E.  Liner Total Depth
•   What is the force on the plug when it has a F.  Shoe Track Length
given psi above the pressure to land the plug
on it? G.  Required Cement (on top of liner)

•   What is the hydrostatic pressure at a given H.  Excess Volume Required (percent)
depth after the plug lands? I.  Size of Previous Casing
J.  Depth of Previous Casing
The Required Calculated K.  Drill pipe size, weight, thread

The following must be calculated for liner

1.  Volume of cement required to fill the
required footage of the shoe rack, annulus,
lap, and cap.
2.  Amount of cement, converting the required
volume of cement into sacks.
3.  Amount of mixing water for the slurry.
4.  Amount of displacement fluid for (a) drill
 pipe volume to top of
of liner and (b) liner
casing volume to top of shoe track.
5.  Top of cement, both with drill pipe in and
top of cement with drill pipe out.
6 • 10 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Liner Cementing Calculations

K 6 critical calculations that need to be made with
every liner casing job
4A Cement Volume—The volume of cement required
to fill the required footage of the shoe rack,

I annulus, lap and cap.

1A Shoe Track Volume
C 1B Open Hole Volume
1C Liner Lap Volume
1D Liner Cap Volume
G 5
Sacks of Cement—Converting the required volume
2 of cement into sacks.
B 3 Mixing water for required slurries.

Displacement fluid required:

H 1C
4 4A Drill pipe volume to top of liner.
4B Liner casing volume to top of shoe track.
Top of Cement with drill pipe in and top of cement
J 5 with drill pipe out.

Pressure topump
Land the Plug—Differential pressure
D 6 required to the plug to the top of the shoe

4B Well Parameters
A A Liner Size
B Liner Top
C Well Fluid
D Hole Size
E Liner Total Depth
F Shoe Track Length
1B G Required Cement (on top of liner)
H Excess Volume Required (percent)
I Size of Previous Casing
J Depth of Previous Casing
K Drill pipe size, weight, thread

The next part of this section presents an example

liner job and shows the calculations.
F 1A

6 • 11 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Liner Cementing Job One

In previous exercises, we calculated volumes of 4 1/2 in., 16.6 lb/ft

cement based on perfect hole volumes and
excess volume factors typical for each job. Iin
the following liner job, we will be supplied a
specific spacer and slurry volume, just as you
would with a call-sheet before mobilizing for a
 job. From the known volume
volume of cement and
spacer we will then perform the six major liner 11,600 ft
For this example, the liner job consists of a 9 5/8 in, 47 lb/ft
weighted spacer and slurry with known volumes
of each. 11,930 ft

Well Parameters

Item Description Data

A Liner Size 7 in, 29 lb/ft,
B Liner Top 11, 600 ft
C Well Fluid 12.4 lb/gal
D Hole Size 8 ½ in.
E Liner Total Depth 12,925 ft 8 1/2 in. hole
F Shoe Track Length 81 ft
G Required Cement (on top of 300 ft cap
H Excess Volume Required 10%
I Size of Previous Casing 9 5/8 in, 47 lb/ft,
J Depth of Previous Casing 11,930 ft
K Drill pipe size, weight, thread 4.5 in, 16.6 lb/ft 81 ft

Given (from Call-Sheet) 12,925 ft Total Depth

Figure 6.6 – Schematic of example well for
Pump 40 bbl of 13.5 lb/gal Dual Spacer, exercise.
followed by 225 sacks of Premium Class G
Cement containing 35% SSA-1, 0.5% CFR-3, +
0.1% HR-5. Displace with 12.4 lb/gal WB On the following page is the worksheet used for
drilling mud. determining slurry volumes.
6 • 12 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

start from the shoe track and work your way up

Worksheet for Slurry Volumes the annulus to solve for height of cement with
the drill pipe at the liner hanger.
Worksheet for Slurry Weight and Volume Calculations
Liner Job One Volume of Cement Delivered
API Cement Weight = 94 lb/sack 3 3
225 sk × 1.57 ft /sk = 353.25 ft  
1 sack = 1 cubic foot
Material Material Factor  Absolute Mixing 1A 
1A  Shoe Track Volume 
3   3
Name (lb) (gal/lb) Volume Water 81 ft × 0.2085 ft /ft = 16.89 ft  
(gal) Required 1B Open Hole Annular Volume
Class G 94 × 0.0382 = 3.59080 5.00 Note: This volume was based on perfect hole + 10% excess
Cement (additional volume). We will calculate perfect hole, knowing
that this will increase the top of cement and give us worst
35% SSA-1 32.9 × 0.0453 = 1.49037 1.61 case for pressure to land the plug.
(silica flour)
0.5% CFR-3 0.47 × 0.0938 = 0.04409 TD Liner: 12,925 ft
(dispersant) Depth Previous Casing: - 11,930 ft
995 ft of open hole
0.1% HR-5 0.094 × 0.075 = 0.00705
(retarder) 3 3
995 ft × 0.1268 ft /ft = 126.17 ft  

Water 55.0613 × 8.33 = 6.61000

Totals 182.525 11.74231 6.61
Total mixing water must be entered under absolute gallons
before totaling.
Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this formula:
Total Pounds ÷ Total Absolute gallons = lb/gal
1D 1D
Find the cement yield in cubic feet per sack by using this
3 3
Total Absolute gal ÷ 7.4805 gal/ft   (constant) = ft  /sk 1C 1C
The mixing water per sack is the sum of the gallons in the far
right column 

Cement Density 182.525 ÷ 11.7423 = 15.5 lb/gal

Cement Yield 11.7423 ÷ 7.4805 = 1.57 ft  /sk
Mixing Water 6.61 gal/sk

From the well parameters and the data from this

worksheet, we can now calculate the six
1B 1B

1 Cement Volume

Cement Volume is an extremely critical

calculation in a liner situation (as with all jobs).
In particular with liners, if you underestimate
cement volume, you could leave the previous
casing shoe unprotected. Therefore, it is your
responsibility to know the volume of cement
delivered and to ensure that the volume of
cement is sufficient to execute the job.
Working from the known volume of cement, Figure 6.7 – Schematic for cement volume.
225 sk, you must solve for the height of cement
above the liner. To accomplish this you must

6 • 13 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

1C - Liner Lap Volume (Annular Looking in Section 221, Table 221-D, we find
Volume between Casings) that the volume factor is not printed for 9 5/8 in.
This is the volume between the existing 9 5/8 in. There is an easy way to calculate this factor. All
intermediate casing and the 7 in. liner, you need to know is
commonly referred to as the “Liner Lap.” This
volume is calculated as “Perfect Hole” with no 1.  Drillpipe O.D.  4.5 in
washout or excess (because we are working with 2.  Casing I.D.  we look up the I.D. in section
 pipe inside pipe). 210, Table 214, page 23 and find the I.D. for
9 5/8 in., 47 lb/ft, casing is 8.681 in.
Lap Footage (Section 221, Page 113):
The formula for calculating the volume factor is
9 5/8 in.
in. pipe depth:
depth: 11,930 ft
found in section 240, page 10.
7 in. top of liner: -11,600 ft
330 ft of Lap Linear feet per Cubic Feet = 183.35
D2 - nd2
330 ft × 0.1438 ft3/ft = 47.45 ft3 
1D - Liner Cap Volume (Annular D = Diameter of hole, inches (or I.D. casing)
Volume Between Drill Pipe and
d = Outside Diameter of tubing, inches
n = number of tubing strings
This is the volume above the liner hanger inside (in our case, we are calculating the annulus
the intermediate casing commonly referred to as  between 9 5/8 in. casing and 4.5 in. drill pipe)
Liner Cap Cement. This volume will reach its
maximum height when the plug lands. This will Applying the Formula:
give you the maximum differential pressure 183.35 183.35 183.55
(pressure to land plug). As you pull drill pipe, = =  
the height will decrease until the drill pipe is 8.6812 − 4.5 2 75.36 − 20.25 55.11
 pulled above the slurry.
slurry. =3.33 ft/ft3 
Therefore, we will make two calculations: Therefore, for every cubic foot of slurry in the
(a)  Height of Cement with drillpipe in Liner annulus, we fill up 3.33 feet of annular length.
Hanger And

(b)  Height of Cement with drillpipe pulled 162.74 ft3 of slurry × 3.33 ft/ft3 
above the Cement Column. = 541.92 ft annular fill (drillpipe in)
Total Cement Volume: 353.25 ft3  Likewise, this is a good time to calculate the
Shoe Track Volume: 3
- 16.89 ft   height of spacer. We are pumping 40 bbl of
spacer. We calculated the annular volume factor
Annular Hole Volume: in ft/ft3. Therefore, all we need to do is convert
(perfect hole): - 126.17 ft3   bbl to cubic feet and multiply
multiply by the annular fill
Liner Lap Volume: - 47.45 ft3  factor. (Section 240, Page 85)

Resulting Cap Volume: 162.74 ft3  40 bbl × 5.6146 ft3/bbl = 224.58 ft 3 spacer
224.58 ft3 × 3.33 ft/ft3 = 747.85 ft spacer (DP in)
Height of Cement (with drillpipe in)
 Now, knowing the top of the liner is at 11,600 ft,
We have calculated that 162.74 ft3 of cement the length of the cement on top of the liner is
will remain above the Liner Top. We should be
able to multiply by the ft/ft 3 volume factor of the 541.92 ft (DP in); the length of spacer on top of
the cement is 747.85 ft (DP in), therefore it is
4.5 in drill pipe × 9 5/8 in. intermediate casing. easy to calculate the top of each fluid.

6 • 14 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Height of Cement (with drillpipe out)

This calculation is a lot simpler in that we are
only concerned with the 9 5/8 in, 47 lb/ft
capacity. Looking up the capacity value we 4A
calculate the following…

162.74 ft3 × 2.433 ft/ft3 = 395.95 ft

This means that after pulling drill pipe above the
cement on top of the liner, the height of the
cement column will be 395.95 ft above the liner
top so yes, we have enough cement to complete
this job.

2 Sacks of Cement

In this job, we were given 225 sacks of cement.

But, it is fairly easy to see that in future job 4B

calculations (to predict how much cement to

order) you must calculate 4 different volumes of
cement in a liner job (Figure 6.7),
1A - Shoe Track Volume
1B - Open Hole Annular Volume
(Plus Excess Cement)
1C - Liner Lap Volume
1D - Liner Cap Volume 

3 Mixing Water Required

We know the number of sacks of cement is 225.  

We also know the water requirement (from call- Figure 6.8 – Schematic of data needed for
sheet or calculations) is 6.61 gal/sk. determining amount of displacement fluid
225 sk × 6.61 gal/sk = 1487.25 gal ÷ 42 gal/bbl
= 35.41 bbl
Calculating the amount of displacement fluid is
(Have 50 bbl of clean, fresh water on hand)
critical for a number of reasons. Naturally, we
want to land the plug on the top of the shoe
4 Displacement Fluids track. But other considerations also need to be
1.  We need to know any diameter changes in
either string and their lengths.
For this calculation, we need to recognize we are
dealing with at least two different pipe 2.  We need to pay close attention to the
diameters, which are explained further below. transition point between drill pipe and liner
casing. Many times a 2 stage plug is run
which wipes the drill pipe of cement and

6 • 15 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

then latches into a larger plug in the liner

hanger. If we slow our pump rate down and
watch closely for a pressure increase, we
will then have an accurate volume up to that TOC 10,310.23 ft
 point in the job. Then we
we can focus on
displacing the liner casing capacity to the
TOC 11,058.08 ft
top of the shoe track.

4A - Drillpipe Volume

4 ½ in. 16.6 lb/ft

Top of Liner at 11,600 ft (Section 210, Table
212B, Page 9):
11,600 ft × 0.01422 bbl/ft = 164.95 bbl

4B - Liner Casing Volume

Total Depth 12,925 ft

Shoe Length 81 ft
12,844 ft Top of Shoe
12,844 ft - 11,600 ft (top of liner) =
1244 ft of 7 in., 29 lb/ft liner
(Section 210, Table 214, Page 21)
1244 ft × 0.0371 bbl/ft = 46.15 bbl
Therefore, we will pump:
164.95 bbl Drillpipe Capacity
+ 46.15 bbl Liner Capacity
= 211.1 bbl total displacement
12,925 ft

5 Top of Cement with Drillpipe Figure 6.9 – Schematic showing top of

cement (drillpipe in).
In and Drillpipe Out

From 1D we found the length of cement above

the liner hanger was 541.92 ft (drillpipe in). Liner Displacement Fluids Note
11,600 Top of Liner
Liners are usually displaced with drilling mud
-541.92 ft Length of Cement above liner
(instead of water). This is done to prevent a
= 11,058.08 top of cement with
with drillpipe in
large pressure differential at the liner hanger tool
Also from 1D: and at surface.
We found that the length of cement above the Operationally speaking, we need to pay close
liner hanger was 363.1 ft. (drillpipe out). attention to mud delivery rate, mud volume on

11,600 ft Liner Top location as well

cause error as air entrainment
in displacement (which
volumes). Thiscan
 –395.95 ft Length of cement above liner
= 11,204.05 ft T.O.C. drillpipe
drillpipe out  be discussed at length in Cementing II.

6 • 16 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

6 Pressure to Land the Plug Hydrostatic Pressure (Inside)

Refer to Section 240, Page 18 to arrive at psi/ft 15.5 lb/gal 81 ft x
= 65 psi
for lb/gal figures. Cement

Hydraulic Pressure (Outside) 12.4 lb/gal 12,844 ft x

= 8274 psi
12,925 ft – Mud
Total 12,925 ft 8339 psi
15.5 lb/gal 11,058.08 0.8052
x = 1503 psi
Cement ft = psi/ft 8669 psi – 8339 psi = 330 psi to land the plug
1866.92 ft

13.5 lb/gal 0.7013

747.85 ft x = 524 psi
Spacer psi/ft

12.4 lb/gal 10,310.23 0.6442

x = 6642 psi
Mud ft psi/ft

Total 12,925 ft 8669 psi

Quiz D: Liner Calculations

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in this section.
1.  What are the six critical calculation
ca lculation required for each liner cementing job?

•   _____________

•   _____________

•   _____________

•   _____________

•   _____________


2.  With liners, if you underestimate _______________________,

_______________________, you could leave the previous casing
shoe unprotected.

3.  Liners are usually displaced with ___________________________

____ to prevent a large pressure
differential at the liner hanger tool and at the surface.

 Now, look up the suggested

suggested answers in the Answer
Answer Key at the back of the section.
6 • 17 Cementing 1

  Liner Cementing

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to
Page Page
1. producing, deeper drilling 6-3 1. 10 to 30 6-9
2. water or gas, lost-circulation, 6-3 2. drill pipe, outside of the liner 6-9
3. exert extra pressure on the 6-9
3. perforated 6-4 annulus
4. retrievable 6-4 4. after 6-10
5. damaged, leaking, resistance 6-4 5. two days or more 6-10
6. liner below 6-4
Items from Unit D Quiz Refer to
Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to
Page 1. Volume of cement 6-10
1. remove, sandblasting or 6-6  Amount of cement in sacks
 Amount of mixing
mixing water
 Amount of displacement
displacement fluid
2. 50, 500 6-6 Top of cement
Required pressure to land plug
3. centralized 6-6
2. cement volume 6-13
4. float 6-6
3. drilling mud 6-16
5. drill pipe, pressure-tight seal 6-6
6. spacer fluid 6-7
6 • 18 Cementing 1

Section 7

Plug-Back Cementing

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 7-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 7-3
Unit A: Purposes of Plug-Back Cementing ....................................
................. .....................................
.... 7-3
Plugging to Isolate Zones.......................................................................................................................7-3
Plugging to Stop Lost Circulation..........................................................................................................7-4
Plugging for Directional Drilling ..................................
................ ...................................
...................... 7-4
Plugging for Well Abandonment ..................................
................. ...................................
..................... 7-5
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 7-6
Unit B: Plug-Back Cementing Calculations ...................................
................. ....................................
.... 7-7
Balanced Plug Cementing ....................................
.................. ...................................
.......... 7-7
Example Using Equalization Point Formula .................................
............... ...................................
..... 7-8
Balanced Plug Job One (One Wellbore Geometry) ...................................
................ .....................................
...... 7-9
Balanced Plug Job Two (Two Wellbore Geometries)..........................................................................7-11
Unit B Quiz .....................................
.................. .....................................
.............. 7-13
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 7-14
7•1 Cementing 1

Plug-Back Cementing

Use for Section Notes…

7•2 Cementing 1

Plug-Back Cementing


During its life, every well will require a plug- Topic Areas
 back cementing job. Slurry is pumped
pumped down
drillpipe or tubing and into the annulus; unlike The units included in this section are:
 primary cementing jobs, the cement levels
levels in the
annulus and inside the tubular goods are the A.  Purposes of Plug-Back Cementing
same. This creates a blocked area which is B.  Plug-Back Cementing Calculations
referred to as a cement plug. Typical length of a
cement plug is 100 to 500 ft. Halliburton
recommends a 500 ft minimum. Learning Objectives
Setting high quality cement plugs may be
difficult for several reasons: state regulations, Upon completion of this section, you should be
formations, and the conditions in the hole. familiar with:

However, plug-back cementing serves many •  the conditions under which cement plugs are
 purposes, as you will see
see in this section. used
•  how to calculate basic plug-back cementing

Unit A: Purposes of Plug-Back Cementing 

Cement plugs are used for the following reasons: •  It prevents damaging fluids from entering a
 producing formation.
formation. High-pressure from a
•   Zonal isolation
squeeze job performed above the pay zone
•   Lost circulation stoppage may force cement or wellbore fluids into a
•   Directional drilling  pay zone, causing damage and loss of
•   Well abandonment
•  It isolates an upper zone by forming a new
These reasons and the types of jobs associated  bottom for the well from which
which drill stem
with them are discussed in this unit. tests can be run. The plug eliminates the
chances of sticking your pipe below the
testing assembly.
Plugging to Isolate Zones
•  It can be used to block off a problem area.
For example, a permanent cement plug can
When you use a cement plug to isolate zones  be placed above a depleted zone without
(Fig. 7.1), it can serve several purposes.
affecting the producing zones above the
•   It prevents fluid migration up the pipe or  plug.
annulus by isolating a high-pressure zone
from a lower pressure zone. Fluid migration
can cause loss of production or an increase
in lifting costs.

7•3 Cementing 1

Plug-Back Cementing

Figure 7.2 – Cement plug used to stop lost

Figure 7.1 – Cement plug used for zone

Plugging for Directional Drilling

Plugging to Stop Lost At times, you do not or cannot perform vertical
Circulation drilling. Perhaps an object is blocking the path
downwards (for example, a broken string of
A cement plug is sometimes set during drilling  pipe), the hole is deviated,
deviated, or you want to drill
or cementing operations to stop lost circulation. toward a target which is off to the side of the
Circulation loss generally occurs in porous or hole. Before directional drilling can be
fractured formations, because drilling fluids or  performed, you need a seat or a bridge on which
cement slurries flow into the fractures. A cement to set the tool. A cement plug can be used for
 plug helps combat this
this problem since before the this purpose (Figure 7.3).
 plug’s cement sets, it drifts into
into the cavities to Directional drilling or whipstocking is done by
 block them off (Figure 7.2). A plug maymay be run setting the plug, and then rotating the bit off the
with spacers containing special chemicals which
 plug in another direction.
direction. The cement plug is
 block water flow. In severe cases, a thixotropic
thixotropic called a whipstock when used in this way. A
or gilsonite cement may be used to block off the whipstock plug provides a way to:
lost circulation zone.
•  get around non-retrievable objects
•  correct excessive vertical deviations of the
•  drill a relief well
•  reduce unwanted water production

7•4 Cementing 1

Plug-Back Cementing

zones or prevent fluid migration. Today, the

federal and state governments set forth rules for
 plugging wells for abandonment. Although
Although these
rules vary, cement plugs are usually set:
•  across and above potential oil and gas

 producing zones
•  above and below freshwater zones
•  above and below the bottom of any casing
left in the hole
•  at ground level (Figure 7.4).

Figure 7.3 – Cement plug used in directional


Plugging for Well Abandonment

When a dry or depleted well is abandoned, a

 portion of the casing that
that was left uncemented
may be pulled from the hole. This leaves
freshwater zones unprotected. In addition, high-
 pressure zones may be uncovered.
uncovered. This allows
fluid to migrate to the surface, and causes Figure 7.4 – Cement plugs used for well
unfavorable surface conditions. abandonment.
In the past, wells were plugged for abandonment
with anything from cotton seed hulls to ground
wood. However, these materials did not isolate
7•5 Cementing 1

Plug-Back Cementing

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to test your progress on Unit A.

1.  Plug-back cementing differs from primary cementing because the level of cement in the ___________
is the same as in the __________.

2.  A cement plug can prevent ___________

_ migration by _________ a high-pressure zone from a
lower pressure zone.

3.  A plug can help protect a producing formation against _________


4.  A plug may be used to form a new _______________

_______________ for a well from which drillstem tests may be

5.  A cement plug stops lost circulation because its cement _________ into a formation’s pores or

6.  The purpose of a cement plug in directional drilling is to provide a ______________ for the tool. A
 plug used for this purpose
purpose is called a _______
______. The bit is ____________
____________ off the pl
ug to drill in
another direction.

7.  When plugging to abandon, plugs are set across and above _________ formations, and above and
 below ___________
___________ zones. In addition,
addition, they are set above and below the bott
om of ________ and at
 __________ level.

 Now, check your answers in the

the Answer Key at the back of this sect
7•6 Cementing 1

Plug-Back Cementing

Unit B: Plug-Back Cementing Calculations

Before a plug-back cementing job begins, Following are the basic plug-back problem
several calculations must be performed. In this calculations:
unit, you will learn how to calculate
With drillpipe out:
•   The amount of cement needed for a
1 Volume of cement
cement (bbl).
 balanced plug
2 Sacks of cement
•   The amount of cement with the workstring
in the plug. 3 Minimum water requirements.
•   The height of cement with the workstring With drillpipe in:
out of the plug.
4 Height of cement
•   The volume of the spacer needed behind the
5 Height of spacer ahead of
of cement (with
volume given)
•   The volume of cement mixing water
6 Volume of
of spacer behind cement
7 Height of mud
8 Volume of
of mud (to balance)
8 7
Following are the well parameters needed for the
calculations (Figure 7.5):

A  Drillpipe size
5 B  Bottom of plug

C  Top of plug
D  Hole size
A 4
D 2

B Balanced Plug Cementing
Spacer  One of the most unique calculations in the
Wellbore after job Wellbore during Cement oilfield is the balanced plug. More often than
completion  job execution
(drillpipe out) (drillpipe in)
  not, this job is performed with open-ended
drillpipe. When performed correctly, the
Figure 7.5 – Well parameters.
calculations are simple. Problems with this job
occur when one of the known parameters, such
as drillpipe ID or hole size is incorrectly
Plug calculations are easier to reason out when
you draw two wellbores:
  The wellbore during job execution
•  The wellbore after job completion

7•7 Cementing 1

  Plug-Back Cementing

•  Volume of mud to pump behind spacer

Working from the “known” we have the basic
hole geometry and the cement volume to pump.
Usually we have a predetermined amount of
spacer to pump ahead of the cement.

We know the cement occupies a known space in

an open wellbore. That same cement also
occupies a larger space with the drillpipe in. The
length of this space can be determined by taking
the known volume of cement and dividing by
100 ft 107.93 ft the combined volume factors of both the annulus
and the drillpipe.

Mud Example Using Equalization

Wellbore after job Wellbore during Cement
Point Formula
completion  job execution
(drillpipe out) (drillpipe in)
  For this example we are given the following
Figure 7.6 – Fluid heights during and after
 job. information:
•  8 ¾ in. hole, 4 ½ in., 16.6 lb/ft drillpipe
•  100 ft of cement plug in open hole, which is:
To get the wellbore to this state we must run 100 ft × 0.4176 ft3/ft = 41.76 ft3 of cement.
drillpipe into wellbore and “balance” the fluid
Use the equalization point formula, Section 240,
column hydrostatically.
 page 12:
 Notice that the heights
heights of all fluids are taller
when the drillpipe is in the wellbore. This is due  N 
to the fact that the wall thickness of the drillpipe C + T 
displaces some of the volume of cement, spacers
and mud that you have placed downhole where h = height of cement (d
rillpipe in)

The trick to calculating balanced plugs, as it is  N = ft3 of slurry used

with most
values otherfor
to solve jobs,
to work from the known
values. C = ft /ft factor for annulus
T = ft3/ft factor for tubing or drillpipe
Known Values:
In our example we calculate as follows:
•   Hole Size
h= 41.76 ft3  = 41.76 ft3  =
•   Drillpipe Size 0.307 ft3/ft + 0.0798 ft3/ft 0.3869 ft3/ft
•   Volume of Cement 107.93 ft
•   Volume of spacer Therefore, with the drillpipe in, our height of
cement increases from 100 ft to 107.93 ft
Unknown Values:
(Figure 7.6).
•   Height of Cement (Drillpipe In)
This is the basic formula and method for
•   Height of Spacer (Drillpipe In) calculating the height of any fluid of a known

•   Volume of spacer to pump behind cement volume with the pipe suspended in the fluid.
•   Height of mud (drillpipe in)

7•8 Cementing I

  Plug-Back Cementing

Balanced Plug Job One (One The following table presents the well parameters
Wellbore Geometry) for our example job:
Well Parameters
In a single wellbore geometry, you have the
Hole Size 8 ¾ in. (Average)
same size hole (on average) throughout the area
Drillpipe Size 4 ½ in., 16.6 lb/ft EUE
involved in the calculations, as shown in Fig. Plug Depth 6,800 ft
Length of Plug 500 ft
Cement Type Class H
Mixed at 16.4 lb/gal 1.06 ft /sk yield
Spacer Ahead 20 bbl water
8 7

Calculations (Drillpipe Out)

Cement Required 
1 Section 210, Table 213, Page 13
3 3
500 ft × 0.4176 ft /ft = 208.8 ft  

2 Sacks Of Cement
3 3
C 208.8 ft  ÷ 1.06 ft /sk = 197 sks
1 Mixing Water
D 2 A 4 3
197 sks × 4.3 gal/sk = 847.1 gal
Calculations (Drillpipe In)
Wellbore after job Wellbore during Cement
4 Height of Cement (HOC)
completion  job execution
(drillpipe out) (drillpipe in)
We use the equalization point formula, Red
 Book , Section 240, page 12:
Figure 7.7 – Single geometry wellbore.
C + T 

where h = height of cement (d

rillpipe in)
 N = ft3 of slurry used
C = ft3/ft factor for annulus
T = ft3/ft factor for tubing or drillpipe
h= 208.8 ft3  = 208.8 ft3 
0.3071 ft3/ft + 0.0798 ft3/ft 0.3869 ft3/ft
= 539.67 ft

5 Height of Spacer Ahead (HOS)

Known: 20 bbl water ahead
Sometimes we are given the volume of spacer to
 pump ahead. In this case we know we have
have to
 pump 20 bbl of water ahead. We can multiply
this known volume by the fill factor of the

7•9 Cementing I

  Plug-Back Cementing

annulus and thereby solve the spacer height in

the annulus:
20 bbl × 18.2804 ft/bbl = 365.61 ft

6 Volume of Spacer Behind

Knowing the heightthe

is easy to calculate of volume
spacer inofthe annulus,
spacer to it
 pump behind the cement. (Section 210, 210, page 9) 6 5

365.61 ft × 0.01422 bbl/ft = 5.20 bbl

7 Height of Mud
Drillpipe Depth 6800 ft
HOC (Drillpipe in) - 539.67 ft
HOS (Drillpipe in) - 365.61 ft
5,894.72 ft
8 Volume Of Mud Behind (To Balance) Spacer 
5894.72 ft × 0.01422 bbl/ft = 83.82 bbl Wellbore after job Wellbore during Cement
completion  job execution

Working with a Fixed Amount of (drillpipe out) (drillpipe in)  

Spacer Figure 7.8 – Working with a fixed amount of
What happens when a customer tells you that
there is 20 barrels of spacer available on location
and you are to decide how much to pump ahead
and behind? The following shows the

5 Height of Spacer
Known: 20 bbl total spacer
The trick is to use the same equalization point
formula we used in Calculation 4 (substitute
 barrels instead of cubic feet).
h= 20 bbl
0.0547 bbl/ft + 0.01422 bbl/ft
= 20 bbl = 290.198 ft
0.06892 bbl/ft
Therefore the spacer height is 290.198 ft and the
volume of spacer ahead (of cement) is
290.19 ft × 0.0547 bbl/ft = 15.87 bbl

6 Volume of Spacer (Behind Cement)

20.00 bbl (Total)

 –15.87 bbl behind

4.13 bbl (Ahead)
7 • 10 Cementing I

  Plug-Back Cementing

Balanced Plug Job Two (Two Well Parameters

Wellbore Geometries) 8 in. from 1000 ft - 6140 ft
Hole Sizes
9 ½ in. from 6140 ft – 6340 ft
In a wellbore with two geometries, you have two Drillpipe size 4 ½ in., 16.6 lb/ft EUE
hole widths within the area involved in the Plug Depth 6340 ft
calculations, as shown in Fig. 7.9. This wellbore
is 8 inches down to 6140 ft. with a washout to 9 Length of Plug 300 ft
½ inches below that point. If we don’t take the Cement Type Class G
increased hole size into consideration, all of our 3
Mixed at 15.8 lb/gal 1.15 ft /sk, 5.0 gal/sk
calculations will be incorrect.
Spacer Ahead 15 bbl

Calculations (Drill Pipe Out)

d Cement Required 
Cement Section 210, Table 213, Page 13
3 3
1 200 ft × 0.4922 ft /ft = 98.44 ft  
3 3
100 ft × 0.3491 ft /ft = 34.91 ft  
Total = 133.35 ft  
1,000 ft 1,000 ft 2 Sacks Of Cement
3 3
133.35 ft  ÷ 1.15 ft /sk = 116 sks
Mixing Water
3 116 sks × 5.0 gal/sk = 580 gal
580 gal ÷ 42 gal/bbl = 13.81 bbl

Calculations (Drillpipe In)

5 6
4 Height of Cement (HOC)
Work from the know values to solve for the
6,040 ft 4B unknown. We are trying to determine the cement
6, 140 ft 6 ,1 40 ft height with the drillpipe in. We have two
1 4A different hole sizes to work with. To solve this
6,340 ft  problem, first calculate what you know
know (the
volume in the 9 ½ in. hole, because you know
3 the volume factor and length). Then subtract this
volume from the total cubic feet of slurry. Then
use the equalization point formula
Job Co mpl
eted Job Execution
(Drillpipe Out) (Drillpipe In) C + T 
Figure 7.9 – Two wellbore geometries. to solve for the actual height. (If you have a third
hole size then you continue to work from the
 bottom up, solving for
for the volume until you get
to the top hole size that contains cement and
then use the equalization point formula.)
 Now, working from the bottom
bottom up:

7 • 11 Cementing I

  Plug-Back Cementing

4A – 9 ½ in. hole with 4 ½ in. drillpipe 5 Height of Spacer (HOS)

200 ft annulus × 0.3918 ft3/ft = 76.36 ft3  Given: Pump 15 bbl of spacer ahead of cement.
200 ft drillpipe × 0.0798 ft 3/ft = 15.96 ft3 (Section 122, page 137)

92.32 ft3 15 bbl × 23.5295 ft/bbl = 352.94 ft

Subtract this volume from the known total

cement volume: 6 Volume of Spacer Behind Cement
Volume of spacer behind cement. (Section 210,
133.35 ft3 – 93.23 ft3 = 41.03 ft3  page 69)
4B – Therefore, 41.03 cubic feet of slurry is 352.94 ft × 0.04122 bbl/ft = 5.02 bbl
remaining to fill into the 8 in. annulus.
7 Height of Mud
From this point you can use the equalization
HOC (Drillpipe In)
 point formula:
6140 ft – 128.86 ft = 6011.14 ft
h=   HOS (Drillpipe
(Drillpipe In) - 352.94 ft
C + T 
= 5658.2 ft
h= 41.03 ft3  = 41.03 ft3 
8 Volume of Mud (To Balance)
0.2386 ft3/ft + 0.0798 ft3/ft 0.3184 ft3/ft
(Section 210, page 169)
= 128.86 ft
5658.2 ft × 0.01422 bbl/ft = 80.46 bbl
7 • 12 Cementing I

  Plug-Back Cementing

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to test your progress on Unit B.

1.  What are the well parameters needed for the plug-back calculations?





2.  The heights of all fluids are _____________

_____________ when the drillpipe is in the wellbore.

3.  Balanced plug jobs are usually performed with _____________________

_____________________ drillpipe.

 Now, check your answers in the

the Answer Key at the back of this sect
7 • 13 Cementing I

  Plug-Back Cementing

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to

1. annulus, tubular goods 7-3
2. fluid, isolating 7-3
3. lost circulation 7-3
4. bottom 7-3
5. penetrates 7-4
6. seat or bridge, whipstock, 7-4
7. producing, freshwater, casing, 7-4

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. Drillpipe size 7-7
Bottom of plug
Top of plug
Hole size
2. taller 7-8
3. open-ended 7-7
7 • 14 Cementing I

Section 8

Squeeze Cementing

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 8-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 8-3
Unit A: Squeeze Cementing Background ...................................
................. ....................................
......... 8-3
Purposes of Squeeze Cementing ...................................
................ .....................................
................... 8-3
Squeeze Cementing Terminology ....................................
.................. ....................................
................ 8-4
Hesitation ..................................
................ ....................................
Planning Squeeze Cementing Jobs.........................................................................................................8-5
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
................ 8-6
Unit B: Squeeze Cementing Calculations..................................................................................................8-7
Squeeze Problem One ...............
...................... 8-9
Squeeze Problem Two..........................................................................................................................8-17
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 8-22
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 8-23
8•1 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Use for Section Notes…

8•2 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing


If all primary cementing jobs were completely this process. The bottom of casing strings (shoe)
successful, there would rarely be a need for and liner tops may also require squeezing to
squeeze cementing. However, if drilling mud correct problems. These types of jobs may not
has been bypassed (channeling) during the require perforating prior to squeezing.
 primary job, squeeze cementing may
may be required
to correct or remediate the problem.
Topic Areas
Squeeze cementing is the process by which
cement is forced into the casing-hole annulus.
In this section, these units will be included:
Fluid returns are not normally expected at the
surface. Perforations in the pipe are often A.  Squeeze Cementing Background
required to obtain a flow path to the annulus. B.  Squeeze Cementing Calculations
The channel or area of poor bond, as well as the
 perforations, are filled with cement.
cement. Pump
 pressure is allowed to rise
rise in order to "squeeze" Learning Objectives
cement slurry into the desired area. The cement
is allowed to harden into a plug which blocks
Upon completion of this section, you should be
fluid movement. Drill-out of set cement inside
familiar with:
the casing is normally required.
•  The purposes of squeeze cementing
Existing production perforations may be
abandoned by squeeze cementing. Also, casing •  How to calculate a basic squeeze cementing
leaks due to pipe corrosion may be sealed with  job

Unit A: Squeeze Cementing Background

To perform a successful squeeze job, it is first •  to provide a seal for places purposely not
necessary to become familiar with cemented during primary cementing — for
example, squeezing liner tops
•   the purposes of squeeze cementing
•  to reduce the gas/oil ratio by shutting off
•   terminology associated with squeeze
some of the gas-producing perforation
(isolating the gas and oil zones)
•    planning considerations
considerations for squeeze jobs.
•  to improve the oil/water ratio by shutting off
some of the water-producing formation
Purposes of Squeeze (isolating the oil and water zones)

Cementing •  to close-off an unproductive formation from

the wellbore
Some of the more common reasons for •  to prevent fluid migration
 performing a squeeze job are
•  to repair casing holes caused by corrosion,
•   to correct a defective primary cementing job  perforation, etc. (Fig. 8.1)
caused by channeling or insufficient fill-up

8•3 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Figure 8.2 – Whole cement slurry does not

enter the formation

Figure 8.1 – Squeezing to repair casing. In squeeze jobs, forcing the formation to fracture
is not the objective. If the formation fractures, it
will break down. Then whole cement slurry (not
 just the filtrate) will be
be displaced into the
formation. Therefore, care must be taken so that
Squeeze Cementing the pump pressure and the pressure exerted by
Terminology the weight of the fluid are not sufficient to force
a fracture of the formation. The pressure
In order to understand the different methods required to force filtrate into the formation
used in squeeze cementing, it is necessary to without fracturing it is called the pump-in
first be familiar with the following terms: pressure.

•   Cement dehydration The volume per minute at which the fluid will be
 pumped during the squeeze
squeeze job is called the
•   Pump-in pressure and injection rate injection rate. Both the pressure and rate should
•   Low- and high-pressure squeeze  be established by performing
performing an injection test in

•   Block squeezing which wellatfluid

determine whatisrate
pumped into the the
and pressure formation to
fluid will
Cement slurry is composed of cement, additives  be absorbed into the formation.
and water. When slurry reaches a permeable During a low-pressure squeeze job, enough
formation, only the water (filtrate) will pass into  pressure is applied to form a filter
filter cake of
the cracks of the formation (Figure 8.2). Cement dehydrated cement on the formation. In other
dehydration is the process by which the cement words, the pump-in pressure or the pressure
forms a cake and hardens on the face of the necessary to place cement against the formation
formation. will not cause the formation to fracture.
However, if the formation will not absorb filtrate
at the pump-in pressure, (because of blocked
 perforations or low formation
formation permeability),
more pressure may be applied. This will result in

a fractured formation - whole slurry will fill the

fractures. This is considered a high-pressure
squeeze job.

8•4 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Block squeezing requires that perforations be the necessity of using a spacer (in case of
made at the interval to be squeezed. Then, fluid incompatibility)
cement is forced into this interval (Figure 8.3).
•  the bottomhole static temperature, which
Block squeezing is generally used to isolate the
affects the setting time of the cement
 producing zone before completing
completing a well.
•  the difference between the depths of the
 perforations and the packer (if
(if used), which
should from 100 to 150 ft to allow enough
volume to continue the squeeze after the
cement has cleared the workstring
•  the maximum pressure to be used, which
cannot exceed the pressure limitations of the
workstring, casing, BOPs, and other
equipment to be used
•  the type of cement to be used, in that fluid-
loss additives are used to ensure that a small
amount of cement filter cake will form
against the formation, while the slurry in the
casing remains fluid enough to reverse out
Figure 8.3 – Block Squeeze
•  the amount of cement to be used, which
depends on the volume of the workstring
Hesitation Squeeze (volume of cement should not exceed the
capacity of the tubular goods) and the length
At some point during a squeeze job, you will of the interval to be squeezed (a rule of
thumb is to use 2 sk/ft).
have attained the pressure planned for the job.
That pressure is then held. If it drops off (that is, •  testing all wellhead equipment and annulus
 bleed off is occurring), you know
know that your to the pressure required to reverse out the
cement is continuing to dehydrate. maximum height of cementing the
In this case, a hesitation squeeze may be workstring.
conducted. Time is allowed for the cement to
 begin to set. The pressure is applied
applied again. If
 bleed off continues, more time is allowed.
allowed. This
is repeated as many times as is necessary; the
only limitation is the thickening time of the
cement. If too long a period is allowed, the
workstring may be cemented up.

Planning Squeeze Cementing


Before any type of squeeze job is undertaken,

information must be obtained and choices must
 be made, including

•   the types of well fluids to be used, which

will affect the pressure to reverse out, and

8•5 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit A.

1.  Common reasons for performing a squeeze job are to ___________ a defective primary cementing
 job or to __________
__________ holes in casing caused
caused by corrosion. In addition
addition,, the ______________
______________ ratio is

2.  When the filtrate enters the formation, cement ____________ to form a cake on the formation.

3.  The pressure required to force filtrate into the formation without ___________ it is called the
 ___________ pressure.
pressure. This pressure is established
established by pumping
pumping _____________
____ into the
formation to be squeezed.

4.  If the formation fractures during a squeeze job, then a _________ pressure squeeze job is being

5.  If the pressure drops off during a squeeze job, this is called ______________.
______________. To correct this
condition, a _______________ squeeze may be performed.

6.  The ____________ pressure to be used during a squeeze job cannot exceed the limitations of the
equipment being used.

7.  Cement used for squeeze job usually contains ______________ additives.
8•6 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Unit B: Squeeze Cementing Calculations

Before beginning a squeeze cementing job,

several calculations must be performed. The 8 Pressure
the job. to reverse out at the compl
etion of
types of calculations to make depend on the
9 Amount of cement pumped though
though th
nature of the job. Following are the basic
squeeze problem calculations (Fig. 8.3,4):  perforations.
Following are the well parameters needed for the
1 Volume of cement (bbl).
calculations (Fig. 8.3):
2 Pressure to reverse one barrel
barrel of slurry from
workstring. A  Drillpipe/tubi
ng size

3 Minimum water requirements. B  Packer depth

4 Displacement vovolume
lume to spot
spot cement one C  Top of perforations
 barrel above packer.
D  Bottom of perforations
5 Pressure to reverse cement when
when spotted.
6 Pressure to reverse cement from workstring E  Casing size
when cement reaches top perforation.
7 Pressure to reverse cement from workstring
when cement reaches bottom perforation.


   i    d
   l   u
   l 5
   F    F
   l    l
  e   e    t
   W    W   n

Figure 8.3 – Well schematic showing squeeze calculations and parameters.

8•7 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

   d    d
   i    d
   i   u
   l   u
   l    F    F
   F    l
   l    l
   l   e   e
   W    W    W

   t 6 7 8
  e 9

Figure 8.4 - Well schematic showing squeeze calculations and parameters.

The remainder of this section presents two

sample squeeze problems and shows, step by
step, how to calculate all the needed data. You
will need a copy of the Halliburton
the Halliburton Cementing
Tables (the
(the Red
 Red Book ) to use during the
8•8 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Squeeze Problem One

Well Parameters
2 7/8 in., 6.5 lb/ft
A EUE Tubing Drillpipe/tubing
Drillpipe/tubing size 2 7/8 in., 6.5 lb/ft
Packer Depth 5000 ft
Top of perforations 5094 ft
Bottom of perforations 5136 ft
Casing size 7 in., 20 lb/ft
Cement type Class G
Cement volume 75 sk
Displacement/well fluid Fresh water (8.33

1 Volume of Cement (bbl)

B Packer at 5000 ft
To convert the given volume of cement from
C Perf top at 5094 ft sacks to barrels, you must determine the yield of
the slurry.
D Perf bottom at
5094 ft 1.  Using the “Technical Data” section of the
 Red Book , determine the yield of a neat
“Class G” slurry, given its weight of 15.8
7 in., 20 lb/ft
lb/gal. The table shown in Fig. 8.6 (extracted
  from the Class G section of the Red
the Red Book )
shows this to be 1.15 cu.ft/sk.
Figure 8.5 – Parameters for Sample
Problem A. 2.  Multiply the volume of cement in sacks by
the slurry yield to determine the volume in
cubic feet.
75 sk × 1.15 cu.ft/sk = 86.25 cu.ft
 Now, convert cubic feet to barrels
barrels using the
conversion constant found in the “Technical
Data” section of the Red
the  Red Book :
86.25 cu.ft × 0.1781 bbl/cu.ft = 15.36 bbl
Figure 8.6 – Class G data from Red Book.

8•9 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

2 Pressure to Reverse One Barrel of the number of feet that one barrel will fill
Slurry from Workstring inside the tubing, which is 172.76 ft/bbl.
3.  Multiply the differential pressure found in
Step 1 by the value found in Step 2 to obtain
the pressure required to reverse out one

2  barrel of slurry from the workstring:

0.3878 psi/ft × 172.76 ft/bbl = 67.00 psi/bbl
Later on, you will be calculating different values
of cement left in the tubing, according to where
you are in your job. You will then use the value
determined in the step above to calculate the
   i total pressure required to reverse out the cement.

Figure 8.7 – Determining pressure to
reverse on barrel of slurry from drillpipe.

The following is a quick way to calculate the

 pressure required to reverse out
out the slurry from
the workstring. These calculations will be based
on a column equal in height to one barrel of
fluid in the workstring. (Your answer will be in
Figure 8.8 – Hydrostatic pressure data from
1.  Referring to the “Calculations and Red Book.
Formulae” section of the Red
the Red Book  (shown
in Fig. 8.8), look up the psi/ft (hydrostatic
 pressure gradient) of the 15.8
15.8 lb/gal cement
and the 8.33 lb/gal water. Then find the
difference between these two values: 0.8208
 psi/ft and 0.4330 psi/ft:
0.8208 psi/ft – 0.4330 psi/ft = 0.3878 psi/ft
2.  Then, using the “Capacity” section (Table
211) for 2 7/8 in., 6.5 lb/ft EUE tubing, find

8 • 10 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

3 Minimum Water Requirements First, determine the capacity of the tubing. It

extends from the surface to the packer, a
The minimum fluid (water) requirements for a total of 5000 ft. Look up the capacity factor
squeeze job include the volumes needed for the for the 2 7/8 in., 6.5 lb/ft EUE tubing in the
following: “Capacity” section (Fig 8.9). This factor is
0.00579 bbl/ft. Multiply the length of the
•   Cement mixing water (always fresh water tubing by its capacity factor to obtain the
unless the slurry is otherwise designed) capacity of the tubing:
•   Displacement fluid (the capacities of the 5000 ft × 0.00579 bbl/ft = 28.95 bbl
tubing and the casing)
3.  Then figure the capacity of the 7 in., 20 lb/ft
•   Reversing fluid casing (Table 214) from the packer to the
lowest perforation (5136 ft – 5000 ft = 136
Therefore, each of these volumes needs to be
calculated and then added together.
136 ft × 0.0404 bbl/ft = 5.49 bbl
 Note: This volume does not include both prime-
up and wash-up volumes, which would also 4.  You may have to reverse out the excess
need to be accounted for. cement remaining in the tubing (after
unsetting the packer). This reverse
1.  With the help of the “Technical Data”
circulation occurs around the setting depth
section of the Red
the Red Book , you can calculate of the packer (5000 ft). So the volume in the
how much mixing water you will need (see
tubing to reverse out is the same as the
Fig. 8.6). Because you are using Class G
displacement volume you have already
cement with a weight of 15.8 lb/gal, the
calculated for the tubing (Step 2), which is
water requirement is 5.0 gal/sk. Multiplying
28.95 bbl.
the amount of cement needed, in sacks, by
the water requirement gives you your total Keep in mind that you should use the type
mixing water: and weight of fluid in the annulus for
reversing fluid.
5.0 gal/sk × 75 sk = 375 gal
5.   Now, the minimum amount of fluidfluid required
To convert to barrels:
for this job can be calculated by adding the
375 gal ÷ 42 gal/bbl = 8.93 bbl cement mixing water (Step 1), the two
displacement fluid volumes (tubing and
2.  As for the fluid needed for displacement,
casing- Steps 2 and 3), and the reversing
you will need to calculate the capacities of volume (Step 4):
the appropriate parts of both the tubing and
casing. Since there is no way of knowing 8.93 bbl + 28.95 bbl + 5.49 bbl + 28.95 bbl
when a well will squeeze (pressure will not = 72.32 bbl
 bleed off), you must have enough fluid
fluid to
 NOTE: As a good practice, we recommend that
displace all of the slurry to the lowest
you have double the volumes needed to reverse.
  8 • 11 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Figure 8.9 – Tubing capacity data from Red Book.

Figure 8.10 –Casing capacity data from Red Book.

8 • 12 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

4 Displacement Volume to Spot 5 Pressure to Reverse when Cement

Cement One Barrel Above Packer Spotted

After the cement is spotted one barrel above the

 packer, the packer will be set to avoid

circulating any
the packer is setcement
and youbehind
begin When
4  pumping fluid into
into the perforations, you may
experience problems establishing an injection
rate, in which case you would unset the packer
and reverse all the cement out of the tubing.
Therefore, you need to calculate how much
   i  pressure is required to do this.
   l 5
   F The pressure needed to reverse out this cement
  e    t
   W   n
in the tubing can be calculated by multiplying
  m the barrels of cement in the tubing, which in this
   C case is the total cement volume, by the
differential pressure per barrel of fluid (as
calculated in Calculation 2 , 67.00 psi/bbl):
15.36 bbl × 67.00 psi/bbl = 1029 psi

Figure 8.10 – Displacement Volume.

To avoid damaging the formation that can be

caused by pumping all the well fluid ahead of
the cement into the perforations, the packer is
left unset while the cement is spotted one barrel
above it. This allows well fluid to circulate out
of the well.
To determine the volume of displacement to
 pump behind the slurry
slurry to spot it one barrel from
the packer, you subtract the total cement volume
 plus one barrel from the tubing
tubing capacity
(determined during Calculation 3 ):
Tubing Capacity 28.95 bbl
Cement Volume - 15.36 bbl
Volume Above Packer - 1.00 bbl
Displacement Volume 12.59 bbl

8 • 13 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

6 Pressure to Reverse Cement

Cement from Use your Red
your Red Book  to
 to find the capacity
Workstring when Cement Reaches factor (bbl/ft) of the 7 in., 20 lb/ft casing,
the Top Perforation then multiply this value by the length of
casing between the packer and the top
 perforation (5094 ft – 5000
5000 ft = 94 ft).

94 ft × 0.0404 bbl/ft = 3.80 bbl

2.   Now, subtract this volume
volume from the total
volume of cement to determine how much
slurry remains in the tubing:
15.36 bbl – 3.80 bbl = 11.56 bbl
3.  The final step in this calculation is to
multiply the volume of cement remaining in
   i the tubing by the differential pressure per
   F  barrel of fluid (as calculated in Calculation
  e 2 , 67.00 psi/bbl):
11.56 bbl × 67.00 psi/bbl = 775 psi

   t 6

Figure 8.11 – Pressure to reverse when
cement reaches the top perforation.

As with the previous question, problems with

injection rates may occur when cement reaches
the top perforation. In this case, we can only
reverse out the cement that is left inside the
tubing, and not the cement that has exited below
the packer and is now inside the casing.
The first calculation we need to make, therefore,
is the volume of cement remaining in the tubing.
1.  To do this, you calculate the volume of
cement in the casing and subtract that
volume from the total volume of cement.
Determining the volume of cement in the
casing requires
of the casing youthe
from to packer
calculate the capacity
depth (5000 ft)
to the depth of the top perforation (5049 ft).

8 • 14 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

7 Pressure to Reverse Cement from (Step 2) by the differential pressure per

Workstring when Cement Reaches  barrel of fluid (as calculated previously
previously in
Bottom Perforation Step 3 of the calculation for pressure to
reverse out one barrel, 67.00 psi/bbl):
9.87 bbl × 67.00 psi/bbl = 661 psi
 Note: The effects of friction have
have been
disregarded in all these calculations.


Figure 8.12 – Pressure to reverse when
cement reaches bottom perforation.

Related to the calculation just completed, this

calculation will be based on the fact that cement
has made it to the bottom perforation, but no
cement has entered the perforations. Therefore,
we need to once again calculate the volume of
cement that remains in the tubing.
1.  First, find the volume of cement that is in
the casing. This calculation has already been
 performed in Calculation 3 (5.49 bbl).
2.   Now subtract this volume
volume from the total
volume of cement:
15.36 bbl – 5.49 bbl = 9.87 bbl
3.  The pressure needed to reverse out this
cement in the tubing can now be calculated
 by multiplying the
the barrels in the tubing

8 • 15 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

8 Pressure to Reverse Out at the 9 Amount of Cement Pumped

Completion of the Job Through the Perforations

Using information obtained from previous

calculations, you can calculate the amount of

cement pumped
this squeeze job.through the perforation during
1.  The total volume of slurry (15.36 bbl) minus
the volume of slurry in the casing (5.49 bbl)
minus the volume of slurry now in the
tubing is the volume of cement in the
   F 15.36 bbl – 5.49 bbl – 4.95 bbl = 4.92 bbl
   W 2.  Divide this by the yield of the cement, 1.15
cu.ft/sk, to obtain the amount of cement in
the formation:

8 27.62 ft3 ÷ 1.15 ft3/sk = 24 sk

9 Results of Calculations

The following table presents the results of the

nine calculations for Squeeze Problem One:
Squeeze Cementing Calculation Results
Description Result
1 Volume of cem
ent (bbl). 15.36 bbl
Figure 8.13 – Pressure to reverse out at the
completion of the job. 2 Pressure to revers
e one 67.00 psi/bbl
barrel of slurry from workstring.

3 Minimum water 72.32 bbl

For the following calculations, you have to requirements.
assume that some arbitrary volume of 4 Displacement volume to 12.59 bbl
displacement fluid was pumped behind the spot cement one barrel above
cement at the time squeeze pressure is reached. packer.
The volume chosen here is 24 bbl. 5 Pressure to revers
e cement 1029 psi
when spotted.
1.  Find out how much cement is in the tubing
now, given that 24 bbl of displacement fluid 6 Pressure to revers
reversee cement 775 psi
were pumped behind it: from workstring when cement
reaches top perforation.
28.95 bbl – 24 bbl = 4.95 bbl
7 Pressure to revers
e cement 661 psi
2.   Now multiply the amount
amount of cement in the from workstring when cement
tubing by the pressure required to reverse reaches bottom perforation.
one barrel out of the tubing (67.00 psi/bbl) 8 Pressure tto
o reverse out at 332 psi
the completion of the job.
4.95 bbl × 67.00 psi/bbl = 332 psi
9 Amount of ce
ment pump
ed 24 sk
though the perforations.

8 • 16 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Squeeze Problem Two

2 7/8 in., 6.5 lb/ft
In this job, you are to squeeze off a channel that EUE Tubing
runs from perforations below a packer to a point
above the packer. Note that the first seven
questions you will answer are based on the same
calculations as in Squeeze Problem One, with
two additional calculations (8 and 11):
1 Volume of cement
Pressure to reverse one barrel of slurry from
2 workstring
3 Minimum water requirements
Displacement volume to spot cement one
4 barrel above packer
5 Pressure to reverse cement when spotted
Pressure to reverse cement from workstring
6 when cement reaches top perforation
Pressure to reverse cement from workstring
7 when cement reaches bottom perforation
Maximum pump pressure when cement slurry
has reached the bottom perforation B Packer at 6200 ft
Pressure to reverse out at the completion of
9 the job C Perf top at 6240 ft
 Amount of cement
cement pumped through ththe
10 perforations
D Perf bottom at
Maximum pump pressure if the channel is full 6250 ft
11 of cement

7 in., 20 lb/ft J-55

Well Parameters Casing

2 7/8 in., 6.516 lb/ft EUE

Drillpipe Size
Tubing Figure 8.14 – Parameters for Squeeze
Packer Depth 6200 ft Problem B.
Top of Perfs 6240 ft
Bottom of Perfs 6250 ft
Casing Size 7 in., 20 lb/ft, J-55
Cement Type Class H
Cement Additives 0.4% Halad-413

Cement Volume 150 sk

Displacement/ Well
Fresh Water (8.33 lb/gal)
8 • 17 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

1 Volume of Cement
Absolute Mixing
Material Material Factor Volume Water
Name (lb) (gal/lb) (gal) Required

CementH 94 × 0
2 = 3.
08 4.
0.4% Halad-
76 × 0.0
811 = 0.0
305 0 +

× = +    d
Water 35.819 = 8.33 × 4.3 gal +    F
Totals 130.20 7.92 4.3 gal   e
Total mixing water must be entered under absolute gallons
before totaling.
Find the weight of the mixed cement by using this formula:
Total Pounds/Total Absolute gallons = pounds/gallons
Find the cement yield in cubic feet per sack by using this
Total Absolute gallons / 7.4805 gal/cu.ft. (constant) = cu.ft./ sack
The mixing water per sack is the sum of t he gallons in the far
right column

Cement Density
130.20 / 7.92 = 16.4 lb/gal
Cement Yield 3
3 7.92 / 4.4805 = 1.06 ft  /sk
(ft /sk)
Mixing Water
4.3 Gal/sk

Based on the worksheet, Figure 8.15 – Determining pressure to
reverse one barrel of slurry from workstring.
150 sk × 1.06 cu ft/sk = 159 cu ft
159 cu. ft × 0.1781 bbl/cu. ft = 28.32 bbl

2 Pressure to Reverse One Barrel of 3 Minimum Water Requirements

Slurry From Workstring
1.  Cement Mix Water:

Hydrostatic pressure gradients (from 150 sk × 4.3 gal/sk = 645 gal

“Calculations and Formulae” section of Red
of Red 645 gal ÷ 42 gal/bbl = 15.36 bbl
 Book )
2.  Displacement Fluid:
16.4 lb/gal cement ⇒  0.8519 psi/ft
Tubing: 6200 ft × 0.00579 bbl/ft = 35.90 bbl
8.33 lb/gal water ⇒  0.4330 psi/ft
Casing: 6250 ft – 6200 ft = 50 ft
Differential Hydrostatic Pressure Gradient = 50 ft × 0.0404 bbl/ft = 2.20 bbl
0.8519 psi/ft – 0.4330 psi/ft = 0.4189 psi/ft 3.  Reversing Fluid: 35.90 bbl
Feet/Barrel Factor For Workstring = 172.76 lb/ft
Minimum water required:
0.4189 psi/ft × 172.76 ft/bbl = 72.37 psi/bbl
15.36 bbl + 35.90 bbl + 2.02 bbl + 35.90 bbl
= 89.18 bbl
 NOTE: Always plan to
to reverse with 2 times the
tubing capacity. Therefore in this problem plan
for an additional 35.9 bbls.

8 • 18 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

4 Displacement Volume to Spot 6 Pressure to Reverse Cement

Cement from
Cement One Barrel Above Packer Workstring when Cement Reaches
Top Perforation
Tubing Capacity 35.90 bbl
Cement Volume - 28.32 bbl Capacity of casing from packer (6200 ft) top
Volume Above Packer - 1.00 bbl
Displacement Volume 6.58 bbl  perforation (6240 ft):
6240 ft – 6200 ft = 40 ft
40 ft × 0.0404 bbl/ft = 1.62 bbl
5 Pressure to Reverse Cement
28.32 bbl – 1.62 bbl = 26.70 bbl remaining in
When Spotted

28.32 bbl × 72.37 psi/bbl = 2050 psi 26.70 bbl × 72.37 psi/bbl = 1932 psi

   i    d
  u 5    i
   l   u
   F    F
   l    l
  e    t    l
   W   n
  e    W

   t 6

Figure 8.16 – Calculations 4 and 5. Figure 8.17 – Pressure to reverse cement.
8 • 19 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

7 Pressure to Reverse Cement

Cement from (1903 psi) from the collapse resistance of
Workstring when Cement Reaches the casing being used. This value can be
Bottom Perforation found in the “Dimensions and Strengths”
section of the Red
the Red Book . Refer to the correct
table for the 7 in, 20 lb/ft, J-55 casing being
Capacity of casing from packer to bottom
used (Fig 8.20). The collapse resistance is
 perforation = 2.02 bbl (from Calculation
Calculation 3 ) 2270 psi.
28.32 bbl – 2.02 bbl = 26.30 bbl 2270 psi – 1903 psi = 367 psi
26.30 bbl × 72.32 psi/bbl = 1903 psi 2.  Since there is a differential pressure from
the packer to the perforation (no cement is in
the channel), you must also subtract this. To
calculate the differential, multiply the
distance from the packer to the lowest
 perforation (6250 ft – 6200
6200 ft = 50 ft) by the
difference in the psi/ft for the cement and
well fluid (0.8519 psi/ft - 0.4330 psi/ft =
0.4189 psi/ft):
   l 50 ft × 0.4189 psi/ft = 21 psi
  e 3.   Now, subtract the differential
differential pressure from
Step 1 to obtain the maximum pump
7 368 psi – 21 psi = 347 psi
Remember, this is the maximum pressure that
can be applied at the surface if the cement has
reached the perforations.

Figure 8.18 – Pressure to reverse cement.

8 Maximum Pump Pressure when    d

Cement Slurry Has Reached the    F
Bottom Perforation    W

It is necessary to determine the maximum

 pressure that can be applied at the surface for
this squeeze job. The pressure applied at the
surface may be transmitted through the channel
to the outside of the casing above the packer. If
the pressure applied is high enough, it may
collapse the casing.
1.  This calculation is done by first subtracting
the pressure to reverse out cement to lowest  
 perforation and no cement in the
the formation Figure 8.19 – Maximum pump pressure.

8 • 20 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Figure 8.20 – Casing data from Red Book.

Subtract the pressure to reverse the remaining

9 Calculation of Pressure to cement slurry from the tubing from the collapse
Reverse Out at the Completion of the resistance of the casing to find the maximum

Job  pump pressure at surface:

2270 psi – 789 psi = 14812 psi
Final Displacement Volume = 25 bbl
Cement Volume Remaining in Tubing:
35.90 bbl – 25 bbl = 10.9 bbl
Reverse Pressure:
10.9 bbl × 72.37 psi/bbl = 789 psi

10 Amount of Cement Pumped

Through the Perforations
Volume of Cement in Perforations:    l
28.32 bbl – 10.9 bbl – 2.02 bbl = 15.4 bbl    W

15.4 bbl × 5.6146 cu ft/bbl=

f t/bbl= 86.46 cu ft
86.46 cu ft ÷ 1.06 cu ft/sk = 82 sk 9

11 Maximum Pump Pressure if the 10

Channel is Full of Cement

Assuming that 25 bbl of displacement fluid have

 been pumped behind the volume
volume of slurry, and
that the channel is full of cement, you know
there is no differential pressure from the packer
to the perforations in this case. What is the  
maximum pump pressure before the casing Figure 8.21 – Calculations for 9, 10, and 11.

8 • 21 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Results of Calculations 7 Pressure to revers

e cement 1903 psi
from workstring when cement
reaches bottom perforation.
The following table presents the results of the
nine calculations for Squeeze Problem Two: 8 Maximum pump prepressure
ssure 347 psi
when cement slurry has
Squeeze Cementing Calculation Results reached the bottom perforation

Description Result 9 Pressure tto

o reverse out at 789 psi
the completion of the job
1 Volume of cem
ent (bbl). 28.32 bbl
10 Amount of cement 82 sk
2 Pressure to revers
e one 72.37 psi/bbl pumped through the
barrel of slurry from workstring. perforations
3 Minimum water 89.18 bbl 11 Maximum pump p pressure
ressure 1481 psi
requirements. if the channel is full of cement
4 Displacement volume to 6.58 bbl
spot cement one barrel above
5 Pressure to revers
e cement 2050 psi
when spotted.
6 Pressure to revers
e cement 1932 psi
from workstring when cement
reaches top perforation.

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit B.

1.  The well parameters needed for squeeze calculations include:





2.  To convert a given volume of cement from sacks to barrels, you must determine the

 Now check your answers in the

the Answer Key at the back of this section.
8 • 22 Cementing 1

Squeeze Cementing

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer

1. correct, fill, oil/water 8-3
2. dehydrates 8-4
3. fracturing, pump-in, fluid 8-4
4. high 8-5
5. bleed-off, hesitation 8-5
6. maximum 8-5
7. fluid-loss 8-5

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. Drillpipe size 8-7
Packer depth
Top of perforations
Bottom of perforations
Casing size
2. yield of the slurry 8-9
8 • 23 Cementing 1

Section 9

Surface Cementing Equipment

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 9-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
..................... 9-3
Unit A: Cementing Heads/Plug Containers ...................................
................ .....................................
.... 9-3
Methods of Using Plug Containers ....................................
.................. ....................................
.............. 9-4
Commonly Used Halliburton Plug Containers.......................................................................................9-5
Remote Control Plug Container System ...................................
................. ...................................
......... 9-6
Quick-Latch Coupler..............................................................................................................................9-7
Casing Swivels ...................................
................. ....................................
.......... 9-7
Plug Container Lifting Devices..............................................................................................................9-8
Maintenance and Use of Plug Containers ...................................
................ .....................................
.... 9-8
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 9-10
Unit B: Density Measurement..................................................................................................................9-11
Radioactive Density Meters ....................................
.................. ....................................
..... 9-11
Pressure Balanced Mud Scale ....................................
.................. ....................................
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 9-12
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 9-13
9•1 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

Use for Section Notes…

9•2 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment


is to main
blendpurpose of any
water and cement at
dry cement mixing system
a satisfactory A.  Cementing Heads/Plug Containers
B.  Density Measurements
rate so that ideal weights, viscosities, and
densities can be maintained. In addition, recently
developed mixing systems provide the capacity Learning Objectives
for additive reactions and batch mixing. The end
result is cement that will set properly downhole.
Upon completion of this section, you should be
familiar with
Topic Areas •  Types of cementing heads
•  Use of Densometers
In this section, the following units are included:

Unit A: Cementing Heads/Plug Containers

Plug containers (cementing heads) are used in Plug containers have advantages over the other
most cementing jobs to adapt the casing to the  plug dropping methods:
 pump as well as release the cementing
cementing plugs at
•  A plug may be loaded in a container before
the proper time. Cementing plugs are used to
the mixing of the cement slurry
separate wellbore fluids and cement slurry. The
 plug containers are designed
designed to hold one or two •  A plug may be released from the container
 plugs that you can load before
before mixing the at any time without interrupting the pumping
cement slurry. operation
Plug containers are installed on top of the casing •   No air enters the pipe (as would
would be the case
 before cement jobs to allow operators
operators to drop with a swage), so the movement of the
the top cementing plug without opening the slurry does not stop
casing. Since continuous circulation is not
required in most cementing situations, pumping •  A container eliminates time spent removing
can be stopped long enough to insert the bottom a swage to drop a plug.
 plug. Plug containers are available in two types: free-
Continuous circulation may be required when fall and manifold. Cementing plugs fit loosely in
cementing if the casing could get stuck in the the free-fall plug container and rely on gravity to
hole. By stacking plug containers or using a  pull the plug down into
into the flow stream,
double plug container, you can maintain allowing the plug to be pumped downhole.
continuous circulation. Manifold plug containers allow fluid to be
diverted above the plug for positive plug release.
  9•3 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment


Type N LP Quick Change  

Figure 9.1 – Various types of plug containers.

6.  Release the top plug at the proper time by

moving the plug release plunger into its
Methods of Using Plug
retracted position. The top plug then follows
Containers the cement down the casing to separate the
cement from the displacing fluids.

Non-Continuous Circulation
Continuous Circulation
To use a plug container on non-continuous
If well conditions dictate that continuous
 pumping jobs, follow
follow the guidelines belo
w: circulation be used, you can use two plug
1.  Stop circulating the well fluids and remove containers or a double plug container as
the plug container cap. described below:
2.  Insert the bottom plug through the plug 1.  Load both plugs into the plug container
container to a point just below the inlet port.  before circulating the well fluids
fluids so that both
 plugs can be released without
without opening the
3.  Move the plug-release plunger to the
 plug container.
extended position.
2.  Circulate the well fluids and prepare the
4.  Place the top plug inside the plug container
cement for pumping.
so that it rests on top of the extended
 plunger. 3.  When the cement is introduced into the
5.  Reinstall the cap on the top of the plug casing, retract the bottom plug release
 plunger for the bottom plug.
container and begin the cementing job. The
 bottom plug will
will travel down the casing in 4.  Open the middle Lo-Torc valve above the
front of the cement to separate the cement  bottom plug to allow
allow the bottom plug to
from the well fluid. enter the casing ahead of the cement.

9•4 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

5.  At the proper time, release the top plug by

retracting the top plug release plunger,
which is holding the plug inside the plug
6.  Open the top Lo-Torc valve above the top
 plug. The top plug then
then follows the cement
and separates it from the displacement fluid.

Commonly Used Halliburton

Plug Containers

Jet-Hed™ III Plug Container

Halliburton’s Jet-Hed III plug container offers

significant advantages when compared to
conventional plug containers. Offset fluid entry
 ports create a vortex inside the
the plug container to Figure 9.2 – Jet Hed III plug container.
 pull the plugs into
into the fluid stream at the proper
time. A looser fit also helps ensure more reliable
release of the plug from the plug container. No
line pipe threads on the high-pressure manifold Jet-Hed Model III-A
connections, improved welds, and a one-piece
cap all contribute to the solid design and result The Jet-Hed III-A plug container was designed
in more reliable operation. to replace the Jet-Hed III. It features the
following improvements:
•   Single plug or two-plug container available
•  no line pipe threads on high-pressure
•   High pressure design
manifold connections improve welds
•   Standard plug release plunger/plungers
•  one-piece cap (no pressure-containin
g parts
•   Type-certified models available are welded on the cap, only hammer lugs
•   Single and double remote controlled plug and lifting lugs for the chain.)
containers available Jet-Hed Model III-A plug containers can
withstand high pressure and require no manifold.
•   Available with Quick-Latch™ couplers in Two inlets allow high pumping rates with low
4 1/2 in. through 20 in. API casing sizes horsepower. A lever-type indicator shows
 passage of the plug as it leaves
leaves the plug
container and enters the casing.

Jet-Hed Model A Double Plug


The Jet-Hed Model A is the manifold version of

Jet-Hed III-A. It uses the same cap, nipple, and
 plug release plunger as the Jet-Hed
Jet-Hed III-A and has
the same pressure rating. It was designed to
replace the standard Jet-Hed double plug

9•5 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

Compact™ Plug Container •  uses a single manifold that fits 4 ½ to 13 3/8

in. plug containers. Two additional
The Compact™ plug container has the following manifolds are supplied for the 16, 18 5/8 and
design features: 20 in. plug containers.

•   is approximately 33% shorter and lighter •  includes a plunger assembly that attaches to
than previous Halliburton plug containers. the plug container body with a 3 in. 1502
union half, allowing easier removal and
•   includes an integral quick-latch coupler maintenance.
(QLC) that allows safe and quick
installation. The QLC also eliminates taper- •  includes a new lifting swivel and has a
threaded connections from the PC assembly, seamless, weldless cap with bar holes for
thereby eliminating the maintenance easy makeup. 
associated with tapered threads.

Figure 9.3 – Front and side view of free fall type cementing plug.

circulating, and allows efficient, dependable

operation during the cement job. Using this
Remote Control Plug Container system, you can release plugs and actuate Lo-
System Torc® valves on plug containers by remote
control. The system includes two pneumatically
Halliburton’s remote control plug container operated plug release plungers, three Lo-Torc
system helps promote safer working conditions, valves, and a control console for operating either
 provides cost-effective cementing
cementing and single or double plug containers.

9•6 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

The control console releases the plugs and opens Premium and type-certified couplers are
the valves in a controlled sequence, preventing available for NKK-3SB, Vam, Mannesmann,
accidental release of the wrong plug or pumping API 8RD,and Buttress type threads.
on top of a plug before the plug release plunger
is retracted. Because the plug release plungers
and Lo-Torc valves can be operated by remote
control, you can release plugs during pumping,
saving rig time and promoting rig safety.
The console has a sequencing system that can
 prevent the operator from accidentally
accidentally releasing
the top plug first or pumping on top of a plug
 before retracting the plunger.
The release pins on the plunger lock
mechanically in the external position to help
 prevent plugs from being
being released prematurely.
After the plugs are released, fluid flow through Figure 9.5 – Quick-latch coupler
the manifold forces them down the casing. mechanism.
Because they operate by remote control, they
can be stationed a safe working distance from
the wellhead. These systems also have manual
override, so operators can run the release Casing Swivels
 plungers manually if air pressure
pressure is lost.
Casing swivels allow the casing to rotate during
cementing or circulating. Install swivels between
the top of the casing and the bottom nipple of
the plug container; latch elevators onto the
casing below the swivel.
IMPORTANT: Casing swivels are not
designed to lift or support casing weight.
When rotation is required, set the slips on the

casing and remove

or bar inserted into the
the elevators.
side of theAswivel
 be tied off to the rig to prevent
prevent the plug
container from rotating. The casing swivel also
Figure 9.4 – Lo-Torc valve. has a safety clamp that mechanically locks the
casing coupling to the swivel to allow the casing
to rotate counter-clockwise. Before clamping
onto the casing coupling, position the safety
clamp in the recess slot provided on the swivel
Quick-Latch Coupler  body.

Halliburton’s Quick-Latch coupler provides

easier and faster attachment of the cementing
 plug container to the casing
casing string. It is
 preinstalled in the plug
plug container and simply
clamps on the casing coupling. This reduces
installation time and adds increased reliability
for both cementing and circulating operations.

9•7 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

WARNING: Do not use the old style sling for a

larger size plug container. Switching slings
 between plug containers could
could cause the sling to
 be overloaded and break, possibly
possibly causing

Inspection Procedure

Visually inspect the slings for cracks before each

 job. A magnetic particle inspection
inspection should also
Figure 9.6 – Casing swivel with casing  be done periodically. Follow
Follow the procedure listed
clamp in either Halliburton specification 70.94158 or
ASTM Specification E709. Any sling with
cracked or stretched rings must be replaced.

Safety Concerns
Plug Container Lifting Devices
Older style slings use welded rings as part of the
Chain slings/hoist rings for Halliburton plug
construction of the sling (Figure 9.8). In some
containers are used to lift the cap on and off the cases, these welded rings have broken at the
 plug container during
during a job. They are also used
weld, causing some safety concerns.
to lift the entire plug container onto the rig floor
and to lift the plug container while it is being
attached to the casing. Chain slings/hoist
slings/hoist rings
are designed only to lift the weight of the plug
container and attached equipment. Never use
them for any other purpose.

Figure 9.8 - Old style sling with welded


Maintenance and Use of Plug

Figure 9.7 – New style chain sling.
Table 9.1 listed below lists the parts of the plug
containers that should be regularly inspected and
serviced before taking it to location and after the

9•8 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

 job. Since the free-fall plug container

container is  procedure for operating a cementing
cementing head is:
currently used in many locations, this table screw in the pin, put the safety latch on to
 provides information
information about these parts, their  prevent the handle from turning,
turning, remove the cap,
functions, and how to properly maintain them. load the plug, and put the cap back on tightly.
However, this information also applies to the To drop the plug, first remove the safety. Screw
manifold-type cementing head. the pin to the left and it will back out allowing
the plug to fall. If the head has a manifold, first
After all service checks, the plug container is
drop the plug, then open the top valve and close
ready for the job. Although many things are
the lower valve.
involved when dropping plugs, the general

Table 9.1 – Plug Container and Attachments

Item Function Maintenanc
Plug Release Plunger Supports and releases plugs •  Remove plunger by rotating to the right
•  Apply grease to grease fitting
•  Inspect plunger screws
•  Inspect O-rings
•  Remove plug, install grease zerk and grease
Indictor Flapper Informs operators that the plug has •  Remove the 2-inch bull plug and inspect

into the through
casing the cementing head and

  Grease the O-rings on the shaft supporting the two
Top Cap Detaches to load plug and to stack heads •  Clean and lightly oil the seals or O-rings before
(free fall type only) replacing
 Adaptor (Sub) Simplifies ease of connecting cementing
cementing •  Upon removal, clean and lightly oil the seals or O-
head to casing (changed out to fit rings before replacing
customer’s casing threads)
Quick Latch Coupler Shortens and simplifies the connection •  Remove body from the adjusting nut
procedures when connecting the
•  Remove the coupling face seal, check O-ring seal for
cementing head to the casing collar
(omits need to screw heads on)
Casing Swivel Attaches to the base of the cementing •  Cleaning should occur immediately after use to
head and allows the casing to rotate prevent cement setting up in the swivel
without rotating the cementing head (Not
•  After cleaning, pump a few strokes of grease into the
to be used with the Quick-Latch Coupler.)
swivel bearing.
9•9 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit A.

1.  Plug containers are used in most cementing jobs to adapt the ____________ to the pumping lines as
well as release the _________________________
_________________________ at the proper time.

2.  Plug containers are available in two types: _________________ and_________


3.  The Jet-Hed Model A is the ___________________

___________________ version of Jet-Hed III-A.

4.  The Compact™ plug container is approximately ______% shorter and lighter than previous
Halliburton plug containers

5.  The Remote Control Plug Container System includes two ___________
________ operated plug
release plungers.

6.  Halliburton’s Quick-Latch coupler reduces __________________________


7.  Casing swivels allow the casing to ____________ during cementing or circulating.

8.  Chain slings/hoist rings for Halliburton plug containers are used to lift the ________ on and off the
___ during a job. They
They are also used to lift the entire plu
g container onto
the ___________________and
___________________and to lift the plug container while it is being attached to the casing.

9.  Switching slings between plug containers could cause the sling to be ________________________,
 possibly causing
causing injury.

10.  Most of the parts of the plug container and its attachments need to be ________________ and
 ________________ thoroughly
thoroughly before and after their use.

9 • 10 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

Unit B: Density Measurement

Density meters (or densometers) are used to Pressure Balanced Mud Scale
measure the weight of a fluid. These devices are
used on blenders where they measure the density
of sand in a fluid, and on pumping units where The Pressure Balanced Mud Scale is an
the weight or density of the cement is measured. instrument for measuring the absolute density of
When used in larger scale cementing or a fluid sample. The unit is similar in operation to
fracturing operations they are portable units. the conventional mud scales, the difference
 being that the slurry sample
sample can be placed in a
For the purpose of this unit, two types of density fixed volume sample cup under pressure.
meters will be discussed:
A major problem found in the density
•   Radioactive Density Meters measurement of fluids, cement slurries, and mud
•   Pressure Balanced Mud Scale is that they often have a considerable amount of
air entrained with them. However, pressurizing
the sample cup can reduce the entrained air
Radioactive Density Meters volume to a negligible quantity.

The radioactive densometer described in this

unit (Figure 9.9) is an all-electric system
designed for skids, trailers, trucks, and portable
use. The system consists of a display and density
sensor. It is designed for battery operation.
A radioactive densometer differs from a
 pneumatic densometer in that
that it
•   Is calibrated using water
•   Senses the magnitude of a radioactive
source’s rays as they pass through the Figure  9.10 – Pressurized mud balance
cement slurry and converts the value to scale.
slurry density.
Figure  9.9 – Radioactive density meter.

9 • 11 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit C.

1.  A density meter is used to measure the ___________ of a fluid.

2.  Of the two types of densometers discussed in this unit, the ____________ type is more accurate
 because it is not affected by ___________
___________ in the flu
id being weighed.

3.  A radioactive densometer is calibrated with __________, rather than _____________

_____________ like the
 pneumatic densometer.

4.  The ___________________________

___________________________ is similar in operation to the conventional mud scales with the
difference being that the slurry sample can be placed in a fixed volume sample cup under pressure.
  9 • 12 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer

1. casing, cementing plugs 9-3
2. free-fall, manifold 9-3
3. manifold 9-4
4. 33 9-4
5. pneumatically 9-6
6. installation time 9-7
7. rotate 9-7
8. cap, plug container, rig floor 9-7
9. overloaded and break 9-8
10. inspected, serviced 9-8

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. weight 9-11
2. radioactive, air 9-11
3. air, water 9-11
4. pressure balanced mud scales 9-11
9 • 13 Cementing 1

Surface Cementing Equipment

9 • 14 Cementing 1

Section 10


Table of Contents
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
.................. 10-3
Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment................................................................................................10-3
Guide Shoes..........................................................................................................................................10-3
Super Seal™ II Float Shoe...................................................................................................................10-4
Super Seal™
Seal™ II High-Port Up-Jet (HPUJ) Float Shoe ....................................
................. .....................................
................... 10-4
Super Seal™ II Down-Jet Float Shoe ...................................
................ .....................................
........ 10-5
Super Seal™ II Float Collar.................................................................................................................10-5
Insert Flapper Float Valve....................................................................................................................10-6
Backpressure Valves ....................................
.................. ....................................
................ 10-6
Pressure Differential
Differential Fill (PDF) Float Shoes Shoes and Collars ..................................
................ ....................................
................ 10-7
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 10-8
Unit B: Casing Attachments ...................................
................. ....................................
........ 10-9
Wall Cleaners ...................................
................. ...................................
......... 10-10
Cement Baskets ....................................
.................. ....................................
... 10-11
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
............ 10-12
Unit C: Primary Cementing Plugs ..................................
................ ....................................
................. 10-13
Bottom Plugs......................................................................................................................................10-13
Top Plugs............................................................................................................................................10-13
Latch-down Plugs...............................................................................................................................10-14
Unit C Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
............ 10-16
Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools ................ .................................
....... 10-17
Type-P External Sleeve (ES) Cementer ...................................
................. .....................................
Type-H External Sleeve (ES) Cementer.............................................................................................10-18
Stage Tool Plug Sets ...................................
.................. ...................................
................ 10-18
Full-Opening (FO) Multiple-Stage Cementer ....................................
................. .....................................
............ 10-19
External Sleeve Inflatable Packer Collar (ESIPC) .....................................
.................. .....................................
.... 10-20
Unit D Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
............ 10 21
Answers to Unit Quizzes....................................................................................................................10-22

10 • 1 Cementing 1


Use for Section Notes…

10 • 2 Cementing 1

Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment


During the early stages of the drilling process, A.  Guiding and Floating Equipment
the hole will be lined with steel casing to prepare
B.  Casing Attachments
the well for production or deeper drilling. The
steel casing provides a smooth bore for the tools C.  Primary Cementing Plugs
necessary to drill and complete the well. The
D.  Multiple-Stage Cementing Tools
types of downhole equipment discussed in this
section contribute to a good cement job; they
help ensure a uniform cement sheath behind the Learning Objectives
As you learn more about downhole equipment, Upon completion of this section, you should be
keep in mind that any item that will be used familiar with:
inside the casing must be made of drillable
material. •  Functions of downhole equipment

used downholeof the basic types of equipment
•  Uses and applications of downhole
This chapter covers the following topics:

Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment 

Guiding equipment helps guide casing past •  Collars

ledges and doglegs to the bottom of the hole.
•  Backpressure valves
Floating equipment allows casing to be run in
the hole partially empty, which takes some of
the stress off of the rig structure and draw- Guide Shoes
works. Also, backpressure valves in floating
equipment permits the release of pressure in the
casing, after the cement job, to reduce Guide shoes and down-jet guide shoes have the
microannulus problems. A microannulus may be following primary purposes:
created when stressed casing (due to internal •  They protect the casing string from the
 pressure) is allowed to relax after cement has impact associated with landing casing on
already hardened and bonded. As the casing  bottom
contracts, the slight reduction in casing outside
diameter results in a very narrow gap between •  They direct casing away from ledges,
the cement and casing that may allow fluid reducing the chance of sidewall cave-in
travel and compromise the isolation of zones. •  They help casing pass through narrow,
Some of the more commonly used types of deviated holes and areas with hard shoulders
cussed inand
thisfloating equipment
unit. These will be dis-
include: The standard guide shoe has a large-ID hole
through its center, allowing maximum cement
•   Shoes  pumping rates and the passage
passage of self-fill orifice
tubes and balls dropped in the casing string. The

10 • 3 Cementing 1

Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment

rounded nose of these guide shoes is made from

high-strength cement that can be drilled out
easily with tri-cone rock bits or PDC bits.
Down-jet guide shoes have additional side ports
in the steel case that allow fluids to discharge
through both the cement nose and the ports. The
 jetting action of the fluid
fluid pumped through these
 ports helps remove wellbore
wellbore cuttings and filter

Figure 10.2 - Super Seal™ Float Shoe

Super Seal™ II High-Port Up-Jet

(HPUJ) Float Shoe

The High-Port Up-Jet (HPUJ) float shoe jets the

Figure 10.1 - Guide Shoe formation face to remove detrimental mud cake
and cuttings, increasing the chances of a
successful cement-to-formation bond. The high
circulation rates and cement flow rates that are
Super Seal™ II Float Shoe  possible with the
the Super Seal™ II float valve
allow turbulent flow at the shoe without
damaging the float valve.
The Super Seal™ II standard float shoe attaches
to the lower end of the casing string. This float The HPUJ shoe includes six fluid-discharge
shoe includes the Super Seal™ II backpressure  ports strategically placed to jet the circulation
valve assembly, which helps prevent cement in fluid or cement upward, enhancing fluid
the cased hole from re-entering the casing ID. turbulence far above the floating equipment.
The plastic valve and stem materials are These up-jet ports, along with four (or fewer)
surrounded by drillable concrete, making the down-jet ports, distribute the fluid in the annular
equipment easy to drill out with PDC or tri-cone space above and below the float shoe, helping
rock bits. The high-strength, durable rounded  prevent channeling near the shoe.
nose safely guides the casing to the bottom of Approximately 40% of the fluid pumped
the hole. This equipment is available in all through the equipment is discharged at a high
tubing and casing sizes with API 8-rd and velocity through the bottom of the float shoe,
 buttress threads. The standard
standard casing grade is K- removing material in its path and helping
55 material. Customers can request any casing maneuver the casing past ledges and tight
grade and premium thread by special order. sections of the wellbore.
If the casing string is reciprocated during
cementing, cement jetted through the exit ports
remove mud cake from the formation face. Field

10 • 4 Cementing 1

Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment

reports indicate that the HPUJ float shoe can

substantially reduce the number of casing strings
requiring secondary squeeze cementing
operations. All casing sizes of the Super Seal™
II HPUJ float shoe use the same autofill strap

used for the

engaged, thisSuper
strap Seal™
allows II
thefloat valve.
casing When
to fill
automatically with wellbore fluid while it is
 being run in the hole, saving
saving time and reducing
the “ram effect” of running casing.

Figure 10.4 – Super Seal™ II Down-Jet

Float Shoe

Super Seal™ II Float Collar

The Super Seal™ II float collar includes the

Super Seal™ II backpressure valve, which
 prevents cement pumped into into the casing/
wellbore annulus from re-entering the casing ID
during cementing operations. The float collar is
Figure 10.3 – Super Seal™ II High-Port Up- normally installed one or two joints above the
Jet (HPUJ) Float Shoe float or guide shoe. All casing-size Super Seal™
II float collars include an autofill strap (at no
additional cost). This strap, which is installed
 between the valve and pressure
pressure seat, is
deactivated by flow rate. The autofill strap
Super Seal™ II Down-Jet Float allows wellbore fluids to enter the casing with
Shoe the first joint, reducing surge pressure on the
formation and reducing casing fill time from the
The Super Seal™ II down-jet float shoe includes surface. When the autofill strap is pumped loose
the Super Seal™ II float valve, which prevents with a high fluid rate, the float valve is re-turned
cement backflow from re-entering the casing ID. to a dependable Super Seal™ II backpressure
In addition to the center hole through the float valve for floating or cementing. The autofill
valve, four to six fluid ports are drilled in the strap will deactivate if the flow through the
outer case below the float valve. These ports valve reaches a predetermined rate (4 bbl/min
direct some of the fluid downward during for the 2 ¾ in. valve and 6 bbl/min for the 4 ¼
circulation. Pressurized fluid jets out of the side in. valve).
 ports and the guide nose,
nose, helping remove
cuttings and filter cake, creating turbulence
around the shoe, and improve cement
distribution and casing-to-formation bonding.
Additionally, the external jets on the outer case
 provide an alternative cement flowpath
flowpath if the
 bottom center port becomes plugged
plugged with well

10 • 5 Cementing 1

Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment

unit includes a weighted plastic valve and plastic

orifice tube. The orifice tube holds the flapper
open until a weighted plastic setting ball is
dropped into the casing. Once the ball reaches
the valve seat, pressure is applied to shear out

the plastic
close. Thisorifice tube,operates
equipment which allows the valve
efficiently in to
mud systems containing high concentrations of
lost-circulation material.
The insert float valve is more economical than
standard floating equipment but should not be
used under any of the following circumstances:
•  in wells over 7000 ft
•  where pressures exceed the collapse
 pressure of the lightest weight
weight range of
casing being used (for example, 17 in., 20
Figure 10.5 – Super Seal™ Float Collar
lb/ft J55)

  when bottomhole temperature is more than
200°F .

Insert Flapper Float Valve

The insert flapper float valve is a backpressure

check-valve assembly installed between the pin
and box ends of API 8-rd or buttress thread
casing joints. The insert flapper float valve is
used for casing flotation and cementing
operations in wells with moderate temperature
and depth. It can be used for differential
 pressures up to the collapse
collapse pressure of the
lightest weight of J-55 casing in the casing size

in which it is run. The insert flapper float valve

can be installed in long or short API 8-rd or
 buttress casing coupling.
coupling. Because of limited
space between the casing box and pin, insert
flapper float valves are not available for
 premium-thread casing. One or moremore insert
valves can be run in a casing string or in
conjunction with a standard float shoe or guide Figure 10.6 – Insert Flapper Float Valve
shoe. Self-Fill Unit and Insert Flapper Float Valve
Because they are made from aluminum, insert
flapper valve assemblies can be drilled out easily
with a medium-tooth, tri-cone rock bit. PDC bits
should not be used to drill out insert flapper Backpressure Valves
The insert float valve has a large flow area and Backpressure valves were briefly discussed
can be easily converted to autofill equipment if under float collars. They are one way valves that
an orifice self-fill unit is installed. The self-fill keep the flow of fluid from re-entering the

10 • 6 Cementing 1

Unit A: Guiding and Floating Equipment

casing. Two common types of valves are the Automatic fill equipment is used to
flapper and poppet valves (Fig. 10.6).
•  reduce rig time
The flapper valve uses a spring-loaded flapper
that has a rubber coating around a beveled edge,
•  reduce fluid surge effects of running casing
which seals on a tapered seat. The spring is a •   prevent the sticking of casing
low force type (it requires only a small amount Flapper type equipment can be converted to
of pressure to open the valve).
automatic fill by installing a fill tube through the
When pumping stops, the spring pushes the middle of the tool. This holds the flapper off its
valve back against the seat, preventing fluid seat.
from entering the casing.
The diameter of the fill tube can be chosen to
The poppet valve uses a rubber-coated, spring- somewhat control the flow rate of fluid into the
loaded valve, which seals on a plastic seat. The casing. To stop the flow rate and convert from
 poppet is pushed downward
downward by fluid pressure automatic fill to float valve, a ball must be
allowing the fluids to be pumped through the landed on a seat in the fill tube, pressure applied,
valve. Once the pumping has stopped, a shut off and sheared out of the valve.
is created when the poppet is pushed up against
the seat by a spring. To convert the poppet valve to automatic fill,
specially designed stand-off lugs are inserted
 between the spring loaded valve and the seat.
This allows fluid flow to occur through the valve
from either direction. To cause the valve to act
as a backpressure valve, a specified pump rate
must be achieved that will open the valve
sufficiently to free the stand-off lugs. The lugs
then flow downward from the poppet, allowing
the valve to seat when pumping is stopped.

Pressure Differential Fill (PDF)

Float Shoes and Collars

The pressure differential fill (PDF) float shoe

and collar include a float valve. This valve
Flapper Valve
Valve Poppet
Poppet Valve
Valve allows casing to be filled while it is run in the
hole, and it allows fluid circulation at any time
Figure 10.7 – Back Pressure Valves
without deactivating the fill unit. PDF float
shoes and collars can be run in the same casing
string. They allow fluid to enter the bottom of
To decrease differential pressure in deep holes the casing while maintaining a constant
and minimize the possibility of collapsing the differential pressure between the inside and
casing, it is necessary to allow some fluid to outside of the casing at the floats. This pressure
enter the casing as it is lowered in the hole. maintains a constant fluid height inside the
Flapper and poppet valve systems can be casing.
modified to allow the casing to be filled
automatically, but you will have no control over PDF floating equipment is supplied in the
differential-fill mode, and it is ready to be run in
how much fluid will enter; the amount of fluid in
the annulus directly affects the amount of fluid the hole. After all casing has been run, a
which enters the casing. weighted plastic ball is dropped in the casing
from the surface and pumped through the tool.
This procedure deactivates the differential-fill

10 • 7 Cementing 1

Unit B: Casing Attachments

option. After the ball passes the float collar

and/or shoe, the PDF flapper closes against its
seat, preventing cement from re-entering the
casing ID.
The PDF floating equipment is supplied in either
a float collar or a float shoe in common casing
sizes. All equipment run with these tools must
have an ID large enough to allow passage of the
weighted ball that releases the backpressure
valve. Tool sizes from 4 1/2 to 6 5/8 in. require a
1 3/8 in. diameter ball, while tools 7 in. and
larger require a 2 3/8 in. diameter ball.
PDF floating equipment should not be used in
wells deviated more than 30° from vertical, and
it should not be drilled out with PDC bits. PDF
equipment cannot be used with Super Seal™ II
floating equipment.
Figure 10.8 – Pressure Differential Fill
(PDF) Float Shoe and Collar.

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress.
1.  The purpose of guiding equipment is to help casing travel downhole without causing

2.  The purpose of floating equipment is to help prevent __________________

__ problems.

3.  A (an)______________________
(an)______________________ is run on the first joint of casing.

4.  Side ports in a guide shoe help to remove ________________________

__ and
 ___________ _________ .

5.  The main difference between a guide shoe and a float shoe is that a float shoe contains a
 _____________________. Fluid can only
only flow ______________
______________ the casing.

6.  A (an)____________________________
_______ can sometimes be used instead
of standard float equipment in a well less than 7000 ft and at bottomhole
temperatures less than 200°F.

7.  The figure to the right is a (an) ___________________ type valve.

8.  Some fluid should enter the casing in deep holes to decrease the differential
 pressure to minimize the possibility
possibility of _________________

10 • 8 Cementing 1

Unit B: Casing Attachments

Unit B: Casing Attachment


Casing attachments are devices installed on the Centralizers

outside of the casing string to help successfully
complete a primary cementing job.
Bow-Spring Centralizers
Included in this unit are
•   Clamps Bow-spring centralizers help center the casing in
•   Centralizers the wellbore during cementing operations,
allowing the cement to be evenly distributed
•   Wall Cleaners around the casing string. The degree to which
the casing is centered (standoff) depends on the
•   Cement Baskets
 performance of the centralizer and the spacing
 between the centralizers installed
installed on the casing
Clamps OD. Bow-spring centralizers, both welded and
nonwelded, provide the following advantages:
All casing attachments must be installed or •  They help center the casing in the wellbore,
fastened to the casing by some method. If they allowing even distribution of cement around
are not installed over a casing collar, then a the casing.
clamp must be used to secure or limit the travel
•  They help reduce casing drag on the
of the various casing attachments. There are a
wellbore during casing running operations.
number of different types of clamps (Fig. 10.9).
One type is simply a friction clamp that uses a •  They help prevent differential sticking of the
set screw to keep the clamp from sliding. casing.
Another type uses spiral pins that are driven •  They increase fluid turbulence at the tool,
 between the clamp and the casing
casing to supply the helping remove filter cake from the
holding force. Others have dogs (or teeth) on the wellbore.
inside, which actually bite into the casing.
Where corrosion problems exist, any clamp that •  They can be run through hole restrictions in
could scar the surface of the casing is unusable. the wellbore or through smaller casing
Clamps should draw—not push—the casing strings that are cemented in the well, thereby
equipment into the hole. centering the casing below the restriction.

Welded Bow-Spring Centralizer

Welded bow-spring centralizers are available in

two styles: slip-on and hinged. Slip-on
centralizers are manufactured with solid end
rings, requiring the centralizer to be slipped on
the casing OD during installation. Hinged
centralizers are manufactured in segments,
allowing the centralizer to be installed easily
around thetogether
segments casing OD. Hinge
during pins holdAll
installation. the
welded bow-spring centralizers are
Figure 10.9 - Clamps manufactured to API Specification 10D.

10 • 9 Cementing 1

Unit B: Casing Attachments

The dual-contact (double bow) welded Centralizers with turbofins attached to each bow
centralizer is designed for small-clearance spring are designed to create localized turbulent
casing-to-hole size applications. The centralizer fluid flow at the centralizer. The turbofins divert
will perform as a standard bow centralizer in the fluid flow, more evenly distributing cement
holes up to 1/2  in. smaller than the centralizer’s around the casing.

nominal OD.the
smaller than When
thethan 1/2 in.
centralizer All welded and nonwelded bow-spring
centralizers are available in most common
contacts the casing OD, performing as a rigid
hole/casing sizes.
centralizer. Because of its high restoring force
with very little spring deflection, the dual-
contact centralizer is excellent for deviated and
horizontal wellbores. The dual-contact
centralizer should only be installed between a
collar and stop ring— never over a casing collar.

Figure 10.11 – Nonwelded Bow-Spring


Figure 10.10 – Welded Bow-Spring

Wall Cleaners

Since drilling fluid and cement should not be

mixed together, good cement bonds between
Nonwelded Bow-Spring Centralizer casing and cement and between cement and
formation depend upon removal of the filter
cake from across formations.
 Nonwelded bow-spring
bow-spring centralizers are available
in the hinged style only. The bow springs of this Wall cleaners or scratchers (sometimes called
centralizer are attached to the end rings without mud stirrers) are installed on the outside of the
welding. The centralizer bow end is connected casing to mechanically remove mud filter cake
to the end rings with a locking tab that bears the from the wall of the hole with spring steel spikes
load force on the centralizer. The centralizers are or cables.
supplied in hinged segments joined by hinge
Mechanical cleaners on the casing agitate the
 pins in each segment. All nonwelded
nonwelded centralizers
mud and make it easier to displace. The motion
meet or exceed the requirements of API
of the scratchers breaks the gel strength of the
specification 10D, which dictates the minimum
mud in the annulus and helps thin the fluid so
restoring and maximum starting forces for that it can be displaced out of the hole. Mud
centralizers for various casing/hole size
removal is also helped by pumping the cement

10 • 10 Cementing 1

Unit B: Casing Attachments

slurry at a rate high enough to create turbulent either rotation or reciprocation during the
flow. circulating and displacing operations.
Two common types of scratchers are rotation
and reciprocation. The rotation-type scratcher
Cement Baskets
(Fig. 10.12) cleans the formation when the
casing is rotated at about 15 to 20 rev/min. A
continuous length of scratchers is needed across Cement baskets are also installed on the outside
the zones to be cleaned. of casing. They help support some of the
hydrostatic pressure that the cement slurry
 produces until it sets
sets and protect the producing
formation against cement contamination. A
cement basket has a canvas or metal liner
supported by steel staves (Fig. 10.13).
This canvas liner filters out the cement solids,
Wire Type
which may form a bridge between the casing
and hole. The maximum amount of pressure that
any cement basket should ever be expected to
hold is approximately 50 psi. A cement basket
should be able to travel the full length of the
 pipe joint.
Cable Type Cable-Type Wire-Type  

Figure 10.12 - Scratchers

The reciprocation-type scratcher has either long

steel spikes (Fig. 10.12) or a cable (Fig. 10.12).
These devices scratch or clean the formation as
the casing is picked up 10 to 15 ft off the bottom
of the hole. Be careful—some reciprocation type
scratchers can be installed upside down and
would be useless when they reach the producing
It is good practice not to have scratchers
working across a lost circulation zone, since the Figure 10.13 – Cement Basket
filter cake and lost circulation material should
not be removed. However, it is possible to run
the reciprocation type (no cable type) scratcher Cement baskets are used
in a lost circulation zone with minimal
disturbance of the filter cake. •  above weak zones that may break down
under the hydrostatic pressure of the cement
Movement of the casing, in addition to the use slurry
of mechanical cleaners, greatly increases the
ability of the cement slurry to more completely •  for cementing casing through a shoe joint to
displace the mud and prevent mud channels  provide extra support for
for the column of
through the cement. This movement can be cement.
10 • 11 Cementing 1

Unit C: Primary Cementing Plugs

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress.

1.  If a casing attachment is not installed over a casing collar, then a (an) _____________ is used to
fasten the equipment to the casing.

2.  If you’re working on a well that will likely have corrosion problems, you’ll want to avoid the use of
any clamp that could ____________ the casing, like a clamp which has ________________.

3.  A uniform cement sheath around the casing largely determines the effectiveness of the
 __________________ between the
the wellbore and casing.

4.  The casing attachments used to center the casing in the hole are called
ca lled

5.  Scratchers are used to mechanically remove ________________

________________ from formations.

6.  Rotation type scratchers clean the formation when the casing is___________.

7.  Reciprocation type scratchers clean the formation when the casing is

8.  In addition to using mechanical scratchers, mud displacement is also helped by the
 ___________________ of cement, and the _____________
__________ of the casing
casing during a
cement job.

9.  Cement baskets support some of the ______________________

___, which the slurry produces until

it sets. They have a ____________________

____________________ liner, which filters out cement solids that can form a
ween the casing and the wellbore.

10.  Cement baskets are usually used above a _______________________

10 • 12 Cementing 1

Unit C: Primary Cementing Plugs

Unit C: Primary Cementing Plugs

Plugs used in primary cementing minimize

cement contamination in the casing by wiping
Top Cementing Plug
the casing clean and serving as a barrier between
wellbore fluid and cement. Included in this unit Accumulation of 
are cement from wiped
Casing away boundary
•   Bottom plugs
•   Top plugs Slurry

•   Latchdown plugs


Bottom Plugs Layer of Mud

The function of the bottom plug is to enter the Figure 10.15 – Top plug run without a
casing ahead of the cement slurry. It wipes mud
and solids from the casing wall and keeps those bottom plug.
solids ahead of the plug. Bottom plugs are
almost always used in primary cementing,
except when lost circulation materials are being
run with the cement.
When the bottom plug reaches the float collar or
float shoe, the differential pressure between the
inside of the casing and annulus ruptures the
diaphragm on top of the plug to allow the slurry
to flow out of the shoe and up the annulus. The
 plug body is strong
strong enough to withstand
withstand the
forces of impact and the differential pressure to
rupture. Top Plugs

Top Plugs

A top plug is pumped down by displacement

fluid after all the slurry has been pumped (Fig.
10.15). It prevents the displacement fluid from
channeling through the more viscous cement
slurry. Top plugs have no diaphragm and fluid
can not be pumped through them. When it Bottom Plugs
reaches the top of the bottom plug, pressure will
 build up and indicate
indicate that the job is complete. Figure 10.16 – Cross-section of cementing
Although the top and bottom plugs perform
somewhat the same function (separating two
fluids), they are quite different structurally (Fig.

10 • 13 Cementing 1

Unit C: Primary Cementing Plugs

Top plugs have rubber wipers to wipe the casing The maximum pressure that the baffle will
and can withstand considerably more pressure. withstand is dependent upon the proper make-up
To help with easy identification, top plugs are of the casing joints and the weight range of the
 black and bottom plugs are red. Top and bottom casing. A differential of 3,000 psi should not be
 plugs have a solid core of plastic.
plastic. exceeded in any light weight casing. Higher

weight casingpressures are allowable
with a maximum in heavier
of 5,000 psi in
Latch-down Plugs the heaviest weights.

Latch-down plugs are usually used with tubing,

casing and interstring cementing; however, they
may also be used with conventional casing float
equipment. The latch-down plug functions as a
top plug, and its snap ring locks into a groove in
the baffle when it is pumped down after the job
(Fig. 10.17). The latch-down feature helps
ensure that the cement and top plug will not
move back up the casing.
The Latch-down Casing Plug and Baffle may be
used above most conventional floating
equipment to help control fluid and pressure
from below. The Latch-down plug may also be
used when there is no floating equipment run on
the casing string. Prevention of fluid entry into
the casing string also permits immediate release
of surface pressure when the cement column has
 been pumped in place. Additionally,
Additionally, the latch-
down feature helps assure that the cement
ce ment or top
 plug will not back upup the casing which might Figure 10.17 – Latchdown plug and baffle.
necessitate drilling out if completions are made
close to the float collar.
The baffle is installed either on top of the float The latch-down baffle may be installed either on
or in the desired casing collar above and held in top of the float shoe or float collar, or in any
 place by the pin end of the casing.
casing. A rubber casing collar above a float collar. It is held in
gasket seals against the upper joint and the  place by the thread end of the casing.
casing. A rubber
coupling threads. The latch-down plug acts as seal on the plug provides a fluid seal from both
the top cement plug and follows the cement directions.
slurry down the casing to reduce the possibility
Instead of a float collar, a latch-down plug may
of contamination or channeling with the drilling
 be used in conjunction
conjunction with a guide shoe to save
mud or fluid used to displace the cement. When
rig time.
the plug reaches the baffle, normally 500 to
1,000 psi above circulating pressure forces the
latching nose of the plug into the baffle and
locks it in place.
10 • 14 Cementing 1

Unit C: Primary Cementing Plugs

Summary of Downhole Equipment

Type of Equipment Major Function(s) Location
Guide Shoe To guide casing into well First joint of casing
To help protect casing ends
Float Shoe Same as guide shoe First joint of casing
To prevent fluid or cement
Baffle Collar To provide a landing seat for 1-3 joints above shoe (depending
plugs on depth of well)
Float Collar Same as baffle collar 1-3 joints above shoe
To prevent fluid or cement
Insert Float Valve Same as float collar In casing collar
Back Pressure Valve To prevent fluid or cement In floating equipment
 Automatic Fill
Fill Valve To automatically allow fluid into
into In float shoes and collars
the casing to eliminate rig
downtime cause by stopping to
fill the casing
To reduce ram effect
Differential Fill Valve To allow fluid to enter casing to In float shoes and collars
decrease differential hydrostatic
Clamp To fasten attachments As required
Centralizer To center casing in hole 1 per joint from 200 ft. above
formation to 200 ft below it, 1 per
3 joints in open hole
Wall Cleaner To remove mud filter cake from From 100 ft above producing
wall of hole formation through it
Cement Basket To help protect formations from  Above weak formations
hydrostatic pressure of cement
until it sets
Bottom Plug To Act as a mechanical spacer Between well fluids and cement
between mud and cement slurry
Top Plug To act as a mechanical spacer Between well fluids and cement
between cement slurry and
displacement fluid
Latch-down Plug Same as top plug Between well fluids and cement
Multiple Stage Cementing Tools To cement in two (or more) Depends on hole conditions
Formation Packer Equipment To pack off formations Depends on hole conditions
To isolate zones

10 • 15 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

Unit C Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress.

1.  Primary cementing plugs minimize _____________________ by _____________

_____________ the casing clean.

2.  These plugs serve as a (an) _____________ between fluids and cement.

3.  A bottom plug enters the casing _______________ the cement slurry. The _________________
 pressure between the inside
inside of the casing and the annul
us causes the plug(s) ________________
________________ to

4.  Bottom plugs are almost always used in primary cementing, except when
____ is (are) being run.

5.  A top plug enters the casing ______________________ the cement slurry. When it seats on/at the

 _______________________,, pressure will increase. This indicates
indicates that cement placement is

6.   __________
___________ are black and have a deep cup on top; ________________
______are red
and shallow.

7.  A (an)_______________________
(an)_______________________ plug functions in the same way as a top plug, but it has a
(an)______________________,, which locks into a groove in its baffle.

8.  To save rig time, you might use a latchdown plug in conjunction with a guide shoe instead of a (an)
10 • 16 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

During multiple-stage cementing, cement slurry • heavy-duty seals and backup rings
rings that
is placed at predetermined points around the  prevent seal damage during operations
casing string in several cementing stages.
• compatibility with three-stage cementing
Multiple-stage cementing can be used for the
following applications:
• cementing wells with low formation
 pressures that will not withstand the Type-P External Sleeve (ES)
hydrostatic pressure of a full column of Cementer
• cementing to isolate
isolate only certain sections Type-P external sleeve (ES) cementers can be
of the wellbore used in most vertical wells, regardless of depth,
 pressure, or temperature. The Type-P cementer
• placing different blends
blends of cement in
in the
should not be used in wells deviated more than
wellbore 30° from vertical when using a free-fall opening
• cementing deep, hot holes where lim
ited  plug. Otherwise, the free-fall opening
opening plug will
cement pump times restrict full-bore not fall by its own weight through well casing.
cementing of the casing string in a single Type-P ES cementers are available in 4 1/2 to 20
stage in. casing sizes. The standard case material
grade is L-80 steel. Other casing grades can be
Halliburton manufactures two types of external
 provided at the customer’s
customer’s request.
sleeve (ES) stage cementers: the Type-P ES
cementer, which is a plug-operated stage
cementer, and the Type-H ES cementer, which is
a hydraulically opened stage cementer. Both the
Type-P and the Type-H cementers have the
following features:
• short, single-piece
single-piece mandrel design without
threaded or welded segments
• field-adjustable opening and closing
• clear surface indications
indications of opening and
• smooth bore after drillout with no exposed
sleeves to interfere with the operation of
workover tools on subsequent trips in and
out of the casing strings
• drillability with
with either PDC or roller-cone
rock bits
•  plug
sets with second-stage
second-stage bottom Figure 10.18 - Halliburton Type-P External
• external closing sleeve that is locked Sleeve (ES) Cementer
closed by the top cementing plug

10 • 17 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

During cementing operations, the first-stage

cement is mixed and pumped into the casing in a
conventional manner. The first-stage shutoff
 plug, which is launched
launched in the casing after the
first-stage cement, lands on the shutoff baffle

installed on
 provides the float
a positive
positiv collar. which
e shutoff, This shutoff plugent
helps prevent
cement over displacement around the shoe joint.
After the first-stage cementing operation is
completed, a free-fall opening plug is dropped
down the casing ID to land and seal in the
cementer. Pressure applied to the casing opens
the cementer, allowing wellbore fluid to be
 pumped into the casing/wellbore
casing/wellbore annulus. Fluid
circulation to the surface is normally maintained
until the first-stage cement has set up in the
annulus. The second-stage cement is then
 pumped through the open open cementer ports,
followed by a second-stage closing plug. The
closing plug seats in the cementer, and pressure
is applied to the casing to close the tool. After Figure 10.19 – Halliburton Type-H External
 both stages are cemented, the cementer
cementer seats, Sleeve (ES) Cementer
and plugs are drilled out with a rock bit or a
PDC bit.
 plug dropped through
through the casing ID. The Type-
H cementer can be used in highly deviated wells,
Type-H External Sleeve (ES) in horizontal wells, and above an openhole
Cementer completion or slotted liner. After the second-
stage cementing operation, a second-stage
The Type-H external sleeve (ES) cementer is a closing plug pumped behind the second-stage
hydraulically opened stage cementer that can be cement closes the cementer. Lock rings in the
used in most wells, regardless of depth, pressure, external closing sleeve lock the cementer in the
or temperature. Although the Type-H ES closed position. After both cementing stages, the
cementer operates much like a Type-P cementer, cementer seats, and plugs are drilled out with a
it can be opened with internal casing pressure in roller-cone rock bit or a PDC bit.
addition to the free-fall plug after the first-stage
Type-H ES cementers are available in 4 1/2 to 20
shutoff plug lands. This design feature saves
in. casing sizes. The standard material grade is
time by eliminating the need for dropping a free-
L-80 grade steel. Other grades can be provided
fall plug from the surface. A baffle adapter is
at the customer’s request.
recommended in the casing string above the
float collar to seat the first-stage shutoff plug.
When the first-stage cementing plug has seated, Stage Tool Plug Sets
casing pressure can be applied to hydraulically
open the Type-H ES cementer. Normally, the Plug sets for operating both Type-P and Type-H
cementer should be opened immediately after cementers must be ordered separately from the
the first-stage cement is pumped and the shutoff cementer. The individual components of each
 plug has been bumped.
bumped. If the well is deviated  plug set depend on the type
type of tool to be
less than 30° from vertical, the Type-H ES operated.
cementer can also be opened with a free-fall

10 • 18 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

A standard plug set for two-stage cementing Full-Opening (FO) Multiple- 

consists of the following equipment:
Stage Cementer
• a shutoff baffle installed on top of the float
collar (for 8-rd and buttress) The full-opening (FO) multiple-stage cementer
is used to place an indefinite number of cement
• H
a shutoff plug (for both Type-P
cementers) Type-P and Type- stages or other fluids at selected points along the
outside of a casing string. An indefinite number
• a free-fall opening plug
plug (required for the of FO cementers can be run in the casing string.
Type-P cementer; optional for the Type-H Standard material grade is L-80. Other grades
cementer) can be supplied at customer’s request.
• a closing plug (for both Type-P
Type-P and Type- When one or more FO cementers are run in the
H cementers) casing string, the first stage of cement can be
• a baffle adapter installed
installed one or more
more  pumped in the conventional
conventional manner. All
 joints above the float collar
collar (for the Type- subsequent cementing stages are pumped
H cementer) through a workstring run inside the casing.
Shifting tools run 8 to 10 ft apart on the
workstring are used to open or close the FO
Unlike plug-operated or hydraulically opened
stage cementers, FO cementers provide the
following benefits:
• They do not require
require operating pl
eliminating the need for drilling out after
Figure 10.20 – Halliburton Type-P Stage
Tool Plug Set • FO cementers can be used
used to test, treat,
and evaluate a zone in the well before it is
• Multiple FO cementers
cementers can be run in the
same casing string.

• as
Operators can open
many times and close thes
as necessary. thesee tools

A packoff between the workstring and casing is

required to direct fluid out the open ports of the
FO cementer.
Figure 10.21 – Halliburton Type-H Stage FO cementers are available by special order for
Plug Set any casing grade or premium thread. For pricing
information, customers must provide
information about casing OD, thread type,
Use of a baffle adapter is the preferred method weight, grade, and hole size.
when using a Type-H cementer with a first-stage
 bottom plug.
Wells can also be cemented in three stages with
two cementers and a three-stage plug set. A
three-stage plug set must be ordered separately
from the cementers.

10 • 19 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

damage during inflation. This inflatable packer

element allows packer differential pressures up
to 4,000 psi.
The ESIPC is commonly used in horizontal well
applications for cementing casing in the bend
radius or vertical portion of the wellbore above
an openhole completion or a slotted liner. The
 packer element is inflated to prevent
prevent cement
from flowing downhole when it is pumped into
the annulus above the tool. The Type-H ESIPC
is available by special order for any casing grade
or premium thread. For pricing information,
customers must provide information about
casing OD, thread type, weight, grade, and hole

Figure 10.22 – Halliburton Full-Opening

(FO) Multiple-Stage Cementer

External Sleeve Inflatable

Packer Collar (ESIPC)

The external sleeve inflatable packer collar

(ESIPC) is a combination of the ES (Type H or
Type P) cementer and a casing inflation packer.
This tool provides controlled packer element
inflation through the stage-tool opening seat,
eliminating hydraulic valving bodies normally Figure 10.23 – Halliburton External Sleeve
used with inflatable packer elements. The rubber Inflatable Pack Collar (ESIPC) – Type H 
inflatable packer element is constructed with
reinforcing metal slats to reduce packer element
  10 • 20 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

Unit D Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress.

1.  Multiple stage cementing tools are used when you want to cement behind the same casing string in
 ___________ stages. 

2.  The decision to cement in multiple stages would be made when high hydrostatic pressure might cause
the _________________
_________________ to break down. 

3.  If the Type-H ES cementer doesn’t open with ________________

_ pressure, a
 _____________________ can be dropped if the well is not deviated
deviated more than _______. 

4.  During the second stage, cement is displaced through _______________ in the multiple stage tool. 

5.  A multiple stage tool called a _______________________

___ has two sleeves which are operated

 _____________________.. One sleeve moves to uncover the __________
__________ and the other moves
moves to
close the _____________________.

6.  The first part of the plug set to enter the hole when the free fall method is used is the

7.  Once the opening plug has landed, the Type-P ES cementer is opened by _______________

8.  Unlike the ES cementers, the FO cementer operates _____________________

_____________________ and can be opened and
closed _______________________

9.  Formation packer equipment is used when you want to ________________

________________ cement from flowing

10 • 21 Cementing 1

Unit D: Multiple Stage Cementing Tools

 Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to
Page Page
1. damage to hole or casing 10-3 1. contamination, wiping 10-14
2. overweight 10-3 2. barrier 10-14
3. float shoe 10-4 3. ahead, differential, diaphram 10-14
4. wellbore cuttings, filter cake 10-4 4. lost circulation materials 10-14
5. backpressure valve, into 10-4 5. after, bottom plug, complete 10-14
6. insert flapper float valve 10-6 6. Top plugs, bottom plugs 10-15
7. flapper 10-7 7. latch-down, snap ring 10-15
8. collapse 10-7 8. float collar 10-15

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to Items from Unit D Quiz Refer to
Page Page
1. clamp 10-10 1. several 10-17
2. scar, dogs (teeth) 10-10 2. formation 10-17
3. cement 10-10 3. hydraulic, free fall plug, 30° 10-17,
4. centralizers 10-10
4. ports 10-18
5. filter cake 10-12
5. Type-H ES Cementer, 10-18
6. rotated 10-12
hydraulically, ports, ports
7. picked up 10-12
6. shut off baffle 10-19
8. pumping rate, movement 10-11,12
7. pressure 10-18
9. hydrostatic pressure, canvas, 10-12
8. mechanically, as many times as 10-19
bridge necessary
10. weak zone 10-12
9. prevent, downward 10-20
10 • 22 Cementing 1

Section 11

Cement Mixing
Equipment and Pumping

Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
.............. 11-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
.................. 11-3
Unit A: Pumping and Mixing Equipment ...................................
.................. ...................................
........ 11-3
RCM II .................................
............... ...................................
..... 11-3
Automatic Density Control (ADC ) ................... ............................
Pumping Equipment.............................................................................................................................11-4
Quiz: Unit A.........................................................................................................................................11-6
Answers to Unit Quiz...............................................................................................................................11-7
11 • 1 Cementing 1

Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment

Use for Section Notes…

11 • 2 Cementing 1

Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment


The main purpose of any cement mixing system A.  Pumping and Mixing Equipment
is to blend water and dry cement at a satisfactory
rate so that ideal weights, viscosities, and
densities can be maintained. In addition, recently Learning Objectives
developed mixing systems provide the capacity
for additive reactions and batch mixing. The end Upon completion of this section, you should be
result is cement that will set properly downhole. familiar with
•  Cement mixer components
Topic Areas •  General pump equipment

In this section, the following units are included:

Unit A: Pumping and Mixing Equipment

•  Premix and downhole densometers

RCM II •  Two hydraulic agitators
•  Cement throttling valve
The Recirculating Cement Mixer (RCM) is an
advanced type of mixing system with several •  Automatic Density Control (ADC) optional
advantages over other conventional mixing
•  UniPro II for data acquisition/display and
•   more accurate control over slurry weight,
allowing variance as called for by the
requirements of any particular job
•   increased mixing energy
•    better control over mixing
mixing rate
•   more control over other slurry properties
•   more controlled batch-mixing capabilities
•   equipment may be arranged in a wide
variety of ways.
Fig. 11.1- RCM II mounted on skid
The RCM II (Fig 11.1) is the latest Halliburton
mixing system. The RCM II system features are
•   Axial flow mixer
•   5 or 25 bbl, 2 compartment mixing tub
•   Recirculating slurry centrifugal pump

11 • 3 Cementing 1

Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment

The RCM II system uses a UniPro II to operate

the ADC.
The electronic subsystem determines the
required position of the water and bulk cement
actuators, senses the position of the actuators,
and if needed, sends new position commands to
the hydraulic control valves.
The hydraulic subsystem supplies the power
required to change the position of the actuators.
The hydraulic power is controlled through
electric, over hydraulic valves, and is supplied
only to the actuators on a signal from the
electronic subsystem.

Figure 11.2 – Schematic of RCM II

The RCM II allows for more mixing energy than

the RCM I. This is done with the use of the axial
flow mixer and other structural modifications
that are listed below.
1.  The mixing water is added to the system
above where the recirculating cement
returns into the system. The mixing water
 passes through a system
system consisting of 18
 jets. The number of jets that are open
depends on the desired slurry density.
2.  The cement being recirculated comes back
Fig. 11.3- Operator at ADC system
into the mixing tub through two separate
lines that are angled at 45 degrees at the
 point they enter the mixing
mixing head. They enter
the mixing head below the point at which
the mixing water enters. Pumping Equipment
3.  The turbine agitators are positioned at an
angle rather than vertical in the mixing tub Cement pumping equipment is an essential part
to allow for increased mixing energy. of any cementing operation. Pumping units may
 be mounted on a truck, trailer, skid,
skid, or
waterborne vessel. They are operated
 Automatic Density Control intermittently at high pressure and at varying
(ADC ®  ) rates.
Pumping units must have high horsepower input

The ADC system has an electronic subsystem and

also output over
have the widepractical
lowest torque limits. They must
and a hydraulic subsystem that allows the
equipment operator to automatically mix cement horsepower ratio to meet transportation
 by input of a desired density.

11 • 4 Cementing 1

Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment

considerations. Most units are powered by requiring more than 1,000 sk, or where you
internal-combustion engines or electric motors. expect high pressures.
Cementing units may be manifolded with two or Field slurries are usually mixed and pumped into
three pumps. For high-pressure systems, one the casing at the highest possible rate. This
 pump mixes while the other
other displaces. Low- varies from 20 to 50 sk/min, depending on the
 pressure systems use a centrifugal pump for capacity of each mixing unit. As a result, the
mixing and two positive displacement pumps for first sack of cement on a primary cement job
displacing. reaches bottom in a relatively short time.
Most cementing work involves a maximum
 pressure of less than 5,000 psi,
psi, but you may
encounter operations demanding up to 20,000
 psi. Since operating conditions
conditions vary widely, the
cementing pump and its powertrain were
designed to withstand maximum pressures.
For a given job, the number of trucks you will
need to mix the cement depends on cement
volume, well depth, and anticipated pressures.
For surface and conductor strings, one truck is
usually enough; on intermediate or production
casing, you may need one to three units. You
may also need several mixing trucks on jobs Figure 11.4 – Advantage Skid 

Figure 11.5 – HCR Elite Equipment

11 • 5 Cementing 1

Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment

Quiz: Unit A

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Section 11:

1.  RCM stands for _________________

_________________ ____________________ _________________.

2.  In an RCM II system, the mixing water passes through a system consisting of ____ jets.

3.  ADC stands for _________________

_________________ ____________________
____________________ _________________.

4.  The RCM II system uses a _______________ to operate the ADC.

5.  Most pumping units are powered by either _______________________

___________ or

6.  For a given job, the number of trucks you will need to mix the cement depends on
 ____________________, _________________
_____, and ____________________
11 • 6 Cementing 1

Cement Mixing and Pumping Equipment

Answers to Unit Quiz

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to

1. Recirculating Cement Mixer 11-3
2. 18 11-3
3. Automatic Density Control 11-5
4. UniPro II 11-5
5. internal combustion engines, 11-5
electric motors
6. cement volume, well depth, 11-6
anticipated pressures
11 • 7 Cementing 1

Section 12

Bulk Cement Storage and


Table of Contents
Topic Areas ..................................
................ ....................................
.............. 12-3
Learning Objectives ...................................
.................. ...................................
.................. 12-3
Unit A: Bulk Material Plants .....................................
................... .....................................
..... 12-4
Pneumatic Plants ....................................
.................. ....................................
..... 12-4
Unit A Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 12-6
Unit B: Sampling of Field Blend ..................................
................. ...................................
Manual Blend Sampling.......................................................................................................................12-7
Automatic Blend Sampling ..................................
................ ....................................
........ 12-7
Unit B Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
.............. 12-8
Unit C: Bulk Transportation Equipment..................................................................................................12-9
400-ft3 Pneumatic Truck ....................................
.................. ....................................
.......... 12-9
Model 660 Pneumatic Cementing Trailer .....................................
................... ....................................
................ 12-11
1410 ft  Pneumatic Field Storage Trailer ....................................
................. .....................................
.................. 12-11
Offshore Operations ..................................
................ ....................................
.................. 12-12
General Safety Guidelines..................................................................................................................12-12
General Operator Maintenance ....................................
................. .....................................
............... 12-13
Unit C Quiz ...................................
................. ....................................
............ 12-15
Answers to Unit Quizzes ...................................
................. ....................................
............ 12-16
12 • 1 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Use for Section Notes…

12 • 2 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling


Bulk cement handling systems are used for most •  Large cement jobs are more practical.
modern oilwell cementing. With these systems,
Before beginning any cement job, consider all
you can formulate compositions to suit any well
aspects of the job you are about to do.
condition. At bulk blending stations, cement is
Considerations range from a careful review of
handled by pneumatic systems operated under
the call sheet to ensure the correct equipment
30 to 40 psi air pressure. This cement is then
and bulk materials have been ordered to getting
transported to the job site in weather-tight bins
needed equipment and bulk materials ready for
or tanks.
transport to location.
For a specific cementing job, the dry ingredients
The bulk plant operation, bulk materials
are blended and loaded into bulk transport units
sampling, and bulk truck operation procedures
that can carry about 300 to 600 ft3 of Portland
are the topics presented in this section to provide
you with a basic understanding of the bulk
For high-volume jobs, you may need several materials operation.
field storage bins. These bins may be located at
the well and filled before the cement job.
Offshore, supplies and pumping equipment must Topic Areas
always be on hand for instant use in case of
emergency. Supply-service vessels using a Included in this section are the following units:
 pneumatic system deliver
deliver bulk materials to
containers located on the rig. A. Bulk Material Plants

Bulk material handling involves the handling of B.  Sampling of Field Blends
large unpackaged quantities of cements or other C.  Bulk Transportation Equipment
dry materials. This eliminates the storage of dry
materials in sacks or other containers making the
cements easier and faster to use and transport. Learning Objectives
The handling of material in bulk form offers the
following advantages: Upon completion of this section, you should be
familiar with
•   Cement is protected against weather while
 being stored, transported,
transported, or unloaded. •  The equipment designed to handle bulk
•   Additives can be more uniformly blended at
 bulk cement plants. •  The sampling procedures for evaluating the
 blend of bulk materials
•   Cement mixing rates are faster and more
12 • 3 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Unit A: Bulk Material Plants

Bulk material plants are found in nearly all

Halliburton locations. Although numerous types
of bulk cement plants exist, the pneumatic type
 bulk plant is likely
likely to be the most common bulk
 plant in use today.

Pneumatic Plants

The following figures illustrate two types of

 pneumatic bulk plants:
plants: the permanent type
 pneumatic bulk plant (Figure
(Figure 12.1) and the Figure 12.1 – Permanent Pneumatic Type
 portable pneumatic plant
plant (Figure 12.2). The Bulk Cement Storage Plant
 portable plant can be dismantled
dismantled and moved
from one location to another and rebuilt quickly.
Both systems operate in a similar manner.
The handling of bulk cements through a
 pneumatic process involves
involves the mixing of dry
materials by moving them from tank to tank.
The mixed dry material is then moved to the
next tank or truck by discharging it into a high
velocity air stream. Advantages of this type of
system are
•   uniform feeding of fresh aerated (fluidized),
uncaked, and lump-free cement into the
mixing system

  mixing of cement batches pneumatically by
movement between tanks at 30 to 40 psi air
 pressure and into mixing
mixing or transfer tanks
for continued aeration and a more complete
mix of materials.
Figure 12.2 – Portable pneumatic Bulk
•   minimal contamination from previous Cement Storage Plant
cement batches.

Figure 12.3 illustrates a typical permanent

 pneumatic bulk cement plant system
system consisting
of a series of separate tanks for storage,
weighing, and blending. A description of the
tanks and their functions appear below.

12 • 4 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Figure 12.3 – Pneumatic Bulk Storage Plant

•   Storage tanks - cone-shaped or square wasted material until proper disposal is

vertical bin providing storage and unloading  possible.
capability for cements and additives At least four complete pneumatic transfers are
commonly used in that geographical required to properly blend material. These
location. Most portable or offshore bulk transfers are
systems use pressurized storage tanks that
allow them to be placed anywhere, whereas 1.  Cement is blown from scale tank to blending
 permanent storage tanks operate
operate on a gravity tank (all material in the scale tank must be
feed principle. transferred)

•   Scale Tank  -
 - cone-shaped pressurized tank 2.  Cement is blown or vacuumed from
 blending tank back to scale
scale tank.
into which bulk cement materials are blown
or vacuumed pneumatically and weighed. 3.  Cement is blown or vacuumed from scale
tank back to cementing tank.
•   Overhead Receiver/Blending Tank  -  - most
 bulk plants are equipped
equipped with either a non- 4.  Cement is blown from scale tank to blending
 pressurized gravity feed overhead
overhead receiver tank (or from the scale tank directly to the
tank or a pressurized blending tank. These  bulk truck).
tanks further mix the dry materials as well as
Additives that are not held in bulk form in the
temporarily hold the cement and additive
 plant’s storage tanks must
must be added to the
materials prior to being discharged to the
cement through the admix hopper. These
 bulk truck for transport.
additives must be carefully weighed prior to
•   Waste Tank  -  - a storage-type tank with a  being poured into the admix
admix hopper. Proper
dust collector into which other storage tanks weighing will ensure that the right percentage of
and trucks being pneumatically filled may additive will be added to the bulk cement. When
 be vented. It may also store field returns
returns and only part of a sack is required, the additive
should be weighed on a set of scales accurate

12 • 5 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

enough to read to the closest 0.5 lb, yet be  plant is similar. The size and location
location of the field
capable of weighing as much as 50 lb. service center determines to a large degree the
size and type of bulk plant in operation at that
Although many types of pneumatic bulk plants
are in use today, the basic operation of each

Unit A Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit A.
1.  The handling of large quantities of cements and other dry materials in __________________
_ form
has greatly increased the ease with which cements can be handled.

2.  The permanent and the portable ___________________ bulk materials plants are most commonly
used by Halliburton.

3.  In the pneumatic bulk process, cements are mixed by transferring ________________ from tank to

4.  The scale tank is a ____________________

____________________ tank to which the bulk cement materials are blown or
vacuumed pneumatically and _____________________.

5.  Blended dry materials are usually blown to the bulk truck for transport to the location from the
 _____________________ or _______________
__ tank.

6.  After the cement is transferred from the storage tank to the scale tank, ___________ pneumatic
transfers are required to ensure proper mixing.

7.  The admix hopper is used for adding the chemical additives that are not stored in the plant in
 ___________________ form.

8.  To ensure that the right percentage of additive will be added to the bulk cement, proper
 __________________ is required. This
This involves the use of
of a scale capable of accuracy to
 ________________ pound.
12 • 6 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Unit B: Sampling of Field Blend 

After the third blending transfer is completed, it

is important that a sample of the blend be taken
to ensure the desired blend was obtained. For
 proper analysis, take a sample large enough
enough to
fill a one-gallon container. Two methods of
sampling the blended cement are discussed in Storage
this unit:
•   Manual Blend Sampling
•   Automatic Blend Sampling

Manual Blend Sampling Figure 12.4 – Manual Sampling Valve

Manual sampling usually occurs after the third

 blending transfer at any point
point in the bulk loading
loading  Automatic Blend Sampling
The automatic sampler is a device installed in
•   Truck sample - using a “grain thief”, a the loading line between the blending plant and
sample is taken from the loaded storage the truck. This device is controlled by an inside
tanks on the truck. and outside timer and can be set up to take a
•   Manual sampling valve - after the third sample of the bulk cement blend as frequently as
 blending transfer, a sample of the
the mixed once every second. During the loading cycle, the
cement and additives is taken during a sampler inserts a probe into the stream of
 pneumatic transfer by placing
placing a plastic or cement materials as they are being blown to the
 brown paper sack under the sampling
sampling valve. truck and takes a small sample. Then the probe
The ball valve is opened and closed slightly withdraws from the line and the cement with

to allow cement to be discharged into the additives discharges

that is attached to thefrom the of
bottom probe into a bag
the discharge
sample bag (Figure 12.4). For proper
analysis, collect enough cement to fill a one opening. As mentioned earlier, allow the bag to
gallon container. fill until a sample large enough to fill a one-
gallon container is obtained. The automatic
system has proven to be a reliable method for
ensuring both a proper blend and a successful
cementing job.
  12 • 7 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Unit B Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit B.
1.  Two methods are available for taking a sample of the blended cement mixture. Both the
 __________________ and __________________
_ blend sampling methods
methods require at least
___ of sample to be taken for proper analysis.

2.  Sampling of the blend in a manual fashion can occur __________________ in the bulk loading

3.  The automatic sampling method uses a probe for taking blend samples at regular intervals. This
device is installed in the ______________
___ ______________ between the blending plant and the
12 • 8 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Unit C: Bulk Transport

ation Equipment

valves for the fill, vent, aeration, discharge, and

control functions, the truck has three major
400-ft 3 Pneumatic Truck components:

The 400 ft3 Pneumatic Truck with Drum blower •  two ASME-coded 200 ft3 pneumatic storage
(Fig. 12.5) is used for transporting bulk tanks
materials (cement blends and fracturing sand) •  one ASME-coded 21 ft3 Steady Flow®
from service centers to job locations. This self- separator assembly with dust collector
contained truck can either pneumatically
discharge to bulk storage units or discharge •  one power-takeoff (PTO) driven air blower
directly to pumping equipment during a job. In assembly rated at 270 scf/min at 29 psig
addition to interconnecting piping, fittings, and

Figure 12.
Figure 5- 400 ft 3 Pneumatic Truck with Drum Blower 

Pneumatic Storage Tanks Gross Aeration System

The two 8 ft diameter, 200 ft3 pneumatic

 pneumatic storage Each storage tank is equipped with a gross
tanks are ASME-coded pressure vessels with 36 aeration system for unloading stored materials.
 psig maximum allowable
allowable working pressure This system consists of two aeration cartridges
(MAWP). This MAWP allows operators to use a in the bottom of each tank. The air inlet nozzle
higher-pressure compressor from another unit, of each aeration cartridge extends through the
even though the maximum pressure of the truck- tank cone. These cartridges can be lifted out
mounted blower is 29 psig. through the 20 in. manway after the hose adapter
and jam nut are removed from the nozzle.

12 • 9 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

The gross aeration system in each tank

conditions materials with air so that a fluid
mixture or solution of air and dry materials will
result. When the discharge valves of the tank are
opened, the pressure in the tank forces the
aerated materials to flow steadily through the
discharge line until the tank is emptied.

Top Air Connection

Air is also fed into the top of each tank through a

1.5 in. coupling. The top air connection allows a
higher flow rate into the tank. A vertical check-
valve in the top air line automatically provides a Figure 12.6 – 20 in. Manway
calibrated restriction to force air through the
aeration pads in the bottom. A pressure-gauge
line runs from each tank to a 0 to 60 psi pressure
gauge, which allows the operator to monitor the
 pressure in each tank continuously.

Tank Openings

The following openings are in the top head of

each tank:
•   two 4 in. victaulic nipples for pneumatic
filling and venting
•   one 1.5 in. air-inlet coupling
•   one 1.5 in. vent coupling Figure 12.7 – Drum Model XHPD450
•   one 20 in. manway Blower Assembly

The 20 in. manway (Fig. 12.6) is secured by six

cams, and it can be used for overhead bulk
material loading as well as inspection and Operation Procedures
For specific operation and maintenance
Air Blower instructions, refer to the manual titled 400 ft 3
 Pneumatic Truck with Blower,
Blower, SAP 100078427.
The Drum Model XHPD450 blower assembly The manual can also be downloaded from the
(Fig. 12.7) is driven through a power takeoff following HalWorld site:
(PTO) from the truck transmission. This blower
is rated at 275 scf/min at 29 psig and 1,600
rev/min. A relief valve on the blower assembly
 prevents blower overpressure

12 • 10 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

to 12 in. (30.48 cm) ahead of the bogie

Model 660 Pneumatic
Cementing Trailer

The Model 660 pneumatic cementing trailer has

three versions:
• short-wheelbase trailer
• long-wheelbase trailer Figure 12.8 – Model 660 pneumatic
• desert service trailer cementing trailer.


The Model 660 pneumatic cementing trailer

includes the following features:
•   Chassis- 22,000 
22,000 lb (9977 
(9977 kg) axles with

44,000   lb (19
tires, SAE 960 kg)
standard 2.0spring,
2.0  11 R 22.5
 in. kingpin; or desert
service 30,000 
30,000 lb (13 605 
605 kg) axles with Figure 12.9 – Model 660 with long wheel
50,000  lb (22 260 
50,000 260 kg) springs base.
• 330 ft3 (9.35
  Pneumatic tanks- Two 330   (9.35  m3), 36 
 psi (248 
(248 kPa) working pressure
Model 660- Approximate Discharge
•   Discharge manifolding- A 5  5 in. (127 
(127 mm) Rates
separator-to-RCM, 5 
5 in. tank-to-separator
and tank-to-storage; 5 
5 in. nominal drain and Sand to Mountain Mover 20 sk/min
cleanout Cement to field storage bin 35 sk/min
•   Fill manifolding- A 4 
4 in.(102
in.(102  mm) fill Sand to hopper 25 sk/min
manifold with 4 
4 in.vent for loading tanks
 pneumatically (includes
(includes bulk-plant dust Cement to hopper 80 sk/min
collector) Cement to RCM 50 sk/min
•   Mileage totalizer- Engler Hubodometer
•   Optional separator and dust collector-
21 ft3 (0.59
Constant-pressure 21   (0.59  m3) separator
1410  ft 3 Pneumatic Field
Storage Trailer

The Model 660 pneumatic cementing trailer can Features

 provide the following
following benefits:
•   The Model 660 desert service trailer can be 1410 ft3 Pneumatic Field Storage Trailer
The 1410 
used with tractors having sand tires and fifth includes the following features:

wheels located
of the bogie up to 10 in. (35.24 cm) ahead

  Chassis- 22,000 lb (9977 kg) axle with
20,000 lb (9070 kg) spring, 11 R 22.5 tires,
•   The Model 660 short-wheelbase trailer can kingpin SAE standard 2.0 in.
 be used with tractors having
having fifth wheels up

12 • 11 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

•   Pneumatic tanks- 380, 425 and 435 ft 3 

(10.76, 12.03 and 12.31 m3) capacity all
ASME-coded to 39.5 psi (272.3 kPa)
working pressure
 pressure andftdust
3 collector-
 (4.81 Constant-
m3) separator with
Cyclone dust collector
•   Discharge manifolding-
Figure 12.11 - Water-borne service vessel.
•  5 in. (127 mm) nominal to separator
•  5 in. nominal separator bypass
•  4 in. (102 mm) drain and cleanout
General Safety Guidelines
•  5 in. nominal blow-through front and
rear discharge extension
By following these guidelines, operators can
•   Fill and vent manifolding- 5 in. nominal to help ensure that Halliburton bulk trucks work
tanks  properly and safely.
Optional compressor system and mileage
totalizer. Weight Limitations

The maximum allowable tandem axle weight for

trucks in most areas of the United States is
34,000 lb. The maximum front axle weight is
18,000 lb. Therefore, when loading the tanks,
operators should consider the axle weights of the
vehicle as well as the volume of material in the
tanks. When loaded, the overall weight of the
vehicle should never exceed 52,000 lb.
Figure 12.10 - 1410 ft 3 Pneumatic Field
Storage Trailer. Avoid overloading any vehicle for the following
•  High tank levels increase the center of
gravity and increase the likelihood of the
Offshore Operations truck overturning on slopes, irregular
surfaces, or turns.
Waterborne service vessels using pneumatic •  Completely filling the tanks with some
 pressure systems are usually equipped
equipped with their materials, such as cement or sand, will result
own weighing and blending plants. If they are in an overweight vehicle. Driving an
not, you can obtain weighed and blended overweight vehicle on the road could result
materials from a support vessel or shore station in a personal traffic ticket, preventing the
within the operating area (Fig. 12.11). material from reaching the job.
Also, offshore, supplies and pumping equipment
must always be on hand for instant use in case of Pressurized Tank Safety

 pneumatic Supply-service vessels
deliver bulk
deliver using to
materials a When you are working with any tank or vessel
containers located on the rig. that operates under pressure, be sure to follow
these safety procedures:

12 • 12 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

•   Before removing caps, hose connections, or •   Never work under the vehicle
vehicle when the
opening valves to atmosphere, always engine is running. The vehicle could
completely vent possible trapped pressure in suddenly move or fingers, hair, or clothing
the discharge and vent lines. Caps and hoses could become caught in rotating shafts,
removed under pressure could become  pulleys, and belts, resulting
resulting in serious inju
dangerous projectiles, resulting in serious
injury or damage.
General Operator Maintenance
•   Prevent accidental discharge of air or
material in the direction of yourself or
others. Dry, abrasive material could be Pre-Operation Checks
forcefully blown into the face or eyes.
•    Never pressurize tanks above
above maximum Before leaving the field camp, inspect the
allowable working pressure (MAWP). following:
Pressurizing above the MAWP could result
1.  Check all belts for fraying and excessive
in violent tank rupture or a pressure
explosion. If the safety relief valves allow
overpressure, replace them before any 2.  Check the blower assembly for loose or
additional operation. missing parts. Tighten or replace parts as
•   Frequently monitor the tank pressure gauges
to prevent accidental overpressure. If the 3.  Check the following pneumatic equipment:
MAWP is reached, close the tank air-supply a)  Check the air and discharge manifold to
valve. Vent the tank if an extended delay is ensure that the unit is ready for
expected. operation.
•   Do not operate the blower at maximum  b)  If they are not closed already, close the
 pressure with its relief valve
valve venting for an  pneumatic tank air-supply valves and
extended period. The blower and air piping the separator air-supply valve to prevent
will become extremely hot, possibly air from being supplied to the tanks
resulting in personal injury and possible  prematurely.
damage to the blower and relief valve. In
addition, unnecessary energy is used c)  Check the top of the pneumatic tanks to
 because no aeration will occur
occur at maximum  be sure that the manway hatches are
 pressure. closed and latched.

•   Do not touch the blower case or nearby 4.  If the hatch will be opened, or if cam
 piping during or
or soon after operation. These adjustments are necessary, open the air-vent
items can become hot enough to cause valve to relieve any pressure in the tank,
serious skin burns. regardless of the reading on the tank
 pressure gauge.
•   Always wear ear protection when working
near the blower. Prolonged exposure to Caution— Loosen
Loosen but do not swing the hatch
 blower noise could result
result in hearing damage. cams off until you verify that pressure is not
trapped in the tank. If internal pressure exists in
•    Never lubricate or work on the
the blower with
the tank, these cams will prevent the cover from
the engine running, even if the PTO is
 being blown off.
disengaged. Someone might engage the PTO
or the PTO could accidentally engage and
catch fingers, hair, or clothing, resulting in hatch while If
Warning—  Iyou
f airare
begins to escape
loosening from the
the hatch cams,
serious injury.
stop loosening the cams and immediately relieve
all pressure through the vent valves or pressure-

  12 • 13 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

relief valve on top of the tank. Excess pressure Pneumatic Tanks and Manifolding- Before
could result in equipment damage or personal each trip, inspect the structural supports for the
injury.  tanks, separator, dust collector, ladder, platform,
manifolding, and fenders.
The tanks should always be cleaned before
Routine Operator Maintenance different materials are transported.
The best way to avoid costly breakdowns and •  If the tanks will be loaded with a similar
time-consuming troubleshooting
troubleshooting is to keep the material, operators should blow the tanks
truck in good repair. This section discusses out with air and inspect them before loading
routine maintenance for the following major them again.
•  If the tanks will be loaded with a different
•   air-supply system material (for example, tanks previously
•   relief valves carrying cement will be loaded with frac
sand), remove and clean the air pads and
•    pneumatic tanks and manifolding
manifolding wash out the tanks.
Air-Supply System- Frequently check the
Caution— Do Do not “blow down” the tanks and
drains on the underside of the air supply
manifold without connecting the discharge
manifold for condensation. If drain valves will manifold to a plant waste tank. Excessive and
not pass air while the manifold is under pressure,
 potentially harmful dust
dust emissions would result.
clean or replace the valves. Routinely pressurize
the air-supply system and operate all valves to
Important— Immediately
Immediately report pressure vessel
 be sure they are working properly.
properly. Repair or
defects to a maintenance or safety supervisor.
replace any valves that are leaking. Look for
 Never attempt unauthorized repair
repair or alteration
signs of cement backing up into the system. If
of ASME-coded pressure vessels. Coded vessels
check valves are not holding, cement may have
must adhere to strict qualification, procedural,
 been forced into the air lines.
and reporting requirements. Repairs may only be
Relief Valves- Examine the relief valves for made by an ASME-authorized repair shop. If
clogged or plugged discharge openings and repairs or modifications are necessary, contact
cement buildup around the valve seat or valve the Duncan manufacturing organization for
spring. Verify that no parts are broken or assistance. 

missing. Check all valves and manifolds on the tanks to

Test the safety valves at least once each month. make certain they are holding pressure. Cycle
Pressurize the system to the low-pressure safety the valves to make sure they are opening
valves set pressure and allow each valve to open completely. Repair or replace any worn valves,
and reset as it would during a normal job. Watch linkages, or handles.
the system pressure carefully.
Inspect manifolds for loose or damaged parts,
Caution— Do Do not exceed the safe maximum and check hoses for wear or leaks.
 pressure. If the safety valves are not operating
 properly the blower could be damaged or the Caution— Replace
Replace worn flexible hose
tank could rupture, resulting in potentially immediately. A blown hose can ruin a job and
severe or fatal injury.   possibly cause personal
personal injury. 
Caution— Do not use safety valves for routine On trucks with combination dust collectors

venting. Use them only often enough to be sure (cyclone-plus-

 bottom dust pandustbag), remove
after each and
job. To
job. empty bag
increase the
they are working properly. The more the valves
are opened, the more likely they are to leak.  life and improve operation, periodically brush
materials from the inside of the bag.

12 • 14 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Trucks with cyclone dust-collectors should be collection chamber. Cement tends to build up in
serviced after each job. Open the dump valve the throat and close off the flow area.
and empty the dust chamber. If necessary, “rod
out” the throat of the cyclone. The throat is the
small end of the top where dust enters the

Unit C Quiz

Fill in the blanks with one or more words to check your progress in Unit C.
1.  The 400 ft3 pneumatic truck can either _________________
_________________ discharge to bulk storage units or
discharge ____________
____________ to pumping equipment
equipment during a job.

2.  MAWP stands

stands for _______________
_______________ __________________
__________________ ________________
________________ ___________

3.  How fast can the Model 660 pneumatic cementing trailer deliver cement to a field storage bin?

4.  What is the maximum allowable tandem axle weight for trucks in most areas of the United States?

5.  Pressurizing a tank above the MAWP could result in ___________________________________


6.  If you find a pressure vessel defect, what should you do?__________
12 • 15 Cementing 1

Bulk Cement Storage and Handling

Answers to Unit Quizzes

Items from Unit A Quiz Refer to

1. bulk 12-4
2. pneumatic 12-4
3. dry materials 12-4
4. cone-shaped, weighed 12-5
5. overhead receiver, blending 12-5
6. complete 12-5
7. bulk 12-5
8. weighing, 0.5 lb 12-5

Items from Unit B Quiz Refer to

1. manual, automatic, one gallon 12-7
2. at any point 12-7
3. loading line 12-7

Items from Unit C Quiz Refer to

1. pneumatically, directly 12-9
2. maximum allowable working 12-9
3. 35 sacks per minute 12-11
4. 34,000 lb 12-12
5. violent tank rupture or a pressure 12-12
6. Immediately report it to a 12-14
maintenance or safety supervisor

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