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Dietary Supplements, Isotretinoin,

and Liver Toxicity in Adolescents:

A Retrospective Case Series
Cynthia Marie Carver DeKlotz, MD,​a Keith D. Roby, MD,​b Sheila Fallon Friedlander, MDb

Isotretinoin is the most effective acne therapy available, but has the abstract
potential for a number of adverse side effects, including transaminitis. The
iPLEDGE isotretinoin program recommends avoiding some herbals and
supplements due to potential side effects. However, little is known about the
effects of protein supplements on the liver, particularly in patients taking
isotretinoin. We designed a retrospective chart review to evaluate the
symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of patients on or preparing to
take isotretinoin therapy who were concurrently ingesting protein or herbal aMedStar Washington Hospital Center/Georgetown
University Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia;
supplementation and who developed transaminitis. In 100% (8/8) of cases, and bUniversity of California, San Diego/Rady Children’s
dietary supplementation was determined to be at least a possible cause of Hospital, San Diego, California
elevated liver transaminases. In 75% (6/8) of cases, dietary supplement Dr DeKlotz conceptualized and designed the study,
appears to be the most likely cause at some point in their evaluation. coordinated and supervised data collection, and
Most of our patients’ elevations in aspartate aminotransferase and/or critically reviewed and revised the manuscript;
Dr Roby carried out the initial analyses, drafted
alanine aminotransferase were likely caused by supplementation with the initial manuscript, and reviewed and revised
protein, creatine, or herbal extracts, rather than prescribed isotretinoin the manuscript; Dr Friedlander conceptualized
or tetracycline antibiotics for acne. Hence, dietary supplementation may and designed the study, coordinated and
supervised data collection, and critically reviewed
cause liver function abnormalities. As supplement usage appears common
the manuscript; and all authors approved the
in teenagers, clinicians should consider counseling their patients to avoid final manuscript as submitted and agree to be
these products, particularly when prescribing known hepatotoxic drugs. accountable for all aspects of the work.
DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2015-​2940
Accepted for publication Feb 3, 2017

Acne vulgaris affects most individuals Our study objective was to Address correspondence to Cynthia Marie Carver
DeKlotz, MD, Department of Dermatology, MedStar
at some point in life, and moderate assess the effects of protein and
Washington Hospital Center/Georgetown University
to severe disease develops in ∼20% herbal supplementation on liver Hospital, 5530 Wisconsin Ave, Ste 730, Chevy Chase,
of adolescents.‍1 Treatments for transaminases in adolescent MD 20815. E-mail:
moderate to severe disease include patients and the effects of combined PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online,
oral antibiotics and oral isotretinoin.‍2 isotretinoin and protein or herbal 1098-4275).
Although effective, isotretinoin is supplementation on the liver via Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of
associated with adverse effects,​‍3 evaluation of AST or ALT. Pediatrics
including elevated aspartate FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have
aminotransferase (AST) and alanine indicated they have no financial relationships
aminotransferase (ALT).‍4,​5 METHODS relevant to this article to disclose.

The iPLEDGE program for isotretinoin A retrospective chart review identified FUNDING: No external funding.
recommends avoiding herbals and 8 adolescent patients with abnormal POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors
supplements‍6 that young athletes use liver function tests obtained as part have indicated they have no potential conflicts of
for supposed health, recovery, and of their isotretinoin treatment plan, interest to disclose.

performance enhancement.‍7–‍ 9‍ The who were concurrently ingesting

safety of these supplements and their supplements. All patients were To cite: DeKlotz CMC, Roby KD, Friedlander SF.
effects on the liver are incompletely seen during a 12-month period at Dietary Supplements, Isotretinoin, and Liver Toxicity
Rady Children’s Hospital–San Diego in Adolescents: A Retrospective Case Series.
understood. Pediatrics. 2017;140(4):e20152940
Outpatient Dermatology office for the

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 4, October 2017:e20152940 Case Report
TABLE 1 Association of Supplements with Transaminitis and continue isotretinoin at the
Case Age, Sex Elevated Liver Cumulative Dose of Likely Cause of Elevated Liver previously prescribed dosage of 20
No. Transaminase(s), Isotretinoin at Time Transaminase(s) mg daily. After 3 months, his ALT
IU/L of Elevated ALT or AST, normalized to 44 IU/L. Because his
ALT improved after stopping protein
Supplements most likely caused transaminitis supplements despite continuing
1 17, boy ALT 57 13.1 Protein supplements
isotretinoin, the likely cause of
AST 37
2 15, boy ALT 55 94.5 Protein and muscle-building elevated liver transaminase is protein
AST 49 supplements and energy drinks supplements.
3 16, boy ALT 50 N/A Initially: protein supplements,
creatine supplements, Case 2
minocycline, and/or viral illness
A 15-year-old boy with normal
AST 29 Later causes: protein and/or
creatine supplements baseline AST and ALT of 30 IU/L,
4 17, boy ALT 40 N/A Green tea supplements while on a stable dosage of 60 mg
AST 140 per day isotretinoin, presented with
5 16, girl ALT 27 N/A Protein supplements a rise in AST to 49 IU/L and ALT to
AST 74
55 IU/L. The only reported change
6 15, boy ALT 36 92 Initially: protein supplements
AST 187 Later causes: protein supplements before the elevated AST and ALT
and/or illness was the use of dietary supplements.
Supplements possibly caused or contributed to transaminitis The patient had been weight training
7 16, boy ALT 34 114.4 Creatine supplements and/or daily and supplementing with protein
AST 65 isotretinoin
and muscle-building supplements
8 16, boy ALT 56 40.7 Protein supplementation and/or
AST 41 isotretinoin and energy drinks. He was instructed
N/A, not applicable.
to continue isotretinoin but stop
all protein supplements and limit
weight training. Instead, the patient
treatment of acne vulgaris. Charts therapy. Each of these patients
discontinued isotretinoin but
for patients who consumed protein admitted to concurrently ingesting
continued protein supplements and
or herbal supplementation and protein, creatine, or herbal
intense exercise; months later, his
manifested abnormal liver function supplementation (‍Table 1). Patients
transaminases remained elevated
tests, defined as AST >32 IU/L and/ were asked about alcohol use (all
at AST 45 IU/L and ALT 48 IU/L.
or ALT >46 IU/L, noted as part of denied), recent illness, and exercise
Because the patient had discontinued
regular patient care for isotretinoin level to exclude common causes of
isotretinoin but continued
screening or monitoring, were transient transaminitis. Patients
protein supplementation, dietary
reviewed. Serial laboratory results, were instructed to discontinue all
supplements appear the likely cause
interventions, and treatments supplements and, in some cases, oral
of elevated liver transaminases.
were reviewed and assessed with isotretinoin. At follow-up, 87.5%
no specific exclusion criteria. The (7/8) had normalization of liver Case 3
aims of this study were to assess transaminase levels. One remaining
A 16-year-old male football player
the effects of protein and herbal patient refused to discontinue
on 100 mg minocycline presented
supplementation on the liver via protein supplementation, and
with an elevated ALT to 50 IU/L
AST and ALT blood levels and to continued to exhibit mildly elevated
noted on pre-isotretinoin evaluation.
determine the effects of combined transaminase levels.
He admitted taking concurrent
isotretinoin and protein or herbal
Cases in Which Supplements Most protein and creatine supplements
supplementation on the liver via
Likely Caused Transaminitis and reported a recent mild illness.
AST and ALT blood levels. Approval
He was instructed to discontinue
for the study was obtained from the Case 1
minocycline and all supplements; he
University of California, San Diego,
A 17-year-old healthy boy with started isotretinoin 40 mg per day.
Institutional Review Board.
normal baseline transaminases Two weeks later, his ALT decreased
(ALT = 22 IU/L, AST = 28 IU/L) had to 44 IU/L; however, he admitted
an elevated ALT 57 IU/L 1 month after to still taking protein. One month
initiating isotretinoin therapy, and later, off both protein and creatine
Eight patients manifested shortly after starting protein shake supplements, his ALT improved
transaminitis either just before or supplements. He was advised to to 39 IU/L; the patient continued
during the course of isotretinoin stop supplemental protein intake isotretinoin. Later in the treatment

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2 DeKlotz et al
course, while continuing isotretinoin was subsequently treated with AST to 65 IU/L despite continuing
at 40 mg per day but increasing isotretinoin 40 mg per day and the same dosage of isotretinoin.
consumption of protein, his ALT urged to avoid protein supplements. However, he did admit to recently
increased to 44 IU/L. On follow-up, AST on follow-up ranged from 27 using daily creatine supplements.
while continuing isotretinoin but IU/L to 37 IU/L. The most likely He was instructed to stop
eating a balanced diet and avoiding cause of elevated AST was protein isotretinoin and discontinue creatine
protein supplements, his ALT supplementation. supplements. Two weeks later, after
decreased to 33 IU/L. Minocycline stopping both, his AST decreased
and/or viral illness cannot be Case 6 to 23 IU/L. He did not reinstitute
excluded as contributing to or A 15-year-old boy with a previous isotretinoin therapy. The only
causing the initially elevated ALT; AST of 35 IU/L on 20 mg per day reported change in risk factors before
however, subsequent significant isotretinoin presented with an the elevated AST was creatine intake,
improvement in his liver function AST of 116 IU/L while taking daily a likely cause of AST elevation;
tests occurred despite continued protein shakes. Two weeks later, however, isotretinoin cannot be ruled
isotretinoin therapy and only after after discontinuing supplementation, out as a contributing factor.
discontinuing his supplements. his AST normalized to 30 IU/L.
Therefore, the latter elevations are Case 8
Subsequently, while on a stable
most likely due to protein and/or dosage of 30 mg per day isotretinoin, A 16-year-old boy taking 40 mg per
creatine intake. the AST increased to 187 IU/L. The day isotretinoin (increased 1 month
patient at this point admitted to previously from 30 mg per day)
Case 4 and daily dietary protein had an
reinstituting daily protein shakes
A 17-year-old boy taking plus 3 hours daily weight training elevation of ALT to 56 IU/L. He was
minocycline 100 mg per day was and endorsed a recent illness. He was instructed to stop both isotretinoin
found on prescreening isotretinoin instructed to hold isotretinoin and all and protein supplements. Four
laboratories to have an elevated protein supplements and limit weight weeks after stopping both, his ALT
ALT 40 IU/L and AST 140 IU/L. training to 1 hour daily. Although the improved to 39 IU/L. Consequently,
He acknowledged taking green tea patient did not limit weightlifting as the cause of transient elevation
supplements up to 7 glasses per day. recommended, he did stop taking could be isotretinoin and/or protein
His AST decreased to 60 IU/L 2.5 protein supplements and 15 days supplementation.
weeks after cessation of green tea, later, his AST decreased to 29 IU/L. A
but continuing minocycline therapy, month later, he restarted isotretinoin,
and further decreased to 14 IU/L 2 DISCUSSION
continued working out, but refrained
months later after discontinuation from protein supplements. His AST We initially chose to investigate
of both green tea and minocycline. ranged from 38 to 43 IU/L during the possible association of protein
He began isotretinoin 20 mg per day, remaining treatment. The initially supplements with transaminitis
and 1 month later, his AST and ALT elevated AST of 116 IU/L appears when several patients in our practice
were both 12 IU/L. As laboratories secondary to protein supplements, were noted to have elevated liver
dramatically and quickly improved and the subsequently elevated AST function tests while on supplements,
after discontinuing green tea alone of 187 IU/L appears secondary to either with concurrent isotretinoin
but continuing minocycline, green tea protein supplements and/or illness; therapy, or on baseline laboratory
supplements appear the most likely isotretinoin is an unlikely cause. evaluation before instituting
cause of transaminase elevation. isotretinoin therapy. By using chart
Cases in Which Supplements review, 8 adolescent patients with
Case 5 elevated liver transaminase levels
Possibly Caused or Contributed to
A 16-year-old female competitive Transaminitis were identified who admitted
swimmer on doxycycline was found to taking protein, creatine, or
Case 7
to have an AST of 74 IU/L and ALT of herbal supplementation while
27 IU/L on pre-isotretinoin screening A 16-year-old male baseball player concomitantly taking or preparing
laboratories. She acknowledged with baseline AST 35 IU/L had been to initiate isotretinoin therapy.
taking large amounts of supplemental tolerating isotretinoin treatment In all cases in which dietary
protein shakes and bars. Two well for months and had a normal supplementation was discontinued,
months after stopping all protein AST 28 IU/L while on a stable dosage elevated liver transaminases were
supplements but still continuing of isotretinoin 60 mg per day. One reversible. In 100% of cases, dietary
doxycycline and vigorous exercise, month after that normal laboratory supplementation appears a possible
her AST decreased to 44 IU/L. She test, he presented with an elevated cause of elevated liver transaminases.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 4, October 2017 3
In 75% of patients (cases 1–6), to our knowledge, this is the patients are concurrently taking
dietary supplement appears the first case series to address the isotretinoin and undergoing monthly
most likely cause at some point in relationship between protein/ liver function evaluation to rule
the course. In the remaining 2 cases creatine supplements and elevated out toxicity from that drug. In our
(7 and 8), concurrent isotretinoin hepatic transaminases. Two previous study, elevations in AST and/or ALT,
precluded categorizing the etiology case reports have described acute likely caused by supplementation
of their findings with the same liver injury subsequent to protein with protein, creatine, or herbal
certainty; however, we believe in supplemental intake, one with a extracts rather than prescribed
these cases as well, supplements mixed cholestatic and hepatocellular isotretinoin or tetracycline for
played a contributing or primary role. injury while taking whey protein, acne, appeared to be reversible in
Patients were not prohibited from creatine, and amino acid,​‍19 and the vast majority of patients. We
exercising; however, their exercise the other with cholestatic liver cannot eliminate the possibility that
status could not uniformly be injury with minimally elevated exercise or illness were contributing
confirmed. It is therefore impossible transaminases due to whey protein factors, and a larger prospective
to rule out exercise, or even alcohol and creatine supplements.20 Our controlled study is required to
consumption, which they did not findings are consistent with these 2 confirm these findings. However, in
admit to, as a confounding factor, previous reports and add increased the interim, it would be prudent to
but it does appear that protein evidence to support the association specifically ask all patients who will
supplements play a distinct role. between protein supplements and be undergoing isotretinoin therapy
Tetracyclines have been reported to elevated hepatic transaminases. This if they are taking supplements, and
cause elevated liver transaminases.‍10,​11
‍ retrospective study, however, has counsel them that this might lead
Three patients in our study some limitations, including a limited to laboratory abnormalities that
(cases 3–5) had improvement of number of patients. Also, although could preclude or modify continuing
liver enzymes after cessation of there was no known contributing therapy. As protein, creatine, and
supplements while either continuing past medical history in our patients, herbal supplement ingestion appears
antibiotic treatment or initiating we cannot rule out other potential to be increasing in teenagers, and
isotretinoin therapy. Derangement causes of asymptomatic elevations many patients do not consider
in liver enzymes, therefore, appears in liver enzymes, such as vigorous them “drugs,​” it is important to
likely a result of dietary supplements, exercise,​‍21 viral illness, tetracycline consider counseling patients to
not antibiotic hepatotoxicity. use, alcohol use (although denied by avoid these products, particularly
This does not, however, eliminate our patients), or fatty liver disease.‍22 when prescribing drugs with known
the possibility of antibiotics, This study was unable to identify potential for hepatotoxicity.
supplements, and/or viral illness all patients taking protein, creatine,
contributing to these abnormalities. or other herbal supplementation
A patient taking minocycline (case 4) in our patient population, thus Abbreviations
presented with significantly precluding the ability to determine
AST: aspartate aminotransferase
elevated liver enzymes while an exact incidence of liver toxicity
ALT: alanine aminotransferase
taking an herbal green tea extract. in that population overall. The
There are several reports of green presence of several risk factors (eg,
tea extract, as well as other over- supplements in the presence of viral
the-counter herbal supplements, illness and/or isotretinoin therapy)
leading to hepatotoxicity.‍12,​13
‍ This may be required for liver enzyme REFERENCES
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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number 4, October 2017 5
Dietary Supplements, Isotretinoin, and Liver Toxicity in Adolescents: A
Retrospective Case Series
Cynthia Marie Carver DeKlotz, Keith D. Roby and Sheila Fallon Friedlander
Pediatrics originally published online September 1, 2017;

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Dietary Supplements, Isotretinoin, and Liver Toxicity in Adolescents: A
Retrospective Case Series
Cynthia Marie Carver DeKlotz, Keith D. Roby and Sheila Fallon Friedlander
Pediatrics originally published online September 1, 2017;

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since 1948. Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by
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by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1073-0397.

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