The Aim of This Paper Is To Discuss From The Pesrpective of Narrative Voice in Parable of The Sower and Leila

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The aim of this paper is to discuss from the perspective of narrative voice in

Parable of the Sower and Leila. However, it is relevant to present an overview

of the two textual works.
A future is presented In "Parable of the Sower," Octavia Butler where society
has completely collapsed because of environmental degradation and economic
inequality. Lauren Olamina, the protagonist, develops her own belief system
called "Earthseed" and tries to create a new future by escaping the limitations of
Earth. In this context, space concept is not just limited to physical outer space,
but also represents a state of liberation and opportunity. She believes that
colonizing other planets, humanity can escape the political and social caos on
Earth and find salvation in new environments.
In "Leila" by Prayaag Akbar, the plot develops around Shalini, a mother in a
dystopian India where a Hindu supremacist regime has taken control. The
whole story is an opportinuty to reflect the dangers around religious and political
issues, as well as the struggle for individual freedom. Shalini misses her
daughter, Leila, who was taken away from her what represents the hope of a
better life and the search for space, physical and metaphorical, where they both
can be safe and find justice. The story is a critique that makes us to reflect
about the politics of identity, caste, and authoritarian rule, demonstrating how
the space people occupy within society is intimately bound with political power

In both texts, the authors uses many textual strategies to envolve the readers
and make them to feel empathy for the protagonists.
In the novel "Parable of the Sower", by Octavia Butler, the narrative voice is in
the first-person, the angle of the protagonist Lauren Olamina. Considering the
story is part of a journal, as readers, we can access all her secrets as her
thoughts, beliefs, and struggles. This configuration of the narrative, including the
description of the brutality, allows the readers to have the perception of the hard
reality of the dystopian world through Lauren eyes, what create dramaticity.
Lauren experiences a bunch of dangerous and challenging situations of pain
and fear, showing us a violent and disordered world.
“Leila” by Prayaag Akbar also uses the first-person perspective. The narrative
voice of the text switches among different characters and timelines, creating
multiple angles of the story. The voice is descriptive, building images in the
reader’s minds with vivid details of the settings, emotions, and actions of the
characters. Including situations of discrimination, violence, and injustice that
Shalini faces throughout her life. What is an interesting strategy of the autor is
the use of flashbacks, offering the readers an opportunity to see the whole
situation in a panoramic view. We can say that the voice is also omniscient,
allowing us to know the characters thoughts. During the reading, the reader can
raise larger questions about identity, belonging and political violence in India,
what makes us feel a higly reflective narrative.
To sum up, in both these novels, the issues approached is a metaphorical
representation of liberation, escape, and hope. The authors write situations of
the protagonists’ suffering to envolve and engage the readers in the Lauren and
Shalini’s struggles. They both, throught description of opression and control,
make the readers feel empathy and think, reflect and want to fight and change
those situations. In general, both texts use narrative voice to take readers into
the world of the story and to create proximity with the characters. It is a way to
challenge oppressive political systems and envision alternative futures. Raising
these themes encourages readers to contemplate the relationship between
power, politics, and the human desire for freedom, justice, and a better society.

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