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20CYS111, Digital Signal Processing

Jul 08, 2023, 1400 to 1530


General Instructions
A. Mark allocation is given against each question.
B. Exam will last 75 minutes. You can ask up to 15 minutes extra.
C. Do the following questions:
a. 1,2
b. 3, 4, 5
c. 6, 7
d. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
e. 14

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20CYS111, Digital Signal Processing
Jul 08, 2023, 1400 to 1530
1. For the single-period box function,
A. write its equation [ 5 m a r k s ]
B. Draw the box function [ 5 m a r k s ]

C. Derive its frequency domain representation using 𝐹(𝜔)= ∫−∞ 𝑓(𝑡) 𝑒 −𝑗2𝜋𝜔𝑡 𝑑𝑡. If it can
be represented as a sinc function then do that and show the steps. [ 5 m a r k s ]
D. What is the energy of the signal. [ 5 m a r k s ]
E. Pulse shaping converts a sine to a square wave
in the time domain. Both have peak amplitude
of 1. Is the amplitude transformation linear
or non-linear? Justify your answer.
[5 marks]

2. What are the three parameters of a signal that may be varied by a filter? [ 5 m a r k s ]

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20CYS111, Digital Signal Processing
Jul 08, 2023, 1400 to 1530
3. In the circuit below assume that battery that
delivers voltage 𝐺(𝑡) is attached to the leftmost
part of the circuit.
A. Find the transfer function, i.e., 𝐻(𝜔) for the
circuit. You may use the differentiation
property: ℑ [ 𝑑𝑡 ] = 𝑗𝜔𝑍(𝜔) [ 1 0 m a r k s ]
B. If 𝑅1 = 100𝑘Ω and 𝑅2 = 400𝑘Ω and capacitor is 300 picofarad then compute the
output voltage and output power as a fraction of input voltage and power at 20 KHz.
[10 marks]

4. Which statement(s) is/are true about the output of a linear filter? [ 5 m a r k s ]

A. Spectral density in the stopband is zero
B. Spectral density in the passband is zero
C. Phase shift in all bands must be zero
D. Phase shift in all bands must be independent of the band frequency
E. Output signal must neither be attenuated nor be amplified
F. All FIR filters are linear filters

5. Pulse shaping converts a sine to a square wave in

the time domain. Both have peak amplitude of 1.
Does the frequency content of the signal change?
Justify your answer. [ 5 m a r k s ]

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20CYS111, Digital Signal Processing
Jul 08, 2023, 1400 to 1530
1 1−𝑧 −1
6. Convert analog bandpass filter 𝐻𝑎 (𝑠) = 9+(𝑠+0.1)2 to an IIR filter. Use s = . Obtain
the expression. Then assess if the denominator have real roots at 𝑇 = 0.5𝑠𝑒𝑐?
[15 marks]

7. The time domain representation of Blackman window for constructing FIR filter is:
2𝜋𝑛 4𝜋𝑛 1−𝛼 1 𝛼
𝑤(𝑛) = 𝑎0 − 𝑎1 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( 𝑁
)+ 𝑎2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( 𝑁
) where 𝑎0 = ; 𝑎1 = 2; 𝑎2 = and,
2 2

time domain representation for rectangular window is: 𝑤(𝑛) = 1.

The peak side lobe for the former is -57 dB and that for the latter is -13 dB.
Answer the following questions using this information:
A. Which filter will you use if filter cost is not an issue. Why? [ 5 m a r k s ]
B. How many decibels is the peak sidelobe ratio of Blackman to Rectangular window?
[5 marks]
C. From the perspective of phase distortions they introduce, would you prefer Blackman
window over Rectangular window for designing FIR filters? [ 5 m a r k s ]

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20CYS111, Digital Signal Processing
Jul 08, 2023, 1400 to 1530
8. Real filters do NOT completely block all frequencies in the stopband. [ 5 m a r k s ]
Consider filters 𝑿 & 𝒀. 𝑿 is an FIR filter and 𝒀 is an IIR filter.
Assume the energy in the stopband for the two filters is identical.
𝒀 severely distorts frequencies in the stopband though introduces only tolerable distortion
in the passband.
Will you prefer 𝑿 or 𝒀? State your reason.

9. Using the exponential representation, express ℎ𝑒 (𝑛) in terms of |ℎ(𝑛)|, ℎ(𝑛) & ℎ(−𝑛).
[5 marks]

10. Write ℎ(𝑛) as the sum of its odd and even components. [ 5 m a r k s ]

11. In filter design, one of the goals is to make sure that the main
lobe coincides with the central frequency of the desired filter.
This is illustrated in the figure.
For Blackwell filter, peak sidelobe is -43 dB in voltage space.
Compute the ratio of main lobe voltage to total voltage.
[5 marks]

12. Does Gaussian filter suffer from more ringing than an FIR filter designed using Hamming
window? Justify your answer. [ 5 m a r k s ]

13. Filter 𝑨 has -10 dB peak sidelobe. Filter 𝑩 has -30 dB peak sidelobe.
The transition width of main lobe of filter 𝑨 is 2x of the passband bandwidth.
The transition width of main lobe of filter 𝑩 is 0.25x of the passband bandwidth.
Which filter would you prefer? Why? [ 5 m a r k s ]

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20CYS111, Digital Signal Processing
Jul 08, 2023, 1400 to 1530
14. Butterworth filter is defined by the equation.
Here 𝑛 is the filter order. When 𝑛 is high,
does it behave closer to an idealized filter or
a Gaussian filter? [ 5 m a r k s ]

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