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SALES REPORT AS FROM 22/05/2023 TO 26/05/2023
DATE : 28/05/2023

Part 1A, Primary Schools.

1. Huruma Primary School

I met the deputy headteacher Mrs. Serem
I delivered booklist which we distributed among 2000 pupils together with class

2. Amos Juniour School

I met the headteacher, Mr.Robert
Tel: 0712841095.
Headteacher confirmed to me that they will visit our stand on 2/06/2023 and do
some purchases.

3. Rehema west Academy

I met the headteacher, Mr.Charles
Tel: 0727512942
Headteacher confirmed to me that they will visit our stand on 31/05/2023
during bookfair.
4. Ansaru DinSchool
I met headteacher Madam Lillian
School to visit our stand on 1/6/2023 and 3/632023 respectively.

5. University of Eldoret High School.

I met the school principal Mr.Masinde .
Tel: 0711431437
School to visit our stand on 2/6/2023 and do some purchases.

6. Greenvale Academy.
I met deputy headteacher Mr.Mulonga.
Tel – 0724203669
School to visit our stand on 1/6/2023 and do some purchases

7. University of Eldoret Primary

I met headteacher Mr. Meli Gilbert.
Tel – 0722909136
I delivered booklist which headteacher distributed among pupils.

8. Kidiwa Primary School

I met headteacher Mr. Oliech.
Tel – 0797537385
Headteacher highly appreciated Moran publishers for donating books to his
school. He assured me that he will send his pupils on 2/6/2023 to our stand.

9. Tom and Jerry ECDE

I met the headteacher madam Noleka.
Tel –0710722823651
Headteacher confirmed to me that they will visit our stand on 2/6/2023 morning.
10. Olive school
I met deputy headteacher mr. W.K
Tel – 0721157239
Deputy headteacher confirmed to me that that they will visit our stand on 4/6/2023.

11. Kimalel primary school

I met deputy headteacher Madam Grace,,
Tel: 0726423509
Deputy headteacher happily received donation and assured that they will be present
on our stand to do some purchases.

12. Arya Primary

I met headteacher Mr. Kakusha,
I delivered booklist which was given to pupils, headt6eacher will decide when to visit
our stand later.

13. Eldoret union primary

I met the deputy headteacher Mr. Wekesa
Tel: 0723752984
Mr.Wekesa gave out our booklist to pupils and will communicate when they will visit
our stand later.

14. IVC School

I met the deputy headteacher Mr. Ochieng
Tel: 0791840885
I delivered booklist which Mr.Ochieng gave out to pupils from PP1 to grade 6.
Part 1B; Challenges

Part 1 C; Planned way forward

Next week, I will be attending regional bookfair (Uasin Gishu).

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