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A To Z Directory


1. Gift Of Legacy (GL) (Page 2 - 6)
2. The Gift Of Legacy Ethos (Page 7 - 8)
3. GL Disclaimer (Page 9)
4. Registration Steps (Page 10)
5. How to Join the Board and make your First Gift (Page 11 – 13)
6. How to generate an invite link (Page 14 – 15)
7. Gifting Guidelines – Timing & FAQ’s (Page 16 – 21)
8. How GL Works (Page 22 – 32)
9. Board Splitting at 4 (Page 33)
10. Trickle Up (Page 34)
11. Quit Feature (Page 35 – 36)
12. Back Office Orientation & 4 steps In Learning (Pg 37 - 39)
13. What The Icons And Colours Mean (Page 40)
14. Understanding Board Placement (Page 41)
15. How To Stimulate “Slow” Boards (Page 42 - 43)
16. Your Roles As You Move Through The Boards (Page 44 – 53)
17. The AIDA System - Getting Started With A Bang (Page 54 – 61)
18. Your First Year In A Gifting Community (Page 62 – 73)
19. Handling Objections (Page 74 – 86)
20. Gifting Gateways / Payment Portals (Page 87 – 92)
21. Guidelines (Page 93 – 95)
22. Terms of Participation (Page 96 – 103)
23. Privacy Policy (Page 104 – 114)
24. Why GL Is NOT A Pyramid or Ponzi Scheme (Page 115 – 122)
25. Lawyers Letter (Page 123 – 126)
26. FSCA Press Release (Page 127)
27. GL Terminology (Page 128)
28. GGM - Gracious Givers Movement (Page 129 – 130)
29. The Hidden Secrets of Money – Mike Maloney (Page 131 – 132)
30. Sacred Economics (Page 133)
31. Self Development Course (Page 134 - 136)
32. Motivation (Page 137)
33. Frequency (Page 138)
1. Gift of Legacy TM

Gift Of Legacy (GL) is a peer-to-peer gifting activity created by and for like-
minded and like-hearted people from around the globe, who share the common
ideal of changing their lives and communities financially by gifting and receiving
across four levels of gifting boards.

While there have been different gifting models over the last 5 decades, the
original gifting model that inspired the development of GL was founded and
licensed in the USA in 2009 and grew to 700,000 participants by 2021. It was
merely a basic website managing the movement of members on boards with a
very simple effective algorithm. The global expansion of the precursor program
was limited as it was designed for USA citizens only.

By August 2021, a community outside of the USA and members of the global
community decided to redesign the portal and launch it Internationally. This
included incorporating updated features and functionality and a more
sophisticated algorithm to maintain and manage active participants’ momentum
on the boards.

On the 10th January 2022, Gift Of Legacy was launched globally. During the first 6
months, the development team made many improvements and upgrades based
upon feedback from the community. These include; Ultra secure website,
Home screen banners, Email Verification, 2FA function, Autojoin, Fast Tracking
option, Board Chat, Board Splitting at 4, GGM (Gracious Givers Movement),
Trickle Up, Quite Button, Timeout, Auto Remove. Unique and First of its kind.

Gift Of Legacy (GL) was born out of love for human-kind, to help empower
people to make an impact in their worlds. GL is not a company, was not created
by one person and is not owned by anyone. It is decentralized and is “by the
people, for the people”.

Gift of Legacy is an unconditional gifting activity between participants - 100%

peer to peer with no third party involved EVER.
1. Gift of Legacy TM


Gift of Legacy is a platform where the participants in the activity are referred to as the
community. The term community is used in this instance as it is based on the mode
of invitation into the platform. As a participant who accepted engagement in the
activity by invitation, you are expected to repeat the invitation and build YOUR
COMMUNITY within this activity.

The program (online platform) itself is NOT A COMMUNITY. The program is merely a
computer system with coding which manages the movements of boards. The
“algorithm” is a random placement of profiles throughout the boards globally (cross
pollination) once a participant goes into the perpetual cycle.

The online platform is a program that was co-created by a group of inspired

visionaries and developers. The contribution of their collective ideas led to the birth
of the Gift of Legacy activity which allows participants to participate using their
creation to build the participants own community which provides a source of financial

The co-creators and developers should at no time be seen as or be confused with

leaders in the community. The positions held by the co-creators and developers will
never be subject to community voting as they are and they fulfil the roles of the
creators. As creators they are involved in the ongoing development of Gift of Legacy.
As this gifting community activity grows it needs innovative minds to make
adjustments as the needs of the community unfold. This creation process is not a
once off stagnant occurrence, but rather a continuous process of integrating the
development process with the needs of the growing and evolving community.

The co-creators and developers will always be the heart of this process.
Leaders on the other hand are those who rise up to the commitment of leading their
communities. They are able to understand the guidelines of the activity and assist
their participants to build their own community within the guidelines of Gift of
Legacy. Leaders can be nominated, voted in and chosen by their relevant
1. Gift of Legacy TM

1. Gift of Legacy TM

1. Gift of Legacy TM

2. The Gift Of Legacy
The Ethos of Gift of Legacy is founded on nurturing
community and creating abundance for all.

All the participants join in

Sowing AND reaping
Giving AND receiving
Blessing someone that you don’t even know
Taking financial control of your life
Helping others succeed in life

Making a difference in lives around the world

2. The Gift Of Legacy
Gift Of Legacy is a Global Gifting Community based upon the principles of a Sacred
Gifting Economy and is shared with others by private invitation only.

Sacred Economics: A NEW ECONOMIC PARADIGM is replacing outdated traditional

structures that no longer serve society. It is time to join together to THRIVE and
not merely SURVIVE. It is a New Mindset of Community & Unity.
We are moving from:

Consumption to Contribution
Transaction to Trust
Scarcity to Abundance
Isolation to Community

A Perpetual Gifting Economy: Uplifting Communities and Yourself – Creating

Wealth Together.

This community is sustained by peer to peer, heart to heart Gifting. It is a New

Paradigm, a sacred gifting economy that humanity is co-creating. Moving away
from the fear based “system” of greed, control and corruption…with financial
abundance in the hands of the few – to love based system of community, support
and service to ALL, placing energy in the form of money into the hands of the
conscious action takers.
3. GL Disclaimer
It is important to understand there are no guarantees. This is true to life. What
you put in is in direct proportion to what you get out. Participate in your own

The success or failure of any participant will depend on your willingness to

participate and follow the guidelines of Gift Of Legacy.

Gift Of Legacy is NOT an investment whatsoever. It in an unconditional Gifting

ACTIVITY. A participant needs to PARTICIPATE in this activity to experience the
blessing of sending and receiving gifts.

It remains an individual participants responsibility to ensure compliance with the

tax laws in your country.

Gift Of Legacy operates without third party affiliation / ownership or partnership.

If you are joining Gift Of Legacy via a third party or part of a package you do so at
your own risk. Don’t spread yourself too thin by taking out too many positions.
Remember, each profile needs 2 people to follow the lineage for a solid structure.

Gift Of Legacy is 100% peer to peer and no funds ever get paid to the platform.
Gifts are ALWAYS given to the Gift Of Legacy participants and only gifted to the
Legend when landing in their board.

No promoting on Social Media is Permitted.

No Cross Recruiting of GL participants to join other programs
No Filling of Spaces – Active Participants Only
Be the Messenger, not the Message. Let the presenters explain for you (Zooms)
Attend regular LIVE PRESENTATIONS and watch recordings
Extensive TRAINING is available on the GL YouTube channel

Conflict Resolution: From time to time, participants within the GL community do

not always see eye to eye based upon different opinions and perceptions. The
Core team cannot get involved in every personal personality clash. Participants
need to have patience and empathy with one another. Just be kind.
4. Registration Steps

1. Paste your unique referral link into
browser to open registration window

2. Fill in your Personal Information

3. Select your country code, then enter

your cell phone number

4. Click to display the Password you create

Use 8 Letters & Numbers
& Characters

5. Click to Select

6. Take a screenshot before continuing!

7. Click SIGN UP to complete the process. ONLY Click ONCE

8. You will be redirected to the login page

9. *** You will be sent an email verification email to the one used in this
registration. YOU MUST click on the link in the email to complete your
registration and be able to login *** This needs to be done within an hour ***
5. How to Join Board
& Make Your first Gift

1. Login to your
personal profile

2. Click on JOIN to be placed on a $100 board


5. How to Join Board
& Make Your first Gift
3. Click on View to open the board

4. Click on Legend to view their contact information

5. How to Join Board
& Make Your first Gift
5. Reach out to the Legend immediately once you JOIN a board to
arrange gifting*
Op9onal Template Message From GiAer (REWRITE THIS AND MAKE IT YOUR OWN)
“Hi there! I am a Giler on your (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Plamnum) board. I am
from_______ (your country), and I have PayPal, Airtm, World Remit, Western
Union and Crypto. Where are you from and how would you like to receive
your gil? ☺ ”

6. Discuss with the Legend how you

will send the gift. Send Legend proof
of Gift sent. They will confirm you
onto the board as soon as the Gift is
reflected on their side.
Is perfect for translating to communicate
with participants who speak other languages!

If you are NOT ready to gift the Legend on your board, do not join a

Only a LEGEND can remove the GIFTER from the board. If a GIFTER has
asked the LEGEND to remove them from the same board THREE times,
they will then be moved to the oldest board in Gift Of Legacy (Cross
Pollination) and will not follow their inviter anymore. So please make
sure you are ready to gift before joining a board.
6. Generate invite link


1. Login to your
personal profile

2. Click on the 3 lines to open side menu

6. Generate invite link

C. Click on 1st icon to generate your personal

Single Use registration link

D. Click on 2nd icon to copy registration link

E. Share your personal registration link with ONE invitee

OR use the link to register on their behalf.
7. Gi*ing Guidelines & FAQ’s
1. When I am a Legend on the board, how many unconditional gifts can I keep, and
how many do I need to hold back in the first cycle through the board's vs in the
perpetual cycles?

As a Legend on the $100 Bronze board, you keep $300 of your $800 in unconditional gifts. $400
must be held back to advance and place yourself as a Gifter on a $400 Silver board. Also, $100 must
be held back to re-enter and place yourself as a Gifter on a new $100 Bronze Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on the $400 Silver board, you keep $1,200 of your $3,200 in unconditional gifts. $1,600
must be held to advance and place yourself as a Gifter on the $1,600 Gold board. Also, $400 must
be held back to re-enter and place yourself as a Gifter on a new $400 Silver Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on the $1,600 Gold Board, you keep $6,200 of your $12,800 in unconditional gifts. Hold
back $5,000 to place yourself as a Gifter on the $5,000 Platinum board. Also, $1,600 must be held
back to re-enter and place yourself on a Gifter on a new $1,600 Gold Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on the $5,000 Platinum Board, you keep $35,000 of your $40,000 in unconditional gifts.
When you have received all 8 gifts from the Gifters on your board, your First Cycle is now
complete. $5,000 must be held to re-enter and place yourself as a Gifter on a new $5,000 Platinum
Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on your $100 Bronze Perpetual board, you keep $700 of your $800 in unconditional
gifts. $100 must be held back to re-enter and place yourself as a Gifter on a new $100 Bronze
Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on the $400 Silver Perpetual board, you keep $2,800 of your $3,200 in unconditional
gifts. $400 must be held back to re-enter and place yourself as a Gifter on a new $400 Silver
Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on the $1,600 Gold Perpetual board, you keep $11,200 of your $12,800 in
unconditional gifts. $1,600 must be held back for your placement as a Gifter on a “new” $1,600
Gold Perpetual board cycle.

As a Legend on the $5,000 Platinum Perpetual board, you keep $35,000 of your $40,000 in
unconditional gifts. $5,000 must be held back to re-enter and place yourself as a Gifter on the
$5,000 Platinum Perpetual board cycle.
7. Gifting Guidelines & FAQ’s
2. As a Legend on my board, how do I confirm the unconditional gifts
that I receive?
a) Check that the giA has been received in your account with the payment gateway you and
your GiAer have agreed to use. Due to differences in banking systems and internaDonal
residences of parDcipants you may need to check daily unDl all 8 giAs are received.

3. Should I confirm the receipt of the unconditional gift as soon as it is

received or is there a waiting period to make sure the funds have
a) When making the gifting arrangements, it is advisable to request that the Gifter take a
screenshot as proof of gift sent to make it quicker for the Legend to spot the gift on their
side and confirm receipt thereof.

b) Should this process not have been carried out, it will be at the discretion of the Legend as
to whether they would like to confirm the gift on receipt of the proof of payment, or if
they would like to wait for the funds to reflect in their account.

4. What should I do when I have received proof of Gifting from a Gifter?

a) Check that the gift has been received in your payment gateway. When is has, login to
your member Dashboard. View the board the Gifter is on. Click on the Gifter’s Username
in the position they hold. A box will pop up with the option to REMOVE or CONFIRM the
Gifter. Click on the Green CONFIRM button.

5. Why should I click on the CONFIRM button once I have received proof of the
Gift from a Gifter?
A. Clicking the CONFIRM button will ensure that the Gifter position is official in the system
and will not be able to be removed, so make sure you either know the Gifter and trust
them to gift or wait until the gift is confirmed in your gateway.

6. What do I do when 48 hours has past, and the Gifter has not Gifted me?
a) You need to reach out to the Guide and Builder (likely their inviter) on the board
to assist you in communicating with the Gifter.
7. Gifting Guidelines & FAQ’s

7. Must I remove a Gifter if they have not Gifted me after 48 hours?

a) The Legend may remove Gifters at their discretion after 6 hours if they have not made
contact. Please reach out to the Gifter. DO not wait for them to contact you. If the
Gifter has made contact, they should gift within 48 hours.
b) Remember ‘life happens’ and events may be preventing the Gifter temporarily from
sending their gift to you. Treat them as you would wish to be treated as a member of this

8. As Legend, how long do I have to respond to the GiAer?

a) 48 hours

9. Do I have to receive gifts in Crypto Currency?

a) It is the Gifter’s responsibility to contact the Legend and to ask them how they would like
to receive their unconditional gift. Because GL is a global gifting activity, we recommend
exchanging all unconditional gifts through conventional transfer services like PayPal,
Airtm, World Remit, Western Union and Revolut, or via Cryptocurrency. If you find
yourself gifting to someone who resides in the same country, you will also be able to
arrange for a direct bank transfer. Services such as which is a PayPal service
available in some countries enables bank transfers at a significantly reduced cost.
b) The use of alternative currencies is entirely the choice of BOTH the Legend and the Gifter.
Alternative currencies may be an option when receiving large unconditional gifts. This is
an individual choice based on your financial and investment understanding and
objectives. Some basic training around this topic will be offered on the website, as well as
in workshops.

10. What are the tax laws regarding the unconditional gifts I will be
receiving as a Legend in GL?
a) GL is a global gifting activity. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and to comply
with the gifting tax laws in your country, state, province, jurisdiction, etc.
b) If you have any questions or concerns, contact your tax advisor, accountant and/or
financial advisor.
7. Gifting Guidelines & FAQ’s
1. Is there a video on Gifting that I can watch?

2. I am a Gifter on my board. I live in a different country to the Legend. How do I

send them my unconditional gift?
A. It is your responsibility as the Gifter on your board to contact the Legend and to ask them
how they would like to receive their unconditional gift. Because GL is a global gifting
activity, we recommend exchanging all unconditional gifts through transfer services like
PayPal, Airtm, World Remit, Western Union and Revolut, or via Cryptocurrency. If you find
yourself gifting to someone who resides in the same country, you will be able to arrange for
a direct bank transfer.

3. I have giAed the Legend on my board, but my username is s9ll in red. Why
haven't they confirmed the receipt of my uncondi9onal giA?
A. Keep in mind that some participants are in different time zones, so we ask that you give
your Legend a minimum of 12 hours to confirm your unconditional gift. If you are still not
sure that it has been received, reach out to your Legend to ensure that they have received
your unconditional gift. Make sure to take a screenshot of your gift for your records. Also,
refresh your browser from time to time.
B. If a gift has been made and received and the Legend is not confirming you on the board for
a prolonged period, reach out to them through all their contact pathways. If they do not
respond or confirm you on the board submit a request for assistance to Support and follow
the steps in the email you receive.

4. Why are there Gifters whose usernames are already highlighted in white on
my initial $100 Bronze Board?
A. These are people who have already completed and have received all 8 gifts as the
Legend on their initial $100 Bronze Board. The algorithm will at times place someone
back as a Gifter on the board that they just completed as a Legend on the other
hemisphere in order to facilitate the movement and completion of that board. This may
be your initial $100 Bronze Board, but this is now the former Legend’s perpetual $100
Bronze Board.
7. Gifting Guidelines & FAQ’s

1. Do both sides of the board have to be filled with Gifters whose gifts are
confirmed for the board to split/spin?
a) NO – The board splits when 4 Gifters are confirmed. That Guide will then become Legend.
b) The board will spin/close for that current Legend once all 8 Gifters are confirmed though.
2. Will the $100 gift value fluctuate with the dollar value, or will there be a set
value that is gifted in each currency?
a) Gifts are calculated according to the USD$ exchange rate for the day.
b) If the Gifter and Legend reside in the same country, they can agree to exchange gifts
in their own currency.

3. What happens when a Gifter fails to gift the Legend?

a) The giving and receiving process and requirements are not cast in stone as this is a
process that allows for an agreement to be reached between the two parties. This may
include identifying ‘least cost’ pathways for each party.
b) If a Gifter fails to send their unconditional gift to the Legend within the recommended
period, and all reasonable communication attempts have failed, the Legend will be
allowed to remove the Gifter from the board by using the REMOVE button that pops
up when clicking on the Gifters Username on the board.
c) Please be mindful that there may be a delay in the actual successful receipt of gifts
depending upon the transfer option agreed upon by the Legend and the Gifter. Every
Gifter should send proof of the transaction to the Legend and gifts should be made in
‘real-time’ for immediate clearance where possible.
d) In the case of extra costs being charged for the clearance of funds it is required that
these costs be carried by the Gifter.

4. What do I do to report an unresponsive account?

a) Submit the following informaDon for our Volunteer Support team to assist you:
UNRESPONSIVE ACCOUNTS 1. Username 2. Full name 3. Email 4. Mobile number
7. Gifting Guidelines & FAQ’s
5. I am a Legend on a $100 Bronze Board. One of the Gifters has already given me
their unconditional gift and I have confirmed them on the board. They have
changed their mind about being a participant in GL and would like their
unconditional gift back. If I give them their unconditional gift back, can I remove
them from the board?
a) Once an unconditional gift has been given by the Gifter and the Legend has
confirmed them, they cannot be removed from the board. A participant may not
request that a confirmed gift be returned.
b) In a case such as this, the Builder who invited the Gifter should reach out to assist
with the education of the Gifter as this may be required and helpful in their
choosing to continue their participation. Assistance may also be requested from the
Guide on the board.
c) Alternatively, another person can assume ownership of the Gifter’s profile. The
Gifter would update all the Personal Information and Login password in the
members profile AND may elect to pay the $100 amount of the initial gift to the
original Gifter. This is a private matter between the two individuals, but the Gifter
will need to contact Support (on homepage) to arrange change of details.

6. Do I have to continue to participate and to give these unconditional gifts again

and again on all four perpetual boards, or can I stop participating at any time?
a) This is a voluntary gifting activity which is designed for everyone to continue to
participate in giving and receiving on all four boards. If you choose to stop
participating for any reason, you will be responsible for handing your member
account over to someone else who would like to participate in the GL gifting activity.
b) If you are personally unable to hand the member account over to someone else, it is
important to contact GL Support who will assist with alternative arrangements.
c) Quit Button is available for Builders and Guides who wish to stop participating.

7. What are the tax laws regarding the uncondi9onal giAs I will be sending
and receiving in GL?
a) GL is a global gifting activity. It is your responsibility to educate yourself and to comply
with the gifting tax laws in your country, state, province, jurisdiction, etc.
b) If you have any questions or concerns, contact your tax advisor, accountant and/or
financial advisor.
8. How GL Works

A snapshot of the JOURNEY

We all have the same DESTINATION point in mind when joining Gift Of Legacy - to cycle
through all 4 of the boards and receive 8 x Gifts on the Platinum board. Every single
person has the same opportunity to achieve this. However, each person’s Journey will
be different. Some people will get there faster and others will get there slower. Why?
This is an ACTIVITY! The more effort you put in, the faster your Journey will be. Secret
No 1: Only share GL with like-minded and like-hearted people who will share the
message. Secret No 2: Do NOT register “Space Fillers” just to fill the board. This will
stop your Journey in its tracks!!! Secret No 3: Be aware of “Activity vs Productivity”.
You have all the tools at your disposal, do not spend hours and hours re-creating the
wheel. Use the many tool at hand. This Journey is all about DUPLICATION (this is key).
Secret No 4: KISS (Keep It Super Simple”…do not overcomplicate the simple process.

Recap of the EPIC figures:

Board 1: $300 In Your Pocket

Receive Gils - $800 – Hold back $400 for next board & $100 for perpetual board

Board 2: $1 200 In Your Pocket

Receive Gils - $3200 – Hold back $1600 for next board & $400 for perpetual board

Board 3: $6 200 In Your Pocket

Receive Gils - $12 8000 – Hold back $5000 for next board & $1600 for perpetual board

Board 4: $35 000 In Your Pocket

Receive Gils - $40 000 – Only hold back $5000 for perpetual board

TOTAL: $42 700 at the end of round 1 and $49 700 ongoing (Perpetual Rounds)


8. How GL Works

Learn About Gift Of Legacy


Join $100 Board

Arrange Gift Between Gifter and Legend

Invite minimum of 2 to Join

Set Up AddiOonal GiPing Gateways

Confirm Gift On Board As A Legend

Continue Sharing!

KISS – Keep It Super Simple

8. How GL Works

1. How can I join?

A. All participation in Gift of Legacy is by private invitation only. Registration is done via a
one-time-use referral link provided to you by your inviter.
B. Click on the referral link that was shared with you by the person who invited you to
participate in this gifting activity.
Enter the required information in the registration window and click on submit.
C. Use the information you submitted to login to the members dashboard.
D. Once you have your gifting pathway’s set up, click on the “Join” button on the $100
E. Click on the “View” button which now appears. The board will display your position in
the Gifter row with a red label indicating it is time to contact the Legend on the board
to arrange to send your gift to them.
F. You are now in Gift of Legacy!

2. How Much money do I need to join?

A. You need $100 that you gift to another person out of your pocket, only once.

3. Is there an age restriction for someone to be able to join?

A. Gifters need to be responsible participants and for this reason it is preferable that
participant are at least 18 years or older. It is however acceptable for a responsible
person to manage the position of someone who is not able to do so themselves for
whatever reason.
B. The person responsible will then assume all the duties and commitments that are
required from the participant.

4. Can one register a company or a charitable group or organization such as

a church?
A. Yes, ONLY so long as the person responsible for the management of the position
assumes responsibility and meets all the requirements of maintaining the activity.

Pg 26
8. How GL Works
5. I have registered to par9cipate in GL and have logged in for the first
9me. I see that I am invited to become a new GiAer on a $100 Bronze
Board. What is my next step and where do I send my giA?
a) Welcome! Once you have completed your registration and log into your personal
profile, you will click on the button to JOIN your first $100 board. Once joined, click
the VIEW button to view your first Bronze board.
b) It is your responsibility as a new participant to contact the Legend on the board as
soon as you JOIN a board. The maximum time allowed to make contact is 12 hours.
You will find the Legend’s contact details on your board by clicking on the circle in
the centre of the board. When you click on a participant’s circle, an INFO BOX will
pop up with the LEGEND’s first and last names, cell phone number, email address
and username.
c) Send an email or Telegram/WhatsApp message to your Legend to introduce yourself
as a new Gifter on their board and ask them how they would like to receive their
unconditional gift.
d) For example: “Hello (Legend), my name is (full name), username (xxx). I am Gifter
number (X) on your $100 Bronze board. I am in (country), and I have (payment
options, for example Wise and crypto). How would you like to receive your gift? I am
happy to be joining you in this exciting gifting activity! (name)”
e) When your Legend responds with their gifting instructions, send their gift
immediately. Take a screenshot of the receipt that the gift has been sent, both for
your records and to send in an email or message to the Legend. Once the Legend
received your gift in their gateway, they will confirm your placement on the board.

6. How do I communicate with the Legend on my board?

a) Every board has a CHAT feature. Click to enter the board, read the instructions and
messages, and communicate with the Legend and others on the board.
b) When you join a board as a Gifter click on the Legend position at the centre of the
board. The Legend’s Username, Given names, contact number and email address will
all be visible to you.
c) The Legend will also be able to view your contact details as well as the rest of the
Gifters on the board. They may contact you if they don’t hear from you within 12
hours of the board. They may remove you if they don’t hear from you within 24 hours
or if they attempt to reach you by your email and it comes back ‘undeliverable.’
d) As a community, in addition to the board CHAT feature, we use WhatsApp, Telegram
or Email to contact the Legend.
8. How GL Works
7. What happens if I have not invited two people to participate in
the GL? What does it mean to be ‘Sidelined’?
a) If you have not invited and registered 2 invitees to participate by the time you receive
your 8th gift on the Bronze board, your profile will be SIDELINED. This means that you
will not be able to advance to the Silver board or enter your Bronze Perpetual cycle.
ALL activity on your profile will be paused but profile remains open allowing you time
to register two invitees with your unique invitation link and have them confirmed by
the Legend onto a board.
b) Once you have successfully invited 2 people to GL, you will be able to advance onto all
four of the boards in the first cycle and will also have access to all your perpetual
board cycles.
c) SPECIAL NOTE: In the event of being sidelined, you should still hold back $500 of the 8
gifts you received on the Bronze board, so that once you have your 2 invitees, you can
re-enter the boards by gifting $400 to the Legend on a Silver board and $100 for the
Bronze Perpetual board cycle.

8. What are the roles and responsibili9es in each of the four posi9ons:
GiAer, Builder, Guide and Legend?
Contact the Legend on the board where you have JOINED as a Gifter immediately and
arrange to send the unconditional gift, based on where you and Legend agree for the
gift to be sent.
Participate in GL training and attend presentations.
This is the single most important position to build your
community from. When invitees join the board while you
are a Builder, they will follow you onto the same board.
Invite at least 2 like-minded and like-hearted people to
participate in Gift of Legacy.
Participate in GL live zooms presentations and trainings and
encourage your invitees to do the same.
Guides support the Builders and the newly invited Gifters.
Establish communication among the people on your board, encouraging everyone to work
together as a community to fill the boards so they move faster.
8. How GL Works
Respond within 24 hours to the GiAers that are placed
on your board.
Graciously communicate your preferred giAing gateway
with your GiAers.
If a GiAer has not contacted you within 12-48 hours
from when they are placed on your board and you’ve
made numerous aqempts to contact them, remove

them by clicking on REMOVE in their informaDon box.
Confirm GiAers on your board when their uncondiDonal
giA has been received in your payment gateway.
Communicate, encourage, and upliA all the parDcipants
on your board.

(Please note: a Legend MAY NOT remove a Gifter after the Gifter has provided proof of the
gift. Attempting to do this will be seen as misconduct.)

9. I am a Legend on my GL board. How will I know when there is a new

Gifter that has been placed on my board?
a) Log into your profile daily. When a Gifter lands on your board, you will be notified
by a bell icon on the board that they have landed on.

10. I am a Legend on my board, and I have seen the bell notification on my

profile that a Gifter has landed on my board. What should I do next?
a) The Gifter must contact you immediately after being placed on your board. However,
should this not happen within 24 hours, you have the choice of REMOVING them. Please
ensure you have evidence of trying to contact them. You can also send a welcome
message to the Gifter, such as: “ Hi Sam, Welcome to the $__ board! I am Mary
(USERNAME), the Legend on the board. I am excited to have you join us. In the interest
of a swift and abundant journey, here are my preferred gifting methods. Please feel free
to reach out and connect if you have any questions”.
8. How GL Works
11. How does the Perpetual cycle occur on boards?
a) This is an automatic process that happens after confirmation of the 8th gift and
the board splits. You will then have the option to re-enter a board to the value of
the board you were on by clicking the JOIN button on the dashboard. You will
then be placed on a board and will have entered your perpetual cycle. But,
before you can join the perpetual board, you will have to be confirmed on the
higher board first.

12. When do I proceed to the next board after I have received all 8 my Gifts?
a) The system will automatically offer you the option to advance by clicking on a
JOIN button on each board that you are eligible to enter.

13. How fast do the boards move?

a) From the position of Gifter to the receiving position of Legend - How quickly you
move on your journey is dependent upon how quickly you invite your two people and
show them how to do the same by inviting their two people. It is a minimum
requirement for every participant to invite two people in order to advance, but we are
not limited to only two.
b) From board to board - The speed at which the boards move in the first cycle and all
your perpetual cycles is dependent on how quickly you and the other participants on
your original $100 Bronze board take to invite their two people. Filling the initial $100
Bronze board is what fuels all board movement.
c) GL is designed to vary who is gifting who among the new participants and the existing
participants through cross-pollination. Please join us for GL presentation and training
calls to gain more insight into this unique, fail-safe algorithm.

14. Does it matter where I’m placed on a board when I join a board?
a) It really does not matter where or on which board you get placed on, because your
success is achieved purely from the people you are inviting to join you, and not at
all from the people you join.
b) Watch the entire explanation here
8. How GL Works
15. I would like to accelerate my journey on the boards by self-funding my giAs.
If I decide to Fast Track, then complete my 9me as Legend on the lower-
level board, will I end up with more than one posi9on on the same level
a) From any position you are in, if you would like to Fast Track, any participant may do
this at any time. Watch this clip Presentation & Fast Tracking:

16. I am on my first $100 Bronze Board, and I would like to Fast Track myself onto
the $400 board. Can I do this before I receive all 8 of my unconditional gifts as
the Legend on this board?
a) Active Verified profiles may elect to move onto the higher-level boards more quickly.
b) 2 confirmed invitees on $100 board – unlocks the $400 board
1. Confirmed $400 gift – unlocks the $1600 board
2. Confirmed $1600 gift – unlocks the $5000 board
c) This process of jumping ahead is referred to as Fast Tracking
d) You can Fast Track from any position on any board
e) Only jump if you are ready to make your gift immediately. You must contact the Legend
on the higher board to arrange gifting

17. If I have Fast Tracked to the $400 board, will I remain on the $100 board?
a) Yes, you will remain on a $100 board cycle. Once your original $100 Bronze board
retires you will only re-enter and go into your Perpetual board cycle and will not need
to advance to the $400 Silver board, as you will already be placed there.

8. How GL Works
18. How can I see another boards timestamp?
Timestamp is not visible to members. There is no specific period because the
timestamp is compared across all boards globally. It is a moving target.

19. How does cross pollination work in GL?

Watch clip:

20. How does cross pollination work with perpetual boards?

a) On perpetual boards, cross pollination will take effect. You may land on the same or
different board as your invitees.

21. Will I receive some "spill over" from perpetual boards?

a) A Legend who graduated from their $100 board may also land on their invitee’s
board in the spirit of supporting board movement. It will always depend upon
availability for placement at the time they click to Join the board.
b) This is NOT Multilevel marketing! Enjoy the journey wherever you and your invitees

22. I am confused about the board placements, please help?

Please watch the below video to learn about the Algorithms and board Placement including
explanation of how to follow your Inviter:

23. Who manages the GL website and the giAing ac9vi9es of the par9cipants?
A. The GL gifting activities are not managed by any one individual or group of individuals.
What makes GL so simple are the intelligent computer algorithms (rules) that
automatically place the participants on the boards to direct the flow of the gifting
activity throughout the GL community, treating all participants alike.
8. How GL Works
24. How do I update my Personal Info (contact details, username, email,
phone number, password) on the website?

a) To update your contact details and username, log into your profile at with your username and password. Once logged in,
go to the ‘Personal Info’ tab at the top of the page. When all your contact details
are updated, click ‘Save’ in the upper section (not below the passwords). A green
banner will pop up at the bottom of your screen to notify you that your contact
details have been updated successfully.
b) To update your password, go below the personal info section to ‘Change
Password’. Enter your current password and your new password. Confirm your
new password and click ‘Save’. A green banner will pop up at the bottom of your
screen to notify you that your password has been updated successfully.

25. What do I do if I have forgotten my password for my GL account?

a) At there is a ‘Forgot Password’ link below the login
area. Enter your email address and click ‘Send Request’. A reset email will be sent
to you from ‘Gift of Legacy Accounts’ to the email address you entered in your
Personal Information. Open the email and click on the link that was sent in order
to reset your password. Please note, it is case sensitive.
b) Check your email provider’s spam folder or junk folder if you do not find it in your
email inbox.

26. I just registered. Do I immediately JOIN the $100 Bronze board?

a) If you have set up various gifting gateways for yourself, so you’ll be ready to gift,
you can get started by clicking to JOIN a board.
b) After you click JOIN, wait 2 seconds, then click VIEW. Click on your USERNAME to
check your details. Then click the LEGENDS’s USERNAME to get their details.
c) It is your responsibility to IMMEDIATELY contact the Legend on your board. Every
time you join, every board.
8. How GL Works
27. How do I clear my cache?
A. On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More . Click More tools. Clear
browsing data. At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time.
Next to "Cookies and other site data" and "Cached images and files," check the boxes.
Click Clear data.

28. What do I do when I want to go on vaca9on without technology?

A. If you are about to Join a board as a Gifter, wait until you return from vacation.
B. If you are a Legend on a board, or likely to become one while you are away, create an
email auto-reply message to let the people on your board know you are not ignoring
them, and that you will reply when you have access to technology.
C. It’s a great idea to have a trusted person as back-up with your login who can assist you
by confirming gifts.

29. What do I do if I’ll be unable to check in and confirm people on my board?

A. We suggest you leave the login information with someone you trust who can act on
your behalf.
9. Boards SpliCng at 4
Boards “Splitting at 4” is a GAME CHANGER
which is one of the features that makes Gift
Of Legacy Unique. Previously, the boards
only spun once all 8 Gifters were confirmed
on the board. If one hemisphere was moving
fast and the other side moving slowly, the
slow side would hold the fast side back. Now
with the board splitting at 4, there will be no
blockage on momentum.

Once the one hemisphere has split,

the side that spun will show “grey”
on the board. This means the
guide has moved to legend and the
builders have moved to guides in
their own right. When they log
into their profile, they will see the
board differently (no grey side).

BOARD SPLITTING AT 4: Activation & Discussion

Chris & Candz -12 July 2022


Chris & Candz - 6 July 2022
10. Trickle Up
Benefits of the Trickle Up function:

The Trickle Up function works HAND IN HAND WITH the QUIT feature.

The trickle up function will serve to fill up the empty spaces on boards where
participants have exited from the activity.
This combination gives participants the opportunity to exit the activity if it is not
for them and they no longer wish to participate.
It removes unmotivated and negative participants.
It allows like minded and like hearted participants to engage with each other.
It increases the motivation and morale of the remaining participants as they are all
interested in participating.
It moves engaged participants into previously inactive boards.
It increases the movement on the boards and stimulates the flow of abundance.
It allows for the removal of misaligned participants who do not respect the

Announced: Trickle Up & Self Remove Button

Candz, Chris, Hercules & Valissa - 19 August 2022
11. Quit Feature
QUITTING the Gift of Legacy ACTIVITY

The new function of “deleting YOURSELF” is actually a function to allow you to

QUIT TOTALLY from GL and LEAVE the gifting platform FOR GOOD. Should you
will use this function. It is therefore required that ALL POSITIONS ON YOUR

This new option that allows participants to EXIT the PLATFORM and NO LONGER
ENGAGE IN THE ACTIVITY AT ALL was introduced in order to allow unwilling
participants to EXIT the activity for good, as leaving a non-participating profile on
the boards results in many dead spots across the platform therefore negatively
affecting the flow of abundance.
The inclusion of this function DOES NOT AFFECT the functioning of the
ALGORITHM in any way.
Additional code in the algorithm will now ensure that once a participant bids us
farewell and EXITS the activity, their spot will be filled by the trickle up function.
11. Quit Feature
Quitting GL:

This new feature will be of great benefit to GL participants in that:

It gives participants the opportunity to exit the activity if it is not for them and
they no longer wish to participate.
It removes unmotivated and negative participants.
It allows like minded and like hearted participants to engage with each other.
It increases the motivation and morale of the remaining participants as they are all
interested in participating.
It moves engaged participants into dead spots.
It increases the movement on the boards and stimulates the flow of abundance.

The optional QUIT from GIFT OF LEGACY combined with the trickle up feature
gives participants autonomy and control over their decision to QUIT and LEAVE the
gifting activity should they wish to do so.
This is a first in gifting platforms and should be seen as a feature which increases
the options of engagement that are available to the participants and therefore
supports an individual's free will to participate or not.
12. Back Office Orientation
(The Dashboard)

Click to Login/out

Click to go to Telegram group

Click to view and change Profile Information

Click to open
account status Click for Academy and Resources

Click for Dashboard View

for Help

Click to join & view Click to join & view Click to join & view Click to join & view
$100 board $400 board $1600 board $5000 board
12. Back Office Orientation
(The Dashboard)


Profile username

Profile verification status

Highest board level of profile

Confirmed gifts received

Confirmed invitees

Click to get a copy of the created link to use it

Click to create single use referral link

12. Back Office Orientation
(The Dashboard)

Learning anything new in life can be overwhelming. Learning the basics are vital for
your success. Be patient with yourself and your invitees. Below are the 4 steps in
1. Unconsciously Incompetent (When you start something new, you don't know that you
don't know what you are doing. Ignorant bliss.)
2. Consciously Incompetent (You are still new, but now you know that you don't know
what you are doing. Scary place.)
3. Consciously Competent (You have been in it for a while, now you know what you are
doing, but still need to be consciously aware of what you are doing. Comfortable
4. Unconsciously Competent (You have been doing it for over 6 months, you are
confident and what you are doing becomes second nature. Break through place.)
13. What the Colours
& Icons means
I noticed that the participants’ usernames on my board are different colors. What
do the different colors mean? What do the colors and icons on the boards mean?

a) A new Gifter whose username is in red means that they have not yet gifted the Legend
and their participation on the board has not yet been confirmed.

b) A participant whose username is in yellow means that they are the participant who
has logged in and is looking at their own board.

c) A participant whose username is in black means that they have gifted the Legend on
the board and have been confirmed.

d) The surrounding ring indicates whether there are no invitees (white), 1 invitee (1/2
ring is bronze) or 2 invitees (full ring)
14. Understanding
Board Placement
How do the Algorithms work?

How Board Placement Works (8 Minutes)
15. How To Stimulate
“Slow” Boards
The only INFLUENCE you have on a Bronze board is from your position
and the direct people you register into GL. The rest of the board
members have their own strategies.

A member has no control of the higher boards (Silver, Gold, Platinum)

and the Perpetual board cycle.

Build from where you are at on the Bronze board.

Stimulate Slow Boards: Work the Engine Room

Candz & Chris
15. How To Stimulate
“Slow” Boards

● The movement through your initial $100 board is subject to how quickly the 8
Gifters are invited and registered, receive board placement, gift to you as the
Legend, and are confirmed.

● The speed at which you move through your initial higher-level boards and all
Perpetual board cycles is dependent on two things:

1) Your previous board must be completed and retired

2) You may Fast Track to higher boards once you have the minimum of 2
confirmed invitees.

● Invitees always follow inviters. So, building your team 2x2x2x2 etc. as per the
guidelines (NO Space Fillers!) will move your higher boards.

Although GL is not a “business”, but if you take it seriously and

treat it like a business, it will look after you for years to come!


1) Register by using your inviter’s Referral Link.

2) “Join” the Bronze board immediately. As soon as you join your first Bronze
board, you are required to make contact with your Legend. If you have not
communicated with your Legend within 48 hours of being placed on a board, you
may be contacted or removed at the Legend’s discretion. You can always join
another board when you are ready.

3) Join Telegram and follow the OFFICIAL GL GROUPS for daily updates.

4) Send an email or message by Telegram / WhatsApp to your Legend, with a

screenshot of your board, saying: “Hi, I am Gifter, “Username” on your Bronze
board. I am in South Africa. I have Wise and PayPal. How would you like to receive
your $100 gift? All the best, Crystal Jones” (Be sure to include your full name and

5) The Legend on the board will then respond: “Thank you so much, Crystal!
Please send it via WISE, as I am in Thailand. As soon as you send me proof of
payment, I will confirm your placement on the board. Please make sure to use your
“USERNAME" as a reference. Thanks again, Richard”


WORLD REMIT REVOLUT OR BANKS CHARGE (think of it as the wrapping paper
and bow of the gift J)

6) Once you have been confirmed on the board, immediately make contact with
your board mates and get the energy flowing into the Gifting Activity.

7) The Legend will only complete their board and advance to the next level, and
for all the other positions to advance up the board, once ALL 8 Gifters have been
confirmed, so it is essential for everyone to work together. Although the boards
split at 4 once the once the two hemisphere is full (See board splitting at 4 page)

The Gifters become Builders. The Builders become Guides. The Guides each
become a Legend on their new board.

8) We recommended you keep up with the weekly zooms, whether watching

live (which is highly recommended) or catching up on the recordings so that you
have answers for questions raised by your invitees.

9) Our minimum requirement for success is to bring the minimum of two like-
minded and like-hearted people to join in the fun. Share with as many people as
possible. Plant those seeds.

10) Share the trailer, not the movie. All you need to do is share your invitation
to join the zoom calls, and experienced presenters will do the rest!


means now you become a Builder


1) Your invitees will register via your unique referral link generated in your online
members area.

2) When your 1st Gifter registers and has been confirmed by the Legend on their
board, your online Profile will show that you only require one more Gifter to
qualify to move to the next round.

3) You will generate a new referral link for EACH person you invite to register.

4) Once your 2nd Gifter is registered and confirmed by the Legend on their board,
the alerts in your online Profile will go away. This also unlocks the bonus feature of
Fast Tracking to the higher boards, if you have the finances available to support
that you are welcome to join them and gift the Legend immediately.

5) Now it’s time to focus on your Gifters and help them with their training, and to
continually invite new Gifters. Let your Gifters know about this A-Z Directory, and
the Academy and Support links inside their portal!


6) Write down a handwritten list and identify people whose lives would be
transformed by participating in Gift of Legacy.

7) Plan to call 2 to 3 people a day to say hello and see what is going on in their

8) Invite your Potentials to join our Zoom calls (Monday to Friday), as well as join
the GL Telegram groups.

9) Make sure you are joining Zoom calls when they are on the call. 1) Follow up
with your invitees to see when they plan to register.



means now you become a Guide


1) As a Guide, be available to support your Builders as they fulfill their invitations
to new Gifters. Answer questions and direct them to all the trainings and materials
and support that have helped you learn the Gift of Legacy Gifting Activity.

Focus your energy on helping them with mindset. The essence of the invitation is
sharing from the heart and building a community of like-minded, like-hearted
people. Share this document with all your people.

2) This is the time to make sure that all other participants on the board are
communicating and working together.

3) You are now also a support to your Legend, who is likely the person who invited
you into this incredible activity of abundance.

4) Continue to invite new Gifters. When they express an interest in participating in

the GL Gifting Activity, invite them to our training Zooms and send them your
referral link.

REMEMBER – In order to Fast Track, you do not need any additional invitees!

Roles cont’d


6) Write down a handwritten list and identify people whose lives would be
transformed by participating in Gift of Legacy.

7) Plan to call 2 to 3 people a day to say hello and see what is going on in their

8) Invite your Potentials to join our Zoom calls (Monday to Friday), as well as join
the GL Community chat on Telegram.

9) Make sure you are joining Zoom calls when they are on the call. 1) Follow up
with your invitees to see when they plan to register.


means you now become a Legend



1) It is the responsibility of all incoming Gifters to connect with you via Telegram /
WhatsApp or email, to ask you for your gifting information. If they do not contact
you within 6 hours of joining your board, contact them via the board Chat feature,
or their email, Telegram / WhatsApp, phone number, found by clicking on their
username on the board. Let them know that they are a new Gifter on your board
and provide them with your gifting information. If they do not respond and make
arrangements with you to send their gift within 48 hours, please remove them
from your board by clicking the “remove” link. They will be able to join a new
board when they are ready.

Only Legends can remove new Gifters from their board. In accordance with the
Gift of Legacy guidelines, the only reason for removal of a Gifter from a board is
for failure to communicate, respond and gift.

2) Share your gifting information with your incoming Gifters and welcome them
via return message and/or email.

Roles cont’d


3) Make sure that your Gifter knows to write their username...OR WITH LOVE
FROM rather than the word ‘gift’ as the reference to their gift. This is important
for tax purposes worldwide.

4) Once you have received proof of the Gift, confirm their placement by clicking
on the participants name on the board. That will bring up their info box, that will
allow you to CONFIRM, and a popup window to complete the confirmation. Then
let them know their placement is confirmed on the board.

5) It is very important that you make sure to thank your Gifter and wish them
well on their journey.

6) Once you have confirmed 4 Gifters on the same side, the board will spin,
creating a new board, where the Guide becomes the Legend on their new board
(on that hemisphere – see board splitting at 4 page)

7) YOU as the Legend will only complete your board once ALL 8 Gifters have
been confirmed, so it is essential for everyone to work together.

8) Once all 8 gifts have been confirmed, that board will split into 2 new boards,
and you will be auto joined to a new SILVER $400 board. You will also receive a
place on a $100 perpetual board and become part of the cross-pollination.

9) If you still do not have your 2 invitees when you reach the Legend position,
you will be sidelined. You will still be in the “system”, but just not on the board.
The moment you register your 2 people, you can then advance to the next board
and join the perpetual board.


10) If you are sidelined for not having 2 Gifters, as soon as they have registered
via your referral links in GL and have confirmed gifts, you can get back in the
Gifting Activity where you left off. Join and Gift the Legends on your perpetual
Bronze $100 cycle and Silver $400 board to carry on.

● It is not necessary to invite additional Gifters when you move onto the $400,
$1600, and $5000 boards.

● Technically, the only Gifters you are required to invite, in order to be eligible to
receive gifts when you move into a Legend position, are the initial two Gifters
that you invite onto your first $100 board.

● As you advance on the higher boards, you must still keep sharing GL. The more
Gifters being invited into the community, the quicker the boards move.

● If you invite additional people (each with their own UNIQUE referral link), they
will be placed under your lineage to help you advance quicker.

● So continue to invite friends, colleagues, and loved ones into the GL family via
the GL Community chat on Telegram.


means you are now on Perpetual Cycles

Full video explanation of your Roles & Responsibilities

as you move through the boards:


Roles & Responsibilities as you move through boards

Candz - 26 August 2022


17. The AIDA System





1. Why did you join Gift of Legacy?

• What were your expectations?
• Did you want to supplement your current income?
• Did you need to create a full-time income for your family?
• Have you written down what you want to achieve by what date?

2. Make a Name List of 90 Like-Minded people (Do not PRE-JUDGE)

• Start with your contacts on your cell phone.
• The average amount of contacts a person has is 472 people.
• Why 90 names? Psychologically, doing something consistently for 90 times
creates a habit.

3. Contact a minimum of one person on your name list each day (you can
contact more if you want).

Use the AIDA “4 step” easy to follow system (FULL TRAINING LINK BELOW)
17. The AIDA System

Do not try to explain GL over the phone.


Follow the easy 4 Step AIDA System:







Simply send the video links on

17. The AIDA System

10 Jan 2022

Doodly – 6 Min
4 September 2022
Doodly – 3 Min
4 September 2022

When sending one of the clips, add a personal note to get the
person excited to watch the clip:

Eg: “Hi John, I’ve come across something very exciting that I want
to share with you. Have a look at this short clip, and let me know
what you think”
17. The AIDA System


7 Min Clip:

When sending the 7 Min Overview video, add a personal note to

get the person excited to watch the clip:

Eg: “Hi John, As promised, here is a little more info as per the
previous clip I sent you. Have a look at this short 7 Min video and
let me know what you think.”
17. The AIDA System


22 Min Clip:

Then send a link

to a LIVE Zoom

Zoom Link:

YouTube Livestreaming Channel:
17. The AIDA System

Send The GL Website & Your Referral Link

Add your new person to your

Groups (ask their permission first)
17. The AIDA System
Script Templates When Sending Clip Links:

No 1:

“Hi John, I’ve come across something very exciting that I want to share with you. Have
a look at this short clip, and let me know what you think”

No 2:

“Hi John, Just a quick one. Have you ever heard of a Gifting Economy?

No 3:

“Hi John, I don’t know about you, but have you seen how crazy expensive things are
getting lately? Are you currently doing anything to earn extra money?

No 4:

“Hi John, If you had to lose your job tomorrow, do you have a Plan B in place?

No 5:

Hi John, how would you like to get involved in something 100% legal and off the main-
stream system to make extra money?

No 6:

Hi John, did you know the average millionaire has 7 streams of income. Apart from
your current job, what others do you have?

No 7:

Hi John, If I could show you a way to earn a perpetual income in the form of gifts,
would this be something that would interest you?
17. The AIDA System
Once a person has joined, add them
to the following groups / channels
[with their permission]

These are the ONLY 3 OFFICIAL Telegram





18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy

*Although GL is not Network

Marketing, there are certain
Aspects that apply in Gifting

Written in 1998:
Mark & Rene Yarnell

1. Ignoring the Rejection Rocket

2. Avoiding the Management Trap
3. Dodging the Depression Torpedo
4. Blocking the False Expectations Tank
5. Attacking the Warm list Warhead
6. Fending off the Scatter Bomb
7. Eluding the Meeting Mines
8. Unloading the Plug-In Pistol
9. Deflecting the Executive Explosion
18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
1. Ignoring the Rejection Rocket
Make Rejection you ally instead of your enemy

• Rejection by your Spouse

• Rejection by Family & Friends

• Winning the Battle

(Pyramid Scheme Myth)

• Positive Negative (“Higher Authority opinion”)

• Preparing your prospects for rejection

• Call reluctance (WhatsApp today)

• Not Being taken seriously (When new in the system)

• Don’t take rejection personally (Timing)

• Not talking to enough people

• Narrow focus syndrome (Mainstream Conditioning)

• Turning rejection into positive motivation

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
2. Avoiding the Management Trap
Reinforce self-sufficiency rather than dependency

• Sponsoring Family members & building for them

• The Messiah Complex

• Just recruiting a few

• Babysitting the downline (Own business)

• Experience Abroad (Neighbor first)

• The Piano Story (Bad pianist blaming the piano – “industry”)

• The Buy-In (Don’t do everything for the person – Duplicate)

• Just give me your list and I’ll do All the work

• Quit or take it to the Moon! (Speed bumps)

• Be there for your people (Leader)

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
3. Dodging the Depression Torpedo
Maintain enthusiasm in spite of the inevitable setbacks

• Attrition (People losing interest)

• When you’re down, go upline

• Never convey a “down” attitude to your downline

• A case of optimism (Perspective)

• Controlling our attitudes

• No more news (garbage in, garbage out)

• Define your goals (Affirmations)

• Create a positive environment (5 friends)

• Just believe and keep going (No instant gratification)

• Whatever you do, just don’t quit!

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
4. Blocking the False Expectations Tank
Win through integrity rather than exaggeration

• No such thing as get rich quick – Time based

• Balance upside potential with a realistic picture

• Illusion that this system requires no effort

• Unrealistic assumption about the

numbers needed to succeed

• Inaccurate perception about the

time needed to succeed

• Illusion that upline will “do it all for you”

• Clarification of retirement

• Erroneous view that nothing needs to be sold

• Average person not responsive to hype (Be Humble)

• A lot of people all doing a little

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
5. Attacking the Warm list Warhead
Overcome reluctance to offer a quality lifestyle
to family and friends

• Creating a large warm list – Do not pre judge

• Memory jogger

• First warhead – Lack of Conviction

• Second warhead – Lack of Self Esteem

• Third warhead – Fear of Losing Credibility

• Fourth warhead – Embarrassment of Prior Failure

• Fifth warhead – Over Qualifying leads

• Sixth warhead – Conflict of Interest

• Target marketing (Versus shotgun)

• Success is ATTITUTE more than ABILITY

• No need to “Sell” a Gifting Community

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
6. Fending off the Scatter Bomb
Stay focused amidst all the distractions

• Always changing the system (Welcome Improvement)

• Business without blinkers

• The lure of other deals

• Diffusion of other leaders

• The parasite mentor (activity vs productivity)

• Scatter bomb fever

• Lack of Structure

• Going it alone in a team sport

• Distraction caused by personal crisis

• Manage your time

• Follow a System
18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
7. Eluding the Meeting Mines
Avoid the pitfalls of counter-productive presentations

• Product training is NOT necessary


• Meetings to be DUPLICATABLE

• Meeting times & dates (recurring)

• In Persona Hotel meetings

- cannot be duplicated & create dependency

• Part-Time adult day care centre

• The church service

• The deception “secret” meeting

• The office meeting – too busy (distractions)

• The Bar or Restaurant Meeting

• The “other guys place” – Distractions (no control)

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
8. Unloading the Plug-In Pistol
Recruit and train your own people
instead of depending on others

• Plug into Training

• Do your own training (online)

• Keep training simple

• Follow a system (Zooms)

• Getting started properly (AIDA training)

• Activity vs Productivity

• Long distance meetings

• Recruiting Internationally

• Integrity (no poaching)

• Educate yourself
18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
9. Deflecting the Executive Explosion
The upside and downside of executives
joining your business

• Corporate stigma changing

• Challenges – Corporate mind-set

• Traditional business vs Gifting Economy

• Don’t re create the wheel

• Replace hi tech systems with story telling

• Lead by example instead of delegating

• Never over qualify your prospects (never sell to a business card)

• Organisation building vs selling

• Building part-time to become full-time (proper business)

18. Your First Year
In A Gifting Economy
Live recordings of “Your First Year in a Gifting Economy”
By Candz & Chris (over 5 Saturdays)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:
19. Handling Objections
Some people will resonate with
Gift Of Legacy and join
immediately (They just “get it”).

Some people have to process all

the information and have
questions in their heads.

Below are the most common objections:

1. I Don’t Have The Money

2. I Don’t Have The Time
3. Is This A “Pyramid Scheme”?
4. I Need To Speak To My Spouse
5. I Don’t Know Any People
6. I Am Not A Sales Person
7. I Have To Think About It
8. I Already Have A Good Job
9. How Is This Different to MLM?
10. If A Person Says NO
19. Handling Objections
• How many years have you been

• You are __ years old which means

you have __ pay checks left…

• Would you rather work for money?

Is investing in yourself & your
future not important to you? • Do you have a degree/diploma?
How long did it take to get it?
• This program gives you the chance Did you work while studying?
to take responsibility of your life
and get on-top of your finances. • Is your current income increasing
by more than 8% per year? If
• If you lost your job tomorrow, how not, you are behind inflation and
many months can you survive are going backwards!
before you are on the street?
• Your current income depends on
• Have you worked out how much YOU alone. Take YOU out the
money you need per month to picture and the income stops.
survive when retired? You trading time for money.

• Have you ever owned your own • We have all made decisions to
business or explored how much it get us to where we are today.
costs to set up a traditional This program can give you the
business? opportunity to play “catch up”.

• If you don’t have $100 to invest

in your future, you will be in the
same place 10 years from now –
that is unfortunately reality!
19. Handling Objections
• Do you earn money while you sleep?

• How many hours a day do you work at

your current job?

• You are in an “uncomfortable comfort

zone” – JOB (Just Over Broke).

• When does your boss let you go on

How many days leave do you get?

• If you need an emergency holiday for 2

• A 9-5 job is modern day slavery. Your
months, will you still get paid?
life is dictated by another human
• You can build this program around because they pay you just enough to
YOUR life. Build it while you are out and survive.
• Put in some work now and this
• You don’t have time to build financial program will grow while you are
security that will serve you for the rest doing other things – that’s the power
of your life? of exponential leverage.

• If you put in only 15 mins a day over

• If you don’t put in the TIME into your
job, you don’t get paid. You are trading the next 90 days, you can build a
time for money. business that will look after you for
the rest of your life.
• How many hours does it take to get to
• If you are still in a 9-5 job, your days
work in the morning and back home in
the afternoon? are numbered. The corporate
structures as we know are crumbling
• This program moves you from in-front of our eyes.
“Employee” to “Business Owner”
your TIME!
19. Handling Objections
• A brand new person can earn more
than existing members.

• A Gifting Economy does not

discriminate because of your age,
race, qualifications or gender. A FAIR

• No commissions are paid by

recruiting people. People who come
into the system after you can
overtake you also.

• In your JOB (Just Over Broke), does

your boss earn more than you? And
your bosses boss?
• What other system can give the
• Gifting Economies have been around ordinary “man in the street” an
since the late 1960’s. They are 100% opportunity to earn enough to
legal. make an impact in the community.

• Every structure in life is shaped like a • See pages 121 – 128 explaining
pyramid. Companies, Churches, the difference between a Ponzi
Governments, Families, Banks, scheme, Pyramid scheme, Stokfel,
Schools, Hospitals, etc. MLM (multi level marketing &
Gifting Communities.
• Humanity has been conditioned
through the ages to “get good grades, • See pages 129 – 132, a lawyers
get a good job and retire financially letter explaining the legalities of
free”- Robert Kiyosaki Gift Of Legacy.

19. Handling Objections
TIP: To avoid this objection, when
inviting prospects to watch a Zoom Call,
try and get both partners to watch it

To try explain this 45 minute

presentation in a few sentences is a
recipe for disaster. In the real world, we
know this is not always possible. So
below are some points to get over this

• Great idea, then you can do the activity together!

• Why don’t you get him/her onto the next Zoom Call and let us do the
work for you.

• Fantastic, you can invite him/her and receive double! But, ONLY when
you are LEGEND first!

• Great! This can benefit you both. Let’s all get onto a Zoom Call: I can
show you together how to get the life you want.

• That’s great, you wouldn’t want to speak to your spouse if you were not
interested…right? Let’s all meet together on Zoom!

• In this activity, couples usually make the strongest teams. We definitely

need to make sure your spouse is on the same page.


19. Handling Objections
How Many Contacts Do You Have On .
Your Cell Phone?

World wide average: 472 CONTACTS

Use this list to jog your memory. We all

know at least 2 people

1. Mother
2. Father
3. Siblings 35. Mobile Contacts 67. Life Coach
4. Mother-in-law 36. Email Contacts 68. Hospital Staff
5. Father-in-law 37. Facebook Contacts 69. Painter70. Handyman
6. Aunts 38. Instagram Contacts 71. Massage Therapist
7. Uncles 39. LinkedIn Contacts 72. Beauty Therapist
8. Cousins 40. Twitter Contacts 73. Optometrist
9. Nieces 41. Doctor 74. Podiatrist
10. Nephews 42. Dentist 75. Nail Technician
11. Children 43. Homeopath 76. Gardener
12. Grandparents 44. Physiotherapist 77. Web Designer
13. Friends 45. Nurse 78. Music Teacher
14. Neighbours 46. Minister/Pastor 79. Social Worker
15. Colleagues 47. Church Friends 80. Tailor81. Baker
16. School friends 48. Police 82. Butcher
17. University friends 49. Security Guards 83. Seamstress
18. Past Colleagues 50. Policeman 84. Fireman
19. Sport Friends 51. Veterinarian 85. Ballet Teacher
20. Hobby Friends 52. Pet Groomer 86. Drama Teacher
21. Hairdresser 53. School Parents 87. Dancing Teacher
22. Receptionist 54. Mailman 88. Soccer Coach
23. Banker 55. Courier people 89. Hockey Coach
24. Insurance Broker 56. Car Salesman 90. Tennis Coach
25. Accountant 57. Mechanic 91. Rugby Coach
26. Personal Trainer 58. Petrol Attendants 92. Gymnastics Teacher
27. Teachers 59. Tellers 93. Plumber
28. Coaches 60. Estate Agent 94. Electrician
29. Lawyer 61. Gym Members 95. Pool Service
30. Pharmacist 62. Golf Club Members 96. Appliance Service
31. Uber Drivers 63. Florist 97. Computer Service
32. Housekeeper 64. Jeweller 98. Au pair service
33. Waiters 65. Psychologist 99. Garden Service
34. Bar Tenders 66. Psychiatrist 100. Cinema Attendants
19. Handling Objections
Have you ever been to a restaurant where the food was outstanding, the service
was impeccable and ambiance was just perfect? When you experience
something good, your instinct is to share your good experience with other

You are unconsciously the “silent salesman”. Does the restaurant pay you for
referring your friends to go eat there? No! We don’t “sell” to people we know,
we simply “share” something good.


• We are simply messengers of hope.

• This activity is about educating people.

• This activity is about helping people change their lives for the better!

• Then you’re going to love this! This activity is not about selling, it is about sharing.

• If you help enough people get what they want, you will automatically get what you

• If you give a person a fish, you feed him for a day. If you give him a fishing rod and
teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime!

• Rule 1 – your delivery is everything! The more authentic and passionate you are, the
more people buy into YOU. Practice, visualise and make sure you believe in and love
what you are sharing with others!
19. Handling Objections

When a prospect says: “I have to think about it”, they are thinking
3 things:
1. I don’t have the money
2. I don’t see the value
3. I don’t see the urgency

Ask them the following questions:

• What questions do you still have?

• Would you like to watch another Zoom Call?

• What do you need to know if this is right for you?

• Can I book a private Zoom Call with a leader to answer your questions?

• I love to learn and improve, what specifically is holding you back from deciding
on this today?

• I understand that you’re not quite ready to decide on this. Out of curiosity,
what factors do you still need to consider?

• Obviously there is something that either doesn’t make sense to you, or you
need to check on something. What do I need to do right now that will make
this work for you?
19. Handling Objections
At the beginning of 2019, the world
changed dramatically and will never be the
same again.

We will never go back to the “old normal”.

We need to have a paradigm shift and do

things differently to survive in this “new
normal”. The corporate structures as we
know them are
collapsing before our eyes. (no matter the
size or age).

Don’t wait until your back is against

the wall – get working on Your 2nd stream
of income ASAP!!

• Would you like to build a “Plan B” now in case one day you didn’t have a good

• Ask your person a couple of questions – if they answer NO to these questions,

then you have a serious person to work with.
- Do you truly love your job?
- Do you always want to work for a boss?
- Are you satisfied with your current salary?
- Do you see yourself in this job until you retire?
- Are you happy with the amount of leave you get?

• If you were given 1 month to live, would you honestly want to spend the next 9
hours a day in an office?

• Did you know that more and more professionals (like doctors, lawyers, dentists,
etc..) are participating in Gifting Economies?
19. Handling Objections
It is said that major life changing opportunities only cross a persons path 3 times
in their life.

Sometimes we are so caught up in “life” that we often miss these opportunities

right in-front of our noses.

GIFT OF LEGACY – Key points:

• Only $100 – ONCE OFF

• Unique “Cross-Pollination”

• A Truly PASSIVE income

• Peer to Peer direct gifting

• No company, broker or trader

• A Back Office to manage the boards

• Created out of love for the community

• The power of GL is in the perpetual boards

• Gifting Communities have been around for decades

• There are millions of people involved in Gifting Communities globally

• Don’t let the simplicity of this system make you think “this is too good
to be true”


19. Handling Objections
• No just means “Not Right Now”

• Don’t take it personally

– they are not saying no to YOU

• If they say NO, don’t make

assumptions in your head

• They may just be:

- Overwhelmed at work
- Processing a shock or trauma
- Putting some boundaries in place
- Dealing with an illness
- Prioritising family
- Distracted by an unexpected life change
- Tired of having to put on a happy face
- Needing some silence and space

• YOUR Fear of Rejection. Don’t fear NO. Fear being in the exact same place this
time next year.

• It’s all about TIMING. People’s circumstances are like seasons, they usually
change every 90 days.

• You cannot force someone to comprehend a message they are not ready to
receive. Still, never underestimate “the power of planting a seed” – just keep
watering the seeds, you will be AMAZED at what happens!


(Some Will, Some Won’t, So What – Next)
19. Handling Objections

Gift Of Legacy has been designed for people from all walks of
life to become part of this exciting gifting community. It is a
lifestyle community that puts “Principles before Personalities”.
People are treated equally with kindness and respect.

Anyone globally can start part time putting in as much time as

they like. What you put in is in direct proportion to what you
get out. Commit to consistent work for 3 – 6 months and your
life could change in ways you never thought possible. Take a
leap of faith and ride the boards of abundance together.

Here you can EARN while you LEARN

19. Handling Objections
Live Recording

You cannot say enough of the RIGHT

things to the WRONG person…

You cannot say enough of the WRONG

things to the RIGHT person…
20. Gifting Gateways
Global USD Options
a) Every participant in GL needs ways of sending and receiving gifts
b) Not every participant will have access to the same gateways so the
Gifter and Legend will arrange the gifting between themselves
c) Below are three widely used starter options (not available everywhere)
d) At times it may make sense to do bank transfers (Eg: with
e) At some times it may make sense to send a gift to a destination other
than the Legend, for the gift destination, or in order to get the gift to
the Legend (Eg: through a friend whose accounts will work for you)
f) New participants may need assistance in setting things up!

Assist Your Invitees In Setting Up Gifting Gateways!

Make sure to have PayPal and Wise set up and verified when signing up to Gift of Legacy
Have your bank account details handy and have a template created, so that it will be easy to
communicate. We have step by step guides available on the following links:






20. Gifting Gateways
Global USD Options

…and more!

Assist Your Invitees In

Setting Up Gifting Gateways!

Make sure to have PayPal and Wise set up and verified when signing
up to Gift of Legacy

Have your bank account details handy and have a template created, so
that it will be easy to communicate. You can also view YouTube videos
supplied by each company
20. Gifting Gateways
What is Crypto? Watch the following 34 Min Documentary which
explains Bitcoin in a NUTSHELL covering the 31 points below:
1. What is Bitcoin?
2. Digital Asset Class
3. Virtual money (like a VISA card)
4. Evolution of a Payment System
5. Most important technology in our lifetime
6. What is Money - Mike Maloney
7. Commodity/Crypto as a representative currency
8. United Nations Monetary conference in 1944
9. Brettenwoods Financial System created BITCOIN: Beyond the Bubble (35 mins)
10. USD chosen as the world reserve currency
11. USD backed by Gold at fixed price
12. 15 August 1971 "Nixon Shock" USD off the Gold standard
13. FIAT Currency backed by nothing tangible
14. Governments declared perceived value to paper money
15. Digital Currency (Electronic payments/Credit Cards created)
16. FIAT currencies already digital
17. Bitcoin cannot be created by thin air like current quantitative easing of currency
18. Scarce Digital Asset
19. Mathematics and Cryptography regulates creation of Bitcoin (not the federal reserve system)
20. Bitcoin network decentralized
21. Blockchain Technology
22. Bitcoin - multiple levels of intrinsic value (non confiscatable)
23. Cannot be hacked or shut down
24. User in complete control - Global integration
25. Government cannot control it - Power to the Individual
26. $400 000 Bitcoin
27. What is a Satoshi
28. Guaranteed exchange of value
29. Virtual Gold - Finite Supply!
30. Protect your wealth against corrupt governments
31. Digital Currency - You Monetary Weapon
20. Gifting Gateways
The 4 short clips below were compiled by Tim Wagner, tailor
made for GL members. Topics include:

• Opening a Binance, Altcointrader & Exodus Account

• How to turn FIAT currency into Crypto
• How to turn Crypto into FIAT currency
• How to send Crypto between exchanges and wallets

BINANCE: By Tim (14 mins) ALTCOINTRADER Pt1: By Tim (18 mins)

ALTCOINTRADER Pt2: By Tim (10 mins) EXODUS WALLET: By Tim (8 mins)
20. Gifting Gateways
Below are 2 clips covering the basics of Crypto and
Blockchain, presented by Gift Of Legacy participants
explaining everything from a gifting economy point of view


Tim & Valissa - 29 Jan 2022

Alan – 13 July 2022
20. Gifting Gateways
6 Extra Educational Clips Explaining Crypto

Magic Money - Bitcoin Revolution The End of Money as we know it

(58 Min Documentary) (50 Min Documentary)

The Beginning of Bitcoin Bitcoin – In Code We Trust

(1hr 23 mins – Satoshi Nakamoto) (47 Min Documentary)

Robert Kiyosaki & Pompliano 3 things: Death, Taxes & Bitcoin

(32 Min Interview – $100k Bitcoin) (44 Min Interview - Robert Kiyosaki)
21. Guidelines
21. Guidelines
21. Guidelines
22.Terms Of

1. I am 18 years or older and I agree to participate in this activity

of my own free will and by my own choosing.
2. I hereby agree that relevant contact information (Name,
Surname, Cell No & email address) will be made available to
my fellow participants for the purposes of gifting.
3. I accept and understand that Gift of Legacy is not a club,
business, network/multilevel marketing scheme or financial
services provider as GL does not receive participants funds.
4. Participants of Gift of Legacy do not receive a commission or
any form of remuneration when inviting a new participant to
join out community.
5. The invitation of a new participant is not for personal gain, it
is solely for the purposes of growing our community and
blessing the members who participate therein.
6. I understand that this is a gifting activity which is an act of
blessing our fellow gifting activity participants.
7. I understand that Gift of Legacy is a private activity where
engagement is person to person with no third-party
8. I understand that this activity is by private invitation only and
invitation links are to be shared personally with an invitee and
not distributed on social media.
22.Terms Of

9. I understand that Gift of legacy is an automated website

which organises the activities of giving and receiving of gifts
between community members.
10. The said gifts are exchanged in accordance with the
guidelines provided, where gifts to the value of the
participants placement are recommended for exchange.
11. Participation in this gifting activity does not guarantee
12. I agree to uphold the ethos and respect the heart of this
heartfelt activity, which is that of "sowing a gift and reaping in
13. I acknowledge that this activity is not designed for selfish
gain, but that we engage here to uplift others and in so doing
we uplift ourselves too.
14. I agree to remain engaged and to adhere to the
recommended guidelines of engagement by logging in no less
than once in 30 days.
15. Misconduct may be reported by and to the community.
16. Misconduct includes but it not limited to, unethical behaviour
and the use of profanity in any way, manner or form -
behaviour, language or intent to harm GL or it’s community
members in anyway.
22.Terms Of
17. I will always conduct my self with humility and professionalism
and respect the Gift of Legacy community.
18. I agree not to misrepresent what Gift of Legacy is when inviting
19. I will not directly or indirectly spread misinformation about Gift
of Legacy.
20. I accept the disclaimer and the terms of the Popia Act as
detailed in this document.
21. I agree that The Gift of Legacy name and its activity may not be
used in advertisements, on social media or any other means of
social or commercial advertising.
22. I agree that the gift of Legacy community, my inviter,
participants, presenters and promoters can not be held liable for
any claims of whatever nature.
23. I am aware of the taxation laws of my country.
24. I agree that it is my personal duty to comply with the taxation
laws specific to the act of gifting in my country.
25. I agree to give a gift as and when required within a 48-hour
period of me joining a board. I understand that the TOTAL VALUE
of my gift must be ready when I join a board. Gifts may be split
between payment gateways but NO CONFIRMATIONS should be
made on PARTIAL PAYMENTS for gifts.
26. Legends are not encouraged to confirm on the promise of gifting
22.Terms Of

26. I agree to furnishing the necessary details to those who may

require them from me in order to facilitate the gifting.
27. I agree to confirm the receipt of a gift within a maximum
period of 24 hours or as soon as possible after confirmation of
receipt of the gift has been received by me .
28. I agree to observe the relevant international exchange rate as
at the time of gifting.
29. It is the Gifters responsibility to cover the various
service/transaction fees when sending the gift.
30. I understand that I may temporarily disengage from a board if I
am not able to meet my obligations. (Sidelined)
31. I acknowledge that I may disengage from this activity after
closing a board, either temporarily or permanently. (Sidelined
or Quit)
32. If Sidelined, I may re-engage after having met the terms of this
activity by re-joining a board.
33. Misconduct will result in disciplinary action which could include
the termination of my or a community members profile.
34. The co-creators who are the custodians of Gift of Legacy gifting
activity reserve the right to remove participants for
misconduct when in breach of the recommended guidelines
22.Terms Of
35. I understand that I am a participant in this activity and not a
member and that no membership fees are due by me.
36. I understand that a gift is given unconditionally with no
expectation of return.
37. I understand that I have no legal recourse against GL or it's
inviters, participants, presenters and promoters for any
matters arising, participation is voluntary and at my own
38. I agree to maintain an active status by logging in no less
than once in 30 days. (weekly/daily is advised) Failing to do
so will trigger a set of warning emails (Refer to the info-
graphic for the email time-line) and may result in profile
39. By logging in to your profile you will re-set the 30 day clock
at each login.
40. If you have received a warning email to notify you that you
are inactive, please login to reinstate your active status to
avoid being AUTO REMOVED.
41. IF you already have a RED BLOCK around your placement
on the board which indicates the final waring before being
your placement circle and click the REACTIVATE button in
the PERSONAL INFO BOX to reinstate your active status.
22.Terms Of
42. If a participant has QUIT GL or they are AUTO REMOVED for
not logging in within a 30 day period, the participant next in
line will TRICKLE UP into the empty position. This will
happen in the sequence that boards are filled. (Please refer
to the Trickle Up info-graphic)
43. Gifters who have not met their commitment to gift the
legend when landing on the board may not be kept in their
position for longer than 14 days without gifting. After a
period of 14 days an unconfirmed gifter MUST be removed
by the Legend. If this is not done a case of misconduct by
the Legend may be pursued and suitable disciplinary action
may be taken.
44. A participant who is seen to be Cross Recruiting will face
disciplinary action and could have their profile terminated.
(Cross Recruiting is where existing members recruit other
GL members to join other teams or gifting platforms outside
of GL)
45. I agree to abide by the guidelines as set out by Gift of Legacy
and I will strive to uphold the ethos and integrity of this activity.
22.Terms Of

GIFT OF LEGACY - Is an internet-based program driven by

algorithms for the sole purpose of facilitating the P2P gifting
within the community
INVITEE - A new person who is INVITED to participate in GL is an
INVITER - The person who INVITES a new member to participate
in GL is their INVITER
to the next board before it matures and passes on organically to
the next board
PARTICIPANT - Is a person who is placed under another profile
MISCONDUCT - Unacceptable or improper behaviour & actions
by any participant of Gift of Legacy that may be offensive or
disrespectful as well as disregard for the terms of participation.
MISINFORMATION - False, inaccurate, or misleading information
that is communicated regardless of an intention to deceive.
MISREPRESENT - False statement of a material fact made by one
party which affects the other party's decision in agreeing to enter
into a specific contract or agreement
ORGANIC POSITION - Is the First registered position on the
22.Terms Of

BOARD - A BOARD provides the gifting positions to the members

DECENTRALIZED - The control is not within the power of only one
main group but rather within the control of many smaller groups
or individuals
ETHOS - The characteristic spirit of the Gift of Legacy's
community as manifested in our attitudes and aspirations.
PEER TO PEER - The giving of gifts by one person to another
person also known as Peer to Peer
POSITION - Refers to your placement on the boards
PROFILE - This refers to your private profile on Gift of Legacy
website. One email address per profile. You can have ONE profile
with up to 4 cloned positions attached to your profile.
REPORT - Non-compliant behaviour can be REPORTED to
administration for resolution
SIDE-LINED – When leaving the board as a Legend you may
choose to stay off and not progress or re-join another board until
such time that you choose to participate.
TERMINATION – Total closure of your GL profile in the case of
proven misconduct. This decision rests with the custodians of GL
and the process is deemed to be an acceptable practice as no
funds are held in GL. Non compliant Members can therefore be
22.Terms Of

RULES OF ENGAGEMENT - To always reach out to the Legend

when you are a Gifter to arrange Gifting within 48 hours and for
the Legend to immediately confirm the position upon receiving
the Gift from the Gifter.
A non-active or non-contributing profile may be placed to the
SIDE of the active boards to move it out of the way to avoid
obstruction of the board movement.
An inviter can have a minimum of 2 INVITEES allocated to their
Insults, character attacks, use of inflammatory & abusive
language either written or spoken, dishonesty, disregarding the
rules of engagement, hate speech.
Examples of misinformation are false rumours, insults, pranks,
and misleading use of facts. Disinformation is a subset of
misinformation that is deliberately deceptive.
As a Gifter you always reach out and contact the Legend First.
As a Gifter you always attempt to do the Gifting in accordance
with the wishes of the Legend as far as reasonable & practical.
23. Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Date of Last Revision: January 10th, 2022

Greetings to the web site or mobile application (as the case may be) (collectively,
the “Platform”) of “Gift of Legacy™. (Including its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, and
service providers, collectively, “Gift of Legacy™”, “we”, “us” and/or “our”). This
Platform is operated by “Gift of Legacy™ and has been created to provide
information about our Gifting Activity and our online platform designed to permit
users to interact with one another on a Peer-to-Peer basis to accept monetary Gifts
and & to access our academy and self-development courses (together with the
Platform, the “Services”) to our Services users and visitors (“you”, “your”). This
Privacy Policy sets forth “Gift of Legacy™’ policy with respect to information,
including personal data (“Personal Data”) and other information that is collected
from participants using the Platform.

Information We Collect
When you interact with other participants through the website, we may collect
Personal Data and other information from you, as further described below:
Personal Data That You Provide Through the Services: We collect Personal Data
from you (including, but not limited to, your name & surname, email address and
mobile number) when you voluntarily provide such information, such as when you
interact with other participants, , register for participation in the Gifting activity.
Wherever “Gift of Legacy™ collects Personal Data we try to provide a link to this
Privacy Policy.
We collect this Personal Data purely for the purposes of providing the participant/s
a means to interact with other participants within the guidelines of this Gifting
activity, as well as providing participant/s access to free academy and related
courses, For more details on why we collect your Personal Data and how we use it,
please see the section below entitled “Our use of Personal Data and other
information.” While you are under no obligation to provide any Personal Data,
should you choose to withhold such information, we may not be able to provide you
with access to become an active participant in this Gifting activity.
23. Privacy Policy

By voluntarily providing us with Personal Data, you are consenting to our use of it
in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you provide Personal Data to the Services,
you acknowledge and agree that such Personal Data may be transferred from your
current location to the servers of Gift of Legacy™ and the authorized third parties
referred to herein located globally.

Other Information
Non-Personal Data: When you interact with Gift of Legacy™ participants through
the gifting website, we automatically receive and store certain non-identifiable
personal information. Such information, which is collected passively using various
technologies, cannot presently be used to specifically identify you. Examples of this
non-identifiable personal information include the type of internet browser or
mobile device you use, any website from which you have come to the Services, your
operating system, location data (which is anonymous and where you log in through
the Platform you will be asked if you consent to the Services accessing your location,
which can be updated at any time in your device settings) (“Non-Personal
Data”). Gift of Legacy website™ may store such Non-Personal Data itself or such
information may be included in databases owned and maintained by Gift of
Legacy™ service providers, affiliates or, agents. The Services may use such Non-
Personal Data to assist us in providing effective Services and to collect broad
demographic information for aggregate use.

Aggregated Data: In an ongoing effort to better understand and serve the

participants of the of the Gifting platform Gift of Legacy™ often conducts research
on its customer demographics, interests and behaviour based on the Personal Data,
Non-Personal Data, and other information provided to us. This research may be
compiled and analysed on a de-identified, aggregate basis, and Gift of Legacy™ may
share this aggregate data with its affiliates, agents, and business partners. This
aggregate information does not identify you personally. Gift of Legacy™ may also
disclose aggregated user statistics to describe our gifting activity to current and
prospective parties of interest, and to other third parties for other lawful purposes
& for the expansion of our Gifting activity to enhance the efficacy of the activity.
23. Privacy Policy

Location Information: When you use the gifting activity website to to interact,
collect or arrange Gifting, the Services may request that you provide your city or
town and state or province of residence. Please keep in mind that other users of the
Services may be able to view your city or town and state or province of residence in
connection with the gifting activity if it is made available within Gift of Legacy’s™’
Public Search Directory. We may also use your location information in an aggregate
way, as described above in the “Aggregated Data” section.

Social Networking Integrations: One of the rules of the gifting activity of Gift of
Legacy’s™ is that no information either private or other will be displayed, shared or
divulged to any social media platform.

You do not have the option of posting your participation activity to Social
Networking Services when you access content through the Services (for example,
you may NOT post to Facebook that you performed an activity on the Platform); you
acknowledge that if you choose to do so, you risk losing your profile & further
participation within the Gift of Legacy™ gifting activity platform.

Mobile Services: The Services include certain services that are available via a mobile
device, including (i) the ability to upload content to the Services via a mobile device,
(ii) the ability to browse the Platform and Services from a mobile device, and (iii) the
ability to access certain features through an application downloaded and installed
on a mobile device (collectively, the “Mobile Services”). To the extent you access the
Services through a mobile device, your wireless service carrier’s standard charges,
data rates, and other fees may apply. In addition, downloading, installing, or using
certain Mobile Services may be prohibited or restricted by your carrier, and not all
Mobile Services may work with all carriers or devices.

By using the Mobile Services, you agree that other participants may communicate
with you regarding Gift of Legacy™ by SMS, MMS, text message, or other electronic
means to your mobile device and that certain information about your usage of the
Mobile Services may be communicated to us.
23. Privacy Policy

In the event you change or deactivate your mobile telephone number, you agree to
promptly update your Gift of Legacy™ profile account information to ensure that
your messages are not sent to the person that acquires your old number. Similarly in
cases where you close email addresses that were used for registration of

Third-Party Personal Data: The Services may also collect Personal Data relating to
third parties stored in your email and mobile device address books, including,
without limitation, names, email addresses, and phone numbers (collectively,
“Third-Party Personal Data”). The Services may request your permission to access
such Third-Party Personal Data.

Our Use of Personal Data and Other Information

Gift of Legacy™ uses the Personal Data you provide in a manner that is consistent
with this Privacy Policy. If you provide Personal Data for a certain reason, we may
use the Personal Data in connection with the reason for which it was provided. For
instance, if you contact us by email, we will use the Personal Data you provide to
answer your question or resolve your problem. Also, if you provide Personal Data
about yourself, or have provided (or otherwise permitted the Services to access) any
Third-Party Personal Data to obtain access to or make use of particular features of
the Services, we will use your Personal Data and any such Third-Party Personal Data
to provide you with access to such services and to monitor your use of such

Gift of Legacy™ may also use your Personal Data and other Non-Personal Data
collected through the website-based gifting activity to help us in providing the
hosting, processing interaction information, fulfilling requests for information
between the Gifter and the Legend on a specific board l, receiving and sending
communications, updating share lists, analysing data, providing support services, or
other tasks from time to time.
23. Privacy Policy

Gift of Legacy™ may, with your consent, use your Personal Data to contact you in
the future to tell you about services we believe will be of interest to you were
permitted by applicable law. If we do so, each marketing communication we send
you will contain instructions permitting you to “opt-out” of receiving future
marketing communications. In addition, if at any time you wish not to receive any
future marketing communications or you wish to have your name deleted from our
mailing lists, please contact us as indicated below.

We may also use your Personal Data and Third-Party Personal Data to send
communications relating to the Services, in accordance with applicable laws. For
example, we may send periodic emails to registered participants of the gifting
activity relating to their recent interactions with another participant. Also, if you use
any feature of the Services permitting you to communicate with third parties (such
as to refer a third party to the Services or to communicate with them regarding this
gifting activity opportunity), either by submitting Third-Party Personal Data to the
Services or otherwise permitting the Services to automatically access Third-Party
Personal Data in your possession, you acknowledge and agree that you have the
authority of the relevant third party for us to access and use the relevant Third-
Party Personal Data and that you have notified these third parties and informed
them how their information is collected and used by Gift of Legacy™ to provide
access to participation to the gifting activity. We reserve the right to identify you as
the person who has made the referral in any messages that are sent to them. We
may use Third-Party Personal Data to (1) contact such third party using the Third-
Party Personal Data provided, and/or (2) provide you with an editable template
message designed to facilitate communication between you and such third party
through the Services. In addition to sending the foregoing communications, we may
also send reminders or related messages to you and to third parties on your behalf
from time to time where permitted by applicable law. In each case, any such
communications sent to third parties using Third-Party Personal Data will provide a
means to “opt-out” of receiving further communication of the same nature.
23. Privacy Policy

If Gift of Legacy™ intends on using any Personal Data in any manner or for any
purpose that is not consistent with this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your prior
informed consent as required by applicable law.

Our Disclosure of Personal Data and Other Information

Gift of Legacy™ is not in the business of selling your information. We consider this
information to be a vital part of our relationship with you. There are, however,
certain circumstances in which we may share your Personal Data with certain third
parties without further notice to you, as set forth below:

Platform improvements & Enhancements: As we enhance/improve the Gifting

platform of Gift of Legacy, we might have to provide the service provider data
containing personal information for import to the enhanced/improved platform
Agents, Consultants, and Related Third Parties: Gift of Legacy™, may sometimes
hire other service providers to perform technical functions. Examples of such
functions include mailing information and maintaining databases. When we employ
another entity to perform a function of this nature, we only provide them with the
information that they need to perform their specific function and require them to
only use the information for the purposes for which it was collected.

Legal Requirements: Gift of Legacy™ may disclose your Personal Data if required to
do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) comply
with a legal obligation, (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of Gift of
Legacy™ creator/s, developers, leaders and presenters(iii) act in urgent
circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Services or the public,
or (iv) protect against legal liability.
23. Privacy Policy

When you interact with/through the gifting activity website, we try to make that
experience simple and meaningful. When you visit the Platform, the web server
sends a cookie to your computer or mobile device (as the case may be). Cookies are
small pieces of information which are issued to your computer or mobile device (as
the case may be) when you visit a website or access or use a mobile application, and
which store and sometimes track information about your use of the Platform (as the
case may be). A number of cookies we use last only for the duration of your web or
application session and expire when you close your browser or exit the application.
Other cookies are used to remember you when you return to the Platform.

Some of the cookies used by the Platform are set by us, and some are set by third
parties who are delivering services on our behalf.

Most web and mobile device browsers automatically accept cookies but, if you
prefer, you can change your browser to prevent that or to notify you each time a
cookie is set. You can also learn more about cookies by
visiting, which includes additional useful information on
cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browsers or mobile
devices. Please note, however, that by blocking or deleting cookies used on the
Platform, you may not be able to take full advantage of the Services.

The Platform uses cookies, and similar technologies to cookies, to collect

information about your access and use of the Platform. You can also update your
privacy settings on your device by setting the “Limit Ad Tracking” and Diagnostics
and Usage setting property located in the settings screen of your Apple iPhone or
iPad, or by resetting your Android ID through apps that are available in the Play
Store. You can also stop information collection by uninstalling the App on your
device and you can use the standard uninstall process available as part of your
device for this purpose.
23. Privacy Policy

Some information on the types of cookies we use and how we use them is set out

• Essential: Allow you to navigate and use all the features provided by our Platform.

• Functional Cookies: These cookies customize elements of the promotional layout

and/or content of the pages of the Platform and remember that you have visited us
before; this means we can identify the number of unique visitors we receive. This
allows us to make sure we have enough capacity for the number of users that we
get. So, when you use our Platform, we remember you and your preferences and
information you have submitted to us to provide you with a customized experience.

• Performance and Analytics: Performance cookies let us collect information about

how you use the Platform. They collect anonymous statistical information about
how you use the Platform (including how long you spend on the Platform) and
where you have come to the Platform from so that we can improve the Platform
and learn which functions of the Platform are most popular with users. This
information does not include Personal Data, although we might be able to associate
such information with user accounts once we receive it from the third party.

• Advertising and Targeting: These cookies collect information about the pages you
visit online. They gather information about the pages that you visit or the functions
of the Platform you use, and also other information about other websites that you
visit, so as to place you in a “market segment”. This information is only collected by
reference to the IP address or unique device identifier that you are using (the
applicable cookie identifier) and also can include information about the county or
province and city or town you are in, together with the name of your internet
service provider. This information is then used to place interest-based
advertisements on the Platform, which it is believed will be relevant to your market
segment. This may result in you seeing advertisements for our Platform when you
visit other websites.
23. Privacy Policy

We use third parties, for example, Google Analytics, to analyse statistical

information from users of the Platform and provide you with interest-based
advertisements. You can understand Google Analytics further
at and learn about
how to manage Google Analytics settings

Your Choices
As mentioned throughout this Privacy Policy, you can visit the Platform without
providing any Personal Data. If you choose not to provide any Personal Data, you
may not be able to use certain Services.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to any Personal Data collected by Gift of Legacy™
other than Personal Data collected through the Gifting website. This Privacy Policy
shall not apply to any unsolicited information you provide to Gift of Legacy™
through the Services or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited
to, information posted to any public areas of the Services, such as forums or
comment sections, any customer support communications, any ideas for new gifting
rules or modifications to existing gifting activity, and other unsolicited submissions
(collectively, “Unsolicited Information”). You agree that any Unsolicited Information
becomes the intellectual property of Gift of Legacy™ to the furthest extent
permitted by applicable law, and agree to assign any and all residual rights or
interests that you may have in such Unsolicited Information to Gift of Legacy™ All
Unsolicited Information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and Gift of
Legacy™ shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such Unsolicited
Information to others without limitation or attribution to the extent permitted by
applicable law.
23. Privacy Policy

Gift of Legacy™ does not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the
age of 18. If you are under the age of 18, please do not use the Services and/or
submit any Personal Data through the Services. We encourage parents and legal
guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce our Privacy
Policy by instructing their children never to provide Personal Data on the Services
without their permission. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of
18 has provided Personal Data to Gift of Legacy™ through the gifting activity
platform, please contact us, and we will endeavour to
delete that information from our databases.

Links to Other Web Sites

This Privacy Policy applies only to the Services. The Services may contain links to
other websites not operated or controlled by Gift of Legacy™ (the “Third-Party
Sites”). The policies and procedures we described here do not apply to the Third-
Party Sites. The links from the Services do not imply that Gift of Legacy™ endorses
or has reviewed the Third-Party Sites. We suggest contacting those sites directly for
information on their respective privacy policies.
Gift of Legacy™ takes reasonable steps to protect the Personal Data provided via
the Services from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or
destruction. However, no Internet or email transmission is ever fully secure or error-
free. In particular, email sent to or from the Services may not be secure. Therefore,
you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us via email.
Please keep this in mind when disclosing any Personal Data to Gift of Legacy™ via
the Internet.

Other Terms and Conditions

Your access to and use of the Gifting activity website is subject to the Terms of
Service at Terms and such other terms, which may be made available to you in
connection with your use of the gifting activity.
23. Privacy Policy

Changes to Gift of Legacy™’ Privacy Policy

The gifting activity opportunity guidelines and terms may change from time to time.
As a result, at times it may be necessary for Gift of Legacy™ to make changes to this
Privacy Policy. Gift of Legacy™ reserves the right to update or modify this Privacy
Policy at any time and from time to time. Any material changes will be preceded by
a notice posted on the relevant Gifting activity website of each participant including
all community group platforms If you disagree with our revisions to the Privacy
Policy, you may de-activate your account or discontinue your participation in the
gifting activity. Please review this policy periodically, and especially before you
provide any Personal Data. This Privacy Policy was last updated on the date
indicated above. Your continued use of the Services after any changes or revisions
to this Privacy Policy shall indicate your agreement with the terms of such revised
Privacy Policy.

Access to Information; Gift of Legacy™

To keep your Personal Data accurate, current, and complete, please review your
profile and amend/edit and complete with the relevant information. You may
request in writing copies of your Personal Data held by the gifting activity website
administrators. If your Personal Data that is held is inaccurate, please let us know
and we will make the necessary amendments, erase, or block the relevant Personal
Data as you request and notify you within thirty (30) days of such request that the
relevant action has been taken.

Please also feel free to contact us if you have any questions about Gift of Legacy™
Privacy Policy or the information practices of this website-based Gifting activity.

You may contact us as follows:

© 2021 Gift of Legacy™
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Gift Of Legacy: GL is an algorithm driven app and portal which

tracks and displays participants positions on the boards.
• Participants are invited into GL by an inviter.
• All participants are independent of their inviter.
• 100% of gifts are made person-to-person.
• Inviter never earns a commission for inviting new people into GL
nor a percentage of the gifts any of the participants receive.
• GL never touches the gift funds, nor holds any funds.
• There is no permanent hierarchy.
• As soon as the receiver has confirmed their 8 gifts on any board,
they are moved back into the role of Gifter.
• Participant positions on boards move at the pace of participation by
15 participants on each board.

Ponzi scheme: A fraudulent investment operation that pays ‘returns’ to

its investors from their own money or the money paid by subsequent
investors, rather than from profit earned by the individual or
organization running the operation. Typically, no product is involved so
therefore it is an exchange of MONEY for MONEY, making it illegal.

Pyramid scheme: A fraudulent activity in which all participants are

subordinate to their inviter. Inviters earns a percentage of the earnings
of the participants they bring in. The hierarchy is permanent. Any
earnings by participants are held by a corporation with the promise to
pay to the participants periodically.


24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme
1 - A few people that I have shared GL with say that it is an illegal Pyramid or Ponzi
scheme. Is that true?
A. GL is a 100% legal and decentralized gifting activity. No monetary gifts are
being exchanged on the platform/website. All unconditional gifts are given
peer-to-peer, person-to-person, from Gifter directly to the Legend with no
third-party involvement.
B. GL is not a pyramid or Ponzi scheme nor is it an MLM business. We do not
sell products, build a business, have a person at the top taking a continual
cut of our abundance, have to meet a weekly or monthly quota, there are
no purchases required and there are no monthly fees charged.
C. There is no hierarchy. There is no one on the top in GL that receives the
most, like there is in a Pyramid Scheme. GL Members do not stay in the
same position.
D. GL is a cyclical gifting activity where everyone rotates positions and moves
from Gifter to Builder, to Guide, to Legend and then back again into the
Gifter position. All the while we are collectively supporting one other while
creating abundance.
E. We do not recruit members; we invite members to participate of their own
free will.
F. We do not earn an income; we give and receive unconditional gifts freely
without receiving a commission or having any expectation of reward in
G. There is true equality in GL where everyone gives the same unconditional
gift in the Gifter position and receives the same unconditional gift when
they are in the Legend position.

PEER TO PEER debunks 50% of the “pyramid myth”

and PERPETUAL boards with everyone receiving
debunks the other 50% of the “pyramid myth”
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme
Comparison of GL, Stokvels, MLM, Pyramid, Ponzi

A Savings or Investment Society, in which a group of people agrees to save
money together for a defined purpose, by way of contributing a fixed
amount of money over a specific period. The foundation is based on trust.
The concept exists all over the world. They are known as Chama in Swahili-
speaking East Africa, Tanda in South America, Kameti in Pakistan,
Partnerhand in West Indies, Cundinas in Mexico, Ayuuto in Somalia, Hui in
China, Gam’eya in the middle East, Kye in South Korea
What all Stokvel categories have in common is their social construct as well
as their money collection mechanism. All pool funds for a common
purpose. The nature of that common purpose, as well as the activities
leading up to and including the discharging of the benefit, is where the
differences exist. The types of stokvels have increased significantly from
rotational, grocery, investment, burial right down to social stokvels.
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Stokvels were originated during the 19th century by English settlers in
Eastern Cape (South Africa) as a rotating cattle auction and were known as
stock fairs. These were in – person gatherings, and attendance was key for
participation. This financial vehicle has since evolved into a unique financial
system created within communities by members and for members, built on
need, trust and a common goal for financial liberation.

Economic & Social Contribution

The stokvel market continues to experience rapid growth. Stokvels have
become a key financial vehicle that many people rely on, amassing revenue
in the billions. It is estimated that there are about 810 000 active stokvel
groups with over 11 million m embers in South Africans, collection an
estimated R50 billion annually. Nearly 40 percent of the country’s adult
population are members of stokvels. Stokvel members know where their
money is kept and when and how much will be paid out. Furthermore, most
stokvel members know each other and have a genuine and enduring
relationship based on trust.

Types of Stokvels
Rotational Stokvels Clubs
These are the most basic form of Stokvel, where members contribute a
fixed amount of money to a common pool weekly, fortnightly, or monthly.
Members would receive the lump sum on a rotational basis, and they are
free to use the money for any purpose. Such contributions are usually made
in cash; however, several groups are beginning to deposit funds into
member’s bank accounts.
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Grocery Stokvels
This category of Stokvels members typically contribute a fixed amount of
money towards the purchasing of groceries at the end of the year. The
Stokvel Buying Season peaks between the beginning of November and the
middle of December, and purchases are made at outlets geared towards
bulk purchases. Although some retailers are geared for Stokvel purchases,
most groups purchase from wholesale and Cash & Carry outlets. Some
groups save these funds in a Stokvel Club Account, while others save
directly with the outlets, who record these contributions and make stock
available for collection during the buying period.

Savings Clubs
In this form of Stokvel, members contribute a fixed amount of money to a
common pool on regular intervals, and each member receives a lump sum
equal to their monthly contribution at the end of the cycle, usually
annually. Typically, such funds are collected in cash, stored in a Stokvel Club
Account held at a bank. At the end of the cycle, these finds are withdrawn
and redistributed to members in cash. Although the handling of cash
introduces a security risk, most groups operate in this manner since existing
Stokvel Club accounts lack electronic money transfer capabilities.

Burial Societies
Burial Societies provide an informal but reliable form of insurance to help
members and their families with the costs of funerals. Burial societies also
provide practical support for the family during the preparation. This is
known as “izandla ([helping] hands)”. As a typical Stokvel, members
contribute a set amount of money at regular intervals, for a set benefit.
Burial Societies typically provide policies that cover the main group
member as well as family and extended family. Most groups are “self-
underwritten” while an increasing number of groups are opting to partner
with reputable insurance companies, to minimize their risk.
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Investment Clubs
Investment Clubs are established with the view of accessing opportunities
that with grow their pooled funds. This may be in the form of interest from
a bank account, buying stocks or establishing or taking part in a business
venture. The period of time the money is kept in the investment varies from
group to group. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Social Clubs
These types of groups pool funds to arrange social activities. This
entertainment may either take place at every meeting of the group, or the
group may save regularly towards less regular social activities.

Borrowing Stokvels
Such groups save money into a pool and use it to loans money to members
and sub-members. Borrowing Stokvels usually charge high interest rates for
the sustainability and profitability of the groups operational model.

Multi-function Stokvels
While some groups maintain the same modus operandi, others evolve to
include new functions as the bond between members is strengthened. At
times, Rotational Clubs will evolve to add a Savings Club function. A Savings
and Rotational Club may add a loans function, and a Grocery Club may grow
into a burial function for immediate members. Social Clubs typically
transform into Burial Societies and Investment Clubs, while successful Burial
Societies eventually invest their surplus funds.

What all Stokvel categories have in common is their social construct as well
as their money collection mechanism. All pool finds for a common purpose.
The nature of that common purpose, as well as the activities leading up to
and including the discharging of the benefit, is where the differences exist.
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)

This is also called network marketing or pyramid selling.
MLM is a controversial marketing strategy for the sale of products or services where the
revenue of the MLM company is derived from a non-salaried workforce selling the
company's products or services, while the earnings of the participants are derived from a
pyramid-shaped or binary compensation commission system.

An MLM strategy may be an illegal pyramid scheme. These are known as downlines.

In multi-level marketing, (MLM) the compensation plan usually pays out to participants
from two potential revenue streams.

The first is based on a sales commission from directly selling the product or service; the
second is paid out from commissions based upon the wholesale purchases made by other
sellers whom the participant has recruited to also sell product. In the organizational
hierarchy of MLM companies, recruited participants (as well as those whom the recruit
recruits) are referred to as one's down line distributors.

MLM salespeople are, therefore, expected to sell products directly to end-user retail
consumers by means of relationship referrals and word of mouth marketing, but more
importantly they are incentivized to recruit others to join the company's distribution chain
as fellow salespeople so that these can become down line distributors.

According to a report that studied the business models of 350 MLM companies in the
United States, published on the Federal Trade Commission's website, at least 99% of
people who join MLM companies lose money.

Nonetheless, MLM companies function because downline participants are encouraged to

hold onto the belief that they can achieve large returns, while the statistical improbability
of this is de-emphasized. MLM companies have been made illegal or otherwise strictly
regulated in some jurisdictions as merely variations of the traditional pyramid scheme,
including in mainland China.

There is no rotation of members. Those at the top stay at the top.

Reference: Wikipedia
24. Why Is Gift of Legacy
NOT a Ponzi or Pyramid Scheme

Ponzi Schemes
Both pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes involve unscrupulous investors taking advantage
of unsuspecting individuals by promising them extraordinary returns in exchange for their

With Ponzi schemes, investors give money to a portfolio manager. Then, when they want
their money back, they are paid out with the incoming funds contributed by later investors
With a pyramid scheme, the initial schemer recruits other investors who in turn recruit
other investors and so on. Late-joining investors pay the person who recruited them for the
right to participate or perhaps sell a certain product.

Pyramid Schemes
Pyramid schemes are illegal scams in which large numbers of people at the bottom of the
pyramid pay money to a few people at the top. Each new member recruited joins at the
bottom and works their way to the top.

To join, you may have to pay anything from a few Dollars to many thousands of Rands.
Pyramid schemes are usually designed for fraud and the founders disappear without a trace
soon after the scheme collapses. These founders often pop up in another part of the
country with the same plan, scamming people from that area. There is no rotation of
members. Those at the top stay at the top.

Nasasa: The National Stokvel Association of South Africa / MSWSA: Money Smart Week
South Africa
25. Lawyers Letter

2/12/22 © Gift Of Legacy 124

25. Lawyers Letter

2/12/22 © Gift Of Legacy 125

25. Lawyers Letter

2/12/22 © Gift Of Legacy 126

25. Lawyers Letter

2/12/22 © Gift Of Legacy 127

26. FSCA Press Release
27. GL Terminology

Participants must NOT EVER Use Participants SHOULD ALWAYS Use

the following terminology when the following terminology when
referring to the activity: referring to the activity:

Investment Gift
Paid Earnings Gifter
Make Give
Profits Giving
Dividends Receive
Player I gave
Down-line I have gifted
Up-line I have received
Return Sharing
Net Participation
Paid Out Participant
Sponsor Activity
Sigh-up Community
Purchase Invitation
Took In Invited by
Paid Off Join
Play the Board Helping others
Play the House Golden Rule
Assured Buy Nice people
Sure Bet Register your gift
Earn Associates
Multiply Your Money Fellow man
Pay Kindness
Getting Paid Caring
Recruit Family
Buy-in Unconditional
Payout Generosity
Income Appreciation
28. GGM
(Gracious Givers Movement)
Graciously Giving Movement (GGM) is a non-profit company that was established
when Gift of Legacy was launched. As Gift of Legacy is not a company but requires
funding to exist, the custodians of Gift of Legacy decided to establish GGM to
ensure funding is channelled to the service providers of Gift of Legacy such for the
Developers and servers that are hosting Gift of Legacy globally. GGM is also to
support and assist beneficiaries globally. These beneficiaries being
recommended/requested by GL community / participants
GGM has been allocated 36 profiles at the launch of GL and these profiles needed
to be part of the GL system and be boosted by the migrated positions coming from
the precursor program. It is fact that these profiles are not all in a Legend position
all the time and as such GGM was to always be able to join the GL system with
more profiles. This was to be part of the fail safe of GL where GGM continuously
take up more profiles and thus ensuring momentum on the boards but also
increase its opportunity to be receiving gifts to pay the bills to ensure GL is healthy
and operational 24/7 365 days of the year.
Without GGM there cannot be a Gift of Legacy and so GGM is to be supported by
all in the community to ensure that GL remains operational.
28. GGM
(Gracious Givers Movement)

GGM – Gracious Givers Movement

Hercules Viljoen – 28 March 2022
29. The Hidden
Secrets Of Money
A series presented by MIKE MALONEY as he travels the
world to uncover the Hidden Secrets of Money.

Learn about gold and silver, central banking, wealth cycles,

deficit spending, monetary history, the financial crisis, the
fiscal cliff, the debt ceiling and more.

Episode 1: Episode 2:
Money vs Currency Seven Stages of an Empire

Episode 3: Episode 4:
The Death of the US Dollar The Biggest Scam in History
29. The Hidden
Secrets Of Money

Episode 5: Episode 6:
Where does money come from? The rollercoaster crash - Deflation

Episode 7: Episode 8:
Velocity and the money illusion Bitcoin Documentary

Episode 9: Episode 10:

Fall of Empires – Rome vs USA American Bread and Circus
30. Sacred
We are moving away
from the old structures
that no longer serve us
and are moving to a New
Mindset of Community
and Unity.

Sacred Economics - Documentary The Pyramid and the Pool

By Charles Eisenstein By Martha Beck

A Gifting Economy is Coming Breaking Physics

By Shunyamurti (Q&A) Perpetual Motion Simulator
31. Self Development
Course (Petra Laranjo)
Petra Laranjo is an inspirational keynote speaker, the published
author of "Living On Purpose. The Key To Change Your Life And
Impact Others", and an Access Bars Practitioner.
As a Life-Alignment coach, Petra helps her clients show up fully,
authentically and impactfully in their personal and professional lives
by helping them discover, connect with and align their values,
purpose, self-worth and mindset with their potential for impact.
Petra is also the founder of social impact platform JustOneThing365
NPC who strives to inspire and empower people, businesses and
brands to make ‘doing good’ a part of their daily lives.

Our inspirational ‘Purpose For Impact’ session aimed to support
individuals to create and live fulfilled lives of impact by guiding them
in answering these three questions:
• Who I am?
• What do I stand for or believe in?
• What is the legacy of impact I want to create?
Aligning who you are (your self-worth) with what you believe in (your
core values) and the impact you want to create in the world (your
Purpose and legacy) is the key to create and live an authentic life and
career that inspires you.
31. Self Development
Course (Petra Laranjo)
‘Living On Purpose. The Key To Change Your Life And Impact
Others.’ is an inspirational book to help you create and live a
fulfilled life and career of impact.
It is a popular resource used by business leaders to inspire
and empower their teams, re-programme mindsets, elevate
self-worth and show up with confidence and impact.
The book shares the insights and strategies of 40+ visionary
leaders – from CEO’s of listed companies to serial
entrepreneurs, world-renowned sports stars and even a
Hollywood A-list actor - who navigated personal challenges
by living a purposeful life of impact.

To get your FREE downloadable sample of

the book, go to
Also available on Kindle at
31. Self Development
Course (Petra Laranjo)
Course created by Petra Laranjo
We have the wonderful ability to choose and create a life that inspires us
but, instead, many of us live each year on repeat, out of sync and
disconnected from who we are (our self-worth), what we believe in (our core
values) and the impact we want to create in the world (our Purpose and
“We have the best intentions, but when ‘life’ happens, we get derailed—and
fast. We allow life’s circumstances and disappointments to dictate our present
and future. We shut the door to our potential and to possibilities, and
welcome in the mediocrity of existence instead.”
But what if we could live our lives by our own design. Imagine if you could
feel more expansive, more inspired and lighter in your life.
The 'Purpose For Impact' self-development course aims to inspire and
empower you to show up more fully for yourself, your personal as well as
professional relationships by making significant shifts in to how you show
up for yourself and in the world.
There are ten in-depth modules, which you can do at your own pace, plus
an exciting 21 Day Challenge.
As in life, what you put in is what you get out. What have you got to lose by
committing fully to change your life and impact others?
Before you start the course, invite a friend (a.k.a. an accountability buddy)
to do it with you.
Studies have found that people are 65 percent likely to meet a goal after
committing to another person. Their chances of success increase to 95 percent
when they stay accountable.
*Course available FREE for GL members (worth $200+)
32. Motivation
Insights from International “Game Changers”

Keys To Higher Awareness Perspective

By Dr Wayne Dyer By Alan Watts

What you do today matters Rich vs Poor Mindset

By John C Maxwell By Robert Kiyosaki

Life Happens For You Money Mantra

By Jim Carrey Ching Ching Ching Money Tree
33. Frequency
Everything in this world vibrates at a unique frequency, this is a
scientific proven fact. Your thoughts and your words are also a
powerful frequency. Be aware of your “self talk”. Be kind to
yourself. If you knew how powerful your thoughts are…you would
never think a negative thought again!

Becoming part of a Sacred Gifting Community requires a Paradigm

shift…a new way of thinking. It also requires breaking the old
neural pathways that have been burnt so deep into our
subconscious minds through decades of programming. We are
here to thrive, not just survive! It also requires getting out of our
“uncomfortable comfort zones”

The way to create abundance through this Sacred Gifting Economy

is to select those on the same vibrational frequency.

How to Change a Paradigm Why a Comfort Zone is Dangerous

By Bob Proctor By Teal Swan
34. The 5 Agreements

Top 96 Gift Of Legacy YOUTUBE CLIPS

Colour-coded, Categorized - All in One place!




TRAININGS – 24 Clips





Back Office Orientation (5 Minutes)
Candz – 1 March 2022

Getting Started With A BANG!! (AIDA System)

Chris & Candz – 13 Nov 2021

Find Your 4 Aces

Chris & Tim - 7 June 2022

Roles & Responsibilities as you move through boards

Candz - 26 August 2022

Alternative Board Strategies

Jenny Brandt -25 May 2022

How Board Placement Works (8 Minutes)

7 June 2022

How to FAST TRACK Strategically

Tim & Petra - 5 May 2022

Handling OBJECTIONS (Part 1 – 10)

5 March 2022
ENGLISH: Angela & Candz
30 August 2022

ENGLISH: Tim & Candz

27 August 2022

ENGLISH: Tim & Adele

16 August 2022

ENGLISH: Valissa & Thandy

11 August 2022

ENGLISH: Candz & Petra

14 July 2022

ENGLISH: Chris & Tim

7 June 2022

ENGLISH: Louis & Thandy

9 June 2022

ENGLISH: Tim & Valissa

26 May 2022
ENGLISH: Angela & Alan
10 May 2022

ENGLISH: Alan & Chris

6 May 2022


18 August 2022

AFRIKAANS (SA): Marili & Buks

23 August 2022

FRENCH: Cynthia
2 September 2022

GERMAN: Anneke & Mia

2 September 2022

SPANISH: Yvette & George

1 September 2022

RUSSIAN: Anastasia
4 September 2022
10 Jan 2022

1 March 2022

26 August 2022

GL Theme Song No 1
January 2022

GL Theme Song No 2
April 2022

GL Theme Song No 3
August 2022

Doodly – 6 Min
4 September 2022
Doodly – 3 Min
4 September 2022
Stimulate Slow Boards: Work the Engine Room
Candz & Chris – 19 Feb 2022

That Next “Shiny Object”

Tim & Chris 29 June 2022

Evolution, Expectations & Perspective

Chris & Valissa - 15 June 2022

Your First Year In A Gifting Economy – Part 1

Chris & Candz – August 2021

Your First Year In A Gifting Economy – Part 2

Chris & Candz – August 2021

Your First Year In A Gifting Economy – Part 3

Chris & Candz – August 2021

Your First Year In A Gifting Economy – Part 4

Chris & Candz – August 2021

Your First Year In A Gifting Economy – Part 5

Chris & Candz – August 2021
Make Your Circle BIGGER – Part 1
Adele Spear – 1 June 2022

Make Your Circle BIGGER – Part 2

Adele Spear – 8 June 2022

Alternative Board Strategies

Jenny, Chris & Valissa - 25 May 2022

Perpetual Mindset & Algorithms

Candz & Chris - 9 April 2022

Aligning Your PURPOSE & VALUES

Petra Laranjo - 12 March 2022

Stuck vs Stick-ability - MINDSET

Reagan & Chris - 5 March 2022

Algorithms & Mindset

Dr Loago, Candz & Chris – 12 Feb 2022

How NOT to answer QUESTIONS

Tim & Candz – 26 Feb 2022
Dr Loago & Tim – 5 Feb 2022

Patience, Perspective, Persistence & Passion

Andrew – 28 Jan 2022

Etiquette & Perspective

Reagan & Chris – 14 Jan 2022

Setting Up Payment Gateways

Chris & Candz – 27 Nov 2021

The ABC of Blockchain & Crypto

Nelda Leach - 17 Nov 2021


Tim & Valissa - 29 Jan 2022

Alan – 13 July 2022

CRYPTO: Wallets & Exchanges

Tim - 3 May 2022
Mysteries of the HEART
Roy & Sherenne (SA) - 29 August 2022

MANIFESTING to the Next Level

Jennie O’Boyle (USA) - 23 August 2022

PERSPECTIVE on Your GL Journey

Jennie O’Boyle (USA) - 16 August 2022

Transcending Our EARTHY BOUNDS

Jennie O’Boyle (USA) - 8 August 2022

What is CHARISMA? How to get it!

Mia Kaspari (Germany) – 1 August 2022

F*** FEAR! Build Courage:

Mia Kaspari (Germany) - 18 July 2022

Reprogramming Wealth & Abundance

Mia Kaspari (Germany) - 27 June 2022

Leading Your BUSINESS & LIFE

Jenny Watkins - 20 June 2022
Discussing MONEY TYPES
Marnita & Chris - 13 June 2022

Discover Your MONEY TYPE

Money Coach Marnita – 6 June 2022

Be Impeccable With Your Word – The 1st Agreement

Laina Orlando (USA) – 2 May 2022

Don’t Take Anything Personally – The 2nd Agreement

Laina Orlando (USA) – 9 May 2022

Don’t Make Assumptions – The 3rd Agreement

Laina Orlando (USA) – 16 May 2022

Always Do Your Best – The 4th Agreement

Laina Orlando (USA) – 23 May 2022

Be Skeptical, But Learn To Listen – The 5th Agreement

Laina Orlando (USA) - 30 May 2022
The 4 P’s
Angela & Petra – 25 April 2022
George (Spain) – 2 Minutes
30 July 2022

Prof. Rafael Coriat (Spain) – 5 Minutes

30 July 2022

Lolin (Spain) – 6 Minutes

30 July 2022

6 X POWER Testimonies (Various) – 56 Minutes

23 July 2022

Jennie & Laina (USA) – 6 Minutes

31 May 2022

Bayanda (SA) – 2 Minutes

7 June 2022

Ningi Ngubane (SA) – 21 Minutes

21 May 2022

Mpho (SA) – 15 Minutes

16 March 2022
Awie & Candz – 19 July 2022

Q&A Call and Testimonies

Adele, Candz & Merle - 12 July 2022


Alan (USA) & Chris (SA) – 1 July 2022


Alan (USA) & Candz (SA) – 17 June 2022

Alan (USA), Candz (SA) & Mpho (SA) - 4 June 2022

Alan (USA), Candz (SA) & Mpho (SA) - 10 June 2022

Payment Gateways
Alan (USA) & Candz (SA) - 27 May 2022

FriYay – Community Call

6 May 2022
Trickle Up: Deployment & Discussion
Candz, Chris & Valissa - 26 August 2022

Announced: Trickle Up & Self Remove Button

Candz, Chris, Hercules & Valissa - 19 August 2022

Core 5 Panel Discussion: The GL Story

Candz, Chris, Hercules, Jenny & Valissa - 27 July 2022

BOARD SPLITTING AT 4: Activation & Discussion

Chris & Candz -12 July 2022


Chris & Candz - 6 July 2022


Candz - 17 June 2022

Board Chat & Fast Tracking

Chris & Valissa - 7 May 2022

GGM – Gracious Givers Movement

Hercules Viljoen – 28 March 2022

Subscribe to the GIFT OF LEGACY YouTube

Channel “For Free” – Click the link below

Check the Categorized GIFT OF LEGACY Playlist

Updated Daily! – Click the link below

You Don’t Have To See The Whole Staircase, Just
Take The First Step – Martin Luther King Jr
36. Taking Responsibility
Gift Of Legacy is an ACTIVITY which requires dedication, time and effort. What
you sow, so you shall reap. This is YOUR opportunity to put in as much or as little
time as you choose. What you put in is in direct proportion to what YOU get out,
the choice is yours. GL is NOT a get rich quick scheme, it is merely a potential
opportunity to work alongside your current main stream of income.

Fault vs Responsibility: “With great power comes great responsibility” AND “With
great responsibility comes great power”.

The more we choose to accept responsibility in our lives, the more power we will
exercise over our lives. Accepting responsibility for our problems is thus the first
step to solving them. A lot of people hesitate to take responsibility for their
problems because they believe that to be responsible for your problems is to also
be at fault for your problems. Responsibility and fault often appear together in
our culture. But they are not the same thing. If I hit you with my car, I am both at
fault and likely legally responsible to compensate you in some way. Even if hitting
you with my car was an accident, I am still responsible. This is the way fault works
in our society: If you messed up, you’re off the hook for making it right. And it
should be that way.

But there are also problems that we aren’t at fault for, yet we are still responsible
for them. We are responsible for experiences that aren’t our fault all the time.
This is part of life! Here’s one way to think about the distinction between the two
concepts. Fault is past tense. Responsibility is present tense. Fault is from
choices that have already been made. Responsibility results from the choices
you’re currently making every second of every day. You are choosing to accept or
reject the concepts, but you are responsible for coming to your own conclusions.

There’s a difference between blaming someone else for your situation and that
person actually being responsible for your situation. Nobody else is ever
responsible for your situation but you. Many people may be to blame for your
unhappiness, but nobody is ever responsible for your unhappiness but you. This is
because you always get to choose how you see things, how you react to things,
how you value things. You will always get to choose the metric by which to
measure your experiences.
36. The Serenity Prayer

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the content of

this document. Document Launch
May this document help you reach your dreams quicker. Compiled by Chris Hattingh – V2 – 26 September 2022

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