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7TH AUGUST, 2022.
1.) The Block Rosary Crusade is an indigenous pious society in the Catholic Church whose main objective
is to … (promulgate the Fatima Message of 1917)
2.) Who started the Block Rosary Crusade? … (Late Oblate Eusebius Dominic Oguizu of Urualla in Ideato
North Local Government Area of Imo State)
3.) What is the motto of the Block Rosary Crusade? … (Prayer and penance)
4.) The 1st Centre of the Block Rosary Crusade was opened at … (No. 29 Arondizuogu Street, Aba, Abia
5.) The 2nd Centre of the Block Rosary Crusade was opened at … (No. 44 Ohanku Road, Aba, Abia State)
6.) The expansion of the Block Rosary Crusade outside of Aba began in … (In 1967 at the wake of the
Nigerian crisis)
7.) The Block Rosary Crusade was given a diocesan recognition by the appointment of a chaplain for her
by the Bishop of Umuahia in the year … (1974)
8.) The national body of the Block Rosary Crusade was actualized in the year … (11th May, 1985)
9.) The National Council of the Block Rosary Crusade holds annual rotational meetings in the month of …
10.) The 1st National Congress of Block Rosary Crusade Nigeria was held at … (St. Patrick Catholic
Church Cathedral, Awka in 1994)
11.) What is the theme of the 1st National Congress of Block Rosary Crusade in Nigeria? … (Son, Behold
Your Mother)
12.) The National Council of the Block Rosary Crusade in Nigeria celebrated the Golden Jubilee of
formation of Block Rosary Crusade in Nigeria in … (2006 at the Eagle Square, Abuja)
13.) The next National congress of the Block Rosary Crusade will be hosted by which diocese? …
(Makurdi Diocese in 2024)
14.) The addition of the term, ‘BLOCK’ to the name of the crusade (BLOCK ROSARY CRUSADE)
signifies … (The indivisibility of her members and unity of purpose)
15.) The praying of the Rosary has been promoted by several popes as … (Part of the veneration of Mary)
16.) Why did Saint Louis de Montfort name our Lady’s prayer the Rosary? … (He said that the rose is the
queen of all flowers and so named our Lady’s prayer The Rosary as it is the queen of all devotions)
17.) The Holy Rosary is a weapon given by Our Lady to the Holy Church for the purposes of …
(Conquering sin and bringing back souls to God)
18.) St. Pio of Pietrelcina noted that the Rosary is a weapon in our hands with which we can … (Overcome
the devil’s attack.)
19.) Pope Leo XIII in his Encyclical “On Devotion of the Rosary” (September 1, 1883) strongly invited all
the faithful to … (Pray the rosary both privately and publicly)
20.) Pope St. John Paul II would always say that … (To pray the Rosary is to hand over our burdens over to
the merciful hearts of Christ and His Mother)
21.) By the term, ‘Crusade’, it means that the members of the Block Rosary use their weapon, the Rosary,
to fight … (For the recovery of the souls lost by sin to our mortal enemy and bring them back to God our
father for reconciliation)
22.) The Block Rosary Crusade is open to people of … (Every age, both old and young)
23.) Some of the works of the members of the Block Rosary Crusade include … (Daily recitation of the
Rosary, Bible study, teaching of catechism, studying the lives of the saints and Biblical stories, visitation of
homes and hospitals, prisons and handicapped people’s homes as well as other deeds of charity)
24.) At the apparition at Fatima, Our Lady kept emphasizing the need for … (Daily prayers, sacrifices and
25.) The Block Rosary Crusade holds her prayer daily because … (Mother Mary commands that we pray
the Rosary every day)
26.) According to the Catholic theology, penance is a … (Virtue)
27.) Mortal sins committed after baptism are forgiven through … (The sacrament of Penance or Confession
or Sacrament of Reconciliation)
28.) True penitence is the surrender of whole self to … (God)
29.) Jesus Christ took part in the greatest sacrifice when He … (Laid down His life)
30.) The different ways Catholics can make sacrifices for the sake of God are through … (Fasting, not
smoking and drinking, attending daily weekday masses, etc)
31.) The 1st apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurred on which day? … (Sunday, May 13th, 1917)
32.) At the apparitions of Fatima, the Lady urged the little children to … (Say the Rosary every day to
bring peace to the world and end the war.)
33.) Wednesday, 13th June, 1997 was the feast day of St. Anthony and also the …… day of the apparition.
(2nd day of the apparition)
34.) The sign that was shown to the three little children about the offences done to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary was … (A heart in the hands of our Lady with thorns piercing it)
35.) When Jacinta was asked what the Lady told them, what did she say? … (Jacinta said that the Lady said
it is necessary to say the Rosary)

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