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Sports Fiesta 2023

City School Sports fiesta is an annual event that promotes the

importance of physical activity and healthy living among
students. The event took place during the first week of March
2023 and was organised by the school's sports department.
During the week, students participate in various sporting
activities such as athletics, football, volleyball, cricket and other
games. The aim of the week was to encourage students to get
involved in sports, try new activities, and develop their skills in
a friendly and competitive environment. City School Sport Week
is not only a fun and exciting event for students, but it also has
numerous benefits. Regular physical activity has been shown to
improve mental health, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost
academic performance By participating in sports and physical
activity during the week. There was much excitement in both the
tournaments of volleyball and football as it seemed that all the
teams have practiced well to compete and they were having
close fight. The extra ordinary talent, Football moves and spirit
to win showed by the students is not commonly seen in school.
The spectators enjoyed a lot and encouraged the players with
clapping on each and everymove. Thevolley ball was also
interesting with students smashing the ball.

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