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LAB 1 : Addition Two Unsigned Integer Binary Numbers


def XOR(a, b):

return a != b

def AND(a, b):

return a * b

def OR(a, b):

return int(bool(a + b))

def adjust_number(x, y):

l1, l2 = len(x), len(y)
if l1 > l2:
y = y.rjust(l1, "0")
elif l2 > l1:
x = x.rjust(l2, "0")
return (x, y)

def full_adder(x, y, cin):

sum = XOR(XOR(x, y), cin)
cout = OR(OR(AND(x, y), AND(y, cin)), AND(x, cin))
return (sum, cout)

def binary_adder(x, y, cin=0):

l = len(x)
sum = ""
carry = cin
for i in range(l - 1, -1, -1):
bit_sum, carry = full_adder(int(x[i]), int(y[i]), carry)
sum = str(int(bit_sum)) + sum
return (sum, carry)

if __name__ == "__main__":
x = input("Enter first number: ")
y = input("Enter second number: ")
x, y = adjust_number(x, y)
sum, cout = binary_adder(x, y)
print(f"Sum = {sum}, Carry out = {cout}")

LAB 2 : Multiplication of Two Unsigned Binary Numbers by Partial-
Product Method

from binary_subtraction import binary_adder

def adjust_number(x, y):

l1, l2 = len(x), len(y)
# For n-bit multiplication, the result is 2n-bit
max_bit = max(l1, l2)
x = x.rjust(2 * max_bit, "0")
y = y.rjust(2 * max_bit, "0")
return (x, y)

def binary_multiplication(x, y, count):

# partial product is initially started with zero
sum = "0" * len(x)
for i in range(count):
# Test Yo, if it is 1 add content of X to the accumulator sum
if y[-1] == "1":
sum = binary_adder(sum, x)
# Left shift X
x = x[1:] + "0"
# Right shift Y
y = "0" + y[:-1]
return sum

if __name__ == "__main__":
x = input("Enter multiplicand: ")
y = input("Enter multiplier: ")
count = len(y) # no of bits in y
x, y = adjust_number(x, y)
product = binary_multiplication(x, y, count)
print(f"Product = {product}")

LAB 3 : Subtraction of two Unsigned Binary Numbers

def adjust_number(x, y):
l1, l2 = len(x), len(y)
if l1 > l2:
y = y.rjust(l1, "0")
elif l2 > l1:
x = x.rjust(l2, "0")
return (x, y)

def full_adder(x, y, cin):

sum = (x + y + cin) % 2
cout = int((x + y + cin) / 2)
return (sum, cout)

def binary_adder(x, y, cin=0):

l = len(x)
sum = ""
carry = cin
for i in range(l - 1, -1, -1):
bit_sum, carry = full_adder(int(x[i]), int(y[i]), carry)
sum = str(bit_sum) + sum
return sum

def twos_complement(y):
n = len(y)
i = n - 1
y1 = ""
while i >= 0:
y1 = y[i] + y1
if y[i] == "1":
i = i - 1 # first 1 found
i = i - 1
while i >= 0:
if y[i] == "0":
y1 = "1" + y1
y1 = "0" + y1
i = i - 1
return y1

if __name__ == "__main__":
x = input("Enter first number X: ")
y = input("Enter second number Y: ")
x, y = adjust_number(x, y)
sum = binary_adder(x, twos_complement(y))
print(f"Difference = {sum}")

LAB 4 : Signed Multiplication (2’s Multiplication)

from binary_subtraction import binary_adder, twos_complement

def booth(M, Q):

count = max(len(M), len(Q))
M = M.zfill(count)
Q = Q.zfill(count)

M_comp = twos_complement(M)
Q_1 = "0"
# initialize accumulator with zero
A = "0" * count

for i in range(count):
deciding_bits = Q[-1] + Q_1
if deciding_bits == "10":
A = binary_adder(A, M_comp)
elif deciding_bits == "01":
A = binary_adder(A, M)
# Arithmentic Shift Right (ASR A, Q, Q_-1)
Q_1 = Q[-1]
Q = A[-1] + Q[:-1]
A = A[0] + A[:-1]

return A + Q

if __name__ == "__main__":
M = input("Enter multiplicand: ")
Q = input("Enter multiplier: ")
product = booth(M, Q)
print(f"Product = {product}")

LAB 5 : Division of Two Unsigned Numbers (Non-Restoring Division)

from binary_subtraction import binary_adder, twos_complement

def non_restoring_division(Q, M):

count = len(Q) # no of bits in dividend Q
M = M.zfill(count + 1)
M_comp = twos_complement(M)
# initialize accumulator with zero
A = "0" * len(M)

for i in range(count):
sign_bit = A[0] # check sign of A
# Left shift A, Q
A = A[1:] + Q[0]
Q = Q[1:] # one bit is less, which is empty
if sign_bit == "1":
# A <- A + M
A = binary_adder(A, M)
# A <- A - M
A = binary_adder(A, M_comp)

Q += "0" if A[0] == "1" else "1"

if A[0] == "1": # if A is negative

A = binary_adder(A, M)
return (Q, A)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Q = input("Enter dividend: ")
M = input("Enter divisor: ")
if int(Q) < int(M):
quotient, remainder = "0" * len(Q), Q
quotient, remainder = non_restoring_division(Q, M)
print(f"Quotient = {quotient}, Remainder = {remainder}")

LAB 6: Division of Two Unsigned Numbers (Restoring Division)

from binary_subtraction import binary_adder, twos_complement

def restoring_division(Q, M):

count = len(Q) # no of bits in dividend Q
if len(M) <= count:
M = M.zfill(count + 1)
M_comp = twos_complement(M)
# initialize accumulator with zero
A = "0" * len(M)

for i in range(count):
# Left shift A, Q
A = A[1:] + Q[0]
Q = Q[1:] # one bit is less, which is empty

# A <- A - M
A = binary_adder(A, M_comp)

if A[0] == "1":
# Set Qo to 0
Q = Q + "0"
# A <- A + M (restore A)
A = binary_adder(A, M)
# Set Qo to 1
Q = Q + "1"

return (Q, A)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Q = input("Enter dividend: ")
M = input("Enter divisor: ")
if int(Q) < int(M):
quotient, remainder = "0" * len(Q), Q
quotient, remainder = restoring_division(Q, M)
print(f"Quotient = {quotient}, Remainder = {remainder}")


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