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Grade 8 Book Orals

· There will be two Grade 8 book orals this year, one in the first term (now moved to
the second) and one in the third term.

· In each case, the Grade 8s must read a novel (or a non-fiction book, such as a
biography, with your consent) and then present an oral report on the book to the
rest of the class.

· The teacher must stress that the book should be one they have not read before –
not a previous set work nor a book read for school or for pleasure.

· Pupils must use this opportunity to expand their reading horizons.

· Oral assessment
o Each pupil should speak for approximately 3 minutes.

o The oral must be prepared beforehand and will count for a mark.

o Ideally, the pupil will bring the book to class on the day of presenting
the oral. (Understandably, this may not always be possible.)

o Pupils may not present their oral simply by reading from a print-out of or or a similar website.

o If it becomes apparent the pupil has not read the book, mark him or
her down severely.

o After the oral, notes should be filed in the pupil’s portfolio.

o The oral can include, among other things:

§ An overview of the story (no spoilers)

§ An overview of the main characters

§ Information on the author and the books he or she writes

§ The speaker’s responses to the novel

§ The speaker’s recommendations – yes, no, for whom?

§ What is the pupil keen to read next? Something similar?

Something entirely different? Something recommended by
someone else in the class?

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