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NAME: Gauswami Vivekgiri D


List out Major Components/ Subsystems of IoT
System and describe

These three facts (environment, data, people) bring us to the definition of an

Internet of Things ecosystem – a network of interconnected devices that exists in
some environment gathers the data and delivers it to people who process and
analyze it using modern technologies to achieve a definite goal like building a
smart home.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interconnected physical devices,
vehicles, buildings, and other objects embedded with sensors, software, and
network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The
primary purpose of the IoT system is to provide insights and automate processes
through data-driven decision-making, leading to improved efficiency, reduced
costs, and enhanced experiences for end-users.
The following are the main components of an IoT system:

1) Sensors/Devices: These are the physical objects that interact with the
environment and collect data. Examples of IoT devices include sensors,
cameras, smart locks, wearable devices, and industrial machinery.
These are the physical components that collect data from the environment.
For example, a temperature sensor can measure the temperature of a
room and send this data to the IoT platform. Another example is a
wearable device that tracks the heart rate and physical activity of a person.
2) Connectivity: This component enables communication between devices
and the network. IoT devices may use various communication protocols
such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, cellular networks, etc. to transmit data.

It provides the means for the IoT devices to communicate with each other
and the IoT platform. For example, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, and other
wireless communication protocols can be used to transmit data between
IoT devices. An IoT device might use Wi-Fi to send data to the IoT gateway,
while another device might use Bluetooth to communicate
with a smartphone.
3) IoT Gateway: The IoT gateway acts as a bridge between the
sensors/devices and the cloud. It performs functions such as protocol
translation, data filtering, and aggregation, and security management. For
example, an IoT gateway in a smart home might receive data from various
devices (such as temperature sensors, security cameras, etc.) and forward it
to the cloud platform for storage and analysis. The IoT gateway also
performs security functions such as data encryption and authentication to
ensure that only authorized devices can access the network.
4) User Interface: This component provides a means for users to interact with
the IoT system and access the information generated by devices. Examples
of user interfaces include mobile apps, web portals, and voice-activated
This component provides an interface for users to interact with the IoT
system. For example, a mobile app might provide a user-friendly interface
for controlling smart home devices, such as turning lights on and off or
adjusting the temperature. Another example is a voice-activated interface,
such as Amazon Alexa or Google Home, which allows users to interact with
the IoT system using voice commands.
5) Cloud Platform: This component is responsible for storing and managing
large amounts of data generated by IoT devices. It provides the necessary
infrastructure to host and run the applications that process and analyze the
The cloud platform serves as the central repository for all the data
generated by the IoT devices. For example, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
IoT Core is a cloud platform that provides storage, processing, and analysis
capabilities for IoT data. The data can be analyzed in real-time to identify
patterns and insights, or it can be stored for later analysis.
6) Data Analytics: This component is responsible for analyzing the data
generated by IoT devices to identify patterns, trends, and relationships. It
helps to uncover insights that can be used to drive business decisions,
improve processes, and optimize operations.
This component uses machine learning algorithms to process and analyze
the large amounts of data generated by the IoT devices. For example, a
data analytics engine might analyze data from a smart home's energy usage
to identify energy-saving opportunities. The data analytics engine can
identify patterns in the data and make predictions about future energy
usage, allowing homeowners to take proactive steps to reduce
their energy bills.
7) Security Subsystems: This component provides security measures to
protect the data transmitted by the IoT devices and stored in the cloud. For
example, data encryption and authentication are used to ensure that only
authorized devices can access the network and that the data transmitted
over the network is protected from eavesdropping. Authorization is used to
control access to data, so that only authorized users can view or
modify the data.
These are the major components of an IoT system, and they work together to
provide seamless communication, data collection, and analysis. By having these
components in place, IoT systems can provide valuable insights and enable
automation of various tasks, making our lives easier and more efficient.
An IoT system may also include other components such as security systems,
network infrastructure, and middleware, depending on the specific
requirements of the application.
In conclusion, the IoT system is a complex network of interconnected devices,
data processing and storage infrastructure, and user interfaces that work
together to provide insights and automate processes to enhance efficiency and
improve experiences for end-users.


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