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Adept Omarius Baelis

Name: Omarius Baelis

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Background: Omarius was born on the forge world of Metallica, a harsh and industrious world devoted
to the Cult Mechanicus. From a young age, he displayed exceptional aptitude for technology and was
destined to become an Adept of the Cult Mechanicus. His entire life has been devoted to studying
Archeotech and searching for lost knowledge to unlock the mysteries of the past. Despite his knowledge-
seeking nature, he is aware of the dangers of forbidden tech and the risk of heresy that accompanies
such pursuits. Omarius holds no major position or title in the Cult Mechanicus, but his passion for
uncovering ancient technology drives him forward.


Main Goal: To study Archeotech and find lost knowledge.

Greatest Desire: To find an STC (Standard Template Construct) - a device with blueprints for advanced

Greatest Fear: Being corrupted by a corrupt code in his quest for knowledge or being declared heretic
due to his use of forbidden tech.

Acquired a Tesseract Labyrinth: On his first mission, Omarius stumbled upon a Tesseract Labyrinth, a
mysterious and dangerous artifact of unknown origin. Despite the risks of heresy, he decided to keep it in
his possession, hoping to one day solve its enigmas.

Knowledge of Cant Mechanicus and Low Gothic Language.

Skitarius Designation XV-7, Codename: Verity

Designation: XV-7 (Verity)

Age: Newly augmented (exact age prior to augmentation unknown)

Gender: Ungendered

Background: Verity's true identity is lost, erased by the extensive augmentation process that turned
them into a Skitarius. The last memory Verity has is of a holy vision of the Omnissiah during a near-death
experience on the battlefield, which led to their conversion into a Skitarius. With no recollection of their
past life, Verity has fully embraced their role as a loyal servant of the Cult Mechanicus. They are deeply
committed to replacing their remaining biological features with augmetics, believing it will make them a
more perfect instrument of the Omnissiah.


Unique War Paint: As a reminder of their forgotten past, Verity has adorned themselves with a distinctive
war paint pattern, symbolizing their transformation and the holy vision that marked their conversion.

Decent Pilot: Verity is a capable pilot and can handle various vehicles, ensuring safe transportation for
the Adept during their missions.

Bodyguard of Adept Omarius Baelis: Verity has been assigned as Omarius's loyal bodyguard, entrusted to
protect him from any threats that may arise during their missions.

Knowledge of Cant Mechanicus and Low Gothic Language.


During the Great Crusade era, Adept Omarius Baelis and Skitarius Designation XV-7, codenamed Verity,
embarked on a mission to explore an unknown region of space. The Adept's calculations indicated that
the mission was a routine scouting endeavor, but upon reaching their destination, Verity felt an unease,
sensing a malevolent presence on the planet below.

Despite Verity's concerns, Omarius was driven by his thirst for knowledge and decided to venture deeper
into the planet's surface. As they explored, they stumbled upon a long-lost artifact of immense power: a
Tesseract Labyrinth. Ignoring the Skitarius's worries, Omarius chose to keep the artifact, believing it to be
a significant step toward his ultimate goal of finding an STC.

As the duo tried to escape the Necron tomb world, they faced perilous challenges, and Verity had to
offer cover fire to ensure their survival. Finally, they managed to flee the planet, but their ship got caught
in a violent warp storm. They emerged from the warp disoriented and uncertain of their location, only to
discover they had arrived in the 41st millennium.

In the unknown system, near the orbit of a Forge World, they noticed the change in the time readings.
Realizing the drastic shift in time, they became aware of the dangers they faced, with their knowledge of
Archeotech and possession of the Tesseract Labyrinth potentially leading to dire consequences if
discovered by the authorities of the 41st millennium.

Despite their uncertainty, Omarius and Verity remained steadfast in their duty to the Cult Mechanicus
and the Omnissiah. With their future uncertain and the fear of the artifact's discovery ever-present, they
prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united by their unwavering commitment to their quest
for knowledge and their loyalty to the Machine God.

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