DPPM Unit-I Material

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Disaster Preparedness &Planning Management


Introduction of Disaster:


The word “Disaster” Comes in French& Greek Languages

 The meaning of Disaster means:

“Dis” means Bad ,”aster” means Star
 It is representing as Bad Star
 In Disaster means Something should be happened as Bad moments
Eg:-Earth quakes, Tsunami, Floods, coastal flooding, Ice Strom ,wild fire ..etc
 It is a Sudden Event that causes a wide spread &Immeasurable damage, loss Destruction
to life property, Livelihoods, Economy &Environment is a disaster
 A Disaster is a serious problem occurring over a short or long period of time that causes
widespread human, Material, Economic or environmental loss which Exceeds
 The ability of the affected Community or Society to Cope using its own Resources
 The forward-looking to see the potential of loss of life, Destruction and damage in a
certain time frame
 It is dynamic that it can grow or shrink depending on our capacity to eliminate the

Hazard means “May occur or something could happened”

The Hazard is a potential threat to human life, property, or the Environment

The Hazard is a process, phenomenon or human activity that may cause loss of life Injury or
other health Impacts, Property Damage, Social and Economic Disruption or Environmental

Characteristics of Hazard:


The floods are a hazard that can occur due to heavy rainfall or the failure of dams the
characteristics of floods Include rapid onset, high water levels and fast moving water currents
that can cause damage to buildings &Infrastructure


The earthquakes are a hazard that can occur due to the movement of tectonic plates beneath
the earth’s surface, the characteristics of earthquakes Include Sudden onset,ground shaking
&Aftershocks that can cause damage to buildings& Infrastructure


The Hurricanes are a hazard that can occur due to changes in atmospheric pressure& wind
patterns in the ocean the characteristics of hurricanes Include high winds, heavy rainfall that
can cause damage to buildings &Infrastructure


The wild fires are a hazard that can occur due to natural or human causes such as lighting
Strikes or careless, wildfires Include fast Moving flames high Temperatures& Smoke that can
cause damage to buildings & Infrastructure


The Land slides are a hazard that can occur due to heavy rainfall earthquakes or changes in Soil
conditions, the sudden onset Movement of Soil &the potential for damage to

Examples of Hazards:Earthquake, Flood, Wave action, Convective Storm, Tropical Cyclone, Ice-
Strom, wildfire,drought…etc

The Vulnerability refers to the potential for a person, group or community to suffer harm or
damage as a result of a disaster, Those People’s are not able to face Disaster as well as not able
to respond as Disaster means very too poor people’s

The Vulnerability is influenced by a range of factors, Including Socio economic status,

geographic location, age, health status, Disability , and access to resources and services

 The Vulnerability assessments are often conducted to identify populations or areas that
may be more Susceptible to negative impacts of a disaster
 This information can then be used to develop targeted Interventions and strategies to
reduce Vulnerability and enhance resilience
 It helps ensure that resources and services are allocated equitably and that those who
are most at risk are given the necessary support to prepare for, respond to and recover
from Disasters
Characteristics of Vulnerability as Follows
 People-Lives
 Health
 Security
 Living Conditions property Services
 Physical property loss
 Loss of Use Economy
 Loss of products &Production
 Income

The Resilience is the ability of Individuals, Communities and Systems to adapt and recover from
the Impacts of Disasters, it will providing as backend supporting as food, shelter, clothes,

The Resilience is the ability of a system, community or society Exposed to Hazards to Resist,
absorb, Accommodate to and recover from the effects of a hazard in a timely and efficient
Manner, Including through the preservation and Restoration of its essential basic structure and

Characteristics of Resilience:-


The Resilient Communities anticipate potential Disasters and take measures to prepare for


Communities located in areas prone to hurricanes may build stronger structures, create
emergency plans & stockpile Essential Supplies


The Resilient systems are flexible and able to adapt to changing circumstances,


Emergency Response teams may adjust their strategies in real-time to address the evolving
needs of affected communities

Social Capital:-

The Resilient communities have strong social networks and are able to work together
effectively during &after disasters


Neighbors may come together to help one another Evacuate, share Resources,or rebuild
damage Infrastructure

The Resilient Systems have redundant components that can serve as backups,

If primary Systems fail


Hospitals may have backup generators to ensure that critical medical equipment continues to
function during power outages


The Resilient Systems learn from past disasters and use that knowledge to improve their
preparedness and Response in the future


Emergency Management agencies may conduct post-disaster evaluations to Identify areas for
Improvement and Implement changes to their protocols &Procedures ,By building resilience,
communities can reduce the Impact of Disasters & Recover more quickly from their effects

Risks Severity:-

The Risks Severity refers to the potential impact and consequences of a particular hazard or
Disaster event, it takes into account the extent to which the hazard or disaster can effect
people, property, and the environment

The expected losses (lives lost, persons injured, damage to

Property and disruption of economic activity) due to a particular hazard.

Risk =hazard x vulnerability

Risk is a “measure of the expected losses due to a hazard event

occurring in a given area over a specific time period. Risk is a function of

The probability of particular hazardous event and the losses each would
The severity of a risk is typically determined by assessing two main factors

1. Probability:-
This refers to the likelihood of the hazard or disaster occurring in a given location or
The probability of a hazard can be affected by a range of factors, such as weather
patterns, geological conditions, and human activities
2. Consequences:-
this refers to the extent of the impact that the hazard or disaster could have on people,
property, and the environment
the consequences of a disaster can range from minor damage to complete destruction
of infrastructure and loss of life
 By combining these two factors, risk severity can be assessed and used to
prioritize disaster preparedness and planning efforts
 Example:-hazards with high probability and high consequence are considered to
have high risk severity and should be given more attention in terms of
preparedness and planning efforts
 in addition, it is important to note that risk severity can also be influenced by
other factors such as Vulnerability &Exposure
 the vulnerability refers to the level of Susceptibility of a particular population or
asst to the hazard or disaster while exposure refers to the degree to which the
population or asset is exposed to the hazard or disaster
 these factors should also be considered in risk severity assessments to develop
effective disaster preparedness & planning Management system
There are different ways dealing as of Risk Severity:-

Risk Acceptance:-

It is an informed decision to accept the possible

consequences and likelihood of a particular risk.

Risk Avoidance:-

It is an informed decision to avoid involvement in activities

leading to risk realization.

Risk Reduction:-

It is refers to the application of appropriate techniques to reduce the likelihood of risk occurrence and
its consequences.

Risk Transfer :-

It is involves shifting of the burden of risk to another party,

One of the most common forms of risk transfer is Insurance.

Frequency &Details:-

It is an essential aspect of disaster preparedness because, it helps in Identifying the likelihood &
potential Impact of a disaster

The understanding the frequency of Disasters helps in identifying Vulnerable areas,

populations, and Infrastructure which are critical for developing effective Disaster preparedness

 Basically, we have to identify the Geological conditions as well as Danger zones

 Next we have to analysis the Damages of Particular Factors like.
 Vulnerable people
 Population
 Infrastructure

We have to do proper planning as Before &After Disaster

 Before Disaster, we have to take as precautions &safety to build as strong construction

 After disaster, government ,helping organizations, Non-government agencies need to
provide as resources like food, clothes, shelter, finance

Disaster like earthquake, Tsunami, Floods, Ice Strom….etc

The frequency of disasters varies depending on the type of disaster &Geographical location

Disaster preparedness plans must take into account the frequency of disasters to ensure that
they are relevant and effective

If the frequency of a particular disaster is high, then it is critical to develop plans that are robust
& scalable to address the potential Impact of the Disaster

On the Other hand, details in Disaster preparedness &Planning management refers to the
various aspects of disaster preparedness plans that need to be considered details can Include
various Elements such as risk assessments, Evacuation plans, communication plans, resource
Allocation, &Recovery Plans
 The effective disaster preparedness plans must consider all the essential details
to ensure that they are comprehensive and able to address all potential Impacts
of a Disaster, Details can vary depending on the Type of disaster, The location
and the population that is likely to be affected
Characteristics of Disaster preparedness plans must also be considered to ensure
they are effective,

Some of the critical characteristics of effective disaster preparedness plans Include


The Disaster preparedness plans must be flexible and adaptable to address the ever-changing
nature of Disasters


The disaster preparedness plans must be Scalable to address the potential Impact of a disaster
on a large Scale


Disaster preparedness plans must be Inclusive to ensure that all populations Including
Vulnerable are marginalized groups are Considered


The Disaster preparedness plans must be Co-ordinates a Involve all Stakeholders

Included communication plans that enable effective communication before, during &after a

By considering the frequency, details and characteristics of disaster preparedness plans

It is possible to develop effective &comprehensive plans that can help reduce the Impact of
Disasters on Individuals, communities &Society as a whole
Capacity :-

The capacity refers to the ability of Individuals, Organizations, & Communities to effectively
respond to disasters Including the resources, Skills &Systems needed to anticipate prevent
&Mitigate the Impact of Disasters

Capacity building in disaster Preparedness &Planning Management Involves developing and

Enhancing these resources, Skills, and Systems through training Programs, Planning Exercises
Communication networks

Characteristics of Capacity:-

Risk Assessment:-

The first step in disaster preparedness &planning Management is conduct a risk assessment to
Identify Potential hazards, Vulnerabilities & risks to the Community or organization

This Involves analyzing the likelihood and potential Impact of Disasters, Including natural
Disasters, &Manmade Disaster technological hazards, &human-Induced Disasters

Planning & Response:-

The Disaster preparedness and planning Management Involves developing and Implementing
plans &Procedures for responding to Disasters, This includes Identifying roles &responsibilities
establishing communication networks, Emergency Supplies and conducting Simulations &drills

Collaboration & Co-ordination:-

The effective Disaster Preparedness and planning Management requires Collaboration &

Co-ordination between various Stakeholders, Including local Authorities Emergency Services,

Non-governmental organizations, Community Members

This Involves building relationships, Sharing Information and working together to ensure a
Co-ordinated response to Disasters

Training &Education:-

The Disaster Preparedness &planning training and education to Individuals, Organizations,

&communities to enhance their Capacity to Respond to Disasters
This Includes providing Information on Disaster risks and prevention, developing skills in
Emergency response &raising awareness of Disaster preparedness Strategies

Evaluation &Improvement:-

The Disaster preparedness &Planning Management Involves Continually Evaluating &Improving

Disaster Preparedness plans &Response capabilities

This Involves assessing the effectiveness of response plans &procedures Identifying areas for
Improvement and Incorporating lessons learned from previous Disasters overall effective
disaster preparedness & planning Management requires ongoing effort& collaboration
between various Stakeholders


The impact refers to the effect or Consequence of a disaster on people, Infrastructure,

environment , and the economy Disaster Preparedness planning and Management aim to

The Impact of disasters by Identifying and assessing potential hazards, developing plans
&Implementing strategies to reduce risks &Vulnerabilities

Characteristics of Impact:-

Reduction in Loss of Life:-

One of the primary Impacts of Disaster primary Impacts of Disaster preparedness planning and
Management is a reduction in the loss of life

Early warning Systems, Evacuation plans, and emergency response procedures can save lives

Protection of Infrastructure:-

The Disaster preparedness planning &management can protect critical Infrastructure such as
buildings, roads, bridges &power stations, reducing the risk of damage &long-term Economic

Increased Resilience:-

The disaster preparedness planning &management can Improve a community’s resilience in the
face of Disasters
It can help reduce the Impact of Disasters Decrease recovery time &Enhance the communitys
ability to cope with future events

Cost Savings:-

The effective Disaster preparedness planning& management can save costs associated with
emergency response &post-Disaster recovery

Improved Social Cohesion:-

The Disaster preparedness planning &management can faster social cohesion &community
resilience bringing people together to prepare for and respond to disasters

Examples of impact of Disasters

Human Impact:-

Example1:-The Disasters can cause Injuries, deaths &displacement of people for Instance the
“Haiti Earthquake”as westIndain(Island) in 2010 resulted in over 2,20,000 deaths

Example2:-Recent, Turkey &Syria deaths overall in 51,700 deaths

Economic Impact:-

The Disasters can cause significant damage to infrastructure, businesses &the economy

Example:-Hurricane Katrina as Neworlean’s in 2005 caused over $100 Billion in damages

&resulted in Job losses, business closures & significant Economic

Environmental Impact:-

The disasters can also have a severe Impact on the Environment, Including air &water quality,
wildlife &Ecosystems.

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill(Oil Spills occur when petroleum oil is released into ocean
following accidents, such as vessels crashing or damage &problems with oil platforms &drilling)
in 2010 caused Extensive Damage to marine Ecosystems &Impacted the livelihoods of coastal

The Effective Disaster preparedness planning &management can help reduce the impact of
Disasters on Society

Prevention is one of the most important aspects of disaster preparedness and management

It involves taking proactive measures to reduce the risk of disasters and minimize their
potential impact

Some of the key characteristics of prevention in disaster management Include:

Risk Assessment:-

The prevention involves assessing the potential risks and vulnerabilities that exist in a
community or region

 To Identify the Dangerous Zone as Vulnerabilities, heavy population

 We have to conduct as awareness sessions to public, students, &uneducated
guys also
 When disaster or hazard may be happened following as planning preparedness
providing as food, shelter, water, money , Medical treatment, Medicines…etc

This includes identifying natural hazards, such as floods or earthquakes, as well as human-made
hazards, Infrastructure failure such as terrorism, fires, Structural Collapse bridges, Airplane


A city in a high-risk earthquake zone may conduct a seismic risk assessment to identify
vulnerable buildings and infrastructure and take steps to reinforce them

Education and awareness:-

The prevention also involves educating the public and raising awareness about the potential
risks and hazards they may face

This can include providing information on how to prepare for disasters and how to respond
during an emergency


A community may conduct public education campaigns on how to prepare for hurricanes
including creating emergency kits and developing evacuation plans
Planning and preparedness:-

The Prevention involves developing plans and taking preparedness measures to reduce the
impact of disasters, this includes establishing emergency response procedures and conducting
regular drills to test their preparedness


A hospital May develop an Emergency preparedness plan that Includes Stock Piling Medical
Supplies, Training Staff on emergency response Procedures &Conducting regular drills to test
their preparedness

Infrastructure and Building standards:-

The prevention involves establishing building codes and infrastructure standards to reduce the
risk of damage and loss during disasters


A city may establish building codes that require new buildings to be constructed to withstand
high winds or earthquakes, reducing the risk of structural damage during a disaster

Environmental Management:-

The Prevention also involves managing the environment to reduce the risk of disasters

This includes measures such as reducing deforestation, improving water management and
mitigating the effects of climate change


A community may develop a plan to plant trees and vegetation in areas at risk of landslides
reducing the risk of soil erosion and landslides during heavy rainstorms overall, prevention is
crucial aspect of Disaster preparedness &management ,It requires a proactive approach that
Involves assessing risks, educating the public, Planning& preparing establishing Standards
&managing the Environment

Mitigation is a crucial component of Disaster preparedness &planning Management, aimed at

reducing the Impact of Disasters on people, property &the Environment

The following are the characteristics of Mitigation &some examples

Proactive Approach:-

The Mitigation is a proactive approach that focuses on preventing or reducing the risk of
disasters before they occur

Example:- the Building codes &standards are designed to ensure that buildings are constructed
to with stand natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes &floods

Long-Term Strategy:-

The Mitigation is a long-term strategy that Involves on going efforts to reduce the risk of

Example:- planting trees &vegetation in flood-prone areas can reduce the risk of flooding


The Mitigation is a cost-effective approach to Disaster Management

It is often less Expensive to prevent or reduce the risk of Disasters than to respond to and
recover from them


Installing fire Alarms &sprinklers in Building can prevent or reduce the damage caused by fires


The Mitigation is a comprehensive approach that Involves Multiple Strategies &Actions


A Comprehensive Mitigation plan for a Coastal city may Include Building Sea walls, creating
Evacuation Plans, &Investing in early Warning Systems

The Mitigation is a community based approach that Involves the participation of local
communities in Disaster Preparedness &Planning Management


A Community based Mitigation plan may Involve educating residents on how to prepare for and
respond to disasters


Mitigation is a Sustainable approach that takes into account the Environmental, social&
economic Impacts of Disaster Management


Building green Infrastructure like rain gardens and permeable payment can Mitigate the Impact
of Urban flooding while also Providing Environment &Economic benefits

 The effective Mitigation Strategies can Significantly reduce the Impact of Disasters on
people, Property &the Environment

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