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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985

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Condensation heat transfer characteristics of R-134a flowing inside the

multiport minichannels
Kittipong Sakamatapan a, Jatuporn Kaew-On a,b, Ahmet Selim Dalkilic c, Omid Mahian d,
Somchai Wongwises a,e,⇑
Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Engineering and Multiphase Flow Research Lab. (FUTURE), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University
of Technology Thonburi, Bangmod, Bangkok 10140, Thailand
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Taksin University, Phattalung 93110, Thailand
Heat and Thermodynamics Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz, Besiktas, Istanbul 34349, Turkey
Young Researchers Club and Elites, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
The Academy of Science, The Royal Institute of Thailand, Sanam Suea Pa, Dusit, Bangkok 10300, Thailand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, the condensation heat transfer characteristics of R-134a flowing inside multiport minichan-
Received 19 January 2013 nels were investigated. The multiport minichannel-tested tubes have 14 channels with a 1.1 mm hydrau-
Received in revised form 9 April 2013 lic diameter, and eight channels with a 1.2 mm hydraulic diameter were designed as a counterflow tube-
Accepted 10 April 2013
in-tube heat exchanger. The experiment was performed with mass fluxes of refrigerant between 340 and
Available online 8 June 2013
680 kg/m2s, with 15, 20, and 25 kW/m2 heat fluxes, and saturation temperatures of 35–45 °C. The flow
pattern for the experimental data was initially predicted using existing flow pattern maps. It could be
noted that the annular flow pattern existed for most of the experimental data. Results showed that the
Heat transfer characteristics
average heat transfer coefficient increased with the increase of vapor quality, mass flux, and heat flux,
R-134a but decreased as saturation temperature rose. When compared with two correlations obtained from con-
Multiport minichannels densation inside the multiport minichannels, the heat transfer coefficient could be predicted within an
acceptable range.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction plot method. It was determined that the condensation heat trans-
fer coefficient rises when heat flux is increased to the 0.2 power.
In compact condensers for automotive air conditioning systems, This result showed agreement with the Aker [2] correlation, except
multiport minichannels with hydraulic diameters ranging from at high mass flux. In addition, the authors proposed that for vapor
0.2 mm to 3 mm have been widely used for many years. Multiport quality greater than 0.5, surface tension force affects the condensa-
minichannels provide some advantages over conventional tubes, tion heat transfer coefficient at low mass flux.
such as more compact size, lower refrigerant charge, lighter The condensation of R12 and R134a in extruded microchannels
weight, and reduced air-side pressure drop. However, sound having a respective hydraulic diameter of 1.41 and 1.56 mm, with
understanding about condensation heat transfer in multiport mini- 0.2 and 0.3 mm depth of microfin, was also studied by Yang and
channels needs more attention. Webb [3]. In their study, the condensation heat transfer model
The few available studies on condensation heat transfer in mini- was developed through their contribution regarding vapor shear
channels are summarized as follows: An experimental study of R- and surface tension.
12 in small hydraulic diameter, flat extruded aluminum tubes was Yan and Lin [4] determined the condensation heat transfer coef-
done by Yang and Webb [1]. Two internal geometries were tested; ficient of R134a in a small pipe with an inner diameter of 2 mm ar-
one set of tubes had a plain inner surface, and the other had micro- ranged parallelly. Two copper plates were soldered to the upper
fin and a 0.2 mm. height. The heat transfer coefficient for water- and lower ends of the pipe bundle, and coolant tubes were in turn
side flow in the annulus was determined by the modified Wilson attached to the copper plate, which acted as a heat sink. The result
showed a corresponding increase in the condensation heat transfer
coefficient with increases to the mass flux in the high vapor quality
⇑ Corresponding author at: Fluid Mechanics, Thermal Engineering and Multi-
region, but only slight influence in the low vapor quality region.
phase Flow Research Lab. (FUTURE), Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, The condensation heat transfer coefficient was lower when a high-
Bangmod, Bangkok 10140, Thailand. Tel.: +66 2 470 9115; fax: +66 2 470 9111. er heat flux was swapped for the given mass flux except in the low
E-mail address: (S. Wongwises). vapor quality region, and it also decreased as the saturation tem-

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985 977


A surface area (m2) q density (kg m3)

Ac cross section area (m2) r surface tension (N m1)
Cp specific heat at constant pressure (kJ kg1 K1) d wall thickness (m)
dh hydraulic diameter (m)
G mass flux (kg m2 s1) Subscripts
h heat transfer coefficient (W m2 K1) avg average
i enthalpy (kJ kg1) c cross section
k thermal conductivity (W m1 K1) cir circular
LMTD Log mean temperature difference (°C) i inner
m _ mass flow rate (kg s1) in inlet
N number of channels l liquid
P pressure (kPa) m mean
Q heat transfer (kJ) v vapour
Q_ heat transfer rate (kW) o outter
Q 00 heat flux (kW m2) out outlet
Re Reynolds number, Re ¼ Gd l rec rectangular
T temperature (°C) ref refrigerant
U overall heat transfer coefficient (Wm2 K1) sat saturation
x vapor quality t tube
TS test section
Greek letters W water
DP pressure drop (kPa m1) Wall wall
b aspect ratio
l dynamic viscosity (Pa-s)
a void fraction

perature was increased. Their results also indicated that the con- ified Yan and Webb [1] correlation for microfin were referenced in
densation heat transfer coefficient for conventional tubes was this work.
about 10% lower than that for small tubes. Finally, the correlations The investigation of heat transfer coefficients and pressure
for predicting stratified and annular flow were also developed from drops during condensation of R134a and R410A in a multiport
this work. minichannel with a hydraulic diameter of 1.4 mm was done by
Apart from that, Wang et al. [5] also investigated the condensa- Cavallini et al.[12]. For heat transfer coefficients, they compared
tion of R134a in a rectangular multiport with a hydraulic diameter their data with correlations from Aker [2], Moser et al. [13], Zhang
of 1.46 mm, 10 channels at 61.5–66 °C over a mass flux range of and Webb [14], Cavallini et al. [15], Wang et al. [5]., and Koyama
75–750 kg/m2s. Flow visualization also was conducted. Results et al. [7]. Based on this, their data under-predicted correlations at
showed that the stratified or wavy flow occurred, and the heat high mass flux. They attributed this to the flow patterns in their
transfer coefficient was independent of vapor quality at low mass experiment, since they involved mist flow at high mass flux,
flux. At the same time, the flow pattern was annular, and vapor whereas the compared results were for annular flow in conven-
quality and mass flux had strong effects on the heat transfer coef- tional tubes.
ficient at high mass flux. Their annular flow data was found to Additionally, comparison of the new refrigerant R1234ze (E) in
agree most with the Aker [2] correlation, while their stratified data vertical multiport minichannels of 1.45 mm hydraulic diameter
agreed best with the correlation from Jaster and Kosky [6]. with R1134a and 236fa was presented by Park et al. [16]. For
Koyama et al. [7] studied the condensation of pure refrigerant mass flux of 50–260 kg/m2s, heat flux of 1–62 kW/m2, and satura-
R134a in two multiport extruded tubes having eight channels in tion temperature of 25–70 °C, the condensation heat transfer
1.1 hydraulic diameter and 19 channels in 0.8 hydraulic diameter. coefficient showed the expected increase as the vapor quality
They used heat flux sensors to measure the local heat transfer coef- and mass flux increased, and as saturation temperature de-
ficient for greater accuracy, then used the temperature rising with- creased. The heat flux had no effect on the heat transfer coeffi-
in the coolant for the Wilson plot method. Their tests were cient, and the heat transfer coefficient of R1234ze (E) appeared
conducted over the range of 100 < G < 700 kg/m2s at 60 °C. The relatively similar to R236fa but was lower than R134a’s by about
researchers also proposed combining convective and film conden- 15–25%. The agreement was poor when compared to available
sation terms. While the individual annular and stratified terms horizontal correlations. Finally, a developed heat transfer correla-
were obtained from Haraguchi’s [8] correlation, their two-phase tion, in terms of force convection and gravity, resulted from this
multiplier was estimated using the correlation from Mishima and work.
Hibiki [9]. Information on the condensation heat transfer in multiport
Kim et al. [10] compared the results of R410A and R22 for mass minichannels is still limited, and there remains room for further
flux between 200 and 600 kg/m2s, as well as heat flux between 5 research. Especially, most of the researchers have studied only very
and 15 kW/m2, at 45 °C. Their work was conducted similarly to specific parameters. Moreover, some results in the literature have
that of Yang and Webb [1]. The heat transfer coefficient of R410A shown different effects. The present study’s main objective is to
is slightly higher than that of R22 for the smooth tube, but the re- investigate the effects of all of the involved parameters for con-
verse occurs in the case of microfin. They mentioned that the great- densing flow, including mass fluxes, heat fluxes, saturation tem-
er surface tension drainage and heat transfer were caused by the perature, and vapor quality. The resulting data, which have never
2.7 times lower Webber number of R22 compared to R410A. The before appeared in open literature, are presented here.
use of Webb et al. [11] correlation for smooth tubes and the mod-
978 K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985

00.00 kPa

DT 800
T pressure transducer T
P T P T Header location H L Header
Data acquisition system

Sight glass T T Sight glass

Preheater Microchannel Test section Plate heat exchanger

RTD pt 100


Flow 0.8 Flow meter

meter 0.6



RTD pt 100



DC Power supply Condensing Unit Flow meter

Water Pump Cooling/Heating water


tank 0.2

pressure controller
High Low

Micro gear pump

Sight glass
Receiver tank
Heater 4.5 kW
Subcooled water tank Condensing Unit
Water Pump

Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of the experimental apparatus.

2. Apparatus and method and calculated parameters calculated from the root mean sum
square method are shown in Table 3.
The schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus is pre-
sented in Fig. 1. It should be noted that this apparatus was also 3. Data reduction
used for flow boiling heat transfer study in the multiport mini-
channel [17,18]. The main components of the system consisted of Data reduction for the measured results was done using the
a test section, refrigerant loop, cooling water loop, sub-cooling methods outlined below.
loop, and data acquisition system. The vapor quality of the refrigerant R134a at the inlet of test
For the refrigerant circulating loop, as shown in Fig. 1, a gear section is calculated as follows
pump sends liquid refrigerant, with its flow rate regulated by an
inverter, through a filter and dryer, refrigerant flow meter, pre- iTS;in  il@TS;in
xTS;in ¼ ð1Þ
heater, sight glass tube, test section, and plate heat exchanger. ilv @TS;in
From there, it is then re-circulated, collected in a receiver tank, where il@TS,in is the enthalpy of saturated liquid refrigerant based on
and returned to the refrigerant gear pump to complete the cycle. the temperature at the test section inlet, and ilv@TS,in is the enthalpy
The quality at the inlet of the test section is controlled by the of vaporization based on the temperature at the test section inlet,
pre-heater. A DC power supply is used to power the pre-heater, and iTS,in is the refrigerant enthalpy at the test section inlet which
which can be controlled by adjusting the supply voltage and cur- is given by
rent. The desired inlet quality is controlled to about 0.1–0.9 before
the refrigerant enters the test section. After leaving this area, the Q_ lat
iTS;in ¼ iph;in þ ð2Þ
vapor refrigerant then condenses in the plate heat exchanger by m_ ref
transferring its heat to the sub-cooling water loop. Instruments
are installed at various positions, as clearly shown in Fig. 1, to mon- where iph,in is the enthalpy of the liquid refrigerant at the preheater
_ ref is the mass flow rate of the refrigerant, Q_ lat is the latent
inlet, m
itor the refrigerant’s state. All of the signals from the thermocou-
ples and pressure transducer are collected by a data acquisition. heat transfer rate in the pre-heater
Fig. 2 presents a schematic of the test section for this study. The Q_ lat ¼ Q_ ph þ Q_ sen ð3Þ
test section is designed as a counter flow tube-in-tube heat ex-
changer. The refrigerant side is an aluminium rectangular multi- where Q_ ph is the electrical power from a heater to the refrigerant
port minichannels having 14 channels in 1.11 mm hydraulic flowing through the pre-heater, Q_ Sen is the sensible heat transfer
diameter and 8 channels in 1.2 mm hydraulic diameter. The cool- rate in the pre-heater which is defined as
ing water side is made from transparent acrylic, 12 mm thick,
Q_ ph ¼ ðVIÞ@ph ð4Þ
and designed as a rectangular channel. It is used to supply heat flux
to the tested tubes. The photographs and details of these test sec- and
tions are presented in Fig. 3 and Table 1, respectively. In addition,
the inlet and outlet saturation temperatures are measured by T- Q_ sen ¼ m
_ ref cref ðT ph;out  T ph;in Þ ð5Þ
type thermocouples installed at the inlet and outlet points of the
The vapor quality at the test section outlet is determined from
test section header. For measuring the pressure drop across the
section, a differential pressure transducer is installed at the other iTS;out  il@TS;out
xTS;out ¼ ð6Þ
side of header. The length between the pressure taps is 250 mm. ilv @TS;out
The accuracy of differential pressure drop is ±0.25% of full scale,
or ±0.125 kPa. Sixteen well-calibrated thermocouples are installed where iTS,out is the refrigerant enthalpy at the test section outlet,
at four points along the multiport minichannels, both top and bot- il@TS,out is the enthalpy of saturated liquid refrigerant based on the
tom, to measure the wall temperature. The thermocouples are also temperature of the test section outlet, and ilv@TS,out is the enthalpy
installed at inlet and outlet of the water channel to measure the in- of vaporization. As a consequence, the enthalpy of the refrigerant
let and outlet cooling water temperatures. Rubber foam with flow at the test section outlet can be determined from
0.04 W/m K of thermal conductivity provides thermal insulation Q_ TS
for this section. The refrigerant flow meter is a variable-area type. iTS;out ¼ iTS;in þ ð7Þ
m_ ref
The flow meter is specially calibrated in the range of 0.2–1.8 LPM
for R134a by the manufacturer. Details of the test conditions are where Q_ TS is obtained from the heat transferring from the refriger-
presented in Table 2. The uncertainties of measured quantities ant to the cooling water
K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985 979

Measurement of cooling
water temperature at outlet T-type thermocouple

25 25 50 50 50 25
Differential pressure tap
Measurement of cooling
Acrylic shell water temperature at inlet

Measurement of cooling Measurement of cooling

water temperature at inlet water temperature at inlet

Multiport minichannels

Refrigerant outlet

Cooling water outlet

Cooling water inlet

Multiport minichannels
Refrigerant inlet

Cooling water

Header pressure tap


Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the test section.

980 K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985

Table 2
Experimental conditions.

Refrigerant R134a
Hydraulic diameter (mm) 1.1 and 1.2
Number of channels, N 14 and 8
Mass flux (kg/m2s) 340–680
Fig. 3. Photographs of cross section of the multiport minichannels: (a) dh = 1.1 mm, Heat flux (kW/m2) 15–25
n = 14, (b) dh = 1.2 mm, n = 8. Saturation temperature (°C) 35–45

The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) method is used to

calculate the overall heat transfer rate as follows: Table 3
Uncertainties of measured quantities and calculated parameters.
Q_ ¼ UA  LMTD ð8Þ
Parameter Uncertainty
Here, U is the overall heat transfer coefficient, A is the surface area
Temperature ±0.1
base on the outside surface of multiport minichannel, and LMTD is Mass flow rate of refrigerant ±0.5%
the log mean temperature difference. LMTD is defined this way: Heat transfer rate of test section ±14%
Average heat transfer coefficient ±19%
ðT ref ;in  T w;out Þ  ðT ref ;out  T w;in Þ Average quality ±8%
LMTD ¼   ð9Þ
ln T ref ;in Tw;out
ref ;out

Tref and Tw are the refrigerant and water temperatures, respectively. Ai ¼ ½2nrec ða þ bÞ þ ncir ða þ pbÞL ð15Þ
Considering the test section as present in Fig. 2, and assuming
no heat loss from surroundings, the heat transfer rate from refrig- In this equation, a is height of the channel, b is the width of the
erant to cooling water as it passes the wall of the multiport mini- channel, nrec is the number of rectangular channel, ncir is the num-
channels can be calculated as follows: ber of the half-circular channel, and L is the length of the test
Q_ ¼ m
_ w Cpw ðT w;out  T w;in Þ ¼ m
_ ref ðiref ;in  iref ;out Þ ð10Þ section.

Here, Q_ is the heat transfer rate, m

_ w and m
_ ref are the mass flow rate
of the coolant water and refrigerant, respectively, and iref ;in and 4. Results and discussion
iref ;out represent the enthalpy at the respective inlet and outlet
points of the test section. Finally, the total resistance of the multi- 4.1. Flow pattern
port minichanels can be expressed this way:
It was expected that the refrigerant’s channel flow pattern will
1 1 dt 1
¼ þ þ ð11Þ influence the mechanism of heat transfer during the condensation
UA ho Ao kt Am hi Ai
process. Therefore, the flow patterns for the present experimental
The outside heat transfer coefficient, ho, can be calculated from the data were identified using the existing flow pattern map proposed
following equation: by Soliman [19]. The annular-wavy and the mist-annular transition
criterion based on experimental data from many different sources
Q_ were also proposed by Soliman [19]. The data include steam, R12,
ho ¼ ð12Þ
Ao ðT wall;av g  T w;av g Þ and R113 flowing inside tubes with hydraulic diameter of 4.8–
where Ao is the outer surface area of the multiport minichannels, 15.9 mm at the saturation temperature of 28–110 °C during con-
Tw,avg is the average water temperature measured at the inlet and densation process. This flow pattern map has often been used in
outlet of the water side, and Twall,avg refers to the average wall tem- the condensation study. The flow pattern plotted on the Soliman
peratures. Twall,avg can be calculated by the following equation: flow pattern map [19] is shown in Fig. 4. Most of the data points
lie between the wavy and the intermittent/annular transition and
1X N
annular/annular mist transition lines, while very few data points
T wall;av g ¼ T wall;i ð13Þ fall into the wavy flow region.
N i¼1
The mini-scale flow pattern map was developed by Coleman
Twall,i as expressed above is the local wall temperature at each sec- and Garimella [20,21] and Garimella [22]. They conducted the con-
tion of the multiport minichannels. densation flow visualization of R134a in nine tubes with different
From Eq. (4), the inside heat transfer coefficient can be calcu- cross-sections for hydraulic diameters between 1 and 4.91 mm un-
lated by: der the mass flux ranging between 150 and 750 kg/m2s. In their
study, four major flow regimes including annular, intermittent,
1 1 1 dt
¼   ð14Þ wavy, and dispersed flow patterns were found. The present results
hi Ai UA ho Ao kt Am
are plotted on this flow pattern map, as show in Fig. 5. Most of cur-
The inside heat transfer coefficient or the refrigerant side heat rent experimental data fall in the annular film and mist flow pat-
transfer coefficient is hi. Ai is the inside surface area and can be cal- tern regions, except the results obtained at low vapor quality,
culated by: which fall into the plug/slug and annular film flow regions.

Table 1
The details of multiport tested channels.

Test No. Hydraulic diameter (mm) Number of channel Channel width (mm) Channel height (mm) Aspect ratio Outer surface (mm2)
1 1.1 14 1 1.25 1.25 5797.5
2 1.2 8 1.8 0.9 0.5 6171
K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985 981


We=30 Annular mist/Mist



Mass flux (kg/m s)

We=20 Annular/Annular mist



200 Fr=7 Wavy and Intermittent/Annular

0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Vapor quality

Fig. 4. Flow pattern prediction by Soliman flow pattern map [19].




Mass flux (kg/m s)





0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Vapor quality

Fig. 5. Flow pattern prediction by Coleman and Garimella [20,21] and Garimella [22].

From two existing flow pattern maps of this study, it can be and liquid film is higher than that at low vapor quality. More tur-
concluded that most of the presently available experimental data bulence is caused by increases in shear stress, which lead to a cor-
are for annular flow, and this can be considered as a flow mecha- responding increase in the heat transfer coefficient. Furthermore,
nism for heat transfer during the condensation flow process. Fig. 6 also demonstrates that the average heat transfer coefficients
increase according to the increases in mass flux. The dependence of
4.2. Average heat transfer coefficient mass flux on heat transfer coefficient suggests that the contribu-
tion of forced convective heat transfer is dominant.
The effects of mass flux, heat flux, saturation temperature, and The effects of heat flux on average heat transfer coefficient at
vapor quality on the average heat transfer coefficients of R134a heat fluxes of 15, 20, and 25 kW/m2 at mass flux of 340 kg/m2s
during condensation in multiport minichannels were examined and saturation temperature of 40 °C are presented in Fig. 7.
and discussed in this study. Results were obtained for three differ- Increasing the heat flux means the average heat transfer coefficient
ent mass fluxes in the range of 340–680 kg/m2s, heat fluxes from also increase. The authors suggest that the increase in heat flux
15 to 25 kW/m2, and saturation temperatures of 35, 40, and also changes the momentum of the liquid and vapor phase, which
45 °C over the vapor quality range. causes the observed increase in the heat transfer coefficient. These
Fig. 6 depicts the variation in the average heat transfer coeffi- trends are quite similar to that found by Yang and Webb [1].
cient, with the vapor quality of R134a in multiport minichannels By changing the system saturation temperature and keeping
at a saturation temperature of 40 °C and heat flux of 20 kW/m2 mass flux and heat flux constant, the effect of saturation tempera-
for different mass fluxes from 340 to 680 kg/m2s. We found that ture on the average heat transfer coefficient can be investigated.
the average heat transfer coefficient decreased as condensation Fig. 8 shows the effect of saturation temperature at mass flux of
proceeded, meaning, it corresponded to a decrease in vapor qual- 340 kg/m2s and heat flux of 25 kW/m2. The experiment indicates
ity. At high vapor quality, the velocity of the vapor and liquid that the average heat transfer coefficient at a saturation tempera-
phases is high; shear stress at the interface between the vapor ture of 35 °C is higher than that of 40 or 45 °C. This is related to
982 K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985

Multiport minichannel (dh=1.1mm., n=14)
T =40oC, q''=20kW/m2

Heat transfer coefficient (kW/m K)




1500 G''(kg/m2s)
0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Vapor quality

Fig. 6. The effect of mass flux on average heat transfer coefficient.

Multiport minichannels (dh=1.1mm.,n=14)
T =40oC, G=350kg/m2s.
Heat transfer Coefficient (kW/m )



1500 q'' (kW/m2)


0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Vapor Quality

Fig. 7. The effect of heat flux on average heat transfer coefficient.

the properties of R134a, since the thermal conductivities of liquid The first comparison, depicted in Fig. 10, shows the experimen-
film for R134a at 35 °C are higher than those of R134a at 40 °C and tal data was predicted by Webb et al. correlation[11]. This was
at 45 °C, respectively. developed for a copper round tube and multiport minichannel with
In addition, the measured average heat transfer coefficients of a hydraulic diameter of 2.13 mm. We found that the agreement be-
two different numbers of channels, as tested with multiport mini- tween the experimental results and our prediction was quite clear;
channels in similar experimental conditions, are compared in this about 90% of the data points fell within a ±25% error margin.
study. The results of two are presented in Fig. 9, shows that the Comparison of the heat transfer coefficient obtained from the
heat transfer coefficients for the multiport mini-channels No. 1 present experiment with those calculated by the Koyama et al.
are higher than those for the multiport mini-channels No. 2 about [23] correlation which was modeled by the combination of convec-
5–15%. The higher velocity of refrigerant in the multiport mini- tive and film condensation term of R134a in two multiport mini-
channels No. 1, which has smaller hydraulic diameter, causes the chanels, is shown in Fig. 11. It can be seen from this figure that
liquid film to become thinner which results in higher heat transfer 72% of the data fall within ±40% of the correlation.
5. Conclusion
4.3. Comparison with existing correlations
This study mainly examined the heat transfer characteristics of
The experimental data were compared against existing correla- R134a as it flowed inside multiport minichannels. Tests covering
tions to predict the condensation heat transfer coefficient. Two several conditions were conducted; mass fluxes ranged from 340
condensation heat transfer coefficient correlations obtained from to 680 kg/m2s, heat fluxes, 15 to 25 kW/m2, and saturation temper-
the data taken from multiport mini-microchannels as shown in Ta- ature, 35 to 45 °C. From these experiments, we can make the fol-
ble 4 were proposed by Webb et al. [11] and Koyama et al. [23]. lowing conclusions.
K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985 983

Multiport minichannel (dh=1.1mm., n=14)
G=350kg/m2s, q''=25kW/m2

Heat transfer coefficient (kW/m K)



1500 Tsat(oC)
0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Vapor quality

Fig. 8. The effect of saturation temperature on average heat transfer coefficient.

Multiport minichannel
Tsat=40oC, q''=25kW/m2, G=500kg/m2s
Heat transfer Coefficient (kW/m K)



1500 Multiport minichannels

1.1 mm, 14 channels
1.2 mm, 8 channels

0.0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0
Vapor quality

Fig. 9. Comparison of heat transfer coefficient between multiport minichannels No. 1 and multiport minichannels No. 2.

Table 4
Correlations from literature.

No Author(s) Correlation Conditions

1 Webb h ¼ hf ð1:31Pr0:815 ðRþ ÞA ReBf where Rþ ¼ 0:994Reeq 7=8
; A ¼ 0:126Pr 0:448 ; B ¼ 0:113Pr0:563 Circular tube, dh = 3.25 mm. and Multiport
f f f
et al. [11]  0:5 minichannels, dh = 2.13 mm., R134a
d q  
Reeq ¼ 0:5 f h l2l dP
dz f
and f l;eq ¼ 0:079Re eq
f ;eq l

2 Koyama k
h ¼ df ðNu2F þ Nu2B Þ1=2 Where NuF ¼ 0:0112Pr1:37 ðX ttg ÞRe0:7 with Ref ¼ Gð1xÞd h / Local heat transfer coefficient, Two multiport
h f f lf
et al. [23] pffiffiffiffi  1=4 minichannel dh = 0.8 and 1.1 mm, R134a
Ga Pr pffiffiffi pffiffiffi
NuB ¼ 0:725ð1  e0:85 Bo ÞHðeÞ Phf f f With HðeÞ ¼ e þ ½10ð1  eÞ0:1  8:9 e 1  e
g q2 d3h cpf ðT r T w Þ
d gðqf qg Þ
Ga ¼ lf 2 ; Phf ¼ hfg
and Bo ¼ r

There were two flow pattern maps used for experimental data of these plotted results, the average heat transfer tends to increase
plotting. The first is a well-known flow pattern map for condensa- along with average vapor quality, mass flux, and heat flux. On the
tion research by Soliman [19]; the other is maps flow in minichan- other hand, the average heat transfer tends to decrease with in-
nels and was designed by Coleman and Garimella [20,21] and creases in saturation temperature. Apart from that, when the
Garimella [22]. Most of the plotted data points were located in hydraulic diameter is decreased from 1.2 mm to 1.1 mm under
the region of annular flow regime. When we consider the trend the same testing conditions, the average heat transfer coefficients
984 K. Sakamatapan et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 64 (2013) 976–985

Webb et al. [11] 25%

Predicted heat transfer coefficient (W/m k)





0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Experimental heat transfer coefficient (W/m K)

Fig. 10. Comparison of experimental average heat transfer coefficient with Webb et al. [11] correlation.

Koyama et al. [23]
Predicted heat transfer coefficient (kW/m K)





0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Experimental heat transfer coefficient (kW/m K)

Fig. 11. Comparison of experimental average heat transfer coefficient with Koyama et al. [23] correlation.

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