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Airline Domestic International

(Xi) (Yi)
Air Asia 4269181 8808742
Asiana 1167860 4324324
Bouraq Air Lines 731343 1691405
Cathay Pacific 65254 79703
CEBU Pacific Air 162795 62027
China Airlines 380060 52937
Dragonair Hong Kong 513469 140234
EVA Air 456659 125522
Japan Asia Airways 849001 104475
Japan Airlines 138459 147109
JetLite 195733 113569
Jetstar Asia Airways 149431 147244
Korean Air 454753 153826
Malaysia Airlines 65265 76226
Paramount Airways 115595 123959
Pelita Air Service 166352 152100
Philippine Airlines 402643 80938
Royal Brunei Airlines 37312 91906
Shanghai Airlines 136419 99430
Silkair 172773 166074
Sun Air 216888 133863
Thai Airways 218544 162056
Tiger Airways 1574935 219407
Vietnam Airlines 2783993 511621
Part 4: Calculate and compare measures of dispersion in each dataset

To calculate the measures of dispersions for each dataset, we need to find the range,
mean absolute deviation (MAD), variance, standard deviation and coefficient of
variation (CV). The range gives us the way of how find out the data. The variance and
standard deviation is about how far the data is from the mean.

a) Domestic Dataset:

i) Range:The formula of range may refer to the difference between the maximum and
minimum values in the dataset.

Range =Maximum value - Minimum Value

= 4269181 - 65254 = 4203927

ii) Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD): First is find the mean (average) of the set of
values, then calculate the absolute difference between each value and the mean. Last
step is take the average of those absolute differences. MAD is commonly used as a
measure of dispersion.
The formula for MAD: Σ (xi - x̄)/n

Where: Σ= represents the summation of all the values

(xi - x̄)= represents the absolute difference between each value (xi) and the
mean ( x̄) of the set.
n= the total number of values in the set.
Mean = Σ (xi)/N = ( 4269181 + 1167860 + 731343 + 65254 + 162795 + 380060 +
513469 + 456659 + 849001 + 134859 + 195733 + 149431 + 454753 + 65265
+ 115595 + 166352 + 402643 + 37312 + 136419 + 172773 + 216888 +
218544 + 1574935 + 2783993 ) / 24 = 642697

iii) Variance: To calculate the variance, first is calculate the mean of the dataset. Then
for each observation, subtract the mean from the value, square the result, and add it to
the running total. Finally, divide the total by the number of observations.
The formula for variance : S2 = Σ (xi - x̄)^2 / n - 1

Where: S2 = Sample Variance

n = the number of observations in the dataset.
Σ = the summation symbol, which means you should add up the values of the
expression that follow it for each observation.
xi = the value of the observation
x̄ = the mean of the dataset
Variance = Σ (xi - x̄)^2 / n - 1 = [(4269181 - 642697)^2 + (1167860 - 642697)^2 +
(731343 - 642697)^2 + (65254 - 642697)^2 + (162795 - 642697)^2 +
(380060 - 642697)^2 + (513469 - 642697)^2 +(456659 - 642697)^2 +
(849001 - 642697)^2 + (138459 - 642697)^2 +(195733 - 642697)^2 +
(149431 - 642697)^2 + (454753 - 642697)^2 + (65265 - 642697)^2 +
(115595 - 642697)^2 + (166352 - 642697)^2 + (402643 - 642697)^2 +
(37312 - 642697)^2 + (136419 - 642697)^2 + (172773 - 642697)^2 +
(216888 - 642697)^2 + (218544 - 642697)^2 + (1574935 - 642697)^2
+ (2783993 - 642697)^2 / 24 - 1] = 341660649.7
The variance for the domestic dataset is 341660649.7
iv) Standard Deviation: To calculate the standard deviation, first find the mean of the
dataset, then subtract the mean from each value in the dataset and square the result.
Add up all the squared differences and divide by the number of values in the dataset.
Finally, take the square root of the result to get the standard deviation.
The formula for Standard Deviation : S = √S2
Where: S = Standard deviation
S2 = Simple Variance
Mean = Σxi / N = (4269181 + 1167860 + 731343 + 65254 + 162795 + 380060 +
513469 + 456659 + 849001 + 134859 + 195733 + 149431 + 454753 +
65265 + 115595 + 166352 + 402643 + 37312 + 136419 + 172773 +
216888 + 218544 + 1574935 + 2783993 ) / 24 = 642697
Then we can calculate the standard deviation:
Standard deviation (S) √S2 = √ 341660649.7
The standard deviation for the domestic dataset is 18484.064

v) Coefficienct of Variation (CV): is the statistical measure of relative variability,

which expresses the standard deviation (S) as a percentage of the mean.
The formula for Coefficient of Variation (CV)= (S / x̄)
Where: CV= Coefficient of Variation
S = Standard deviation
x̄ = average of the dataset
The mean is: 18484.064 / 642697 = 0.028760152

a) International Dataset:
i) Range= Maximum Value - Minimum Value
8808742 - 52937 = 8755805
ii) Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD): To calculate the MAD, first find the mean
( average ) of the set of values, then calculate the absolute difference between each
value and the average of those absolute difference. MAD is commonly used as a
measure of variability or dispersion.
The formula for Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is :Σ (xi - x̄) / n

Mean = Σxi / N = (8808742 + 4324324 + 1691405 + 79703 + 62027 + 52937 +

140234 + 125522 + 104475 + 147109 + 113569 + 147244 + 153826 + 76226
+ 123959 + 152100 + 80938 + 91906 + 99430 + 166074 + 133863 + 162056
+ 219407 + 511621) / 24 = 740362

iii) Variance: To calculate the variance, first need to calculate the mean of the dataset.
Then for each observation, subtract the mean from the value, square the result, and
add it to the running total. Finally, divide the total by the number of observations.

The formula for variance is: S2 = Σ (xi - x̄)^2 / n - 1

Variance = Σ (xi - x̄)^2 / n - 1 = [(8808742 - 740362)^2 + (4324324 - 740362)^2 +
(1691405 - 740362)^2 + (79703 - 740362)^2 + (62027 - 740362)^2 + (52937 -
740362)^2 + (140234 - 740362)^2 + (125522 - 740362)^2 + (104475 - 740362)^2 +
(147109 - 740362)^2 + (113569 - 740362)^2 + (147244 - 740362)^2 + (153826 -
740362)^2 + (76226 - 740362)^2 + (123959 - 740362)^2 + (152100 - 740362)^2 +
(80938 - 740362)^2 + (91906 - 740362)^2 + (99430 - 740362)^2 + (166074 -
740362^2) + (133863 - 740362)^2 + (162056 - 740362)^2 + (219407 - 740362)^2 +
(511621 - 740362)^2 / 24 - 1 = 4.302086957

Therefore, the variance for the domestic dataset is 4.302086957

iv) Standard Deviation: To calculate the standard, first find the mean of the dataset,
then subtract the mean from each value in the dataset and square the result. Add up all
the squared differences and divide by the number of value in the dataset. Finally, take
the square root of the result to get the standard deviation.

The formula for standard deviation is: S = √S2

The mean is:

Mean = Σxi / N = (8808742 + 4324342 + 1691405 + 79703 + 62027 + 52937 +

140234 + 125522 + 104475 + 147109 + 113569 + 147244 + 153826 + 76226 +
123959 + 152100 + 80938 + 91906 + 99430 + 166074 + 133863 + 162056 + 219407
+ 511621) / 24 = 740362

By using this mean, we can calculate the standard deviation:

Standard deviation (S) = √S2 = √ 4.302086957
Therefore, the standard deviation for the international dataset is 2.074%
v) Coefficient of Variation : is a statistical measure of relative variability, which
expresses the standard deviation (S) as a percentage of the mean.
The formula for Coefficient of Variation is : CV = (S / x̄)
Where: CV = Coefficient of Variation
S = Standard deviation
x̄ = average of the dataset

The mean is:

= 2.074 / 740362 = 0.000002

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