Lecture 08

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• Recall from Last time:

~ +µ
S ~ ) Precession
~ +B
Principles of MRI
Solution: ω= |B|
EE225E / BIO265

dM~ Lecture 08
~ ⇥ B
=M ~ Instructor: Miki Lustig
dt UC Berkeley, EECS

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Mathematical Description of MRI Mathematical Description of MRI

• Three Elements: • Plan:

1) Derive Math for each element
– Precession about B ( all fields)
2) Put together : e.g., the BLOCH equation
– Transverse decay 3) Solve the Bloch eqn. for special cases
– Longitudinal recovery a) Excitation CH. 6 (later)
b) Reception CH. 5 (first)
i) Derive k-space (AGAIN!!!)
ii) Pulse sequence

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Precession Precession

• We apply fields: B0, B1, G

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Precession Precession

• Described by cross product

= ~ ⇥M
B ~
• “-” Due to negative gyromagnetic ratio of
~ ⇥ B
=M ~
• B0 Dominates! Hard to see other terms

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Rotating Frame Rotating Frame

• Change coordinates:

[îr , ĵr , k̂r ]T = [î cos !0 t, ĵ sin !0 t, k̂]T

• In the rotating frame at w0:

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Examples Examples

Excitation Precession

~ · ~x|
! = |G
! = |B1 |

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Relaxation Transverse Relaxation (T2)

• T2 Decay • Let
–Transverse magnetization decays
–Due to loss of coherence between spins
Mxy = Mx + iMy
–Also called spin-spin relaxation
• Then

–Not a strong function of B0

dMxy 1
–Dipole effect stronger in solids
= Mxy
dt T2

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Transverse Relaxation (T2) Transverse Relaxation (T2)

• Solution: • Example: Brain @ 1.5T
–white matter T2=92ms, Density=0.65
–gray matter T2=100ms, Density = 0.75

Excite, wait 100ms, collect data

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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T2 Example Magic Angle ~55 degrees

• Longer T2 due to dipole decoupling

Gray matter

white matter


M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Relaxation! T1 Recovery

• T1 Recovery
–Longitudinal relaxation
–Due to Spin-Lattice interaction
–Thermal bouncing of molecules - lose cone of
precession - align with field
–Strong dependency on B0 , since energy level
depends on B0
–B0 stong - hard to transition - T1 long

• Bias towards up - stable anisotropic dist.

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley
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T1 Recovery T1 Recovery

• Magnetization recovers to equilibrium M0

dMz Mz M0
• Solution:

t/T 1
Mz (t) = M0 + (Mz (0) M0 )e
M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley
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T1 Contrast T1 Contrast Example

• Brain at 1.5T Gray matter

–Gray Matter T1 = 900ms
–White Matter T1 = 800ms
white matter
Excite 90, wait, excite again, image....



M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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Relaxation The Bloch Equation

• Combine Precession and relaxation

dM~ Mx î + My ĵ Mz M0
= ~ ⇥M
B ~ k̂
dt T2 T1

• Phenomenological: Fits observations

–Describes most of MRI
–Sometimes Fails.... J-coupling, Magn, transfer

M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley M. Lustig, EECS UC Berkeley

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