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Curriculum of First Part Master Degree


1. Sensory System

a) Sensory receptors

b) Somatic sensations (tactile, proprioceptive, thermoceptive and nociceptive sensations) (types, receptors,

significance and pathways)

c) Special sensations (visual, auditory, olfactory and taste sensations) (receptors, pathway and significance)

2. Motor system (pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems) (upper and lower motor neurons)

3. Motor functions of the spinal cord (human reflexes, superficial and deep reflexes)

4. Synaptic transmissions (inhibitory and excitatory postsynaptic potentials and their properties)

5. Role of vestibular receptors in regulation of body equilibrium

6. Sensory and motor functions of thalamus

7. Autonomic nervous system

8. Role of cerebellum and basal ganglia in control of voluntary movements

9. Limbic system (components and functions)

10. Role of cerebral cortex in language and speech, memory

11. Memory (types, mechanisms, and disorder)

12. Cortical associations areas

13. Electrical activity of cerebral cortex (spontaneous (EEG) and evoked potentials)

14. Cerebral blood flow and its regulation and blood brain barrier

15. Haemostatic mechanisms and natural anti-coagulants

16. Short term regulation of ABP

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